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D.1.3 Country fact-sheets

Questionnaire & Fact sheet sample

D.1.3 Country fact-sheets

Deliverable Title D.1.3 Country fact-sheets

Deliverable Lead

Work package WP 1




Dissemination level

Project Number 297304

Instrument CIP – ICT PSP – Pilot B

Start date of Project 09/03/2012

Duration 36 months

Project coordinator IFEF | IPERIA



Licence and copyright


The content of the DOCUMENT NAME does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in therein lies entirely with the authors.

The DOCUMENT NAME is prepared in the framework of the CARER+ project co-funded by the Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme - ICT Policy Support Programme.


Table of contents








CARER+ team has created this questionnaire with the goal to:

• gather information necessary for the European web portal that should present also country factsheets concerning the legal framework and economic models to access and participate in VET and adult education opportunities related to developing of digital competences of care workers to improve the quality of life of older people (Part I.);

• produce a short descriptions of the real situation concerning the activities of the carers in the European countries that will be used for the portal of the project (Part II.).

Along the questionnaire a fact sheet will be produced to cover main statistical characteristics of each of the 27 Members relevant to care sector. Data will be gathered from Eurostat, thus the common methodology and comparable indicators will be given.

Thank you for taking your time to complete this questionnaire. Your honest and open feedback is critical for developing the portal that reflects the real situation.

Part I.1.1. Please enter your country name:

1.2. The overall management and organising of social worker activities in your country is the responsibility of the following bodies, please check the appropriate ones (maybe several):

Ministry of Health (or equivalent) Ministry of Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry for both – Health and Welfare (or equivalent) Local governments No overall management – charity organisations maintain the activities on their own It is the responsibility of the families only Other, please specify:

1.3. The overall management and organising of the education of social workers in your country is the responsibility of the following bodies, please check the appropriate ones in the list:

Ministry of Health (or equivalent) Ministry of Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry for both – Health and Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry of Education (or equivalent) Local governments No overall management – charity organisations educate them on their own

responsibility No education at all Other, please specify:

1.4. The main resources of financing of the education of social workers, please check the cells of the following table:

Resource Important Moderate Low Lacking

State funding

Local municipality funding

Private charity

The own finances of the students

Your comments on the financing of the education of social workers:

1.5. The organising of the further education of social workers in your country is the responsibility of the following bodies, please check the appropriates ones in the list:

Ministry of Health (or equivalent) Ministry of Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry for both – Health and Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry of Education (or equivalent) Local governments No management – charity organisations educate them on their own responsibility No further education at all Other, please specify:

1.6. What are rights to acquire education of social workers in your country, please check the appropriate ones in the list:

The person should have recommendations of municipalities The person should not have police records The person should not be younger than _______ years No restrictions at all Other, please specify:

Your comments on rights and restrictions to acquire education of social workers

1.7. The main resources of financing of further education of social workers, please check the most relevant ones:

Resource Important Moderate Low Lacking

State funding

Local municipality funding

Private charity

The own finances of the social workers

Other sources, please specify:

Your comments on the financing of further education:

1.8. Amount of students of social worker education in your country:

ProgrammeNumber is sufficient

Number is not sufficient

Such students do not exist

Master degree in social work

Bachelor degree in social work

First level higher education professionals (college)

Second level higher education professionals

Short time courses

Your comments on the education of professionals:

1.9. The overall management and implementation of European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing in your country is the responsibility of the following bodies, please check the appropriate (maybe several):

Ministry of Health (or equivalent) Ministry of Welfare (or equivalent) Ministry for both – Health and Welfare (or equivalent) Local governments Only charity organisations maintain the activities on their own This country does not participate in EIPAHA yet Other, please specify:

1.10. The main resources of financing of European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, please check the most relevant ones:

Resource Important Moderate Low Lacking

State funding

Local municipality funding

Private charity

The own finances of the families

Your comments on the financing of European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

1.11. The required background of the social workers in your country. Could a person with the following background work as a social worker? Check the appropriate cell (one on each row).

