lihempe. -

Post on 30-Dec-2021






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• •

'" ..

of the 1\ ative Pe() Ca"t'rJlment Notice •• 8'ecUDI

, I

Vol lZ No. 581. JOBAHNESBURG, 13TH JUNK. 1931. Price 3d

) .. .....

Idyasi Zemvula Ia"obo Ealalad. ZIq.I.

16/. ,I,.. 80/·· UbJobo ,.. BPESBRT.JIJ kwo H N • .,.., lUlU 51 ... tie

aI'f1ll .. ,Ii, •• gauu lise bban'l. 111.01 10'0 16/8

Jaase tsa Pula Merv'. e Moa,... Li­

qala 16/ . Ii .. 80/· Mofut. ba bo b. N .. , I, 'I. 51 ... M. pal. ... kbamo"ul_ ka ,-bau'., Porel,i e. rOlla 16/6.

. . It&h 111 " N.R.O STOREB." z.,. ,III kuo"" ot w.hipa \ IIweb li .. wlI 00/. XII'pM_ Dpn 011 Dlflmn 6.51-lm,II"'11/6 ~ •

Sal, _ •• N, R.O STORES." B DWI Ubolo •• ,,,1 II gutullopD

W.'tDIl I$D.II Ua tllDWGe lI" poro 1I1O.!DD'. M \ulo L>~_

4.lIp)o. Alonpil t Anllelo Botel App. S\lIail S'l4, Apu CroIII'OI A.pp, SI.&Dd n, Apu Or,*ioll Klou!looteUl, Nt lliaiD 0.\, KlIIIDfoo\e1D Camp'd

~I~ MaiD Rf Road. CoOl Lu(\ M'De Millai te Bait

Izihlangu Zomgodi Eliketiw.yo mpela 1~8, 1S16 , 15/-,

Lieta tsa Mokoti TI. Kb.~buOOQg boo banI;; 12/6, 13/6,



Ihempe. UbJobo OID~tb. otuDeCllli

._ Dolob&. t D D II 0 II

Zlqol. 6/ •• "" IS/6 Ihempe EIimMope lie Te ­

oele. Zioo tolala. al DXowa 5/. ciy. 10/·

Ibam.. Zomubeozi .. Kuloem H,"" tJ·

lihempe. Motula II mooba II mela

Ie 00 ma". babolo. Li qa1, 6/· Ii .. n 6.

Bt'mpe h. TI'Deu t .. ThODe,.. Li mel,l. I. lipokotbo 6/. boil.IOI

Hempe LIe MO'lbet.a, tea Ie tie PuSlua 4'e

Ub\.o oloDIO 'bogabao I.emi !'IIq"ni 6/., GtE 1/6.8/6.10/ . . IS/6.

KetlpeH ee Tweed 9,/. siy. 6/'. Bee ~JI ,e Katli

.3<J/" EM Se)1 yobn JODi 1/ ' .

Mokbe.boa 00 ~hka •• o oa Lihtib. 6/. , 6/6, 8/6 10/· . 10 6.

Likeplll ha Tweed 'fA1' Ii 81 6/·. T .. Beebe •• K II·

T .. ea Malone 2/.


Near No 2 Compel (Salaoll No. ~ Nut Ni&t!1 Compound

Protpet'Towo,b,p. ColUlOfd Streec Slmm.. }lIDt N_t & Jaot Q.1.tter)

Bpnllili . WilD Al'lmUt ",at Spnn«" 11.11" .. Itan,



Zezona ziIungileyo ngazo zonk. indlela 1

Ke Isona Ise lokiIeng ka tsela tsoble!



I Doable Q1IatU1tte Li Ita c.Jasa 1. 10 ;Mb liD. Nlom. maoU' om&biw E-._ ~ .... :~ t:.,IulJ' 1 .. 'llhCal ...... ~,.,. tu~ _______ ~ 11_

IOlodo.o (OaJuu) Cboir witb PlaGO 1 -U BoolJOt' lOdord Bas.) (CaJon) CbOlr with Piaeo 4.2'16 i

IDftaeDu (:lalor.:a) .... Choir wi'b P!.Do j , Sa Di Bona (Calnu ) ... Cboir "Itt) Piaoo 4~77 Imtlovu (Omaotiodaae) (OahU&) OhOlf "I,b Plano 1 27 Y."o' omooa (C.lon) Ohoir with Piaoo 4 8 lododa e kip' IziDYo (Oalolla) HomorOUI aocolDpaoied J'~ Indab' ebleki .. yo" (Oalutl l ) " ao(\(lmpaoled ",,9 I:r.e~wao. (OlhlSI) Ohoir with PI.r.o j ~ Vol iodble)., IDOt. till Dube (Caloxa) Cboir "itb piano i<JBO .. Imbaball-Folk SoDI • M.le qoartet oDaooomplnled j.~ LiLibe Ii ka Ntunllmbili Choir uoaooompaoled ....,1

Folk Bonl Bilbl., pom' ebldioi (Tudlt ional) Wa baleka or--obaltka (Traditional) biokomo tami umate" ll'olk Son,

01' o· r.: y Love (1.",,11: 8001) UMaubi (u TebetBbina) o'ua nu m'8De) (D.o' ( o~oa BOOI)~Cb~ir witb, 42~" Ilan" •

Ta!Illti.o Dlooe fll 01) l bC'lir "'Itb pileo -Tfjhal.h lap litaodll.) nO:II (TndiLioolll Chelf>

Cbolr ooacootllpanitd ChOir uo&ocotllpaniod

('bOlr wltb "iaoo Cbnir with (oiaoo

j 4232

t 42~1

'" I\b pIa DC ) l. w Cle OlfOYI"D1 428 (Tra( 1t,ooa l) Cbolr DO'


o r. I "~I II.""~ d..yoU. H.. . Uln..

R,ulk &: P, h.l1ald Sire I JObl..DDeo.barr. IInllda III ,. na. lilt ""s!TwID~' I In. .......

rUli •• "ldoI.".


.;. .""" .... ,, : P.O. Do_ U!6.


~llbl..,lIed Weel:I.,.

Be '''~Ib. R.lW ( 91' P'bi!rr)


Umtet41li iwa

1/' . /.

Bantu - ! ~ I

13~ ~ONE. 1931. , . I • J I ••


ties have done a ;ood deal at heavy u:!~;ji~~ r that Lord; ClarUndoo &O!t to provide. housioe. transport s soon be associated , with a and JecreatioQal ameqities for tbeir distinctly unpleasant husio~, and ' Nath'e communitie:s., bur in tbis i~'ritucb lo be fregrettect-' i:nat his direction they moe :Clum.sily along a'd\llser~ are so ~nd!ftcretit J~ the

Jb;e Stereotyped lioes that SO;::i:;i~~' \. ::~ of~ .ha~rthey may render relief oppres~iv~. The City to De a triO 109 imposition, Fdtbers of tbe Witwatersrand are The Native people -Must sometime wortbypeople,butinassocia!'ioDwith caU for a reckoning. and it is by Native affairs tbey are as stodgy as such actions as touch the integrity their location houses and 'asl un- of their women that tbey may be satisfyiog. It they demanded of~the persuaded to attempt a quick Governor-General that his proclama- settlement. tion should restrict the liberty Tn this issue we reproduce our at Native wpmen we are willing to leading article of January 3, 1925. concede their rectitude of intention . in which we set out the effect 00 the and to ascribe their attitude to a Native mind ot the extension ot Ih'!


National memoriall to Tahaka Mpande, Cety"ayo and Dinldulo ar~ to be ereoted by tbe Zulu prople at Stanliter, Mablabatioi, !l0d Bahaoaogo rNl?60ti.ely," Tb8 metDo. riall, to C08t £1,000 eaob, are being made by Meell'. Don Bf'OIII" Harik_ bug.

Stock Tax? • •

Profesaor P.ul Leatnde (pnfeB30r of Bao~u Studies) told flJe N-alave EoOOOQIIO Commil8ioD tbat be B~ogly fl.voo red a Itook ta .. in order 1 to deal ' WIth the proble.n of 0.8nlr~iog in tbe Natin territoriee. _

• • 1 f ~


deplOrable poverty at imagination. pasS" system to Native women. The I There is, however, 0 0 such argument~ we then advanced apply circumstance to mitigate the of· ;vlth undiminished force II) the I fence of D!partment of Native present situati01; and Natiye. in ­Affi;rs whose highe:- and most dig nation isas fierce today 38it was knowledgeable officials. we are six and a halt year-s ago.

To Patbfinders and Wayfare~s.


! ~ '';'''I-At the fed of 1924 tbe then Com·

raissioDe~ of' P!.Ilice discovered and tried to e.,fon:e an aOC'lent Transvaal ordinance which required Native women to carry passes when they were abroad after the ringing of the Cadew bell. [t was a beam-wave tbat brought him more trouble tban k.dos. Luckily the folly of his proco!ediog was seen by persons more bllLhly placed tban be, and Natil'e women were relieved of tbe bumiliating obligation after their meo had in no uncertain maDner evinced their deep resentment. The injunction has now been revived by the Governor·General who tak~s bis authority from the Natives (Urban Areas) Act Amendment Act of 1930, and since hoe 1 Native womeo are forbidden to be in public places after 10 o'clock at night, anywbere 00

tbe Reef, unless they are in posses­sion of special written permission given by their employers or by some other autborised person. Notice of the JIIe..... order appeared in the GO'Yemment Guzette 00 May 22, eigkt days before the date of its operation; but notbing more was done to inform the class most can­ceroed and J iJne 1 iound the Native WOIDeD. of the Wltwalersrand un­"Dowing and unprepared. Con· sequentiv there were arrests of Native ""omen on the Olghcs of June 2 and 3, aod it is conceivable that a successor of Colonel Godley will sometime follow his courageous enmple and ask Native intellectuals to admire the promptn~s and tboroughnf>~~of police act ion and to ack.nQwledge the friendliness Clf police regard for the Ndtlve penple.

We are informed that the Reef mWlicipa l i ties ' 'ask~d for the exten· sion of lhl:' Curfew from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock, but did not ask that Native women should be nquind to observe the Curfew regulation. 00 this point. however, there is some d, runt, and we mllst assume tbat the Governor·General has acted withIn bis powers under section nineteen of the U,ban Areas Amendment Act. Moreo ... er we are read, to Had excuses for the town couocils because of their general ignorance of aDd large disregard for the PI!!Iycholtlgical factors of the Native case.. The Reel municipali-

amaz~ tolearn. are strongly approv· ing of tbe terms of the Governor­General's proclamation and to that extent careless of the principle it violates. The offbal pose is the more bew Ide ring when one cnnsid· ers the report of the Inter·Depart· mental Cl.}mmittee elenn years ago which prnnounced unequivocall, against any attempt to degradE' the status of Native women. It is diffi cult to reconcile tbepast and present oflkiaI views on this subject. It is a revers~1 of opinioo ll that the in· creasing prostitution of Native1 wo­men does oat justify. alarming as tbataspect ot the p:JSition admittedly is, ; for if that were the only ground for the offi :ial volte face the Native people W Juld 6o.d themielve3 can· frontej WIth another instance of the law's c1assdlstioction9 which accen· tuate their present abasement and imperil their !uture? The " oldest profession" is followed by women of other races, and its ranks io Reef towns are by 00 means negligible even when the N~tive demimonde is excll.ld<!d Blt at no tirn~ has it beEn prop Jsed tbat European women of good character should be penal ­ised as a fi rit step tow lrd.i the cor· rection of th;?ir m )re cOIDolais tnt sisters. It m Ht als) be c'l(1sldcred that oo')rality i.i an elastic thing wil h varying stand 'rd~ in dlffuent com muni ies; and the ea i Y virtue of thew l'D. !n of Oil:! race mlY be a reasonably m 1r<1 1 condition under the conventions of another sociery. In ffiiJre than one European COunt) y pro .. titution is subject to gonrnment license and control. and IS regarded as an ins'irution essential for the prot~ction and preservatIOn of the chastity of the un licensed. We d I

not adv')cate the adoption of the Cantinental cusmm on the WI t­wa1ersrand; we desire only to direct ofii..:tal attention to the unique s~ x

di ,;parities which inOuence the local condidon. and to sugg:::st that the compulsory subjection of women to authorised molestation wiU not serve to cure prostitution .

We can find no other reas')n for the sanction given by the D.!part. ment of Native AffJirs to this most unwise measure. We consider it

• Native Rail Passengers.

Tbe trs.'meot of Native p.lfleop;era by tbe B_A. Railway Admioiatratioo "ae mentiooed io Parli'lmeot tbe otber day. Tile Mioieter of RailwaYI. Mr C. W. Mal"o, gave ao .!8I1ranOe tbat; tbe oooditions of Native paeoeOjlertt bad !IIO \ ~ imoroved eiooe 1928 · bot • to our Knowledqe tbere is st.llI muoh to be done, before railw.y travel ie Ittraotive to tbe Na~ive people. Apart from tbe general qaaatioo 01 ooact. and waitiog room acoommooatioo (botb terribly bad) tbere is attitude of a.iI"ay offioials to ooosider. It. i, louod that tbe leta imponaut tbe. oilloial tbe more arrogant i& bie de­meaooor, aod tbe Admioitratioo would prohably 60d it profitable to iosiat. opon tbe ez:eroiae by aU itS oftioiall of a fair relJard for tbe eomfor" of Native t.ravenera. &8 .-ell a8 upon .dopwoD 01 1888 disooorteooB mannerl'!.

London Colour Bars. Social and Sports.

Paul Robe900, the Negro eioger . is a leading. api~it io. tbe oampalgn DOW pr lOeechog 10 L .odou for tbe abolition of tbe 001 ·Uf bar. A" Leagu8 0' Col· oured Po!oplell" bas been formed the inaugural meel iog b~ing beld io Lo~dJO I.ut we~k , Dr }looky of Ja.m "oa is presideot, aod its members inolude reprt'seotativei of praotioally All 000' .Earopean peoples At. tbe m etlOg It f!\S etat~d tobat visi tors from SO Ul b Afrioa w ~ re one of tb8 maio oause~ of Dolour prf' judioe in E llg bod; Ind tbe Leajl ue ii t a.ok liog tbe questioo of e:a:pJUSIOO fr(1 m tbe O!yr:lpio gamee 00 grouod8 of coJoor. •


The Zibi Settlement.

Giviog evidenoe before the Native Eoooornin Commiuioo, Cbief Sbadraob Zt ll i aaicl tba.t at tbe Rustenburg set t1em~ot tbf' re wa~ 3000 morgeo of J ,,3d that some 150 famlliee were ill oooupa' tioo and tbat a furtber "50 fami li8.!l were ibortly I!xpeoted to arrive from Mfddledrift. Tbe eettlera were not luhidOt to any tribal levy lod bad ample laod for oultivatioo aod graClog Tbey lived io vlllagee with tbe laode io froot aod tb oommooage bebind, aod tbeir eociety '-108 well ordered.. Cbief Zibi .poke in bigb terl!le of hi. prople·. treatment by Europ6!loll. .. Oot in the OODOIfY blaok aDd. "hite Un .611 peaceably together,"

Tbe RALLY io booour or tbe Cbief Soout aod Cnid GUIJe, lArd snd L!KIy Bad~o Po"eli is TuDA Y (Saturday) at 10 a m at. tbe Baotu Sportl Clob VOD Weilligb .Street, JohaDne3burg: ,!,be. pande Will be a&80ciated witb IIngmg aod aalutea, and tbere wiU be some adJrellltll.

." Tbe Nativee afe gettiog 'fed up • "It~ Commiaeloo~." deolared Mr_ I. B. Mb ell~ ? tbe Na.tivc Economio Commul3lon In Pretoria yesterday_ It ba.d been tbe Nat!v~e' .... puieoce. he sa.,d,. tbat tbe reporu of tbeae Com. mI8!II~nll were ueually sbelved, and tbat, 10 the long ruo, notbiog came of tbem.

Manr Nativ.u, a180, were obary of appeaTlng to give evideoce. Altbouga tbe m8mbers 0

' tbe preaen~ (})mmis­

SIOO w, re well koown men of h· b ,~aodin~, Native.! not . 'ICkinglt, give e.ldenOl!l ae tbey bad done ",ben otber CommiseioD!I bad ~lIred tbe DOuotry.

Tbe Arrioao Natiooal Coagraer. baa oOllveoed ~ ~onferenoe of obieh. minis. ten of rel'810n aod Nat.ive leaders in NIiLaI to be beld at Pietermaritzborg on Juce27, 28 aod 29. Tbe objec~ of tbe oonferenoe are:-To tolleider tbe n.e. G~vuDmeot r~lo\ulatioDs in oonnec. tlOO w~tb tbe dipping aDd braodiog of oattle 10 Natal; To oooeider tbe low rate. of Native wage8 aod tradiog diffi. oultl"; tbe -reorll:aoi~atjoo of the AIri. nao Natiooal CongrelJe ID Natal .. adar ooe leade18bip.

• An amll~inq etory waa told at tbe

Capetowo Rotary Club fob ill week by a memller recently returoed frOID a visit to Amerioa, •• (malO;lOe," be eaid, .. tbe eb~k a reaollooliry Soutb Arrioao Mlol.!lter Pleoipo)ten~iliry aod Envoy ExtraordlDary got 00 tbe fir~t dav bie soo attended a s lbool in Ne", York. lnd oame rUryJiog bome witb tbe .tartling iolormatiun 'Pllpa, daar ie KafJere daar ,.

• Me88f8 . Tooj eoi. PJ.I.. ' je and Celapi.

Indmg JI!I,bUJ f)f tbe .• I ndep. odeot .#o~ ~fnoan Nati r Oll1 Coogrf'8!1. bf'ld meet. lo~e at Cradock Is ... t we~k end in tbe faoe of offioiat probibilion bod were arr, sted .. Tney wue char~ed witb oootl a.vsn;og th ~ N .. I Ive Admiostration AC't and were remand ed, bail beiDg refused .


Sltll.tioD as t8"oher (male) holdiDg Calle T 3_ (Jun ior) t: .Hu60.M; Caudi­dllte for J C .. E, 'ID .; B~e 61 yeau ~e.ohlc8 experldDO, Suhj,8$.l aP8eially o«ered are E glisb, Xou. Afrikaloe, Seabwaoa, and M~nual Tra.nlbg. Teati· mObials will bt lIot 00 l'IIQUeM. Du&ies k) OOlDlDence Jol,. oeu.

M . NOllfN&AlIGA. St.. Aad rew', Minioo.

Baq,t.. .... ,.


