legal background guide

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  • 8/2/2019 Legal Background Guide



    United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee

    Legal Committee

    Kathryn M. Chlosta


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    Letter from the Chair

    March 2012

    Dear Delegates,

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Legal Committee of Hofstra Model United Nations

    2012! My name is Kathryn Chlosta and I am a senior at Hofstra majoring in Political Science

    with a minor in Economics. I am native to Buffalo, New York, but have called Hofstra and the

    Greater Metro-New York area my home for the past several years. Outside of the classroom, I

    am involved with Hofstra University Model United Nations. I am also an avid runner and

    recently completed my fifth half-marathon, in addition to two full marathons. As a founding

    member of the Hofstra University Model United Nations Club, I am extremely pleased at our

    progress from a small university club to a respected delegation at collegiate conferences in the

    Northeast. Our next step is a high school conference and we welcome with great pleasure Long

    Island and New York Citys finest high school Model United Nations delegations.

    As the conference nears, I hope your excitement to participate in the very dynamic and thrilling

    Sixth Committee of the General Assembly mounts. I hope you will come to the conference with

    your debate skills finely tuned, learn from your fellow delegates, and most importantly, have a

    fun, enjoyable, and memorable experience. During our committee sessions, you will be

    delegates of the Legal Committee and will be responsible for reaching a resolution on the proper

    role of universal jurisdiction in the international legal system. Further, delegates will address the

    issue of torture with the goal of coming to a resolution that strengthens international conventions

    against torture. Both issues are relevant to global issues and should catalyze interesting debate.

    I encourage you to keep up to date on current events, as it will greatly advance your overall

    preparedness for the conference. The background guide is a great starting point, but I hope you

    will conduct your own research. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I look

    forward to a productive conference in March!


    Kathryn M. Chlosta

    Chair, Legal Committee

    Hofstra University Model United Nations Conference 2012

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    Introduction to the United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee

    The United Nations Sixth Committee, also known as the Legal Committee, is the primary

    forum for the consideration of legal questions in the United Nations General Assembly. With the

    express purpose of developing progressive public international law, the committee deals with a

    wide range of issues. At the Hofstra High School Model United Nations Conference, delegates to

    the Sixth Committee will deal with two extremely important and politically contentious issues.

    First, delegates will engage the concept of universal jurisdiction and determine its

    applicability to the state, heads of state, and individuals. While used increasingly by members of

    the international system for war crimes, human rights abuses, and crimes against humanity, the

    concept of universal jurisdiction is controversial in many ways. Delegates will have to engage

    political, legal, moral questions to reach a resolution on the proper role of universal jurisdiction

    in the international system.

    Second, delegates to the Sixth Committee will address the issue of torture. While

    outlawed by many international treaties and conventions, as well as domestic laws in many

    states, torture is still a widespread practice that runs counter to the liberal foundations of the

    United Nations system. Recent accusations of torture committed by the United States in its war

    on terror as well as its high profile case dealing with Guantanamo Bay have raised the question

    of what is defined as torture. Another case, dealing with China and the Tibet issue, is one where

    state sovereignty and human rights issues collide. The resolution of these cases is critical for the

    future of human rights development and specifically torture. Delegates will have to engage the

    definitional, ethical, and political aspects of the torture debate with the goal of coming to a

    resolution that strengthens international conventions against torture.

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    The two-day conference will be a test of each delegates conflict resolution skills as the

    issues at hand have elicited loud and contrasting opinions from member states. As the United

    Nations strives in all of its affairs, it is important that a resolution is reached that can be

    reasonably implemented by member states. Reaching a consensus in itself is a challenge that

    must be overcome.

    Mandate of the Sixth Committee

    Under the Charter of the United Nations, Chapter IV, Article 13, the General Assembly

    has a mandate of promoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the

    progressive development of international law and its codificationand assisting in the

    realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex,

    language, or religion.1

    The interpretation of this mandate has led to treaties on a vast array of

    issues, the adoption of, and recommendation to states for their subsequent signature and

    ratification.2 The Sixth Committee often collides with one of the most dearly held international

    legal principles: sovereignty. Sovereignty is the states ability to govern its own territory as it

    pleases. However, international law has diluted the absoluteness of sovereignty in an array of

    means of enforcement and resources to implement policy. This is seemingly contradictory: the

