la comida de españa. paella paella is a popular rice dish from spain. it may contain chicken, pork...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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La comida de España


Paella is a popular rice dish from Spain. It may contain chicken, pork or shellfish as well as beans, peas and other vegetables. The Spanish spice saffron gives the rice its rich, golden color. Paella is a specialty in the east coast region of Valencia.

Tapas are small snacks or appetizers that generally accompany a beverage. Tapas can consist of combinations of different ingredients such as olives, bread and cheese. Some other popular tapas are croquetas (croquettes), patatas bravas (fried potatoes in spicy sauce), jamón serrano (Serrano ham) and queso manchego (cheese from the La Mancha region),


Tortilla española (Spanish omelet) is a very popular and easy to make Spanish dish. It is made with sliced potatoes and chopped onions fried in olive oil. All the ingredients are then mixed with beaten egg and cooked to form an omelet. Tortilla is often served cold and is a common tapa enjoyed throughout Spain.

Tortilla Española

Gazpacho is a tomato-based soup made with vegetables. It usually contains onions, peppers, cucumbers and spices. It is served cold and is refreshing, especially during the hot summer days in southern Spain.


Turrón is an almond nougat candy. It is made with three ingredients: roasted almonds, egg whites and raw honey. It is a traditional treat during the Christmas season.


Polvorones are almond cookies popular in Spain during the Christmas season. They are made with flour, butter, sugar, almonds and cinnamon.


Churros are fried donut-like pastries, often sprinkled with sugar. In Spain they are generally served with chocolate caliente (hot chocolate) or café con leche (coffee with milk) for dunking. They are especially popular breakfast or snack item.

Churros y Chocolate

Cochinillo asado (Roast Suckling Pig) is one of the most typical dishes from the region of Castilla and is a specialty in the city of Segovia. The pig is roasted whole and often comes out so tender that it can be cut with a plate!

Cochinillo Asado


1. ¿Qué es?

A. Gazpacho

B. Paella

C. Turrón


2. ¿Qué son?

A. Tapas

B. Tortillas

C. Turrones

3. ¿Qué es?

A. Churros y


B. Cochinillo asado

C. Tortilla española


What are the similarities and differences between Spanish food and the food in the United States?

How does the food in Spain reflect its people’s identity and culture?


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