link 2001 03

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  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


    March 2001

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


    Special ThanksBev Millar and Ken BairdCollation and Distribution


    Hotline(613) 788-0525


    www.mco.orgmaintained by Rob Microys

    Hosted byAnjura Technology Corporation

    General Meetings

    Louis's Steakhouse1682 Cyrville Rd., Ottawa, ON

    First Tuesday of every monthAll are welcome

    M.C.O.P.O. Box 65006,

    Merivale Postal OutletNepean, ON K2G 5Y3

    The LINK is the official publication of theMotorsport Club of Ottawa. Theopinions expressed in the LINK do notnecessarily reflect those of the LINKEditorial Staff or the Club's Executive.

    Though all efforts are made to ensurethat facts stated in the articles herein areaccurate, the individual contributorsshould check the accuracy of theirarticles prior to submission.

    DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS:18th day of every month.

    ADVERTISING RATESMembers are welcome to submit classifiedadvertisements for non-commercial purposesfree of charge.

    Members m ay also submit business card-sizedadvertisements for their businesses free ofcharge. These will be published spacepermitting.

    Motorsport Club of OttawaFounded 1949

    Founding Member CA SC 1951

    Incorporated 1953

    Editorial Exhaust

    Despite what would be normally thought

    of as the off-season, it's been quite busy

    for me in the 8 weeks since the end of the

    holidays. I've been busy with

    Shannonville, fun laps at the driving

    schools, karting, and the Link. On top of

    the usual monthly work on the Link, I'vealso gone back and created web versions

    of all Links going back August 2000. The

    details on how the web versions will be

    available continue to be worked out, but I

    have high hopes that it will replace some

    of the copies sent through the postal

    service. This will have many benefits, such

    as allowing full color for the web version,

    cheaper distribution, and immediate

    availability instead of the 2 to 3 days it

    now takes to print the finished Link.

    I signed up to be the registrar for theShannonville Lapping Weekend this year.

    This is the first time that MCO has used an

    electronic sign up method (Rob Microys

    has his hands full with the work he's been

    putting in on the MCO web pages!), and it

    seemed to work very well indeed. We

    filled all 80 seats in about 7 weeks. I

    believe that's faster than the previous

    lapping event back in 1999. There is still a

    lot of paper work, mostly involving

    matching cheques to the corresponding

    electronic form, but it's far from


    I'll be attending the school as a student as

    well, and I can't wait; it's still about 11

    weeks away. It will be my first time on the

    track, my previous experience being

    limited to Solo-II and indoor karting. This

    year I'll be using R-compound tires for the

    Solo season, and will get to work them a

    little harder at Shannonville.

    This winter season I've also been part of

    the MCO Indoor Karting League. Alas, theseries will be cut short. The March 13th

    event will be the fourth and last, as Capital

    Karting will be closing after March 16th. It

    has been a lot of fun, close racing. It was

    noted on the MCO mailing list that for the

    first event only 2 tenths of a second

    separated the 42-lap average of 2nd

    through 6th place.


    March 2001

    2001 MCO Executive

    PresidentRon Woltman

    H: (613) 592-0141W: (819) 997-6988

    Vice-PresidentDavid Butler

    H: (613) 596-5518C: (613) 762-8268

    Past PresidentRob Microys

    H: (613)

    DirectorsBasil Chiu

    H: (613)

    Adam MortimerH: (613) 822-2565

    Jeremy HamiltonH: (613) 824-1362


    MembershipGordon Acorn and Helen Zhou

    H: (613) 271-1161W: (613) 763-1155

    TreasurerRobert Benson

    H: (613)

    SecretaryChris Capowski

    H: (613) 228-1180W: (613) 526-5202


    Ayan GangopadhyayH: (613)

    Richard MuiseH: (613) 241-9983

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    March 2001

    2001 Calendar of EventsMCO GENERAL MEETINGSFirst Tuesday of every month, 8:00 pmLouis's Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road

    MCO EXECUTIVE MEETINGSThird Tuesday of every month, 7:30 pmLouis's Steakhouse, 1682 Cyrville Road