    UN system is based upon sovereignty, yet it is the goal of the Sixth Committee to construct a

    body of international law that is applicable to all. The two concepts that this committee will

    pursue are universal jurisdiction and torture. The notion of universal jurisdiction is that a treaty

    is applicable to all states whether or not the state has signed a treaty. Likewise, the universal

    prohibition of torture can, according to some, potentially infringe upon sovereignty. That is,

    because of definitional differences regarding torture, cultural difference between countries, and

    other issues, some have claimed that the attempt to prohibit torture with a universal approach can

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    challenge a states authority to govern its own territory as it pleases. This contradiction in

    international law that the UN system is based on state sovereignty but at the same time the

    body is charged with creating universally applicable rules has hindered its progress, for better

    or for worse. Nonetheless, this contradiction cannot be ignored in the light of the United

    Nations development. The challenge is raised to the Sixth Committee of the Hofstra University

    Model United Nations to reconcile the conflict between its goal of having a liberal, universal

    code of conduct that states and state leaders must adhere to while still respecting member states


    Composition and Method of Work

    All members of the United Nations are de jure members of the Sixth Committee, which

    means that the committee has universal membership. International law-making negotiations take

    place in a number of venues, like the Security Council, depending on the subject matter, but

    negotiations are usually held at the Sixth Committee. Non-member states with an observer status

    in the General Assembly, such as the Holy See, may attend and participate in the discussions but

    they are not allowed to vote. Additionally, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental

    organizations (NGOs), and others with varying degrees of statehood or sovereignty are invited to

    become observers at the General Assembly.3

    The Sixth Committee is led by a Bureau that is composed of a chairman, three vice-

    chairmen, and a rapporteur. The chairman position is currently filled by H.E. Mourad

    Benmehidi from Algeria. At the beginning of the annual session, which begins in September and

    ends in late November, the General Assembly assigns the Sixth Committee a list of agenda items

    to be discussed.

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    Treaties and Resolutions Negotiated at the Sixth Committee

    Many important treaties and resolutions have come out of the Sixth Committee. Three

    important treaties that are applicable to the discussion topics of this conference will be discussed.

    First, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) is considered to be one of the most

    universally accepted and has had great influence on the progress of international law.4 The

    Convention provides a complete framework for the establishment, maintenance and termination

    of diplomatic relations on the basis of consent between independent sovereign states. In addition

    to an extensive protocol on the functioning of diplomatic missions, as well as procedural

    formalities, it spells out the rules of privileges and immunities so diplomatic missions can act

    without fear of harassment or coercion of the local laws.5 The Vienna Convention on Consular

    Relations is the second important treaty.6

    The function of this treaty has to do with the

    development of international trade and economic interests of States. Many articles are a

    continuation of the Convention on Diplomatic Relations, as they address privileges and

    immunities of consular officials. There is also a special clause for individuals. When a foreign

    national is arrested, the person has the inalienable right to counsel and due process, as well as

    effective access to consular protection.7

    Finally, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

    1969 is considered one of the most important treaties negotiated by the Sixth Committee.8


    Vienna Convention strives to regulate public international law and has proven an essential tool

    for inter-state relations. Essentially the convention codified the customary rules that existed

    before the convention; it also introduced concepts likejus cogens, or compelling law, a

    peremptory norm that is accepted by the international community. Although there is no

    agreement as to what norms havejus cogens status or how a norm reaches this status, it is

    generally accepted thatjus cogens applies to the two topics of discussion of this conference,

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    universal jurisdiction and torture. However, due to the elasticity of the definition ofjus cogens,

    there are states that do not accept these international norms, or accept them with reservations.

    This is one example where the scope of the United Nations power is narrowed, for better or

    worse. For better, because it is of great importance of each state to that the international

    community respects its national sovereignty. For worse, since sovereignty and other nationalistic

    ideals limit the development of progressive public international law.

    The goal of this conference is for participants to produce more definite legal rules

    pertaining to universal jurisdiction and torture. Delegates will have to take into consideration the

    political, legal, and moral questions of each topic and its proper role in the international legal

    system. The Topic A section will discuss the concept of universal jurisdiction, review related

    concepts and concrete examples that provide a greater understanding of the concept.

