lisa lucas, 2008-09 ptsa president...

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Tricia Hartline, Principal Scott Martinez, Assistant Principal Lisa Lucas, PTSA PresidentTina Rodriguez, Newsletter Editor

October/November 2008 Hotline (626) 821-4685

From our PTSA President…Lisa Lucas, 2008-09 PTSA President

WWWeeelllcccooommmeeeto the 2008-2009 year at Foothills

Middle School. Our PTSA hasalready lent a hand to builda solid foundation for a

great school year… Scottie Days was ahuge success! Our master planner and

organizer for Scottie Days was Debbie Beveridge. Iwould like to extend a very big thank you to Debbie formaking the registration process so easy and painlessfor all of our families. And, of course, a big thank youto the numerous parent volunteers and the HELP clubmembers. We could not have done it without you!

During Scottie Days, Carol Misakian and AnnetteWheat were also hard at work promoting our PTSAMembership Drive. If you have not already joined,please consider joining our PTSA community. PTSAprovides quality programs and events for our children,which add to their educational experience. PTSA alsohelps raise necessary funds that benefit all of our kids.Membership forms are available in the school office.

Elida Rao and Anne Bishara are our fabulous ScripChairpersons and they would love to sell you lots ofScrip. Scrip will be available at each PTSA monthlymeeting or you can call Elida at (626) 355-0475 orAnne at (626) 975-9712 to make a purchase. Pleaseremember to provide your Ralphs and Vons cardnumbers so Foothills can earn money every time youbuy groceries.

Glenda Chi put on a wonderful First Day Coffee.Thank you for getting up extra early and laying out awonderful spread. It was great to see many friendlyfaces and to meet parents new to Foothills. By now,the Book Fair chaired by Sandra Wallick will be

complete. We were able to purchase great books forour families to read and enjoy, and the proceeds allowfor the expansion of our library’s book collection.Additionally, the Magazine Drive chaired by CastaliaChan and Joyce Sakai, will provide the funding forvirtually all the programs that PTSA sponsors. This isour main fundraiser of the year, so thank you forsupporting the magazine sale.

Coming in October and November are many excitingevents, including the first school dance, Red RibbonWeek, Reflections, and the very popular MagazineDrive Prize Day. Please consult the calendar of eventsfor the latest dates and times.

This newsletter is a great source of information forwhat is going on at Foothills Middle School so Iencourage you to read it. Another wonderful source ofinformation is the monthly PTSA meeting. At eachmeeting, the Principal and Assistant Principal providethe latest information on what is happening atFoothills. A member of the ASB, typically the ASBPresident, fills us in from the students’ perspective.Additionally, you’ll get to visit with other parents,network, and socialize.

IIff yyoouu hhaavvee qquueessttiioonnss,, ccoonncceerrnnss,, oorr iiddeeaass,,pplleeaassee ffeeeell ffrreeee ttoo ccoonnttaacctt mmee.. MMyy hhoommeennuummbbeerr iiss ((662266)) 335555--99225544 oorr II ccaann bbee rreeaacchheeddbbyy eemmaaiill aatt mmmmoooonneeyy@@eemmaaiill..ccoomm.. II llooookkffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo sseeeeiinngg yyoouu aatt oouurr nneexxtt PPTTSSAAmmeeeettiinngg oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99tthh,, aatt 88::4455,, iinn tthheeFFooootthhiillllss sscchhooooll lliibbrraarryy..

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RestaurantNightsin support ofthe MusicClub

Take your family out to dinnerand support our incredible musicprogram! Upcoming RestaurantNights include:

November 5th - Souplantation,301 E. Huntington Dr.,Arcadia

February 4th - Daphne's GreekCafe, 3573 E. Foothill Blvd.,Pasadena

Pick up a flyer in the MusicRoom or download one fromMr. Morton's website, found Contact Molly Hetrickat


A great way of saying “thankyou” to the awesome faculty atFoothills for what they do for ourchildren all year long is toprovide them with yummytreats. On September 26th, thefaculty appreciated all thewonderful food donated by ourcaring parents.

