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Post on 06-Jul-2020






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Perfume Industry Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

rapidly 급속히 (very quickly; at a great rate)

numerous 많은 (great in number; many)

saturated 포화상태의 (brought to a state of saturation)

captivate ~의 마음을 사로잡다 (to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting)

consumer 소비자 (someone who buys or uses goods or services)

statistic 통계 (the numerical facts or data themselves)

revenue 수익 (the income that a government or company receives regularly)

affordable 가격이 알맞은 (not expensive)

synthetic 합성 (describes products that are made from artificial substances, often copying a natural product)

covet 탐내다 ( to want to have something very much)

1. Do you like perfume? 2. Do you think it's OK for men to wear perfume? 3. Are French perfumes the best? 4. What are the ingredients of perfume? 5. What's the biggest reason to wear perfume? 6. If you could make your own perfume, what smells would you like to include?

Comprehension Check

1. What was the annual global perfume sales revenue in 2012? 2. What was the US annual perfume sales revenue in 2012? 3. What are some examples of scented products? 4. What kind of perfume can cause environmental pollution?

The perfume industry is growing rapidly with numerous newborn brands pouring in.

With their unique bottle designs and fragrances, they are making their way into the

already saturated perfume market, captivating the hearts of consumers. A statistic on

the fragrance industry said the annual global perfume industry sales revenue reached

$27.5 billion in 2012 ,with $5.2 billion as the US sales, taking up to one fifth of the

global sales revenue. Scented shampoo, lotion, soaps and even candles that have your

favorite perfume fragrance can be found everywhere at affordable prices. There are also

places where you can make your own perfume with ingredients you choose. Some

researchers say synthetic musks can cause environmental pollution, but as more people

covet a fragrance of their own, the competition in the perfume industry is also getting


Pasta and Nutrition Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

staple food 주식 (a basic or necessary item of food)

exclusive 전용의 (limited to only one person or group of people)

adopted 받아들여지다 (to choose or take as one's own)

agreeable ~에 맞는 (to one's liking; pleasing)

contain 함유하다 (to have something inside or include something as a part)

considerable 상당한 (large or of noticeable importance)

convert 전환하다 (to change in form or character)

lead to 초래하다 (to influence or induce; cause)

obesity 비만 (the fact of being extremely fat)

wholewheat 통밀 (prepared with the complete wheat kernel.)

1. How much do you like pasta? 2. What are your favorite kinds of pasta? 3. Pasta or pizza? 4. How often do you eat pasta? 5. Are you good at cooking pasta dishes? 6. What's the difference between pasta and noodles?

Comprehension Check

1. Where was pasta exclusively eaten in the past? 2. Why has it become one of the most popular dishes in the world? 3. What nutrients does pasta contain? 4. Does eating pasta lead to obesity?

Pasta is one of the most common staple foods beloved by millions of people. Once an

exclusive cuisine of Italy and Europe, it has now been introduced and adopted in

different styles in many countries due to its worldwide popularity. It is easy to cook and

is agreeable to everyone's taste, so it quickly became one of the most popular dishes in

the world. But is it nutritious? Pasta is known to contain considerable amounts of

carbohydrates, a common source of energy in living organism. It is also known to

contain niacin, vitamin B3, which helps the body convert carbohydrates into glucose.

Many people think eating pasta may lead to obesity, but it is the calorie of the food

that causes obesity, not the quantity of carbohydrates. Wholewheat pasta that contains

lots of minerals such as calcium and zinc has more health benefits than pasta made of

wheat flour or durum wheat. If you are concerned about your diet, you might want to

choose wholewheat pasta over wheat flour pasta.

The United Kingdom and Culture Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

legendary 전설적인 (very famous and admired or spoken about)

a great deal 다량의 (a large amount)

common denominator 공통분모 (a trait, characteristic, belief, or the like common to or shared by all members of a group)

legacy 유산 (anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor)

not to mention ~은 말할 것도 없고 (used when you want to emphasize something that you are adding to a list)

prestigious 일류의 (having a high reputation; honored; esteemed)

foster 육성하다 (to promote the growth or development of; further; encourage)

handsome 후한 (considerable, ample, or liberal in amount)

yield 산출하다 (to give a return, as for labor expended; produce; bear)

uncountable 셀 수 없는 (not countable)

1. What is the difference between Great Britain, England and the United Kingdom? 2. What do you know about British food and weather? 3. Would you like to live in Great Britain? 4. What is Britain most famous for? 5. Do you like British fashion and music? 6. What do you think of the British Queen?

Comprehension Check

1. What are some legendary British rock bands? 2. What is their common denominator? 3. What are the examples of British cultural legacies? 4. What percentage did the private investment in Culture make up in the UK in 2007?

