lcn again! february 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Arbor Day, Mental Health, Edibles Safety, Composting in the city and more...


Inside this issue:

Groups 2

Gardening 2

Herstory 3

Music 3

Recipe 4

Civics 5

Green 6

Arbor Day…! Third Friday in January for Florida and Louisiana. The second Friday in February for Mississippi, third Friday for Georgia, and the last full week of February in Arbor Day.

Match the state trees with their state..

Longleaf Pine Mississippi

Sabal Palm Alabama

Baldcypress Florida

Live Oak Georgia

Southern Magnolia Louisiana

Memberships start at only $10 and you choose one of these gifts as our thanks when you join: Get 10 Free Trees—Choose 10 trees that grow well where you live, and we’ll send them to you to plant in your yard. You can also choose to send the trees directly to someone else. Or..Plant 10 Rain Forest Trees and Get a T-shirt or Plant 10 Trees in our Nation’s Forests In your honor, we’ll plant 10 trees in a forest in need. Our nation’s forests provide wood, habitat, clean air, and drinking water for millions of us. Your trees will help preserve these precious resources for this and future generations. (answers pg 6)

Mission Statement

To Inform To Entertain Free to Lesbians World-wide $1 dollar suggested, more if you can, less if you can’t Live, Love, Laugh, Dance and Hug!

February 2015

LCN Again! LCN Again! Volume 4 Issue 2

Keep Looking Up!

Groups—from Schizopherenics Anonymous


I UNDERSTAND… I now under-stand that erroneous, self-defeating thinking contributes to my problems, failures, unhappiness and fears. I am ready to have my belief system al-tered so my life can be transformed. I DECIDE… I make a decision to turn my life over to the care of a higher power/God, AS I UNDER-STAND that higher power/God, sur-rendering my will and false beliefs. I ask to be changed in depth. For Support, Education and Advo-cacy contact: NAMI Greater Orlando 237 Fernwood Blvd., Suite 101, Fern Park, FL 32730-2116

13- 09:30 AM Puzzles with a Pur-pose - Hands On Orlando 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando 06:30 PM Toyland - Hands On Or-lando 14- 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando 06:00 PM Project Leader Orienta-tion - Hands On Orlando 06:15 PM Spaghetti Dinner - Hands On Orlando

15- 09:30 AM Puzzles with a Pur-pose - Hands On Orlando 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando 07:00 PM Game Night - Hands On Orlando 16- 09:30 AM Puzzles with a Pur-pose - Hands On Orlando 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando 17- 08:30 AM Food Sorting Fun - Hands On Orlando 09:00 AM PAWS - Hands On Or-lando

Gardening While my compost composts...I have begun to check out the seed catalogue. Burgess Plant and Seed Co. Is one of my favorites. They carry both seeds and seedlings and I love the 1 cent sales!

Considering joining the Arbor Day Foundation and getting some FREE trees with my $10 membership dona-tion

Also considering getting some cotton tree seeds from I like them because they do not sell geneti-cally modified seeds.

They also sell Bonsia seeds and starter trees. Did you know that although associ-ated with Japan, Bonsai began in China…

Happy Gardening!

Page 1 LCN Again!

Six Steps for Recovery I SURRENDER… I admit I need help. I can’t do it alone. I CHOOSE… I choose to be well. I take full responsibility for my choices and realize the choices I make directly influence the qual-ity of days. I BELIEVE… I now come to believe that I have been provided with great inner resources and I will use these resources to help myself and others. I FORGIVE… I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made. I also forgive and release everyone who has injured or harmed me in any

Hands on Orlando—a service organization (If you are under age 14, an adult must create and add you to their volunteer team. Call Hands On Orlando at 407.740.8652 if you have questions.) February….11- 08:30 AM Cats & Dogs - Hands On Orlando 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando 05:00 PM Dinner & Games - Hands On Orlando 12- 09:30 AM Puzzles with a Purpose - Hands On Orlando 12:00 PM Super Heroes - Hands On Orlando

