lecture 14. update 2011 12 21 field interpreting a course summary

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Lecture 14

Update 2011 12 21Field interpretingA course summary

“ 控”当选中国 2011 年度汉字 字 "Control" selected China's character of the year for 2011 (news

headline) The Chinese character “kong," a word that generally means "control,"

has been selected as the character of the year in China for 2011. (news report)


The phrase “shang bu qi,” which means too delicate to bear a blow, was chosen as the phrase of the year, revealing the public’s sensitivity to personal and social problems and their call for justice and equity.


Also, "debt" and "euro debt crisis" were voted the international word and international phrase of the year respectively, showing the public's growing awareness of a globalized world.

Report “2011 年度中国网络推介字词”榜单由国家语言资


The word & phrase of 2011 was chosen after recommendations from Internet users, expert reviews and online polling, which was jointly organized by the National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center, the state-run Commercial Press, and the China Youth Daily.

Performing --Encoding (Message Reconstructing) ……


Performing --Coordinating (Field Interpreting)

1. 销售代表2. 外贸部 3. 取行李 4. 停车场 5. 直达航班 6. 明天,会有时差反应 7. 这样一来 8. 倒一下时差 9. 广东饮食 10. 锦绣中华

1. sales representative2. International Business

Department3. claim luggage4. parking lot5. non-stop flight6. The jet lag will catch

up with me tomorrow.7. in that case8. recover from jet lag9. the Cantonese

gourmet10. Splendid China

Packaging --Interpreting and Assessment

1. 远道来送行2. 你办了登机手续了吗 ? 3. 办理海关手续 4. 我希望它能让你想起我

们的友谊 5. 我们非常感谢你为我们

所做的一切。6. “ 送君千里终有一别”

1. come all the way to see me off

2. Have you checked in?

3. go through customs

4. I hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship.

5. I appreciate very much everything you’ve done for me.

6. “A thousand miles a person can see off a friend, but he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.”

Listen and interpret David: Hi! I am David Anderson, sales representative from Willa

Company. Are you the representative from Zhong’an Technology Company?

Li: 你好!是的,我是中安科技外贸部的李华,欢迎来深圳。 David: Thanks. Li: 你的行李都取了吗? David: Yes, I have. Li: 那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们一

起过去? David: Sure. Li: 飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗? David: Yes, Thank you. The flight was very good and the service

on board was excellent. It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver.

Li: 真是路途遥远啊! David: I do not sleep well on planes ; therefore I am a little tired

and the jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow. Li: 咱们直接去酒店吧 , 我们已经在花园酒店给你定了房间。 David: Good. Li: 第一次来中国?

David: Yes, Shenzhen is such a beautiful city. Li: 这样一来,我们会尽量安排好你的中国之行,给你留

下美好回忆。现在刚好是春季,深圳一年中最好的季节。 David: I am so lucky. Li: 那我简单把你的时间安排说一下。明天没有什么安排,

让你好好休息一天,倒一下时差。 David: Good idea. I really need some rest. Li: 明晚,我们安排了在粤唯鲜的晚宴,让你感受一下广

东的饮食文化。 David: Terrific. I like Chinese food very much. Li: 后天上午到工厂参观,下午谈一下合作的事项。接下

来是安排你去锦绣中华参观。 David: Will you give me a timetable? I would like to

pay a visit to your factory to find out the possibility of importing automobile parts from you.

Li: 会的,你如果有什么问题,生活和生意上的都可以直接找我。我会鼎力帮忙。

David: Thank you. Li: 到了,我们上车吧!

Role Play (group of 4)

2 Role-play the dialogue2 take the role of interpreter

Packaging --Interpreting and Assessment

Packaging -- Feedback and Comments

Aims of this Unit

Student’s Feedback

Teacher’s Comments

The candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements.

Candidates: ___________________ Date ___________________Assessor: ____________________ Date ___________________

Points to Remember

A well-prepared interpreter is usually confident and relaxed and an experienced interpreter never stops preparing for the interpreting tasks.

Interpreters must continually work to improve their mastery of basic linguistic and interpreting skills; command of general and subject knowledge; and a strong cross-cultural awareness.

It is advisable for the trainees to keep on practicing interpreting, reading widely and learning to collect and summarize what has been learned.

Course Summary

Lecture Review

Lecture 1 IntroductionLecture 2 IntroductionLecture 3 Tran vs.inter


Hold 住 Hold steady 淡定? Keep one’s poise Stay poised Maintain/keep one’s composure Keep your composure when

pressure is on. Keep one’s cool tranquil

Buzzword: 加名税 在财政部、国家税务总局联合发布通知后,地方税务机关必须退

还已征收的加名税。 Following the joint regulation by the Ministry of Finance

and the State Administration of Taxation, the name-adding taxes imposed by local tax authorities should be refunded.