Please sign up now to help withthis special recognition of ourfaculty. Future treat dates will beOctober 24th, November 21st,and December 12th. For moreinformation on how you canhelp, please contact DragicaGrabovac at (626) 574-7110

Principal’s Message…Tricia Hartline, Principal

The 2008-2009 school year is off to a great start. We appreciate thetremendous volunteer support and student/parent participation at ourSeptember events. Currently, we are in the process of organizing themany extra-curricular activities that provide students with a variety ofexperiences both during lunch and after school. Students are informedof club opportunities through the daily announcements. Studentelections were held the week of September 15th and classrooms haveselected their room representatives for Student Council. ASB hasorganized several lunch time events. We encourage students toparticipate in the many student activities and clubs.

We are very proud of our California Standards Testresults. This year, our API was 955, exceedingour base of 934 by 21. This fall, we will bereviewing our test data and developing goals forour new Single School Plan for StudentAchievement. Our priorities will continue to beproviding students with an outstanding educationalprogram that provides engaging and meaningfulwork based on the curriculum standards and a safeschool environment.

We are pleased to welcome several new staff members. David Joneshas joined the 6th and 8th grade humanities team. Rick Clark will beteaching 7th grade humanities and Lisa Richmond will be teaching RSPclasses. Traci Garcia has joined the Foothills family as our schoolpsychologist.

This year, Arcadia students will study science using the CPO Scienceprogram. Arcadia Unified School District recently adopted CPO, whichteaches all of the California Science Standards using a variety ofengaging materials and instructional strategies. Guided-inquiry is theprimary emphasis of CPO Science. We are excited about thepossibilities and believe this program will stimulate curiosity, provideopportunities to learn skills as well as content, and guide students asthey build a solid foundation of scientific thinking. It is our hope thatstudents will love science, master the standards, and choose topursue science during their high school and college years.

It was wonderful to see so many parents at Back to School Night. Iencourage you to continue to take an active roll in your child’seducation. It is very important to maintain a strong home and schoolconnection. The staff and I look forward to working with you and yourstudent(s) this year.

Tricia Hartline, Principal


A Message fromour Assistant Principal…Scott Martinez, Assistant Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a newyear at Foothills. It is an outstanding school with an incrediblestaff and strong academic programs, and offers a wide variety ofexperiences for students.

There are a number of extracurricular activities and clubsavailable to students. These are designed to help students makea connection to their school, develop friendships, and learn newskills. Information about these activities appears in the dailyannouncements and is available in the office. Dances are one ofthe most popular activities at Foothills and the first one isscheduled for October 23, 2008, from 2:40 p.m. to 4:40 p.m.Students need to be picked up immediately after the dance ends.

At Foothills, we are constantlylooking at ways to make ourcampus a safer environment forstudents. Traffic is an issue thatimpacts student safety atFoothills. By following a fewsimple guidelines, our studentsafety can be increased: When arriving at campus in

the morning, please pull as farforward in the parking lot aspossible before dropping off your student. This will allow asmany cars as possible to enter the parking lot and reduce thetraffic congestion on Sycamore and Second Avenues.

When waiting to pick up your student after school, please donot block the driveways of our neighbors or park on theirproperty.

Please remember that Oakhaven Rd. is not to be used as adrop off or pick up site for your student.

As a reminder, students who are walking to school shouldcross Highland Oaks Dr. and walk on the south side ofSycamore Ave. This allows students to cross majorintersections with crossing guards at both cross walks. Thisalso improves the traffic flow before school on Sycamore Ave.

I look forward to working with you and your students this year. IfI can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to callme at (626) 821-8363 or e-mail me at

Scott Martinez, Assistant Principal

It’s time to show everyone justhow talented the students atFoothills really are! The Reflectionsprogram is now underway withthis year’s theme “Wow!” We willaccept applications in the areas ofLiterature, Visual Arts, MusicalComposition, Photography, DanceChoreography, and Film/VideoProduction through October 24,2008. Enter in as many categoriesas you would like.

We will be awarding prizes in allof the categories, plus allparticipants will receive somethingspecial! Participate and enjoyexpressing yourself creatively in thearts! Pick up your application format the school office today! Specialthanks to the Westfield SantaAnita, the Duarte Target, AMFBowling Square, BlockbusterVideo, Dave & Buster’s, JambaJuice @ Whole Foods, Jamba Juice@ Hastings Ranch, Starbucks nextto Pavilions, BJ’s Pizza andBrewery, Baskin-Robbins @Hastings Ranch, Pasadena), IslandsRestaurant, and the ArcadiaMcDonald’s for all their donations!

