liliana schultz portfolio

Post on 21-Feb-2016






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Advertising and Marketing Portfolio


Liliana Schultzaccount manager

PORTFOLIO 2012advertising

where my belongsmy roots. my home.


contents[ í n d i c e ]



Contact Information




Fresca Vita


I have a Spanish accent and I like when people notice that I am foreign. When people call me Mexican, I feel complimented and smile, if others get offended, shame on them! My first semester in college, I couldn’t speak any English. Was that hard? Yes, I lost my scholarship and camped at the library almost everyday. Impossible? No! I’d do it again! I secretly enjoy the feeling of pressure, uncertainty and accomplishment. That spices up my life!

I’m naturally lucky; I’m the kind of person who always wins the raffles and who finds her lost wallet in the subway in NYC. I have scars all over my knees but I will never stop dancing, running to catch the bus and wearing high heels. I don’t like to shop online, that takes all the fun out of it!

Airports know a lot about me; they know it doesn’t matter how many times I go to Mexico, I cry every time I come back. I’ve slept in them, missed flights, heard the weirdest stories and made the best friends. I appreciate art be-cause I paint, I play the violin and I do advertising.


Contact Information[contacto]

Liliana Schultz

682 Tyra Dr.Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Tel: (208) 403 8881Email: lilitash5@hotmail.comWeb:





{ my role }As an Account Management Intern at BBDO Energy in Chicago I helped manage campaign activity as well as participated in brainstorming sessions for new product launches as well as new business pitches for the Wrigley brands: Orbit, Extra and Five.

I also managed our intern team during the final project for the Chicago White Sox, which was then pitched to the client and the company’s CEO. I helped manage a team of planners and creatives, coordinated work and helped the team to meet deadlines.

Wrigley[new business]

[new business]

{ my role }While working on the wrigley brand, i assisted in researching customer preferences, trends and behaviors in order to come up with new product ideas and distrubution channels.

I also participated in brainstroming & concepting sessions along with the creative team as well as assisted my supervisor in preparing the presentation for our client pitch.


PHASE I - online & social investigationsPHASE II - Consumer immersion & interviews Day in the Life Journal Café Chats

[insights]Social & Professional Needs

“when it comes down to it, living is about connecting and interacting with those around you...but every now and then you find yourself in an awkward situation.”

Bad Breath Limits Sociability

“when you have bad breath you’re not going to want to socialize.”

[gum opps]in the day-to-day there are a number of touch points or “gum opps” with customers

1. to & at work2. post lunch/snack3. in route to social settings

[consumer profile]You know those people who do yoga like 10 times a day, buy protein shakes in bulk, and get 100 miles on their bicycle before 8 am? Yes, you might know those people, but you also know that you are not one of them. After all, a healthy lifestyle is important, but it should not get in the way of living life. So you eat well, hit the gym a few times a week, and maybe even take the steps when you are heading up to your girlfriend’s apartment. And, to keep your mouth and sense of self refreshing, you want a gum that fits this active, yet highly social life of yours

Introducing Orbit Fit – a new gum that is designed to help you maintain a healthy, balanced mouth and an energized body throughout your active day.

Chewing Orbit Fit infuses a unique blend of vitamins to your mouth and body. Whether you just stepped off the treadmill or are running across campus to get to class, Orbit Fit helps sustain your healthy, active life. So, don’t lose any of our vim or vigor.

Maintain your best, healthy, energized you with Orbit Fit.

[product concept]

[Extra Cold Desserts] Simple moments of happiness

When you grow older life can become stressful, monotonous and less spontaneous. Happiness seems to be so hard to achieve. Laughing and playing like little kids is hard with all the rules and worries of daily life. Eating dessert is one of those small pleasures that make our lives happier. It would be great if there was a low-calorie, guilt-free way to enjoy our favorite sweets no matter where or when the urge hits.

Introducing Extra Cold Desserts. The 5 calorie gum that allows you to enjoy small moments of happiness anytime without feeling guilty.

With Extra Cold Desserts you can experience small moments of happiness by enjoying a delicious dessert in a 5 calorie gum. Extra Cold Desserts are delightful gum dots/tabs with ice cream, sherbet and smoothie flavors that provide a cooling summery/fruity sensation in your mouth. They are packaged in small ice cream cups. To add an extra cool experience, you can put them on the fridge and enjoy them cold at night or directly from the ice cream vending machine at work/college or the mall.

Extra Cold Desserts.

Find happiness in the small pleasures of life. Feel happy, feel good.

White Sox[béisbol]


[objective]Create a retail marketing solution to boost ticket

sales and get people into the stadium

[insights]4 out of 5 people interviewed or surveyed said that they planned to spend more money with the white sox in the coming months/season


[problem]There is an obvious disconnect between

intent & action

[research]there are two types of white sox fans: 1. casual / impulsive 2. hardcore / planners

while both types of fans intend to spend more with the white sox, they all find excuses to justify the disconnect between what they say and what they do.

“top reasons” for not attending white sox games 1. awareness 2. price 3. time & proximity


People know and love the white sox. they percieve the team as solid, simple and hard working.

The team’s reputation and image is well established, but for one reason or another, it has fallen to the bottom of the list of priorities.

we chose to target fans in their day-to-day activities to help them reconnect with the team and realize that getting to the game is easier than they think.

[executions]ooh boardsdigital & mobile technology

[ooh boards]signage across the city targeting fans in their day-to-day activities will help to remind and reconnect them with their team.

direct call-to-action messages will tell them when, where and how much getting to a game really costs, helping to dissolve those “Reasons” for not attending games.

