kirschbaumgodisi kmtt batter and...

Post on 23-Aug-2019






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Our Kirschbaum li

Blue" Serge Suits

t S-f

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%• K $h, ' •*

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SERGE is' the most serviceable and dependa­ble] material for men's summer wear—

we would have "you judge] our Serge Suits by

contrast with the usual hackneyed efforts in this line.

% KIRSCHBAUM "True Blue" Serges in two or three-piece suits are now offered in many choice fancy weaves in self color which are ex­clusive with US. "•

We Invite your inspection for this remarka­ble group of garments, comprising many differ­ent singleor double breasted models, ranging in'style frorrf the conservative to the radical at prices from $>5^to $25. v

We guarantee these goods. Should you find im­perfection in the cloth or tailoring of a "Kirsch- • baum hand-made" garment, return the same and money will be refunded. "

Remember the Place-for Clothing and Shoes.


• Cresco, Iowa.. ;

^Get Your Lawn Mower Sharpened Right

Tho little machine shown is an up-to-date Lawn Mower Grinder just installed in our shop. Every Mower ground on it is guaran­teed or money refunded.

Following is a partial list, of supplies kept and work done in our shop:

Automobiles, Gas and Steam Engines repaired.

Fine Lathe Work and Gear Cutting our Spec­ialty.

Storage Batteries re­charged.

Solid Rubber Tires put on Buggies or Autos.

Vulcanizing done with » new Eltctric Appara­tus.

If you have an invention let us help you develop it, either in model form or patent office drawing.

We have on hand at all times, Ignition Batteries, Gasoline, Spark Plugs, Lamp Tubing, Tires and Patches, Decarbonizer, Carbide and several grades of Auto and Gas Engine Oil.

If you get stalled in tho country with your Auto, Gas or Steam En-jlione us. We have an auto and can give you quick assistance.

,/hy crawl around in the dirt under your Auto, when you can stand up straight and work in our Electric Lighted Pits.

When you come to town, with your Auto our store room is free to you for the day. Run it in out of the sun.

Brass and Aluminum Castings made on short notice. If you are going to buy an Auto let us figure with you. We can give

you the choice of six different makes.


OHMACHT & WHITE, Auto Repair Shop

104 Plain Dealers-~$1

R. Seavy was over from Riceville this week.

Baking? Botheration! Buy Basford's Bread—it is oh, so good!

i Man wanted to work on farm. En­quire of Myron Converse.

i N. A. Blackburn. Lawyer; office opposite the National Bank.

GIKI. WANTED—To do general house worx. Enquire of S. A. Converse.

For dressmaking and plain sewing call on Blanche Evans. 'I'hone 361.

Mound City Faints may cost a trifle mo:e, but —-! P. A. Clemmer.

Sa't hy sack or barrel at the City Elevator. GILCHRIST & Co.

Sheep dip for 55 cents per gallon at Schley. JAMBS ONDKASEK.

Will do washing at my home. Phone No. 91 MRS. ROSE WHITE.

Dr. W. T. Daly, physician and surgeon; office over Glass's restaurant.

Ask your grocer for Basford's Bread. Just a little better than any other.

Herbert Rutherford has been ap­pointed as Btreet commissioner by Mayor Davenport. „

(f you want a tarm loan at a low rat of interest, see American Loan & Tros Company, Cresco, la.

It will pay you to consult James On-drasek, of Schley. Iowa, before buy­ing your lightning rods.

For Insurance, real estate or accident, call on L. E. Eaton, the insurance man, over Reckamp's old bakery.

If you want to buy or sell Real Estate call on Milz & Owens. Office over First National Bank. Creaco, Iowa.

Mrs. Alpha Wentworth is spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. C. Peckham, in Albion Twp.

Miss Minnie Klaffke left last week for Kimball, S. D., to remain with her sister, Mrs. Daudell, during the sum­mer.

Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Lowry left this morning for Madison., Wis., for an over Sunday visit with their son Lellis.

Mrs. A. E. Barker and son McKinley and Mrs. Irene G. Adams returned the first of the week from their winter's stay in Florida.

J. F. Komarek has sold his 120-acre farm southwest of Schley to a gentle­man from central lowai Milz & Owens making the sale.