    Tentative 2001 Solo II Schedule

    April 28 Solo I School SMP - Fabi April 29 Solo I School SMP - Nelson May 18 Lapping 1 Mosport DDT May 19 Event 1 Mosport DDT May 20 Event 2 Mosport DDT June 9 Event 3 SMP - Fabi June 10 Event 4 SMP - Nelson June 22 Lapping 2 Cayuga June 23 Event 5 Cayuga June 24 Event 6 Cayuga July 14 Event 7 Mosport DDT July 15 Event 8 Mosport DDT August 11 Event 9 SMP - Pro August 12 Event 10 SMP - Nelson August 24 Lapping 3 Cayuga August 25 Event 11 Cayuga August 26 Event 12 Cayuga September 13 Event 13 SMP - Pro September 14 Event 14 SMP - Fabi N ovem ber 3 Solo 1/2 Banquet R am ada H otel, T.O.

    Tentative 2001 Road Racing Schedule

    April 20-22 Spring Fling SMP April 27 Test Day Mosport

    April 28, 29 BARC - Event 1 Mosport May 11 Test Day Mosport May 12, 13 BARC - Event 2 Mosport June 2, 3 CRDA Event 3 SMP June 30, July 1, 2 V ARAC Festival M osport July 6 Test Day SMP July 7, 8 MCO - Event 4 SMP July 21, 22 DAC - Event 5 SMP August 10 Test Day Mosport August 11, 12 BARC - Event 6 Mosport August 31 Test Day Mosport September 1, 2 CRDA - Event 7 Mosport September 14 Test Day Mosport September 15, 16 BEMC - Event 8 Mosport

    September 28 Test Day Mosport S eptem ber 29, 30 C elebration - E vent 9 M osport

    MCO Solo-II Schedule

    April 22 Test n'Tune DayApril 29 Performance School #1May 6 Event #1May 27 Event #2June 3 Event #3June 17 Event #4July 22 Event #5August 12 Performance School #2August 19 Event #6

    September 90 Event #7September 23 Event #8October 7 Event #9October 21 Event #10

    MCO Indoor Racing League Events

    Tuesday January 9 Capital KartingWednessday January 31 Capital KartingThursday February 22 Capital KartingTuesday March 13 Capital Karting

    for more information, see

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    March 2001Ice Extravaganza!by Rob Microys

    This year's Winter Solo II program was m etwith great success, especially with this win-ter offering continuously cold temperaturesand only two mild periods with rain. Ben-nett's and Steve Shaw's work on the trackkept it plowed, clear and smooth. This, com-

    bined with a skid grooming device thatpacks down the loose snow, provided asuperb surface for all of the events. EvenMother Nature, with her mysterious work-ings, laid down a solid base for us at thebeginning of the program with the seasonsfirst thaw.

    We were impressed with the facilities, rant-ed about the quality of the ice, and thecheered the superb course design. We hadthree Solo II events on this surface all ofwhich provided both fast and slippery sec-tions. The competitors were having a blast.Even the turnout was great despite the factthat most of our events were conflicting with

    the Yokohama Winter Rally Series. It was

    looking like the winter was treating us reallywell until it happenedthe largest rainfallof the w inter!

    The track was flooded - definitely a poten-tial disaster. In fact, the entire weeken d'sactivities had to be canceled, as there wasjust too much water on the tra ck. We wereworried that the thin base of ice which wewere trying hard to maintain would be melt-ed away, but here's where it all turns out forthe best.

    We returned the following weekend to anice-racing track whose ice quality wouldrival that of a world-class rink made by aZamboni! The hard snow banks actuallyallowed the water to accum ulate on the trackaround its entire length. There was not ablade of grass to be seen. Even the slightrise at the back of the track, which is nor-mally bare, remained locked in a sheet ofice. The last event was held on the slipperi-est surface that you may have ever had anopportunity to drive on - Lord knows, it washard enough standing on this stuff let alonedriving on it! We figure that a person with

    ice skates on could have com pleted the SoloII course from the last event faster than thatof the quickest car. It was a sight to see.

    By the end of the series we had 39 competi-tors participate in the four Solo II events. Itwas the largest annual turnout since we havebeen at Capital City Speedway. I'd like tothank Bennett Leckie and Steve Shaw forthe great work that they put in maintainingthe track! Also, thanks go out to Adam forcoming out and running two of the events.Thanks to all the participants for haulingtheir butts out of bed too, some of thosemorning s got a little cold. Soon it will besummer, and we'll start another series allover again in the mean time, keep the shi-ny side up.