The Beatles, Queen, Rolling Stones and Oasis... You must have heard of these names at

least once in your life. They are legendary rock bands in history who have influenced

the world music scene a great deal. These rock bands have another common

denominator; their root being the United Kingdom. There are priceless cultural legacies

in the UK, including music, sports, art, fashion and so on, not to mention the official

language, English. And its capital city, London, has also been described as the world

cultural capital. There are some of the world's most prestigious galleries, museums and

schools that foster the next person of talent. The government is investing substantial

amounts in Arts & Culture sector, and private Investment in culture made up

approximately 13% of the total income for cultural organizations in the UK around 2007,

which is quite a handsome amount. And in turn, the culture industry is yielding

uncountable value to the country, drawing a lot of people around the world who come

to Britain to learn and experience the UK’s culture.

Veganism and Vegetarianism Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

craze 열풍 (a popular or widespread fad, fashion, etc.)

regard ~으로 여기다 (to look upon or consider in a specified way)

blanket term 포괄적인 용어 (a word or phrase that is used to describe multiple groups of related things)

consume 섭취하다 (to eat or drink up; devour)

by-product 부산물 (a secondary or incidental product, as in a process of manufacture)

derived 파생된 (to come from a source or origin)

deficiency 결핍 (the state of being deficient; lack)

fortified food 강화식품 (food increased in the effectiveness of additional ingredients)

supplement 보충제 (something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole)

at their best 가장 좋은 상태에 (at the highest standard that can be achieved)

1. Why do people become vegetarians? 2. Do you think vegetarians lead better lives than non-vegetarians? 3. Is there anything unhealthy about a vegetarian diet? 4. What do you think vegetarians think of meat eaters? 5. Would we help save the planet if we were all vegetarian? 6. Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat diet?

Comprehension Check

1. Why do people become vegetarians? 2. What are the differences between vegetarians and vegans? 3. Which nutrients do the vegans lack? 4. Where should vegans get vitamin B-12?

Vegetarianism is spreading around the world with the well-being craze as well as with

the support of environmental groups and animal rights activists. People become

vegetarians for various reasons including concerns for animal ethics and health issues.

Some might regard veganism and vegetarianism as the same, but there are differences

between the two. Vegetarian is a blanket term that describes a person who does not

consume meat, poultry, fish, or seafood, and vegan is the sub-category of vegetarians

who do not consume any animal products or by-products. Vegans also follow the

compassionate vegan lifestyle that does not use any animal derived products such as

fur, leather, wool, etc. Vegetarians can consume all the necessary nutrients, but still

there are possible nutritional deficiencies for vegans, especially vitamin B-12 that is

naturally found only in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. Therefore vegans should

obtain vitamin B-12 from fortified foods or concentrated supplements. But you should

never forget that nutrients are at their best when obtained naturally.

Facebook and its Social Impact Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

long-lost 오랫동안 보지 못한 (it is used to describe someone or something that you have not seen for a long time)

improbable 있을 법 하지 않은 (unlikely to be true or to happen)

stay in touch 연락을 유지하다 (communicate with somebody regularly)

acquaintance 지인 (a person known to one, but usually not a close friend)

relative 친척 (a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage)

automatically 자동으로 (having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently)

status 상태 (state or condition of affairs)

futurist 미래파 (a follower of futurism)

break out 벗어나다 (to become detached, separated, or disassociated)

drawback 문제점 (a hindrance or disadvantage)

1. Facebook or Twitter? 2. What are the best things about Facebook? 3. What is the purpose of Facebook? 4. Have you ever put anything on Facebook that you regretted? 5. Is Facebook a good place to meet new people? 6. What do you think of people who are addicted to Facebook?

Comprehension Check

1. How many users does Facebook have? 2. How can you find a person on Facebook? 3. What did a futurist say the biggest impact of Facebook was? 4. What is one of the drawbacks of Facebook use?

Your long-lost friend might one day find you and send you a friend request, and you

will be friends again after a long time. This sounded improbable just about 5 years ago,

but now it is happening everyday through Facebook, the biggest social network service

on earth, which has 1.2 billion users. It helps people stay in touch with their friends,

acquaintances and relatives without having to meet them personally. Just type in the

name of the person you want to find, and Facebook will automatically bring you the

closest result. It is obviously affecting people's social lives greatly. You can not only

check others' status but also send messages anytime. A Silicon Valley futurist said "The

biggest impact of Facebook was that it broke us out of e-mail jail". There are also

drawbacks of Facebook use. One experiment concluded that Facebook could increase

feelings of jealousy that can cause relationship problems. And a study found that it can

lower feelings of connection and increase the sense of loneliness. Facebook is a great

tool for social networking, but it can perform its duty well only when used wisely.