[digital & mobile]qr codes, placed on all signage will take fans to city maps with a route finder to the stadium and to ticketmaster where they will be able to instantly buy and hold tickets for the next game.

transit signage - freeway signs

transit signage - bus wraps

transit signage - subway ads city signage - field museum

byu advertising[programa de publicidad en BYU]

byu capstone[proyecto final]

{ my role }CHIAT DAY came to the BYU Adlab with an assignment for Gatorade Powder. The project required the development of a complete campaign from research to execution.

As an Account Manager my responsibilities included managing the team and coordinating with the agency representative as well as BYU faculty to meet deadlines and keep our work in line with client expectations.

[objective]Make gatorade into a part of every practice

[insights]“Water is fine for practice. Why bother with anything else?”

[problem]Athletes only think about gatorade during game time. They consider water to be an adequate hydration solution during practice.

[research]practice is a vital part of every athletes life. Whether it is personal or with the team, practice determines game-day performance.

57% of athletes surveyed practice 9+ hours a week


69% of them only drink water during practice

“A devoted practice gives me an advantage come game time” “We try to recreate the game-day scenario at practice”


Practice leads to Game-Day Performance. If you treat Pracitce like the game, then you better yourself and your game.

Transform your Water, Transform your Practice, Transform You


[magazines]We leveraged sports magazines like sports illustrated to reach the athletes at home.

[billboards]We placed messages on billboards around the city and close to sporting venues and practice locations.

[in store]In-Store Displays remind our athletes that practice is just as important as the game. We placed call-to-action messages at the in-store points-of-purchase.

[digital]The new generation of athletes have an online presence like never before. They interact online and look for workout and practice tips via the internet.

A digital campaign leverages this online presence and makes the message easy, fun and accessible.



[in store]


byu advertising[REI outdoor stores]

{ my role }I managed a team of creatives (Art Director & Copy Writer) to make sure all assignments were in on time and on task with client expectations. I also participated in brainstorming sessions, gave feedback and helped develop the strategy.

I learned that working with Creative Minds is one of the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of advertising for the account side of the business. As the liaison between the agency and the client, the account manager must balance and communicate so that things come together nicely and make everybody happy in the end.

[objective]expand REI’s market beyond the avid outdoor enthusiast. We wanted to bring a new customer base into the store

[strategy]REI HAS “THE CURE”

[problem]FEAR of the OUTDOORS

[insights]Our target Customers are “inside People.”

they don’t enjoy the outdoors and they avoid those kinds of activities like the plague.

[executions]Since our target customer is mainly an indoor dweller, we decided to move outdoor advertising into an indoor setting.

[magazines]We placed ads in non-outdoor magazines in order to reach these people through their preferred, non-outdoors media channels.

[conventions & festivals]We moved the message to where these people love spending their time. IE - Seminars, Comic Book Conventions and Film Fesitvals

[digital & interactive] An interactive website would “diagnose” these people and perscribe a “cure” for their fear.

We looked for conventions, seminars and festivals that “indoors people” would be likely to attend and targeted them at those touch points.


digital & interactive][conventions, festivals,

byu advertising[fresca vita]

[fresca vita]

{ my role }Product development is a challenging area in account management. This project gave me the opportunity to be involved with a team of planners and a real client.

For this project I helped develop a research agenda and coordinate meetings, I also discussed strategy with our client and my team of planners as well as par-ticipated in developing the final recommendations before pitching directly to the client.

[objective]Create and launch a healthy, on-the-go lunch package

[target]Women age: 25-35educated, health concious and busyfunctions in a variety of roles: associate, leader, friend, mother

[research]through interviews, surveys and friendship groups we found that women were frustrated with the foods in this category.

The existing products are either

1. high priced 2. hard to find 3. inconvenient 4. extremely unhealthy

[methodology]We leveraged qualtrics to administer surveys then narrowed down our target

we also held friendship groups where we used perceptual maps and thought bubbles to get insights from the consumer

finally we conducted in-depth interviews to dig deeper and get real insights

[insight]“i try to eat healthy, but it takes to much time and there isn’t just a healthy grab-and-go alternative

[product & brand development]we created a product similiar to lunchables for our target. we wanted to offer an organic product, something healthy & ready to go.

[recommendations] Buy spots on women’s networks

create in-store displays with mix & match options

poster ads at health centers

special branded water bottles at health centers

social network for women to share health and diet tips

distribute healthy alternatives through airlines for traveling corporate women

[creative brief]Advertising Objective:Create a natural healthy, on-the-go lunch package.

Target:Women ages 25-35 who are educated, health-conscious, mobile and very busy. She plays a variety ofroles in life—associate, friend, leader, socialite, etc. Healthy eating is at the root of her self-confidenceand performance in every avenue of her world. She needs optimal lunch choices that won’t slow herdown, but will get her through each demanding day. After doing all she can in the world, her “me-time” is very valuable and rare.

Insight:“I try to pack a healthy lunch, but I don’t always have time. It’s really irritating, because a lot of myfood is not easy to just grab quickly.”

Promise:Our product promises the healthiest, grabable lunch options that add more me time to each day.

Support: Convenient packaging Creative variety Fresh, natural ingredients Reasonably priced

Tone: Fresh (natural) Modern Honest (informative)


[product & packaging]




Convenient Mix & Match packaging allows women to customize their lunches with their personal favorites.

Snappable segments make building your own lunch easy, convenient and fun.

Liliana Schultzaccount manager

[to be continued...]

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