THE WOMAN'S STATUS. A Badly Conceived Experiment ,

The jolloultlB ed'/onol /rom '. Um/dd." oj j"1I1l0r) >, J925, 's }IUf! '" order to brusg to tlte officwl mInd a setlse oj the lolly tJruJ haconl of the experIment npresented bJl Procla",allon 199 0/ 19J1 .,/lIc" obliges NatIve WOlKen "' Reef to"'"S to carry "jBht passes. Tht Proo/amat lon appears on onothu pagt. Tht. pontio" today i3 prtultically idulhcalwlth tha t of jonuQrj) , 7925. and the COrldltioliS then obtain"'R uri: ullchanlleci

WO.¥EN AND P A.SSJIS . 1 ia reeentful of .. oy ioterfereooo in bi,

b," matten marital. Tbe Nat.ive woman

Tranlvul Nativet have been baa not yet progres8&d 80 far in publio where tbey are moat biDder . A affairs lUI ber Britiab protot.ype, nor hoary ordi.&Doe ba. been dug up at baa abe ventured ao uuwisely on the police in!!tigfltioD aud Native women road to masoulinity Ber buaband il in the Trflnev .. l will OeIt mootb be ltill bet lord, and it ill b8OaO/le of thi. required to carry llpeoial passel if old falbioned and very dujrable re tbey are abroad betweeD 10 p.m . and lationabip that a8Y inounion damag. " • . m . This enaotment date8 from ing to tbe domestic atate of the Nati"e tbe ItO&re period followiog tbe Anglo people beoomea an extremely b.zar. Boer War and baa loog been oonligned doul prooeediog. Anot.her oonejdera. to the limbo of Wagl beat forgotten. tion il that Native men have had moch The exact r6olBon for itlil reauaoit.tioo bitter erperieoce of police methodl, ie co determine; nor cln the and .,ie", with mi.giring the probable OODMqQetteeI of this lateet offiou.l tilt indi«nitiea to which their women ",ill at Native It.Dlolme.nt be ol6&rly "fore· be eobjeoted when. policemen are aeen . In Johannaeburg, wbere tbe authorised to aoooat tbem in the Itreeta effeot. will be mOllt keeoly felt, tbe NativOI are routed to a high pitoh of and to demand the prodllatian of their

do. I d pAaBee We bave in pravioul nomben indignatJon and tllenl ve an reta· drawn at~ntian to the whole.aa.le m". liative meBSOtei are fNely dilOv&&ed where'l'er and wbenever NatIve DIeD nufaoture \.If Native criminals by or wom6D eonoregate. It is the ebief thooghtless and oallotls polioe aotioo,

~ db · aod it is n&edlet8 to lay mare 0 0 Ibil topio of con{,'ersation, aa t ele 18 1Ji0 doubt tbat Native pride has been point tbaD to refer to the inevit.ability eorely wounded, that Native cooti of aoti-ve Native hoatility to any mea· denae io Ellfopean msnagement of aure likely to subjeot Native women Native affaira la 96vorely straio.ed , to the inault aDd abuse of ignorant aod

prejudioed mioion8 of the 18w The t.hat Native patience bail ooms neaf to third valid reasoo for Native relent. the breaking poi ot aod that the autho . . I too certain on tbe coo. . mont ia the at~itrary maODer io which 1~lee re YrN t'. d-',I',ty an old law hilS been revived. Nat.ive IlDuaooeo a Ie "" . . b T Ib

Tht' Native of today is oot the women 10 t . e ~D8vaa ave !or ~aoy Native of twenty yean! ago, oar oao I yeara beeD Immune from offimal loter he be e:r.pectrd to remain aD pala;ve fereDce. "od the audde!1 enfor:lement ~f under European oontumely now as a 10:~ forgotten ordlOaooe to their then. The Native il no longer ioarH d l!!a vantage baa all t~e effect of a oulate. HI! can formulate hi! plaos new m)es8ure. The ~~tlve Aftalla Aot .... ith much e:nctneaa and upresl him. a! 19_.0 makes pr~vl8Joo for con~oha. SBI( clear ly and 101l10a lly, and it il not tlO~ wl~b the .Nat lve people prior to to be expected that be will remliu le~I~latloD wbloh affeata tbem, . aod inaotive when hil moat chori.hed senti MlOlstera have bu.t reoe.n~ly given monte are ruthlesaly trampled by aSluranoe~ that Native OPIDIOO wo~ld offioial blunderen. South African beaece.rtalOed before the pro.m ulgat~on Native biatory is replete with iOlitanoea of aoy. Dew measure. associated With of police fatuity, but it woold leem tbe ~ffalf8 of the Native peapie .. The that. e:a:perienQ6 haa taught litt.le to Natl.ves of Tr~n8V~a! are JOltly the Departmeots of Justice and Native aggtlev~ th~t tbelt ~PIDIOD wa. not Affaire aod tblt the genius who aought ID thla . very I~portao t oaee, would win pp8.ce by peaceful methods and they feel .~f)tb caolildera hia rsoson i, still oot of otlioe. To the European that .aoother lostaoce of Europello per. mind it UI a IfI[l IDg mitur1batNatn'e fidy Isreoorded. women should be Asked to caHY!! If it ia deaired to rid th o.:' oommunity pall!! ; but the average Europeao ia af Nat.ive women of imrnaral oharaoter remarkably ignorant conceroing mat· there are more eatiefyiog waya of ten wbicb are of momeot to the Nativo aohieving that objeot tban to bumili people, and tenacioua of his ignoraooe. ate thausanda of their reapeotabl " It ill European opioion tbat coonta in siatere. That Reef town. are in need Native affairs, aod hidebou nd Kuro· of a oleanaiog procell!! no Nitotive wooki peao opinioo, an opinion bued lesa ao deny; and DO seU· respeoting Native thought thaD on tradttion, is the begin. woold bewail the repatriation of the ning and the eod of the Native" pro · m,ny women and girla of hie colour blem." It ia .officient for the white I whOle c()nduct defiles tbe tOWDI. man in the atreet tbat in offioial oircies whose profanity is disgu.ting and it is deemed n.:pedient or necessary wh0&6 proatitution is " national die· that the movementB of Native women grace If Native womeo are required eboold be oontrolled, aod be does not to cany pa9&e8 in orrler to get rid of concern himlelf with regard to the the un&avoory element; within their me&8ure, taken by publio lIervanta to own oommunity and to heilhten tbe reetriot the muoh valued freedom to nationAl repute. the object ie a worthy whioh Native women bau for yeara one; and we have nO doobt that bad been &OC'Il8tomed . But, etrAnge aa it the poaItion heeo properly repreeented may appear to the unthinking white to the Native people many would have man , tbe Native bas a high regard for appreo.iated the reasOn of the imposi· hia womenfolk aod 8tronp;ly r6aeote tion, even hRd they been unoonvinoea aoy infringement, Jegal or otherwise, of ita neae&8ity . It ia certaio that of hie rigbte and privilegea in relAtion had the Native. been uked to .d.,.illll to them. The Native mao will luffer the anthoritiea on this point, aDd had his own diaabilitiea with uemplary been given a frank ltatemeot of .i1 fortitude, and will patiently reaped the oonAideratione whioh seemed to otJl the law in ita moet .Iinine mood ; but for ttle eacri60e of dignity by deoeot he will oot talera.te any attempt to Native womenhood in order to make tamper with the women of his houae· the experiment worth while. the oppo. hold, and he will re,ilt In enoroaoh . lilian to the propoeal would bave been meDt on their liberty as Beroely 88 he le8B intense. The number of Native would repel an "ttack an their obeeti· .... amen and girlll in Johaon88burg aDd ty. The polioe with the Oavernment P retoria who praotiae immorality for behind them have made a bad lOon . a livelihood ia increasiog alarmin gly, and it would be wiaer to withdraw the and we are aure that the reapeetable offending notice tban to pertlevere with lIection of Native people in tbole towna a eoheme aa neel.- aa it ia unpopular. woold gladly Q()oopen.te with the

Native objtlotioo to the propoaal ia aothoritiea to oheok tbe growing .,.ioe tGfftfold. Tbe Native man ia himaeif ·end wiokedne88 whiob react so aerioo .. the arbiter cf bil woman's cond uct and ly on the natioD. Bot there baa been

DO reqneet. for 1:10 operation. and no Itatewent of the oa8e. 'rbe Nativea have merely beeD ordered to submit to a ruliog in the higheet degree ro· pugnant to their fe8 1i oga and their trAditianl, and we fear that the De partment of ::-.lative Affaire hall been lil negleotful of its duty 8a the Depart ment of Justioe bas heen Btopid And inoonliderate.

The Urban Area!! Aot furnilhu the meanll to aeparate the worthy from tbe unworthy and to deal with the erring and the right.eoul aooordiog to tbeir delem. We venlure to auggest tu the Commissioner of Polioe Ind to the Government the reioterment of the 1902 ediot. aDd the s.fer reiJAoce for law and order on the lesa offensive enaotment& of later and more enligb. tened day •.

Tbe Afrioan National CongrtIM bas oonveoed urgenoy meetinga for Juoe 21, wheD mauuree. ~o deal with the lIituation created by ProolamatlOD 199 of 1931 will be diiOOlled . -

Pretoria Opinion Bail for Ar'reated Women.

--The Jobanneeburg Joint Coonoil of

Eoropeanaanod Natives &eDt a deputa­t ion to Pretoria 00 Toeaday, and &eve. ral offioiala of the Departmenta of Nat· ive AffaJra and J ustioe were inter. viewlld. The opinion in Pretoriaee8me to b~ that the proolatnetioo teqouing NAtive womeo to carry passel is a blunder that mOllt be reotified without delay ; and we have reason to believe ~hat the Johanneaborg City Coonoil, in

ita reque&t to the Ooveroor.General. waa mleled by tbe te:!t of leotioo )9 of the (Jrban AreAa Act and that tiae inolusion of the ",ord .• female" waa an Inadvertence.

It ehould be koown that NatiTe oonstablell bave DO autbority to acoOlt Nat;\'e womeD aDd d"maDd light of the oigbt paRIISI. Tbi~ authonty, bowenr, is held by every Europea::. in tbe polioe reoka ; end "e deteo\ the Pirovlan Ipirit in tbe IO&le of bail ohargee"hioh la Bxed to fit the hour of eneat. A woman atreated between teD aDd elnen o'olook ie releaaed on bail of 10/ . ; between 11 p.m. aDd midnight tbe bail ia £1 ; aDd after midnight it ia £2. It il • nioe eaay way of aaaeel · ing the gravity of the offence. and it forwahe. anotb~r inata.ooe of prompt police lotion . We are not CODriooed tbat it il mot9 haioonlt to be 00 the dreet. at midnight ,haD at an O&I"II -r bour, but we O&llDOi, of ooorae, q U~!I tion the profondlty 01 palioe b ow· ledge snd nperieooe.

• Kadalie in T rouMe.

On Friday 01 last week Clemeot6 Kadalie, it is reporwd, w .. charged in the Magiatr.te'. Court, Eut LoDdon, under tbe Diamond Aet wilb b • ...-tDg d&alt in, or haring been in pOI eeliioD of, iIIioit dilmond •. Theoaaerefera ~ aD alleged deal in diamond,lut Juw· ary, the proseoution being bued on in · formatioo 8upplied by one of Kad&lie·s former a88OOiltta. It ia &aid tout althoogb Kedalie wae oonoemed with the trRnlaotion he did DOt personally profit by it. The oaee waa adjourned till this week.


The UNION COLLEGE can educate you by you Lessons by Post,

You do not have to leave home or atop your ordinary work. You study in yoor own lime aDd the fee. is very low- from 10/. a montb.

Qor Staff of over 100 higbJy qoaJ.i6ed toton a.od pro· (e880111 teach the following lobjeote :-



u you ... , yoo may take up Shidi. for Sid . '. 6. 6, or 7, JUDior Oenificate, Matriaulat;iOlL, o. Te&ahen' Epme. Special Oo~ han 00" beaD drawn op for Natift Teaohel1l' ~. (Ill. aDd 3rd yean.)

You do aD' have ~a buy aa y books and wheD you b.ava pWd Ollr feea, we 110 on taaohlDII yau, UDW fOtt pass yOIll Eumlna~on or raally kncw fonr 8Ubjocft .

f'ill in 0IIl Free wormatioll Coapoa T9DA. Y.

r. tAo ~, Uaioa CCiU .....

P.O. 80 .. 3S4t . ""uab"r •.

""'- -' _..,. ",.aoa.I,..., c."..; • __ ,", ..

(_, w.ic. .... biect).

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1'1 ••••• •••• _ ••• _._ ••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ ••• ___ •

Addraa ••••••.••••••••••••.•••••.••••.••••••••..•.•. ........ --nil eo...... ,uu. _ ....... l a ....

U .• .l.t.



Bantu Sports Club. .lao the TeoDia lab ·oommit.tee alreloy eJeoted.

BueINus To elect a Genual Sub Comlllittee repreaentlltive of aU brancbea of eport ; to dr •• up " programma tor Augult Saok Holi. d.,.

• Correspondents.

---Sb. dn ob \'hbeula·-Wa O"IlIIO'

aeoept a 1y oODhibafi io ll wriUePl in Pitloll and your two leUeae ba.o 'b&rofore beeo returoed to you.

1he 6nt meet-illS of oomm1ttee lIIemt.en, OODlil~iDg of 10 Europeanl and to Bantu "lUI beld luI. week. ., the Club HOUle, Major H S. Cooke pre.idlng. In weloomiog tbe elected Bantu member. the President of the Club reminded them tb., tbey "'ere too promote tbe welfare of their feUo., memberll who bed ,bOWD their oon· fidence by eleoting tbose prMent aa their repreelMl~tivee on tbe olub 0010· mit&e.. He e:lproeeed the bope that they "Doli oarry .. large mea8ute of reapooaibillty for tbe management of th. OJ.b Th. m .. ting tbo. p.oa""'" Cabinet Makers Meeting. to elMt lab oommitteee for organi. .satina of oricket, teooia, Mllooiation aDd t'llgb,. football, hookey and athktJea, tbe lait meotjonad allb oom· mittee to oontrol oyoling u well.

Th, allooa.tioD of tb", Challenge Cupe presented by "Umteteli" and Mr_ [ . L Adame 01 tbe N. R.C. Srorel. Watt held 10 abeJanoe natil auoh time as the ... riou~ lub committees bad orgaoieed their rnpeoti\l'e e otioOl. On tbe quee· ,ioo of ~be provisioo of a oroquet Aroen4 f.r women members, it was do. .ided ... make further onquiriee a. to the aouaberol playen It waa unanimoolly agrwd •• at the Augu,' Bank Holiday I aboaJd be deyoted to ao pro­~.,.ua .. e aud tbat tbe whole of tbe gate mODeY &om1iq to tbe Club be dooated I to the Johanneaburg General Hospital. It ... pointed out by a Bautu member , tlb..a' ~ij would be an opportunity for the Bantll people 01 lobannesborg to

--Iotiangaoiao ye ea'>inet Makera

ebifanele ukodibana Dge 7 kD June 1931, kulu,izi okuba abantu bako . wetu ababaoltalln, (kt! oiyaoeh,. ukuba olBlte ollombla), .e 21 ku Juo" 1931 k ... e Eaitero Native Towolbip ~ B 'o0!J",eoi oglo~e Oeorge Goob e Com mUOlt.J Hall ago 10 kU'Aaa . Vukaoi m''''etu UtD!8helUl oJavah,a mpela umotu oohulldo.


ebo .. &,beit appreciation of wbat bad 0 tla hlola i'a Ira Babel~ Dad l l i~Bileng heen dODe for them by tbe oi ' ileoe, aod hi K there wal no better oauae tholD tb.t of 10 a. It m"'ri~Il" 0 malrahaog ba· tbe HO'Jpital. Tbeeuggestioo wal made keog sa LISO, LIBEBE MAOTONG , that .. tile prooeeda would be donated tLIHLOBA., BUMATIBENE, MAOTO to SQob •• orthy objlot, membera A BOaLO KO, LIBLOBA. lel.bleboog ahould be .. ked not to ioa~t 00 free Ie letlalolljt. admiuiOIl 00 that day, but. that aU POREISEEAR O NA316 9peotakln IbooM pay . BO

It. was agreed. tbat tbe applioation TLOLO ~Ieonrue ea Moria· of the Bloemfontein Leopardl team to Ila II Iroom"oa ea· Lip,lil!. play 011 'be Club'a Ground, oould not Ke Monaa. 0 u tlolDallg Ie olDong be graDt.ed aa all suoh applloationa leba e le ole, a. "tlo E l b1e lIIuat be lubmitted through tbe Foot. Ngola hooa kajeoo u batle Meriaoa ball 488OGiation. ea rona ea poloko ta Molle,

TIle Baotu mernben of the ... ere urged to enrol more membere, ae .oly by having a large membeuhip .oald tbey avoid 6nanoial .orry. I

Yor \be purpoee of electing repre· eeo_tive sob oommitteee, the follow· in8 Dlte\inge bave been ananged lod all mew here int.ere&ted io any, or all, of the br.ocbea of eport mentioned .rgeD~y reqoMted to attend. The m~et.lnga will be held in tbe Club B01l86 Committee Room .

HO(JIJIY . Thursday. June 11, at • p m. Lady membert are par· ,jeula,ly requeeted to atteod.

CltoQUBT: Friday Jooe 12 at 430 p.rn Ladiel are requeated to atteod thil meetiog alao.

AT1ILln'lSS : Mondey, Juoe 16. at 7.36 p.m. All athletiol are .ant.­ed at thiB meeting.

Ii'OOTaALL (Socou) :- Tuetday, JUlle IG, at 6 30 p.m. It ia boped tbat tbie will be a reprnentative meeting of a ll ioterea~d in thie branoh of aparta .

FOOTBALL (RUODV( : Wedneadl'Y, June 17,at630p,m.

COMBIN ED M&IiTIMG : Thuraday. June 18, at 6 30 p m. Combined me&~io~ of Sub ,CQmmiUeee eleoted at tbe above mee ~lngs, alld

~ ___ A_H_- ..;T..;O..;D..;D:.., ..:U:.M:c:.::tT:.:B::D:..' __

U BA TLA MORIANA ? Ngoll. bo CIa bo qalA Mot8Olllki

OA &be. \tO a.a lobela

ENOHLOVINI (Bat.ho b.'\ PhKoloA MOO&)

UtJo. bebe 00 tlu, moriaaa 0 Depi mg lua leu de lefellJ It II tsaea,ID, ENDBLOVINI bal. DOBBJ.N

HO ,-


THE MaRVEL PHARMA CY, 196, Main Btree', JOIlANNEBBlJdG, B ~Iolo ele I ea Mobl08aili oa Madi Ie Mobl.teoi Ie aoom. ea Liplliei a. obelet.e 80 aa II rome. laog e. 3/6 . . . .. . . .... .

aape otbomeleol ('I:II 18 lefe POlO) looaoeo Ie tlet8eng la Meriaol ea Jooa.

Na."", •••.••• •.••..••••.•••••..••••• •• ••. .. -A<!dna .•. ••• •••..• ••• .•.. ... .... ....... . .... .

....... - ....



SEHER GOODS & BETTER V4lUE, Oiau'!I RCfO-a 9.a1~ 8 Pi&OlJ from.£8 10 0 I!,aa Table. froID _ £2 10 0 ~Id"uo .. r.t. from ••. 13 10 0 3/. f:!.ed..J 'ead~, oolDpl ~ te trom £1 0 0

lo Te&k, Oak,, a\C!.

! /" , ,


DeU"".'l '0 ,be 0'" ", tlt.UOQ FREE &II P ..... lllillol •••

£6000 wor\b <" n ... P'IUl.I"'" to bel .aid.

')om" ID .a. ... 10011 a.rona.d" "OM tbt ldu..:

59, BBTTY ~rREET, JEPPE, .10.,.l/fIfMaO&O.

8eblare Woode Great Peppermint se 10ll:etll8 habolo H 0 Oblela Ie Mokho· blne.

, ,

United T ranskeian Territories General Council.