    Car #34163231231425833




    MikeBennettKe nSteve SAndreSteve RCraigBevPhillipeNeilGreg COlivierBruce

    DerekAyanAlexanderAnthonyChrisDaveAlanKirbySteve GJean MMichel

    Event #10.00














    Event #20.00







    Event #382.57











    Event #490.















    March 2001

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    March 2001

    MCO Teamcompetes in the2001 Yokohama

    Winter Rally SeriesSteve Greiner and Nick

    Berry in the YWRS

    By Steve Greiner

    Nick Berry and I competed in the2001 Yokohama Winter Rally seriesas novice competitors. We contendedin the only truck of the series againstthirty other novice teams in myvenerable and much abused 1986F150 4x4 tow vehicle. Nick managedto finish 6th overall in NoviceNavigator, and I managed to finish8th overall in Novice Driver. We also

    finished 3rd in class in Saturdaynight's closely fought Ontario WinterRally event, the final event of theseries.

    "Coolant was running down the insideof the windshield!"

    The first event was the Rallye desNeiges out of Hawkesbury, takingplace from January 20th to the 21st.We battled a broken thermostat andleaky heater core to finish 11th placeout of 30 in the Novice class.

    Although we did not get lost, wecould not figure out how to use theRally computer correctly and wereearly for almost all of the legs in thefirst two sections. At 4 am, inspirationhit Nick, and we started to sort it out.It turns out that Nick was thinking inmiles per hour, not kilometers perhour! All of a sudden he would tellme to run at 100 km/h, so I wouldpromptly mash the gas pedal andaway we'd go; exciting to say theleast. Unfortunately exhaustion,glycol fumes, and intense cold were

    starting to get the better of us.Because of this, we couldn't move upthe rankings by much. By the end ofthe event, coolant was running downthe inside of the windshield andeverything in the truck was damp andcold. It turns out a set of GM keys hasfallen into the dash vents in the distantpast and worn a hole through theheater core. Apparently this is aknown problem with Ford trucks

    "On the first pull the hook he usedstretched wide open."

    Raring to go in Peterborough at theSnowy Safari Rally on February 3rdto 4th, we managed to go off the roadon the 1st leg of the first section. Itturns out what I thought was a two-lane road was in fact only a one-lane

    road with major over-plow. Our4500lb truck broke through 5 inchesof ice and fell into a really deep ditch.After climbing from the window, Irealized that I couldn't see the wheelsof the truck--they were completelyburied! On top of all this I had slicedmy thumb which bled profusely formost of the event. I managed to getblood on just about everything in thetruck! After two hours we werefinally freed by the CAA, as the twoseries sweep trucks could not get usout. The CAA driver had to pull us up

    a 45cm wall of ice and on the firstpull the hook he used stretched wideopen! We got maximum lateness forthe first Section, but they let uscontinue. We finished 25th out of 30in Novice. In Section 2 we managed a7th, and in Section 3 we managed a6th"When I slammed my door infrustration, the driver's side mirrorfell off!"

    There were also two events out ofKingston this past weekend. We had arocky start in the Frost Bite Rally, thefirst event on Friday the 16th, andwere running in 8th place at the endof the first section. It was verychallenging to keep up to the averagespeeds in some sections--as much as72 km/h! Imagine driving to a cottageon the back roads at 100 km/h andyou get the idea. We were moving upin the second section when, at about 4am, I misjudged an icy curve only acouple of kilometers from the end ofthe Section. I went off the road,narrowly missing a tree. I pushed inNick's side of the truck, and when Islammed my door in frustration thedriver's side mirror fell off! This timethe sweep vehicle got us out but wewere 25 minutes too late to the lastcheckpoint of the section and wereDNF'd.

    MCO team finishes 3rd in Novice athe Ontario Winter Rally on Februar17th !!!

    The second event of the combineweekend, the Ontario Winter Rally oSaturday the 17th was more of thsame excitement and speed. I wachanting the mantra "no mistakes, n

    mistakes" the whole time. I absoluteldid not want a repeat of the lascouple of events. Some of the Legwere the same as Friday's event, andfelt comfortable on the twisty roadaround Westport. At some poinduring the wee hours of the morningwe began to notice a disconcertinnoise coming from the fronpassenger-side fender on the realltight right hand turns. During ainspection after the event, we noticethat the right front spring hacollapsed. In spite of the damage w

    managed 7th in the first Section, 6tin the 2nd Section, and with only 3.points against us, 1st in the lasSection, for a combined total of abou19 points. We received a third placand were completely floored by oufinishing result, especially after sucan exhausting event.