MAY PHOTOGRAPHS AT THE TAYLOR STUDIO. One-half dozen free, any kind you order. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Don't wait till June.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. VanSlykcof Blue Earth, Minn., are entertaining a little' six-pound daughter, who arrived at their home on Sunday last.

FOR RENT—TWO story, brick, 8-room house, in first-class repair. Good well, garden, etc. Enquire of C. A. Mar­shall, or N. B. Wheeler after April 23.

If you want correct abstracting done and cheap prices too, it will pay you to see the American Loan & Investment Co., before ordering your abtract.

Lawn Mowers sharpened with a power grinder—is the only system. They run easier and cut the grass even.

Auto Garage, A. W. WENTWORTH.

Come and see my two big type Per-cheron Stallions at White's barn Mon­days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat­urdays. M. P. LYDON

WANTED—Chambermaid and dining room girl, wages $16 per month; also laundiy girl, wages $18 per month.

RUSSELL HOUSE, Humboldt, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark left Fri­day evening for a visit of several months at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Archie Babcock, at Charlotte, Mich.

Thos. Griffin, a Howard County pioneer, and at different times one of Howard County's supervisors, passed away the first of the week at his home near Sioux City, Iowa.

When you buy Real Estate at Public Auction you set the price. When you buy at private sale the owner set3 the price. See the R. A. Morton place sell Saturday, May 21, 1910.

Miss Finster, at present principal of the First Ward school, will not teach in Cresco next year. It is rumored that she will work next year under Prof. Roberts at Fairfield.

Henry Culbert, a long time resident of Kendailville, passed away this week at the home of his son in St. Paul, and the remains were brought to Cresco, Thursday, for interment in the Ken-dallville cemetery.

J. W. Courteny took John and Miss Margaret Lynch to Cresco, by auto Thursday to spend the day with friends; they were accompanied home by Miss Nellie McCullow for a short visit-New Hampton Tribune.

If your appetite is poor, your whole body must be insufficiently nourished— weakness and disease must result There's nothing like Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea to create a healthy ap­petite. Tea or Tablets, 35c.—Wm. Connolly.

A modern home will be sold at Pub­lic Sale in Cresco Saturdav, May 21st, at 2 p. m , in a modern way. The right way to sell Real Estate is at Pub­lic Auction, let everybody have a chance to buy it instead of only one or two men.

Indigestion and constipation - upset the entire system—cause a wide range of other ailments. You needn't sufFer from any of these troubles. There's certain relief in Hollister's Rotfty Mountain Tea. 35c at all druggists.— Wm. Connolly.

The May term of the district court • onvene's next Mot day, Judge Fellows I residing. While the docket is about the usual sizt', there is no petit jury summoned andjthe session will probably be short. The grand jurors are sum-in >ned for Monday afternoon.

Will Flindt, of Spcncer, Iowa, visit ed the first of the week with his friend D. E. Shelmidine, who for ten years was employed by Mr. Flindt in his Spencer clothing store. While here Mr. Flindt purchased from J. C. Web­ster the old Webster homestead in Fremont township. I

The R. A. Morton residence prope' -ty that will sell at Public Auction, Sat­urday, May 21st, at 2 p. m., is new, close in, and desirable in every way. The ladies are especially invited to this sale. It will pay you to sec this place sell and get an idea of the value of Real Estate in Cresco.

I can sell, rent or exchange your land or town property. I handle northern lands also. 1 write fire, lightning, tornado and hail insurance. For a square deal and to save your money, call and see tne. 'Phone No. 4. Office over Moving Picture Show.

ELWIN M. STOCKMAN, Cresco, la.

Under the new provision of the primary law providing, for rotation of names on the primary ballot the re­publican ballot in Howard County will be headed by Garst for governor, an advantage for the progressives. The order on the democratic ballot for governor will be M0911, Porter, and Bashor. •

Kidney trouble is particularly Jto be dreaded because its preseoce is not usually discovered until it has assumed one of its worst forms—diabetes, drop­sy, or Brigbt's disease. If you suspect that your kidneys are effected, by all means use Hollisters Rocky ^Mountain Tea—the great systemic cleanser and regulator.—Wm. Connolly.

We are now located in Cresco and will soon be ready for business. We make old clothes new. I ain the man for you. We clean garments of all kinds. We make a specialty of Dry work. All work is French Dry cleaned. All work guaranteed. We call for it and deliver promptly. We are located over Basford's Bakery. Phone 198.