Ear and Body Piercing Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

unusual 흔치 않은 (not usual, common, or ordinary)

high street 시내 중심가 (the main street of a town)

frown upon 눈살을 찌푸리다 (to look displeased, to view with disapproval)

conservative 보수적인 (traditional in style or manner)

sufficient 충분한 (enough)

hygienic 위생적인 (conducive to good health; sanitary)

overlooked 간과되는 (to fail to notice, perceive, or consider)

complications 합병증 (a concurrent disease)

Infection 감염 (state of being infected)

moderate 적당한(keeping within reasonable or proper limits)

1. What do you think of pierced ears? 2. Do ear-rings / studs make someone look more attractive? 3. What do you think of body piercing? 4. Do you think pierced noses, eyebrows, lips, etc look attractive? 5. What would your mother say if you got your face and body pierced? 6. Do you think body piercing can be dangerous?

Comprehension Check

1. When were the oldest earrings found? 2. Who is the 'Most Pierced Woman' in the world? 3. How many piercing does the 'Most Pierced Man' have? 4. What are some complications of piercing?

It is not unusual to see someone with piercings all over their bodies on high streets

these days. Still it is frowned upon in some of the conservative countries like China and

Korea, but it has become a common fashion item that people casually enjoy. The oldest

earrings were found in a grave about 2500 years old. However, there are no sufficient

records that discuss the origin or use of piercings. And do you ever wonder how many

piercings a person can have? A Scottish woman named Elaine Davidson holds the

Guinness World Record as the "Most Pierced Woman" in the world since 2009. She was

reported to have 6,005 piercing in 2009. And Luis Antonio Agüero, the 'Most Pierced

Man' had 230 permanent piercings. Decorating one's body with piercings is a fairly

personal and easy decision, but taking good care of and keeping the pierced parts

hygienic are very often overlooked. Piercing can cause complications such as allergic

reaction, infection and physical trauma. Keep in mind that moderate and proper use of

piercings will make them look more charming.

Abortion Debate Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

extremely 극도로 (in an extreme degree;)

ethical 윤리적인 (pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality)

on-going 계속 진행중인 (currently happening)

controversial 논란이 많은 (subject to controversy; debatable)

obviously 분명히 (easily seen, recognized, or understood)

unavoidable 불가피한 (unable to be avoided;)

emphasize 강조하다 (to give emphasis or prominence to;)

embryo 배아 (an animal in the early stages of development)

jurisdiction 사법권 (the right or power to administer justice and to apply laws)

restriction 제한 (something that restricts)

1. What is abortion? 2. Do you think abortion should be legal or illegal? 3. Do you think there are any special cases in which abortion is acceptable? 4. How does the law regard abortion in your country? 5. Does the mother have the right to control her own body? 6. Is abortion dangerous?

Comprehension Check

1. What is the group that supports abortion called? 2. What is the group that opposes abortion called? 3. Which country bans abortion with no exception? 4. When is abortion exceptionally admitted by some religions?

Abortion is an extremely sensitive issue in the world, for it deals with human life. There

have been endless debates on the ethical, political and religious controversy, and it is

still an on-going issue. However controversial the topic is, it is obviously an unavoidable

matter. There are largely two groups in the middle of the dispute; one that supports the

idea, which is called the 'Pro-choice movement' and one that is against it, which is

called the 'Pro-life movement'. Pro-choice movement emphasizes the right of women to

choose whether to have the baby or not, and the Pro-life movement emphasizes the

right of the embryo or fetus to be born. Law on abortion also varies depending on the

county and jurisdiction. Canada allows abortion to every woman without any legal

restrictions, whereas Chile bans abortion with no exception. Muslims and Pro-life

Christians regard abortion as forbidden, but some religions admit abortion when the

pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.

Military Service in Countries Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

compulsory 의무적인 (required; mandatory; obligatory)

voluntary 자발적인 (something done voluntarily.)

conscription 징병제 (compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service)

as of 현재로 (used to indicate the time or date from which something starts)

debate 논의 (a discussion)

necessity 필요성 (something necessary or indispensable)

gender 성별 (the state of being male, female)

despite ~에도 불구하고 (in spite of; notwithstanding)

religious 종교적인 (concerned with religion)

psychological 정신의 (pertaining to, dealing with, or affecting the mind)

1. What’s your country’s army like? 2. Are armies necessary? 3. Is there conscription in your country? 4. Would you ever fight in a war? 5. What do you think of women being in the army? 6. What do you think is worst thing about being in the army?

Comprehension Check

1. What are the countries that have mandatory military service? 2. What are the countries that ended their mandatory military service? 3. Which country is the first European country that conscripts both genders? 4. What are some reasons that people refuse to serve in the army in Israel?

