lesson 11 : the stirring sermon & senseless stoning of stephen (7:1-60)

Post on 26-Feb-2016






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Lesson 11 : The Stirring Sermon & Senseless Stoning of Stephen (7:1-60). I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study. Stephen was arrested and put on trial at the end of chapter 6 (6:11-16). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lesson 11:The Stirring Sermon & Senseless Stoning of Stephen (7:1-60)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

A. Stephen was arrested and put on trial at the end of chapter 6 (6:11-16).1. He was accused of speaking blasphemously against: Moses, God, the

temple, the law.B. Stephen’s inspired defense first emphasized that God’s

presence, favor and rule were not confined to “the holy land” of Israel or “this holy place” of the temple (7:2-34).1. The Lord appeared to and instructed Abraham when he was in

Mesopotamia (7:2-3).2. The Lord appeared again to and instructed Abraham when he was in

Haran (7:4).3. The Lord traveled with and made a covenant with Abraham while in

Canaan (7:5-8).4. The Lord was present with and active in the life of Joseph while in

Egypt (7:9-14).5. The Lord went with the patriarch Jacob down to Egypt (7:15-16).


Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

A. Stephen was arrested and put on trial at the end of chapter 6 (6:11-16).1. He was accused of speaking blasphemously against: Moses, God, the

temple, the law.B. Stephen’s inspired defense first emphasized that God’s presence,

favor and rule were not confined to “the holy land” of Israel or “this holy place” of the temple (7:2-34).6. The Lord blessed His nation to grow and multiply while in Egypt (7:17).7. The Lord was well pleased to save baby Moses from death in Egypt

(7:20-21).8. The Lord protected Moses in Egypt & went with him to the land of

Midian (7:23-29).9. The Lord appeared to and spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai

(7:30-34).10.The Lord, in order to deliver His people, sent Moses back to Egypt (7:34).


A. God sees the big picture and controls the big picture for His people!1. He foretold that His descendants would live in bondage & oppression in

Egypt (7:6).2. Still, God foretold that He would punish the oppressors and deliver His

people (7:7).B. The providence of God in the lives of His individual children is a

marvelous thing to see!1. Joseph went from being “sold into Egypt” to selling grain as governor

over Egypt!2. When God’s children “found no sustenance,” God already had it for

them in Egypt!C. God sees and hears when His people are in trouble!

1. “I have surely seen…I have heard…I have come down to deliver them” (7:34).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

C. Stephen’s inspired defense second emphasized the willful inclination characteristic of Israel (from its beginning) toward outright rebellion and rejection of God (7:35-53).1. Stephen was accused of speaking against Moses, God, the

temple and the law, while, in fact, his accusers were the ones guilty of such rebellion throughout history.

2. Stephen pointed to the fathers as the ones who truly rejected Moses (7:35-40).a) God sent Moses to be a ruler and deliverer (7:35-36), but Israel

rejected him.b) Moses did wonders and signs and he received “the living oracles”



Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

C. Stephen’s inspired defense second emphasized the willful inclination characteristic of Israel (from its beginning) toward outright rebellion and rejection of God (7:35-53).3. Stephen pointed to the fathers as the ones who rejected

God & were rejected (40-43).a) Israel demanded “gods” to be made for them to worship (7:40).b) Israel made a calf (the idol) and bowed to the work of their own

hands (7:41).c) Israel not only bowed to their own idol but served pagan gods also

(7:42-43).d) God gave them up to serve/worship even the heavenly bodies



Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

C. Stephen’s inspired defense second emphasized the willful inclination characteristic of Israel (from its beginning) toward outright rebellion and rejection of God (7:35-53).4. Stephen pointed to the fathers as ones who worshiped

without a temple (7:44-50).a) The tabernacle was planned and constructed at the command of

God (7:44-45).b) The temple was desired/planned by David, then constructed by

Solomon (7:46-47).c) God’s prophet said that God “does not dwell in temples made with

hands” (7:48).


Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

C. Stephen’s inspired defense second emphasized the willful inclination characteristic of Israel (from its beginning) toward outright rebellion and rejection of God (7:35-53).5. Stephen pointed to the fathers (& his accusers) as ones

who violated the law (51-53).a) The entire thrust of Jewish history & prophecy was to prepare for

Christ (Gal. 3:24).b) The fathers rejected & persecuted all of the prophets and killed

them (7:35, 52).


D. God’s Word truly is “the living oracles” (7:38)!1. It is from “the living God” (14:15; Heb. 3:12) and it gives life

(Heb. 4:12; 1 Pet. 1:23).E. God gives patterns for how He wants things done to

be pleasing to Him (cf. 2 Tim. 1:13).F. The Most High does not dwell in buildings but in the

hearts of His people (John 14:23).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

D. Stephen’s inspired defense closed with a severe and stinging rebuke (7:51-53).1. “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!”

(7:51) – stubborn pagans!2. “You always resist the Holy Spirit” (7:52).3. “You now have become the betrayers and murders” of your

own Messiah (7:52).4. You “have received the law…and have not kept it” (7:53).


Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

E. Stephen’s sermon enraged his accusers to violence & an illegal mob execution (7:54-60).1. His hearers were “cut to the heart” (sawn asunder with

anger like 5:33, not 2:37).a) They gnashed at him with their teeth (7:54), cried out with a loud

voice, stopped their ears, rushed at him, cast him out of the city & “were stoning” him (7:57-58).

b) The 70-member Sanhedrin council led the way.c) Young Saul was present, approving of the action and standing

guard (7:58).


Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

E. Stephen’s sermon enraged his accusers to violence & an illegal mob execution (7:54-60).2. As the first martyr for the cause of Christ, Stephen was

remarkably focused!a) He “gazed into heaven” & saw “Jesus standing at the right hand of

God” (7:55-56).b) He kept on calling on the Lord: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”

(7:59).c) He knelt down in reverence: “Lord, do not charge them with this

sin” (7:60).d) There are remarkable parallels between events in Stephen’s death

& Jesus’ death.

3. This first killing of a Christian led to “a great persecution against the church” (8:1).


G. There is life after death (7:59-60).1. When the body dies, the spirit separates from the body and

survives (cf. Jas. 2:26).2. The spirit of the faithful will be with the Lord (Phil. 1:23)

and conscious (Rev. 6:9-11).3. By means of His resurrection, Jesus is Lord of both the dead

& the living (cf. Ro. 14:9).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

A. God is with us at all times and will deliver us out of the troubles and trials of life!

B. How absurd it is to elevate and serve the work of our own hands over the Almighty God!

C. In times of trouble, may God help us to look to Jesus and set our sights on things above!

D. Stephen did not waver in his trust in the Lord! May we not waver in our trust in Him!

III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives

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