Education level YesYes, but will be paid low

Yes, but under control


elementary education

secondary education

student of social worker programs

short time professional courses

Your comments on the background of the social workers:

1.12. The standards of the profession of social worker (social carer) are elaborated and accepted in your country.

Yes No Not yet, the standards are being elaborated now

Your comments on the profession standards

1.13. The requirements to the professions of social worker (social carer) in your country either set in the profession standards or followed in the actual practice include the following levels of ICT skills. Check the appropriate cell (one on each row):

Skill\ LevelCapability to teach others

Capability to use

Preferred but not required

Not considered important

Basics of Windows

Basics of Linux

Basics of Android

Text editing

Use of spreadsheets (Excel)

Creation of presentations (PowerPoint)

Internet use – search, browsing, shopping, etc.

Internet use – contacting of state structures, bank transactions, etc.

Internet use – social networks and their use

Internet use – creating of web pages

Security issues – password choice, use of antiviruses, firewalls, etc.

GPS tracking and mobility monitoring

Smart phone use, remote control of homes

Remote health (chronic diseases) monitoring

Part II.2.1. Please describe shortly in the free form the system of carers activities in your



2.2. Please describe shortly in the free form the individual rights to carer’s VET in your country:


2.3. Please describe shortly in the free form the legal framework of carer education in your country:


2.4. Please describe shortly in the free form the opportunities for carer’s VET in your country:


2.5. Please describe shortly in the free form the certification system of carers in your country:


2.6. Please describe shortly in the free form the system of validation of prior experience in your country:


2.7. Please evaluate the situation in the labour market of carers in your country:


2.8. Please evaluate the participation of your country in the European collaboration in the field of care on the old age people:


2.9. Please evaluate the computer and internet skills of the carers in your country:


Thank you for the creative work!

LATVIA Fact sheet


Total population 2012 2 041 763

Proportion of population

aged 65-79 years 2001 12.5%

2012 14.1%

aged 80 years and more 2001 2.6%

2012 4.5%

Old-age dependency ratio

1990 17.70

2001 22.60

2012 27.70

old-age dependency ratio projections 2020 28.84

2030 36.17

Life expectancy at birth, years 2011

Males 68.6

Females 78.8

Life expectancy at age 65, years 2011

Males 13.4

Females 18.7

Healthy life years expectancy at birth 2011

Males 53.7

Females 56.7


Duration of working life

Males 34.6

Females 34.0

Employment rate of older workers aged 55 to 64

Total 50.5%

Males 51.7%

Females 49.7%

Number of private households with presence of

elderly members 65 years or over 2001

802 848

Households with one adult 65 years or over 35.9%

Social protection

GDP at market prices. Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant 2011 14 700

Pension expenditure, % of GDP 2010 5.1%

projections (baseline scenario) 2020 5.2%

2030 5.9%

Social Protection Receipts by type 2010

Total receipts Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant 2 242.44

Percentage of GDP 17.84%

Social contribution Power Standard per inhabitant 1 103.63

Percentage of GDP 8.78%

Employers' social contribution Power Standard per inhabitant 815.99

Percentage of GDP 6.49%

Social protection benefits 2010

Sickness/Health care Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant 459.48

Expenditure on care for elderly, % of GDP 2008 0.17%

Social benefits by function, % of total benefits

Sickness/Health care 2010 20.78%

Old age 2010 51.80%

Survivors 2010 1.70%

At-risk-of-poverty rate, age group 65 years or over 8.9%

Use of computers

Enforced lack of a computer 2011

Total. Cannot afford 17.1%

One adult younger than 65 years. Cannot afford 29.2%

One adult 65 years or over. Cannot afford 18.4%

e-skills 2012

Individuals who have carried out 1 or 2 of the computer related activities


Individuals who have carried out 3 or 4 of the computer related activities


Individuals who have carried out 5 or 6 of the computer related activities


Individuals who have copied or moved a file or folder 2012 61%

Individuals who have used copy or cut and paste tools to duplicate or move information on screen


Individuals who have used basic arithmetic formulae to add, subtract, multiply or divide figures in a spreadsheet


Individuals who have compressed files 38%

Way of obtaining e-skills 2011

Individuals who have obtained IT skills through formalised educational institution (school, college, university, etc.)