加名税 name-adding taxes 房产证 property ownership certificates 一方所有 sole ownership 共同所有 joint ownership 月饼税 mooncake tax

家庭暴力 domestic violence family violence domestic abuse 家务活 domestic chores 家庭乐趣 domestic joys 国产酒 domestic wine 家猫 domestic cat


智联招聘开展的一项调查显示,超过 70% 的办公室职员遭遇“职场冷暴力”,其中四分之三的人是 80 后。

More than 70 percent of office workers encounter "emotional office abuse", three-quarters of which are from the post-80s people, a survey conducted by zhaopin.com says.

职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse emotional abuse in the workplace 冷暴力 cold violence

Neologism: IPOD generation The IPOD generation stands

for Insecure, Pressured, Over-taxed, and Debt-ridden.

“IPOD 一代” Insecure (不稳定) Pressured (有压力) Over-taxed (过度缴税 ) Debt-ridden (负债累累)

不堪重负的“ IPOD 一代”

More 穿越剧 time-travel TV series , 穿越小说 time-travel novel 谍战剧 spy drama 案情剧 courtroom drama / legal thriller 偶像剧 idol drama

Transcript The Cuban athlete Dayron Robles has

been stripped of a gold medal in the 110m hurdles at the Athletics World Championships in South Korea. Robles, the world record holder and reigning Olympic champion, was disqualified for coming into physical contact with one of his main rivals, China's Liu Xiang. Liu had appealed following the race. Jason Richardson of the United States was awarded the gold medal with Liu getting silver. Britain's Andy Turner won bronze.

BBC News


I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe in.

I knew my actions were wrong. But I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn't have far -- didn't have to go far to find them.

Oral Interpretation10 pieces of news (audio)


At Beijing's flagship Apple Store they switched off the company's famous icon at midday. It was a tribute to Steve Jobs the visionary who had created a truly global brand. Flowers were laid at the entrance of the store. Some came to shop but others are gathered to pay tribute.

Speaker 1 "I just found out this morning from the news

that Mr Jobs has passed away, so this is why I came here. I wanted to buy some flowers myself but I couldn't find where."

Speaker 2

"I'm kind of a diehard fan of Apple. It's really really sad to see that Steve Jobs passed away. This man I think really influenced the way I think, the way I observe the world. I really can't say how grateful I am to him."

Many Apple products are made in China. But unlike other western brands Apple is a household name here. Its iPhones and iPads are snapped up by the growing middle class. More than 35 million Chinese internet users also tweeted about his death.

Steve Jobs was a man who was idolised around the globe and many here say his vision helped connect the world.

Task ITask I

Process of Oral Process of Oral InterpretationInterpretation


Leave somebody in the lurch 人某人处于为难或者困境中,不施与援手

Transcript The web-savvy amongst you will know that

just as a mouse is no longer only a rodent, a tweet isn't necessarily a noise made by a bird.

Nearly a quarter of the new words added to the latest edition of the Chambers Dictionary come from internet culture, with the economic recession and climate change also contributing strongly.

The internet age's ability to reinvent old words with new meanings continues. The cloud, you may think, is the thing above your head which produces rain. It's not as simple as that any more.

We all know what pay is, right? And a wall is a wall – as in The Great Wall of... But what about a paywall? Can you work it out?

Moving onto the economy, words such as quantitative easing and double-dip recession have become familiar to followers of current affairs.

Amongst the environmental terms now appearing in the dictionary you can find upcycle and precycle as well as carbon offsetting.

National treasure, neet, man flu, crowdsourcing and staycation are also officially recognised for the first time.

And there are some abbreviations made popular by email and social networking sites. When you're surprised you can write OMG (Oh my God) and if you really like someone, BFF (best friend forever) is the expression for you.

Glossary 1. web-savvy 擅长网络的人,网络行家 2. tweet 3. The cloud 计算云,电脑云 4. paywall 付费墙 5. quantitative easing 量化宽松 6. double-dip 双底衰退 7. upcycle 升级再造 8. precycle 预回收

9. carbon offsetting 炭抵消 10. national treasure 国 宝人物 11. Neet ‘ 三无人员’ ( 无教育,无职业,无培

训人员 ) 12. man flu 男士小感冒 13. crowdsourcing 众包(企业利用互联网将工作分配出去

的商业模式) 14. staycation 不出远门在家度假


They can get glammed up, enjoy a good meal and gossip till the cows come home.


No wonder one in three married women have more fun with friends than their husbands.


Researchers who interviewed 3,000 women found that many would rather spend the day with a friend than be with their other half.

调查者采访了 3000 名女性后发现,许多女性宁愿和一位朋友而不是另一半共度一天。

More Six out of ten said they prefer to go shopping with

their girlfriends rather than their partner because they offer better, more trustworthy advice.