Have you, or people around you been in the army? How do you feel about serving in

the army for a certain period of time? Military service is compulsory in some countries

like Finland, North and South Korea, Singapore and Switzerland etc., or voluntary in

others like France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom etc. In 2010, Sweden and

Germany ended their mandatory military service, and Australia has no conscription as of

2013. There have been and still are a lot of debates on the effectiveness and necessity

of obligatory military service, and also on conscripting women into armed forces.

Norway, where many people are fighting for gender equality, with women making up

half of the government, became the first European country to make military service

compulsory for both genders in 2013. Also in Israel, conscription exists for all Israeli

citizens despite their genders. Women are to serve for two years in the army and men

for three years in Israel, but about 50% of people refuse to serve in the army for

religious or psychological reasons.

Rock and Roll Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

relieve 해소하다 (to ease or alleviate)

variety 갖가지 (a number of different types of things)

entertainment 오락 (something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement)

genre 장르 (kind, category, or sort, esp of literary or artistic work)

include 포함하다 (to place in an aggregate, class, category)

female 여성 (of, relating to, or characteristic of a woman)

wane 줄어들다 (to decline in power, importance, prosperity)

the passage of time 시간의 흐름 (flow of time)

deny 부정하다 (to refuse to agree or accede to)

vigorous 기운찬 (vigorous)

1. Do you like rock and roll? 2. What do you know about the history of rock and roll? 3. Who are the greatest rock and roll stars? 4. What kind of rock and roll star would you like to be? 5. Why is rock and roll called rock and roll? 6. What do you think of Elvis Presley?

Comprehension Check

1. When and where did rock and roll originate and develop? 2. What are some of the best selling rock and roll albums? 3. What was the first album by a rock and roll artist to win 'Album of the Year' at the Grammys? 4. Who was the youngest to win 'Album of the Year' at the Grammys in 1996?

What do you do when you want to relieve your stress? Before the development of

technology that offers us great variety of entertainment, rock and roll was the answer

for it. Rock and roll is a genre of music that originated and developed during the late

40s and early 50s in the United States. Some of the best selling albums in the history of

rock and roll include AC/DC's "Back In Black", Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon"

and The Beatles' "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band“, which was the first album by a

rock and roll artist to win 'Album of the Year' at the Grammys. And Alanis Morissette, a

Canadian American female rocker, selling 33 million copies, won the same title at the

Grammys at the age of 21 in 1996, as the youngest to ever receive the award until

Taylor Swift replaced the position in 2010. Although the glory of rock and roll has

waned with the passage of time, no one can deny that it is the music that makes us go

wild and vigorous.

Photography Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

hobby 취미 (an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation)

capture 포착하다 (to represent or record in lasting form)

emergence 출현 (the act or process of emerging)

platform 플랫폼 (a specific type of computer hardware or computer operating system)

gorgeous 아주 멋진 (splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc.)

fabulous 끝내주는 (exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous)

high-end 고급의 (being expensive and technically sophisticated)

approachable 접근하기 쉬운 (capable of being approached; accessible)

modify 수정하다 (to change the form or qualities)

mood 분위기 (a prevailing atmosphere or feeling)

1. Do you think taking photographs requires high skill and knowledge? 2. Have you ever purchased an expensive camera? 3. Do you share your photos on your SNS? 4. Do you use any camera application on your mobile phone? 5. What is your favorite camera brand? 6. Who is your favorite photographer?

Comprehension Check

1. What are some of the platforms that let people share their photos? 2. What made it easier to take great pictures? 3. List some of the popular camera brands. 4. What do high-end compact cameras feature?

Taking photographs is a popular hobby among people who want to capture special

moments of their lives. Lots of people enjoy taking pictures with their friends and family.

With the emergence of social network services and websites that provide easy platforms

to share photos, such as Instagram, Flicker, Tumblr etc., taking more gorgeous and

fabulous pictures has become natural and common. Also, the development of

smartphone cameras and easy-to-control high-end cameras produced by popular brands

like Fuji, Canon and Sony etc. makes it much more approachable to take great pictures at

any time. These high-end compact cameras feature affordable prices, slim bodies and

high quality. There are also various types of applications that provide stylish filters to

modify the color and mood of the photos with just a touch of a finger. Now, how about

grabbing your camera or your smartphone and going out to some nice places to take

wonderful pictures?