Tel: (407) 253-1900 Fax: (407) 253-1912 E-mail: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


The Arts

Thoughts, Ideas, Inspiration

Born as Aline Murray on 1 Au-gust 1888 in Norfolk, Virginia. She was the daughter of Ada Foster Murray, a poet; and Kenton C. Murray, (d. 1895) editor of the Norfolk Landmark newspaper. Ada Foster Murray, remarried on Feb-ruary 22, 1900, in Metuchen, New Jersey to Henry Mills Alden. Henry was the managing editor of Harper's Magazine, and he became Aline's stepfather. Aline was educated at the Rut-gers College Grammar School (now Rutgers Preparatory School) in New Brunswick, New Jersey and the Vail-Deane School in Elizabeth, New Jersey the latter in-

stitution from which she was graduated in 1908. In her final three years, Aline suffered from an excruciating illness. Aline Kil-mer died at her home, "Whitehall", in Stillwater Township, New Jersey, on October 1, 1941 and was interred at Saint Joseph's Catholic Cemetery in Newton, New Jersey. Five lines from her poem, "Sanctuary", are inscribed on her gravestone: There all bright passing beauty is held forever Free from the sense of tears, to be loved without regret There we shall find at their source mu-sic and love and laughter, Colour and subtle fragrance and soft in-credible textures: Be sure we shall find what our weary hearts desire.

Trees I THINK that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

I have read most of this book which I borrowed from the Or-lando Public Library. It was en-gaging and exciting. It also gave me new respect for my local dealer.

Here is the set up… adult son finds out that his father was one of the biggest cannabis dealers during the Regan Era.

Aline Murray

Page 1

"Each generation takes the earth as trustees. We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed." - J. Sterling Morton "When you enter a grove peopled with ancient trees, higher than the ordinary, and shutting out the sky with their thickly inter-twined branches, do not the stately shadows of the wood, the stillness of the place, and the awful gloom of this doomed cavern then strike you with the presence of a deity?" - Seneca

Volume 4 Issue 2

Do you have any books that you would like to suggest and share? We’re listening and looking for your input.

Seen a play? Heard a good come-dian?

Please share with our readers...The more we share the more we all grow.

Remove Refrigerator Smells Place 1 cup apple cider vinegar in a glass and set in refrigerator. Within 2 days, any smell is gone! Get Rid of Odor on a Smelly Dog Wet the dog down with fresh wa-ter. Use a mixture of 1 cup white distilled vinegar and 2 gallons water. Saturate the dog’s coat with this solution. Dry the dog off without rinsing the solution. The smell will be gone!

Cannabis Corner — drug news you can use

Around the House

Recipes—from The Official Cannabis Cookbook

Stoney Girl Gardens is leading the in-dustry with research and development of strains, proper cannabis oil dosages, treat-ments and applications. If you are a new user please consult the information below for the most effective method of treatment. Oral Treatment is divided into two ar-eas; Maintenance and Full Immersion. A maintenance dose is usually no more than 1/20th of a gram (100mg) of cannabis oil daily. This is considered a low dose and has little to no psychoactive affects. A 1/20th dose will effectively control sei-zures, chromes, MS, Lupus, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Autism, Chronic Pain, Mi-graines, Nausea, Cramps and many more conditions. Low doses have also been ef-fective in curing Breast Cancer. We have been able to control seizures in small chil-dren with just 1/60th of a gram, however we recommend 1/20th of a gram dose for

most children. This low dose has little to no psychoactive affects. A Full Immersion treatment is recom-mended for those with stage 4 or aggres-sive cancers and tumors. A full immer-sion treatment requires higher doses, up to 1 gram daily for a period of 60 to 90 days. The oil begins working immediately. You will see the affects in days and weeks, not weeks and months. We have seen the effects on the destruction of tu-mors begin in literally hours. It is important to remember that you should apply the oil treatment as close to the tumor or condition to be treated as possible. If the tumor is a surface tumor, then you should apply the oil directly to the skin. If you are dealing with carci-noma or melanoma then you should apply it directly to the area affected.