Please contact Diane Tran or (626)446-1295, if you have anyquestions.

Dia De LosMuertos

On Thursday, October30th at 10:00 a.m.

Dia De Los Muertos, or Day ofthe Dead, is often confusedwith Halloween. It, however,is not the scary holidaycelebrated on October 31st,but a two-day celebrationon November 1st and 2nd.The purpose of theholiday is to honor the spiritsof ancestors with offerings offood, flowers, and religiousartifacts. Families spruce upand decorate the gravesites offamily members who havepassed on, and manypeople also set up elaboratelyornamented home altars intheir memory. Decorationsusually include dozens ofyellow marigolds, skullsand skeletons, candles,and, of course, food.

Please join us as wepresent this festive holiday andshare some Mexican food. Thelocation of this event has yet tobe determined.

If you have any questions orwould like to assist with thisevent, please email Lisa

Meet Our Foothills Counselors!

Foothills is very fortunate to have two experienced school

counselors to work with our middle school students. One of ourcounselors is Mrs. Joanne Domenici. She will be at FoothillsMonday through Friday each week. She obtained her B.A. fromOccidental College and both her M.A. and Pupil Personnel ServicesCredential from Azusa Pacific University.

Our other counselor is Ms. Gina Zavala. She will be in thecounseling office on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of eachweek. Ms. Zavala obtained her B.A. Degree from California State

University, Los Angeles in Child Development, specializing inYouth Agency Administration. She spent nearly 10 yearsworking in the non-profit sector for YWCAs in both Pasadenaand Glendale. Ms. Zavala returned to Cal State L.A. to earnher M.S. Degree in Counseling and her PPS credential in

School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance.

Ms. Zavala will be splitting her time between Foothills andArcadia High School where she will share the responsibilitiesfor counseling the ninth grade students. She is known asthe “Bridge” Counselor for Foothills; her job is to assisteighth grade students with the transition to high school.

Mrs. Domenici has been counseling in Arcadia Unified forthe past fifteen years. Her areas of specialty include

learning styles, test preparation, study skills, and academicintervention. Ms. Zavala has been a counselor in the districtfor the last six years working primarily with studentsdisplaying behavior, academic and/or attendance issues. Both

counselors have vast experience in counseling students in thepersonal/social, college/career, and academic domains as well.

Mrs. Domenici and Ms. Zavala look forward to another excitingyear during which they hope to expand their services and get toknow even more wonderful students, families, and staff at AHS andFoothills Middle School.

Joanne Domenici and Gina Zavala are available Monday throughFriday, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Stop by to schedule anappointment or to discuss any ongoing concerns you may have.The Foothills office phone number where they can be reached is(626) 821-8363.

Magazine DriveA big tthhaannkk yyoouu to all thefamilies, students, andfriends who supported thisyear’s Magazine Drive fundraiser.Your support provides funds for themany programs sponsored by the PTSA (e.g., RedRibbon Week, the Reflections Program, the annualtalent show, and much, much more), as well asprograms sponsored by the Associated StudentBody (e.g., peer tutoring and the school dances).So, once again, we say thank you, thank you,thank you!

We had an enormous amount of help by parentvolunteers tabulating and counting all the sales.We thank you all. You made our job so mucheasier.

Seventh and eighth grade students will have anopportunity to win some great prizes on Thursday,October 16th, and the sixth grade students willhave their prize day on Friday, October 17th.Everyone who had at least one sale will win a prizeand some with more sales will win many moreprizes.

Did you forget to order something or has someonesince the Magazine Drive asked about thefundraiser? If so, orders can be placed year-roundand Foothills will continue to share in the profits.Orders can be placed online at Simplylog on under our account number 425008772.

Magazine orders may take up to 12 to 14 weeks toarrive. If for some reason you experience aproblem with your order, you can ask forassistance by calling QSP Customer Service at(866) 230-0635. If they cannot assist you, pleasecontact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Once again, thank you foryour support! Together, wemake a difference atFoothills.

