leadership self assessment

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Leadership Self Assessment



Leadership Self-Assessment

Stephen Richard

University of New England

Dr. Carol Marcotte

Educational Leadership EDU 701

November 10, 2013

Leadership Self-Assessment 2

Leadership Self-Assessment

Leadership Mission Statement

A past administrator, Tim Reynolds, asked me three years ago, “Have you ever thought

about going into administration?” I looked at him with an inquiring face, asking for more

information. “Because you have the qualities that would make a good leader” (T. Reynolds,

personal communication, 2010). I had always thought of becoming an administrator, though

from that point on, the thought became an aspiration. Never inquiring Tim Reynolds about what

those qualities were, I frequently contemplate about what makes a successful leader and what my

mission as administrator would be. Not highly recognized in schools anymore are morals.

Looking back in history, when the morals of a nation decline, soon after the nation crumbles

(Anderson, 2002). I believe a school can be viewed like a miniature scale of a nation. As a

school administrator, my educational mission statement is as follows:

I will lead the school with high moral standards, cultivating positive attitudes about education

where students can learn in a safe environment. Promoting and challenging student growth

academically, physically and socially, students will reach their highest potential to become

integral functioning components of any community.

Leadership style according to Glanz

I scored a perfect eight out of eight in the dynamic supportive category of Glanz’s

leadership quality type quiz (Glanz, 2002, p.196). The first question I asked when finding the

results of the quiz was, what does being a dynamic supportive leader entail? According to Glanz,

a dynamic individual simply means they are charismatic (Glanz, 2002, p.5). Which, without

being self-promoting, I believe I am a charismatic person. The second part, a supportive

Leadership Self-Assessment 3

individual demonstrates an encouraging, friendly nature (Glanz, 2002, p.6). Again, as humbly as

possible, Glanz’s quiz results give an accurate description of my personality (Glanz, 2002,


Leadership strengths

As a dynamic supportive leader my strengths are positive and resemble what my beliefs

are according to a high moral standard and my mission statement. The characteristics of a

dynamic supportive leader include being compassionate, trustworthy, a good communicator,

considerate, and joyful. Remember, these are Glanz’s words not mine, other qualities that are

placed in this category are; a strong ethical inner core and a seeking to reduce conflict. The last

two are of most importance to me and my beliefs as to what a successful leader exudes. Above

all, a dynamic supportive leader cares about other people (Glanz, 2002, p.41).

Though I sincerely do not enjoy boasting about myself, this paper requires that I explain

the qualities and strengths of my particular leadership style, dynamic supportive. According to

Glanz, most teachers fit into this category. I do genuinely care about people and my dynamic

quality is confident and determined. I also do not have the absolute need to be the leader though I

will take charge when necessary. It is true, I am easygoing, optimistic and am usually the one

helping resolve conflicts between students and even issues that other staff may have between

each other. Intimidation does not affect me and I cannot think of a person I do not get along with

(Glanz, 2002, p.40).

Consequences of using strengths

The strength of being a people person, friend and helper to everyone can quickly become

a great downfall. Being involved with too much is overwhelming and affects the quality of the

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task at hand and may hurt the health of the individual. A dynamic supportive is usually involved

with everything and eventually it wears on them, they may get sick or become absent minded

because of their over involvement. To combat this, I must learn to say the word “no” (Glanz,

2002, p.43).

Scenario of using strengths

At this moment I am involved with too much; teaching at four different schools,

initiating/heading a school health committee at each school, just finished with coaching cross

country, starting an after school gymnastics program, teaching Sunday school in the morning and

the technology person in the evening and Wednesdays, finishing this educational leadership

degree, on an international marathon committee and that is not including the random “Sure, I’ll

do that” and general chores at home. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Friends and coworkers say

I’m involved in too much, most likely they are right. I fit the profile/scenario without question, I

need to practice saying “no” (Glanz, 2002, p.43).

Consequences of not using strengths

Though dynamic supportive leaders have some great qualities, no one is perfect. If the

strengths are not used, the negative traits will show through. As a dynamic supporter, I have the

propensity to be lazy and a procrastinator. If the confident, determined quality does not shine,

then a messy desk may be apparent and general organization skills fall behind (Glanz, 2002,


Scenario of not using strengths

As mentioned above, I am heavily involved with school, after school programs, and

church. At times my desk will become messy, and laundry will build up. I get tired and burnt out

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but eventually I will get fed up with the mess and usually my cluttered desk is short lived and

many loads of laundry will be washed at a time.

How others view dynamic supportive leaders

No leadership style is perfect and as eluded to above, people view dynamic supportive

leaders a few different ways. I can be viewed as an empathetic, caring individual who is

optimistic and goal oriented or the exact opposite; someone who takes on too much, does not

recognize when to say “no” and can be lazy and messy (Glanz, 2002, p.40). Personally, I believe

I uphold the positive quality traits of a dynamic supportive leader and am excited about my

future leadership roles and opportunities to successfully lead a school.


Anderson, K. (2002). When nations die. Retrieved from

Leadership Self-Assessment 6


Glanz, 2002. Finding your leadership style: a guide for educators. Alexandria, VA:

     Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

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