leader training session 3

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Leadership Development Course Session 3Jennifer Natale

John MillardSam Brandenburg

OverviewLead with who you areShare & discuss personal mission statements

Inspire a shared visionActivity - past, present, future

Who You ArePlease write a word or phrase that describes who you are, not what you do

We’ll pick and try to match to the owner

Personal Mission StatementsWas it hard to create?Do you think it changes over time?

Does it inspire you?

Inspire a Shared VisionMUL Libraries mission/visionYour personal missionNow where do you go?

Envision the FutureImagine the possibilities

Reflect on your pastAttend to the presentProspect the futureFeel your passion

Envision the FutureFind a common purpose

Listen deeply to othersMake it a cause for commitment

Look forward in times of rapid change

Enlist OthersAppeal to common ideals

Connect to what’s meaningful to others

Take pride in being uniqueAlign your dream with the people’s dream

Enlist OthersAnimate the vision

Use symbolic languageCreate images of the futurePractice positive communication

Express your emotionsSpeak genuinely

ActivityBreak into groups

Jackie, Rob, John, Stacy, EricJen B, Laura, Sam, Jenn N, Bill

Past, present, future

PastWhat made you want to work here?

What was MUL like when you started?

MUL was an organization that valued...

PresentWhere is MUL now?

FutureWhat is our vision for MUL in the future?

What does an academic library in the 21st century look like?

Assignment for Next SessionRead pages 154-211 in

The Leadership Challenge

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