"" .A~'r "'1 ••. Applioat.ioDa are inrit.ed for 'be appoilltmeot, ODder tbe O~ted fnJlalceiao

Territoriee Oeneral Coulloil, from the hI. Augll , t , 1931 , of all AgrIcultural Soper. .,.jlOr. Tbe eo~l8!I of p!.y applioable to tne p!nt .. re:

Juuior : £216 by £20 yearly to £3711 a year . Secior : £395 by £20 yearly to £.425 a year Tbe lIaoo~fal Olndidate .iII be lupplied wj~h motor tranapurS;, aad, when

abMlot frOID baadqu.rt.ere 00 duty, wiU be paId a traulllog allowanne of 12/ed a day of U bours plus 2{6d a day wben aocommodated aD aD ho~1.

appliolJ1te mUllt bave obtaioed a diploma at • SOlltb AlrJcan School 01 Agrioolture aDd bave had praotio.l experieoce ill (Mming

A koowledge of the Xoea lao~u.~e will be a reoornmeodatioo. Certi~oatea of obaraoter, qaali80atioos, bralth and age, loppor~ by oopiea

of teatimooiala, whiah Will not be ret.uroed, mUit. be aeot ill with the applioa. tiona .

Applio.tions most be labmitted to the Secret.." t.:) tbe Oeneral Conocil, P.O. DO:l 40, Umtata, 00 or before tbe 2nb ,Julle, U131.

The I000M9ful applio,ot. .-ill be appointed 00 twelve month, probatioo, lubjeot to oDe montb'a 1l01io!! 00 eitber aide, and, 00 appoiotmen' to the Dud eetahliabmeot, Will b& requited t.o cootribute to the P"OBIDU Puod . Rea30nable traolport 6:1peoatll ioou~red in takiolt up prob.tiooary appointmlnt trill th&D. be refuoded.

Offioe of tbe Cllief Magistrate, General Connoil Branob, Umtat.,

8tb Juot', 1031.

B W HiTFI.!:LD, Secretary to the Ge.aeral Council.

1-Bunga Elikulu Elidibeneyo Lama Zwana Apesheya kwe Nciba.

~UFUNVVA. KumeDJ .... i.ieel0 za baotu baku q~abwa, pantBi kwe Bban~a Elikul.

Btidibeoey" Lama Zwao. Apesbey. kwe Noiba, kwi odawo yoba Bloli wabe. Booi.i Lulimo ukuq~liu. ogo:nhla ""0 'It AuguJt. 1931 Amanqwanqwa ellt.Jaulo aaioaill8.le kolenda.o oa:al .. :-

U Dldi Olaae Zanw ' £!!76 ioyo"a oga £20 ngo oyah iye ku !37J ngo oyab.

U.Didi 010 Pezulu oyu ...

£390 inyoka nga. i.2(l Ilgo nyaka lye b 1425 ngo

Cmoeli op·omcleleyo uya Irnnikwa i moto yoao bamba oku&6 xa aOl!8l1oyo ek.a~a oge ba~bo yo ml8beo'li .Ik~ ablaulwe !mali ,oko bamba ui U t6 nge mlDl ye yure ezl 24, olto'l.e kongezwe I 2/6 nile miDi xa alple e hotele

AbaoeU Ita foneka beDa 'l.lqioiaelo I.e diploma abaz.l 'umene kwi Sikolo eo Limo 81iku Mzanbi Afrika, babe b!loa m.v., oku Icbeau nge limo.

U Motu uyako tetelel.-a Ilalo Iwa:r.i 10 Iwimi iweai X08a. biqiruseio ze eimilo, Z& mfuodo,:r.e mpilo, 08'Z0 bud o!a, ZI:l 'SS". aj.kClpi:ta

maps,a e similo, ez.ingayi ku buyilelwa, maz.i tUllyelw", kuoye Ilez.ioeio I·Zloelo mazi tooyelwe ku Nobaltl. we Bunga &likulo . P.O. Box 40,

Omtata, DgO mbla okaoye pambi ko mbla wa 27th June, 1931. U·Hoeti op'umelel~yo oya kuliogwa ioyao!!a ezili abumi elio .... bioi. kodwa

iooti,i iyeye nyanga eoye mao,,), omallini, uiroze ke akumieelw. kwi ngqesbo er.iMileyo ko fuoeke ablaule im'romo kwi NgIowa ye PeD'lioD. U,. k.andula ke abuyiaelwe iodleko zalte ezifaoelekiJeyo azenza nge bambo yake mbla. w. qeehwa.

B· WBITJ'lIl:LD, U Nob·al. we BnogaElikolo.

Offioe of tbe Cbief Magiltrate, Oeoeral Counoil Brlooh, Umtata.

8th June. 1931

Lovedale Missionary Institution. HOUSECRAFT DEPARTMENT.

A Short CJurS8 of four months in H ome Maoa~emeot. il oOered to a limited number of studente . Tbe Cour<le will be epecially allikd to married womeD aDd will ioolude: Cookiog aud a ervin~ of eimple meals, Hou;M!keepiog and care of .. bome. Spinoio/( alld Klli ttlog. Makillg of Tbrift artiole... Hygiene .nd Motberonft.

E!"tRAS"OB QC1ALrrIOA.'l'rON - Sligbt Itoow led~e of EogliJtb . FEE 301 PlCR YONTII PAYABLE Df AnVA!'fOB.

D!TE. AUGUST IST.-NOVEMBER 30TH. Iotendiog stodtmts are requ8il~ed to s~od in their applioatioQ8 aic an early dl1te.

ROBERT H . W. SHEPHERD. Actiog Prinoipal.

Andrew Smith Bursary Examination. .. The Aodrew Smith Bururv E:umioatioll will be held 00 S"tUorday 12tb

September, at 9. a m. and C" sbould bave oompleted appliodion for admithnoe to tbls Examioation before 10th August, 1931,ait.ef wllioh date no applioatio08 will be ooo~idered.

Tbe Examio.tion will tbis year be divided up 'Ilto four te(ltiooa, - Junior, Int.ermediate, I;;eoior, aDd Juoior Certi60ate eeotioo, to faoilitate marking of these papeffl, and the aUOClatioo of tbe Bur&ariee wm be mach '8 accordance .ith tbe Dumber or entries io eaoh aeotioll. A oe,tain number of the bu.rsariM •• arded on the result. of tbe examiDltiOD .-m be apecially earmarked for 88b;or Mel J.C."

ROBERT H. W. sl:I:F'pHP:lm, Acting Principal Lovedal ..

=======U",M",T,;;,;ETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 13TH JUNE, 1931, 5

Ezase Bhai.

(NGD ZJ,:\,\Zl')

8waDi zabaoga /ullliiogo , sioio8elwa D,lluba siyi nkokeli veayen!, Dallaba 10

Binga nkekeli ayi(ua daoga. ayinaaimilo

!aupela illilllis81e uaube yiodlaoga efIlQI~ . ~'Uli )ezollideog8 6Z188 mbaodtur.elweoi .

Banto baBe Shu pbaulaol utub. u Nyani-oyani lento lbaDse io b ' "

Za08!O .,kloa :l8sb, lokunika aaaosbo 1 yam OZI·

I;:uhant u ahaninzi ab.Dlka~aza}'o nga­

kum.relloa nokoqbaulwa kwemitahlta. Omoto a fuol ulI:uq baula ul1ltabato, ubbalel. u Nohblla (RelliBtnr, Native Divorce Oourt, Kiogwilliam8towll) ogo'

o:oimbl wake . agap.odle kW611Qweta,

"weodt.le KOY8. Kud la i £2 naoga' penhi ukuqaula nmtahato ngaieodlela leaknodla yabaotu , kuba kueind. into eoiozi yam.1i eti itabooe emagqwet80i ; kallti IlgeDye iDdlela umDtu aln.tilltelwe nkuba ayeknwuqbaola e Supreme Coor. e Rini n eDemali yoko. kodwa ezal ']­

okuodla iedleko lSer.ipbakam ile}' e. Nale ke icebc. (

Ietet!etfa e New Brigbton iqebe nga­mac dla amakbolo ulbolide zidlnleyo, kuba I;:weDZiwe omoyhadala pb.kat! kwe team ezimbioi azipaohl kwabaou­mZIDa J. MarwaoQa 00 W. Nhbell l8a bui Kapteoi ORO Il:hulo we 25 May. Kwi ~am 118 MarwaoQa Jbiogab, - J . Petro@. r. Sello, \Y. J,ba\ u, J. Oliver , P. Swat',;; Miall&e A. Jaha 0 0 T, P ijpet. Kweka Moo NtebeldB& i team Ibi­ol,ba !. M,mbela , t1. Gqamana , L. Wilkin@ou , I. P - Msla~o , S. Marooga

oawa oeollkazi M. Mlecaoe , G. YOYO, oamallos,kui Shollo 0 0 Mgubela He ibeta idiDala walidieba u MefwaDQa ose 12 same9 , 53 - 41. Latl litsbll oa ilaola waye et),iwe 0 Ntabek isa k'luoge 12 gamee, 96- 84 Abuiba1uleyo ku· mdlalo walo mioi logo lI.hrw.nql , Jab.vo, Ntebekiaa , Gqamaol , Mrs. Mgubsla no Mise P1Jper .

. Ku~o J:ooke inqubalana engaba tna;s:o ~ !Oll,.bl yaae New Brigb toD, ayi lIahl ylyo enokuDcouywa neyalata im

pucullo. Ioto yokuba i7.itaJatozakona zonke ngangoko &wgako akuko oali.

nye eeinegama. iboni.a ukulala kwe­ogqoodo ubem! bakooa. K waoeoto yok.nblzwa kweodawo aO&.hlala kuzo abantu D~ez~b~oda buburwada baoga paodle eZllllhm l.aee Maxb08l1ui . Ayi.

oaoaoga kwaoaoJalo into jokuti um _ otu ublala kwa Blook J .K 28, ioom. bolo eogateti oto kumotu oogafuo. danga kwanofuoddeyo, kuba I) i oom. bolo DJS yapaya e ofiaiai leyo eogeoa msebeozi kubemi. [liso lomzi ne

Bbodi yolcl.lcebiia ogeziyicebiaa D~a­maadla leodawo . Ilioi i New Bright 00 ukukutahwa zeziodawo zilaodelayo ; Koma»i, Koateni, Monti, BloemfootelD oJblo nj~lo, apo izitalato zinama. gama, ul~ye zide zatlywa ogabemi aba balu_ lell:lleyo abablala k.we2.o zitalato ! Ku­

k.llt~ai ukuti ezi VraodsDl, e Magqobo. keol, e New Town, e Maaokeoi e Ge.

Olu lu Pau Iweye Nene

. , , mlD~ (yotywalal j II Makitshiai (aotooil) e ZlDtakeni (Eziteoi ~). Hayi bantu bakowetu, lungiBaoi lento Bhodi. ziti ookweoza izitaiato zeou 'loIbizW6 ogama

wenu. :~g!ipezu kw.ko kooke oku eikuboois .• yo, eflif~na ukuba kuluogi awe: .phl yooa I Hall epbuoukil~yo ef~nele i New Brigbton, iotlanganiao ez!baluJekileyo imij iko oe kotllati zi. ogeoela ema'loiokeoi nje 00ga6k.a ku. qbuma i1ampu 'I.e palafioi, kule mpu . ouko ye gMI ede yako pofu 6zitratw6ni zenu J Luogi81lnllamahlazo toro.

Xa utenga imi otLko yelokwe, qwalaaela u Pao Iwe $1hlangu .

Tooga zonke ilokwe :.:~ ~ o, ,(oekot i. ihempe nezi02ibo e!'linye

ngelapo elioo Pau twe Slhlallgu. Alif&oe Iirazoke, laye libla -

1& olapezO kwawo ooile. Umbala awopumi, laye hblambaka

lula Lonke iusba t.eoga i PriDti y, ., ' St irsl '

Yale lmifanekiso.

Zonke lzitolo Zinawo

Abameli : H, JASPER SMITH & Co. (Pty) Ltd.

Jobannuburg, tape r own, Durban, Port Elitabeth.

Kunr;]lo 0lu8l.0du kuqbubeka Iwaba bambi elDtambo ze Felr Not O.C. lai· qbamo ibeseai prell dent Mr _ Sam, vica M. Foisy, sMrehry O. a. M. Sinuka 0,) treasnrer. [captain J. Mavanl, 19aiet capt. J C, Malooo),. Kwi ladies e6ctico , j presidentogu Mrs. L. Weotfol, vioe Mile V. Ma~dlan. , treuurer MTII. B. Ny.ti , De aecretary Mrs. Tuoyiswa.

Inte'o ebbalwa k-wipepa la bambJope Jaiapi lomhla wa 23 May ogumbbali

wua New Brigbton ogentlalo, ozibize ogegaml eliti " Zioyembezi " iqloireil iea uk-oba lokoli80 yeukok-eli eSln6Z0 apa , ziBebenzela eziBwini zazo oglpezu koko­ba 'loilunll nkunceda ahaoto,

• •

I rogby)"o Mgqibelo we 30 Mly ibi pallali kwe fitet telm ye aamilton oe !:IpTlng Rose !uri New BrigbtOD Oval, Impempe ivote lwa DiU Moo . Simpie Matebe. Zatyiwa i aamilton zala

:riDua yi SpriDg Rue 6'0, imbi kodwa loto yokubl i referee ide iwovutele kude kobe kaoe um lozi ibizela pakatl abadl_1i ibe lIokolla bldukiuyo. Leoto mayi luoyokelwe ziod lal i zinga kltazaoi De refe ree, ZOD a zigoi oe iusba lomd lalo, Psmbi kwalo mdilio koqubieelle i se. ooud team IIwa zezo olob i referee iogo Mo u. J. MarwaoQa kwue New Brightoo azatYloa (pointleaa draw)

Jo. omblaba we Orieotal e Konten

knqnbieene i Orieotll oe Ouioo, i fi re t team,omlozl OVOtelwa lI8n \1DU , Ca.

wood NfillI8i, nazo zatabo nge pOlotless draw, Knmdlalo obe D.kati kwe aellood team ye Eaahrn ne Orielltll , zi wioile j Orieob. le oge 5 O.

U Mr . J. W, YaDtolo wa lapa oodu'

luke 080lwe Sine Iwe p'elileyo wasiola e NgQuebwa , ubiya mpsla uWBebeozi we h :8or.D08 . [bl yi ododan" epilil~yo

o Weloome, eminyaka ima 15 ilapa U Mnu. Albert JODaB wise QODoe kwi N, R, O. odll1le Ipa tlgolwe !:)Ibini Iwe

26 ~ay eeiol'" e Rafu ogo msebenzi okaulezileyo wabo, ika08eleke i;:::'iIi la kakulu inkoei leyo. U Moo, Alfred Kwatsba wodomo Iwe poet office yase

Cookbooae wa p'nma kola maebeozi wlye oe 13 yalfs ekuwo, olapa olloko

ogolro.fona Bikolobo 8imbi, U Moo. Wallaoe Magwauza ozak'e­

la umk' aogo omkulu "16 6ra e Maio Street. Naw Bride oBoawand a kwe abisb ioi lake " YioQubela too to," U Mon. Ed. Dobu uzitengela i Dbev.

oo tle kwa DO Moo. W. Sui neorose Die Ford Sedao eoolnaoe. Siwyiaaoa olbo 0 Ngoooda 00 Tabawe aba, " Pa·

mbili zioto lIakot!."

• Ezase AlavDi.

Kotll.aoi tide w.k:otabw .. eb .. leoi oge n80z1 a~'I(umeoe emdlaJweoi, ya h iW8

I Alvaol oge 6·3 ap" kurute! .. ok. Ma. sabalala wall""a ({om ani bayi Jiyam"9 _

ma i Aluni okuba nyakwazi uko':u

pata tlm.dlalo. K wa babe dial a sip.ole aba kWI old 9'00k J. B. Maz:i W J 'l'Iablnhbaoa, Maaabaiaia 00' Q~ll : lIodwa utlldlalo wooiwe yiogqele, abioo moya ovntuzayo, etabo looto ya oqaoda naba booeli. Ngokohlwa yaba yj Dlo enkolo enillwa yi Big Foor }'o dom':

J-:v~ ~wa . Ko~aoi okoba, bekooga bandi BIQlollekde I Ohloag.o Bsli ibiya kuba 00100! ukoba Olleolsa bonks abao~ A badla1i be Ragby beze ogoeornbe w'

LorrY,omteba wom Afrika, kwaye i Bi; Foor I bamba ogo raoa 9O'a S~deblker ;;e Bedao Oar ka Mr, Mabluhbaoa Igama lalo motor liar ogu " TulaDdivile."

U Rev. E. M.ntele, wo dom o olable e Sprio.e oe !>Ye{m, klUlJe 00 Mni •

KO'I~a e-Helbele hldlale apa be.iogl e GOb, o" olluqala ebet-yelele ebukweo ' kwa Hasbiya. I

• • • •

Oti!l Zioyembezi" abemi bus New Brigbtoll balablekelwe litya l. ababe blmbeDe De Kaneale yua Shai oge rente, I yo cebeBiti abemi zipbakawile, .ziko oaeotet weoi. U Zinyembezi owu­bonloMls kakulu tlmzi kwi Kansele ulub. iOllawudllkueliei ugokungako­mbi abc baeemV6 0118 reche, ngeD2eni yokuoQlltyelwa o&owaeDenzi oolrnlamba kwabaot-c , wattbo niti uesba elizayo kakolu ngakumbi kubanto abangaModaoga, Ute zinqabile inkokeli %0i:wenllll8 k-wabantBtllIdu, oaBi· pinl i, ibbaDn eeik9O'aziyo okneebeD.Ei.a io"'o et-bDllayo oao y.liaayo uiotlaoga-

I K'aba Ie Buoto L. Teonia O.Iob yael Roraten IIndolo¥e Dge meyiia yue MouM oge OIWI nllokublwa ) e 31 May !lsinga e SOOlerset Eaet liya kodlala De Combi ned Teooie team fa llooa ngo M"9nlo we 19t Jooe . Kwaba blUDbileyo sioi.balola 0 Mile88 Femele, Sill'o:lo V. Sioti, oa MaDaoe 0 I;)egakoeog ' Tblaroloe, Mapiilitla 00 Le~eaoe , "Nl boye oe 8ame leyo zl oto zakoti " .

o E Z I L 0 • • • • •

o Vllliodlela (Patbfiodere) bebe kam. pia-be oluDJ:weweni huae New Brigb

ton bofike 010 Mgqibelo nana omhla wo So May, bezoku qeqeabwa illtauk:n ezillbtn z1Il,qonyell ezimblope 8ziogo Mr. (Div18100al Patbfioder) eooedllwa Ii oeoe la98 (Fod Hire) Oollege 0 !.:fr. aarrill kwa 00 Mr. Webb lIIIa lapa e Bbai. KWlba balalekileyo 0

Va(jodleta abebekona al oga baloI. 0

Rev, J. Oalah 00 Malgbu kooy. oe tihbala 0 Lobabe, Foloy no Bltela, L, Nowaoa, BiolllBateb! ke olle raok and 61e, kodwa bebenla pezu kwa wa 30, Bebulliwe ogo Zaoazo okuba ba y! taoda o jlo ia a iogqeqeebo abue kuyo

epa bat;e baoga bakweta be oyan! be p'etelwe oga malJaDkata Imb!ope la nelwo olleotia apa , ba VUlwa kwaae k08eoi nkoya koquba lie ba·driJi8we ieoinl yooke. Bevele a Oradook Add,


Iadwelldw. : U &Ov, O. Nyorabo

10 uyioiie apa i HonllY Mooo yake, kanye Ilomtsbakui, baY; lungieet.elll

kuoY4 Iloknbilia Ipa kwe oontennoe yo Q0I80e'OWD Dlenio' y,ma A. M. E, Chnroh paht;' ko May, u Rev. 0, Nyombolo ayl PreaidiliS Elder, nayo oke waya oael Heshele ngoA 112m apo a.qibe kooa ivoki aziliqeta, 8i!be babn­yela okayenllabo k .. a Komaoi.