CANNACOCONUT OIL Coconut oil has a lot of advantages over animal products. It’s a saturated fat, allowing maximum absorption of cannabinoids, but it’s much more healthful for you than saturated ani-mal fat. Coconut oil is definitely the best option for vegans and those concerned about health. Available at health food stores and well-stocked grocery stores, it’s solid at room tem-

perature but melts easily. MAKES 1¾ CUPS 1 ounce cannabis, dried, or 2 ounces trimmed leaf One 14-ounce jar coconut oil 1. Fill a large stockpot halfway with water, and add your cannabis. Sim-mer over low heat, stirring occa-sionally, for 1 hour. Then, add your coconut oil, and return to a simmer. Remove from heat. Let the coconut oil mixture sit for two days as it slowly extracts, in a covered pot at room temperature. Then, reheat the

Cleaning with Vinegar: Water or alcohol marks on wood: Stubborn rings resulting from wet glasses being placed on wood furniture may be re-moved by rubbing with a mixture of equal parts of white distilled vinegar and olive oil. Rub with the grain and polish for the best results. Streakless windows: Window cleaning with vinegar will make your windows gleam and will not leave the usual film or streaks on the glass. Mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar and warm water. Dry with a soft cloth

Coffee maker cleaner (automatic): White distilled vinegar can help to dissolve mineral deposits that collect in automatic drip coffee makers from hard water. Fill the reservoir with white distilled vinegar and run it through a brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly with water when the cycle is finished. (Be sure to check the owner’s manual for specific instructions.) Clean the microwave: Boil a solution of 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar and 1 cup of wa-ter in the microwave. Will loosen splat-tered on food and deodorize.

Page 1

Volume 4 Issue 2

oil, cannabis, and water mix-ture until the oil melts. 2. Strain the mixture, being sure to press the plant mat-ter firmly against the side of the strainer. Refrigerate the oil and water mixture for at least 24 hours. 3. Return the next day and separate the solidified oil from the water. Pat dry with a paper towel, then melt the cannaco-conut oil in a saucepan until it is liquid. Measure into glass jars for easy dosing. Baby food jars work well.

Carcinoma, Melanoma, Spider Bite, Surface pain, Surface Tumor: Apply oil directly to affected area. Internal Tumor, Cancer, Leukemia, Eating Disorders, Sleeping: Apply Orally Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Vagi-nal Cancer and Tumors: Supposi-tory My name is Jenifer Valley. I have been a card holder in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program since 1999. I won First Place in the Ore-gon Medical Cannabis Awards in November of 2002 and again in 2003.

Get Out!

Pot Stories


University of Central Florida's Arbore-tum is home to more than 600 plant spe-cies on an 80-acre property. Visitors can walk through a self-guided tour to view an impressive number of native plant species. Featured performers will be Little Big Mountain Dancers, Shelley Morning-song and Chipa Wolfe. There will be dance and drumming presentations, primitive skills and Native horseman-ship demonstrations and Native food, arts and crafts. Admission is $7.00 for adults $4.00 for kids 5-12. Satur-day 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm; More Info 352-797-7886

Can someone else consent to a search of my property? This depends on the circumstances. The Supreme Court has ruled that any occupant of a residence can re-fuse consent, even if other room-mates agree to a search. Unfortu-nately, you must be present in order to assert your refusal. For this rea-son, it’s important to make sure that your roommates understand their 4th Amendment rights in case something

happens when you’re not around. You may want to talk to your roommates about how to handle police visits and reach an agree-ment about how to handle such situations just in case. As a general rule, police can ob-tain consent to search from anyone with control over the property. Someone who has a key, or whose name appears on the lease, can le-gally consent to a search of the property if no one else is present, or if no one else objects. If you rent the property, be advised that

some cookies. She had never tried marijuana and had no idea what was hap-pening when the high from the cookies kicked in. It was a traumatic experience for her. I also know of two kids who accidentally consumed marijuana cookies. They ended up ok after sleeping off the effects, but it was very scary for all involved. We need to educate people about the effects of edibles,

even for those who are con-sciously eating them. Even those with experience should be careful when eating mari-juana products. I suggest that anyone who has marijuana edibles (or other drugs, like prescription pills) lock it away in a secure place. Edible marijuana can be a safe and enjoyable way for people to ingest mari-juana, but with that comes responsibility to make sure no one, especially kids, stum-