Tattoos Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

impression 인상 (the first and immediate effect of an experience or perception)

identity 정체성 (the condition of being oneself or itself)

discreet 조심스러운 (showing prudence and circumspection)

prudent 신중한 (exercising good judgment or common sense)

remove 제거하다 (to go away; depart; disappear)

painful 고통스러운 (affected with, causing, or characterized by pain)

heal 치유하다 (to make healthy, whole; restore to health)

taboo 금기기 (proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable)

stereotype 선입견 (an idea, trait, convention, etc, that has grown stale through fixed usage)

delinquent 문제아 (a person who is delinquent)

1. Do you have a tattoo? 2. If yes, would you do another one? If no, would you ever try one? 3. What do you think of people with tattoos on their body? 4. What do you think is a reason for having a tattoo? 5. Do you think tattoos will give you a disadvantage in getting a job? 6. Would you allow your family or friends to try a tattoo?

Comprehension Check

1. Which one is more painful and expensive? Having a tattoo or removing it? 2. How long does it take for the skin to heal? 3. What is the percentage of people who try to remove tattoos increased in Korea? 4. What is the biggest reason to remove tattoos in Korea?

What is the first impression that comes to your mind when seeing a beautiful lady

covered with tattoos all over her body? Some may think it beautiful and some might

not. But Tattoos are used as a way of showing one's identity. But if you are considering

having one, you have to be very discreet and prudent about it, because removing it is

much more painful and expensive than having one. Also, it takes a much longer time,

since it takes three to four weeks for the skin to heal. And the removing process is

repeatedly done once the skin is healed. There are also a great many people who regret

having tattoos after a while, especially in their thirties. The percentage of people who

try to remove tattoos has increased by 40% since last year in Korea. The biggest reason

for Koreans removing tattoos is to get a job, because tattoos are regarded as a taboo in

Korean society. Furthermore, there is a stereotype that people with tattoos have been

delinquents in their teens.

Bicycle Riding Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

efficient 효율적인 (satisfactory and economical to use)

suitable 적절한 (appropriate; fitting)

urban 도시의 (of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town)

relatively 비교적 (in comparison or relation to something else)

a host of 다수의 (many)

fitness 건강 (health)

congestion 혼잡 (overcrowding; clogging)

vulnerability 취약성 (capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt)

paved 포장된 (to cover or lay (a road, walk, etc.) with concrete, stones etc.)

hybrid 교배된 (composed of elements of different or incongruous kinds)

1. Do you think riding a bicycle on the road is dangerous? 2. Which one do you prefer? A motorcycle or a bicycle? 3. Do you think there should be more paths for bicycles? 4. Do you think cyclists should be protected by law? 5. What kind of purpose would you use your bicycle for? 6. Do you know anyone who had an accident while cycling?

Comprehension Check

1. Why are bicycles so popular? 2. What are the benefits of riding bicycles? 3. What are the disadvantages of riding bicycles? 4. What are the types of bicycles popular in Korea?

Bicycle riding is one of the most healthy and efficient hobbies introduced in the 19th

century, which is now enjoying worldwide popularity. Riding a bicycle requires little skill

and money, and it's very easy to spot bicycle riders on the streets nowadays. It is a

fantastic mode of transportation as well, suitable for urban use and relatively short

distances. Bicycles provide a host of benefits like physical fitness, less air pollution,

reduced traffic congestion and easier parking. But there are also disadvantages like

vulnerability to weather conditions, burden of risk in crashes and longer travel time.

Enough about the introduction, it is time to choose one. According to their intended

use, bicycles are categorized in many different types, and the three types that are

popular in Korea are road bicycles, which are designed for travelling at speed on paved

roads, hybrid bicycles with light frames, which are a compromise between the mountain

and racing style bicycles, and lastly, folding bicycles, which can be quickly folded for

easy carrying. Now have a fun time riding!

Paris and Art Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

arouse 불러일으키다 (to stir to action or strong response)

sentiment 감정 (a mental feeling; emotion)

at one time or another 한번쯤은 (on various separate occasions)

quality 특성 (an essential or distinctive characteristic)

notable 유명한 (prominent, important, or distinguished)

sought-after 인기있는 (that is in demand; desirable)

attraction 명소 (a thing or place that draws, attracts, allures)

ought ~해야하다 (used to express duty or moral obligation)

produce 배출하다 (to bring forth)

prestigious 일류의 (having a high reputation; honored)

1. Have you been to Paris or any European cities? 2. Do you think Paris is a romantic city in reality? 3. Would you want to live in Paris forever? 4. Why are people so fascinated by Paris? 5. What do you think is the biggest attraction that Paris has? 6. Which one do you like better? Paris or London?

Comprehension Check

1. Name some of the artists and writers who lived in Paris. 2. What is the bookshop called where the two characters of <Before Sunset> met? 3. What are the movies that have Paris as their background? 4. Who are the prestigious designers from Paris?

