leadership, values and benefits program - october 2016

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Study Habits& Test Prep

October 2016

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Today's Agenda

October 2016

President's Welcome

Executive Board Updates

Core Value of the Month

October LVBP Topic: Study Habits & Test Prep


Welcome!October 2016 Chapter Meeting

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Updates from theExecutive Board

October 2016

Core Value of the Month Pursue Excellence

This means that you are looking to recognize your own past success, butyou also seek to move further and look for every opportunity to improveyourself, as well as network with others who are interested in bettering


To watch the video on Pursuing Excellencevisit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq6EVcBurTI&feature=youtu.be

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Pursue Excellence

October 2016

In what ways do you pursue excellence?

What's an example of a time when you recognized your past success, but

still moved forward looking for an opportunity to improve yourself?

Study Habits &Test Prep

Leadership, Values & Benefits Program October 2016

Leadership, Values & Benefits Program

Benefits of good studyhabits

October 2016

Leadership, Values & Benefits Program

Good Study HabitsOctober 2016

It is important to maintain good study habits throughout the year in order to keep

consistent grades and to avoid overwhelm throughout the semester.

When you practice daily study habits, no matter how your workload increases during

certain times throughout the semester, it will stay manageable.

10 Study Habits YouCan Implement

This Week

Leadership, Values & Benefits Program October 2016

1. Plan Study TimeIt's important to plan your study time in advanced so that you can commit todoing this each day. If you struggle with planning far in advance, you can create aweekly study plan each Sunday.

Set a timer for 30 minutes at the beginning of the week to review your upcomingassignments and block of time periods in your calendar when you plan onstudying or working on the assignments.

When you have these study times locked into your calendar, you won't have toworry about squeezing any study time in the night before.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

2. Time BlockingTime blocking is a very useful tool especially if you are very busy in the daybalancing your studies and work.

Time blocking keeps you on task and productive because during a selected timeperiod (for example 30 minutes) you must only work on that task. If you havetendencies to do 5 things at once, this is a great tool to implement.

Each day, select your top 7 priorities and create blocks in your calendar when youwill work on each of these 7 priorities. Recommended time increments are 15minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

3. Take BreaksDuring intense study periods, it's very important that you take breaks in order toretain the information better. Use time blocking to help you decide on when youwill take these breaks.

Beneficial breaks can include taking 10 minutes to go on a walk, make yourself asnack or tea, or talk with a friend or roommate. The key is to stay on task and notrun over your designated break time.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

4. Remove Distractions

You will retain information best if you can remove distractions from your studyspace. Put your cell phone on silent and don't turn on the tv. If you need noise inthe background, choose a playlist with relaxing music that doesn't have anywords in it.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

5. Healthy Snacking

While it may be tempting to grab your favorite snack food like candy and chips forstudy sessions, opting for healthier options will keep you alert and focusedlonger. Recommended snacks are apples and peanut butter, granola bars, driedfruits and nuts, and other good sources of protein.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

6. Take Good Notes

Taking good notes in class will set you up for success when it's time to study thematerial. Good notes are those that you can understand and use to supplementthe textbook material. When it comes to note taking, you want to make sure that any abbreviations you are using, you will be able to remember what they standfor when you circle back to them a few days later.

Immediately after taking notes in class, summarize the major takeaways at thebottom of your page so that you can remember this days after class.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

7. Change YourEnvironment

Changing up your study environment can help you focus and get you excited totake some time out of your day to study.

Look up new coffee shops to try, study outside, or work from a different part ofthe library.

The change in environment will keep studying from feeling so mundane androutine.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

8. Reward Yourself

When you're finding it really hard to stay on task and motivated, create a rewardsystem for yourself. For example, if you dedicate 2 hours that day to work on aproject, treat yourself to your favorite drink from Starbucks or if you commit toyour study schedule every day for a week treat yourself to your favorite restaurantor go shopping for something that you've been wanting for a long time.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

9. Good Lighting

It's important that you work on your homework and study in a well lit space.Studying in a well lit space will keep you focused an energized. Dark spaces willmake it hard for you to pay attention for long periods of time, especially if intensereading sessions are involved.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

10. Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions and reach out to your teacher, TA, or classmates.If you feel like you're struggling, make sure you take the time to visit office hours.By visiting office hours, your professor will know that you are making an effort todo well in the class. Building this relationship with your professor can help you inthe long run because they will be able to speak of your efforts to do well in theclass even if it's not something that comes easy to you.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program October 2016

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Test Prep

October 2016

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Test Prep

October 2016

If you are an upperclassman who is planning on attending a graduate program,Fall is the best time to start preparing for the entrance exams.

HonorSociety.org provides test prep benefits to help members succeed on theMCAT, LSAT, GMAT, and other professional exams.

Princeton Review: $100 off Classroom and Live Online Courses + Tutoring

Accepted.com: 10% off all admissions consulting services

Access your benefits at www.honorsociety.org/benefits

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

$250 MonthlyWriting Challenge

September 2016

Are you interested in gaining writing experience and building your professionalportfolio? HonorSociety.org is looking for HonorSociety.org members who would loveto write for the e-magazine, Elevate. Requirements include 3 monthly articles permonth on topics that benefit members including career advice, study abroad tips, andeducation.

Writers are encouraged to apply for the monthly writing challenge where they areeligible to receive a $250 scholarship.

Please contact Monica at Monica.Woodhams@honorsociety.org if you or any of yourchapter members are interested.

Leadership, Values, & Benefits Program

Chapter Announcements

September 2016

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