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Post on 28-Apr-2015






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“I admit that this coursework is our own except the information and summary which I

had already mentioned their sources.”

Signature :


Date :

Fistly, I whant to give praise to God. I can finished the coursework. Here I would

like to thank my parents, who supported and encourage me, especially in terms of moral

support and financially assistance during my coursework. Gratitude also goes to Madam

Nora with guidance and information provided from time to time on this coursework for

us. All information provided has helped me in completing this coursework. I would like

also to thank my colleagues who helped me in completing this courswork either directly

or indirectly. With the helped of this they can I’m complete the coursework. On their

support of this, only God can respond.

Thank you.

MY DECLARATION………………………………………………………………………… i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………………… ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………… iii

TASK 2………………………………………………………………………………………. 1



COLLABORATION FORM…………………………………………………………………



To help you command the parts of speech of the English Language, you are required to the following sub-tasks. All sub-tasks must be systematically presented.

Parts of speech of the English Language

Category A: Individual Task

1. Gather relevant materials on the different parts of speech and highlight important points found in the materials.

2. Present your understanding of the parts of speech in the form of graphic organizers. Provide adequate examples of each parts of speech: Noun, Pronoun, Adjectives, Adverb, Conjunction, Preposition and Interjection.

3. Identify and classify the different parts of speech ( in graphic forms ) based on FOUR given texts.

Category B: Test

1. You need to sit for a 30-minutes test releated to parts of speech of the English Language ( 20-item test )

Category C: Teacher Attributes / Reflection

Commitment Write a self reflection on your learning experience throughout the process of

completing the task ( e.g:- your strengths, weaknesses, problems or difficulties faced in completing the task etc )


Adverbs are words that describe or modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs express ideas of time, place, manner, cause, and degree.


John is a very conscientious student.



- This shows when an action or something is done or happens

- Example:- always, now, then


- This shows where an action or something is done or happens.

- Example:- outside, in, out


- This shows how an action or something is done or happens

- Example:- softly, quickly, badly


- This answer the question, “ what are you doing?” or “ how much”


- when, where, how, why

- the words are not question



- Example:-

yes = surely, certainly, indeed, by all means

no = not at all, by no means


- Example:- when, where, how, how much, how often


Some words are satisfied spending an evening at home, alone, eating ice-cream right out of the box, watching Seinfeld re-runs on TV, or reading a good book.

Others aren't happy unless they're out on the town, mixing it up with other words; they're joiners and they just can't help themselves.

A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence.








kinds of conjunctions



The simple, little conjunctions are called coordinating conjunctions.

Example : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another :

words to words,   phrases to phrases,   clauses to clauses.

Punctuation with coordinating conjunctions is when a joins two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses, no comma should be placed before the conjunction.

These pairs of conjunctions require equal (parallel) structures after each one.

Example : 1) either……..or

2) both……..and

3) neither…….no

4) not only…..by also

These conjunctions join independent clauses together.

The following are frequently used conjunctive adverbs:

also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still

for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless  

Teks What kind of rice do you like to eat? Campaigns in the Philippines and Thailand are encouraging people to change from eating white rice to eating brown rice. There are two reason for promoting brown rice. First,brown rice is always the heakthy choice. When rice grows, it is usually brown, although pink, red and even black varieties are sometimes found. To make rice white, it is milled and polished. As a result, the seed ambryo and auter hardener grain tissue (also known as bran) are removed, and sometimes fed to livestock. However, the part that is removed is the most nutritios, containing lots of fibre, Vitamin B, essential minerals, and phytade, a substance that fights cancer.The second advantage of brown rice is energy savings. All the milling and polishing needed to make rice white uses a lot of energy. If we very seldom eat white rice and eat brown rice instead, the energy savings will be substantial.

Unfortunately, most people in the Philippines and Thailand rarely eat brown rice. The main reason why they shun it is that brown rice often viewed as low status. When white rice was first introduced, only the weakthy could afford it, and in Thailand a type of brown rice is sometimes fed to prisoners in the jails. The good news is that status of brown rice is improving. Often brown rice is eaten by more educated, heakth-concious people in the West. King Bhumiphol of Thailand has announced that he usually eats brown rice, and Thai Airlines always makes it available on its flights. Have you ever tried brown rice or do you always eat white rice? Mybe you think you will never give up your snow white rice, but why don’t you be adventurous and give brown rice a try? You may be pleasantly surprised.Teks 1

nouns pronouns verb adjective adverb conjunction preposition interjection

Teks 2

Nouns pronouns verb adjective adverb conjunction preposition Interjection

Teks 3

nouns pronouns verb adjective adverb conjunction preposition interjection

Teks 5

nouns pronouns verb adjective adverb conjunction preposition Interjection

First of all, I am very grateful to God because of His grace, I can also complete this course could easily work even though I have many obstacles to completing work during this course. but on my own hard work, I do not think all that is the reason I did not

complete the work merits this course. I started this task by establishing collaboration with our lecturers at the department in areas related to their ini.Antaranya is a lecturer at the Department of Malay to ask opinions about what I will peel the overwhelming task was grateful because the results from my collaboration with my lecturer can know many things that are appropriate will I need to describe in this task. Besides that I also had discussions with my colleagues. Search for related information through a source book on the resource center and internet. Granted, it is quite difficult to perform search tasks because there is no specific information about a small topic. There are also the problem of slow Internet connection, and sometimes fail to connect. However, the cooperation partners and discussions can be done also gather as much information available so that I can complete this task successfully. In completing this assignment, I have problems in using English. However, I will also try to find meaning in the in the dictionary. In addition, I am very grateful to my group of friends, because if no discussion between us, mungik I would not have completed the course with ease.And lastly,thank you very

much.BOOK Grammar in Use workbook – Dr. George Jacobs & Dr. loh Wan Inn , 2001

(page 86-87 )


1. http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/adverbs.html 2. http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/adverb.htm 3. http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/conjunct.html 4. http://www.towson.edu/ows/conjunctions.htm

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