Paris, just the name itself arouses sentiments and love. At one time or another,

everyone should have had dreams and fantasies about the city. It is always described as

the city that has freedom, love and passion, and that is the quality that drew lots of

notable artists and writers like Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, George Owell, Earnest

Hemingway, etc. to Paris from around the world.

Paris has been the background for various films as well. The most famous one can of

course be <Before Sunset>, where the two leading characters meet again at a small

book shop in Paris called 'Shakespeare and the Company'. That exact book shop has

become one of the most sought-after attractions of the city itself. <Moulin Rouge> and

<Midnight in Paris> are other famous movies with Paris as their setting. And there is

something we ought to be talking about when it comes to Paris: Fashion. It is a fashion

capital that produced some of the world's most prestigious designers like Coco Chanel,

Yves Saint Laurent, Jeanne Lanvin and Jean Paul Gaultier, whose brands all had huge

international success.

Premier League Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

Primary 주요한 (first or highest in rank or importance)

match 경기 (a game or contest)

compose 구성하다 (to be or constitute a part or element of)

relegate 좌천시키다 (to send or consign to an inferior position, place, or condition)

be referred to as ~로 불리다 (be called as)

robbed of 빼앗기다 (to be stolen of)

outstanding 뛰어난 (prominent; conspicuous; striking)

arguably 주장하건대 (susceptible to debate, challenge, or doubt)

intense 열정적인 (strenuous or earnest, as activity, exertion, diligence)

sleepless 잠 못 이루는 (without sleep)

1. What is your favorite Premier League club? 2. What do you like and dislike about football? 3. Do you think Premier League clubs spend too much money in buying footballers? 4. Where do you think is the world’s best football played? 5. Who is your favorite footballer? 6. Why do you think football is so popular?

Comprehension Check

1. What is the Premier League? 2. When does the season start? 3. Name some of the clubs of Premier League 4. What was the original name of the Premier League?

England is the home of football and the Premier League is an English professional

league for men's association football clubs founded in 1991, the country's primary

football competition. Seasons begin in August and end in May, with a total of 380

matches played among football clubs during the period. The club was originally

composed of 22 clubs including Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City etc., but

three teams were relegated at the end of the 1991–92 season. The original name of it

was the FA Premier League which was changed simply to the Premier League in 2007

and it is commonly referred to as the English Premier League (EPL). The Spanish league,

La Liga, was the biggest and most famous football league in Europe but it was once

robbed of its number one ranking by the Premier League because of the outstanding

performances of English teams in European competitions, but it won back the number

one title in 2013. EPL is arguably one of the most popular and intense sports. When the

season comes, many will spend sleepless nights while the match is on.

English as a Second Language Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

mother tongue 모국어 (the language first learned by a person)

bilingual 2개 국어의 (able to speak two languages with the facility of a native speaker)

state 상태 (the condition of a person or thing)

native speaker 원어민 (a person having a specified native language)

proficiency 숙달 (the state of being proficient; skill; expertness)

fervent 열렬한 (intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm)

instrument 도구 (a means by which something is effected or done)

apart from ~을 제외하고 (aside from)

broaden 넓히다 (to make or become broad or broader)

competent 능숙한 (having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience)

1. Do you speak English fluently? 2. What do you think of overseas study at early ages? 3. Do you think learning English is essential in your life? 4. Do you like any British or American music or movies? 5. What would you do to improve your English skill? 6. What is the problem with English education in Korea?

Comprehension Check

1. How many countries use English as their official language? 2. What is bilingualism or multilingualism? 3. Which country was reported to have the highest English proficiency in 2013? 4. What are the benefits of speaking English fluently?

English is everywhere whether you want it or not. 79 countries in the world use English

as their official language, and countries with their own mother tongue also consider

English as an essential skill one should have. Therefore being bilingual or multilingual

has become a very valuable quality in modern society. Bilingualism refers to a state of

being able to speak two languages like a native speaker. People spend millions on

English education, and the cost spent on private education is becoming higher and

higher. However, even with fervent English education, South Korea ranked 24th place

on The EF English Proficiency Index, with Sweden ranking the 1st to have the highest

proficiency in English in 2013. Usually we learn English as an instrument, but apart from

being able to enter a better school, or getting a job or a promotion, being able to

speak English offers you lots of other benefits. It broadens your view and knowledge to

an international level, allows you to meet and form friendships with people from

different cultures, and makes you more confident and competent.

