kingdom of saudi arabia - tvtc · 2 isl 102 islamic culture -2 isl 101 2 2 0 0 2 لمس 808 )2 ......

Post on 07-May-2018






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سم يف اخلطة التدريبية

الدراسات العامة


املقررات العامة

اللغة االجنليزية

Semesters 1437H - May 2016


KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Technical and Vocational Training Corporation Director General for Curricula Design & Development

Training plans for technical colleges

Curriculum for Department of

General studies


All majors


الدراسات العامة222

وديةاململكة العربية المع

ينيب التقين واملهاملؤسمة العامة للتدر

هج وتطوير املنااإلدارة العامة لتصمي هـ8241نصفي


ات العامةاملقرر –مجيع األسمام

43 من 2

The Study Plans - semesters الفصلية )النصفية(اخلطة التدريبية





No. Course

Code Course Name Prerequisites Equivalent

No. of Units املقرر

ئاملكاف م قرررمز امل اس املقرر باملتطل

س.أ مت ع مح و.م


1 ISL 101 Islamic Culture -1 2 2 0 0 2 ( 8ثقافة إ سالمية) 8 سمل 808

2 ISL 102 Islamic Culture -2 ISL 101 2 2 0 0 2 808 سمل 2 سمل 802 (2ثقافة إ سالمية )

1 ARB 101 Arabic Language 2 2 0 0 2 8 عرب 808 لغة عربية

1 ENG 8101 English Language -1 3 3 0 1 4 8 جنل 1111 (1)لغة إجنليزية

2 ENG 8102 English Language -2 ENG 8101 3 3 0 1 4 1111 2 جنل 1112 (2لغة إجنليزية ) جنل

3 ENG 8103 English Language -3 ENG 8102 3 3 0 1 4 1112 4 جنل 1113 (3لغة إجنليزية ) جنل

4 ENG 8104 English Language -4 ENG 8103 3 3 0 1 4 1113 جنل 2 جنل 1214 (4لغة إجنليزية )

5 ENG 8111 English Language -1 3 3 0 1 4 5 جنل 1111 (1)لغة إجنليزية

6 ENG 8112 English Language -2 ENG 8111 3 3 0 1 4 1111 جنل 6 جنل 1112 (2لغة إجنليزية )

7 ENG 8113 English Language -3 ENG 8112 3 3 0 1 4 2111 جنل 7 جنل 1113 (3لغة إجنليزية )

1 MAT 8101 Mathematics 3 3 0 1 4 8 ريض 1111 الرياضيات

2 MAT 8121 Mathematics 3 3 0 1 4 2 ريض 1121 الرياضيات

1 PHY 8101 Physics 3 2 2 1 5 8 فيز 1111 الفيزياء

2 PHY 8111 Physics 3 2 2 1 5 2 يزف 1111 الفيزياء

1 CMT 101 Introduction to Computer

Applications 8 حال 808 مقدمة تطبيقات إحلاسب 4 0 4 0 2

2 CMT 102 Advanced Computer

Applications CMT 101 2 0 4 0 4 808 حال 2 حال 802 تطبيقات إحلاسب إملتقدمة

1 VOC 107 Vocational Guidance & Excellence KAB 101 2 2 0 0 2 111 كاب 8 مهن 111 لتميزالتوجيه املهين وا

2 ETH 101 Professional Ethics & Comm. Skills VOC 107 KAB 102 2 2 0 0 2 112 كاب مهن 111 2 سلك 111 إلسلوك إلوظيفي وهمارإت إالتصال

Total Number of Units إجملموع

CRH: Credit Hours L: Lecture P: Practical T: Tutorial CTH: Contact Hours ساعات اتصال أسبوعي : س.أ: متارين ، مت ملي/ ورش ،: ع ع : حماضرة ، مح : وحدات معتمدة ، و.م


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 4

Department General Study Major All Majors

Course Name Course Code

Prerequisites Credit Hours


L 3 P 0 T 1

CRH: Credit Hours L: Lecture P: Practical T: Tutorial CTH: Contact Hours

Course description :

This course is

General Goal:

Objectives: By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following:


Additional Readings

and Teaching Aids.


Detailed of Theoretical Contents

Contents Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the

following Language forms and functions: Hours




الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 3

Department General Study Major All Majors

Course Name English Language -1 Course Code ENG 8101

Prerequisites Credit Hours


L 3 P 0 T 1

CRH: Credit Hours L: Lecture P: Practical T: Tutorial CTH: Contact Hours

Course description :

This course provides trainees with a solid foundation of basic sentence form and function. It

concentrates on grammatical structures, vocabulary expressions often used in technical and

professional contexts.

General Goal: The course aims to consolidate student’s previous knowledge of English, and bring it up to a pre-

intermediate level which enables them continue courses related to their particular majors.