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    Topic A: Universal Jurisdiction

    Statement of the Topic

    Jurisdiction takes two main forms: prescription (making a law) and enforcement

    (implementing a law by a judicial body). Two kinds of jurisdiction will be discussed. The first,

    domestic jurisdiction, rests on the principle of state sovereignty: the state has the power to

    prescribe and enforce its laws. Domestic jurisdiction comes into conflict with international law

    where international law supersedes domestic jurisdiction.9

    Where domestic jurisdiction ends,

    universal jurisdiction begins, although there is sometimes no clear distinction between lines of

    division. The second form of jurisdiction, universal jurisdiction, is one of our main focuses at

    our conference. Understanding this complex and puzzling issue will bring light to issues that are

    in need of further development. This committee should strive to come to a resolution to ensure

    the progress of implementing universal jurisdiction.

    Universal jurisdiction is a claim made by states that they have jurisdiction over all

    crimes committed by foreigners abroad, especially serious crimes. The principles of universal

    jurisdiction encompass crimes that are regarded as extremely destructive to the international

    order, including crimes of slavery, piracy, war crimes, genocide, torture, and other crimes against

    humanity. In the Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 September 2000 (Congo v Belgium)

    2002 ICJ Rep, Belgium issued a warrant for the arrest of the Congolese Foreign Minister for

    grave violations of human rights. Belgium cited universal jurisdiction as a reason to bring the

    case forth. Belgium, in fact, was acting pursuant to its own 1993 law of universal jurisdiction.

    In the end, the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) rested on whether the Foreign

    Minister could claim immunity (the Court said he could). The ICJ ruled against Belgiums

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    expansionist interpretation of universal jurisdiction. In Joint Separate Opinions, several judges

    concluded that although there are international treaties where a pure universal jurisdiction is

    provided for, the absence of examples of enabling national law meant that international law is

    neutral on the existence of the purest form of universal jurisdiction, or at best that it is a

    developing principle rather than developed.

    There are several concepts of universal jurisdiction that are key points in the cases

    discussed in a later section. These concepts are necessary to understand both the cases, as well

    as the bigger picture of the current situation of universal jurisdiction within the realm of

    international law.

    Concepts of Universal Jurisdiction for Discussion


    Universal jurisdiction falters in instances where it is confronted with treaties. As mentioned in

    the Congo v Belgium case, universal jurisdiction seems to exist in its purest form only in treaties

    that explicitly state so. Can treaties, which are binding only among the parties to them, alone

    create true universal jurisdiction in relation to non-parties?10 The territorial principle says that a

    state is free to prescribe and enforce its own legislation within its own territory, except when

    restricted by a rule of international law. Is a non-party State required to adhere to a treaty under

    the principle of universal jurisdiction?

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    It should be noted that a certain degree of cooperation exists between different countries

    in civil, criminal and administrative matters based on multilateral and bilateral treaties that exist

    within international law. This includes cooperation with regard to extradition. Extradition is a

    practice in which individuals are handed over by one state to another state, in order that they may

    be tried in the latter state for offenses against its laws. Extradition is not required in the absence

    of a treaty. The problem of the duty of the state to extradite in the absence of a treaty was

    brought forth against Libya in theLockerbie Case. At issue was whether Libya was responsible

    for the terrorist bombing of the aircraft which crashed over Lockerbie in Scotland.11

    A criminal may take refuge in a state that has political incentive to not try him or no

    jurisdiction to try him. On this notion, it is noted that asylum ends where extradition begins, as a

    state has a right to grant asylum to criminals unless it has bound itself to a treaty that would

    require the state to extradite them. On the other hand, there is no rule in international law that

    prohibits a nation from extraditing a criminal without a treaty.12

    Head of State Immunity

    The purpose of diplomatic immunity, or head of state immunity, is to ensure the efficient

    functioning of a diplomatic mission. It is not intended for the advancement of personal benefit.

    Immunity cannot therefore be validly waived by the person enjoying it.13

    The 1961 Vienna

    Convention on Diplomatic Relations has been ratified by most states, and it is one of the most

    widely accepted international conventions. Most of the provisions of the convention seek to

    codify international customary law; thus, the principles of customary law can be applied to

    countries that are not party to the convention and do not wish to adhere to the convention.14 Its

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    international appeal emanates from its protection of diplomats interacting with other states from

    widely differing traditions. For example, Article 29 of the Convention states:

    The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any formof arrest or detention. The receiving State shall not be liable to any form of arrest or

    detention. The receiving state shall treat him with due respect and shall take allappropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom, or dignity.