Anti-Smoking Movement Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

restrict 제한하다 (to confine or keep within certain often specified limits or selected bounds)

disease 질병 (any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition)

cardiovascular 심혈관의 (of, pertaining to, or affecting the heart and blood vessels)

carcinogen 발암물질 (any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer)

nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고 (nonetheless; notwithstanding)

claim 주장하다 (to demand by or as by virtue of a right)

interfere 간섭하다 (to interpose or intervene for a particular purpose)

violate 유린하다 (to break in upon or disturb rudely)

dignity 존엄성 (nobility or elevation of character)

insufficient 불충분한 (lacking in what is necessary or required)

1. Do you smoke? 2. What do you think of people who smoke in public places? 3. Do you think there should be more restrictions on smoking? 4. Do you agree with raising cigarette prices? 5. What could be the positive effects smoking has? 6. What do you think is the most effective solution to make people quit smoking?

Comprehension Check

1. What is the first beach in Europe to restrict smoking? 2. What kind of diseases does smoking cause? 3. Is secondhand smoke as harmful as direct smoking? 4. What do the criticisms of smoke-free insist?

The anti-smoking movement is extending rapidly from pole to pole by governments to

protect their citizens from the harms caused by smoking. The United Kingdom has

banned smoking in all public places in the whole region of the UK in 2007, and France

has restricted smoking at the Plage Lumière in La Ciotat, which became the first beach

in Europe to restrict smoking. Smoking causes diseases like, as known widely, lung

cancer and cardiovascular disease, and it was also proved that secondhand smoke

causes the same problems as direct smoking, exposing nonsmokers to the same

carcinogens as smokers. Nevertheless, there are criticisms of smoke-free laws that claim

the law interferes with personal lives and violates human dignity. They also insist that

restrictions upon smoking in public and enclosed places may lead to more smoking at

home and outdoor spaces where more people will be exposed to secondhand smoke.

Thus, arguments about anti-smoking are something that should be continued to be

dealt with since they are incomplete and insufficient

Records of Michael Jackson Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

legendary 전설적인 (very famous)

flowery words 미사여구 (rhetorically ornate words)

describe 묘사하다 (to tell or depict in written or spoken words)

define 정의하다 (to state or set forth the meaning of)

hold 갖고있다 (to have or keep in the hand)

of all time 역대 (that has ever been made, lived)

one and only 유일한 (eminent beyond or above comparison)

philanthropist 자선가 (a person who practices philanthropy)

auction 경매 (a publicly held sale at which property or goods are sold to the highest bidder)

appreciate 진가를 알아보다 (to value or regard highly)

1. What is your favorite song of Michael Jackson? 2. Do you think he was mistreated by his record company? 3. What do you think the truth is about his death? 4. Do you agree with the opinion that Jackson is the greatest pop star of all time? 5. Who do you think is a greater musician than Michael Jackson is? 6. Do you think there ever will be someone who could replace him?

Comprehension Check

1. List some of his Guinness World Records 2. How many awards had he been given during his life? 3. When did he begin his solo career? 4. What is the most expensive glove sold at auction?

Michael Jackson is a legendary American pop star who is also called the King of Pop.

There are just so many flowery words that describe him that it is hard to define him

with just one word. He alone holds 31 Guinness World Records such as 'The Best

Selling Album of All time', 'Largest Entertainment Contract Ever' and 'Highest Paid

Entertainer of All Time'. He won a total of 739 awards; 26 American Music Awards, 86

Billboard Awards, 31 Guinness World Records etc., making him the most-awarded

recording artist in the history of popular music. This one and only singer-songwriter,

musician, dancer, and philanthropist was born in 1958 as the eighth child of the Jackson

family and began his solo career in 1971. Thriller, Jackson's album released in 1982, is

the best-selling album of all time, of which the music video won the 'Most Successful

Music Video' in 2006. And the famous crystal glove of his that he wore when

performing the moonwalk became the most expensive glove sold at auction in 2012.

Just like the amazing records he has, his songs are still much appreciated and


Driver’s License Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

obtain 획득하다 (to come into possession of)

vehicle 차량 (a conveyance moving on wheels)

requisite 필요한 (required or necessary for a particular purpose)

eligible 자격이 있는 (meeting the stipulated requirements)

motorized 엔진이 달린 (to furnish with a motor)

identification 신분증 (something that identifies a person)

minimum 최소의 (lowest)

renew 갱신하다 (to make effective for an additional period)

appointed 정해진 (predetermined; arranged;)

regulation 규정 (a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority)

1. Do you have a driver's license? 2. What age do you think is appropriate for driving? 3. What would you first do after getting the license? 4. Which one do you prefer? Taking a public transportation or driving a car? 5. Do you agree with congestion charges? 6. What do you think we should do to reduce air pollution?

Comprehension Check

1. What is a driver's license? 2. How do you obtain the license? 3. Can a driver's license be used as identification? 4. What is the minimum driving age in South Africa?