Objectives: By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following:

Communicate using work and major-related technical terms and vocabulary.

Understand simple dialogues, instructions, and descriptions about simple technical topics, objects

and processes

Read various types of technical texts and charts with reasonable comprehension using a variety of

reading skills such as skimming, scanning, and reading for details.

Utilize all available information such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and pictures to understand texts.

Write short guided texts using relevant vocabulary, basic sentence structure, reasonably correct

spelling, and punctuation.

Textbook: Bonamy, D. (2008) Technical English 1.

Additional Readings

and Teaching Aids. Course Book Audio CD.

Workbook with Audio CD

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary

Detailed of Theoretical Contents

Contents Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the

following Language forms and functions: Hours

Unit 1: Check up

Basics: meeting people, using forms,

following instructions

Letters & numbers: exchanging info, using

forms, units of measurement

Dates & time: numbers, travel arrangements

Use of Verb Be in meeting people

Vocabulary: basic verbs, tool names,

and prepositions

Fill out business cards with personal


Practice technical abbreviations

Listen for specific info using context


Read and fill out charts with dates &


Express time in 12/24 hour formats


Unit 2: Parts (1)

a. Naming: identifying parts

b. Assembling: using checklists, identifying

what you need for a job, using an instruction


Ordering: using voicemail, ordering by phone,

introducing yourself and others

Identify different parts of something

Vocabulary: different parts and tools.

Ask: “What’s this (that) called?”

Follow instructions in a manual

Learn verbs: tighten, loosen, etc

Take notes from phone messages

Make orders on the phone


Review Unit A: Ask questions

Negate statements

Use contractions in writing

Use DO/BE in questions.



الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 5

Detailed of Theoretical Contents

Contents Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the

following Language forms and functions: Hours

Trainees will review and practice form,

meaning, and use of the instructional content of

units 1 & 2.

Read numbers, date, time (12/24 hr)

Vocabulary: verbs in instructions,

word meaning according to context &


Unit 3: Parts (2)

3.1 Tools: describing components, using a

product review

3.2 Functions: Saying what things do, describing

a product, talking about people’s jobs

3.3 Locations: saying where things are

Make yes/no questions in simple tense

Vocabulary: parts and important tools

Read about features of a product

Identify what things (devices) do

Use prepositions to express locations

Use “where” to ask about location


Unit 4: Movement

4.1 Directions: describing direction of


4.2 Instructions: using an instruction manual

4.3 Actions: using an instruction manual, giving

and following instruction, explaining what


Use adverbs to describe direction of


Use “can” and “can’t” in statements

and question

Listen for numbers

Identify pronoun reference

Follow instructions from an

instruction manual

Interpret diagrams

Write short instructions

Use “when clause” to describe actions


Review Unit B:

Trainees will review and practice form,

meaning, and use of the instructional content of

units 3 & 4.

Ask questions in the present simple

Form negative and positive sentences

Distinguish between short and long

answers to yes/no questions

Use correct form of first person

singular verbs in the present simple

Name basic parts and tools

Guess the name of different devices

from description

Use helping verbs and main verbs

correctly in the present simple tense

Recognize silent letters in words

Use “a”, “an” and “some” with

singular/plural nouns

Practice verbs of movement and

adverbs of direction


Unit 5: Flow

5.1 Heating system: explaining fluid movement

around a system, using a flow chart

5.2 Electrical circuit: explaining how an

electrical circuit works

5.3 Cooling system: explaining how cooling

systems work, describing everyday routine

Follow reference words

Follow a flow chart

Use the present simple with first

person singular

Prepositions of movement

Follow electrical symbols

Vocabulary: electrical terms and


Use conditional “if”

Convert temperatures, Fahrenheit to


Vocabulary: words related to cooling




الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 6

Detailed of Theoretical Contents

Contents Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the

following Language forms and functions: Hours

Unit 6: Materials

6.1 Materials testing: giving a demonstration,

explaining what you’re doing

6.2 Properties: describing the properties of


6.3 Buying: using a customer call form, buying

and selling by phone, checking, starting a phone


Vocabulary: action verbs: bend, cut,

compress, etc.

Present continuous: statements and

question formation

Vocabulary: materials: ceramic,

aluminum, diamond, etc.

Follow correct stress in pronouncing

different materials.

What’s this made of?

Vocabulary: materials feature: tough,

soft, brittle, light, etc.

Take notes from a phone conversation


Review Unit C:

Trainees will review and practice form,

meaning, and use of the instructional content of

units 5 & 6.

Practice giving and following


Practice the present simple and the

present continuous

Identify the name of equipment from


Practice “if” conditionals

Identify the name of materials from


Identify the meaning of technical

prefixes: poly-, sol-, etc.


