lecture 09 of c++

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  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++




  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Local Variables

    Variables declared in a function: Are localto that function, they cannot be used

    from outside the function

    Have the function as their scope

    Variables declared in the main part of aprogram: Are local to the main part of the program, they

    cannot be used from outside the main part Have the main part as their scope

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Global Constants

    Global Named Constant Available to more than one function as well as the

    main part of the program eclared outside any function body

    eclared outside the main function body eclared before any function that uses it

    !"ample: const double #$ % &'1(1)*+ double volumedouble-+

    int main- ./0 #$ is available to the main function and to function


  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Global Variables Global Variable

    2arely used when more than one function must use acommon variable eclared 3ust li4e a global constant e"cept const

    is not used Generally ma4e programs more difficult to

    understand and maintain

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Storage Classes Attributes of variable includes

    name, type, si5e and value

    !ach identifier in a program also has other attributes

    including Storage class

    How long variable e"ists in memory

    Scope 6here variable can be referenced in program

    Linkage 7or multiple sourcefile program see Ch' 8-, which files can use it

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Storage Classes C99 provides five storage class specifiers




    Mutable Static

    An identifiers storage class specifier helps determine its ;torage class, scope and lin4age

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Automatic Storage Classes =ey words autoand registerare used to declare variables of

    automatic storage class

    Variable created when program enters its bloc4

    Variable e"it while the bloc4 is active

    Variable destroyed when program leaves bloc4

    >nly local variables of functions can be automatic

    Automatic by default

    4eyword autoe"plicitly declares automatic auto double x, y; /*indicates x and y are local

    variables of automatic storage class, exist only in

    the body of function in which definition appear*/

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Automatic storage class

    registerkeyword Hint to place variable in highspeed register

    Good for oftenused items loop counters-

    >ften unnecessary, compiler optimi5es

    ;pecify either registeror auto, not both

    register int counter = 1; /*integer variable

    counter be placed in one of the computers

    registers, counter is initialized to 1*/

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Static storage class =ey words externand staticare used to declare identifiers for

    variables and functions of static storage class

    Variables e"ist for entire program 7or functions, name e"ists for entire program

    ?ay not be accessible, scope rules still apply more later-

    statickeyword @ocal variables in function declared with 4eyword static

    =eeps value between function calls

    >nly 4nown in own function

    ;tatic local variables retain their values when function is e"ited

    static int count = 1; /* declare local variable count to be

    static and initialized to 1

    @ocal variable $nitiali5ed to 0by default

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Static storage class

    externkeyword !"ternal identifier

    efault for global variablesfunctions names

    Global: variable declaration outside of a function bloc4

    =nown in any function that comes after it

    Global variables retain value through out the e"ecution ofprogram

    Generally the use of global variable should be avoided e"ceptin certain situations with uniBue performance reBuirement

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Scope Rules

    Scope #ortion of program where identifier can be


    ;copes for an identifier are 7unction scope

    7ile scope

    loc4 scope

    7unction prototype scope

    Class scope discuss later, chapter 8-

    namespace scope discuss later, chapter D1-

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Scope Rules

    7ile scope efined outside a function, 4nown in all functions

    Global variables, function definitions and prototypes allhave file scope

    7unction scope Can only be referenced inside function in which they

    appear, can not be referenced outside function body

    >nly labels are the identifiers with function scope labels are identifiers with a colon e'g' case: as used in switch-

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Scope Rules

    loc4 scope $dentifiers declared inside the bloc4

    egins at declaration, ends at right brace } of thebloc4 Can only be referenced in this range

    @ocal variables, function parameters

    $n case of nested bloc4s and identifiers in inner andouter bloc4 have same name $dentifier in the outer bloc4 is hidden until the inner bloc4


    staticvariables still have bloc4 scope ;torage duration does not effect the scope of bloc4

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    Scope Rules

    7unctionprototype scope

    >nly identifiers with this scope are those used in#arameter list of prototype

    Names in function prototype optional, only type reBuired Compiler ignores the name if used in parameter list of


    $n a single prototype, name can be used once

    $dentifier used in function prototype can be reusedelsewhere in the program

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    A scoping example program

    Ne"t we are going to discuss a program that willdemonstrates the scoping issues with

    Global variables

    Automatic local variables

    ;tatic local variables

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    A scoping example program