    "some of the most challenging roadin Eastern Ontario and South WesterQuebec"

    These events are by far the mosentertaining thing I have done in long time. For those of you that donknow, the Yokohama Winter RallSeries is made up of four events. Th( TDS ) Time Distance Speed rallieare between 400km and 550km, anare run at night on some of the moschallenging roads in Eastern Ontariand South Western Quebec. You cacompete in ordinary street cars, anthe only required piece of equipmenis an orange safety triangle. I stronglrecommend that you try it out.

    A big thanks to the MCO team of JimMorrow and Jaak Laan for helping ufigure out that damned rallcomputer, and congratulations oyour podium finish in the seriechampionship!

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    March 2001

    EarnhardtWe Say Goodbye to a

    Racing Legendby Stephen Bolt

    As many of you may have heard,the world of Motorsports has saidgoodbye to racing legend DaleEarnhardt. Tragedy struck onFebruary 18th, during his final lapat the Daytona 500. Earnhardt waskilled instantly when he hit theretaining wall at full speed whileprotecting the position of MichaelWaltrip and Dale Jr, who weredriving cars owned by Dale Sr.

    This has proven a strong reminderto drivers of all ages that to driveat the limit is to live at the limit,

    and this is something thatEarnhardt proved time and timeagain.

    "This is understandably the hardestannouncement I've ever had tomake. We've lost Dale Earnhardt."Forty-nine years, 76 wins, sevenWinston Cup championshipsreduced to four words: We've lostDale Earnhardt. - NASCARpresident Mike Helton quotedfrom

    Known as 'The Intimidator',Earnhardt was once quoted assaying "Get the hell out of the racecar if you've got feathers on yourbutt." Evidently his ability totackle fear lead to a legendaryracing career. When fans think ofNascar Legends, just two names

    come to mind: Richard Petty andof course, Dale Earnhardt. To thisend, Dale's victories are a hugeaccomplishment.

    "All 76 of Earnhardt's triumphscame after the [NASCAR] circuitwas reorganized and significantlystreamlined, meaning, in theory atleast, he was assured of competingagainst the best each and everytime out." - Joe Macenka, TurnerSports Interactive from

    Dale is survived by his son, DaleJr., three other children and hiswife. His energy and enthusiasmwill live on in motorsports fansfrom years to come. For many, thenumber 3 car will be rememberedas a force to be reckoned with,piloted by a driver with passionand commitment.

    For more information, check out

    R e f e r e n c e s : w w w . c n n . c o m ,

    Editor Note:

    It is an especially talented personthat can push a 700hp-racervehicle to 200mph for 500 miles.Dale did that and won over andover again in a remarkable career.

    I had not previously watched muchNASCAR coverage, but it wasthrough an MCO member that Irecently got the opportunity towatch Earnhardt display his skills.

    I had tuned in to watch JimHoltom at the Rolex 24 Hours ofDaytona, but alas, saw little of thePorsche because of the mediacoverage of Earnhardt (and hisson) in the Corvette. Earnhardtseemed to enjoy himself during therace, even in the rain, a newelement from the normally dryNASCAR race conditions.However, after the 24 Hours ofDaytona, it was only 3 weeksbefore he lost his life at the same


    Despite being one of the olderdrivers on the NASCAR circuit,there was nothing fading in hiscareer, and was more than able totake up the challenge of newracing series. More than the pastwas lost at the Daytona this year, itwas a future too.