    There have been very rare circumstances where this provision was not upheld, for instance Irans

    behavior towards American diplomats that were held hostage from 1979-81.

    According to Convention Article 31(1), a diplomatic agent also enjoys immunity from

    the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State. However, immunity from the jurisdiction of the

    courts does not mean that the holder of the immunity is above the law. In a circumstance where

    crimes against humanity have taken place under the supervision of a particular diplomat, both

    sovereign and diplomatic immunity can be waived. A state may waive the immunity of one of

    its diplomats against the diplomats wishes.16

    When an individual ceases to be a member of the staff of a diplomatic mission, his

    immunity continues for a reasonable time thereafter, in order to give him time to leave the

    country. After this, he may be sued for private acts done during his period in office, but not

    official acts.17

    Relevant International Actions within the United Nation Framework

    International Criminal Court (ICC)

    Crimes that are a violation of universal jurisdiction, many times involving parties and

    persons accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity, are directly punishable under

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    international law. These crimes may be dealt with in national courts, such as theEichmann


    or at the international levels, within bodies such as tribunals or by the International

    Criminal Court (ICC). Before the ICC, tribunals were established by the UN Security Council

    ad hoc in cases like the crimes committed in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. After the Court

    became fully operational in 2002, it supplanted the ad hoc war crimes tribunals that previously

    dealt with conflicts. The Court is an example of progress towards universal jurisdiction in its

    purest form. It has seen the indictment of some of the worlds worst offenders against humanity,

    but has not yet secured its first conviction.19

    The post-Cold War era saw the formulation of a permanent universal international

    criminal court. The idea had been off the table until that point as it proved too difficult at the

    international level. On July 17, 1998, more than 100 countries, not including the United States,

    agreed to the Rome Treaty to create the International Criminal Court (ICC).20

    An important

    aspect of the ICC is that the Court claims universal jurisdiction even if states are not party to the

    Treaty of Rome.21

    This claim is an important part of the attempt to implement a truly universal

    system of justice for crimes against humanity. The ICC is located in The Hague, but proceedings

    can take place anywhere deemed most appropriate. There are three main ambitions in the

    establishment of the ICC. First, those who have violated international human rights law should

    be punished for their actions. Second, a government or official may be deterred from

    committing crimes against humanity if the possibility of being held accountable is prominent.

    Third, there must be documentation of crimes committed so humanity will not forget the

    wrongdoings of the past.22

    The cases that the ICC has undertaken deal with individuals who have committed

    abhorrent crimes against humanity. In the following exposition of the case dealing with the

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    president of Sudan, it is clear that universal jurisdiction has been upheld by the Court and

    recognized by many states.

    Historical Situations of Universal Jurisdiction and Analysis

    The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir

    On June 30, 1989, Lieut. Gen. Omar Hassan al-Bashir, a military leader in Sudan, seized

    power in bloodless coup backed by Islamists. Al-Bashir assumed the presidency in 1993. The

    ICC issued an arrest warrant on July 12, 2010 for al-Bashir for genocide committed in Darfur.

    An earlier arrest warrant for al-Bashir had been issued in March 2009 by the ICC for war crimes

    and crimes against humanity in Darfur. This was the first time the ICC issued an arrest warrant

    for a serving head of state for the crime of genocide. The warrant is for al-Bashirs alleged role

    as an indirect perpetrator or indirect co-perpetrator of genocide in Darfur through killing, causing

    bodily or mental harm. Overall, Mr. Al-Bashir is allegedly criminally responsible for ten counts

    including five counts of crimes against humanity, two counts of war crimes, and three counts of

    genocide.23 All of the charges against Mr. Al-Bashir are linked to the conflict in the Western

    Darfur region of Sudan, where an estimated 300,000 people have died and more than two million

    have been uprooted by almost a decade of fighting between the government and rebels.24


    ICC has jurisdiction over international crimes committed in Darfur, even though Sudan is not a

    party to the court, under Security Council Resolution 1593,25 which referred Darfur to the ICC

    and obligates Sudan to cooperate with the ICC.26

    One hundred fourteen countries adhere to the

    Courts jurisdiction, and Al-Bashir has been careful to avoid entrance into certain countries.

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    However, some fret that even the most recent charges of genocide will not bring the leader closer

    to trial in The Hague. He has so far defied the courts orders and denied all accusations.