Final Exam 4



الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 7

Department English Language Center Major Engineering Departments

Course Title English Language 2 Code ENG 102

Prerequisite ENG 101 Course Description:

This course provides trainees with the core language and skills

they need to communicate successfully in their specializations.

This includes the technical concepts, topics, illustrations, and

grammatical structures. It helps trainees build knowledge and

confidence in using English in technical and vocational


Semester 1 2 3 4 5

Credit Hrs/w 3

Contact Hrs/w 4

General Goal:

The course aims to consolidate student’s previous knowledge of English, and bring it up to a certain level that enables

them continue courses related to their particular majors.

Objectives :

By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following :

Communicate using work and major-related technical terms and vocabulary.

Understand simple dialogues, instructions, and descriptions about simple technical topics, objects and


Read various types of technical texts and charts with reasonable comprehension using a variety of

reading skills such as skimming, scanning, and reading for details.

Utilize all available information such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and pictures to understand texts.

Write short guided texts using relevant vocabulary, basic sentence structure, reasonably correct

spelling, and punctuation.

Textbook: Bonamy, D. (2008) Technical English 1.

Additional Readings and

Teaching Aids.

2. Course Book Audio CD.

3. Workbook with Audio CD

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary


Hrs Contents

Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the following

Language forms and functions:


Unit 7: Specifications

7.1 Dimensions: specifying dimensions,

using a specifications chart

7.2 Quantities: specifying materials,

buying materials for a job, using a

materials checklist

7.3 Future projects: describing plans for

the future, using a Gantt chart

Express dimensions: length, width, etc.

Vocabulary: adjectives to describe

dimension: high, long, wide, etc.

Form questions about dimensions: “How

high/wide is it?” and making statements

Use countable and uncountable nouns

Use a checklist to buy different materials

for a job


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 8

Express the future with “will” in

questions and statements


Unit 8: Reporting

8.1 Recent incidents: taking an

emergency call, explaining what has

happened, checking on progress

8.2 Damage and loss: reporting damage,

dealing with a customer

8.3 Past event: discussing past events,

phoning a repair shop

Take notes from a phone call

Form and use the present perfect tense

Identify and use the past participle of

basic verbs

Vocabulary: verbs used to report damage

of broken equipment: crack, break, cut,


Use past participle adjectives to describe


Form and use past simple questions


Review Unit D:

Trainees will review and practice

form, meaning, and use of the

instructional content of units 7 & 8.

Ask questions about dimensions: how

high/wide, etc?

Change nouns to adjectives: depth-deep,


Ask questions about

countable/uncountable nouns

Make negative statements in the past


Change sentences from the simple past to

the present perfect tense

Change sentence focus from action to

result of action (passive)


Unit 9: Troubleshooting

9.1 Operation: Explaining how things work,

explaining what things do

9.2 Hotline: Listening to an automated phone

message, using a service hotline, taking a

customer through a problem and solution

9.3 User guide: Using a flow chart, using a

troubleshooting guide

Take notes from a dialogue

Make questions

Identify the main parts of the airboard

Read about how the airboard works

Rewrite sentences providing the same


Learn phrases: attached to. suspended

from, mounted on, connected to, etc

Practice talking to a service technician

Use short form answers

Compare diagrams

Use "if" to express condition and

instruction in troubleshooting

Write a troubleshooting diagram

Draw a flow chart based on information


Unit 10: Safety

10.1 Rules and warnings: Following safety

rules, Giving and following warnings,

Using safety signs.

10.2 Safety hazards: Giving and following

warnings, Noticing safety hazards,

Reporting safety hazards.

10.3 Investigations: Investigation an accident,

Grammar: Use could, might, must

present tense of be …

Ask: “Where? When? How high? What?

How far? How many?”

Follow instructions in safety, hazard,


Learn nouns on a form: position, altitude,


Shapes: circular, round, …. etc.



الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 9

Reporting an accident, giving, accepting

and turning down an invitation.


Review Unit E:

Trainees will review and practice

form, meaning, and use of the

instructional content of units 9& 10.

Use correct form of verbs

Identify the equipment from description

Complete sentences from pictures

Draw and complete flow charts

Write troubleshooting guide from a flow


Ask questions

Write a set of safety rules

Practice following instructions

use the words used in warnings


Unit 11: Cause and effect

11.1 Pistons and Valves: Expressing

causation, permission and prevention,

explaining how a four-stage cycle works

11.2 Switches and relays: Explaining how a

relay circuit works, Giving an oral


11.3 Rotors and turbine: Explaining how a

wind turbine works, Giving an oral

presentation, making suggestions

Verb constructions

Vocabulary: Hydraulics, Electrical,


Further practice of verb patterns in

Identify what things (devices) do

Express devices job

Use “verbs” drive, rotate, send …

Turbines: blade, brake, gear …


Unit 12: Checking and confirming

12.1 Data: Describing specifications,

expressing approximation, checking that

data is correct

12.2 Instructions: Flowing spoken

instructions, confirming actions,

describing results of actions

12.3 Progress: Describing maintenance work,

checking progress with a Gantt chart

Read and fill out specification charts

Vocabulary: ways to express

approximation, opposites of verbs, etc

Make questions and practice asking and


Make instructions

Practice making instructions and


Use "yet" to mean up to now

Practice dialogues about the tasks of a

progress check


Review Unit F:

Trainees will review and practice

form, meaning, and use of the

instructional content of units 11 & 12.

