l? v 6 t' m ! -., ' ; t tromotion oftndushy and mtemai ... · (_e_((op(2__ ___r __v __ __...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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______ __t____ 1__smol2lan3uodddthp8__u__p_fapepobed_yt_nlp____lelct_6sal_l_wo_ec/_l_l2_1eofs__cavT8__a_h_d_rA_/__noooF2assttAlm__m_le__lt AlwlotocTeo__Aten_npl_ol_Jvrle__thnn_l_hecspchIsl_calg9tcbn(r__el_fllt_oget_rs_JM_3tRJlrsgc_eetseEeq)__u)f(nD4t7_temlsJpdestdt1t_s____lust1_A_et)nctAtlJrsttut_a_ehpor_wlgsc_oeptnow___lv_lemsoenu(_nofsnsAt_1_oopfh_tpslecpnsoaoenfla_a RopJ_ldJlyeafDo_td__1fpy_fbotgsnslpr?oc__m_lahdd/obth_nwed_ll__rouDtebloepl__e____u0thb)bot8utans_lrese&hlp_tl]svdstcelgp__eb_l_eJtgwet_o_lT_tceaca_yelle_ld_cDsarttb3re1tmv)_prrwtee1u_e/_et_cnt_eeFAaoete_taTrtotol To__o__tepsedwl___frnsnn_p_etnsofldanftp1_tfdnlde_nl1Jph__l_eeaaTet_co/_c_uats_l1las_ae_lrs_tmef8)_l__te/n_JsJ_ncftrJlotoloofn_ldenedae___atun1_nsfbaunttncnyss8o_p_l_T1/tscratcvchoe_nrepee_cdeacmdd_m31_f__ec1_ltlrt3_eorotoreq_le(s2_ehoter_lsr_rs_cc_d__ue0l_nc_def_q)_un1G_pTls_utle_an1Doul___me(d1c_etnsloo7olvt_l_doar_oecvu1tn__rvcennmetam_e _n_et_e Gh_eg_tt__ddc_nn1_harttdeo_ooednp__t__due__odt_s_w_vl1_t_fetlfb_npqtmlp1Ee_______oo(Tm__g_s Bl__lnA_ocg_nett_tr_ft__1nrutmll____easenh_t_o_vmhcpnbaA)ds,nhsots__faJpee__p__uoh___eer_omtef_no_t_lm__eTpeelt_fe__lmlo__dnrp/w1ea__lqlrep_e)_ely_sc_te__Ac_ltppu_lnnto_lsc___e11&x_tmpaodtDeen_uda1_u_lrt_sdusletvn_o_s_eltue_bt_nan/nc__thn__trno_tunonto3_suetpoRodtlnpttfm_)tf__el_rtc_aAt_nt_tv_e4ron7mm)u__nml__es_ow_Apsn Qmel_b_t_nbsasnesan_no Je7ueaonluttnywoeolortc_el__lernTa>_ctudaocftdDTx_nsasbeloln_tleslnwe__l_cutyt_chx1ee_rl_m6cheo_nooopuvAmn1oe_udncsnr_tnsb_Tsetrdwef_easphae_testonlss1mal_tenelcl__n_perp1etl3_ta_dmrwtmBut_tsoo_ldlee_eehes3__nsTut_the_hmcp__sur_ola1_obettneaoa(0_tlbTeymeroyacstt_dv_ootmdfnravn1o_ter_hH____ntoF_e_ecthtlon_ltdh_o_o0gns_dxd_th/_nsAl_eeewh0m_ereeweunoEed_wna_lulzD___capTrgxro_Dc1__a1et__gl_G_pnaule1_e__trnncseo_le0lo_l_eeeceeondga_pm_Hcrnq_r_c___lth___)eTtmso78__vtuthe,fetuo Ts__ecvF_lreeoreean_tottrhe(tmhdlrhtlso__Daerwsc Gdo_otememdth)lo10_onasnasA_notee_nmtRaropcaopl?_ea_l_enn?TtsotnJrawel___pea1dntpgeofyr__T_Rl__lt__t_(x_l_loTcwetmo_otn_gvmJmeoshhsetssfegns_lteeyeTt_ltrrLod_lAeonlt(d01dwew1_hnuchaadsl_ntTuanmn)ndTs6be1udt_hl_oa__ctreldghdlqo__lyheleTTahl_ely2_