    Pinochet Case

    General Augusto Pinochet seized power on September 11, 1973 in a bloody military coup

    that toppled the Marxist government of President Salvador Allende. Although he was successful

    in achieving unprecedented economic growth that was internationally acclaimed, he also

    oversaw the execution or disappearance of over 3,200 people, in addition to thousands more that

    were detained, tortured or exiled.27

    General Pinochet was indicted for human rights violations

    committed in his native Chile by a Spanish magistrate in 1988. He was arrested and held by the

    British government for two years. He was released and allowed to return to Chile, where he was

    indicted and charged for a number of crimes. He died before being convicted in any case, but

    this is the first case where European judges applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, citing

    authority to judge crimes committed by a former head of state.

    Current Situation and Analysis

    It is argued that the complexities of international law have hindered the effectiveness of

    the High Courts of the United Nations. The court was created to save millions of humans from

    suffering unspeakably horrible and inhumane death, but the record seems to be rather

    disappointing.28 Surely the ICC has restrained some of the most malicious offenders from

    continuing atrocious criminal behavior, but court orders like indictments have limits. For

    example, the indictment of President al-Bashir of Sudan charged with committing genocide in

    Darfur. While bloodshed has ceased to an extent, there are many aspects contributing to war

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    crimes that have been left untouched, like the military in the Sudanese state. In the example of

    thePinochet Case, we have seen a disagreement between governments that advocate the use of

    universal jurisdiction, like many Western European nations, and those that wish to limit the use

    of universal jurisdiction, like developing nations. It is in the hands of this committee to decide

    for the future of universal jurisdictions scope and breadth. Can we allow for disagreement on a

    topic that has thousands upon thousands of human lives at stake?

    The end of 2011 marked the election of six new judges to the ICC. It is a critical juncture

    in the history of the Courtit will determine whether the Court will become a credible

    institution or just another UN gravy train.29 It is the goal of this conference to determine how

    to make the High Courts of the United Nations more effective in holding both individuals and

    states more accountable for actions that are destructive to development and progress of world

    order and humankind.

    Questions a Resolution Must Answer

    The questions below are starting points for a resolution. Delegates should keep these

    questions in mind while advocating their own states opinions on universal jurisdiction and its

    role within international law.

    1. Can treaties, which are binding only among the parties to them, alone create trueuniversal jurisdiction in relation to non-parties?

    2. Is a non-party State required to adhere to a treaty under the principle of universaljurisdiction?

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    3. Should international law, at the very least, urge that all member states should extradite analleged criminal regardless of the presence of a treaty?

    Bloc Positions

    As mentioned before, Western states, including Europe and the United States are, for the

    most part, advocates of universal jurisdiction. The United States, however, has rejected the

    universal jurisdiction of the ICC, mostly due to arguments that such a court could be used for

    political reasons. Some developing countries in Latin and South America, as well as Africa and

    some parts of Asia have their reservations about actively promoting universal jurisdiction. Some

    developing countries in particular fear that universal jurisdiction may be used to prosecute and

    potentially punish only weak state actors rather than all those leaders including those of

    powerful states that could be accused of certain crimes. In addition, because of the perceived

    Western, liberal basis of international law relating to human rights, crimes against humanity, and

    related issues, some developing states have argued that the ICC and other forms of universal

    jurisdiction amount to a form of Western imperialism.

    Suggested Readings (See also Additional Resources on Hofstras Model UN Webpage)

    Akande, Dapo. "International Law Immunities and the International Criminal Court." The

    American Journal of International Law 98.3 (2004): 407-33. Print.

    "Cosy Club or Sword of Righteousness?"Economist26 Nov. 2011: 33-36. Print.

    Kissinger, Henry. "The Pitfalls of Universal Jurisdiction." Foreign Affairs (2001). Print.

    Roth, Kenneth. "The Case for Universal Jurisdiction." Foreign Affairs (2001). Print.

    "Tried and Found Wanting."Economist26 Nov. 2011: 54. Print.

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    Topic B: Torture

    Statement of the Topic

    About 160 countries practice torture today in various degrees. Some countries use torture

    as a means to obtain information, while others use it as a means to punish, hurt or degrade

    dissidents, insurgents and religious minorities. While torture treatments can be ranked by

    degrees of harshness, torture is illegal in itself according to international law. Another issue is

    that the practices of torture are not necessarily called torture. For example, the United States did

    not define water-boarding as torture and therefore claimed its actions did not violate any

    domestic or international prohibition of torture. Without a universally accepted definition of

    torture, it will become very difficult to hold states liable for all forms of torture, even those listed

    under names other than its true identity of torture.