Umoo'9O'abo ooga qeJ.ekulla aboow ap~ osolw. Sitlto ofudltlktyo. Um~ 00 wlbo wo mti a B."o a Seloano (0 Tlbahhi Looa&ioo). nkoltehrll ttl~ ban~8Da aba nla mdllmpile (Baod of HoPI) abao.a pezu kwe 100. Rtl II_ odola amatempUe am. 00. Kcko oaba batuodlai .Ren, Milk.,.., Kpalil& 00

Khan" nnYIl oe llqiq atihle la bao~u obtlf I,odela tdlaka, U lUi '" ubelUnbgU elitembekilllYo J. Te.mpila DOm BameoM omdala WIS' A M. E.Oburdb.


A6:Uff.)NKKI CASTOR OI L oom. omuti Qadl.ayo il;aoya no

HARnEY'S ORIENTAL VERMlFUG.E Ilwabadala oallwab'ocle

zi,lwutanda . '61tolo oteoga lIuSII eUlga lila

HARTLEY'S ooomfalleki!o we ~:,,~~,~ egabberd. II l1g'lwllvuml 11:0.

tomela Imali II 1/6 oge potli kn

A, H, TODD, LTD Umkemisi- "Endhlovinl"

RED HIT.!" NATAL, • Wobou laltolll otugl kUlO obone

.. bl. IIkub. igabba Iklloilia 100. Ii nul tornbe Ie odblo"l'u

, . Lovedale, Fart Hue, Port Elizabeth oale TlOera.

Iyeza Woods Great Pepparwiat liIu . ollele klkalo Ukoblokohlo ne Ngqele

Abavlugeli bodomo bama Weaile aba·NaID. J. Mkwane DO Giayana balapa nge mvoBeleio pakatl komlli.

Imidlalo Dge 1st Juoe i Uoloo yl!.1apa yabadl,1i be RuSby, idille i Team s ezimbioi apa nilwa Komaoi 0 "A"

"8" T K I "8" 00 elms. uqa a 0

Team u . ~ B '. walap&. wabetwa ogowa kwa Komaoi age 3·oil . Impempe ivn· telwa Illlolla Ngzlld Kwalalldela I Cop matoh jabe blla, i clob ya lapa Deyase BUfRbefsdorp Becood TeltolDe bedlalela i P!1Iay Cup . Ya betwa eyllapa nge 5·3, knvotela 0 Mou. W. Beok (owe bala) , Kwa gqibela u " A" Teama 10 ibe ogo mtHalo onzima maoala oozole kuaeoe, omoS'o wabl d l.1i b,kwa

• •

Ekubelli i Wleilo imaoyeoe De Pri·

Yom.I ... Iziblur. .ako kahini N,ap ... I.

E .Is. lieta lib. Thata

b. Feta.

b. bl. Hah.1i


mitiv8 kwoli lillwe u~l!biot8ho 1'1'1'. be.­fuodiei lip. laDle ogale odlel.: Rev. Mp.liea (Primitive) utBbiotebalwB 6 FraDkfor~, u Rov. Mbambi (W~8ile) e Burgberedorp uya II Upiugtoo twol. Maqwolace, apa kun 0 Rev. Si~iBbo waae RloomfOD'oiu, e BnrRbefedorp tuu n Rev. M,yekiso waRe 'Fraultfort, baya an tohintaha ugombla we let July.

nyaka egqitileyo umtato woko oyaDzllla abalui okopata 110mapasi wa1iwa yi Koograsi etiokondlooi lad a olobyala lako~wetrw. yi Nkulo·j.ji jikelele a Blaemfooteio, kwa gwetyelwa abal.,?i; ngllko oko aba yaPBI110 110mapaai aogo­kohlwa kuoo. Akuko bobi Bibazi),o obote baqotywa ngabalazi ngaon ),0· kon!!ap,ti kwabo 110mapui ukososela ogoko; kodw. kuoaol into )'okuba i7oi­patamaodla aiBoloko lo:ibagIeleabilo kuba oako Mmbl.nje 'vombololu . as NlIBbo· ma)'alo ebabu)'i1a kwakulo odalo yobo koboka· Zemk' iokomo. madoda 1 Si­tsbo koni liiokokeli zakwa Nto, nabo abalazi benn, oooyoko kooye neotombi zeou enizi (und's. oziOla zipuOlelele i Mattia ne Blyeyi oamala ziultuba. ogo , Heyi weaa, kipa 10PIBi ' ellzweoi 10ko­zalwa koylie: kodwa 11oma.nklZall8 ooke eotlanga 0lleotl11onga oallinge mblo' pe, ezizele okou kobuta iodyebo )'e Afrika ngorwebo ojalo ojllo, lIliba· mba ogokotaoda ngenkulalako. Uoo 0~lIb9mbenJ:a no~uti pa~a okumaoyom' u)'ezi ekotwa kuoyaogwa kooa aknko pakati kwa mnyama odwa. Yilwaoi amadabi eon ogemviBiBwaoo oe .110 maweta, koda kovokoteke.

• • •

I Rail Car 8eyibamha paKat! kwo Alvltli ne Bloemfootein agemiai okn' ogoko loliwtI oguo. IDe lat, 2nd De 3rd ClaB8 oompartments.

• • • •

Umnn, 8, P. lapa uke wenr,a, mioimbi.

Ziawaua, i· Toliki )'. ".mhalw& ekaya og8


Okuqioa imihlati ok,oyo igui DIm­ngeowa yhyefo. okubaullolwa Iioxab. sain.ogozi y.n~o koase J:a Z;~8 z.tao­lozelwa Dcokot.nji~w. nga Chamber­laio's P,io Balm. I1wa ubllbovu futi ibolala neroro ezibangela ezizifo. Futi ioyaoga amanxeba eogek-bina bubovo naogo usbaoa elifotsbaoe ka­kola kooamao)'e amayeza. ltengiewa ziveoldle 1500ke.

• Amapasi Abafazi

Ntsundu. Aha

Akuko oamanoioaoe amabaodabozo .baaJe pa"aU IIwabarondi belipepa , abazlfuodela iBkwlbsbibsbi babooile kwele nlri epelileyo. ok okaba lI:ako lotshoma)'elo epapasbwe ago rnlome· o lia abeka omtwalo pszo kwa maokit,­zaoa akwa ~Ho okoba ukususela ngom ' bla wokogala kuyo leoyaaga makapate ipaei:n abamba elaolweoi Iwe dolopu ogolrnhlw.; eeo spe,sbele ulalisw. oohogeoi ruse egwo'ywa; naye lranksla okokoba ogeau yoll:o ngui". kakllble Ie Ntabumayelo, seb&­IIqels abalasl abuifomeoe lebe miswe psmbi ko mblekal'li ogealmaoga sOR ollabi oapaillase bOloku pakati komzi wue aaotini.

Umsl wokumbula okokoba kwi mi-

• I-Xala Lo Mfazi.

U.bu. ObUEWI ngl 8aniazi.

"' Nllaba koko oto na eook1l1ldi bo­yisela kwela bala lam Ie odalo na ma­odla ehe ndike ndibe oawo ? " Ngn mbaso Iowa obollwa oga bafazi oe otombi ezioior;i 881 ggitywe nga msebs· olli a .. a fati I'l8pelelwa Ii lasi.

Iakablo. oluati oga muesba ama· Diom koko Isheolla ngap6lu kwa mandla abo, lonto ke inoa noe okwomelela kwabo. Be diniwe be dalmmbile lonke ixeabl,:.eba sebenu omsabaozi wabo we mibla ngoloq'ela kwe nll lzi­yo kupeh, kUya mangali .. olloti babe aba p'okeh", yi mpllo mpela·mpela. Ba.tya kaocioaoe .kao'j ooko abaaa kn kwe\Jiu lube u'Ylfo laka)a k ~oga ogoknba ullobamb. kwi ndawo eOY1l1l. yo knbeo:aa babe .nep·ika ookube" kwe ntliziyo, Z.Hlke.ezinklltazo llibaogelw& kap·eleh ... Ii gui, evinto leyo elntshaba Iwe Delle emfuioi. kwaye njeogoko ku­suiwa, IDka~JU'.o J1emi~mbo oazo zj· 8uka kwaae guioi alibit),iJe)'o.

l'mt)'ebili gaEi oe yeza. eliookote ojwa ogenyani zi Dr. William's piok pilla ... yo, ngapezo lewayo yooke eoye ioto: ziooed", aba fa.zi aba mbatebiJeyo be bohtalla lIabt! (lI.oe hezi roqa bao~e nampilo kooke, tu'l konlleko mini bake bll. zive be namnadla o~usebeoza. Ezl pilisi l.IIaneli Iro tyeblsa i ali kop'ela, ddala kaoye Igazi eJihba, baye obona booq 'ina ba ubiso lazo ikokunoooywa zio'ombi oa bafazi abonwabileyo kuyo yonke imilii kweli liswe.

Nq'inisila ollokwako iubiso Ie Dr.

• Ezase Lady Frere.


Lobe lolooye Jweotsoko ezi mnandi 1101'a kwa Tyopo, i Ascen!ion Oay, lob. sasilikelwo zi/iblobo uae Komllni. ZillO kokaogela akub110 i ntene~ya llJlenyani BiYlyi bonana. Nempi yaae Iodwe iso' dlala neya i Football kwaoga leyo mioi

Kwimpi yase Komaui aiollabalola It.maoanekazi awayeko: Mrs La!l:al11o kallio, Lad)'·aapli., Mra· B· W. S. Beo · Ma ;,w1, Mi89 S. Ie Roax, Sieter Tio), Mgole no Mill L. Dwaoe ; nalamanooa R. T . Mona, i preiliden' yale mpi, T. Ntnmbola. J. Beo-Mazwi i aap'" J, NtDllg0, WiJlrilleoo, J . Mtyobo, 1::Jalooi, E . S Maole nellnye ioooe. Kwe),aee lodwe Blogakankanra lamanenl . T. D. May, F. p. More, p. NIIOIO i aap~ -, M. 'ambo, M. Q'o"~o. oelinye iqela 1I11)n Bizi ogaRngabin.ko akalaka amallama al:l ' Umdlalo we n~oetya ngolllble kunene. Kwamnandi okobona naba' bokeli abamblope bodidi olnpakamill),o abanje ngo Moo. E. L. Harrils. llIlantyi eoli:ulu Yalapa, MOD. R. B Baker, i manager y8 fama ye Bnolla, a Mllo. B. S. MaodeU obeeakuba ogomnye 11'1'000· b'a118 06.i ka mao.yi kooya nam110 kORazaoa Barriel

Umdlalo waba qllta kwaseko sokeni, kwamdaka .meblo, mpi vaBe Komani izi mleele nkuI' ela. Si),'Ioku oooma oko qioa kwempi yaBe KomlDi, nobo Dole bnkopah kwe oaptain 1ak1'1 o., a Julie. llllpi yalap& noko kwabonakala okaba idlala ioa otaka ya80 ikutuwa koronga x'ali kwamaneoekazi ayo, la Mrs. La' kboatbi . L ·dy·o"p1., Mra . Obose, Minas p. S~-oi no B . Jorda.o. Oil! kwuuble OOkll pila koka Mall aarellef. Ebo· uzimeni yabetwa I Komani nJ:e 3 sets·

Kate eknpetweni komdJalo n Moreoa Bet: L-kboUbi, i aaptai n ye'n yenn aOlba'wot., \ a hb,o ioel. 0 Presideot \Jnn . T 8 Nooj;l:lll okoba ake atete De ndwe· odwe. Yeta! IIlf odioi wa~sbo oged q 'azolo een~etoukwamkel'" oodweodwe, wavi qloi8a klll:ol0 ioto yokoba a Moo. &. T. M"oa aloecioe uaapo Iwa!e Ko­maoi. note elllveoi kolla waoela u Mona ukUDa olloye allze amuwl: obo­lela obable bomdlalo wl'lyinooma kakoln iuqobele. yalolllzi ka Tyopo, wapeta oce' hti u " Maoyaoo IIl/:a maodll!o."

Umd lalo we Football 108180 wawil oZlma koba Dlmbla ilriuto 7oazi og"raoi kwadlaoa intilitnbl, Y110ti kanbi impi vase Ndwe ize izilllisele uknllamba lu la. AkobanR11o ojalo kooa. Yahetwa kilo bnc illollo. Noilo a)'i~aod9kaolll iodleJa .balwamkele),o llgayo nloyiao lwabo, kobll Biva aruba abuaogo bav ome DO· kobol;Bwa. Imbi l oo~oroaweto. ma)'i­pele okoze nemidlalo ilonge.

Ngokublwa kwalo mbla kobeko" Om' qolo we Namba" oweozolwe indwe ndwe. WllDllandi ambia, i plaao i Williams' pi ok pill! ogorm zilinga kwa

namblaoJe. Koza 100ke ivenllile, oka oye n90 kwabe Dr, Williams' Med/olol Co., p ,O , BOI 604, aape Towo . 31, 3d. 088 bbotile, o kaoye ezi­otanda~ nit! 1&. kuoga h'ltalwa poei .

beza Wood! Grea' Peppermioi IiIn· ngele kakuln Ukobloioblo ne Ngqele.


Represent the Best Quality and Value Obtainable.

FULL 100 SHEETS. Ruled with Margin

The Pad with the Largest Sale in the World


ootahelwo yintoka Wllkiason, mrondioi I hai u),ayi bona nomtllngo w!l.yo. Yemka impi ebusuku ko mnandi .

U Mnu. T. S. Noogn no "Tild" Qiol' bl!oke beoza cmbsi we ok:ao uk:oya e WbittleBea apo bekuko i Show Y080' eithili. U TOld ooooma obo mo,adi boltu bamba no Unole T.S. kwabs mtJ80-odi okuboa. koo. iqela elikulu laso Komaoi: amakoBikni Ntumbni:a, 9t· Ngqlodo, B. T. Mona, Thea B. Jor· daan, nlmakos&zana Gertrnde Ntlabari, M. Saga, SiBbaba , boba.binl 0 Mahbi­kiu, namaoye amanenekaz; epipoBwe ngamagama awo, llal11omaoeoe M{Qndiei Muwi, F. Gxoyiya, W . Mabbiki ... 0 Bell-Mazwi kanye oaqela Ie narktolVn Darkiea ; yaba moaodi Ie ,sbow imible imibooiso oglkombi in~o eyenziwe oge · itlndla. U -KebaBi wahoya ne b'aso Ie sibeQu 88 nqwelo (wbip).

• Umanyano Lungamandla.

~uogo~izi oIoozoJo eB!vaka!i~a OgoU. Bblya. ehpakade kulla Sipo. um{aOa ka Mnomllao" Haory Badasi wllkw. MaJ'Jmbolo enli:ompon i o geuko. ozo kweli las., Raotioi. Umll nq., leke ngombll 1 ku Jnoe 10 waza waswel811a e~oaeDi ogolllb!~ 9 eBa siob dlela apo e City Deep ::'1'i'eJaoa !lomzi wakwa DI,ngamaodll kwui Bibelegu, aBiti kuwo Akuhlaogll luogebl .. oga. ma­wetu.

Indlela Yemvel' Emipungeni.

I· PEPS zi Pilisi EzimUl&aliuI0 En Pefumlekayo ZO Mqlla 1)0 Qoqoqo.

- -M"hleli,-Noeda oodip, isibaba kolo . Umoi.Olbl wo~o ngeni!a nqo Iyeza

muba ka Ntu. ogoka slogeBele kalatBba iJyo emlpungenl uae:l88ha elide UBID _

twe A[tika entBuodo ndisiti. okuba si· getwe ngogqira oam&goiBa. Ngoka fa. ngaba Blogabazami bokweou abalo · nyaowa kwe Pep!l, lomoimbi noooJula . ogisa,,,bafel; benyaaiso, ab"twlli bom' lire. Eliyeu, libalulekileyo eUpefum_ oqamiBilo. Aman'lqioa ka YdBO Kriatu lekayo,.ehbunJ'a'e leoz;"a ipiti!i ezio· ke lawo azamela Ilkoba inbaodo ka Tu:o tlana, hn~(Q.andla oknuyaoga imipunga yeoziwe apa emhlabeoi njougokoba i8a- ~o~lIlaze Imlt~mbo ebntataka, Iibalale osiwa Eatllwini; ya)'e oemiumo yetu Imltambo yesdo e!liyiugo);i, IidambiBe ioga lalllbati ku Tixo. i ukukohlela olubi loti Uvnla intanja

Ndi oale ngoinga, yoltokoba ngati iogali zoku. pe(umla. lioge elible eli lokokaba ziti zonEe ima- Ipllia, ~e. Pepe iti yai:1Iha iayibilika nvaoo zodad~na ezi paotsi kweli gllll" emlouyeol Ikope umpaog. oGamaodla Y. M. O. A zimaayane ollelizwi lika eyen aye oqo emipuogeni, ogollataa­TiIO. age njongo. ogezimoo, oangom· ~wa k:upaf?-mJa. Lompanga ke ahamba ulo. Siume okopskamiaa al1lteba l~tuoJa eZlbutat.&ka zokopefnlDl.a eziye Iweaizwe eeintaolldll oln ngaPakabi ooln zlDga tiblel"a ngamayeza okohlokohlu ogapandle. K:odwa Ukab110 panhi kweli &&&Iwayo aye 86i8.ioi. gama Y M C. A· }'ododaoa- Binako [ .Pepa azinyaagi kupela inkatazo ollweau ouka nokoba. looye en),akeni, eaeYlkooa. YOlDqala ooqoqoqo, tOO"a Benze ollltaadazo a),akuti oake amado· ama.udla zo alikelela .,bolale oemitambo da~a &l'l0 zonke Imnba, adibllona kana y~!ifo k~i.o~"wo e't.inqabilayo. 1 Pep. etandllllDla nEazi IIcina ookozipa~a ka- zltoba ztptheele amq"la toti zikanletfl kobi kolu~aba. Wakuba ke oCDlia,Ja zidlmbige ukovuta neotlango kwin­nombioj&oa aotsundu uogeoa kol'loodeka tooja ezibutataka zoka pefaOlla.. Zi ­uogen~kuld"manall:!I, elDakaya naie zi· kolola,iz!ko?tala ezita noa, zellZe upe. nkoozw&ni zakawe lika TiIO. I izwi fomle .ula zJtebo z omeine yooke ilDi . letu litinl na? hioelo se~u Biyioboio&? tamho yoqoqoqo. Siyak',la na aokuba 10.'i'0)'01 Zilkoba I Pepe zlnlQ lu'1l''' og,magqira 11obalu­iotaoga zallo, okaoye ieiblabao(l esi lekile)'o t:lliyeas eliogeoa ogozi, a h uodn I!ldah, kanti ooko koliodeleko elite nqo 10koblollobJo, 10oJ!:qole, ioqoqo­abafood!81kt1.zi.abavaogeli nabavangeli- '10, lomqala, lendilJll"" 101l0'81l'ioa eaifu­klli, na laa,bumayoli ogokunl,lo. beoi ouo zooka iotloogo asiplbelelll

Okoba ke oall:ouma llIlizamo yonn emqllJeoi. osiCobeo; Ilase mipu 05eoi. Krista madoda na e Afrika Eoteunda. Teoga ibbokiei komiemisi waknoi kooa. lliyakni:lonakala apa. kuu~aoe1i apa oa~blaolo I Eve lB. 6d. inepiliai ozi­kodwIII, nas6 Iizweai looke oioie ogefi ogama 35, e)'e 3s. 6d. yayaodln, inezl­b·aoe ezimip:I oezu kweotaba lIiouoa ogam"} 105. kafiblakala. Biqonda lento mad dana akow to .• koko sizwe aaIa naindlBwl. Beaio}e isizwa. Kungeko bantu bake baku\u\wa nllabaogalll",ziyo a TiIo .


