lecture comparative 090115

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    Japan’s Police a political body under the general supervision of an independent agency, the

    National Police Agency.

    National Organization

    National Public Safety Commission

    - It exercises administrative supervision over the National police Agency under the

     jurisdiction of the Prime Minister.

    - Authority to appoint or dismiss senior police officers.

    - the commission consists of a chairman ho holds the ran! of Minister of

    "tate and five members appointed by the prime minister ith the consent of both

    houses of the #iet. $he commission operates independently of the cabinet, but

    coordinates ith it through the Minister of "tate.

    National Public "afety %ommission

    head&uartered in the 'nd (uilding of the %entral %ommon )overnment *ffice at '-

    +-' asumigase!i in asumigase!i, %hiyoda, $o!yo.

    National Police Agency  eisatsu-ch/

    -as the central coordinating body for the entire police system, the National Police

    Agency determines general standards and policies0 detailed direction of operations

    is left to the loer echelons.


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    -headed by a %ommissioner )eneral ho is under the administrative supervision of 

    the %ommission, administers the agency1s operations, appoints and dismisses

    agency employees and supervises and controls prefectural police organi2ations

    ithin the agency1s defined duties.

    Organizations attached to the National Police Agency

    +/ National Police Academy  - provides training to senior police officers

    and carries out academic research.

    '/ National Research Institute of Police Science - conducts research in

    forensic science and applies the result of such research in the examination

    and identification of evidence collected during police investigations

    3/ Imperial uards !ead"uarters  - provides escort to the 4mperor,

    4mpress, %ron Prince and other Imperial 5amily members. It is also

    responsible for the security of the Imperial Palace and other Imperial

    5acilities. It consists of the Imperial Police Administration, the Imperial

    "ecurity and the Imperial 4scort #epartment.

    National Organization

    #$ Police Administration %ureau

     is concerned ith police personnel, education, elfare, training, and unit


    &$ Criminal In'estigation %ureau

    is in charge of research statistics and the investigation of nationally important and

    international cases. $his bureau1s "afety #epartment is responsible for crime

    prevention, combating juvenile delin&uency, and pollution control.

    In addition, the %riminal Investigation (ureau surveys, formulates, and

    recommends legislation on firearms, explosives, food, drugs, and narcotics. $he

    %ommunications (ureau supervises police communications systems.

    ($)raffic %ureau

    -licenses drivers, enforces traffic safety las, and regulates traffic.

    -Intensive traffic safety and driver education campaigns are run at both national

    and prefectural levels.

    -the bureau1s 4xpressay #ivision addresses special conditions of the nation1s


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    groing system of express highays.

    *$Security %ureau

    - formulates and supervises the execution of security policies. It conducts research

    on e&uipment and tactics for suppressing riots and oversees and coordinates

    activities of the riot police.-is also responsible for security intelligence on foreigners and radical political

    groups, including investigation of violations of the Alien 6egistration 7a and

    administration of the 4ntry and 4xit %ontrol 7a.

    -implements security policies during national emergencies and natural disasters.

    +$ Regional Public Safety %ureaus

    -each responsible for a number of prefectures.

    -headed by a #irector and they are organi2ed similar to the %entral *ffice. $hey

    are located in major cities of each geographic region.

    $he $o!yo Metropolitan Police #epartment and 8o!!aido Prefectural Police

    8ead&uarters are excluded from the jurisdiction of 6P(s.

    8eaded by a #irector )eneral, each 6P( exercises necessary control and

    supervision over and provides support services to prefectural police ithin its

     jurisdiction, under the authority and orders of NPA1s %ommissioner )eneral.

    Attached to each 6egional Police (ureaus is a 6egional Police "chool hich

    provides police personnel ith education and training re&uired of staff officers as

    ell as other necessary education and training.

    Police Community ,i'isions

    Metropolitan $o!yo and the island of 8o!!aid are excluded from the regional

     jurisdictions and are run more autonomously than other local forces, in the case of 

    $o!yo, because of its special urban situation, and of 8o!!aid, because of its

    distinctive geography.

    $he National Police Agency maintains police communications divisions in these to

    areas to handle any coordination needed beteen national and local forces.

