lesson 3 weddings bridegroom bride. the ways of taking the bride to the place where they celebrate...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Lesson 3 WeddingsLesson 3 Weddingsbridegroom



The ways of taking the bride to the place where they celebrate their wedding?

what about Wedding Location( 婚礼地点) in China or in western countries ?

In a hotel

an ancestral shrine (祠堂)


in a churchPrince William


Do you know their vows( 婚誓)?

Watch a vedio

I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee, Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth..




wedding ringbridegroom


bridesmaid wedding march


say one's vowsguests bouquet

a honeymoon trip

wedding dresswedding ceremony

wedding reception


男 傧相新娘伴娘




婚纱、结婚礼服 结婚典礼


bride best manbridegroom


wedding reception

wedding ceremony

wedding rings

wedding invitations


There's a belief that the person who catches the bride's bouquet will be the next to marry.

有一种说法是 : 谁能接到新娘抛出的花束谁就会是下一个结婚的人 .

Indonesian wedding

Listen to the tape and try to

finish the T or F

1. Even if you don’t receive an invitati

on yourself, you can go to the weddi

ng reception.

2. The reception is before the wedding


3. Guests usually give money as a pre


True or false

1. Even if you don’t receive an invitation you

rself, you can go to the wedding reception

with your friend.

2. The reception is before the wedding cerem


3. Guests usually give money as a present.

True or false




What to do:

What not to do:

You can go to the wedding without an invitation.

You ought not to go to the ceremony without asking first.

You can attend the reception after the ceremony.

You ought to put money into the box at the entrance of the reception.

You don’t have to contribute a lot of money.

You can’t drink alcohol at the wedding reception.

Indonesian weddings

Greek Weddings

the famous Greek circle dance

Greek weddingGreek wedding

Read through the passage,and try to finish theTrue or False

1. In Greek wedding, the bridegroo

m’s best man should go with the c

ouple to the church. 2.The crowns

on the head of the couple are mad

e of gold.

3. During the reception, guests throw

dishes on the floors just for fun. F



Greek WeddingsBefore the weddings, the___________ has to ask the bride’s father _______his daughter’s hand in _________. During the wedding, the ______ _______should help put flower crowns on the _____ of the couple. The crowns are ______ by a long silk ribbon, which is a symbol of a _______ and _____ life for the couple. After the ceremony, guests can attend the wedding _________ and throw ______ on the floor and put _______ to the bride’s dress for ____ ____.



best man


long happy


money good luck

中国传统婚礼中国传统婚礼 Chinese wedding traditionsChinese wedding traditions

• The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves 6 necessary procedures 。

• The main 6 necessary procedures of the wedding

• match-making (说媒)• Engagement (定亲)• betrothal presents (聘礼)• meeting the bride (迎娶)• three bows (拜堂)• and drinking wedlock wine (喝交杯


• Chinese Wedding Traditions

• What is the main color of weddings in China?• Red is the Color of Weddings in China

• It signifies love and joy • e.g. wedding gown (新娘礼服) 、 shoes 、 p

ackage (包裹)、 quilt (被子)、 pillow (枕头)、 door curtain (门帘)

Chinese Wedding Customs【 food 】

• Chinese date 枣 • peanut 花生• longan 桂圆 • chestnut 栗子 early birth of a

healthy baby


Their hair needs to be combed three times and each has a special meaning :

• The first combing symbolizes: from beginning till the end. 自始至终

• The second combing symbolizes: harmony from now till old age. 和睦永远

• The third combing symbolizes: sons and grandsons all over the place. 子孙满堂

• The whole action also symbolizes the adulthood of the couple.

Chinese Wedding Customs 【 Combing Hair 梳头】

Chinese Wedding Customs 【 Crying marriage 哭嫁】

Meaning : to thank

Parents for raising

her up 感谢父母的养育之恩

Kick the curtain of the sedan chair(轿子) 踢轿门

Purpose : to kicked off the bride‘s pride 去傲气

Stride the fire pan 跨火盆

• Purpose :

To clear

evil force


obeisance [əu‘beisəns] 拜堂

three worships :worship the heavens and the earth一拜天地worship the groom‘s ancestors and parents 二拜高堂worship each other 夫妻对拜

Red package 红包After that, the superiors (长辈) will give t

hem red packages with monetary gifts and wish them well.

The groom‘s family will then give a feast( 盛宴) for the friends and relativ

es to celebrate the wedding.

teasing the bride and the bridegroom on wedding night 闹洞房

cross-cupped wine 交杯酒

• All In One 不分你我• never to be separated


Can you tell us the differences between Chinese traditional weddings and Western weddings? Please discuss with your partner.

婚礼地点 Wedding Location

婚礼服饰 Wedding Dress

婚礼仪式 Wedding ceremony

婚宴 wedding receptioneg:In China, ……

In Western country, …


Write eight sentences giving advice

to a foreigner who is going to a

wedding in your town /city.

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