li 200 141 -

Post on 25-Oct-2021






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(8) n. I usually get up at 6:OO a.m.

‘II. He usual!y gets up at 690 a.m.

6. My father got up at 6:OO a.m. this morning

W. He already brushed his teeth

9. My sister is getting dressed in her room.

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Adams, V. 1973. An Introduction to Modern English Word Formation. London. Longman.

Aronoff. Mark. lY76. Word formation in Generative Grammar. Linguistic Inquiry, Monograph 1.Cambridge. MA. MIT Press.

Bloomfield, Leonard. 1933. Languape. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Greene. Amsel. 196’). Puller Surprise. Glenview, IL. Scott, Foresman & Co.

Marchand, Hans. lY6Y. The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word Formation.2nd ed. Munich. Beck.

Matthews P.H. lY7h Motpbo/ogy: An Infroduction to the Theory of Word Structure. Cambridge,UK, Cambridge University Press.

Nida. Eugene. lY4Y. Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words. 2nd. ed. Ann Arbor,MI, The University of Michigan Press.

Warotamasikkhadit, U&m, 1075. Dependency of underlying StrUCtUre and final particle%

Act&s du X.yXIX’ Congr& International des Orientalistes. Paris, L’AsiathQue.

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