    9ho provides personal security for the 4mperor, %ron Prince and other members

    of the Imperial 5amily of :apan;

    Anser< Imperial )uard


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2


    • forty-three prefectutal !en/ police forces0

    • $o!yo Metropolitan to/ police force, in $o!yo0

    to urban prefectural fu/ police forces, in *sa!a and yoto0 and• one district d/ police force, in 8o!!aid.

    Prefectural Police

    • 8ead&uarters contains administrative division corresponding to those of the

    bureaus of the National Police Agency.

    • It is staffed by specialist in basic police functions and administration and are

    commanded by an officer appointed by the local office of the National Public

    "afety %ommission

    • More arrest and investigation are performed• :apan=s police are organi2ed on a prefectural basis. Prefectural police are

    placed in each Prefecture to perform various police activities under the

    supervision of the Prefectural Public "afety %ommission

    • >nder the National Public "afety %ommission, the National Police Agency

    NPA/ is set up to supervise these Prefectural Police or adjust their activities

    from the national standpoint.

    /oban0 Police %o1es

    • is a small neighborhood police station found in :apan.

    smallest organi2ational unit in today1s :apanese police system.

    • in addition to central police stations, :apanese uniformed police or! is done

    from small buildings located ithin the community, a form of community


    • as of '??@, there are about ,??? !ban all over :apan.

    • form the first line of police response to the public

    • is staffed by relatively small number of police officers 3-B officers in usual/,


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    Riot Police 2 /idotai3

    • 9ithin their security divisions, each prefecture level police department and

    the $o!yo police maintain idotai, special riot units.

    • In handling demonstrations and violent disturbances, riot units are deployed

    en masse, military style. It is common practice for files of riot police to linestreets through hich demonstrations pass. If demonstrators gro

    disorderly or deviate from officially sanctioned areas, riot police stand

    shoulder-to-shoulder, sometimes three and four deep, to push ith their

    hands to control the crods. Individual action is forbidden..

    • Police brutality is rarely an issue. 9hen excesses occur, the perpetrator is

    disciplined and sometimes transferred from the force if considered unable to

    !eep his temper.

    • Although many police are assigned riot duty, only a fe are volunteers. 5or

    many personnel, riot duty serves as a stepping stone because of itsreputation and the opportunities it presents to study for the advanced police

    examinations necessary for promotion. (ecause riot duties demands physical

    fitnessCthe armored uniform eighed . !ilogramsCmost personnel are

    young, often serving in the units after an initial assignment in a !oban.

    Special Police

    • in addition to regular police officers, there are several thousand officials

    attached to various agencies ho perform special duties relating to public

    safety.• they are responsible for such matters as forest preser'ation4 narcotics

    control4 fishery inspection4 and enforcement of regulations on

    maritime4 labor4 and mine safety$

    $he NPA Commissioner eneral holds the highest position in the Japanese

    police$ 8is title is not a ran! but rather denotes his position as head of the NPA.

    *n the other hand, the 5P, Superintendent eneral represents not only the

    highest ran! in the system but also assignment as head of the $o!yo Metropolitan

    Police #epartment

    Chief of the National Police Agency6

    %ommissioner )eneral *6 eisatsu-ch %h!an

    -o7est Ran86


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    Police *fficer *r :unsa

    )o8yo Police ,epartment

    $he largest urban Police 5orce in the orld.


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    Singapore Police 9orce


    • is the 6epublic1s main police agency tas!ed ith maintaining la and

    order in the island city-state.

    • 5ormerly !non as the Republic of Singapore Police 

    • 5orce is split beteen staff and line functions, roughly modeled after


    It has gron from an ++-man organi2ation to a 3D,BD@ strong force.

    5otto: ;7oyalty and "erviceE 

    Current Commissioner of Police6

    8oong 9ee $ec!

    "4NI*6 *55I%46 6AN"

    %ommissioner of Police

    #eputy %ommissioner of Police

    "enior Assistant %ommissioner

    Assistant %ommissioner

    #eputy Assistant %ommissioner


    #eputy "uperintendent

    Assistant "uperintendent

    %hief Inspector


    P*7I%4 *55I%46 6AN"

    "enior "tation Inspector '

    "enior "tation Inspector "tation Inspector

    "enior "taff sergeant

    "taff "ergeant




  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2


    -o7est Ran86  %onstable

    !ighest Ran8 6 %ommissionerF %ommissioner of Police


    $hey are the uniformed, full-time officers

    ho constitute about '?G of the police1s total or!force and number

    approximately D,??? in strength

    - (asic training for all officers are conducted at the 8ome $eam Academy

    &$ PO-IC= NA)IONA- S=R?IC=5=N

    $he reservists ho are augmented to the "ingapore Police 5orce in +H@B,

    and given the primary function of guarding !ey installation and to act as a

    reserve unit.