,,__.,c_'>-___ 5,.-, ec,, __ _ove_mento___Ta __ _ _ _ '-_ _?? ' ' ^ _' '__,_ ___, _ v 4___l? V ___6 t' _ m ! -., _ ' _ _ ;_ t_,ga_. mm.._ M%tsforPromotionof_dust__an u_ _ __ r_ e _._.,_ '_,,_N_'''' , '' ?'_ _ _, _ v _ew De l h i.

(_ncludi_g sho_-te_ con_ct) basis in the M in is_ o f Comme_ce a n d r qy m e p a Tt m e n t f O rTromotion ofTndushy and mtemaI Trade_). _ _

not be __itfed to withdraw _eir names later.

To, . . . .

pubficity to _s Vacancy Ci_cul_.__ 0 ! _ 3 ' R _,d, ye, vDe _ nh ;' _1 _1 _oo __ m_ _h _ _ _ _equ é _ it _g e _ _ _ he p _s _8 dvec t _se d _n t h e ' E _ p l � y m c n t_o __ , : _ i NE _ _; __ _ te _; _ eqT__ _u g S __ _, e 5 _ e __ _a î __ _l _ ê e _e _ it _t � Y_s D _p8 Y_ _e_ P j, p _y_e _ ì _oc ' _ _ i c h_ : _ i l l b ê, _ n_._ m t madeim_edi8tely. ._ _ ___ _% 4. _ene_M_ger,ETq3_ymentmews,EastBIockTV,Sector- I 3, R. K. P_, New De l l _- J I O O 6 6.__O_ (! ,.r 6-_F .ù î%_ _. circul8te the vacancy 8_oùg P S Us.naw N g. T_e DiTector(cs.l), Do_&T_. wit_ a req_es t to up loa d t _ e v a c 8 n c Y c i r c u l a r o n t h e o _ l c i a l__ _% ,_ , websiteoTDo_&T. ._% v! _2 __ Deparhnent's website._l. A)_ importanrlibr8nes i_Delhim c R. o _ i _T t,. - ' - tl ' -v.-; _.__ i _ ,0,? _b n -_;; ;'; > ;_ ____,__0

(_E_((op(2__ ___r __v __ __ __o_c_o__ ntra__ ct)__ __el_ceoon_r

I. _a_ne oft_e post ; prj _,cipal LiIJ_'a_'y _d lnformycion OM_'_'r ,rtdDi_'ector.2, c)assi_cgtjon : Ge_1eraI Cc,lra l Serv ice, Gl'uu_7'_' Gaze_ed_ h!on-Ministeriyt3. pay Bar)d and Gryde _av, /_av, scate ; l ,e\'el l j in the pay' ma_ix (Ks. I _J I OO-2 l j900J-).

(_ iubjecc to __ari_ciun depend_nl on requ irCmenl )5. Eljgibility Conditions : _DcDuracion inc9udine sho_-te_

''O_jcers Under t_e Cen_at Govern1nent o_ S_te Govemments or Un i On Terr itOr ies orpubljc Sector lJnderfakin_os or L_ni__ersiTiei or reco_niscd researc l, inst itut iOl,s or sem iGuvern_nent or autunamous or s_tuto_ Or_Oan _SaTlOn:

A) (i) hotdjnE _naloeous post on regu_ar basis in the parent ca dre or Dep_ment; O _

ij) with _ve years' service jn U1e grade rendered aAer appointment thereto on g regu 1arbasis in posts in leve1-I2 (Rs. 78800-209JOOJ-) in lhe Pay Matrix ar e9U iva Ient in t hepRrenf cadre or depaLtmenti ORiiiJ \4-ith (en _'_= se_ice in the graJe rendered a _er 8ppo intmen t t here to on a regu larbasis in posts jn le\Jel-I l (Rs. 6770U-208700/-) in the Pay Matr ix or eqU iv8 1ent in lheparent cadre or departmcnt ; _d