Joyce Sakai, (626) 355-4156Castalia Chan, (626) 780-07892008-09 Magazine DriveChairpersons



1 Music Club Meeting - 7:00 p.m. in theFMS Music Room

9 PTSA Meeting - 8:45 a.m. in the Library10 Chinese Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m.16 School Site Council - 3:00 p.m.20-24 Red Ribbon Week23 School Dance - 2:40 to 4:30 p.m.24 Reflections Turn in Day29-31 7th Grade Science Camp at Pali Mountain31 Halloween – Goblin Giveaway (Arcadia

Recreation Department)


1 Baldwin Park Parade & Band Review -FMS Band & Drill Team

5 Music Club Meeting - 7:00 p.m. in theFMS Music Room

7 End of 1st Quarter - Minimum Day10 Staff Development Day (no school)11 Veterans Day (no school)13 PTSA Meeting - 8:45 a.m. in the Library13 Footnotes Deadline (Dec. & Jan. events)14 Chinese Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m.20 School Site Council Meeting - 3:00 p.m.22 Arcadia Festival of Bands - Band and

Drill Team24 Intercultural Dinner - Arcadia Community

Center27-28 Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)


3 Arcadia Council PTSA ReflectionsCeremony

3 Music Club Meeting - 7:00 p.m. in theFMS Music Room

4 School Dance - 2:40 to 4:30 p.m.11 PTSA Meeting/Holiday Brunch - 10 a.m.

location TBA12 Chinese Club Potluck Dinner - 7:00 p.m.17 Winter String Concert - 7:00 p.m. in the

Cafeteria18 School Site Council - 3:00 p.m.22-31 Winter Vacation (no school)

Scottie Days 2008A Huge Success!

Thanks to all of our fabulous parent volunteers who helped out to make Scottie Dayssuccessful. We were able to register almost all of the students over the four day period andwe could not have done it without you!

8th Grade 7th Grade 6th Grade Make-Up Day

Anne Bishara Dana Beckon Jill Atkinson Castalia ChanCastalia Chan Stella Bonney Anne Bishara Denise ChangGlenda Chi Casatalia Chan Leigh Chavez Kathy Ford

Suzanne Coulter Leigh Chavez Kathy Chu Nora JungKathy Ford Glenda Chi Suzanne Coulter Bela KhilnaniEvelyn Haft Tess Crabtree Suin Forand Lisa LucasSusan Heldoorn Connie Diep Kathy Ford Alison MeyersKristen Holtzen Suin Forand Robin Guerette Carol MisakianBela Khilnani Kathy Ford Thalia Iovine Lan NguyenLori Kodama Lisa Lucas Linda Jenkins-Swift Julia QuinteroCarrie Li Agnes Ma Luci Keeler Elida RaoLisa Lucas Bonnie Mayeda Lori Kodama Yuli SiraSally Lum Karen McAlister Adriana Lim Heidi SmithSandra MacIntosh Carol Misakian Lisa Lucas Nancy TangCarol Misakian Mamie Okamoto Carol Misakian Annette WheatTina Rodriguez Elida Rao Dee Moritz Christy WongTerry Stellern Wendy Renfrew Talin Nigolian Karen WongMarilyn Torstenbo Nancy Tang Joyce SakaiJean Tsunashima Lau Nancy Utley Jean Tsunashima LauMasako Uwatoko Annette Wheat Nancy TangDiana Wakefield Karen Wong Carol VizcarraPaula Weil Alex Yee Jungchi WangIrene Welborn Jessica WeinerAnnette Wheat Annette WheatKaren Wong Karen Wong

My apologies if I missed anyone! I’d like to send out an extra special thanks to those ofyou who helped out on the 1st Day of School Registration: Leigh Chavez, Tess Crabtree,Janet Downer, Kathy Ford, Mary Beth Haney, and Annette Wheat.

Debbie Beveridge, Scottie Days Chair

Dancesprovide a fun opportunity for parentsto see a student in action at FMS, hear the latest music, aswell as see the new dance moves. Our first dance of the school year is fastapproaching! It will be held on Thursday, October 23rd, from 2:40 p.m. – 4:40p.m. The other three dances planned for this school year will be on December4th, February 5th, and April 23rd.