JAMES HAWKINS, Proprietor.

If you are in the market for a resi­dence property in Cresco arrange to at­tend the Auction Sale of the R. A. Morton property Saturday, May 21st, at 2 p. m. This is an up-to-date, modern home and will be sold to the high bidder. Don't pay any attention to what the other fellow thinks it will bring, attend the sale yourself and see it sell. You may buy the cheapest place ever sold in Cresco.

Miss Ada McCallum came down from Cresco Monday, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCallum Mr. Otto Johnson, the well known Cresco mer­chant has purchased for his daughter as a wedding present one of the finest pianos ever sold in this community. The young lady is an acomplished pianist and in the splendid instru ment chosen for her by her father she will have one of the world's best pianos to play on. The piano was sold by M r. Conigisky and is a magnificent Bush & Lane grand. The price of the instru­ment was one thousand dollars.—De-corah Public Opinion.

The hardware firm of Sobolik & Petersen has been dissolved, Mr. Sobolik's interest having been bought

Norwegian Independence Day.

Ove Gude, United States Minister from Norway, will deliver the princi­pal address; Childrens' parade in the forenoon; baseball game between St. Olaf and Luther .in the afternoon; Grand open air concert in the evening.

The 17th of May, Norway's day of Independence, promises to be a gala day at Luther College. Grand prepar­ations are being made to celehra'.e it in a fitting manner. Nothing will be left undone that will tend to make the day as interesting and pleasant as pos­sible. An invitation to all is extended. The days festivities will begin at 'J:00 o'clock, a. m., with a tennis tourna­ment between representatives of Lu­ther College, Decorali, Iowa , and St. Olaf, Northfield, Minn.

Tne strength of the respective teams together with the friendly rivalry which has always manifested itself between the two colleges will make the tournament one of the most interesting features pf the day. A children's par-a le, headed by the Luther College Con-C3rt and Second Bands will com­mence at 9:30. All children are asked t»take part and will be given flags. parade will end at the College Auditorium, where a children's pro­gram, consisting of songs and recita­tions will be rendered. Thereupon, dinner will be served till ope o'clock. Families that bring dinner with them, will get coffee at the college. In the afternoon, beginning at one o'clock, addresses will be given by Ove Gude, Minister to U. S. from Norway. Dr. H. G. Stub, St. Paul, Minn., and Rev. I. D. Ylvisaker, Mayville, N. D. At 3:30 o'clock there will be a baseball game between St. Olaf and Luther College. This will undoubtedly be the most interesting feature of the day. St. Olaf has always had a team of which Bhe might well be proud. It is one of the strongest teams Luther has on its schedule. Luther has an excep­tionally strong team, having lost but one game this year.'

A grand open air concert, given in the evening by the Luther College Con­cert Band will crown the festivities of the day. The people of the neighbor­ing towns and communities are kindly invited to come and assist the Nor­wegians in celebrating the day.

To the Boys and Girls of Howard County.

The school section of the extension department of the Iowa State College at Ames is conducting some very valuable work among the boys and girls of the state in home gardens, farm crops and household work.

Seven courses are offered, namely: Growing better corn, ear to row test, growing better oats, garden and pota­to growing, cooking and sewing.

Their plan is to furnish to all boys and girls of Iowa and to teachers and all who desire it, full instructions for carrying on this work in a practical and also a scientific mannner, sending these instructions by mail from time to time as the work progresses.

All boys and girls between 10 and 18 years of age who are willing to pursue one or more of these courses are invited to take advantage of this opportunity. There is no charge whatever, the ser­vices of the college, the circulars of instruction, etc., being entirely free.

Teachers will be supplied with blanks and asked to enroll all who will take up the work. These blanks to be sent to this office and I will forward them to Ames. Any one else caring to take up this work may do so by sending their names to me. It is hoped the teachers will encourage this and enroll as many pupils as possible, so that

Adds HeatUnl Qualities to the Food

Economizes Floor, Batter and Eggs

KMtt tUMwfvWMt!

The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream

of Tartar Ho Alum—No Ume Phosphmtmm

in the afternoon. LOUBITZ LARSEN.

Howard county may be numbered with the progressive counties of the state.