Pod Elizabetb, --Oru Itorup~odull ioteto. w QlDllqolo 00

M{~n Ayil{llgi. Korindlowo yoltuqalll "IIdin,lla. oebiija ab~blobo b~m ulmba blDt:one a· Hamon ·

E. ihroalJ teoi Engowele h Krilltu .. Ndiqioi.He~l l e bo:

laoo [l.)linl1. kupullla Imbo mtel.o eI1l.1]' n,llMl 1:-----::-:-"'=-:-:--:------­bil.pUffi!l. 1I0oa, Mabapaula ukuba I1.balur><h.i aba."80 Yoau yeoa ekougl ) ku~"ko 011:0' SAFETY FIRST. k .. li ifllnl nlye. oengekoyO 03Qlbh,, n DRI sayi ku.e bello efllolla Illye enililllobelu N~clko, lie. b ~lIuo i,;ipo!lO zabo. k .. a)'e Wnll' b,n .. l .. killl ukuba baRIII'etywa oonkll b6pela. nllolenw IOlOnY80l1ibi whlaumb, lab",bini. Nin!l oihni de e in';1aQ kwelili .. we. Imill8b1\nzl yalama doth kukuluogilolcla. iroipelomlo yenu, lIyi· luogisaleili. il;,;"'8 elizayo. Zonke iol1:ollll l. ...'u .enyllllDll .i1abD. ~ II .. a uk .... e<>ula ukuha. Zlbe namand ll o~benaeni om.abBnll .... .-0. No.ompefumlo illkokeli aimelwi k"ukusiuu • ",anIOo.unjalo. si IlB",kal •• i. Akll 0. nanye into 80. ,bull ing. ebuclwenl. Bambllln. I . ~ I .. -ngaui.o BIb", Kot e!i. nilllUflise IIUIIM :IolDll­dial. eD!tolilwaDl Ira Ti.J:o. Munoi nku011' lip.

BENJ . N . V. MON&"'.U,J, QiOI, P.O. Bullerwor,h.

0&. 0 YOr). 810 rn "od nelll at the 8\mot ~hoe ~ It oot ~bi)riI iB 80me­.bio'l wrong wl~1:t yonr eye aigbli

Dol yon eee Bpoh? Doe~ the BOO worey yoor eyes) Wb), no~ makl euro that yonr eyea ate O.K

We do not cbarge tor teB~ing. aome in. There il nl) obliga'ioo to boy .


UMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHA!I'NESBURG, 13TH JUNE, 1931. , --~~~~--------------




TBa CaOS! _9 A SOOJ.u. Pl\llIOIl'La.

Social Cbange is BroulI;ot. About Through t.he SuiJeriog of ;0000 for Otben.

Daa,. Stud,. Mood." JUDe ISIll, Read Mark 12 : 1-9. Tbe Propbetic SUCCH'


The vineyard parable .aa meant. a. .. picture of Jewi8h blelmy By the Mr •• nla who oame to lummon tbe n& tion ~ obedieo~. Jetu8 meaot the propbeu. The billory of the Bebrew people .a,.II) rked by .. unique .UQ·

oeUiOD ,f m ' o wbo had experieooed God who lind in the 0008010U10688 of the E~ro.l, who Judged the natlOoal life by the ataodard of dIvine righteool ne88, and ",bo apoke to their generation •• reprM~otatlvu of Ood Tbe apirit of t he'" men and tbe indireot perma· Ol!!ot in8ueooe lhey gained in their na, tiOD gin tbe Old Tettameot. ita incom. parable power .0 impel aod iosplre U8.

They were the mOYiDg foroe iD the ApiriLual progr6S8 of their Dation Yet J"NUIII here IIIket.obell their fate 8t ooe of .ufferiog aod rejeotion .

Tutsd" , Jone 16tb. Reid h.iah 53:4 -8 The Sllffering SenaDt of Jehouh .

10 part. of laaiab arll a number of eeotioDl dellOribiog tbe oh& and miaeion of .. tbe aervaoL of Jehovah" Whom did tbe writer mean t A lIIiogle great perllOoality ' The ao1feriog aDd exiled Bebre" oa­uno '! A godly aod ioapired group of prophet.e witbio oation ? The -Chriat.ian Cbu roh hal at"aya 111860 in thie servaot of Jehouh a striking pro pheoy of Chrilt. The fact that. tbe

iDtMpretatioo hu long heen in qaMtioo that the obaraoteriatioa of the I8rnnt of Jebonh can be traced in .. ,yiog d"gre .. in the na'ion, in the prophetio Older. in alOgle propheta, and pre-emioently In the g'elt.oulmioating .figure al aU prophethood. leaiah 53 delcribel the aerYaot 01 Jehovab .. yeleoted aod deapised, miaondentood, bearing the tranlgrMSioDl and chutiae· meot of. aU . It il the first great. formnlatioo of tbe faot of vicarioul aoffering in bomanit.y.-of the loffer· l og of ODe or a few for tbe many.

Wednes.dIJ, Juoe 17th. Read Malt. 11: 1· 10 i 16 -19 A. CootempnrlJ'}' Prophet.

Jeeul belined io Pre8f'ot day inspi. n.UOD. He aDd hia frieod. bad lIMO

one great. propbet, fearleu beroio. witb aU tbe marks of tbe t.ype, a me8lJeager of God iDaugorating a Dew era of .piritoal fermaot. (n. 12. 13). Bnt Jobn had to bear tbe propbet's lot He w .. tbeo in pri80n for the orime of t~lling a kIng tbe trutb, aod "aa aoon to die to pl" .. e a Yiodiotlve w.,lIIao. Th,. people. too, had wagged tbeir bead!! onr him Li~ pouling oh ildrf'n 00 tbe publio equare. "b) .. won', play," wnf!t.ber the game prOpOHed il . wedding or fun. ral , tbe people bad ~riticized Jobn for being'" gleomy a,­cetio, aud found fault with JelUl for hia abockJD~ oheerlolnetll, The", W81

00 way of l uitin \! tilem. aDd no way of making them take tbe o.n of God to beart.




E N DHL.OVINI (Abautu ban,an,w. apa)

0..011 ........... 1"'" 1lbcuiI.,. ... .,. .alt. ..... .ok. btu.,..


BHAt.£l..A Kt.· l-

A. H TODD, Ltd. Endblovl.' R.d Hili, •• '_1.


ThrsdaJ, JIIDe 18tb Read Luke J3 .31 34 lookio, ~·orw.,d 10 tb e Crou.

Jesua early kne" that the deoilloo w .. I(oiog againet him. lie 18" the 01081 011 thu horizon of h .. life 10Dg be­fore otberl law it. Paintpn bave pio· lured blm io bit fatber'l oa rpenter ahop, witb t.ool. 00 bill aboulder, gaz. iug down at bioI IIbadow .baped like a oro... Be acot-pted de4tb oooloiou·dy and" ateadfaltly aet hiB faoe to go up to Jl'ruBalem .. tbough be koew wbat wal "waitiog him. Jeru alem had ao· quired a lad pre eminence as tbe plaoe "bere tbe Itrug~!el belw~o the pro. pbate 8nd tbe heada of thd oatioo were aettlcd. He la_ hiS owo d~atb aa part of tbe proobetlo luooeallon. He weot to It, DO~ U a driveo slltove, but as 8.

fref) .piri t Tbat jaoka.l of a king. Berod. 00 lid not aoare bim out of aalhlee. Ril time w'a In hla Fatber a hand. To day, tomorrow, and the day following, be would work, aod theo be would be perfeoted .

Frida" Jone 19tb. Read Mati. 23 29 36. New PrepbetJ 10 Follow.

Tbia ia tba ali max of the great 10

native agaioat tha r ~ligiooaleaden of the nation . Tbe lut. oouot io the IDdiotment ia tbat. they are about to oomplete the record of tbe fathe,. by rejecting and peraeoutiog prophet. of their geoeratioo. The faot had lIonk ioto the publio miod that. former geoerationlll bad beeo guilty of thil . " If "e had heen in the daYI of our fathen , we IIbould oat baye heeD par· taken "it.h tbem in the blood of tbe propheta." Jl!lllnl promia68 to make it

teat of tbia &Qd foretella tbat they .iIl go tbe old way and 80 declare their apiritual ootne. with the aina of the put We tee hera tbat. he tboogbt of h18 d llOi plu .. moving in the propbetio IOooe,aiOD. fI Halt thoo ohoeeo, 0 my people, on

wboee party tbou abalt ltand . Ere the Doom from it, "oro lIaodal,

abakea tbe dOlt Igainl" the landt •. I. 'el'er IIIboWI 'be oboioa momentoos

till the jnd.mant batb PIII&d by."

S.tOtdl" JllDe 20th. Read Mati . 16 : 21 ·25 The Croulor All .

Wbeo tbe ~ida Will tarnlos a liltl nat JUDI, be WIlLed tbe at&ltade of tbe inner cireltl of bil dlliloipln. aDd dtew from Peter 00 behalf of all a rlogiog deolau\iol;l 01 lal,b aod loyalty (",. 18·16). "From 'bat tilDe, • Jalul be­sao ~o abare witb them bie outlook toward daa,b. Peter upulBed 'be Ibook wblob aU lei' aDd ptOtel\ed agalolt .be pol8lbilih" Tbe nbem/:lnDe wilb wb lcb Jeaua tflp'lIed p.,~r I log­genion givel UI a 8limp~8 or tbe Inoer a'ru~glal in bll miod, 01 whicb we get a faller revel.tloo in bill ptI)'er 10 Ge\baamana. t10t ioahad 01 rdeedlng Irol'Xl bi. predll:moo t.I th" oroa8, be u:p\od d I' by II log tbe onhga.i U II I I

propbe&io I If flog 00 aU bla d,.olplea. Tbtlir ,d l u~~meDt t lward tb t dOl.tiD)' would I' ~he .Hoe time be the aaUle* meot of the r own ulv tiJo. WbeQ tb Klol!dolD of God II a~ IIhke .• m,o uVlla hi' I (e 0)' 1081ng It >lod loa.,. bi" life by uviag it. and .be lOla of hi~ biguel eelf 0&0 DO' ba ITIlI' b) &oy amiJun' II' 6X erDa! gain

SI.Odl" JuDe 21st. Read Mall . 10 16·20; Mati 21: 4Z; Mill 5 1012

I be CoosolltlOOI of Ihe Prophel

Th,ne tbreo palnge~ lJJ:preS8 tbre6 cln .. olatioo l for th08e who ahare pro pbe~io oppoeitloo witb Cbrlat Tbey Will bave to face ,rellot odd., nnmben aDd weigbt will be agaioat tbem. Bo~ there wiil be a quiet voion wlthlo to promp~ tbem aod IU"aiD them .. h ia oot )'a tblt apeaJr:, bot the Spirit of yoor F.tber tbat IIIp~ lJr:etb 10 roo •.

Tbe leonod ooololat!oo iii tbl' the higber court will revena th. verdiot of

Omu~i we Wood. Or .. ' Pepparmio' 01001.1, nko Kw.hlela 00 Mkbublaaa .

'be lower. T be Itonem UOIU m,,), look a .~oQa ovar !'Ind ooociode bbl!,' It will no. fit ioto tbo tlUildlO:. hut tbl ar' cbit(!o. mil}' have re~ervad .b~. ItCloe for tbe he!'ld of tbe coroer, Tbe pro' ~,het rllnth' livu to aee his nwo bla~r· iell vindloAtion, but ,.ith Jr:nowalt I inavihble.

tba II" of the Be"titodal. Thou wa are parleouted for rigbtaouloel8' ... lre ml!,Y well rejoice for tho oomp"oy tb.ev "ro io, for the Leider wholle oame the V bear, lod for tbe KioRdom of God wbiob i, 00 .... lIud ever Ib.n be tbair beritlge.

lmaRine two Oleo coming t tbe eo of tbair linll. The one ha attaioed Tha third ooo~ol.tioo ill contained iu

UKUTYA OKULUNGE KUBO BONKE. WOllke UhROi kufuoeka epun~e i Oso YODke imihla. Yrnza abRntu ah"kulu kunye nahant.ana bomelele. futi Ibaoqabi.a eilug;uieni. Nika abaot"aoa belr:o 1 Oso IIzoku bona kwabo.

" ,--T~JlI'\'1:;.;mSA NGI'; I{ \01 I,ZfPITMA __ kWlnkonxana ze O'l:O'

lkoldi eZlpuma k"lokoos.a ~e Oso t.iyaku!!indin ima1i yako. Yit.ebo ivenkile yakuru ikunike i · oow.dana.

Yaka Abantwana Abomelele Mpela.

You Must Hear the New




G.E S ~A • B~-st ... . .. t UBtn'I NIURO .. .

Motsi~oa &. M.on&nl . Motaieloa & MODUe.

C .E . 2 f LMUOTIIO K .-. .. . t ORn... .&Dl!Il ... ..

Griffitba Motaieloa.t 00 Sam Pu Laoane.t Co '

Setlogelo &; Put. oe.o.e . G.E 8 r t=~~oor!: LaT9o" . :: : Pnt.eollne .. MODare. C .E. 10 f MO[Jlfo Bot.OU M08Da.IU.amn

l. ROB&LAl'IG ... • ..

Mia Nomyola Muuboll:o . Mial Nom,nla Maao bu.ko.



G E.


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G E,


( MolUoo . Griffitha Mot.eielor. t\ 00

Setlo~lo, Motsieloa. and Monara


t IQfLl1U.

.. ( NnuKo Z'&V ZIlU4T17 <. NOIYA. B BR .. u ..

9 (SOBEK'" Pl!'f4 Tao t WABOZUlWA ...

12 f M.t.RAD£Ba ( Hiki 00 L' ,m1.) (SALUWKLU Taol!:u

13 f NKOSI SII{ELICLA I ArsDt.l. U.MIILU4 W A.31!1 AFlU1j,

U ( MARUI (Tebejaolt) t AlfOml.T4£1Il

Motaieloa .t MOIUU'I!I. Motaielo& k Mocare .

Griffitb:l 'iohioloa Co. , MotJlell" .t Mooara

•.• Sello.;,.(o &. Puteoaol!l • :Uoteieloa , Sut.iogelo ",ad )fooare

Sl"tl lg ,10 &- P .. U!06ne Conff'teootl S>Jtloqe)o & CtJ,

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The Four AIrioaot Griffith" \Iobioloa It Co

ZULU G f M. 8 1 Sr.n ... Motaielo:A & lInoa't'~

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Z03il KOSI lft.H N<lmvula Muubuko ,

l N"I'01I81 " .. UDAL... MliJi Nomvula MuubnJco.

PRiCE 3 /6 Postage on records PRICE 3 '6 I Huord 1/ , 2 tod 3 raoord~ 1,i6, 4. lod 5 rscOtd~ :.l ", 6 aDd 7 raOOtdil '.J/6 e'c.



PO . .... &%1' .

Obtaolble everywbere Ir Irnm


PHO\£. :it 1455 ...


IUCCielil, , •• Ith, eminenco, wit!: • reputation of never baving dODII a coa:lgeau& Ind self-sacrifioing .c~ioo, aoci whb the CIOneoiooeo8s8 'het bie Butil bn grown sman Ie be hiS growl! old. Tbe olher hie been a fighter for the :1Bbt tlsting. poverty Ind oPPoBi t.ion with bie (.molly, yet wi~b cODacious­nBa;- ~b.t he bll b.d the beBt of people COl biB f,ii3nde, load that be hu pub in IODlB mighty ~ood huh lor rij1b.teotls" alEE· Whioh would we rather be"


Evil ie socialized, i08titutioniLized lOci militant, The Klogdom of God lod jiB bliher Isws 011.0 displace it only br conflict. "Trntb. krever on ~be BCI' old, Wrollg!forever on the Throne." Thl! club involves suffering This 81lft'erin8 will fill most heavLly 00 ~bose wbo most o~mp!~tely embody the spirit And ideu of the Kingdom, and who hi'·. ~he neceslary boldneae to make 'he fight.

In most meo tbe eternll maul con­Ilict I!eta only confused understanding. Sot:Debime~ tbe)' are lIorouaed by sent· imentr.i pity or indil!natioD, bu~ 1I00U tire aglio. If tbelr own intlreets Ire Iflected tbe}' figbt well. EDt there are men and women whose minds hive been mlde so Fen8lti"e by peraonal experi· elloe or 80 0IeI08e(\ by r,ght educltion and the spirib of God that tbey take bold or tbe mon l issu8s with a rBllly adaquate uuderstanding. Li"loll soms' bow on the ootskirts of the KIngdom of HeneD, tbey bave Jellorned to thiok and feel aooording to it' hillhar waye, aod when they turu toward .hlngs IS they now are. of COUfBe tbere ie a collision; oot this time a collisioo of ioterests, bot a olub of prinoiples, of jostice with wrong, d truth with cnfty subterfuges. or of aolidarity with predatory selfisb­ueal'·

The life and rite of ~hese iodividuals In tioipatu ths iuues of history. Toia is tbe prophetio qu ality of their IiveJ. Working out tbe monl l td iotelleotual problems io thair minds before the mlu es have relli zed ~hem, tbtly become "be natoral le . ders in ~he fiRbt, clari fy ~he min ds of o~here, aod tbus beoome, not col y ' orerun nen, but 10 ViInabie peri.'o o.1 fl ctors in t be moral progress of th e raoe · ' Tbe Bill l!le living 8plrit8 are t be en'eoti ve un its in sbeplOg bistory, all oommOD teodencies working tOWa rd realization mOl t fir st be oondensed 18

peuonlllorQ!!8 io auob minde, a nd tben by iot.eract.lon between tbem work ~heir way to Igener.l reool!lIi Moo." (Lotze). Lowell's ":?reBent OriB is" Is parhlp!! t be most . owarful poetioal e1presBioo of 'be prophetic luootion io bistory:

Coun t ma o'er ear.h'. obosen heroee - theY WI r. 80018 that stood alone,

~~ hile the men they agoolzed (or burled the oootamellous atooe,

S:'ood serene, and down tbe fotura


• <>CHA .

o entioen, ka h,bm" lie 10kilWI!

PURAU BLOOD MIXTURE Kf mobJoeltili II Dloh~Jo 06 ml.l " • tous ....•..• Ke " hlare II M.l i ... IIlI,be, LihJob6, "I . Ihopo, Lillo Ie bote blooke b wlli , Re O I Ie hhtelF. ete tn bopl. i Lie Iao.og hoble Sout h Alet eIF.ll.