    March 2001

    Toby Talbot/AP

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    January 1999March 2001

    - Interior and Exteriorcleaning and detailing

    - Mid to highend maintenance

    - Custom engineered upgrades

    - Design and consultingservices

    - Custom mandrel-bentstainless steel exhaustsystems up to 3" diameter

    - Precision MIG and TIGwelding of:

    - Aluminum - Stainless Steel - Inconel - Titanium - Various other metals

    by appointment only

    (613) 798-8163

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


    March 2001

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    March 2001

    Solo-II Reportby Chris Holmsten

    Last month, the Solo II organizersmeeting was held on the 17th. Anyoneinterested in helping out with Solo IIwas there as this was basically a debateand plan session. The meeting went

    extremely well, with a final schedulemade and du ties assigned to volunteers.Issues discussed included the conditionof equipment, track status, and workerincentives. As a result, a budget wasdrawn up for the new equipmentneeded (No more timing problems Ihope!) We still don't have a responsefrom Alcatel whether we can use theirlot or not. Please keep your eyes openaround town, if Alcatel says no, a lotwill need to be found quickly.

    You can now pre-register for the wholeseason ($150) as well as for one of theschools at the club's web site.

    The following lucky people havevolunteered for these jobs:-Chief Scrutineer : Pat Weightman-Chief Timekeepers : Richard Muise

    Gord AcornRob M icroysMark W ilson

    -Scoring and C lassification:

    Rob M icroys- Chief Organizer : Chris Holmsten- Chief Registar : Chris Holmsten- Clerk of the Course: Chris HolmstenTen events are to be run this year aswell as two summer schools and a testand tune day. If anyone would like tohelp out or can suggest a new lot,p lease contac t me a

    Here is the schedule:April 22 -Test and TuneApril 29 - Performance School #May 6 - Event # 1May 27 - Event # 2June 3 - Event # 3June 17 - Event # 4July 22 - Event # 5

    Aug 12 - Performance School # Aug 19 - Event # 6Sept 9 - Event # 7Sept 23 - Event # 8Oct 7 - Event # 9Oct 21 - Event # 10

    Winter 2001 MCO Karting LeagueLast Event: Tuesday March 13 back cover for current standings.

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    March 2001


    by Ron Woltman

    So little time - so much to report.Elsewhere in this issue, you will finddetails concerning our winter drivingskid schools. They were remarkablysuccessful as Nigel points out. And Iecho his thanks to all of the teaminvolved in this effort which reallymakes a meaningful contribution tothe community. Well done to a greatgroup of individuals. Let me add oneitem, that is, what a boon to have aweb site (with all the information)and have the capacity to register online! Makes the job of an organizerso much easier. A tip of the fedora toRob Microys -- master of the web.

    We did ask for, and receive feedback,strangely enough! The feedback wasunabashedly positive. Two areas ofconcern were noted, however: one,the lack of a classroom/washroomfacility on site; two, the lack of near-by eating establishments. Concerningthe former, the executive will reviewpossible alternatives; the latter can beaddressed perhaps by having acatering truck on site etc. One asideon that issue is that I am taken to

    understand that Penny Bell, the ownerof Capital City Speedway, iscontemplating opening the restaurantout front on the highway year round.See what you get when you read CityWOMAN magazine!

    Trophies, points and awards! As youmay recall, I initiated a committee toreview our worker point system,volunteerism and awarding oftrophies. Thus far, the solitary 'trend'the committee has highlighted, is theawarding of The Driver of the Yearaward and other like competitive-based awards. The initial take,supported by some member feedback,is those awards, most particularly theDriver of the Year, should be solelymerit-based, and not require x-number of worker points; other thanperhaps a contribution to the'betterment' of the club.

    Moreover, we have had somesuggestions concerning members'contributions towards club activitiesetc., and the appropriate recognition

    and reward of same. Most everyvolunteer organization is faced withsimilar issues of worker recognitionand retention in this day-and-age of'me-ism'. A few individuals haveproffered the suggestion of a systemwith more concrete remuneration, inaddition to a certificate or trophy. Forexample, worker points could be tiedto a pre-determined number of 'bonusbucks' which could be applied to areduction in your membershiprenewal; tee-shirts, jackets, pins and

    other recognition paraphernalia behanded out etc.

    However, we need more input. Tothat end, in your next Link, you willfind a survey/questionnaire. PLEASERESPOND. Your views areimportant. As well, I need anotherindividual to come forward to lead orchair the committee, as Mike Lowe isoccupied with the 50th Anniversarybook.

    AUTORAMA. Scheduled for April6, 7, and 8. Need some volunteers tohelp. I will coordinate, but I wantsomeone to be 'hands-on.' SEE ME.