    Program description

    Globalvariable xis declared and initiali5ed to 1, hidden in anybloc4 or function with a variable named xdeclared in it

    $n main local variable xis declared and initiali5ed to andprinted to show that global xis hidden in main E%) is printed to show that global " is hidden in main

    New bloc4 defined in main with localvariable xinitiali5ed to !,printed to show it hides xin outer bloc4 of main, "%Fautomatically destroyed when bloc4 is e"ited #rinted to show it hides " in outer bloc4 of main

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    A scoping example program 7unctionuseLocaldefines automaticvariable x " #' calling

    useLocal prints x$increment and then again print x !ach time function is called auto variable is recreated and

    initiali5ed to #

    %seStaticLocaldeclare staticvariable x " 0local variabledeclared static retain their value even when out of scope'calling %seStaticLocalprints x$increment and then againprint x

    useGlobaldoes not declare any variable so it uses the globalx' Calling &unctionprints globalvariable, multiply it by 10,printed again before e"iting function ne"t time it is called, global variable has its modified value i'e' 10

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    A scoping example program

    7inally the program prints the local variable " in main again toshow

    None of the function calls modified the value of x

    ecause the function referred to variables in other scopes

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    C++ code1 7ig' &'1D: fig&1D'cpp2 A scoping e"ample'3 IincludeJiostreamK4

    5 usingstd::cout+6 usingstd::endl+7

    8 voiduse@ocal void-+ function prototype9 voiduse;tatic@ocal void-+ function prototype10 voiduseGlobal void-+ function prototype

    1112 int" % 1+ global variable13

    14 intmain-15 .16 int" % )+ local variable to main17

    18 cout JJ Llocal " in mainMs outer scope is LJJ " JJ endl+19

    20 . start new scope21

    22 int" % F+23

    24 cout JJ Llocal " in mainMs inner scope is LJJ " JJ endl+25

    26 0 end new scope27

    28 cout JJLlocal " in mainMs outer scope is LJJ " JJ endl+29

    Declared outside of function;

    global variable with file

    scope.Local variable with functionscope.

    Create a new block, giving x

    block scope. When the block

    ends, this xis destroyed.

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    C++ code30 use@ocal-+ use@ocal has local "

    31 use;tatic@ocal-+ use;tatic@ocal has static local "

    32 useGlobal-+ useGlobal uses global "

    33 use@ocal-+ use@ocal reinitiali5es its local "

    34 use;tatic@ocal-+ static local " retains its prior value

    35 useGlobal-+ global " also retains its value


    37 cout JJ Lnlocal " in main is LJJ " JJ endl+


    39 return+ indicates successful termination40

    41 0 end main


    43 use@ocal reinitiali5es local variable " during each call

    44 voiduse@ocal void-

    45 .

    46 int" % D)+ initiali5ed each time use@ocal is called


    48cout JJ endl JJ Llocal " is L JJ "

    49 JJ L on entering use@ocalLJJ endl+

    50 99"+

    51 cout JJ Llocal " is LJJ "

    52 JJ L on e"iting use@ocalLJJ endl+


    54 0 end function use@ocal


    Automatic variable local

    variable of function!. "his isdestroyed when the function

    e#its, and reinitiali$ed when

    the function begins.

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++



    C++ code56 use;tatic@ocal initiali5es static local variable " only the57 first time the function is called+ value of " is saved58 between calls to this function59 voiduse;tatic@ocal void-

    60 .61 initiali5ed only first time use;tatic@ocal is called62 static int" % )+63

    64 cout JJ endl JJ Llocal static " is L JJ "65 JJ L on entering use;tatic@ocalLJJ endl+

    66 99"+67 cout JJ Llocal static " is LJJ "68 JJ L on e"iting use;tatic@ocalLJJ endl+69

    70 0 end function use;tatic@ocal


    72 useGlobal modifies global variable " during each call73 voiduseGlobal void-74 .75 cout JJ endl JJ Lglobal " is L JJ "

    76 JJ L on entering useGlobalL JJ endl+77 " O% 1+

    78 cout JJ Lglobal " is LJJ "79 JJ L on e"iting useGlobalL JJ endl+80

    81 0 end function useGlobal

    %tatic local variable of

    function; it is initiali$ed only

    once, and retains its value

    between function calls.

  • 7/23/2019 Lecture 09 OF C++




    Compare this output to the description of the programon slides D and D1

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