(B) pos5essine the fot1owing educatiorJa1 qua_ in_tions and ex_r ienCe:s s e n ! i a, _ _, ,,,,ce .., D,__ .,, L,.b,a_ sc.,e,,ce o, ,n,o,m,t.,on sc.,e,ce o, Do,ument,t,.Science of' a _ecognised Univenity;ii) Mgster's Degree in Economics or Commerce or Stat ist ics o f a reco_ is edl:niversit_,'; and(iii) t___e1\,e ___rs' experience (including ad1ninistrative exper ience) o f wor h in_ in aub_ ic ur j__stjtufjongl Ijbra_' incJud i _1g_ experience in compu_er isat ion o f l he I i br_.

Desi _8b_c_c,o,a, de e, .,n _.,b__ sc.,ence o, _,,o,m,,l.on sc.,e,ce o, Document,,,.on sc,.

, reco_nised University.

yote J .- QUali_catjons are relaxable at the discr_ion or l_e linion Public Se_ice Commission forreasons to be recordcd in \\_ri(jne_ in case ofcandidates othe_ise _'eI l quali_e d.

_, _fe 2.- period ordep_afion(includin__ short-tenn contract) including period ofdc'pulation ( inc lu d ingsho_.te_ contracl) i_, anut__er ex-cadre posT held immediatel.\' preccding t his appo intment in l he Sameot- some other or__nisatjon c)r DepartmenE oF lhe Ccmral Go\_'ernment, shall ordinarily not ta exceedf_ve __ears. The ma_jmum aee IjmiT ^_oT gppo in_1eni _y. _cputa t i_n ( inc _u d in_ s h o rc- t e n n c o n t r a C t)shal_ nof be excccdinvg F,_\_ w' ycars._an fhe closin,_ date o fthe rece ipL o fapp l icat iOnS.

________ _ __ _1__lt_ _)__ __ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _____ __tl__1

__o-DAT-_/ c_T_Rn!C_'!___'___ T __T__ i_F_

l. m,__1_e and Address ;,

.Date of_i_h ._, (inChFistianera) _ _''1,, 3. i) _atc ofenl_- into Service. _,

ii) Dace or retirement under ,,Cen!?gIJS!5t Dv Gov(. Rules.

i 4. Educational Qualincafio_1s '_ __i !"__,

5. Vhether Edu0tianal and other !qualif_calions r_uired for lhe po_are satisf_ed. _E _uy q_alir_ii_a_as hcen treat_ _ eq_ivalent tat_c one p_-bed i_ tbe R__s_te the 9__oM rar tbe _me).

Q_alir_tia_ E_perience __ired as Qualir__tionslex_ri�nce_____'__' _ by t_e_rf__rmrn1ioned i_ t_e _dverti__e__v_can_circ_l_r.

Es%nti_l: E__tiaf:_A.Q_i_ _ _A-Q_lir__ion __B_ Q_lin_m _! _. Qua1ir!_ion __c.Exmrien_ C.E___

Desir8_le:- Dainble:-Qua3ifcalion _Qualinc'ation _S.l _ot_:- ln _e case efDe_0ee and _osE G_duate Qual i_-1caTion _1ective/main subjec_ and _-ubsiJiarysubjec_ may _ indi_ b__ _e candidate. -

6. Please stale cl_rly whether in the light oF tl_eentncs made by you above, you meet therequisite _ssen(ial Qua_iflcations and _vorkex_erience of the post. !,

6.l n, Tote: _orro_vin_n _e_artment 2re fo _ro_7ide their s_ccif_c commantslvicws conflrmin-_ the relevant_,ssential QualincationJwork experiencc_ _ossessed b}' The Candidate (as indicated in _e Bi_ Dala) _vithreference to lhe post appIied.