    Is torture ever justified?

    Cases of extreme torture, like German Nazi treatment towards millions of its prisoners,

    led to the outlawing of all such practices at the international level. Human rights watch groups

    have been actively patrolling countries -- including Israel, Brazil, China, and the United States--

    that have allegedly practiced various forms of torture. After so many awful crimes have been

    committed against humankind, it would seem that there would be a decrease in torture cases.

    However, the post-9/11 world has seen the emergence of the idea of justified torture. An

    Australian law professor, Mirko Bagaric, famously advocated life-saving compassionate

    torture. He says that torture is justified if it elicits crucial information needed to prevent future

    terrorist attacks and save innocent lives.30

    Opponents of this argument say that torture is not only

    used for extracting life-saving information. Many countries, like China for example, have

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    tortured members of religious and minority groups, including Tibetan dissidents and Uighur


    Is torture effective?

    In the event that a country practices life-saving compassionate torture, are these

    abusive methods effective in obtaining crucial information? Advocates and opponents of torture

    can come to very different conclusions when analyzing the same evidence. This is the case of

    alleged architect of the 9/11 attacks Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. CIA Director Michael Hayden

    affirmed in 2007 that the information obtained from Mohammed using coercive interrogation

    techniques was useful and irreplaceable. This information allegedly has thwarted several terrorist

    plots since 9/11, Hayden maintained.31

    Opponents are skeptical of the accuracy and overall

    usefulness of obtaining information using torture. Most people being tortured want to end their

    suffering as soon as possible. They will give any kind of information true or false their

    torturer wants to hear. For example, a person deprived of his clothing might feel so ashamed,

    humiliated and cold that he will say anything to get his clothes back. Furthermore, the Center for

    Victims of Torture in Nepal says that torture does not work on zealots. Those committed to an

    ideology or religious belief would rather die than confess important information.32

    Relevant International Actions within the United Nation Framework

    Judge Thomas Bergenthal of the International Court of Justice defines the international

    law of human rights as the law that deals with the protection of individuals and groups against

    violation against their internationally guaranteed rights, and with the promotion of these


    A series of international human rights treaties has been adopted since 1945. On 10

    December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of

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    Human Right (UDHR)34

    which spelled out basic civil, political, economic, social, and cultural

    rights to which all humans have. Article 5 of the UDHR states, no one shall be subjected to

    torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. The United Nations also

    has adopted the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights35

    and the

    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.36

    These three documents are a part of what

    is called the International Bill of Human Rights.

    Another critical human rights document, the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel,

    Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, was a step forward in prohibiting torture in

    the international system, but has often been criticized for not providing a definition of torture

    precise enough to be effective.37

    The Committee against Torture, which operates under the

    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, is tasked with monitoring

    the implementation of the Convention Against Torture.38

    While all of the above documents are important for the contributions they have made

    toward the goal of ending torture in the international system, none contains a universally agreed-

    upon definition of torture nor a comprehensive list of the methods and techniques that constitute


    Historical Situations of Torture

    Guantanamo Bay United States

    In January 2002, the Bush administration made Guantanamo Bay the place to detain

    terrorism suspects held on grounds beyond U.S. law. In February 2002, President George W.

    Bush said that the United States would treat the detainees humanely but did not consider the

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    prisoners as prisoners of war. Thus, the detainees were not protected by the Geneva Convention,

    which bans torture and cruel and degrading punishment of prisoners.39

    Although President

    Barack Obama took measures towards closing the facility on his second full day in office in

    2009, Guantanamo remains open, as the administration has encountered a series of political and

    legal blocks. In March 2011, President Obama reversed the 2009 order so that now military

    trials have resumed.40 The American Civil Liberties Union and other human rights groups

    condemn Obamas decision to reinstitute military tribunals because the commissions lack many

    of the legal protections for defendants a civilian court ensures and can rely on testimony obtained

    through various means of torture.


