
Post on 13-Jan-2016






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To:Dana Donnley, Director of Employee Communications

From: Director HRcc:The Vice President

Date:January 31, 2015

Re:Communication strategy for Employee Wellness Program


Subsequent to the instructions from the VP, employee welfare and retention have been identified as the main factors in driving business. According to an inter-organizational research it was found that of all the reasons for absenteeism, illness (not chronic) constituted for a good 55%. Stress has also been identified as major factor which affected the quality of the work amongst the individuals and the reason for the stress have been mainly associated with the ill health of employees family. So, keeping this in mind, an employee wellness program has been planned. This program will enable the employee and the spouse of the employee to get a full medical checkup done for the most common symptoms known to occur in professionals. The main reason for the low turnout has been lack of awareness, ignorance of ones health and the concern of confidentiality of the reports. Hence I recommend a few points that need to be highlighted:. The program is free of cost. The program is being carried out by MNC hospitals, one of the best in the country. Absolute confidentiality of the reports and results will be maintained and no copies of the same will be made. Checkup will be conducted on each ones birthday and they will receive a notice for the same.

I suggest the facts and benefits of the program to be communicated to the employees to encourage voluntary participation will be an effective strategy and to propose it as a token of appreciation on their birthdays to make them feel valuable and relevant to the company.

Please contact me at Ext.1786 for any queries or clarifications needed.


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