    ($ )!= ?O->N)==RS

    5ormed in +H, )he ?olunteer Special Constabulary J"%/ is an

    important component of the "ingapore Police 5orce, contributing more than

    fifty years of volunteer service to the nation.

    $he J"% comprises of volunteers from all al!s of life in "ingapore, from

    businessmen to blue-collar executives to even bus captains, bonded ith the

    same aspiration to serve the nation by complementing the "ingapore Police


    $hey are vested ith e&ual poers of a police officer to enforce la and

    order in "ingapore. J"% *fficers don the same police uniform and patrol the

    streets, participate in anti-drug operations and sometimes even high-speed

    sea chases.

    *$ CI?I-IAN S)A99

    %ivilian staff in the Police 5orce are deployed in areas such as technology,

    logistics, human resource and administrative and finance services as ell as

    planning and intelligence.

    +$ S)A99 nited (as!etball %lub 8>(%/

     8ome >nited 5ootball %lub 8>5%/

    :*M - %lubhouse for Police *fficers

    Polel %o-operative "ociety 7imited



  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    Police %omputer %lub

    Police "ports Association P"A/

    Police 9elfare #ivision

    "enior Police *fficers1 Mess "P*M/

    "ingapore Police %o-operative "ociety 7imited


    >niforms of the "ingapore Police 5orce are a ,ar8 blue 2or more

    accurately ,acron blue3, and have remained so continuously since +HH,

    although the first police uniforms introduced in #@+ ere also in the same colour.

    !ead"uarter -ocation:

    Ne Phoenix Par! in Novena


  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    !ong /ong Police 9orce


     K9e "erve ith Pride and %areE 

  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    "uperintendent of Police L Major/

    %hief Inspector of Police L %aptain/

    "enior Inspector of Police L 7t. over a bar/

    Inspector of Police L 7ieutenant/

    Probationary Inspector of Police L "econd 7ieutenant/ "tation "ergeant L "taff "ergeant/

    "ergeant L "ergeant/

    "enior %onstable L 7ance %orporal/

    Police %onstable

  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2


    C!INA• consists of an extensive public security system and a variety of 

    enforcement procedures used to maintain order in the country. $he

    country1s judicial and public security agencies include the Ministry of Public

    "ecurity and the Ministry of "tate "ecurity, ith their descending

    hierarchy of departments, bureaus, subbureaus, and stations.

    C!INA PO-IC= SBS)=5

     Police Structure

    #$ Public Security Police - are the largest and oldest components of %hinese

    Police as to its organi2ational hierarchy it is consist of<

    5inistry of Public Security - responsible for ma!ing nationide regulations

    concerning the la enforcements procedures, recruitment procedures, recruitment

    standards, training re&uirements, an d promotion criteria. It represents the central

    government in directing and regulating police or! throughout the country.

    Main domestic security in Peoples 6epublic of %hina."ince the creation of the Ministry of "tate "ecurity in +HD3, the MP" has lost much

    authority and does not underta!e riot control functions, hich are no ithin the

    province of the People1s Armed Police, nor does it generally conduct domestic

    intelligence hich since +HD3 has been a primary responsibility of the Ministry of

    "tate "ecurity. 8ong ong and Macau have their on security bureausFagencies

    and police forces. As of '?+',

    b$ Pro'incial Public Security - at the provincial levels, it is accountable to the

    ministry of public security at the same time it is also account able to the provincial


    c$ rassroots -e'el Public Security %ureaus - accountable to both higher level

    public security bureaus and the people=s )overnment at the corresponding duties

    of surprising connected offenders together ith prison police.

    In addition to la enforcement duties, Public "ecurity Police also ta!e full charge



  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    of supervising convicted offenders together ith Prison Police.

    -Public Security Police - supervised offenders serving community sentences such

    as probation and parole.