Individuals who have obtained IT skills through training courses and adult education centres, on own initiative


Individuals who have obtained IT skills through training courses and adult education centres, on demand of employer


Individuals who have obtained IT skills through self-study using books, cd-roms, etc.


Individuals who have obtained IT skills through self-study (learning by doing)


Reasons for not having taken a computer course 2011

Individuals who do not need to take a computer course because their computer skills are sufficient


Individuals who do not need to take a computer course because they rarely use computers


Most recent training course on computer use 2010

Last computer course

in the last 3 months n/a

between 3 and 12 months n/a

in the last 12 months n/a

between 1 and 3 years ago n/a

more than 3 years ago n/a

Use of Internet

Frequency of Internet access: 2012

once a week (including every day) 70%

daily 57%

Internet use 2012

Internet banking 47%

interaction with public authorities (last 12 months) 47%

obtaining information from public authorities web sites (last 12 months)


downloading official forms (last 12 months) 19%

sending filled forms (last 12 months) 17%

Mobile Internet access with portable computer

every day or almost every day 2012 9%

Individuals' level of Internet skills 2011

Individuals who have used a search engine to find information 71%

Individuals who have sent an email with attached files 62%

Individuals who have posted messages to chat rooms, newsgroups or 61%

an online discussion forum

Individuals who have used the Internet to make phone calls 52%

Individuals who have used peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music, etc


Individuals using the Internet for seeking health-related information 38%

Concern about possible problems related to Internet usage 2010

Strongly concerned about catching a virus or other computer infection (e.g. worm or Trojan horse) resulting in loss of information or time


Mildly concerned about catching a virus or other computer infection (e.g. worm or Trojan horse) resulting in loss of information or time


Not at all concerned about catching a virus or other computer infection (e.g. worm or Trojan horse) resulting in loss of information or time


Strongly concerned about unsolicited emails received ('Spam') 31%

Mildly concerned about unsolicited emails received ('Spam') 22%

Security related problems experienced through using the

Internet for private purposes in the last 12 months.


Caught a virus or other computer infection (e.g. worm or Trojan horse)

resulting in loss of information or time


Unsolicited emails sent to individual ('Spam') 30%

Abuse of personal information sent on the Internet and/or other privacy

violations (e.g. abuse of pictures, videos, personal data uploaded

on community websites)


Financial loss as a result of receiving fraudulent messages ('phishing')

or getting redirected to fake websites asking for personal information ('pharming')


Financial loss due to fraudulent payment (credit or debit) card use 1%

Activities via Internet not done because of security concerns 2010

Security concerns kept individual from ordering or buying goods 15%

or services for private use

Security concerns kept individual from carrying out banking activities

such as account management


Security concerns kept individual from providing personal information

to online communities for social and professional networking


Security concerns kept individual from communicating

with public services and administrations


Security concerns kept individual from downloading software, music,

video files, games or other data files


Use and update of IT security software or tool to protect the private computer and data


Use any kind of IT security software or tool (anti-virus, anti-spam,

firewall, etc.) in order to protect private computer and data


Don't use any kind of IT security software or tool (anti-virus, anti-spam,

firewall, etc.) in order to protect private computer and data


Don't know if use any kind of IT security software or tool (anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall, etc.) in order to protect private computer and data


Don't need IT security software or tool (anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall, etc.) in order to protect private computer and data (don't use private computer)


Use security software and experienced any

security related problem


Frequency of safety copies or back up files from the computer on any external storage device


Frequency of safety copies/back up files: always or almost always 10%

Frequency of safety copies/back up files: Sometimes 26%

Frequency of safety copies/back up files: Never or hardly ever 20%

Not applicable (don't keep files on a computer) 13%

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