If you want to drive, you have to obtain a driver's license to be able to drive a vehicle

after passing requisite tests. A driver's license is an official document that states that a

person is eligible to operate one or more types of motorized vehicles. It is often used

as a standard form of identification due to the large number of people driving. Even

though a driving license is also widely used as identification in Korea, they have another

identification card that is more commonly used. Drivers in Korea usually carry their

license at any time, but in the United Kingdom it is not necessary for drivers to carry

their licence while driving. However, when needed, they may have to produce their

licence within seven days at a police station. In countries like the United States and

Canada, one can obtain a license by age 16, but in countries like Egypt and South Africa,

the minimum driving age is 18. The license should be renewed every two to five years

which is appointed by a country's regulation.

Luxury-Goods Prices Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

necessity goods 필수품 (goods that we can’t live without)

accumulated 축적된 (gradually gathered or acquired)

soaring 급상승하는 (increasing rapidly)

at risk 위험이 있는 (exposed to harm or danger)

postrecession 불경기 뒤에 일어나는 (occurring or existing in the period after a recession)

entry-level 입문의, 처음의 (at the most elementary level in a career structure)

pick up 차지하다 (to gain)

market share 시장점유율 (the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product)

at this rate 이런 상태로는 (if the situation stays as it is)

plunge 폭락하다 (to descend abruptly)

1. Do you own luxury goods? 2. If so, what is your favorite luxury brand? 3. Do you think the luxury-goods prices are too high? 4. Are you willing to buy one even though the prices are getting more and more

expensive? 5. Why do you think people buy luxury goods? 6. What do you think of people who spend much money on luxury goods?

Comprehension Check

1. Who purchases luxury goods? 2. Why aren’t the wealthy willing to spend money on luxury goods? 3. Why are the ultra luxury brands raising prices? 4. What kind of risks does the high-price strategy carry?

Luxury goods are products that are not necessary but which tend to make life more

pleasant for the consumer. In contrast with necessity goods, luxury goods are typically

more costly and are often bought by individuals that have greater accumulated wealth

than the average. However, due to the soaring prices which drive sales of the luxury-

retail business, even the very wealthy are nearing the limits of what they are willing to

spend. In the past five years, the price of a Chanel quilted handbag has increased 70%

to $4,900. Such increases placed luxury brands at risk of losing customers who cannot

or do not want to pay more. Spending on luxury apparel, leather goods, watches,

jewelry and cosmetics reached $390 billion in 2013, but growth is starting to slow from

its post-recession pace. One reason ultra luxury brands are raising prices is to

distinguish their products from entry-level luxury goods that are fast picking up market

share. However, this high-price strategy carries risks. At this rate, sales would plunge

when the crisis hit. Now the prices have gotten so expensive that even wealthy

consumers are not buying one.

Marriage and Divorce Lesson


Today's Statement

Discussion in English-Intermediate


Words & Expressions

sacred 신성한 (venerable, divine)

vow 서약 (a solemn promise, commitment)

patriarchal 가부장적인 (characteristic of a family, church, etc., controlled by men)

factor 요인 (one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation)

end up 처하게 되다 (to bring to an end or conclusion)

ratio 비율 (proportional relation)

indicate 나타내다 (to point out, to show)

scores of 수십의 (a great number)

whereas 반면 (while on the contrary)

crude 대강의 (unclassified or unanalysed)

1. Are you married? If not, do you want to get married? 2. What age do you think is appropriate for marriage? 3. What is your ideal marriage life? 4. Why do people get a divorce? 5. What do you think is the true cause of divorce? 6. Do you think divorce can be the solution to problems?

Comprehension Check

1. Why was divorce considered a taboo in the past? 2. Which country has the highest divorce to marriage ratio? 3. What is the divorce to marriage ratio of Uruguai? 4. In which part of the world has the highest crude marriage rate?

Marriage is a sacred vow between two people promising to be with each other for the

rest of their lives. Just a few decades ago, divorce was considered a taboo because of

conservative and patriarchal customs. But marriage is actually becoming an option

rather than an obligation in today’s society due to various factors. The rate of divorce is

increasing year by year. And there is a saying that half of the marriages end up in

divorce, and sadly, statistics show that it is quite true. The divorce to marriage ratios

indicate that in Belgium, a country with the highest divorce to marriage ratio, almost

70% of married couples get divorces. South American and European countries tops the

next scores of rankings except for some countries like Mexico, Ireland and Uruguai,

where the ratio only reaches up to 3%. Asian and Middle Eastern countries show

relatively low divorce ratios whereas they have the highest crude marriage rate.

Although there are lots of reasons for divorce, one should not forget to give marriage a

second chance before splitting up with someone you have once loved sincerely.

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