lesson 3

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Lesson 3 of the Beginners' Course on Islam 2. Do we need a Divine Law to guide and govern our actions and decisions? What is the purpose of the Shari'ah Law? Were they revealed only to make things difficult for us? Or is there a greater purpose behind its revelation?


Beginners’ Course on Islam II

Speaker: Muhammad Taufiq bin Abdul Majeedtaufiq07@hotmail.com

Lesson 3

Lesson Outline

Understanding our relationship:◦ with Allah◦ with His creations

Purpose of the Divine law◦ Benefits and objectives of the Divine law;◦ Know where does the Divine law is derived from;◦ Looking at the purpose of the Divine law.

Understanding Our Relationship

As Muslims, we are taught to devote ourselves to Allah.

The devotion is showed to acts of obedience and fulfilling our obligations towards:

AllahFellow Being

Understanding Our Relationship

What are the obligations towards Allah that we have to observe?

But most importantly:

We must be CONSCIOUS of our duty and actions

Understanding Our Relationship

What are the obligations towards Allah that we have to observe?

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They

said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah

said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know.“

Quran, 2:30

Purpose of the Divine Law

If you are in a ship with 300 passengers boarding the same ship heading towards a beautiful designated island. While sailing, your vessel suddenly struck on an iceberg which makes it sinks gradually.

At that point of time you started to realize that you and the rest passenger’s life were at risk. In order, to save lives you have to throw 10 passengers overboard.

Would it be morally right to kill 10 people in order to save 290 lives?

Purpose of the Divine Law

As human beings, when making decisions, we usually look into:1. Justice;2. Happiness;3. Benefits.

However, in many occasions the decision is made to benefit one party and would cause difficulties to others.

How do we make a ‘guided’ decision then?

Who will draw the line in ensuring the security and welfare of everyone is taken care of?

Purpose of the Divine Law

As Muslims, we make the Divine law as a guidance for us to make the decisions.

The Divine law is given through:1. The Quran2. The Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet)

What is the Quran?

• The Quran is regard as the first resource for this subject.

• Muslims were told to first refer back to the Quran whenever we are faced with an issue and in need of guidance.

• If one finds the ruling from the Quran, then one must abide by it.

Example: Prohibition of Intoxicants, Gambling, Altars, etc.

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement

from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.”

Quran, 5:90

Example:Prohibition of Usury

“…and Allah has allowed trading and forbidden usury… ”Quran, 2:275

What is the Sunnah or Hadith?

• Sunnah (literally, tradition) is what is narrated at the authority of the companions about the Prophet’s sayings, actions or approvals (The Prophet’s witnessing of certain actions without objection is considered an approval from him).

• The relation of the Sunnah to the Quran can be define as:1. Identical meaning2. Explanation3. Specification4. Adding conditional/ constraints5. Independent legislation

Example: Prayer

• Allah mentioned in the Quran that as Muslim we have to perform our obligatory prayers.

“And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].”

Quran, 2: 43

• But the actions, the integrals (arkan) were all explained in detail through the Prophet’s actions.

The Purpose of Shari’ah

What is the objective of Shari’ah?

Shari’ah was revealed by Allah to govern the 5 foundational goals:1. Religion;2. Life3. Lineage;4. Intellect;5. Property.

The Purpose of Shari’ah

The main objective of Shari’ah law is to provide benefits to all mankind and to reject any harm or detriment to them.

1. The preservation of the religion or ‘Hifz Al-Din.’

2. It is indeed a priority and our collective responsibility to ensure that both our faiths and our family’s faiths are protected and not compromised.

3. By ensuring that both ourselves and our family members are equipped with adequate religious knowledge from a holistic perspective


The Purpose of Shari’ah

Preserve life or ‘Hifz Al-Nafs’.

At the individual level, this includes ensuring that we do not place ourselves in harms’ way, by indulging in habits or practices which may affect our health such as smoking, eating excessively or any other acts that may cause detriment to our bodies.

At a broader level, this can be extended to the general call to assist and save the lives of other mankind. This includes providing financial assistance and donations to victims of natural disasters and food crisis, donating blood, as well as being involved in volunteer work to improve the lives of the sick and unfortunate.


The Purpose of Shari’ah

The preservation of the human lineage, or ‘Hifz An-‘Nasab’.

To fulfill this objective, Islam enjoins marriage.

Indeed, Islam has forbidden zina, adultry . Lineage

The Purpose of Shari’ah

The preservation of the human intellect, or ‘Hifz Al-‘Aql’.

To fulfill this objective, Islam enjoins that we continuously seek knowledge and improve our intellectual capacity. This is reflected in the high regard in the eyes of Allah s.w.t. that is granted to those who are knowledgeable.

Indeed, Islam has forbidden the consumption of alcohol, drugs and other intoxicating substances that can lead to the impairment of one’s intellectual ability.


The Purpose of Shari’ah

This is made evident in the guidance set forth in Quranic verses, which encourage us to build the economic stature of our family and community.

This can thus enable us to contribute through giving charities and providing assistance to those who are in need.



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