Emma Fallgatter, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Cresco Residence at Auction The Dr. R A. Morton residence

property located across the street south­east from the Kessel Hospital at Cresco, Iowa, will be sold to the highest bid­der at Public Auction Saturday. May 21, 1910. This property is new and up-to-date, located in a desirable part of

by Theodore Petersen, of Council J town, with 7 rooms and bath room, Bluffs, a brother of H. D. Petersen, hot water heat, cement sidewalks and the new firm will be known as J around lot. Dr Morton has moved to Petersen Bros. The new member of | Mason City, Iowa, and has no farther the firm will continue to reside in Coun- use for this property and has decidcd cil Bluffs where he is interested in a to take this means of disposing of it. is interested in a large hardware and furniture business, and will be in charge of Henry Pete s ;n. Mr. Sobolik will make a specialty of the manufacture of the 'Queen Cupula,' but his plans are not yet formulated concerning his location. He has al­ready had offers from Cedar Rnpids, Omaha and other cities seeking to have him locate there. We hope he may be induced to remain in Cresco with what promises to be a growing and valuable factory.

Arrange to be at this sale as this place sells to the high bidder. Terms, $1500 spot cash, balance in ten days. Huyer to assume $1000 mortgage now on place at 7 per cent, or this mortgage can be paid up if desired. Sale to be held on the property.

To Piano Contest Subscribers. From this time until June 15th,

Notice to Bidders.

Sealed proposals will be received the city clerk of Cresco, Iowa, at office in Cresco until 8 o'clock p. m. May the 16th, 1910, for the construction of about 3200 lineal feet of an outlet sewer. The city of Cresco reserves

by his on

large number of subscriptions turned i the right to reject any or all bids. Bids in during the piano contest will expire. {must be accompanied by a certified It has always been our custom as it is check of $100.00. Plans and specificn-with all country newspapers, to con-! tions on file with city clerk.

P. J. McCullow, City Clerk.

tir.ue sending the paper to names upon our list, residents of the county, until notified to discontinue,^ and this we shs il ao with subscriptions turned in Somebody May Want the contest. Contest subscrip- a Barn 18x24, 14 feet high, and wing tion < for those at a distance will be (12x16. This will be sold for half what j discontinued as they expire unless we the lumber would cost, if taken soon. > are r^wested to continue them. I N. B. WHEELER.

Class. Miss .lones and the Burglar llattle Iless Vocal Solo: My Mother's Cradle Song , • -(iuartet Away To The Meadows Cielbt'l j will sing and Mrs. Dahlberg Will

Sadie Miller. Wlnnlfred West, Maude j

(juyettc and Freda Seliwab. Fancy Prill Class Song: Four Little Curly Headed t'oons

Wheeler Wlnnlfred West. Amelia ltnkoiv, Maude

(•uyetteand Hatlic Hess. Piano Solo: Home sweet Home

Freda Schwab Vocal Solo: There's a nig Cry Uaby in the

Moon Maude Ouyette Ship of state Kuby MeVety and Class Vocal Solo: Dutch Lullaby Addle Slrawn Song: Uoln' to School (In costumc).. .ltristow

Class. As It Happened Kdlth Hudson Song: Little Turkey Turks (I11 costume)..

Class. ifirlstow l'lano Duet Overture to Zaiupa. ..Ilcrold

Freda Schwab and Maude Guyctte.

Cresco Market. (Corrected twice a week.)

Wheat 95 Oats :?2(ti34 Shelled Corn 40(o*15 Timothy seed per cwt 2.25Cd2.50 Barley 4£@52 Flax •' .1.60@ Live hogs 8.25@ 8.75 Beef on foot 3@5 Butter per lb—Elgin Market... .27 ' Butter per lb 23 Eggs per do* 16 -

Smoke This, Dad says in your pipe. Before you buy

personally exemplary—all of which is entirely satisfactory to those who are disposed to believe Ballingcr. Mean-

to know a little more about dry goods clerk knows. See

while the proposition holds that all the : but before you buy meet me face to department officials who made trouble ; face' ?o phone The price is $3.00

the patenting of Alaska coa!! per bushal, graded for planter. about the patenting lands are out of office, while those of-ficals who made a specialty of patent­ing those claims are still in office, even though the the llaims are not yet paten­ted.

That leaves little to be said. Everybody who tried to help the

Cunningham steal through is in office yet. That is enough to know about it.

