lessons about abundant life from the sunset days galatians 5:22-23

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Lessons about Abundant Life from the Sunset Days

Galatians 5:22-23Galatians 5:22-23

Don’t quit your day job…

Paul’s Letter to the church at Galatia

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 

–Gal. 5:22-23

The “Big Picture”

--The Capital “S”--Divine Attributes--The Ramifications

The Capital “S”“…the fruit of the Spirit…”

--Comes from the Holy Spirit--God’s character, not our own--Work through to produce fruit

Divine Attributes

--Not inherent to human nature--Attributes are manifest--Open and Willing

The Ramifications

--The “fruits” manifest in us--Allowed to share in His divinity--What would change if we truly believed this?!

Got it…Now…

What does that have to do with dementia care?

Being child-like in Christ…--Dementia causes a backward progression

--We’re called to this progression in Christ

“And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

--Matthew 18:2-4

--We’re called to be child-like in our faith--The regression in dementia care--How cool…I get to experience it every day?!

--We’re called to be child-like in our faith--The regression in dementia care--How cool…I get to experience it every day?!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 

–Gal. 5:22-23

The “Why” of two verses:--The call to reflect Christ’s example--The purpose of being Christ-like is to further God’s kingdom on Earth


The Golden Example:Mother…but not really

Loving as parent to a child

LOVE--One little word…so much meaning--Greek to English complicates things!--This love: “agape” (self-sacrifice)

--It’s not natural this side of heaven--Not because of, but in spite of--Our version: you’re crazy!--I’ll do what’s best for you, even if it makes my hair curl!


The Golden Example:“You are the winner of the


JOY--Gladness of heart--Different from temporary happiness--The joy of the Lord is our strength

--Joy: indwelling celebration despite the circumstances--The joy found in the Lord is the source for perseverance when things go awry--Keeping it going is key

Because some days, you’re the winner of the world…and other days the world is the winner of you.


The Golden Example:Sweet Ms. Bea…and her

wonderful, coffee-waiting ways

PEACE--The peace found in God…like waiting on a cup of coffee--Finding rest, tranquility, harmony in a world that simply isn’t harmonious

--“Be still and know that I am God.”--Goes hand in hand with joy--Being still and KNOWING the will of God is coming


The Golden Example:Just waiting for the meal

PATIENCE--AKA “long-suffering”--Let that sink in…--One of the first lessons: God’s timing, not mine--What can “go wrong” waiting?

--We’re a society that prides itself on immediacy--We’ve lost our patience (3 pointing back at me)--Never more than a prayer away--Sometimes the only way through




KINDNESS--Goodness of heart. Compassion. Caring. Benevolence.--Jesus’ examples (too numerous to mention)--Kindness flows from love

--The Greatest Command: Love God, Love people.--Love’s tangible display is through kindness--Seeking the best for others--Serving, giving, sharing


The Golden Example:Sharing is caring…

Except when it comes to food

GOODNESS--The outward manifestation of kindness --Kindness “is”; Goodness “does”--The initial draw of someone to Christ

--When it’s deeply rooted, others take notice--Children are innately drawn to it in others--Why? It has no agenda.-- “You need cake…”


The Golden Example:“Can I get a little toothpaste?”

FAITHFULNESS--Loyalty. Devotion. Dependability.--First call: Love God--Meaning: be loyal, dependable with what’s he’s entrusted, devoted to the furthering

--From the first moment, we’re called to faithfulness to co-labor--High calling=hard work (but we’re faithful)--We live in (not of) a world that’s opposite, we’re called to be more.

DISCLAIMER:--Faithfulness≠submission to harm--That’s the opposite of faithfulness--If that’s you: seek the will of God and GET OUT!


The Golden Example:Caring for the babies…

GENTLENESS--Mildness. Tenderness. Controlled strength.--Sounds Biblical, right?!--Jesus: even with “sons of Hell,” “whitewashed tombs,” table-smash

--Gentleness is power under control--See in parents (especially with young children)-- “Can I have some chocolate milk, Daddy?”

--Sometimes it’s tough love…--Our Father when we ask in His name, according to His will--Acting Outside: firmly redirected--Depends on our attitudes, not the recipient


The Golden Example:Dan, the coffee hound

SELF-CONTROL--The War: Flesh vs. Spirit--We’ve all got vices…things that cause us to say, “Whoops!”--Self-control is a GIFT! (worth honing)

--The ability to say, “Not my will, but Yours be done…”--Practice makes perfect…prayer makes it possible

So that’s the fruit!

Did you catch it all?

Do you have areas for growth?(I KNOW I DO!!)

The purpose of this message:to grow good fruit.

“You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.

A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit…. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.”

--Matthew 7:16-19

We’re known by our fruit:good or bad.

If you’re willing to yield and allow Him to work, you’ll find yourself

growing in ways you never thought possible.

Questions, Comments,Disagreements?

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