Tbtlto eo OOtlclo 4/6 BOS. LEFOOE POSO

PURANA PURifYI NG PillS BuoDg sa bo pipiUeloa, Ill ltlllubaUo eo Liphio h bb.tsoo Mal., II hloekiBo M oU, li u e~ 01 I II ·we Ii Mill lem. Pili,i eleDllue b bekQ e It-... oe. l.Jo. PUnD.ll Blood Mixture hMa,ro h l.-tuui III PurlDI, PwifyiD8 Pill. MDg "­belt ,. Kooml el'nngue No liplliti • 1m o..h t.h~h laO peli. rbrko ell bollolo 1/6 B08A LEFUOE POSo.

L IH.L ARE TSOBLE TBA PUa"N .... Li Jumlo.o& m.&btmkeloug ohlD'

"H.(' :'>TORE<i. lell. Bubul ~I Iiporei.i.-SEHLE.

H bole that .• bo JUIIIR. o.~ M..,riJina t:\ Pumna uti 1111 ho -


I' '. Bu 51lS

HAt<.. s R • •

aa.w .he goldeo beam inclloe To t.he side 01 perfect jostioe, mlat.ered

by their fait.b divine. By ODe mlo'l pillio truth ~o IDi0bood

aDd to God·" supreme design.

.. By the light of borning hneLic8 Christ'e bleedinR feet [ traok,

TOiling op new Calvlries ever witb the cr088 that tnrnB oot beck,

And these mount! of aOl!uiBh number how eaob generation learned

One new word of that grand Credo which io prophe~-beart8 h.tb boroed

5iooe the firet lXIan sto d God-c~o­que red with his {"Uti to he .... eo



From" Be Somebody" by Zelia Wigent.

Many !!tart- -few finish. Finigbera .ra rare. Ws admirs tbem.

Most finiebera succeed Anyone who "fights to the fiuish,·· even though defelted, commlods OUr resllOot.

We oan't be finisbers oolees we had FAITH in whit we ere doiojl, COURAGE to lice oppcsition and critioibm, .nd E~WORANCE to belt the daily Rrind of work.

h 6akea ooorage t, bold b" s purpose, It tekes courage to stand critiolsm. h takes oounge to keep going when

the going gets rou'!h. Ooorage is a heart qoali~y. H is

dr&Dgthened by self respeot, self'oon fideoce, faith io the wortbwbl illoess of wblb we are doing, bone5ty io oor purpose, right feelings toward tboss about us. H's bard to have oourage, whe~ we dOD·t keep pbyeioally fit.

Self'pity destroys couuie. Wbeo a mlo begins to fee l sorry (or himself, be loses the symplthy of the whole wuld.

You Ira never reail ), defeltad unti l you Idmit thlt you are.

It·s .be right kiod of 8eU· pride to feel ~hat yoo cia be u cleao, a8 oeat, all honest, I S bonoarable, as polita, U muob of a l!eDtlaman, or IS muob of a Iidy 19 an ~one

It's tha rigbt kiod of pride to fee l tilat you blve the Iblli~y to do worthwhIle thinu.

You won't have muoh oouCllle, if you dO D't; k.eep co ntlDuall y buildi og your seH' respe ot by dOlDg worth while .bings lod by kn owlog tha ~ rou lo re on tbe square with },ooreell. .. - -

Deleat. mal' ler ve 18 well 18 victory To sbake the soul and lat tbe glory:out WbeD the grelt oak is straioiog io

t be wiod. The bough! dri ok In Dew beaot.y, I Dd

t be trunk S.Dds down a deeper root on the

windwlrd aide . Only the "001 t.hat knDW" ~he mighty

grief OlD know the mighfiy rapture .

SOlTOwa Dome To stretoh 00' apl08S io ~be baan for

JOY. - Edwin Mlrkbam .


Mr. A. J . Monyatoei, In old boy 0.1 Till'er Kloot wri.ea ._" A' lie' after the expir ... ioo 01 loor Ind a qoarter aWly from Tiger Kloot, ao oooasion .roae II8~ month fo r a ahort: hip I;c 'he " old" plaoe, whioh gave llIe I rloeptloo tht'l wl rmth of whioh ia still frelh in my mlod.

Tip r Kloof, one of ~be oo.tsl oding 080,[8S of m illiooary a o~ivi 'i e s for &he uplin of 'he Native peopje, 011'11, a t thia time, holdiog its At.hletio S parta meetio ll To sea ~ha you . h of bout h Afrioa oompetiog io the Vlrloaa eveo~s WIS in itleU • joy th . t was beyond IU praiae. [n every 8pbere there pervlded that 'piri. oC sperlman8bip, tblt ble been 'be obiel faotor in aba balldlog up cl natiODS.'

Omuti we Woode Gt"Ba' Peppermint obngela uka Kweblell 00 Mkuhlaue.

Ezibeleni kwa Komani.

Abaetu U Nkos; Songo KIWI warea Gqoookwebe oke walloa plkati komzi nl!emioimbi. 0 Nion. Sarah Ie Roox OS.ylt kOFela ollloya omtllha kowabo au Sen~o Sibe DCVUyO ulmb:J"", U Nkosk Miriull f'ioll~ma 00 Mon. Mtobi haBe Mon~i. SI\hleli i yoreezimbllwa, babu Yfll IWlndle, u Badabe Ikabanga oatoba loke Ityile oaripina "inowadi ngobofohbane bfx'8ha oe "linnry , 21ioJ/eka valwo. 0 Nkon. W,DDia Mat~bik;z" oeelase Borl!heudorp Im­mnlkwabo, Wenl':8 zambaiwi apa kokwa'l(... Limtandile alaaeml. Buiwini o M no· T RasmFoi we.lapa obuye ~pilile kumjikelo wabo wokateng·sa i '" PEtrol" Abatlngiei bampahla 1.oku, hombiu izindlo (furoiture) baaa pitizela kwell lebu, sib, eahooA no hInu. T. Mlyekiso opoma e Kapa, "bantu hooa bAtahonile. ab .. teogi nto. I Bi" Four Oobestra ibuye op:uesha okuzakaqala imi~ebeoZ& y'\ho, kubamho ebebelwa­nzile loku}'a e Tarkaehd nlue Cradock, t-ahe lun.dwerdwe Ie N"k08k. Floreoce SihlRIi no AIlo. Bam Dgolrulaodoillna kWEl':i adawo. Ahui libali izimunoc· muacc zlSe "tolcfiyeoi." OmQaoj!ato weDllom'L yeliqela ob'eka pambili. ogo­kude baromane UlllooODJ'wa 7.ino'ltsblt ZIYO 'zioje 0110 Mlu. aalata. SiPlula nRoke ckuba kuegl'no I] Wi wi i" lepdiDg baby pianist." Azi u Fiog r' 'iPB opine. olme.le.wu ake esbiywa na}'i De Blaci-mao nlS'

Ictlfllo. "Kwimbuto ebikwi C. M. Mfillelt Hall ku!)ikezelwa kwi hhyor ye dofopu, ibEdl uimbini, i matr"i, IDgubo, iFhit·. oemiqamelo yazoo lum.nyano IWamloioa oluli .. Zlko Ie N}'embui," o \1ayor unl!e ubahhwe utDowe. Ute· mbise oge hospita l 'V.bamoyama eza' kwakiwa, Dgendlala eluol!ileyo SOlena e LokiBbioi, ollemotu ol"lioql8belwa ukoJlkoleze. !ziodlwini eeebiea ogempilo (health visitor) ogokuDika lbaso yook" imiD)'lka Iouyeol mo~waoa age' zaodll zakot, 10te entle oaoomaebeo. zi, nge bits cope eYl kobooiu imiflDekiao enemfoodiso, izitre.~o zi7.ako ba lw. am, 111m a ko}'o yonke lemisahenzi i Kl osele iZlkuqeshl abl otu a bamoy. ma. Siogatsho cknti eye bicsoope into seyi­qabele. ImifAnekiso (bioil oope) IZl ku· boniewa ngum lonllu u Sargelot Jecobs walapa.

Um\ioJaoa uno mloyeoo oluqioileyo oluyi " L l die8 Olub " eSlka alluklnh' nya kwakuvo lem ibldi. Ngoio luvola iaebe lokaluoda ukogoinl iodlu . Luns' ntsuk u zokufonda ukup'eka izldlo use mlo.ngw ini, noiatunga inUobonUobo ze mp.hla . Abool blqoqouleli abapa­mbili ugu Ni08z . Ger.rade Ntlab"ti B .A .• 00 Nurse Rose Jordl D. Iyabolu' ktt. kakulu k .. kolo Ire leota, iOla iogaqu' bela pambili , kuba ndlpaola oiuba .mlotombazana .maninzi Iw.kwazi kugoio.a ndlo, og.kumbi i ., milneli ,. ezi eg. ZIonla ziqa.hwe kwizindlo abe-10Dgo.. Zi.i zakweoda ziba 0llmdyo' lIyosi. Meodileoze eloku,i emmaoyao.o ziko}o nRoku ap" , zaaele, mulogandi kuba adipaul. ukoba ababiai nabataw Ibannayo bUlma my!!a omaoyno olubba. Sakuko ekuti.. II "Qula lend lala, . injon80 zilao. neze .. Ziko lenyembezi,'· Mlkuoll'eowa kolo. aelo aeklwe.

lm idl.lo Kule halide yomn y.1ra we Nkosazana u Viioliya, iqela Ie Teooil lilinge e Monti panhl kD Moo. J. N.o­n80 (Vice Oapt.) loyis. kDna Dae 11 8alDee· Nllroaal 0.1" Skapu bloge nje.n jalo.

• • • •

U A DO B we QU&!ltlStOWD Nltive Bogb}' Uoion ur e e Molteoo, wabuya '"\Ioyiaile . 0 B. wlla p6 utye u B walapo nge 4-3· r" drop goal" Ikltywe ngo Willie Mbali. 0 A wellpa o'ye 0 A wall po nge 6-5. Omllol oweh .e ogn SllXIuel Tolube no Paoaoa Adams. Nglmanl one AJiwal North b.oge ojaoilio.

Kwi ~olf edl.lelwe apa elray. yam I baaCt. elokuqlia lironyeowe nla Beojl min Wlhla el8l1 bini DIO Toby Samola Bello bekwe 76 k-:rilDioluml e)·i HI OWlkuqlla WtrDZS 73, owesiblni w8nZe

Portable Gramophones


com"'plete with 6 Re«>rd, &Ild : bo..'tu of Needles ,.eat to ~nybod,. on reo:;lpt of



in j,;i,hI monl~y


(If .21·1·0

Cash Price - £9-9-0 RAIL FREE.

Also WOLPHONE Minor . 1 £5· 5 ·0

WOLF BR~~ --44, r

St. George 's Street, CAPE TOWN. •

74. Okutab' oko u Benjl min Watala osa bambe i wonge. lokubai " pro." . Itlft\, Ie golf odingati lelona Iihle kwawaba mO),ama eseodille odawa­booa.

hipata mandla ze ROllby zimi ngolu~ blobo :-Pr'Bid8 0~ S· S. QIIi, Vi08 Pre· aiden' Arohie Sindilima, Treasu rer S. ::3. Qali, Seoretl ry J. W. S. M,bln tah.oa, An· Seoretary J. D. Beo·Mazwi Enoctlva Co mmittee S. Tolaahe, T. Ntumbuka , W. Mbali , no R. Nuzooka Beleo~ioo Oommittee P . Maogcu, C~ Nkwln ca no A. Siodil ima·


Lelon l xeabl ke ngoke lokokuba upe­lise 010 kohlolrohlo longade IwendelE lumila em zimbe ni. Sell. i Cbamberlaio '&

OouSh Remed)' kwaoloku . fteDlI'i aw. .zivenkile zonks ,

• SivoyisAnA ne nenelu zi 10 domo Iw.

lepa e Doorn fo ntein , kwel18e Baatloi . u Lizzie Ngesi ozllDanye oge q'iDa 10' mtehato ngo M vola kuyo leveki 0 0

Moom.zana David Kaai wile Ales:aodra Township ngoko . obeeakuba ngommi e­Qllmra kwelase Kotoai. OlD Hel! sbeka· zi 10 Ihnnqweoeleta intialD eooomehyo> nlmpiloeode kulowo m.ziwakwa Hla'i _ Ngamana

Lubisi hie nkooxa Obisi olu ka leokooIl labi' i IweokoOlO oloOla openg"l­Dga hnza nle )wldi~.nll". nel wllkUe eoyulo. Blr.a I Nestle's Mil k la.u teDga Ubiei . Unlla sel:enzi8lllo I Neet le'l MillI- nlengoko ooo ko eebe 02li· la Obiei olupuma e Nkomeni. Lunike IbaotW.OI blko fott Lubl lan,ele



Iziganeko zakwa Gompo,

I}4Q,.M YG MI'A'tJSWA LOKI~HI U Moe. Oba'· Llol'd OOBO Mllati we Lokiehi yakn Tenia DO NongqoDRqo (Eae' aDd West Bank Loa.biooe), kwi NgSBlo YODf&ka, .yibeie pambi kwe S'oolla Ie DJlopn kQtsb~Dle . nete "asbwa k"j .. Di'll.~b,"


vo n8oiogiuYD' Sir."uoapazela ama· nq.ko .me alD, Imba iode , lomaoqako 118al. :-

rz.kiwo sa KaDlals ku TaDlo, ekuoge' aod.l. ullqih'iayo ezimagumbi mabioi .zidle ama £24i\ 8i8tOY8, 811imagombi augamaoye IIadl. amllo .£130 aleioY8 . Ezaku NOOgqODgqO' mahioi zidle .£346 li8io),8, 0 kobiz ..... a 'kwabo .Ii £102 i8.lI lwo 081810111. rOBOt EUlize .. banta abanhondo kn zioBama H98; ko ~le . Abaotll iwezi [,oii,bi DRama IO,l! amajnda, 519~ am.oiauna, 2292 aba­(ltwan .. _

Ioanj Ie Yeokile zabaoteuudu ez ta' nRisa imi600 ooku~ya oku loblu:a oRlma ~, I Ko'aabopu ORlma ~3. Abntwa' oa bom'eblto o.llima 398 abuelw8YO, abeliso DRama 495. I · NIUOOBuooi all' gqogqlaa abantu e Loklebioi batebo bl b 'okode eblotyeoi, uti u Moo. Lloyd

;r;illlwa, aidtlwe nllamaD"':ik~~~;~ I ~;.~~ -ebla nile' lIuttere " Base L IYO' Irouleoa II1lme komfolloa oyi Nlloaba' nlla koba i Raolsle iogeozaola malonll i .Jalalo okobl loaa.oli amdlkl ayoku' olleoa iwl lelo sliugapantei iomblabl

o8lioo:'uqaiaoyisbelwa nemlb'obto abale' kl okup'oma iwilliudlu ZaOllaeess.

Ok'alu:ale uiulo naia kwe B l lo ye Mlnairlliti ysmillcobo a Lokiehini eaiti

ianaojalo omblabllo wamidlalo Wlba· Dtauodu iufuuaJr.1 ubiyelwe.

Rumalio! ute kungena Iml £17.791 '!J/ l ullaufu Ba8e Luiishini kwan Oil' pezulu Innio ami .£4,400 uDoywa yi Kauasle ianye nBonyaJr.1 tlp'Dma kwi n.llxowa ... WODke· wDoie ya DoloPD . Iyooke iORsniso yooyaka ogaml '£22, 107. Xuloogeni .. o iooito yonyaka ibe ngama --£20,472 li/LO, loot-o iahiya nmOOOOD otoodele komI £2,000.

Ababujiwe bagwe~wa enYIl:eui ope' Jilero beme ugoiublobo :-

Abomqolllboti 1663, lbe'r'lollql '1Brandy)~99 , abe'psmeh l5aae Lokiabi· ni 1374, abeoto.olleDto 1089. Ump'elo waleogJ.elo ubaoga iDrembui kll mot o ntloda iei.we ogoiweneoB kubll uti n Mou. Lloyd lI:uluai'i okubon a ikamu I.e-" Smile" aikA 1930, ekwI'i oge siu\u al!lO iWI puml ablutu Ibaoinzi abadala omiaebenl:ioi yabo ebebek'ebl. imlli ezinll:ulu, IUmhlaDje ai ' Mpola Ira LojaOl' ezi ogeoa ku fumana mae' obeozj. Isho lI:e iugula \Boto ka Lloyd .

ABAN7tJ: Kubldlali baae RomaDi abeoollpa a.boDe nl Makoal!:. A. Lehla­kala ne L MaeDgaua knoye DO NkOal . G. l\IatBbikiza, U Mou S. W llkin900 .. l8e KomaDi oaye ubeillpa DIlO mdlalo lowo. Kubeluvoyo okubuya aib' De oroblobo ollld al ... a MOil. Petar M Ngeai wl8e Templl raoca Hotel a Qoooe eze I PI Dgob"m lle)'"! kwa p .. h levo



• . , ,



Yuu'll get good attention l~vul'ytl}ing i~ on view and the prices a re low. ri Me a re a few t.hings £l'om 0111y .me of the Depart ments. i-f}i~NWOODR have all hard ware for yom' homp.

a lat Iroo

1'" 10/6 Bake Po~

14" 14 /6 10 " 7i6 :


EOlmel BillfoaDs ~/6 , 3/3, 3/9. 4. /9 Blua aDO Wblt.e aod All Blue.

MEL WARE ID lovely ooloura. Blaoi Cast I rOD Kettle& from Ooifae,Pot, Brisb~ B;,da a od Yel· 16 6. Iowa. Blue Handle and S poa t, 5;·. Tea Potl from 3/6 . JURI fro m ,. JOOGE ,. Ware Heavy qoa·

3/G EOlmel Tea Pot s tn Red sod Ii t y Ov~1 Pots, i liIal 9.6/·, 15 Gal

Gold , &d aod Bloe, Gresu et a , 31 , 6 Gal i:j 51 , 7 Gal 4.0, f'(Om 51fl,

Baating S pooDa H " 1/6.

Oo"reaiable ObiidreD'a E Olroel Seh of Porridge Plt'e, Bowl .ad Cooioll Foooofe fram 1/6.

Mog, with real Nnner, Rhymes

prioted 00 elob.

Blue, 3/6 per ed.

10 YllIllow aDd Tea Pob from 3/6.

Gatvauised Ba.tb tram 6/6 ]hom 30 jaobel .

Poliebed AlumiDium Wan : Plata

1/6. Pepper IDd Sal~SbliolB 9d

elob .

CoHee Pota from 3/ . Juga {rom 2'·

Diooer Oarriers wHb rim. oonr .

" 6, a/a, 3/9, , /9.

BlkiDg Ploa from 6/3

GalvaQieed Dippara, 9" 2/6

There are hundreds and hundreds of other

things that you need every day.


HENI ODS And at Pretoria, Durban and Maritzburg


'~." ¥ .. ,01 .. _. ~

1 1

, No 199. 19S 1

OL ARENDO N', Go' er oor Geoerll.

By Commaod of B ie E:I'o,I'e "o.y t be Go 'er a or- GdDe ra I·j o ' Oou Q 01 1.