The survey found that when meeting female friends the women made more of an effort with their outfit and spent longer doing their hair and make-up.



And a day out with friends was also likely to cost more money than with their husbands, with women admitting that their friends encourage them to treat themselves more.


more The survey was carried out at the Lakeside

Shopping Centre in Essex. Lakeside spokesman Sophie Scott said:

‘These results will strike a chord with millions of married women all over the UK.

这一调查是在埃塞克斯的湖边购物中心开展的。 湖边购物中心的发言人索菲•斯科特说:“这些调查结果会引起全英国数百万已婚女性的共鸣。”




住宅限购令 Property-purchase restrictions Restrictions on home purchase Restrictions on property purchase House purchase restrictions


price hikes feel the pinch restaurant patrons order for arrest Internet lynching vigilante of the Internet emotional damages credit crunch prime lending rate/prime rate overhaul

物价上涨 感到手头拮据 食客 通缉令 网络私刑 网络义警 精神抚慰金 信贷紧缩 最优惠贷款利率 整治 整顿

Ashwarya and Alok Sharma and their two children emigrated to the United States from India 10 years ago. They are now U.S. citizens. Like most Americans, they are feeling the financial pinch from inflation.

Consumer prices overall are rising at a 2.7 percent annual rate, while average hourly wages increased by just fraction of one percent.

Alok Sharma says something has to give. “ It is hitting both ways because you don't get well paying jobs, and you don't get a raise. And then inflation hits you on the other side,"



Economists say energy and food costs are driving inflation, and Americans are looking for answers.

Some say the expanding middle classes in countries like China, Brazil, and India are consuming more resources and driving up prices worldwide.

Other experts say drought in places like Russia, turmoil in the Middle East and a global lack of refinery capacity have driven up food and oil prices.


Education authority urges inspection of school buses after deadly accident kills 20

China's Ministry of Education is calling for an urgent nationwide inspection of school buses.

The announcement comes after a severely overloaded school bus collided with a truck in Gansu, killing 20, including 18 pre-schoolers.

The bus, designed to carry 9, was carrying 64 when the accident happened.

The emergency notice issued by the central authorities calls for a safety review of all the school buses across the country. Any of them found to be at risk are to be pulled off the road.

World News from the BBC(2010/11/30) The White House says President Obama has received 12

stitches in his face after being injured while playing basketball.

The statement says Mr. Obama was inadvertently hit on the lip by an opposing player’s elbow.

The White House Medical Unit said the number of stitches used was high in order to reduce the size of any scar.

白宫表示 , 奥巴马总统打篮球时面部受伤 , 缝了十二针 。 声明称 , 奥巴马被对手一名队员的肘部不小心撞到 。 白宫医疗小组表示 , 为奥巴马总统缝合伤口选择了较细的线 ,


American Youth Prep for Summer Camp

Summertime is almost upon us in America, and even though millions of children will be home from school, they won't necessarily be under their parents' feet the whole time. A lot of them will be off to summer camp for a week or two or more.

At rustic locales ( 事件发生的现场、地点 ) with catchy names like “Camp Hiawatha,” summer camp has traditionally meant fresh air and mountain streams, nature walks and horseback rides, arts and crafts; roasted marshmallows (棉花糖) , ghost stories and songs around a campfire.

Update 2 Black Friday

Black Friday Black Friday is the day following

Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers open extremely early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season.

US holiday shopping season starts on "Black Friday"

Field interpreting (review)Keeping fit

Oral Interpretation:Protocol Routine


UpdatesSpeechesField interpreting~

Final examination

1. Translation of words and expressions (buzzwords) 10 (1*10)

2. Interpretation of sentences 15 (4*15=60)

3.interpretation of passages 2 (10*2) 4.Note-taking and interpretation


Update 20110513

Transcripts With more than 170 million Skype users worldwide,

Microsoft is betting its newest acquisition will help expand its mobile presence and appeal to corporate users of video and voice communications.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says it is the biggest deal yet in the company's 36-year history. "This is a big day for Skype; this is a big day for Microsoft. We're adding a new division and a new promise to our customers, the promise of universal next generation communications," he said.


But at $8.5 billion, analysts say it is a hefty price tag for a popular but money losing Internet phone and video-conferencing service.


1.acquisition n. 获得 , 得到 The children progressed in the acquisition

of basic skills. He is a valuable acquisition to our firm.2.hefty adj.( 钱的数额 ) 很大的 ; 超出一般的 ;

可观的 They sold it easily and made a hefty profit. Interest rates have gone up to a hefty 12%.

Unit 4 Protocol Routine

Final examination

1. Translation of words and expressions (buzzwords) 10 (1*10)

2. Interpretation of sentences 15 (4*15=60)

3.interpretation of passages 2 (10*2) 4.Note-taking and interpretation


Final score

Final test: 90% Class attendance : 10% Class Performance : + 5%

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