Use correct form of verbs

Vocabulary: opposites of verbs and


Explain how something (device) works

Practice progress check dialogues

Write a short description of a project

(function, main parts, dimensions,

materials, and how it works)

4 Final Exam

64 Total


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 01

Department English Language Center Major Engineering Departments

Course Title English Language 3 Code ENG 103

Prerequisite ENG 102 Course Description:

This course provides trainees with the core language and skills

they need to communicate successfully in their specializations.

This includes the technical concepts, topics, illustrations, and

grammatical structures. It helps trainees build knowledge and

confidence in using English in technical and vocational


Semester 1 2 3 4 5

Credit Hrs/w 3

Contact Hrs/w 4

General Goal:

The course aims to consolidate student’s previous knowledge of English, and bring it up to an intermediate level that

enables them continue courses related to their particular majors.

Objectives :

By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following :

Communicate using work and major-related technical terms and vocabulary.

Understand dialogues, instructions, and descriptions about technical topics, objects and processes

Read various types of technical texts and charts with reasonable comprehension using a variety of

reading skills such as skimming, scanning, and reading for details.

Utilize all available information such as graphs, charts, diagrams, and pictures to understand texts.

Write technical texts using relevant vocabulary, appropriate sentence structure, reasonably correct

spelling, and punctuation.

Textbook: Bonamy, David (2010) Technical English 2.

Additional Readings and

Teaching Aids.

4. Course Book Audio CD.

5. Workbook with Audio CD

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary


Hrs Contents

Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the following

Language forms and functions:


Unit 1: Action

1.1 Teamwork : describing a series of

actions, giving a series of instructions

1.2 Training : Reporting jobs in progress,

reporting jobs completed

2.3 Method: discussing how things work,

describing method

Name parts of devices

Write a checklist of instructions

Identify actions from pictures

Grammar: Revisions of present simple

and imperative, present continuous

and present perfect,

Make dialogues from checklists

Make a set of instructions for doing a


Ask and answer questions


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 00

Learn to explain how to activate or

start devices (by+ gerund or by+

means of)

Vocabulary: Phrasal verb (take off the

tires/take them off, pump in, switch

off ), Maintenance (adjust, lower,

raise, tighten), Equipment (flap, hose,

jack, nozzle) and Activation devices:

cord, lever, screen, sensor


Unit 2: Work

2.1 Routines: describing Routines, explaining

future plans, job descriptions

2.2 Plans: stating plans and intentions,

arranging a meeting by phone, writing

emails …

2.3 New Job: talking about your CV, job

adverts and interviews …

Use the present simple for regular or

routine events, job descriptions, and


Use the present continuous for current

actions and future plans

Vocabulary: assistant, crew, operator,

supervisor, etc

Use "going to" for future plans and


Write a short job description

Make a plan

Write a short CV

Role play a job interview

Vocabulary: Headings on a CV

(experience, qualification, training),

Work tasks (hold, inspect, meet, run)


Review Unit A:

Trainees will review and practice

form, meaning, and use of the

instructional content of units 1 & 2.

Match pictures with instructions

Write a progress report

Complete dialogues

Write a job description

Write a job interview

Recognize devices from description

Correct mistakes

Make a plan

Practice writing a CV

Research a job


Unit 3: Comparison

3.1 Limits: Explaining dimension limits,

comparing two items

3.2 products: Asking, offering and checking

specifying requirements

3.3 Equipment : Comparing three or more

items, collaborative problem solving ,

reporting on a meeting

Use the comparative form of


Reply to an email

Role play phone conversations

between customer and service staff

Use "one" to avoid repetition

Use "too +adjective" or not +

adjective + enough" to explain a


Identify language functions

Practice making comparisons

Use the superlative form of adjectives

Write a short report


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 02

Vocabulary: adjectives to describe

Dimension (high, long, wide, etc),

Specifications (diameter, height,



Unit 4: Processes

4.1 Infrastructure : Describing a process

4.2 Manufacturing :Expressing purpose,

Describing two parallel processes

4.3 Communications: Describing a process

Write a description of a process using

the passive

Use the correct form of verbs

Write headings of process stages

(beginning with verb + ing)

Use "to + verb" to express the purpose

of an action

Practice speed reading

Use "who" and "which" properly

Identify the difference between active

and passive sentences

Vocabulary: Stages in a process

(casting, cooling, cutting, etc), Car

assembly(axle , body , chassis),

Sequence(finally, first, next, etc)

Use hyphens


Review Unit B:

Trainees will review and practice

form, meaning, and use of the

instructional content of units 3& 4.