E. G. J,l.,N8BN. I



Oodar aad by virtue of tb:) power" Y6S~ed in ma bv .u 1)· !eo~ioo (1) of aaotioo nineteen of ~ba " Itva~ fO(1)lIo Arella) Ac.t, 1923, A oeDdmen ~ Ao'-1930, I dl bareb, proch im, d~c''!.re ItoQri ma k:a kuow 1 ~bat from lod ar~a r t ha 1st d Iy of ' 'lue, L93 L, Q') ~ ti va 'D \Ie or (j u .. le. no~ oel nit e:umptad uod le o" r ... ~ra ph Ib) of 81l\)·~tlctiln (4. ) of tile Slid 810t ion , eb ,U , b",,"eeB libe b!Jllre of 10 pm lI. od 4 a·m bJ h' aay pU'lI,Cl pl 103 wlt bin t he arela ooo~roUed by t1 ... Mall loip ~ ii ~ i 18 of BJ'looi, B isbnr!!, B("lI:pan, fh r mlstO!l, Joh" 'l De~butg, Kragen' dorp, Rt ndf,lQt.,i o, R lodJPD tI 'hr"e'lu r~ lIod Spri ng-, uole~8 suob N .~IY6 hit ia posseuioo of I writti:ll1 oermi~ . ignad by il is em oloyer or by " pereOD .atbori. · ed by aool) ero ploYdr tn iuue 8uob perm It t o euoh Native or by aome penoo I .tb lrised by t he aford a.d !J1ua!oipali tiea to iune soob permits or by tbll offioer ID ObtrS) of lO y polioe atl.ioo. witblD aoob arels.


Oodar lod by virh.e of tbe pOWlr! vaJt Jd in roe by 8ub'section (t) or eac~io Q .nineteen 01 ~be ~haiveB (Oroaa. Ardola) Ant, 19 j3 , A'D80dmia.~ Act , 1930, I do berahy prcollim, lod .oue I:CIIOWO ~ba~ fro ..D I tld t iter bhe 1 ~1I dtlov 01 J une 1931, 00 NtolL1Va, mala or, oot oejo!!; 8l:em pD"rt oudu p,r .. ~r .. ob (b) of 100' aeotioD 14j of Lb.., Baid aec~ioD, aball, between ~be bouta of 9 p m. aod 4 •. 10 · be in &oy publio plaoe wi'bio the arel OOlurollad by tbe Aliwill Nortb MIlQl0iplllty, anlela auob f'lallvlJ be io paaaasaloo of I wrltt'n perm It al ;il oed bv bil ero )Ioyet or by II peraoo aotboriaed by soob e!J1p oyer t o iune el10b permi ~ ~J lD.eb N .. tiva or by aomt persco aU~Qorlled by the Ali"'al Norab Manio.lp.lity ' 0 i5aO! 8uob permih or by ;he ofioer io oblrga of auy 1,1011011 atatloG witbin IDoh Irel·


GOD BAVS TBg KIN G. Gino ondar my 8 lad aod tba G rett Sui of tb !!! Ua iO G of S,o~b Aluu lib

Oa.PlltollfO 'b ia Tbirhaotb day of MIY 001 TboauDd Niue baoi 'e~ IDd Tbir'r'oDa~

OLARENDON, Governor- GeGs ral.

By Ooroman.d of aie EJ.oelleooy the Governor-General-Ia· Ocoo oil.


Giveo UDder roy HaDd IDd tbe Gre.t Beal of the U uioa of BOIl\b Afrloa .\ ~lpetOWb t.hia S.'t'8D~b dlY of IMIY, Ooe \bODlaod Niae buodred aod Thirty·oae. &. G, JANSBN.

](l' UMTETELI WA HANTU, JOHANNEollURG 6TH JUNE, 1501 '=;;====='~==

Barolong Burial Society.

Ka J. 28 Maroh, 1931, eoe ele leta · un ye legol0 ,. kapaao 6& ogo.g., ' lug kopeoo ea bogologol<> e aiJDologi. leog ka September 3, 1895 ; ke kopano aa bo 36. Litokdolo h Ie gone f. ete b. ba kgakala, kop&no ea bulo .. k. thapelo. MoloJa.aetuJo .. amogela phil. thegn ka kgoatbaeo e e bogala Ie go pbatholola botsbelo y a Sooiety mo Dgo.geng oa 1930, Ie go loboga Matimo kafa 0 ea re neileng k.(ieho ka gone mo liDgoaseag he U fetileog ; .. ooela pale ... hopt. kafa komiti e booens kit. gone gore yll.DOIl8 ktl oako lOre mali .. pbitlho .. tlkeUoe. Motho eo mogolo o thu.eioa k. £6 O. 0., ngoan& eo mo· golo ka £3 10. 0., ago.aa eoo I_tell oS eo ke £2, agnan. os let,atai go e& koa kgoelin8 17/6 yaka Initio f. maU tie .. lona. A ooela pele are komiti e lame. t.e kopo oe. pbulbego gOfe go liroe mo­liro Oil lija ka U May, 1931. MoJol.­let 010 a ooela pele a neel.. leoretsry gore .. bale report ; a bolel .. mali a WIe. n~ng kilo kgMli Ie kgoeli Ie a IitAlbeoye.


gelo a tlhupa fa JlO tlieoe £425 14. 9. Go aeoyegile £362 I b 9. Balaoce ae £72 16 2. Are y&Doog Iibuka re Ii CloeUie koa Baokeog ka £1,476 3. 5. Ba ba tafloeog boBba .Ire 26, ba ba lu· leng Ie ba ba feleooeog ba 13. go bl)­lokUoe bagolo ba Ie 9, bana 16. Leabo loa motile 10 loohoooeog ke Hearae 105.

Mr. A . Moyatau, ohairman e. komiti, a hoa a tlhagiaa tehoQo e komiti e e lirileng mo bokeng a. photbego ea B.RS. ka go gopola liti ro Ie bopelo. teleJ.e yaga president mo ti rong e ufla batong go e. lira ; aTfI 0 gopola gore pho. tego etIa lumallooa Ie komiti h mpho komiti e e Iirileog ka go teaes. Mr . P. L. MolieapoliaecbolDoho gore a bonoe ke botlhe f. ele ene a re lireteeng mo· tlhals. 00 Olio ]orato loa 80 boloklnll .


Ba b3 batlebl OASTOR OIL IIIPI' morioloa ofe a t.onllOI! bon 0 .. balUo. Ie B!BTL EY'S ORII!lNT!L

VERMIFUGE 00. Q II liboko lila mala a lolle·

, .. bl lbo ba bRbolo bam mobo I I ban" ' me mas.a II 0 rll'l.

aaeM moriaoa ooa 011 BART· LEr a 11!i1O Ilvenlle!108 la bl ' 00 a o:log " nllOaollO ." tklD bot!oloD!!' , ~ Ide UA Dka mofDI. o mon8 Q romela obe!lle 1/6 111,010 bo

.! g , TODD. LTD. Mokemi~ "Eodblo't'ioi,"

RED BILL NATAL , 8"l 11 r!lhm~tillna a booebore

'lIol 30 Ie !~UO.DlIO " lloo

Motho 0 a fell. seoboanoho Ila se lele. Pbutbego ea itumelela mpho e Sooiety &e eiireueng meeta.pele. Morago mo· loi"aetulo a t1 ba.gisa. Seoretary 0 moeba, I Mr. J. R . KbonklLobe Ie komiti e eleog eone e ohoereng tun e .. B .. ro10ng, ke M"!U6 P . L. Molieapoli, A. J . S. Moya· 1110, J . P . Ma.ohumolotaa, J . G. Ntla. bleng, S. M . Kopaoe, O. M. Molilapoli, p . p , Melotie, BoL Maeo .. , S, Mkiva. I

P. MOiaeoho, J . K. Mabaleog, E Ma mpe, 1. B. Mophoao, H. R. Bebeela, 1. A Moliko, P. Mokabuog . Nobol.. rele k. goy. nako moruls p-aoyi.


P .O. BOll: 350, Bloemfontein

Secretary .

• Phutheho ea Babetli ba

Lifate. Sehoka 1110 babetli ba lifate 8B Deng

ae lokela ho 101. kilo II. 7 Phoptjane (Jooe) 1931, ho bile bohloko habolo ho ele1loa hore bal bo bahelO ha ba ea ka buba teng. Juale &ona aehoka 8BO ee mengoa hape, ka kopo ea bore Ie fiblelle bohle babetli, ka II. 21 June, 1931 maane Eaetern Native Townebip, CommuWty !!all, kilo nako ea\lO hOHlla . ·l'eoban.g borokong banna, mOl8betal Olio

loaa oa kualo. boo hang ho motilo e mota'o. Tloog Ie t lo ikntluela m.baka a boo.


Ele eng ho sonYI! ml!otsue 10 eabaka h liteebisD tea bo hlalosa mati. a ms" kataang II Cblmberlaio's Coogh RemB' dy 'l La bl manllaog. babolo ':I. al abolOI b. re ro 118 pbekola mokbohla oe Is bo bobloll lebasaaba bo bakeloa lIa ong, 10 bora buona motBulloko a 0 hal· Banll klpa II aots i. Sa reaiso&. ke IImi benkele cbls


ICl r loga kilo J una iaibolise ngemvu· la na IImoandi kunono ete noko kwezi· oye iod.waDI &zingaIIIlslbll e Joban· oeaburg 10 yat-a ngomawihbo aie. akw .. bandl ao emva kako awaro!" iOQa ' bl, yalmka iqabake. uknw. kwayo yali· lrapu eli. Bai noko kwezi nteuku koea Bitl le , otonje iko)"o kWlbaoio~i yi fulu' kao kIm be.


'or) .IlJlP,..d Or dllMltdfUd mfOttni.lloa ood othu IItnllle dhpuel! .


PUU1U PUBll'YlNO PILLll liar mU orUJ. <»-_ the 6tOlllAdl . Pllrtna Iht B ood, mall. ,00

ItIolli lAd drt .. _ 'WA, cllIa-.

It PRICE Pt , 801 I/S. POST fRfE .

PUlLAN" BLOOD HlXTOBBI. Cl __ tbe Blood ot . U Impurltl .. wMth .n. hom ImPII"" Blood .nd IU dl __ . SU~"" aDd toDIea eYtt)' orpll

of ,our bod.J". PRICE Por Bolli, 4/S POST flU.

THE SELBORNE PHARMACY 221 , Commissioner Street,



IBULA.LA. 1 •• 0 .. 1." ", ... auaDU, bWEVTU, ..... 17.0 ..... t.2'aKO..... Bo •••

{)Qo.eqO".A.a . Yenziwa e Britani ltengiswa DJeoko·

0:& kupet. .


Oedald oomPOWld.. P .O. Deme,. , Tttl.

INI<" AT AZO ZESINYL I nlrahzo yo Siny! . eye ibanllsle aka·

nita foM loti, ikakolo U ofudomelo UBO zi ogu'ya.lli , ebutloko , lapaa Iwe ogozi 8mbi ye ~iot80. Wakull yekalel. aloolbo li tlgablelw.. yiugozi anknlo yamablaba. Knogabako ohiliu ohnye oaovnta awe si nyi. Kwakooa olntso inkahzo yoancha kwa bantwana, blye abulli bflofltyiawa kakolu oaoyi )um' kala leoketuo. (akatlzo ye Binyi ayiyo okatuo Dje-iato ke leyo a:d· otloo! XII oeemBiai-iyio to 8yiogozl ekulcoeka i1iwe kwaso o"oke iuqala Aml dod a akwi minyaka eogama 40 oaoglpa zolu, akuhtazwa koelta luti loti, aoetyiswa uaolwa loo"'azo yawo ktm~ioyana oie. Eyona mblogeli yo' bohtakl bllko ziziotlo okuye" ityefa nomawloe owonakelayo ckufumba eiuini ZiBU ke Ike zikltaZB imitambo ohlmbileyo b 'n a aopel. knkweozQ nknbl izintBO zielbenze kal(n ble nkwe· nzftla ukuba zicokise omzimba kwellO' t.yero nika~azl}'o. Si kol61wa Ir:w into )'okoba akokondlela ekanlallayo neqint· eekileyo rokwenll6 oko Ililpandle kokuke umn~u I8sbenllie8 elliooonywa ago gqirl' I De Witt'g Kidoey aod BI6ddeT Pille: . Ezipiliei aZlrudiBi. ko· dw& zeozelwo inJonga eoye noam

yoliupeliBa Inkltalo yobokbh bezi· n~8o u8sinyi. Imllaqo iBb.icilelwe ngo· knc ,0111lYO eqageni ogaJiDye waye omlte · misi waknni eogakoulellYo ngl80yaui malonga ouabieo 11.10 mlg&qo. BuBa koye omkeallai , ngoko. akonlas i De> Witt'e Kidoey and Bladder PiIlB . Ginva ipillal e,imbioi ogckllblwa okny lbonro pambi kokatya ojlla. B;'al!llng&. ukuti ugeyure ezi ~4 nyakubona wui futi aauba Iliyaknnoeda. NYlmeka Iytt am .. blaba neoa .. ~8Zo yaBioyi ziya.knpeh~ kooke .

Koliseka ir:olonc9'ld i, inye oJe yezi· oin zi, ekuxelela ngamaodla amlkulu. ooncedo aldnuyaow. kwi De Witt' i Kidney aod Bladder Pille.

D Mr. A. Hardbatbll, 187. Silisbury Street. CbriatobuTcb, ub'ala uti '-

" Nd.katuwI kakubi yiokatam yom ' cito oeBioy! izeeba elida, kwati eusheoi ndad. ndase bOBpitili jOlaoga el'li'

I obllno . ,.., dati odallo pama e bospitm ndaodieeoilio kongeko mlblako dO' 0lleuye imioi ndlcetyiswa ogulOhlobo ollnb .. ndilioge i De Wltt'S Pille. Ndi hta ogenYloi ukoti ipilili IIlIaoye Bod ayi gioyno ibineubiBo aliDgapell1l. kobonzima blyn. Ngoto ndipileeC!]elie '

Rumatizeme Umqolo lainqe Nyonga

UKUBA UKATAZWA Ukungaciti kakuhle Ig .. i Elibi

YI Ntlungu Emalangwlni latillDgn £sinyini okanye wallo Imitambo

Uhlalu De Nkatuo iziDtsO Elibatatalc"a Amatye ze Siayi inkatazo nBodleko enzulo QQgaainda kuzo ngok.u tn.bat& i De Witt'l KidDe! aDd Bladder pml, ezidla lrupela 3/6 iqaga. [qaga eliknlu 6/6, laye line 2t okupind. eliooinane. ZifuDyaoWB ez.i Kemw napioa,

I \

Seben.ita i De WITT'S CATARRHAL CREAM, xa uno Mkuhl&n.


Se bl.fa '~'oodl Gre at Peppormioi se 10' ke_ h!t.bolo Ho Ohloll la Mokbobllne.


~ Ult ·rtr~



13TH JUNE, 1931,-



Go Tsamaea ke go BODa. ohaba aa raDio ba batie , tabuloa ~sa aferelr:a, ba fetoRfle dhabetlo Ir:a mal.· ,

I peaR. bo mmabooa. (Ka Mosup ... ·TI!IJIL.&.). \ . ~h ke ~96bo (lore tllbaoyago a lu~l?

dibreke di raog Ir:a eOGa. Gobaoa yr s-. pao.elr,\lPO boile ga ka-.t4ro. moo ka oiloaoe go bog beaadl ba 'II\~

ee. ,& Kagilet..enrt& Uialoba. Batho" repalo baa ha retillab( joala ; bao areal I '-eme b& lIIuelee: ba baog bare "~z"e ga b. e a' mel~eloo(l .a ka t.booa Ita· li61e" ba bacg bare gaeeale re teualo. pa ba a el Ir:'Jrokaog ka SODd.(la hi! tlo· pre M oh bone ma,oyala a jualo. gele bUa<1i b, booa ba rekisa jnala,

PaOlekopo en. eee eotaoe 'ke hue· Ntbo eoa Itereke e tabuanatu e8. hlo · tsaoa ba Marabi, b. U". u kare ga Q komela. BataDadi bl bao. bao aleog boDa aa gopol. gore go ahuele motho. Bakeruete ba ikantae p&le ga Modimo IEoe ~e ba~t'&Da ba bahlno, gomme Ie batho gora ba tla godiaataa blna ba ba De ba lIela monoa oa booa ° t6boe. bona leDfiBuing 110 Modimo 1& go etae08 . J.oeng, Oa re utlua .moabimaDa ona o~ho ha lolrileng. Gleiab. kejeDo lie· .oa maJukbu. a mabuaaAhUM 0 na a baka 18 go batla ohalete bana ba tla tIIhuaret.eoa go uteua la go kgotho.a, godiaateoa otbong tlla lIa loiaog gooa (la gomma 0 abloletaoa kboeli he tabele Bollaresete ba rooa ks h£aela. Ga go wng ehaoli:aoaog a aebetsa k& ebata. tbuse le'bo go ea kerekaoll aotbe ko. ~BuaU ba gagoa ba ganoe go utlca Raa ra tlogehsa baoa ba rekin mlJoala ,ntbo eo eaba ba hlabeldla sello. Bokera~e~ bo aiboaDg ke ~o blolromela ; Yoaleka ga ke aette ke bolelea ene baoa kab~h 1a obel~~e ke boilraketai 'ele baeetll&oa ba bablano. ba batle· bo aehlo~o, Gomma monoa mcndi Dyana, go boo!lgala galltle gore ba sa uog kaballll' la 110 rata obelete a tlo tIIualet90e ka m8lapell~ • tauelopele; Rela ba::::a ba aagoe gare (la meleko ea Ie go 1180 ba oe b. a& lie S",bedelle kapa juala Ie baoDa, galla Moli:erasete oa Sempar., ba O'!l ba lIa ka mokgo. oa ooete. batbo ba tloelopele. 00 teDg batbo N~oo eOla ea marabi ra lleke r. e biola ba e& webeng gortl go 1180 go oa Ie mao k.o~le la thueo aa kereh Ie bauoadl ba «getoa. Antba bO jualo. eaita Ie 00- b_oa Hm oa (10 ea batlega gore e loa· "hgoa booa lemllkg .. tbe, bann" ba bang ohboe. Ga (10 aeO'1aba sa kilo 'Io(letao(l u ka fihlel. dlobele emp. bona ba a pere teheo \ elO gomma aa tlogal" baooa ba a diBotu taa r.t.le. a& .imalno g. R" \i8boao8tee ICO haba

BaaetaanJ, ba na ba apera gantla, lI:ora b"oa bana ke aooa a~o' ab. Ba tla"g. feel. ba apere Sa·Marebi lega go Ie Ra ~8buaoeue go RopolA gore bablaoi..· ",oalo. Oa re bots" gore na Ie lIelaog? D.a bao" ba marabi Ie ba8e~'aoa b ... booa p,a fa fe lIel. manoa oa ~Da 0 Lebu",· Ira baoo .. Ie b sad! ba ,aobaba ea ~la'1g. roa; baset&&na bao b. b¥lano ke ba· R:t taboanehe I!O t~aba gora Rare ga

1Iali ba mOatlimaoe 0 tabueroeog Ntbo bahla .akao" Ie bas5t9loa go teDg baooe. -eoa ke eooa eHeo.t; ea etll& gore plio 'ae' la tlllud, ba Ira taoal~~saog aaobaba aa kopo eoa e blomo1e pl' lo. Oa Ie mo· rnoa p~te ga ba kilo fl1maoa tolrelo taa hlo:o go bODa batbo ba Ila empa ka thlltO Ie Irllodi80 a lolrileog. Bat80adi moblolo go boDII maaaaoyan) a blluaDa ba ba.oge~ .. ga bitt tlleba ga elll bo~a ba .a II. gomme ue re lIei. mODna oa rooa. bet laoll ~~ala ao ogo .080 a tBboaoehaog EbUe Dtbo e dibloog go baoDa la ba · g , taamFlea ka eoollo bopbalooR ba "'loa, .ali ba. hloogo Ii bol~ilaD~., Ke k.a Ba 110 . ola ~ OL'tl ognaoa 0 tllboaootsa go baka lena ba blDg ba It,IBOg IzW"e h ikgetbela hellto eo a hbo .. ooheog ~o iile." tiamaea ka eooa; aotbe (1111 go io\le

Go te~g bath.o ba go polaog gore J)'ea 5e J 0 <oaoa a baog B Da ga a88 a gohll .aa basali e te08ltaoe ke tbaka ena ea ke a80 a i1eag a ae rota Ita b .. htl6di ba ma~bj. gohaae ke tbaka e teamaBang galCoe. bol!Jgo boble. .Lega ke 1& tse~ II;Botle, Git go makatse kajeoo lIa bltbo bale

-«nPf: mOllebe'~1 oa bl>- morabt ke ae· baotBi ba gopala gore buetHaoa ba ma· 4tgopt pele ga aeobaba, kae Ie kae bill ubi Ie b~h'aokana ba b 0\ ba etn 100

tho b. dnma dama, bare ooa leabab. Ba etsoaog lI:a bahoadi babooa . Ngnoa' 88& kae. Ga go belaetse gore teheoyego t .. di 0 'eeblao" lI:a mereto. ena batbo ba baollat& ba e bona, empa otbo eo ba 11& e hebeng ke gore Da e h tbibelo. ka taela e yuaog.


