lifelines-agriculture...lifelines agriculture –uttarakhand launched in feb-2014,...

Post on 23-Mar-2020






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A multimedia helpline


Global Civil Society network working to leverage the democratic potential of Information &Communication Technologies and the Internet for:

Empowering discourses on social and sustainable development

Global attainment of human rights as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

OneWorld Foundation India at a glance

LifeLines-Agriculture – Philosophy

LifeLines uses aninnovative, yet simplemix of telephony andthe internet – to servevital information andknowledge needs atgrassroots and toenable concurrent co-creation of acontextual knowledgebase on agricultureand allied subjects.


Partners- OneWorld, British Telecome, Cisco system

Partners in Uttar Pradesh – Datamation Foundation

Partners in Uttarakhand – Shri Jagdamba Samiti (SJS)

High-end technology backbone on the Web integrated with innovative Telephonyapplication on fixed-line / mobile phones & the internet

Technology embedded process approach to offer sustainable knowledge service torural users in Voice Mode and Local Language

Calling Lifelines is toll free and uncomplicated

• Farmers call the toll free number, 1800-11-2500 to register their query in locallanguage

•Farmers can also send image or video with the help of LifeLines app.

• A unique ID code is generated for the farmer

• The query is processed by the knowledge workers who process the querythrough LifeLines database for right response or forward it experts to be answered

• The query is answered within 24 hours

• A SMS alert is send informing that the query has been answered

• Farmer can then get back the answer using the unique ID code

LifeLines-Agriculture: Toll Free Number 1800-11-2500

LifeLines-Agriculture – Features

•LifeLines mobile app

•SMS alert to farmers

•Extensive Knowledge database with more than 5,00,000 FAQs•Generates report regarding nature of queries

•Dashboard to track the queries•Helps generate report on issues and demand of a particular region

•LifeLines Website

LifeLines-Agriculture : Mobile App

LifeLines Mobile App where the farmers can ask

questions using pictures and videos and receive an

answer to their query

Select the app option to upload ask a query

Register query with help of photo or video

After the registration of query a unique query ID

code is generated

Location mapping of callers

• Knowledge database covering entire chain of agricultural information from production to consumption including:

• Farm inputs, IPM and INM • Seeds and fertilizers• Organic farming• Livestock management & dairy technology• Micro-irrigation techniques• Forestry and fishery• Banking and insurance and regional market information

• Exhaustive compilation of agricultural information reflects valuable trends in livelihood patterns, issues and challenges, and best practices from the user base

LifeLines-Agriculture – Snapshot

Launched in 2006, has completed 8 crop cycles and has reached more than 150,000 farmers in 991 villages

Testimonials from the field

LifeLines-Agriculture – Uttar Pradesh

Satya Prakash – Terichar, Niwari, Bundelkhand

“This phone facility is really easy. My mustard crop was once infected with

Mahu. I came to know about this service where, if you leave your query, you get

answers. I left a query seeking advice on medicine for my crop. In the answer I was suggested a pesticide. I used the pesticide and this brought my crop’s disease completely under control.”

Sushil Gupat- Sarkar, Jhansi“My cow was ill and was giving very

watery milk. I called up on the helpline number and got some advice on

nutrition and care for my cow. I followed the advice and my cow is fine now. The

milk quality has also improved. This service is good as the answers are given

in a simple and systematic manner here.”

Districts: 8Blocks : 25Villages: 991

Outreach in Uttar Pradesh

LifeLines Agriculture – Uttarakhand

Launched in Feb-2014, LifeLines-Agriculture Uttarakhand has reached to almost 40,000 beneficiaries in 501 villages

Seeta Ram, 59, Village Sabhawala, Vikasnagar Block, Dehradun, Uttarakhand“It is expensive and time consuming to consult experts on agriculture and livestock. LilfeLines Agriculture is a free service and the suggestions I get from experts are low costs. The service is reliable and useful for small farmers like us.”

Brij Mohini, Village Sabhawala, VikasnagarBlock, Dehradun, Uttarakhand“Being a homemaker it is not possible for me to go out and consult an agriculture expert. When I was introduced to LifeLinesAgriculture, I happily made calls and asked questions on high yielding varieties of potato, methods to improve soil fertility and best breeds of cows for high milk production. The service was very useful as it was prompt and could be availed sitting at home.”

Testimonials from the field

Outreach in Uttarakhand

Districts:2Blocks: 7Villages: 551

LifeLines – website (

LifeLines: Location Mapping of Queries

•Tracks the area from which the queries are made•Helps understand issues and demands of a particular are

LifeLines: Management Information System (MIS)

Questions and answers

are being maintained

in our database to

improve the response

time for similar types

of query

LifeLines-Education: In Rajasthan

• The existing model of LifeLinesAgriculture was also adapted to anacademic advisory platform in serviceof rural teaching community Serves as an aid to learning support with professional

development input to school teachers

Provisions critical pedagogic, curricular andinstructional support from subject matter experts

Didactic advisory to enrich daily teaching processes inclassrooms and learning outcomes for children

• Implemented in Rajasthan in partnership between Governmentof Rajasthan, UNICEF & OneWorld, with resource support fromCisco under the Global Education Initiative Programme

• Covered: 455,518 teachers in 105,676 schools in all 33 districts;Knowledge database comprises over 24,000 queries and answers

Marketing and Communication Activities

Radio Programs for Lifelines:

• A special series /episode on agriculture has been developed byOneWorld, “Ek Duniya Ek Aawaz” Broadcast on AIR FMRainbow India 102.6 MHz.

• The series has also been made available to more than 140community radio stations all over the country. The aim is toposition OneWorld/ LifeLines as a leader in the domain.

• Small audio clip flesh jingles have been developed for use aspromotional material for agri-related radio programme.


LifeLines: In Media

LifeLines-Agriculture has attractedinterest from across the world and hasbeen widely covered in the nationaland international media

The Huffington Post: Indian Farmers Turn To Tech To Cultivate Sustainability Epoch Times: Cell phone technology a lifeline for India’s farmers farmers/OneWorld South Asia: LifeLines-Agriculture toll free number rings in Uttarakhand Sahara Samay: Farmers use ICTs to reap profits University's Payson Center for InternationalDevelopment: LifeLines India-a follow up

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