lenten campaign 2015 briefing session 17 january 2015

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Lenten Campaign 2015 Briefing Session

17 January 2015

Parish, BEC and CommunityBriefing & Materials provided for


Recognising Christ in the Community

This year’s theme for Lent – Recognising Christ in the Community

– enables us to positively change and transform our relationships

and interactions with the various categories of people living in our

community. This essential theme invites, encourages and challenges

us to ‘see’ and encounter Christ in our neighbour (regardless of who

they are) with the eyes of faith and a heart of compassion.

The supporting action focus – Practicing Integrity in Relationships

– directs us to ensure that all our exchanges, dealings and

connections with people are imbued and influenced by the spirit of

Integrity. We are pleased that this chosen action focus coincides with

Archbishop Julian Leow’s motto: Integrity and Tenderness.

For 2015, the main theme of the Lenten Campaign is


accompanying action focus is Practicing Integrity in

Relationships. In order to facilitate active reflection on the

Gospel readings of the six Sundays of Lent, weekly sub-

themes are also given in the Weekly Reflection table.

Beginning 2015, the Lenten Campaign will carry continuity

themes for three years (2015-2017) instead of a stand-

alone annual theme. For each of the three years, a key

Gospel value will become the action focus.

Renewal is a vital aspect and intrinsic part of Christian life.

Together with the universal Church, the local Church in

Malaysia highlights the need for annual renewal through and

during the significant season of Lent, and points us in the

direction of real conversion and transformation.

This yearly Lenten call by the Church invites, encourages

and challenges us to make specific decisions, undertake

appropriate actions and facilitate necessary processes in line

with our Faith, and consistent with the values of the Gospel.

Theme Logo

Logo Rationale

The four graphic people icons (resembling persons with

outstretched arms) represent us and the various sectors

of the community that we are engaged with.

The two persons in purple at the top left and bottom right

quadrants represent the people of God undergoing renewal

and growth through the season of Lent.

The person in red at the bottom left quadrant represents

the vulnerable, marginalised, voiceless and those sectors of

the community that need our preferential and urgent


The person in green at the top right quadrant represents the

environmentally-conscious community, and reminds us that

we should be responsible stewards of God-given community


Logo Rationale

Representing Christ and His endearing presence in the

community, the Cross becomes alive and visible in the

midst of the four community quadrants.

The shape of the Cross is determined and influenced by the

faith and actions of the people in the four quadrants, and the

Cross becomes ‘incomplete’ if any sector of the community

is excluded, uncared for or mistreated.

The crown of thorns symbolises the annual Lenten journey

of renewal and transformation, and reminds us of the vision

and mission of the Lenten Campaign – to become a

community of active and responsible co-builders of the

Kingdom of God.

The words of the theme for Lenten Campaign 2015 form an

arch over the logo, giving it shape and focus. The words at

the left base are the three key practices that spiritually

energise the Lenten renewal and transformation.

In the Activity Guidelines, various proposals and

suggestions – by age group and category – have been

presented to give us sufficient options to undertake focussed

action and be actively involved in this Lenten exercise of

renewal and transformation.

While creating a greater awareness and understanding of

Lent and its vital significance in Christian life, the activities

also enable us to recognise and understand the realities

in the communities around us.

Lenten Campaign 2015 will be supported with appropriate

resources, such as printed materials, video programme and

presentation slides, for use in parishes and BECs.

In addition, the Campaign will also promote the process of

education and advocacy through the social media, and be

disseminated on social networks so that the faithful would

participate more actively and effectively through multiple


The Lenten Campaign 2015 Kit has been specially prepared

with materials and resources for Catholics of all ages. These

exercises and activities – aimed at renewal and

transformation – are intended to be undertaken individually

and/or in groups as appropriate.

Lenten Campaign 2015 will be conducted in parishes, and

also undertaken online for various participant groups such as

Catechumens, Youth, Single Adults, Married Couples,

Professionals, Senior Citizens and Migrant Groups.

Lenten Campaign Kit & Supplementary Sheets- 4 languages

Lenten Campaign 2015 – Weekly Reflections

Lenten Campaign 2015 – Activities Summary

Poster - A3 size

Banner- 2ft x 6ft- Bahasa & English - Tamil & Chinese

Offering Envelope

A. 6-9 yrs – Through Colours – A3 Large Sheet – pre-drawn outlines, activities & reading

Certificates – 1st , 2nd, 3rd Place & Participation

A. 6-9 yrs – Optional activity – e.g.: free drawing or writing expression based on weekly theme reflections or Activity Sheet story.

B. 10-13yrs – Through Signs – learn conversational sign language to communicate with others & those with special needs

B. 10-13yrs – Optional activity – e.g.: organise exposure trips to homes that cater for people with special needs

B. 10-13yrs – Optional activity – e.g.: write or share Lent experience through Sign Language with friends and family

C. 14-17yrs – Through Creativity– Share about importance of relationship values (kindness, gratitude) through online videos & stories

C. 14-17yrs – Optional activity – e.g.: perform simple acting dramas/skits in class, create homemade videos based on good values

D. Youths – Through Teamwork – Integrity Pledge – Personally undertake the pledge

D. Youths – Through Teamwork – Magnet token with motivational integrity message

D. Youths – Optional Activity – e.g.:post motivational integrity messages on own Facebook or social media

E. Above 18yrs – Through Advocacy –Lenten Signature Campaign in Parish

E. Above 18yrs – Through Advocacy –Lenten Signature Campaign

E. Above 18yrs – Through Advocacy –Online Lenten Signature Campaign

E. Above 18yrs – Optional activity – e.g.: organise, initiate or promote community events for the preservation of the environment

F. BEC – Through Stories – DVD Video & Reflections

F. BEC – Parents, Seniors & Families – 40-Day Lenten Planner

F. BEC – Parents, Seniors & Families – Optional Activity – start/expand home library of biblical material for children

H. Foreign Community – Through Cultural Exchange – share, participate & integrate with the community

H. Migrants – Optional Activity – may use Lenten activity suggestions for own community purposes such as the Way of the Cross with Reflections translated by own initiative

OTHER RESOURCES:Lent visual reflections before massPowerPoint - 4 languages

OTHER RESOURCES: Way of the Cross with Lenten Reflections PowerPoint

OTHER RESOURCES:Lent Ecard reflections – via subscription

Group Discussion

1. Get into groups based on the category of participants you are involved in.

2. Discuss the activities that you will be doing and how you can expand on it.

3. Elect a spokesperson to share what you have discussed.

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