Ho pbakilete. aetlapeli Ie ho bI~ blona_ Ha phakisetea Ie bo foli ... k. t1alo Lekboekboe Ie mafu a joalo; la bo nobaf .. taa mathapo ea 'fOela bore e 8ebetall e phetl6 baotla, ke Cbamber lain'8 Salve.

• Lipasa tsa Basali Babats'o


U h (etid \u,bl,t" ~0~'1i. 'ii.~tllI It t s' .. blllo' ~ .. nonyal· ioof' le m,)8ita0I1 ~abeli!l1' SJpao.'a Lln i ~eD~ \' B ,Maue 'ta~e8&09 , U nka nl a pikitla. E aa tlpela. a kobbe~, obo.eboasalo, II leliea ts'I'allo, ho op. Ie bohloll:o, ~o:l& kamahla u eoa Ie botlolo baUD, .;i ,I , ,

Sebelisa Sloan'. bcakeng sa RumAtlse,,~ Noka, Letlteka, Mokokotlo, IJ" No"J'B~

tseha, ho Ruruha, Ie ho OJ)a ha Litho •

Mr. E, Daasoo ore -" Ka 01 k", qata lUemo ke lola h8[11.PII ke 1& ke bila ke tetae boo b"loog b .. ke laka 810aD',. g •• orA()

bo bo tlotaa II bobali ka. eooa Ira ~hlleaha habolo."

l./A6mC1CIIg Ie Ut.rlJtl8 . 2/ • • 01/1)"


b,.ali bao ba neng ba ahloleloe liplo"a. bol;, ea hI ... pa a b\ 10 \ren~ a!lre ho. ha Litbalra IJ b" [j otlo'lo la b'} 11:, 'm!)!;a; e~ a b. b,tllo .a

et!ua ba melaa ooa kit no phaklla bOI· rU p~~m\( It" titulo t_ bBllo lo I&k~ lIIese· tiO'lrO 00 bobe hU!loUog oa !ollao~ bu , bet;ti PIHtob'} eo\ an~ ala b') lain bo Dl!!t8~ eoa II [{optoo. Ke 'n3t~ b:)i reliu ho!)\ hllo h ell ' b.., bll()!l,lIq ~a hoaro bo bobe ba bo ratea., k u Ie ka I YO'l~ m ~r JD \ a IIob ,10, (lnpll~io; b •• ~ leell, empa bl boo, boit oara ho julu b .. bl .. ba t~otllu'lle r<lo~ III ,f., a ke Ir:e ha 00 bJ b .. biao fa~11l bueli, aku ISit a fum ... o~ mr)pu~io 0 l ~k'Q"'n ~ Ie en ota'o Ii mef uteoot eoh li la e Beag mi5Soeo, m')rena. Ke Ita bo tis. hi tb.", IlUlJlGII.

empa eo re Ba uMuao( h l'boe Ie eooe e ea ipitn.og Mnotho lipt.l:Qpiriag Itll

i .r'lIoe li p • • a " bll.B.1i ba eoo'lo ba itH- oeog. Ileia PUt') alto :d ub leaao" 110 ma!lh ka no uta £ .. t~'ao~ It hI) t<ualo. l:Q.kat.a"(I~ ke hore on .. IDHaoa a ntis Ila 1'0 0'10 b .the b'lt ro la bas .Ii Ie baral, "fetol. litt. lu k .. leklt')tlin,e ebe b .. ee bao ra otaoolt re ba rota liko!Olll kilo l:Q\m110 ... amp"" lI;a~beQo B,.,otho be. boitelo bo mak.tuDg, be'Uoo 1bo Ie bl bhbiiit.aa klPO ea b"lo" aa bore Iitilo 'm It b ~ o" , lI:~jeD) Ill. tla. t~al.Da1& b" tea lekltotl" Ii kbetlloe kalleo'lab. Itau 6bijol·tbijoa ko m"poleBa 8 bl botal bo tla fOIll'loeha aore llaobaba 86 na Ie lipiBa a b!lo hlekeretaa. Ko OtOIlo e e.\ hebo kubaoo Ita pHammbe. S.ile 1010." babe90. lI:op.n.o~ Dtbo taa 10'1' Ila bl-lia~ bl)re 'ou~o 0 taabe hora b ... la Ii sab ita" ka kotlDIlD.:J ele bore Ie till ote'a lek!:letbo la !Oaba Ie la hkolo. fe hoelle , 11:6 otoa a bo ,a se Uliia em o. aaea.le b ,na ba oeat{ b" .e D' b,bo 8 e~ e kite et tBoa ej'lro, eq IID,kiaiiaO( eal,thl It, that.,. Eh 0 k", ah&bl 0

hora 080 la Ireo kal" boela leo e aatuh .. la tla farnana bore puara,oteeo.seaPOoa b1beli 0.1 , m1hlo OOO!! e kilo tt'abeola rOrl 8,,~tho m-iao (la eoo" e 'aplne Ie 6&

kamolo F6limebllog B,koeoa, koakD't makhooa; k"h' eo.a moth') 8& kbet.IU . ea morao e Motu Ie 8~po I0. loeng ba b" ,etbo n aoo, 0 tla hila

• Basotho Ie BlreDa.

(KII J , L , L. MOOB03I.)

Mougo1i.-Ka ho es. ka leohue lena la kab llima ke looaleo ka tla Ie ,,,1110 moran kilo ho. bldlon BBO Ie .e bu,og. Ke balile lik.., taotl'oq k ~moo ha bl"lo· S080g ka teog mabapi la 8~0b.aba bore aello lie se ogata bo feta 'me aeobab" se b ,LI .. pbetobo YU+llo ka ba liotbo Ii ntH Ii fetoha !(.., tla Ou, kilo no ke

I tolooq ~ ba a la phala ha 61slela a. okooa ke lefo, lI::e m')" II Ua fa(a!,na bore 8ello leoa 'Ie ke ke ea fe9la kba Ii lila eQle k .. bopaho leo a Ii h • .,eog ka oona, 8'5O'itO ba batl. pbetobo litho Ii !akane h lekhotleog ka. ka bop~a bore '.\fll~i.i Ie ~Ihreoa e to'lbalo bot. Ita bui9ao' b tab .. eoa M .. khooa a. ke. na!l~ pararttoin~ ba 8e b~ nUo ea .a . raoa feels ba ntee ba taU'\k llos.

Ntbo e ataaog gore i:.beoyego eoa ea baoa 0 atl' gomme e gala b tabeoyego .aleng bOil: ma~lI eo(l a 1'0080 galolo tabe nyago e blallilao(l Irabaka la Joala Sa· :eadi ba rekluDg joala (la bao. sebaka sa go h 'okomela baoa ba hooa. Seo baae gabileoglra ube,ata, K.b!lka leDa baoa ba baolillta mooa Glod80g bit go· la yoalelra baDa ba dipbuofolo. Glpe Ie gooa rea habe. gore boogata ba baaadi -ba rakin,o(l juala (110 bo kgltbaisle ntbo tae 10kHeo(l. Ntbo eleog paloug ha bona bOlllO Ie mohbglre ke ohelate ; gomme R6 akaba latshagooyao. 180 •• Dora " Ie Ira et'!\ gora baooa Ie babl. okaoa ba relhl Joala , 1I00a ge ga go lI:a · moo Dora a k. tbibeloaDR kaholl go t8be~. Ie haDO. G ,haDe 11:. aeoa piai· oese aa ata , ROlllme obelete e ea t8~oa. Kaba~ 1000.. re £'thlala gore m"'.p· o~ a mlngata moo go ra1l:IROaoll ~ullola OJra ° 01 la mORebat~i 0 mogoJo oa II • ~Ok6 na l, Da Re mooa ka leta beg'> la lIagol Ie 11:1 me 111mlloeo ea JI:'~oe gore &i tlbetl,), DO· oyaoa e aeoaol) kgetbe, e bil!l.tsaog mo· noa dioOSI bpa tao

DorA 0 jnalo. LeDtsoi 110 gagoa, 11;1 a bua leg" a tibe~" u & .. (lopol_ gore Ite leotaoi I. t~batlo. Ka laot ~u; la boletI, Ie gap.!)g p 10, Ie Dha blB\ og mo ooa · B aD' It .. leo~aDi Ie tabeoyego Ie timelo, 'fB leotaoi Ie tbuoaD,! mlillop& a beDoe; &a I ~ o~aoi la boillelloog mooli It.

lona ; la moa-oy~tnoR botllabaoe Ie botle. Ka lll Dta ul Id at blolio; leoteo l 1& lafo 180 I , Ba8eteau b. ae

Babali b" koraota I'n. ba ipdlang ail toehileDq H 1 tlolla melJleag e Ie Sej~tlblilpi ba 88 ba boDe hora kordon tilen'! ba eeobaba lIa ne fle lDtle la tta teog ea bell;'" e fet, leog bo teog tlebiao ea Tb" ba eoa ~toreoa Mo\hoea hoe 8& a teog busli ba Baaotbo.-b l ra re 'oih, aa pbela t ai90 mlpbeo ... bae ' Ka Baaotbo fe bolela batbo ba b'lo t'so ka, bo sirelatao, ka aoa, 00110 a reriiaoa Ie mo!..a, bo doba ka la pele kbuelin! eoa 80na aa ba n t uW iJdo bohlal" la kelello ea Pbuplj'lne (Joo e) b410kala bo tiB' ea bae Taba ell. bobla e ba bae e taa, maea kit. Jlpa~a oakoog e& ka. phi rima joa ke bob Ie, eo eleog eooa mltbeo Ie ha bEl. 1(' har'a motie ooa Ol. 0 ludaog, popo eh. aeobaba e!a taOJloela0 5 bo 8U Bsge ba Ie baoglltt ... bQ seog baile ba Lb''IlIa, bo e aOLbi,a feela ke nabeletia noa bEl. t~ 'uaroa ka oooa molao aDa 00 mOlh£'o a"" I~all.ka Yu"le ke rata ho eotgOeD~ ka K::J.oelcuo eo bo booab .· 1 OU04 ka Ii pbet.olo taa bl , blamileo~ Ie Ja.ue e tlJOlOelit'e ba bangato. ba It:ke ru la bia 0 re siile Ie mon Ob hote ba taeb4 iatbolka eons. Teba ea II eleo.; .\101'1'0" Letsie T • ka boea.1ta bla. pan ha bo~iu ba ebile bll eocb~; feel a bl'ltrnallo boreoeot{; 0 'oi e .. bUlla 10-bo tla bopolo\ ke be baogatll. ke hore I cbllobt leba 800a sello a~ uk .. lIa ftlla bo. tab.), 80 ba9lolio~ ba b~tll.O b& b\bo StI!l-Ja ... Ielia a lI i~ seobab \ mst.Johoog eflDa ea. t8eko~ ma.kbotleo~ boi3D. 110 \t, ran .. Lerotholi. Sello uooa aa BloelDfooteiu moo 100 1kam ~ 11 OElt Ii klta bo fib.lela a ba a ets!l. bora ho lela 1..880 Kopaoo a. De0i\: lit a qbata are pit~o ello thotll. ea. '.'.1i IL PlIetobo ehlle b'J, .. li ba ba ta' uaoela bo j Ifi~o" lipasa. bo etaa p .ramente ele ho f"lisa melao Ho p')ots'eog bora hae~ala kall iolo eo. ea ~e,otbo 110 e lebi~a sekbooeog. Ii e euuoa ba m IreQeD~ ba. otie bllo lIa pU I!!O'looo:i ogoloe libukoog. Litho ha kbotlil!) hobaoe ke moaa kajtloo ba ra· kbe&ho~ ke aeDft. Ie 'muil isi. Litboog rolob .... ka khoele tao ea bo jari8. bona ua kba biloeog ke Eleoa Morena e mo-

Leba em pa e t!a b .. ol)a m08~betsi ka b. t. .. tb 1 ba lero,,)l10~ htl ka tEe ... eha aa<)'l"te ha b'}o'lo Ito lablehala& ke bobobJ kl b'ka la b,fa. [{a qetella k \ l eo~sua lea ~hreD' 'd: Ubo.S9boe a kilaoq A. 1'1 Oil \ 1110 '" n p't,,1t: Eh. III. letl)o lao nil:;" Ie atno,;{ In, Itle bo Bu. tbo m \b"plla m .btl olla ha oka e_ ho boag faela e ke Inholo. ~

• Re ngo\lo \ ke \fr, O"ublevoll ~ .

\fo'epite 0,. Lepelepoteoa ori.-Ka I. •. I 11 konoh aa b'to') e!lo I" 16 khoeliol: II

(eIHe'11: k. otto. ~noi 'Ie seoDI! sal$ k:a 1,,1).1> .. I, pula a'l mo"oo~'l~h'lo Fra88r o b,le '" oti a koro ea bie 11:. m.baokale ohl" " b.:t hore b,tbo bllt o lte PIlI'} a ~Ie e til b, bllt qi ·. It') ko~o.t,,·m ,tbe Q boe Ira. '10 ,tha. Jo"la po~so ea Ira ka eoa , lI:elello ~a, hatbo Ii ('llan8, ka ra oa Metbe ODa b" ke 0 olli le ba koro e baaa ha mala ~ molAto 0& m"tog1 Ho ... moo ka rat. no tasba re tie re aake ra aebe et8eo le66 Ig. Ka bile Ire rata Ie .. ~B,bll bora oa etlara b l eka ell. b~Da ka {omloa 'matha ala M OOg abe flAba 11:6


Otukululayo Rako OTUKULULAYO omUDye 1I:0pel. ofooe .... niilanl yako. UlllaW1l' ola oocoa k1lllipJ isi\olo .. be N.B.O. InaDI 1/6. :: ': :: Rod .... lUNA :: .. ::


Otukululayo Omoog (eela OTUKULULAYO 00 Mog n ba,"e lebenkelang la haoo. Uk. fumaoa OTOKULAYO mabel· okeleng obi, a N,B .O Theio ke 1/6. II :: :: Empa BAT LA :: :: "



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cEa haufi le 2a, 000 Jimaenenj tso Prons ­vaal bo /umanenS fIlonSolo a ho paso Thu-

80 fele le moqhaka 00 Thuso feLe .

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flln BartJul

-ISIPUNGO SOSI Esinamandhla ~

I:U PUZWA KANJI!: O.dal. ItlIlpaal Un, e o.-.ta,.D eD.p_ ' ..,e , ,,.8 I .. • .... '. YeU. pae

M .. .. . "",1""., A"I(" IG ~ ,. 5 .. .. . 0 ... .. .. s

Opa ..... kane IIOma b. dhlau DP"'" 8 pi ad_e ebuaan kaure DO· ma bblU ami oka\o bJet. bnb 8"AfUa.

"h!a. 88UlrUZA IGABBA,

W .. ll ... _ 0 ....... 101 W~ .. nla OJeDa.Te­n O".a"'e .... , k. M.luhlv.1.

.I. II. liDO, UD ..

h d Hlft .alil.

IKATAZO. Lizokwelapa ngempel .. tati ko ~aQamub ngelikati esmcsne.

119 °10Utola e SOOlo

• Sakoni 119 au uqaD!ie oqiniBeke ukuba otola

lana nloqobo,

Unpvumi ukllb'a base Stoia ba kapate emehJweni baklloike omll

nye nmblola bati ilona.

Tata IKATAZO (Iika HARTLEY) 1008 liaongwe ngepepa. elimpofll, lino mfaneki&o we kanda ~e Nk08I, loti kalotebwelgalllB lilil:i:I lDent l In.


Um.Utunyelwa nge pot"i 1/9 noma 319. Libe tikona elikulll lokolinda umuzi nknze kuputunywe ngalo In.oi 7/6 Bokoblangene npye Poai

litolaul ..


Subs cri be 1.0 UXD1.e1.eli

E _lise b. LI~I' ,. ho b~­Li.oMloe. Poh"ue a bo h alMUa. Lij\OI UII 0110 tAo ~ chior. Li;'oa '!no ... ,,'fpe. Koporo, I, 'ape II ts'"bla Ie 1!I'OpIIDg Isoble 1:9!' ,'oeu. Life:lltl"&" Liipooe. Liebo!1 ts.e T I 'u.eD. M.a I_bo I. •

BODa bD p.ltsllDl hi IDal---Festers ba eok, I, mOlsotso-bll II b latSllOII k. BOD Ami

801 &8 bilo reela II fe boa I Ira lek-alba la Boa Ami baaYIQya .

all, lime motsotsoaoa bo OIDe, eb, • blallola ka I, oml leeg

H~DII' baD, ' Festere lalle 18 b\o e 'Dial' lIoa I, 1"01, Ie

IXllqaoDSQ'pbllll 5e e bloekllo II pDUslma!

Ha bo mikalSII ba 8 rolta m O'!!6bets l 0110 bae . 1-:1 I a esok.

a b luse. Itfestere kap, ', I, hi bODOlo bakaoa kapIlf'.

Le booa ba aeso II ~bllsllDl s l

joalo. H o jU-llo bob :e lIat ' aa ... LII

pOne, koporo, hj (oa Isa lI icblo r . lI .

blatr, rs a bo b l ~Del a Ie !sob le lSe hog

Ilkll b loeklso& betHIL III B OD AIIlI bo

(eta 11.0 hoo r .

I eq ...... '" , ..... "',a. _ ..... ti r. 6 .... &0 n IoM.Ii

II IC~ 310 lebe e H!lU&Oe ' -


Ngapantei ezi elDele Iten&iwe ooam. okokuba. zilnvazj uta

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Printed and PuhllSbed by the Propnt:tor1, Nann Pnntmg & Publlshmg Co Ltd Jobannesburg,

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