    -Prison Police - supervised incarcerated offenders0 it is under the leadership of the

    Ministry of the :ustice. 

    N*$4< 7ocal )overnments are responsible for determining the si2e of the public

    force needed in the jurisdictions, and determining the local enforcement priorities.


    &$ Special Public Security Police - sound by rules and regulation issued by the

    Ministry of Public "ecurity but considered part of and under the direct leadership of 

    the corresponding government ministries.

    a. 6ailay Police - maintains orders in trains and stations

    b. $ransportation Police - provides security in ateray transportation

    c. %ivil Aviation Police - maintain order in airports and provides for civilian Air


    d. 5orest Police - patrol the national forest to prevent forest fires, illegal cutting,

    and other activities by "tate 5orest 7a

    3. People’s Armed Police L

    In contrast to public security police, PAP servicemen, also called as Armed

    Policemen 武警战士/, ear olive green instead of the blue uniforms of the Public

    "ecurity #epartment People1s Police  and other branches of People1s Police

     function include patrol, maintaining security and order in border areas, guarding

    high-ran!ing government officials and foreign dignitaries and providing security for

    important government building and facilities. It is under the joint command of the

    Ministry of Public "ecurity and %entral Military %ommittee.

    -is a paramilitary police force under the authority of the Ministry of Public "ecurity.

     After a trial period in selected jurisdictions, it as officially established at the

    national level in +HD3. In line ith the general policy of reducing the si2e of the

    armed forces and transferring responsibilities to the civilian sector, the nely

    established force as formed from internal security units reassigned from the P7A

    to the Ministry of Public "ecurity and from border defense customs/ and fire-

    fighting units. In +HDB the PAP consisted of approximately ??,??? volunteers and

    conscripts. 9ith a general head&uarters at the national level and subordinate

    division-level provincial or speciali2ed units, regimental-level detachments, and



  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2

    battalion-level brigades, it retained its military organi2ation.

    $he history of the People1s Armed Police is as long as that of the People1s 6epublic,

    and its origin can be traced bac! to the People1s 7iberation Army, hich as

    responsible for both defending the nation from foreign invasions and internalsecurity. Although the force as officially established in +HD', its constituent units

    stretch bac! to +HH. After the establishment of the People1s 6epublic of %hina, it

    as soon apparent that the different troops ere re&uired for the vastly different

    missions, and the domestic security functions had to be removed from the People1s

    7iberation Army. As a result, the portion of People1s 7iberation Army responsible

    for internal security and other domestic police missions branched out to form the

    Public "ecurity Army, under the administration of the Ministry of Public "ecurity of

    the People1s 6epublic of %hina. Although under the Ministry of Public "ecurity, the

    Public "ecurity Army troops ere not exactly public security police officers becausein addition to regular police or!, they ere also tas!ed ith secondary military

    tas!s hich as not part of the responsibility of regular police officers of the public

    security ministry.

    After numerous name changes and reorgani2ation, the PAP as created on :une

    +H, +HD' by an amalgamation of the P7A1s border control, internal security units

    domestic 1internal guard1 or and fire department/, as ell as from Ministry of

    Public "ecurity units.

    $he PAP has a dual command structure including the %entral Military

    %ommission %M%/ and the "tate %ouncil through the Ministry of Public "ecurity.

    *$ State Security Police - established in +HD3, it is responsible to protect state

    security by preventing foreign espionage, sabotage and conspiracies. >nder the

    leadership of the Ministry of the "tate "ecurity, "tate "ecurity (ureaus are

    established in all provinces and some municipalities that have fre&uent contacts

    ith foreign countries.

    Ran8ing System


    $he People=s Police 6an!ing 6egularities of +HH' established the folloing police




  • 8/20/2019 Lecture Comparative 090115


    Comparative Police System

    Topic 2


    +. )eneral "uperintendent conferred on individuals ho hold minister-level

    government post/

    '. #eputy )eneral "uperintendent conferred on individuals ho hold deputy-

    minister-level government post/3. "uperintendent first, second, and third grade/

    . Inspector first, second, and third grade/

    B. "ergeant first, second, and third grade/

    . *fficer first and second grade/

    !ead"uarter6  (eijing, 8aidian #istrict, %hina


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