    Guest Speakers. I have arranged forone for tonight's meeting - Shannon-Lee Mannion, writer for theWHEELS section of the OttawaCitizen. And a neat surprise speaker

    for next month. Suggestions arealways welcome for guest speakers orentertainment. See your executive.We are here for YOU.


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    March 2001

    MORTIMER MUTTERINGSby Nigel Mortimer

    We have now completed the winter driving schoolfor 2001. It has been an incredible success on allfronts. Due to the weather and media activity wehave trained approximately 130 persons, all of whomraved about the quality of the school. The profit tothe club has been substantial and as members you allget to benefit from the extreme effort of a few souls.This was definitely "our finest hour" and a huge debtis owed to these individuals. This is what makes ourclub great!

    As the chief instructor I would like to thank thefollowing persons, without whom we could not havedone it:

    Ron Woltman, who was the chief organizer and aninstructor. The complexity of booking the students

    was enormous and Ron carried it off to perfection.This takes hundreds of hours of dedication andperseverance.

    Bennett Leckie, who engineered a highly efficienttrack grooming skid and prepared the track toperfection. His task was especially daunting due tothe frequent use of the track and the many snowfalls. Bennett was also an instructor.

    The other instructors showed incredible patience,perseverance and dedication. These people included:Bob Armstrong, Len Clue, Jeremy Hamilton,

    Jaak Laan, Sam Mandia, Robert Microys, AdamMortimer, Roger Picard, Chris Swinwood, PaulSwinwood, and Ferdinand Trattmansdorff.

    Our incredibly hardy helpers extricated stuckvehicles and set up the various course exercises.These people include: Allan Pepper, Jim Morrow,Ryan Woltman, Gord Acorn, Jean MacGillivray,Herb Henning, Bill Henning, and Rob Microys.

    Last but certainly not least is our intrepid snowplower, Steve Shaw . He made us the best tracklayout we have ever had!

    The word "Thanks" just doesn't seem enough for allof your work!

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


    all are welcome!

    MCO General Meetings - 1st Tuesday of every monthMCO Executive Meetings - Third Tuesday of every month


    1682 Cyrville RoadTake 417, get off at Innes Road (by 417 Nissan and Costco (Price Club))

    (613) 741-2130


    Bulletin: 2001 Boardof Directors of


    From: R.M. (Bob) VareyTo: All CASC-OR AffiliatedMembers and Clubs

    Date: December 12, 2000President: Laurence Polley(2-year Term) 519-927-5536(b) 905-846-5175

    Vice President Arthur Moseley(1-year term) 416-691-7763(b) 416-698-1131

    Secretary Jane Kopp(2-year term) 905-883-3061(b) 416-221-4550

    Treasurer Paul Anderson(2-year term) 905-272-0069(b) 416-621-9644

    Race Director Gunter Schmidt(1-year term) 705-322-3993(b) 705-526-5401

    Ice Race Director Mavis Burnham(2-year term) 705-722-1173

    Solo-II Director George Dedopulous(2-year term) 416-895-9654(b) 416-754-7355

    Solo-I Director Perry Iannuzzi(2-year term) 905-415-1455

    Past President John 416-274-4648(b) 416-863-1188

    Business Manager R.M. (Bob) 905-831-2022(b) 416-667-9500

    Vintage Jeff 905-238-6669

    Safety/Training George McCullogh(h) 905-939-8448

    CASC-OR Web Site:

    Capital Karting isClosing

    Capital Karting the National CapitalRegion's first indoor kart track will closepermanently during the week of March19th to the 25th.

    After over one and a half years ofproviding Ottawa with the real fast fun ofracing on an indoor track, Capital Kartingshall be closing its current facilitiespermanently.

    Capital Karting has surrendered its leaseto allow the landlord to redevelop theshopping center for office space.

    Capital Karting shall continue its full andregular operations until we close. Theraces are now 10 minutes in length.

    Capital Karting's Corporate Grand Prixon Friday March 16th with over $4000 inprizes shall be our last big race event.

    Marc Gaudet and Robert Gaudet haveenjoyed providing an exceptionalentertainment facility for the NationalCapital for over 20-months.

    (from Press Release, March 3, 2001)

    March 2001

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    MCO Executive Meeting

    Tuesday, Feb.20th, 2001, 7:15 p.m.

