lesson 7 charles chaplin. step 1 introduce chaplin was born in london in 1889.this world-famous...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Lesson 7Lesson 7

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplin

Charles Chaplin

Charles Chaplin

Step 1 IntroduceStep 1 Introduce Chaplin was born in London in 1889.TChaplin was born in London in 1889.T

his world-famous motion-picture actor, his world-famous motion-picture actor, director and producer. He went to the director and producer. He went to the United States in 1911. In 1913, he begUnited States in 1911. In 1913, he began motion-picture acting and soon becan motion-picture acting and soon become well-known for his creation in sileome well-known for his creation in silent movies of a wistful nt movies of a wistful (痛苦的,发(痛苦的,发愁的)愁的) tramptramp , , wearing baggy wearing baggy (宽(宽松的)松的) trousers, a derby hattrousers, a derby hat (礼帽)(礼帽) ,, outsize and shapeless shoes, and a sm outsize and shapeless shoes, and a small moustache. He is considered the greall moustache. He is considered the greatest comedian of all times. In 1972, hatest comedian of all times. In 1972, he received an award -- the award of an e received an award -- the award of an Oscar.Oscar.


The Academy Awards, The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture ArtAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciencess and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize (AMPAS) to recognize excellence of professionals in excellence of professionals in the the film industryfilm industry, including , including directors, actors, and writers. directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one the awards are presented is one of the most prominent film of the most prominent film award ceremonies in the world. award ceremonies in the world.

His major films includeHis major films include

The KidsThe Kids(( 寻子遇仙记)(寻子遇仙记)( 19191212 ););

The City LightsThe City Lights (城市之光)(城市之光) Modern Time(Modern Time( 摩登时代);摩登时代); The Great DictatorThe Great Dictator (大独裁(大独裁

者)(者)( 19401940 );); LimelightLimelight (舞台生涯)((舞台生涯)( 194194

00 );); A King In New YorkA King In New York (一个国(一个国

王在纽约)(王在纽约)( 19571957 )。)。

Step 2 Preview the text Step 2 Preview the text Who was Charles Chaplin? When did he leave Who was Charles Chaplin? When did he leave

England for America?England for America?

What was Charles Chaplin's dream? Did his dream What was Charles Chaplin's dream? Did his dream come true?come true?

When did he form his own film company?When did he form his own film company?

Why did he move to Switzerland in 1952?Why did he move to Switzerland in 1952?

When did he come back to the U.S.A.? What for?When did he come back to the U.S.A.? What for?



A famour star,In 1911

In 1919

He wanted to come true his parents’ dream. Yes , he did.

Because of his different points of view in politics. in 1972, he was welcomed back to receive the award of an Oscar.

This text is a brief introduction of this world-faThis text is a brief introduction of this world-famous motion-picture actor, director and produmous motion-picture actor, director and producer, Who is actually considered the greatest cocer, Who is actually considered the greatest comedian of all times. It tells us something about median of all times. It tells us something about his miserable childhood, his uneven road to suhis miserable childhood, his uneven road to success, and some of his best-known movies.ccess, and some of his best-known movies.

sum up the main idea of each paragraph:sum up the main idea of each paragraph:

Paragraph 1Paragraph 1

His life and dream when he was youngHis life and dream when he was young

Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2

His road to the top of the film worldHis road to the top of the film world

Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3

Why the tramp hero was loved by the audienceWhy the tramp hero was loved by the audience

Paragraph 4 Paragraph 4

About his own film company and his films About his own film company and his films

Step three main pointsStep three main points a penniless young mana penniless young man Penniless: Penniless: 一文不名的 赤贫如洗的一文不名的 赤贫如洗的 A penniless old manA penniless old man 穷老头穷老头homeless uselesshomeless useless careless namelesscareless nameless

countless tasteless countless tasteless







povertypoverty n. n. 贫穷 贫困贫穷 贫困

live in poverty live in poverty 过着贫困的生活过着贫困的生活

go madgo mad

go :leave a place or travel to a placego :leave a place or travel to a place 离开去另外离开去另外一个地方 一个地方

去拿你的衣服去拿你的衣服 Go and get you coat .Go and get you coat .

go: get worse; be bad go: get worse; be bad 变坏,丧失变坏,丧失go madgo mad 发狂发狂 go blindgo blind 变瞎变瞎 go hungrygo hungry 挨饿挨饿

die ofdie of 死于,由于 死于,由于 ...... ...... 而死而死 He died of illness (hunger, cold). He died of illness (hunger, cold).

die from a wound. die from a wound. 受伤不治而死受伤不治而死

die for one’s country die for one’s country 为国捐躯为国捐躯

die in battle die in battle 阵亡阵亡

be dying for sth / to do sth be dying for sth / to do sth 渴望渴望 // 极想做某事极想做某事

die in one’s bed die in one’s bed 老死,病故老死,病故

die out die out 灭绝灭绝

on the stageon the stage: be/become an actor : be/become an actor 当演员当演员

He has been on the stage all his life.He has been on the stage all his life.


in the hope thatin the hope that =in the hope of sth =in the hope of sth

怀有。。。的希望怀有。。。的希望 我希望她在家才给她打电话我希望她在家才给她打电话 I called in the hope of finding her at home.I called in the hope of finding her at home.

live in hope (of sth ) live in hope (of sth ) 满怀希望满怀希望

at one strokeat one stroke : with a single immediate action : with a single immediate action 一举;一举;一下子 一下子

当工厂倒闭的时候很多人都失业了当工厂倒闭的时候很多人都失业了A thousand men lost their job at a stroke when the faA thousand men lost their job at a stroke when the fa

ctory closed.ctory closed.

put sb. off his stroke put sb. off his stroke 使某人行事动摇、犹豫等使某人行事动摇、犹豫等

write sth. off at one stroke write sth. off at one stroke 一笔勾销一笔勾销

stroke of sth. stroke of sth. 一次成功或有效的活动或事情一次成功或有效的活动或事情

go with sth.go with sth.: match : match 与某事物配合良好 与某与某事物配合良好 与某事协调事协调

我想要一顶帽子配裙子。 我想要一顶帽子配裙子。 I want a hat to go with this dress.I want a hat to go with this dress.

她的衬衫与裙子不协调。她的衬衫与裙子不协调。Her blouse doesn’t go with this dressHer blouse doesn’t go with this dress

make fun of :make fun of : 取笑取笑


It is wrong to make fun of old manIt is wrong to make fun of old man

Homework Homework

TURN the following into EnglishTURN the following into English ::政治观点 心地善良 在美国定居政治观点 心地善良 在美国定居

Questions to the text:Questions to the text:

Have you ever seen any of his films? Can you say Have you ever seen any of his films? Can you say a few words about the tramp hero in his films?a few words about the tramp hero in his films?

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