Make comparisons

Identify language functions

Practice using "one"

Match descriptions to vehicles

Convert instructions to a process


Make a list of instructions

Make a set of headings

Use hyphens(-)

Ask and answer questions

Practice using the passive form


Unit 5: Descriptions

5.1 Uses: Describing use of function

5.2 Appearance: Describing shape and


5.3 Definitions: Giving a definition

Describe the shape and appearance of


Form adjectives from nouns

Identify names of objects

Ask questions (appearance,

dimensions, use, materials, properties)

to recognize an object

Use "which", "who", and "that"


Give a definition of a device

Vocabulary: look like, is shaped like,

in the shape of, circular, and names of



Unit 6: Procedures

6.1 Safety: Describe safety hazards,

Explaining safety procedures, expressing


Describe safety hazards

Use modals and passive form to write

safety rules

Explain safety labels


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 04

6.2 Emergency: Brainstorming,

recommending action

6.3 Directions: Giving directions to a

location, following directions

Identify the difference between "must"

and "should"

Ask and answer questions

Explain safety procedures

Brainstorm a rescue plan

Provide recommendations

Give directions to a location

Follow directions

Vocabulary: Warehouse (aisle, fork,

pallet, ramp), Warning labels (fragile,

keep frozen, keep upright), Rescue

first aid (artificial respiration,

causality, treatment)


Review Unit C

Trainees will review and practice form,

meaning, and use of the instructional

content of units 5 & 6.

Describe the function of each item of


Make definitions

Change instructions into passive

Describe the appearance and function

of devices

Use the correct form of verbs

Change instructions into the passive

4 Final Exam

64 Total


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 03

All Majors Major English Language Center


Eng. 204 Code Communication Skills Course Title

ENG 103 (Engineering Departments) or Eng 113 (Admin. Technology) Prerequisite

5 4 3 2 1 Semester Course Description:

This course is intended to provide Computing, IT and

Communications trainees with opportunities to develop their

communication skills by providing a comprehensive approach to

speaking and listening competence. The course covers the major

areas of speech production and the listening skills necessary to

specifically improve speech production and generally improve

listening ability. The major elements of English speech

production are taught. Students will learn to integrate the essential

elements of accurate pronunciation and speech and to listen for

different tones in pronunciation that provide clues to meaning.

3 Credit Hrs/w

4 Contact Hrs/w

General Goal:

The general goal of this course is to develop students’ oral communication skills and confidence to use

English during study and express themselves in social contexts.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

Improve ability to speak English more clearly and accurately.

Attach correct sounds to difficult spelling patterns.

Hear the difference between similar consonants and vowels and speak them correctly.

Hear and speak accurate word endings using appropriate stress.

Identify and speak the correct number of syllables, rhythm, and intonation patterns.

Identify and accurately change intonation patterns to indicate different meanings, such as question,

statement, and contrast, etc.

Listen to a variety of short dialogues and respond appropriately.

Wilson, W. & Barnard, R. (2008). Fifty-Fifty, Intro. Pearson Longman. Textbook:

Companion website:

The website contains self-study exercises and downloadable audio material



English/English/Arabic Dictionary References:


Instructional Objectives Contents Hrs


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In each unit students will learn and practice the

following language functions and skills:

Listening activities

o Answer basic questions in a classroom context

o Listen to a very short dialogue

o Listen and match answers with yes/no questions

Getting Started

o Listening Tasks

o Speaking Tasks


Speaking activities

o Ask yes/no questions

o Speak to a partner

o Answer the partner's own questions

o Get to know other students in the classroom

through asking questions

Listening activities

o Spell basic words, e.g. names and numbers

o Match spoken words with the appropriate


o Listen and fill in missing information

Unit 1

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p106


Speaking activities

o Speak to other students, ask them about personal

information, write it down in a card

o Use a set of multi-word units Play a language

game with 2-4 partners. This game involves turn

taking and matching information

o Do a spelling homework, then ask partners to

spell some of the words

Listening activities

o Ask some wh-questions

o Listen to a conversation then practice with a


o Fill in blank cards

o Listen and check the correct information

Unit 2

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p107

4 Speaking activities

o Ask a partner yes/no questions

o Fill in blank boxes by talking to a partner

o Carry out structured conversations with partners

o Ask and answer wh-questions about countries,

nationalities, and languages


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43 من 06

Listening activities

o Ask wh-questions

o Listen to a conversation about prepositions of


o Use vocabulary related to locations and objects

o Listen and circle the matching pictures

o Listen and circle 'true' or 'false'