    Attending: Richard Muise, Helen Zhou, GordAcorn, Rob Microys, Adam Mortimer, JeremyHamilton, Chris Holmsten, Ron Woltman,Robert Benson.

    Autorama:- Ron Woltman states he will act asadministrator-organizer for Autorama (April6-7-8).- Cars for the event need to be tracked down.Jim Holtom will be contacted to see if hisCorvette is available. Adam Mortimer hasagreed to find a Formula car. Jeff Graves iswilling to help-out at the event and provide hisMazda Miata.

    Solo-II:- A preliminary budget was proposed by RobMicroys for this year's Solo II season. Theproposal was reviewed by the executive andthe following items were approved:Pylons, FRS radios, EZ-up tent, newcables/connectors for timing system, Basicsupplies (batteries, tape, chaulk, paper),Powerhorn, rulebooks from CASC, Newchairs and table, 2 new helmets and 6 helmetbags.- Estimates will follow at next meeting.- Alcatel has not yet reached a decision onwhether the club can hold Solo II events at it'sparking lot. The Executive has set a cut-offdate of March 30th for a response.- Back-up sites will be looked into in the eventthat Alcatel says no.- Instructors will be needed for the upcomingSolo II Performance school on April 29.

    Shannonville Lapping Weekend:- Jeremy Hamilton states 72 people have so farsigned-up for the Shannonville LappingWeekend. Plans to rent the skippad for oneday will be made. 72-100 cars will be allowed

    at the event.- Participants will be divided into groups andgiven the same schedule. Workers will beneeded for the mock grid.- Rooms at the Best Western have beenbooked for the Canaska Cup. Shannonvillecompetitors can stay there and maybe getbetter rates.- Bennett Leckie and Chris Capowski are to bethe chief scrutineers.- Pat Weightman's Plus 1 Performance shop(Located in Bel l 's Corners; can be used forpre-lapping day scrutineering.

    Karting:- ASN accredited karting licences have beenobtained. If anyone would like one pleasecontact Ron Woltman.- The Quyon karting facility and KartersCorners are interested in running a seriesevent.

    Winter Skid Schools:- The Winter Skid School went very well.

    Final numbers will follow at next meeting.Estimated number of people between 125-140.- Ron Woltman also states he is writing a letterto the Minister of Transport to give a synthesisof the Winter Driving Schools that the MCOruns and comm end them for their safe drivingprogram.

    Link:- All advertiser's in the Link will recieve aletter seeking their continued/new support.Basil Chiu and Richard Muise will beresponsible for this initiative.- The Executive agrees to continue to use thecurrent print company for the Link despite the

    isolated problems in the recent months.

    Worker Points:- The Worker Point Commitee has submittedto executive for review a report stating allcurrent rules/regulations are fair as criteria for

    trophy's. They recommend that driver's shouldnot need worker points to win the Driver of theYear award.- input from all club members is welcome andinvited.- A new chair will also be needed for theWorker Commitee.- More workers are also needed for the CanaskaCup in July.

    Other Business:- Two surprize guest speakers have beenarranged to come to the next general meeting.- Pat Weightman has shown interest in takingover on membership duties from Gord Acornand Helen Zhou.- Robert Benson reports that after all club debtshave been p aid, $13,500 will be left in reserve.- Final Note: RON WOLTMAN WILLDRIVE HIS DATSUN 510 TO THE


    March 2001

    MCO: The First Fifty Years

    On Sale Now for $35!Plannning for a November delivery of 300 numbered copies. It is a hard-covered coffee table style bookrecounting the long history of motorsopts in Ottawa and the regions. With 150 pages, everything and

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    Advanced DriversGroup

    Greetings Drivers,We had great weather, great drivers,and great fun at both the May andSeptember events last year. Thank

    you to all who participated, andhopefully you will be able to join usagain this year. We also encourageeveryone to pass on information aboutADG to other motorsportsassociations and drivers.