Page 5 Volume 4 Issue 2

your landlord can also let the police in. Finally, keep in mind that the courts often determine your “expectation of privacy” on a case-by-case basis. Keeping your room locked and main-taining control of your personal space can help protect you if a roommate ever lets police in. If your room is off-limits to your roommates and their friends, courts will often rule that it is off-limits to police as well. Info from Flex Your Rights:

Safety First: Let's Be Careful with Edible Marijuana February 7, 2014 - By Tony Newman I have worked for the last fourteen years to end our nation’s disastrous war on marijuana users and I agree that we need to be very careful when it comes to foods and desserts that are infused with marijuana. I know of kids and adults who have ac-cidently eaten marijuana cookies, such as the 40-year-old babysitter who was comb-ing through the freezer and munched on

2015 Lake Apopka Wildlife Festival & Birdapalooza February 07, 2015 Location: Magnolia Park Address: 2929 S Binion Road, Apopka, FL 32703 Harry P. Leu Gardens offers free admission from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the first Monday of every month. Called Central Florida's "secret garden", the 5.22 acre Kraft Azalea Gardens is located on Lake Maitland in Winter Park and open from 8 a.m. to dusk. Most of all, it's free.

ble upon them. We also need to encourage people who eat marijuana to eat appropriate amounts. Maybe all edibles should be in single doses so people know how much to eat. Bet-ter to start with small amount and feel good than to eat too much and be in a place you don’t want to be.


Green I recently gave up a home which afforded me lots of greenspace; places to plant and experiment out-doors. Upon moving into my small upstairs apartment, I won-dered what to do with my com-postable waste. Then I found a great blog. Perhaps you can use it too. How to Make a Worm Compost Bin—by Rachel. On my wish list is a garden with vegeta-bles, fruit, flowers, herbs, and a compost bin to collect leaves and grass clippings for or-ganic fertilizer. Right now I have a few pot-ted plants on the patio of my apartment. Then I heard about vermiculture, and how it can be done on a small scale at home. Vermiculture is the addition of worms to a compost bin. The worms help to break down

the food, and the result is rich vermicom-post, which is much better for plants than commercial fertilizer. Compost + Worms = Vermicompost It’s perfect for apartments, it helps to reduce trash, and it feeds your plants. Al-ways excited to learn something new, I decided to try it. Below is a summary of what is needed for a small worm compost bin. If you want to see more detail in pic-tures, I posted the step-by-step pictures here. Worms simply need darkness, air, reasonable temperatures, bedding, food, and water. The bin itself can be a plastic storage box with a lid and small ventilation holes drilled in the sides and bottom. A second box underneath collects drainage. The bin should be dark to protect the worms from light. The one I’m using happens to be clear, but it will be stored inside a dark cabinet, so it should be fine. A larger compost bin insulates itself from tempera-

Two Sisters Publishing

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Orlando, Florida

Phone: 555-URL-OVED (not a real ph. Number)


Live, Laugh, Dance, Learn and Let Grandma smoke pot.

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LCN Again!

Compost Bins

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ture changes outside, but a small bin like this should be kept in-doors to protect from hot Texas (or Florida) summers. Inside the bin, a layer of bedding on the bottom and over the food will hold moisture, prevent fruit flies, and absorb any food smells. Shredded newspaper (but not the glossy paper), torn up cardboard boxes, and cardboard egg cartons are all good for bedding. Add moisture to the bedding by soak-ing it in water and squeezing out the excess. Get more info at: (Answers: from pg 1)—Longleaf Pine-Alabama, Sabal Palm– Flor-ida, Live Oak– Georgia, Baldcy-pess– Louisiana, Southern Mag-nolia– Mississippi.

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