Unit 3

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p108


Speaking activities

o Ask and answer questions about people and

locations in a picture and compare them with

people and objects in a similar picture

o Write questions and answers on items in a

picture, then discuss them with a partner

o Homework: use models provided to write

questions and answers

Listening activities

o Answer questions about actions being done at

the present time

o Listen and match names to people in a picture

o Check comprehension of sentences through T/F

Unit 4

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p109


Speaking activities

o Use the present continuous tense

o Say as many sentences as possible using pictures

o Find 3 people in a picture and write 3 sentences

about each

Listening activities

o Look at pictures and answer relevant questions

o Guess the questions of the answers given by a


o Listen and identify the right picture, and write

keywords for each

Unit 5

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks


Speaking activities

o Give directions to locate objects in a picture

o Act actions, and other students guess the actions

o Play a language game that involves asking and

answering questions

Listening activities

o Ask more wh-questions

Unit 6

Listening Tasks



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o Use adverbs of frequency

o Identify occupations through descriptions and


Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p110

Speaking activities

o Use the simple present tense

o Ask yes/no questions about occupations

o Role play an occupation, talk to classmates about

it, and answer their questions

o Take turns with a partner to fill in a chart

o Write 6-10 sentences about people in pictures


Listening activities

o Listen to wh-questions and answers

o Match numbers with activities

o Listen and write notes and answers of where,

how often, when, and who about each activity

o Use vocabulary related to free time activities

Unit 7

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p111

4 Speaking activities

o Read wh-questions and possible answers

o Ask wh-questions with classmates

o Use the present tense to express habitual


o In groups, ask wh-questions and guess answers

Listening activities

o Listen and match items with those in the

listening task

o Listen for specific vocabulary

Unit 8

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p112


Speaking activities

o Use vocabulary related to what people have

o Work with a partner to match two identical

pictures with missing information

o Walk around and practice yes/no questions

o Listen to things, and then talk about them to


Listening activities

o Listen to conversations about buying and selling


Unit 9

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks



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o Use vocabulary related to things in different


Self-study exercises p113

Speaking activities

o Role play shoppers and salespeople

o Ask and answer questions about items and prices

with a partner

o Re-arrange lines of a conversation, and label

each line with 'customer' or 'salesperson'

Listening activities

o Practice asking and answering questions with the


o Listen to conversations, choose the matching

pictures, and write keywords for each picture

Unit 10

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

4 Speaking activities

o Choose a picture and make up a statement or a

sentence, and other students discover what is in

that picture

o Act out an action; other students guess what that

action is

o Play a game of choosing 2 numbers and try to

match a question with an its answer

Listening activities

o Answer questions using the past tense

o Use new vocabulary related to places

o Listen to conversations about where people

were, and place appropriate numbers next to

each picture

o Ask and answer questions 'Where were/was…'

Unit 11

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p114

4 Speaking activities

o Use vocabulary related to daily activities

o Write sentences about activities he/she did in

their vacation

o Write days and dates of his/her classmates

activities in the past

o Write 7 sentences about where he/she was and

what he/she did, then show their answers to


Listening activities

o Listen to a dialogue (did, why did, etc.)

o Listen and number things on a shopping list

Unit 12

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks


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Speaking activities

o First student chooses a picture and talks about

what he/she did, second student repeats the same

sentence, chooses another sentence, and adds

another sentence, and so on

o Ask and answer questions about what people did

in pictures

o Find a picture of his/her own and describe what

people did in the past

o Practice yes/no questions in the past

Self-study exercises p115


Listening activities

o Listen to a dialogue and practice with a partner

(present continuous)

o Listen and choose the matching activity

o Use vocabulary related to actions and activities

Unit 13

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p116

4 Speaking activities

o Fill in boxes with suitable activities, and ask and

answer related questions with a partner

o Fill in a personal diary for future events, and

discuss with partners

o Write sentences about certain activities, and ask

and answer yes/no questions (present


Listening activities

o Listen to a dialogue (modals)

o Listen and match the right number for each


o Listen again to structured/controlled

conversations and fill in missing words

Unit 14

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks

Self-study exercises p117

4 Speaking activities

o Role play a phone call conversation and ask and

answer questions about people

o Write different replies to phone calls with

partners and take turns

Listening activities

o Look at pictures and answer questions, read out

the answers, and other students guess the

questions (different tenses as a revision)

o Listen to conversations (book closed), and then

attach numbers and key words to pictures (book


Unit 15

Listening Tasks

Speaking Tasks



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Speaking activities

o Choose one verb and use it in different tenses

(i.e. yesterday, now, tomorrow, and everyday),

then next student repeats the same sentences and

adds more sentences about a different verb, and

so on

o Act out an action until other partners identify it

o Ask and answer yes/no questions (different


o Match answers with questions asked by a partner

Total 64

Recommendations for Instructors:

Teachers are advised to use additional supplementary materials (as needed) based on the

communication needs of their students.