    Human rights groups cite that testimony obtained through

    torture violates international standards, as well as the standards of domestic U.S. courts. They

    also add that on the grounds of morality and ethics, the United States has tarnished its own

    reputation while lowering the status quo for other nations.42

    Proponents of Guantanamo say that

    the facility is a rightful asset to the global war on terror and that some information that has

    been obtained has prevented future terrorist attacks.

    Another source of criticism is on the handling of releasing Guantanamo prisoners. If the

    Pentagon determines that a prisoner is no longer a significant threat to U.S. national security, he

    may be transferred to another location outside of the United States, either to his home country or

    to another. This poses two problems, however. First, no country will willingly accept the

    prisoner, which essentially leaves the prisoner stranded in Guantanamo. Second, if there are

    substantial grounds for believing that the prisoner will be in danger of torture upon the return to

    his home country, international law prohibits the United States from releasing the prisoner to that

    country, again leaving him stranded. Under Article 3 of the UN Convention against Torture and

    Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, it is illegal to expel, return, or

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    extradite a person to another state where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would

    be in danger of being subjected to torture.43

    In addition, the 2011 National Defense

    Authorization Act has instituted specific requirements that may restrict or delay detainee


    Nearly eight hundred prisoners that have passed in and out of -- and sometimes just into -

    - the detention facility at the U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. These prisoners will

    likely face a lifetime of legal barriers and controversy. Overall, the plan to close Guantanamo

    poses a string of legal and security issues, including how to charge and try inmates and how to

    safely release those who are no longer deemed a threat.

    Tibet China

    For over fifty years, the Tibetan people have suffered enormous hardships and human

    rights abuses by the government of the Peoples Republic of China. Since the 2008 uprisings

    across Tibet, protesters, intellectuals, students, and business people have been detained and

    sentenced to prison on charges of subverting state power or the intent to sever Tibet from

    China. A Human Rights Watch report released in 2010 stated that Chinese security forces

    violated international law in suppressing the protest by beating, detaining, and killing civilians in

    towns across Tibet.45

    In March 2011, a 20-year-old monk, Phuntsog, killed himself by self-

    immolation to protest Chinese policies in Tibet. Security officers responded by locking down

    the monastery, detaining monks and reportedly beating and torturing them. Since March 2011,

    the number of deaths by self-immolation has risen to fifteen, with the most recent case of three

    monks in January 2012.46

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    The Chinese government defends itself on the topic of human rights with statements like,

    [China] recognizes human rights. We adhere to human rights international documents. On the

    other hand, we have to take into account how they will be interpreted in light of our own history,

    culture, governmentdifferent from yours. And besides, there must never be interference in the

    affairs of other countries.47

    In short, China has made the case that a single, universal definition

    and prohibition of torture threatens its sovereignty. While all UN-member states are entitled to

    protect their sovereignty, critics of this attitude say that China has made an international

    commitment to the doing away with of torture. Thus, its defense of its practices based upon the

    notion of traditional sovereignty does not absolve it of responsibility.

    China has signed the International Convention on Civil and Political Right in 1998, but it

    has not ratified it. China has ratified other human rights documents but have numerous

    problems implementing these documents. Like many other aspects of Chinese policy, the

    implementation of law is gradual and largely based on the current presidents regime.

    Current Situation and Analysis

    Many nations look to the superpowers of the world as a reflection of the status of human

    rights in the international system. Human rights advocates worry that countries that have

    tortured in the past will feel more emboldened to do so again as a result of the United States

    tarnished record. It is also of concern that rising powers like China frequently take part in

    business transactions in countries with a track record of human right abuses. Furthermore, the

    European Union, another large player in the construction of human rights, finds itself divided

    among its diverse membership.48 The goal for this committee is to bring forth solutions that will

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    hold nations accountable to protect their constituency and for any human right abuses.

    Consensus must be achieved in order to find the most plausible way for countries to agree to

    anti-torture practices.

    Questions a Resolution Must Answer

    The questions below are starting points for a resolution. Delegates should keep these

    questions in mind while advocating their own states opinions on torture and its role within

    international law.

    1. What role should courts play is assessing whether a government may transferindividuals who claim they will face torture, even when the government does not

    believe this is the case?