Thanks to all the parents who have already volunteered to help out. Wetypically need 10 to 12 chaperones per dance and 14 to 16 parents to providerefreshments, cookies, brownies, Chex mix, chips, donuts, taquitos, etc. To jointhe fun as a chaperone, please contact Lan Nguyen at (626) 254-0620 If you would like to help provide refreshments, pleasecontact Dragica Grabovac at (626) 574-7110 or


We are off on a high musical note for the 2008-09 school year! We are pleased to welcome

our new 6th graders to the wonderful world of music at Foothills. We met with our new and

returning parents at the Music Club's Parent Orientation on September 17th, where they heard

Mr. Karl Morton, our Music Director, talk about his plans for the upcoming year. We would

love to see all of our Foothills families supporting the Band and Orchestra as they perform and

compete in parades, concerts, and festivals throughout the year. Stop by and give us a cheer!

The Highlander String Orchestra will be performing at the District Fall Concert on October

30th, 7:00 p.m., at Pasadena High School; the Highlander Band marches in the Baldwin Park

Parade/Review on November 1st; the Band marches again at the Arcadia Festival of Bands on

November 22nd; and the Highlander String Orchestra and Orchestra 6 play in the Foothills

Winter Concert on December 17th at FMS. We are looking forward to an exciting year of

musical enrichment and education!

Kathy Ford and Castalia Chan

Music Club Co-Presidents

PTSA 主席的話

歡迎各位加入 2008-2009學年 Foothills 中學。PTSA 已經開始發揮其作用,為有一個成功的學年而

打下良好的基礎。今年的注冊日取得了巨大的成功,非常感謝這一活動的負責人 Debbie

Beveridge, 她的努力使我們大家能夠輕鬆,順利地完成注冊。同時也要感謝所有參與幫助注冊

的家長義工和 HELP 社團的同學們。

在注冊日裏,Carol Misakian 和 Annette 為 PTSA 招募會員。如果你還沒有加入,請考慮加入我校

的 PTSA。 這個組織將為學生們提供多項高品質的活動,丰富他們的學習經歷。PTSA 為學校的集


Elida Rao 和 Anne Bishara 將負責今年的禮劵推銷。有很多种禮劵供大家選擇,大家可以在每月的

PTSA 開會時購買,或打電話給 Elida(626-3550475)或 Anne(626-9759712)購買。如果你有

Ralphs 和 Vons 卡,請將卡號告訴 Elida 或 Anne,這樣學校就可以從你每次的購物中獲得商家的資


感謝 Glenda Chi 起大早為我們準備開學首日的咖啡團聚。我很高興看到了許多的新老面孔。由

Sandra Wallick 負責的書市現在已經結束了,其收入將幫助學校圖書館購買更多的圖書。另外,由

Castalia Chan 和 Joyce Sakai 負責的雜誌推銷活動將為 PTSA 主辦的各項活動集資,這也是我們全年





另外,參加每月召開的 PTSA 會議也是了解學校的最新消息的很好渠道。在每次會議上,我們的校

長和副校長都會向大家報告學校的最新消息,學生代表,ASB 的成員也會參加。另外,你還可以



email 地址是。我期待下一次 PTSA 會上能見到你。下次開會時間是 10 月 9

日,上午 8:45, 地點是在學校圖書館。

PTSA 主席 Lisa Lucas


2008-2009 學年開學大吉, 感謝眾多義工的幫助,感謝學生和家長積極參與學校 9 月份的活動。

目前,學校正在積極組織多項學業以外的活動, 為學生在午餐及放學后提供各種活動。學校的每

日公告會將各種社團的消息告之學生。學生會的選舉在 9 月 15 號的那一周舉行,各班將選出班級

代表參加校學生會。ASB 已經組織了幾次午餐時間的活動。我們鼓勵學生盡量參加學生社團及各


我校今年的 API 評分是 955,比去年 934 增加了 21 分。我們也為學生在加州統一考試中取得的




今年我校又迎來了幾位新老師,他們是教六年級和八年級人文課的 David Jones,教七年級人文課

的 Rick Clark,特殊教育的 Lisa Richmond 和心理專家 Traci Garcia。

今年,Arcadia 學區的學生將開始使用全新的 CPO 科學教程。這套教程涵蓋了加州科學課程大綱的








校長 Tricia Hartline


首先,我要借此機會歡迎大家來到 Foothills 中學,開始新的一年。Foothills 是一所優秀的中學,



之閒的友誼,以及學習新的技能。 相關的活動消息會公佈在每天的公告中,也可以到學校辦公室

索取。舞會是學校最受歡迎的活動之一。今年第一次舞會定于十月二十三日,下午 2:40 到 4:


在 Foothills,我們一直想盡辦法使我們的校園對學生是安全的。交通是影響學生安全的一個因素,


• 早上開車進入學校停車場時,請將車子盡量往前開,以便讓更多的車子能進入停車場,


• 放學接學生時,請不要堵住周圍住戶的車道,也不要停在住戶的私家用地上。

• 請不要在 Oakhaven 街上接送學生。

• 走路上學的學生,請從 Sycamore 路的南邊穿過 Higland Oak 街,並沿 Sycamore 路的


Sycamore 路上的交通。



副校長 Scott Martinez

2008-2009 才藝大賽(Reflections)




有問題請與 Diane Tran 聯係,電話(626)446-1295,email 是。


Foothills 中學現有兩位經驗丰富的學生顧問為我們的學生服務。一位是 Joanne Domenici 女士,她

會每週的週一至週五在 Foothills 上班。她畢業于 Occidental College,並在 Azusa Pacific University


另一位學生顧問是 Gina Zavala 女士,她每週的週二,週四和週五在本校的學生顧問辦公室上班。


營利組織 YWCAs 工作過近十年。其後,她又囘到加州州立大學洛杉磯分校獲得學生顧問專業的碩

士學位,並取得在校學生顧問和兒童福利及照料的 PPS 証書。

Zavala 女士將分別為本校及高中九年級的學生提供顧問服務,她是我校稱之爲橋梁的學生顧問,


Domenici 女士已經在 Arcadia 學區從事學生顧問工作十五年了,她的專長是指導學生的學習方法,






雑志推銷活動將為 PTSA 主辦的所有活動集資(如紅絲帶周,才藝大賽,才藝表演等等),並資助

學生協會(ASB)主辦的活動, 如學生輔導學生計劃,學校舞會等。七,八年級學生將在十月十



如果你還沒有訂雑志或有朋友要訂,可以全年上網到 訂購,Foothills 可以從你的訂購中

繼續得到資助。網上訂購請用我們學校的訂購帳號 425008772 登陸。訂購的雑志需要 12 至 14 周

才能收到,如果遇到問題,請給 QSP 的客戶服務打電話(866-2300635),如果得不到幫助,可與


活動負責人 Joyce Sakai(626-3554156), Castalia Chan(626-7800789)

AArrccaaddiiaa EEdduuccaattiioonnaall FFoouunnddaattiioonn

AAvvaaiillaabbllee SSCCRRIIPPSpeciality SCRIP AmountsAMC Theater $25

ARCO $50

Baja Fresh $25

Bath and Body Works $25, $10

Bed, Bath & Beyond $25

Best Buy $100, $25

Blockbuster $10

Borders Book store $25, $10

California Pizza Kitchen $10

Cheesecake Factory $25

Gap/Banana/Old Navy $25

Home Depot $500, $100, $25

Honey Baked Ham $10

Jamba Juice $10

KFC $5

Macy’s $25

Marchall’s/T.J. Maxx $25

Office Depot $25

Outback $25

See’s Candy $14.50

Smart & Final $50, $25

Starbucks $25, $10

ToysRUs/BabiesRUs/KidsRUs $20

Williams Sonoma/Pottery Barn $25

4 in 1/Chili’s/Macaroni Grill $25

Home Depot $500 gift cards will only be ordered upon special request. Please allow approximately three (3) weeks

for delivery.

Grocery Store SCRIP Amounts99 Ranch $20, $10

Albertson’s $100, $25

Arcadia Super Market $100, $50, $25

Hong Kong $20

Howies San Gabriel $20, $10

Safeway/Vons/Pavilions $100, $25

Whole Foods $100, $50

For more information, please contact our Foothills SCRIP Chairpersons:

Elida Rao (626) 355-0475 or

Anne Bishara (626) 975-9712 or

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