It is also recommended to make use of the students' knowledge of the subject matter in

their major in order to boost their self confidence and use their technical knowledge to

develop communication in class.

The use of PowerPoint and other teaching aides is highly recommended.

Authentic Communicative activities in this book are very important tools to develop the

students' communicative competence. Based on the student’s field of training, using more

relevant authentic communicative activities will prove useful.


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Department English Language Center Major Admin. Technology

Course Title English Language 1 Code ENG 111

Prerequisite None

Course Description: This course provides administration technology students with a

solid foundation of basic sentence form and function. It

concentrates on grammatical structures, vocabulary expressions

often used in business and social contexts.

Semester 1 2 3 4 5

Credit Hrs/w 3

Contact Hrs/w 4

General Goal:

The course aims to consolidate student’s previous knowledge of English, and bring it up to a pre-intermediate level

which enables them continue courses related to their particular majors.

Objectives :

By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following :

Communicate using social and major-related business terms and vocabulary.

Understand simple dialogues in simple business and social situations.

Increase their confidence in using English in areas such as telephoning, ordering, making


Write short guided texts using relevant vocabulary, basic sentence structure, reasonably correct

spelling, and, punctuation.


Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2004) Business Goals 1.


Readings and

Teaching Aids.

6. Course Book Audio CD.

7. Workbook with Audio CD

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary


Hrs Contents

Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the following

Language forms and functions:


Unit 1

New Faces:

Part A: Introducing yourself

Part B: Introducing other people

Practice introducing themselves

Introducing other people

Read and understand business cards

Identify social titles to address other people e.g.

Mr. Mrs.

Talk about friends and job


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Unit 2

Around the Office:

Part A: In the office

Part B:Workplaces and Location


Talk about things in the office

Identify office objects

Describe office objects function

Use prepositions to describe location of objects

Compare different pictures

Describe where places are

Identify cities and location on map

Write e-mail explaining locations.

Use "would like to" in questions


Unit 3

Products and Services:

Part A: Describing Products and Services

Part B: Comparing Products and Services

Listen to people describing products and


Describe products and services

Write short guided sentences using relevant


Listen to texts comparing between products or


Read about different products and services

Talk in pairs about personal preferences vis-à-

vis products and services

2 Review 1:

Trainees will review and practice form, meaning, and use of the instructional content of units 1, 2 and 3.


Unit 4

Time Zones:

Part A: Telling the Time

Part B: Planning Schedules

Ask questions about time

Compare the time in three different places

through using written questions

Read a very short text about culture differences

in terms of working weeks

Fill in the gaps while listening to people

describing their working weeks

Get involved in a conversation about telling the


Read an e-mail about a business person visiting

another company

Plan a schedule for that business person

Learn relative collocations

Write and compare schedules with other


Write a reply to the business person with

planned schedule


Unit 5

On the Phone:

Part A: Answering the Phone

Part B: Calling for Information

Listen to different phone calls and identify the

caller of each call

Role play some phone calls available in the


Read a very short text about culture use of

mobile phones


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43 من 24

Listen to telephone conversations and complete

a relative form

Take different turns in phone calls


Unit 6

Placing an Order:

Part A: Ordering what you Need

Part B: Dealing with problems

Talk about different ways of ordering things on

personal level, and identify good and bad

points for each way

Listen to text related to buying and selling


Listen and fill in missing information

Role play ordering and taking orders over the


Discuss questions and photos about cultural

differences in terms of work clothes and


Brainstorm problems that might arise with


Listen to problems with invoices

Write short action-points in a form

Locate mistakes with different invoices

Complain about mistakes in invoices

2 Review 2:

Trainees will review and practice form, meaning, and use of the instructional content of units 4, 5 and 6.


Unit 7

Making a Reservation:

Part A: Making a Booking

Part B: Choosing a Service

Brainstorm some questions that a hotel

receptionist could ask customers about

Arrange mixed words to make questions

Listen to different conversations about


Role play a hotel receptionist or a customer

making a fight reservation

Look at pictures and fill in the blanks

Role play a customer/agent in rent-a-car agency

in the UK

Learn some cultural differences in saying and

writing dates

Listen and fill in the gaps/answer questions

about someone reserving a rental car at

Gatwick airport

Take notes, fill in a reservation form, and role

play a customer/agent

Report personal preferences about choosing a

particular service/agency


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Unit 8

Getting Around:

Part A: Getting around Town

Part B: Arriving for an Appointment

Read an e-mail including directions for the

company's location

Fill in the gaps of a conversation exercise

Listen to people giving directions and

takes notes for each one

Look at a map and role play someone who

needs/gives directions

Listen to a conversation and fill in the gaps

Read two mixed up conversations,

rearrange their order, and role play them

Explore cultural differences regarding

some business practices

Role play a receptionist/visitor


Review 3:

Trainees will review and practice form, meaning, and use of the instructional content of

units 7 and 8.


