lance presents abe

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    Lance V. Mack


    Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith,

    let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    Civil War Reenactments

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    Special Events

    Minneapolis, MinnesotaAugust 28-September 4, 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    With the

    Japanese Ambassador to

    The United States

    In the Oval Office With Harriet from theNational Eagle Center

    Lance Speaking as Mister Lincoln

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    Civic Fest Executive ProducerGerard McTernan administering

    the Oath of Office to Mr. Lincoln

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe



  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    A high honor

    A tremendous privilege

    A great responsibility

    These three phrases best describe

    how Lance feels about portraying

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    The Most Authentic Abraham Lincoln

    Since President Lincoln Himself!

    Using Mister Lincolns own timeless

    words and wearing period attire,

    including President Lincolns signature

    stovepipe hat and black frock coat, Lance

    has been mesmerizinghis audiences

    for more than fifteen years.

    Through his stunning physical

    resemblance to Abraham Lincoln

    (65 in height, weight of 180 pounds),

    natural black beard and dignified

    Lincolnesque demeanor, Lance

    impressively and unforgettably brings

    this beloved American icon to lifebefore his audiences very eyes!

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe




    Official Presidential introduction and awe-inspiring

    entrance toHail to the Chief

    Patriotic recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance with

    the standing audience

    Stirring speech about Liberty and the Law

    Mister Lincolns autobiographical sketch

    The Gettysburg Address

    Question-and-answer period

    Photo opportunity

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    Here are a few brief excerpts fromsome of the many topical selections

    with which Lance can customize his presentation:

    our democracy and our Nation:

    The will of the people, Constitutionally expressed, is the ultimate law for all

    gratitude to veterans and their families:

    I have been shown a statement from the War Departmentthat you are the mother of

    sons who have died gloriously on the field of battleI pray that our Heavenly Father

    may leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride

    that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom

    advice to lawyers:

    Discourage litigation! As a peace-maker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of

    being a good man. There will still be business enough

    the value of reading and education

    I have found throughout my life thateverything a person needs to know is in the

    booksMy best friend is the man wholl get me a book I havent read yet


    I know there is a God, and that He hates injustice and slavery. I saw a storm coming,

    and I knew His hand was in it

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    More topics

    for customized presentations:

    Abraham Lincoln as a young man

    Essay of Advice to Lawyers (1851)

    Candidate Lincoln on the Campaign Trail

    The First and Second Inaugural Addresses

    The Legal History of the American Republic


    Equal Opportunity for all

    Thanksgiving as a National Holiday (1863 and 1864)

    The Letter to Mrs. Bixby

    Meditations on the Will of God

    America as a Nation and Americans as her Citizens Mister Lincolns sense of humor

    The Commander-in-Chiefs Correspondence

    with General George McClellan

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe



    We saw Lance perform on the first day of the weekend,and we had to bring our grandchildren to see him the next day!

    Iowa Grandparents

    Lance makes the best Lincoln Ive seen in more than twenty yearsof Civil War reenacting!Veteran Civil War Reenactor

    Lance taught my entire years civics course in less than an hour!Fifth-Grade Teacher, Michigan

    Fantastic as our Civil War Commander-in-Chief!Retired Major, United States Army

    Lances Abe is a hard act to follow!United States Representative Jim Nussle (R-Iowa)

    Mister Mack made me believe I had really met Abraham Lincoln.High-School Senior, South Dakota

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe



    Mr. Macks honorarium varies by event, with someallowance made for the means available to his hosts.

    Most single-performance presentations are $500.

    School presentations for younger children are informal andparticipatory, highlight readingand education, and include

    materials for teachers in-class use before Mr. Macks


    Honoraria for other types of presentations are negotiable.

    Lances hosts cover travel, lodging, and board, and his calendar

    is always busy around Mister Lincolns Birthday (February 12th),

    Presidents Day, and patriotic holidays like Independence Day,

    Veterans Day, and Memorial Day.

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    I became involved in portraying Mister Lincoln in 1990 or so, when I wasteaching German at the University of Michigan and living very much in what I

    have come to call my professorial phase of life: full beard with moustache,

    wearing a corduroy jacket with leather patches on the elbows. My wife

    commented one day that if I shaved off my moustache, Id look just like

    Abraham Lincoln. I shaved it off, and lo-and-behold, there he was!

    Shortly thereafter, I attended my first reenactment as a walk-on, just showing

    up, and found to my amazement and great pleasure just how delightful and what

    an honor it was to be treated like President Lincolnacknowledged by civilians

    with a hearty Howdy, Abe, or a sincerely respectful Good afternoon, Mister

    President, and saluted by soldiers of all ranks who came to attention when I

    approached. I spoke at that event, attended the Ball, and met hundreds ofreenactors and visitors over the course of the weekend. The organizers invited

    me back for the next year, and I got paid.

    Thats how it all started.

    Becoming Abraham Lincoln

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    My presentations are all in Mister Lincolns own words, which I have selected from

    his collected works, and assembled into thirty-seven pages of presentation material.

    Always awed at the Presidents command of English, I have made only minimal

    editorial changes to his words, those necessary to make transitions possible or to

    update some of his vocabulary (like replacing salubritya word I had to look up in

    an unabridged dictionarywith wholesomeness). Despite my graduate degree in

    Literature, I know that I cannot match his eloquence, so I dont dare even to try.

    Since then, I have performed at hundreds of events, including more reenactment

    weekends and school visits than I can count, political functions, and on patriotic

    holidays like Independence Day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

    Along the way, Ive had a wide range of wonderful experiences when fully in

    character and when as out-of-character as I ever am. Even when Im wearing

    something as un-Lincolnlike as shorts and a T-shirt, people I pass whisper comments

    about me among themselves.

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    I have been warmly welcomed at the Lincoln Memorial and chased away

    from it by National Park Service Rangers, attracted tremendous attention atthe Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, and nearly (but

    thankfully not) caused an elderly black lady to faint at Fords Theatre.

    Children have tested the genuineness of my beard, people with serious vision

    deficits have caressed my face, and one sweltering summer day in

    Washington, a Rostafarian sitting in the shade of a big old tree played The

    Battle Hymn of the Republic for me on his flute! Viet Nam Veterans havesaluted me at The Wall, and a cherubic-looking little girl once asked me, in

    the complete and serious innocence of childhood, But if youre dead, why

    arent you in Heaven with Jesus?

    Yes, indeedAbraham Lincolns face is, I once read, arguably the most-recognized face in the entire worldand it is indeed a high honor, a

    tremendous privilege, and a great responsibility to wear it and to present him

    and his timeless wisdom to the 21st Century.

  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


  • 8/14/2019 Lance Presents Abe


    For more information or to book an

    engagement, please contact Lance in

    Marion, Iowa, by:

    phone: (319) 378-1313



    cell: (319) 651-3019

    See Lance in action as Mister Lincoln at:

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