A prominent republican said to the writer the other day: "There is no dif­ference to speak of between progres­sive republicans and democrats, and we may as well admit it." But there is both a distinction and a difference. Democrats have advocated progressive principles for years, in fact always, in season and out of season, while pro­gressive republicans are more or less reccnt converts. Again, democrats know they are democrats while pro­gressive republicans are democrats but have not yet found it out. But most of them will soon and will crawl over the fence into the

6(>tf S. PECOY.

DIGNITY, No. 5118. The Celebrated Shire Stallion will

make the season of 1910 as follows:. From Monday noon until Tuesday noon at Albert Henke's, Davis Corners, bal­ance of 'week at home in Howard Center. F. J. HANNEMAN.

Chop Feed. Corn, Oats and Barley at Dad's, $1.30

per cwt. Cracked corn and all kinds of chicken feeds cheaper than shipped in feed. We are manufacturers at home. G6tf S. PECOY.

Bulls for Sale. One, a nice registered Short-Horn. One, a high grade Holstein. One, a Red Poll, all one year old.

First come gets his choice. M. B. DOOLITTLE.

where they Democrat.

Fish Market. I will establish a fish market in the

building adjoining the Thomas harness democratic yard j gjj0p on Mar'<et street and will have

belong.—Clayton County all kinds of fresh day

fish on hand every JOE TIFFANY.

Can You Do This on Any Other Plow?

THE Emerson is the only plow ever built on which a child can lift a 200-lb. weight with her foot.l That is the proof of control in the^

EMERSON FOOT-UFT GANG Write for Our Free Book and lot us showl

you what this incan». You will never usol any other sulky or gansr when you find out 1 how easily you or your b«y can control an

Emerson. It's all foot control. No other I plow has the balance and the purchase I

of the Emerson. We have put the! I weight on the front wheels, close to the [

team, where it belongs. The friction Is carried on lubricated, dust-proof bearings. Strongest and most sub­stantial plow made. The Emer­

son has the advantage of all In weight. It is 90 to

100 Lbs. lighter Draft Than Others The way It carries the load makes llcht work for the horses.

Every gang equipped with 2000-milo magazine wheel box and axles. You ought to know all about it. Our book is full of gantr-plow sen sc.

Don't wait Send for it today. Also ask about tho famous New Standard Wide-cut Mowers.

Get Our Two Free Books on

Emerson-Brantlngluun Cov ROCKFORD, ILL.

Foot-lilt Plows and Standard




SI 5

Program I Church Notes. Given byMrs. Addie's Sunday School J SYNOD LUTHERAN CHURCH.

class at the Baptist church, Friday j Pentecost Sunday, May 15tb, services evening, May 13, 1910. Admission 10c. 'n the Norwegian language at 3 o'clock

I'iano Duet, .(irand Valse de Concert.Mattel Freda Schwab and Maude Guyctte. ,

Cliorus. .Come Where the Bluebells Ring • j • Class. [Urackett CONGREGATIONAL.

Wish't I Was a Boy Kli/.abcth Cushins The annual Business Men's service Voritl Tmet. .Gathering Flowers in May.llart : ... .. , . u „jn . „

Ruth watts and Addle strawn. of the Congregat.onal church will be Piano solo Maude (iuyctte held next Sunday night, May 15th» and. Lullaby...sleep Little Baby ofjiinc. iH'unes Mr. Hinman will speak on the subject,

"The Commission Plan as a Cure for Municipal Corruption." Mr. Lyon

furn­ish two violin, solos for the service.. These services have been successful in the past in developing public interest along various lines of municipal im­provement and it is hoped that this meeting may be equally useful in this direction.

• •

A Complete Summing Up. Mr. Payne puts it tersely in the fol­

lowing: Secretary Bn llinger was before' the

investigating committee at Washington last week, and he gave it as his deli- • . 7 "V. « u }•1

nite judgment that Galvis is a liar and Da<l says in your pipe, e ore you uy

that his own conduct on all tho contro- *ny ^ orn a8_ ° e 8 "Wa

verted matters has been officially and I State Te8t ^<\ i\oe8 F.fty-hve years as a grower and dealer, I claim

it than a them all,

-'.v 5 ' :;-i Si .

$ - J

% 1 .?] '



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