    For our group to remain viable, it isnecessary that we continuously searchfor new members to re-place thosewho, for one reason or another, nolonger attend. Active recruiting by ourparticipants has always been our mainsource of new enrollment and we

    hope that this will continue. Spreadthe good word mates!ADVANCED DRIVER GROUP:We have been running AdvancedDriver Improvement Days atShannonville since 1992.Shannonville is an excellent facility torun controlled lapping events as it isboth technically challenging and verysafe. The main purpose ofADVANCED DRIVER GROUP is toprovide drivers who already know the

    basics of high speed track-drivingunlimited seat time. This bothimproves their skills and allows themto fully enjoy their sport. To this endwe run an open track with no groupsfor the full day. Each driver is free tocome and go on the track at will andparticipants have no corner workingor flagging duties.

    Unlike traditional motorsport clubevents, ADG Events are completelynon-competitive. Participants drive attheir own comfort level and, becausethere is no pressure to compete,can push themselves and their cars aslong as it is safe and enjoyable. Forthis reason, our type of event isusually less stressful on both driverand vehicle than either slalom or timetrials.

    Qualifications:Participation in ADG Events is aninvitation only to drivers who haveattended a performance driving/racingschool and/or have extensive trackexperience.Rules:

    Our rules are simple:*Pass only in designated areas and

    only when signaled (by the car youare passing)*Do not dice, duel, race, or tailgate*Yield to faster cars*Obey the flaggers*Assume complete responsibility for

    having your vehicle in safe, trackready conditionFailure to obey any of the above ruleswill earn you a black flag and a chat.

    Three black flags and your day isover. We also frown on off-trackexcursions; two of these and, unlessthere are mitigating circumstances,your day is over.2001 Schedule:ADG is pleased to announce 2confirmed events for 2001. We havebooked the full track (4 kms., 14corners) at Shannonville MotorsportPark for Friday, May 11, and FridaySept. 14. An additional event maymaterialize at Le Circuit, MontTremblant with another track group.This is yet to be confirmed.


    Keener's Rate:register for either eventby Apr.1, 2001 $175. per event

    Regular Rate:register for May eventby April 13, 2001 orregister for the Sept. event

    by Aug. 17, 2001 $200. per eventLate Rate:

    register for either eventless than four weeksbefore $225. per event

    Gate Rate:register at the trackcash only $250. per event

    Additional Driver Rate:(same vehicle) $100.per driver per event

    Note: Enrollment is limited so registerearly.

    Contact information:Greg ConnollyADVANCED DRIVER GROUP148 Foxfield Dr.Ottawa, Ont.K2J 2T1Off. (613) 728-1901Res. (613) 823-4396Fax (613) 728-1018E-mail

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


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    March 2001

  • 7/29/2019 Link 2001 03


    MCO Indoor Karting Results(3 of 4 races)

    Name Total Event #1 Event #2 Event #3Luc 89 22.14 30 20.97 30 21.55 29Jeff 81 22.40 29 21.26 27 22.00 25Marc G. 74 22.59 24 21.42 23 21.80 27Richard 73 22.55 27 21.41 24 22.11 22Rob 69 22.97 21 21.60 20 21.79 28Chirs H 69 23.22 17 21.16 29 22.04 23Jay 64 23.18 18 21.30 25 22.13 21Sam 63 22.63 23 21.46 22 21.18 18Tomas Z 58 22.48 28 21.41 30Eric 58 22.98 20 21.75 18 22.14 20Brian 58 22.83 22 21.74 19 22.18 17

    L-Philippe 47 21.33 28 22.15 19Dennis 44 23.14 19 22.08 14 22.62 11Mark W 43 23.87 10 21.79 17 22.38 16Pierre 40 21.40 26 22.55 14Bud 38 23.82 13 21.97 15 23.13 10Ian 36 22.58 25 22.25 11Dana 35 23.86 11 22.22 12 22.59 12Tony 31 23.84 12 22.40 10 23.46 9Henry 29 23.40 16 22.15 13Matthew 26 22.56 26JR 26 21.92 26

    Steve 24 22.00 24Daniel 22 24.14 7 22.47 15Stephen 21 21.50 21Mike D 21 22.68 8 22.56 13Greg 16 21.86 16Dell 15 24.16 6 22.52 9Basil 15 23.54 15Chris 14 23.66 14John 11 24.83 5 23.55 6Alex 9 23.91 9

    Jamie 8 24.06 8Mike 7 22.85 7

    Grassroots Motorsport in the National Capital Regionsince 1949.

    Affiliated withCanadian Automobile Sport Clubs - Ontario Region (CASC-OR )

    and ASN Canada FIA

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