    2. How can the United Nations protect state sovereignty while simultaneouslyadvocating human rights?

    3. How should torture be defined so that it can be universally accepted?

    Bloc Positions

    Even though nearly all states have accepted the basic international treaties and conventions that

    ban torture, many states have reservations about certain aspects of these prohibitions. In

    addition, it is difficult to pinpoint bloc positions because such issues vary widely. Western

    nations, for example, have nearly universally accepted international prohibitions against torture

    and have matching domestic laws but, as noted above, there are some exceptions to how these

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    prohibitions have been implemented and other controversies even among the most liberal states

    in the UN system. As such, it is imperative to understand country-specific positions on this


    Suggested Reading (See also the Additional Resources on the Hofstra Model UN Website)

    Follath, Erich. "America's Shame: Torture in the Name of Freedom - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

    - International." SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten. Trans. Christopher Sultan. 20 Feb. 2006.Web. 15 Jan. 2012. .

    Kaplan, Robert D. "Fear Hath No Shelf-Life: Our Torture Dilemma - Magazine - The Atlantic."The Atlantic News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National,

    International, and Life 22 Jan. 2009. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.

    Marty, Dick. "Alleged Secret Detentions and Unlawful Inter-state Transfers Involving Council ofEurope Member States, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Council of Europe

    Parliamentary Assembly." 7 June 2006. Web. 15 Jan. 2012.


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    See the full text of the Charter of the United Nations,

    2A brief note on the signing, ratification, and accession of a treaty is as followed. When a state

    signs a treaty with a simple signature, the state has not expressed its consent to be bound by thetreaty. However, its signature obliges, in good faith, from acts that defeat the purpose of the

    treaty. Ratification is an act whereby a state establishes its consent to be bound by a treaty.

    3List of non-member bodies of the United Nations General Assembly:

    4See the full text of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations:


    Eileen Denza, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,Audio Visual Library ofInternationalLaw 2008,

    6See the full text of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations at

    7 Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,Audio Visual

    Library of InternationalLaw 2008,

    8 See the full text of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

    9 Anthony Aust,Handbook of International Law (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,

    2010), 42.

    10 Peter Malanczuk,Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law (New York:Routlege,1997), 113.


    12Ibid., 117.

    13 Aust, 130.

    14Malanczuk, 123.

    15See the full text of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations at

    16Malanczuk, 128.

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    17Ibid., 126.

    18A-G of Israel v Eichmann (1961) 36 ILR 5.

    19BBC, Q&A: International Criminal Court. 30 November 2011,

    20Mark W. Janis,An Introduction to International Law, 4

    thed. (New York: Aspen Publishers,

    2003), 282.

    21 See the full text of Treaty of Rome,

    22Janis, 284.


    "The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir,"ICL Database and Commentary,

    24Omar Hassan Al-Bashir,New York Times, Times Topics, 2012,


    25See the full text of UN Security Council Resolution 1593 at

    26Sudan: ICC Warrant for Al-Bashir on Genocide, Human Rights Watch, July 13, 2010,

    Jonathan Kandell, "Augusto Pinochet, Dictator Who Ruled by Terror in Chile, Dies at 91,New York Times, December 11, 2006,>.andell.

    28"Cosy Club or Sword of Righteousness?"Economist, November 26, 2011, 33-36.

    29"Tried and Found Wanting,"Economist, November 26, 2011, 54.

    30Torture Debate: Is the U.S. War on Terror Legitimizing Terror? CQ Global Researcher,

    September 2007, 229.

    31Ibid., 219.

    32Ibid., 218.

    33Thomas G. Weiss and Sam Daws, eds., The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (New

    York: Oxford University Press, 2007).

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    34 Follow link for full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:


    Follow link for full text of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and CulturalRights:

    36Follow link for full text of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:

    37Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment or


    38UN Committee Against Torture:


    Seth Stern, Torture Debate, Global Issues: 2008 Edition (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,2007), 154.

    40Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba,New York Times, Times Topics,


    41Take note that the United States administration does not identify its methods of obtaining

    critical information as torture but instead claim its methods as enhanced interrogation.

    42Jonathan Masters, Closing Guantanamo? Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder,

    November 9, 2011,

    Follow link for full text of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman orDegrading Treatment or Punishment:

    44Masters 2011.

    45Tibet,New York Times, Times Topics, January 24, 2012,

    46 Sharon LaFraniere, "More Monks Die by Fire in Protest of Beijing,"New York Times, January

    9, 2012,

    47Cohen, Jerome A. "China's Human Rights Puzzle." Interview by Bernard Gwertzman. Council

    on Foreign Relations, 27 Jan. 2011.

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    Stern, 159.

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