_____ _ _l1llll ____________ _ _ ___ ______ _1_____ _______ _ _ t_h_pe___led forp_os_t t___

7. De(_ils uF En__7loy_nent, in chl-onoIogical urder. C_n_'lose _ s__araIe sheet d_lv.- authenticatcd _.'o_rr si0_n_furc_ i_ thc s _8ce belo__' is i_suff_cicnt.!_ Uf_ce/ _o5t held on _rom ! To _ _evel in the mature of_ lnsfjtu€c re__utaT _asis _ __y Matrix of Duties (in! l the pus_ held detail)!; _ t un rcg__tar hi_hlighting_ _ l basis. experience!! !, i required for':

_ In1__rtant: f_n8ncia_ up_adations granted under ._CP/M. ACP are personat to the afrlcer andtherefore, should nat be mentioned. Only Level in lhe pa_, matrix of the posl heid on _gular basis tobe mentioneJ. DetaiIs or ACPJMACP wich present Level in the pay matrix where such bene__ ha__ebeen dr8wn b the Candidate, may be indicated as belo__:Of_ce/I11stitute leveI in the _ay from ToMatrix drawn under 'ACP/MACPScheme.

' _. __ alure ur preser__ e_____i__ _'m____.t ;.e. ____. _c oc ;TemporaN or Qw8si-Permanent or Permanent

9. In case fhe present empIo_enf is heId on ideputation/contract basis._ pIea% s_te- ;

a)ThedateofinitiaI b) Period ofic)Nan_eurlheparent d) Nameofthe_ostappoin_menc appoimment on of F_ce,Jor_ani_tion to and _ay af the postdcputation/contr__l _vhiL_h me applicant hcId in subst8ntivcbelone_s. _8city in the parentorganisation.i

9.l Notc: Tn case OMcers already on deputation. the app1icatian ofsuch offlcers shouId be forwarded by (hc _a_'ent __adre_ Depa_menfalon_ wich Cadre Clearance, VigiJance Clcarance and Infeeri_ !_Ce__=___ lc_s.9,2 Note: Tn_ormation under Col u_nn _(c) & (d) a_o_'c mu_L be gi_2n ',nt alI cases ___here a person is holdin_ a post an JepL_lation outside fhecadreJorganisation bu( sTil_ _nainTainine a lien in t_is parentcadrerorganisation.


__L____(_7 cpc)__ F__nt _v e e d8____ hlc_h__ _ ____ ___

lO. lf 4n) ßUST held On _e_UT_nn _-n lhe! ipasc b)' the applicant da_e _'2_%t_m fr____ _the_lasl de_L_tatiun and _er det_iIs- -

1_. AJ_itionaI details abuut present empI_. ment;_lease state ___'hether working_ under (j nd ic_e the name of your empluyer a_ninSt the reIevantcuIumn_aj cencral Govecnmmtb State Govemmenfc) Aut0nomous Or___anisati0_d) Govemment _-nd-ertakin o_e)Universitie5fJOlhe_'s

l2. P1ease sta_ whe_her you _e workingin the _me Depdment 0d are in ther_er grade of fe_er to lhe reeder grade.

IJ. Are you in the Revised _fe of _v,_ __, _yfhfe_amw_the revision looh pIace and _1so indic8temepre-revised sWe.

l_. T_taI _moi_m1s per mon_ now d_wn_velinmePayNlatiTx(7' CPC) lndexmumberinthelevel BasicP8y.

lí. _n case th2 _plicant belonm to an Or,oanisation mhich is nnt follo_'ing _e Ce_baI_uv_rnment iay-scales, the I8test s8Ia_ slip issue_ b_' the Or_anisation showing _e f0tlowingdexaiIs_ may be enclos_.Basic Pa_v with lhe Scale of D__ p8yJInterim relier / n_er To_I EmoIUmmtsPa__ and _te or lncrement Allo__ etc., (___ith break-up de_iIs)

l6.A Addition_l Inrorlnation_ if anYJ 1relcva_1t to the post you appIied for insuppon ofy'uur sui(ahiIity for fhe post.; (This among o(hcr (hin__s may prov3deinro_acion mih re_ard to (i) addili_nal ja_den1ic q_Iinca_ion (ii} proressional jtrainin_ and (iii) wurh expericncc_ ovcrand abo__e prescribed in the _'acanc)' _1 __ ircu lar_'ad__ertise rnent) !'''_ (N. ntc: enclose a se__r8te shect, iF the ''' ls._J__. r_e_. i._s insu Ff!cie_t. _. _ ____._,__ntd...

