list of donors to the library of the linnean society

Post on 26-Sep-2016






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With References to the Numbers afixed in the foregoing Catalogue to the Books presented by them respectively.

THE Royal Society of London, 438. The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 527. The Royal Irish Academy, 584. The Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, 919. The Asiatick Society, 528. The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 439. The Geological Society of London, 804. The Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, 923. The Horticultural Society of London, 665. The Wernerian Natural History Society, 803. The Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company, 346, 873,874. The American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 585. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, YZO. The Linnean Society of New England, 928. The Royal College of Physicians, 850, 92 1, 994. The Royal Society of Agriculture and Botany of Ghent, 997. Erik Acharius, M.D. F.M.L.S. 8 1 1. Arthur Aikin, Esq. F.L.S. 8 12. William P. C. Barton, RLD. 813, 814, 815. Theodric T. R. Beck, M.D. 817. Sig. Anton. Bivona Bernardi, 671, 818.

VOL. XII . 4 H Jacob

Jacob Bigelow, R1.D. F.L.S. 819. h/Ions. Henri de 13iainvillc, S30. hlons. A i u i C ~ o n p i a i i d , 7 2 3 . Fclix tle Avellar Erotcro, R3.D. F.Tt1.L.S. 82 I. Rolwrt Brown, Esq. Lib. L.S. S32, Thomas 13rown, Esq P.L.S. 893. &fr. %'illiam h l l o c k , F.L.S. 894, 905. Rev. E d n a r d John 13urrow, F.L.S. S25. George Rlan Burron's, R1.D. F.L.S. 826. W. R. Clanny, 1I.D. 897. H i s Evcellency De 'ST'itt Clinton, LL.D. F.M.L.S. S28. Gotthelf I:ischer, M.D. S30-835. Ednard F'orster, Esq. Tr. L.S. 849. Edn ard Forster jun. Esq. 836. Thomas Foister, 1I.B. F.L.S. 837-S41, 901. Thomas Furly Forster, Esq. F.L.S. 842. John William Francis, M.D. S 16, 843, 844, 93 1. Mr. George Graves, FQL.S. 853. Sir Justly Watson Green, Bart. F.L.S. 862, 866, 871. George Bellas Greenough, Esq. F.L.S. 848. Adrian IIardy Haworth, Esq. F.L.S. 851. Benjaniin Heyue, R1.D. F.L.S. 852. David IIwicb, R1.D. F.L.S. 854, 855,922, 925. Mom. Francois Huber, S56. James Rawlins Johnson, M.D. F.L.S. 857. &!Ions. A. &I. de .Tonnes, 858--860. Rev. Patrick I<eith, F.L.S. SG1. Rev. Williani Kirby, F.L.S. and William Sgence, Esq. F.L.S. 749. Mons. J. V. Lamouroux, 863, William Elford Leach, M.D. F.L S. 758, 753, 864, 86.5. G. F. W, illeyer, Ph.D. 868. Jarlies Millar, R1.D. 8Gg. JJons. A. L. hlilliu, F.M.L.S. 870. Samuel Latham Illitchill, 1l.D. and E. H. Smith, M.D. 872.


Whitlock Nicho11, h1.D. F.L.S. 873-877. George Henry hToehden, LLD. F.L.S. 895. 111.. George Old, 9 16. John Ayrton Paris, M D . P.L.S. 87% JVilliam Dandrige Peck, Esq. 664. iClr. Samuel Parkes, F.L.S. 879. Mr. C. S.'Rafinesque, 880. H. P. L. Reichenbach, 881. Edward Rigby, M.D. F.L.S. 883, 853. Rir. Samuel Rootsey, F.L.S. 884, 885, 9%). Captain John Ross, R.N. 886. Captain Edward Sabine, F.L.S. 887. Mons. Auguste de Saint Hilaire, 888. Mr. George Samouelle, A.L.S. 889. Sig. Cajetani Savi, 890, 891. &Ions. Jules-Cesar Savigny, 892. John Sims, M.D. F.L.S. 845, 847. I1Ir. Hamilton Smith, A.L.S. 915. The late Henry Smith, M.D. F.L.S. 895. Sir James Edward Smith, R1.D. P.L.S. 846, 896-899. Mr. James Sowerby, F.L.S. 569, 780, 78 1, Mr. Horatio Gates Spafford, 900. John Stackhouse, Esq. F.L.S. 902. James Francis Stephens, Esq. F.L.S. 51 1. Caspar Count Sternberg, 903, 904, 9 18. hlons. A. Thiebaut de Berneaud, 906-909. Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.L.S. 791. William Vaughan, Esq. 829. Sig. D. Viviani, 9 1 1 , 9 12. &Ions. C . A. Walckenaer, 91 3. Thomas Walford, Esq. F.L.S. 914. Mr. William M.'ood, F.L.S. 917.


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