__( ) p t t d __ _____ ___ ___ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _


l 6 .B Ac_ i_'cm e r_ts:The candidaIes are rcquirRd ta indicateinformation wifh re_ard to;(i) Research publicatiuns and repa_s a_dspeciaI proJects ,tii) A_vards/Schota_-s-hips/ O_ciaI_p__eciation,(iii) Arnliation wil_ the profes,sionaIbod ies/inc,titutio__cuoc iet ie,c 3nd:_ _ - !1V aten S re_IS ere 't_' _'ß__n Tl__e or l _achieve_ for the organisation, '(_7) an)7 rescarch/innovati_7e mea' sure in__otvino,officiaI rc_co€n ition(vi) any o(her informatian.(Note: Enclose a separate shcet iF the spaceis insurncient)

l7. PIe_e state whether you are appfv_ ing forDep utati o_/ D ep utati o n (l S TC)(Candidates or the non-GovernmentOrganisations a_e eIigibIe only for Short TermCont_ct).

l8. Whether beIongs ta SClST '

I h,a__e c3_efult;? cnone throueh. the vacancv circuIar/advertisement and I un well aware (hat theinformation fumished in the Curricu _u_11 Vilae du Iy supported by the docume_fs in respect ofEssenliaI_uali_catian/\4ark Experience submitted by me wiIJ aIso be assessed by the Selection Commi_ee atthe time uf selection for the _st. The i_t-onnationJde_iIs providcd by me are correct and true to thebest or my knowIed_e and no material facf having a bearing on 1_y sclection has beensup_ressed/withheld.

(Sig0a_uce of fhe c_I_didat_)


M ub i l e/Co r_tact No.

E-mail ID.


__ ___ _ ____0_ ag__ __n_sl ______re__l_v_/cæ__eo_a__vrFeTs_


CeriiT!c4te _q- fhe _m lo _- c r / C 9 d r c C o n t r o l l j n D A u t h o r i hr

The infnrmationJdetaiI5 provi_ed i__ the _bove _p_lication _,v fhe _pp_jcantas pcr the facts avaifabte an records_. H_/s.t)e possesses sduca(junaJ quatincatjuns an d e K p c r; e _ c el__e3l(ioneJ i_ fhe vacancy Ci_cular. Tf selected, l1e/sl_c_ _vj _J be r.efjevcd jmmedjat2Jv.

2+ AIso certined fh_t;

ZJ _nerC is no _''i6ii_Ce or _;'scjpiinânv_ case pen�i_ er_onTem _iaTe

ii) His/ He_ inte__rity is certif_ed.iiiJ His mcr C_ Dossier in ori_inal is enc1osed/_hotocopie_s of fhe AcRs for the last 5duIy a_es_ by an o Fncer of the rank of _rnde_ Secre__ of the Govf. of lnd_a or ab_eencIa%d.iVJ No _j_/minor penaI_ h_ been impised on himJher du_n g fhe 1_ 1o y ea r o r A l i st o r_Jor/minor _naIti_ imposed on himmer durjn g fhe _ lo y_ j s e n c 1 _ ( 0 _maybe)-

Cowl_rsi gn ed(_mployerICadre Con_I3in g Au _ a _ t y w i t h S ea _ 3

___I__mns/CV __0t acc__m__i___ _y 5-____v_;____b_ cc;__,_F,____aJ' d_w_%___ ;n s_u- p- _ rf _ fQ_�6__n _d ___e__ c7aim_ by _ _d3_ wauld not _ pra_s_ ro__o_ __ - _c ,L _ eli_bjliN afme _didat% for 2Jx __oa.

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