Unit 9

About the Company:

Part A: Taking about a company's


Part B:Reporting on company


Use the past tense to talk about company


Order information according to importance

Practice taking notes

Use notes to talk about a company

Use the present perfect when there is no past


Write reports about company changesS


Unit 10


Part A: Routines and past evens

Part B: Comparing routines

Associate verbs with pictures

Guess action from picture

Use present continues to describe pictures

Order pictures according to story

Use adverbs of frequency

Ask questions with how often

Use but to compare two things

Compare data using longest/shortest


Review 4:

Trainees will review and practice form, meaning, and use of the instructional content of

units 9 and 10.

4 Final Exam

64 Total


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43 من 25

Department English Language Center Major Admin. Technology

Course Title English Language 2 Code ENG 112

Prerequisite ENG 111

Course Description:

This course is designed to consolidate students’

knowledge of English with business- related skills and

vocabulary necessary for an adequate performance in

the business work place. It provides students with the

language skills and confidence to use English in a wide

range of business and social situations. It aims at

boosting the students ' communication skills necessary

for good performance on the job through large doses of

listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities.

Semester 1 2 3 4 5

Credit Hrs/w 3

Contact Hrs/w 4

General Goal:

This course aims to create opportunities for students to practice English in business related settings

and situations.

Objectives :

By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following :

Use a wide range of business related vocabulary

Carry out a reasonable range of spoken exchanges required in business related settings

and situations

Show reasonable awareness of business trends and etiquette

Write relatively short pieces of writing required in an administrative job

Carry out telephone exchanges and write emails on familiar topics

Read short letters, memos, and messages

Interpret information in a graph, charts and diagrams

Present themselves, their jobs and company, to clients / others

Textbooks: Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2004) Business Goals 1.

Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2008) Business Goals 2.


Readings and

Teaching Aids.

8. Course Book Audio CDs.

9. Work Books with Audio CDs

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary


1. Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2004) Business Goals 1

Hrs Contents

Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the following

Language forms and functions:


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Unit 11

Small Talk:

Part A: Breaking the Ice

Part B: Keeping a conversation


Use greeting phrases in informal social chats when

meeting for first time

Identify topics from listening

Learn small talks etiquette

Listen and identify good small talks

Give "answer plus" to questions

Tell the time

Write a reply to letters


Unit 12

Getting Personal:

Part A: Taking about your career

Part B:taking about your experiences

Practice talking about careers

Identify career from listening

Associates dates with career

Use preposition of time talk about career

Practice talking about experience

Listen and identify job interview

Use the present perfect to talk about some time/an

exact time in the past

Use the past simple to talk about some time/ an

exact time in the past

Use ever/ at any time


Unit 13


Part A: Recommending

Part B: Inviting and responding

Learn different ways of recommending food in a

restaurant, and how to respond to recommendations

Take notes from a listening conversation

Listen to a conversation and fill in the gaps

Distinguish between the words describing how

things are cooked and words used to describe how

things taste

Write a description of a dish that visitors like to try

Role play a host/ visitor in a restaurant for a

business dinner

Use the passive voice to describe actions when one

doesn't know or doesn't want to say who performed


Brainstorm things one would like to do on a visit to

another country

Learn to make invitations, and how to respond to

them politely (accepting or refusing)

Practice making invitations and responding to them

Write a short email accepting an invitation and

asking questions

2 Review: Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit 11,12, and 13


Unit 14

Getting Help

Part A: Giving instructions

Part B: Talking about problems

Part C: Giving advice

Listen to someone giving instructions, rearrange

them, and fill in the missing verbs

Use sequencing adverbs to make the instructions

easier to follow

Use the imperative to explain how to do things

(positive & negative imperatives)

Practice giving instructions for making a business


Match problems to advice

Read about employees and correct the mistakes

Practice giving advice to various problems

Listen to a text about problems, and fill in the

missing information

Talk in pairs about the problems one might have on

the first day of work


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Unit 15

Working Together

Part A: Making requests

Part B:Making suggestions

Learn how to make polite requests

Learn how to respond to requests

Practice making requests and giving responses

Write an email asking for a company brochure and

information on health insurance

Read descriptions of different types of meetings

Match verbs to nouns to make different ways of

making a product

Listen to a meeting and complete the suggestions

and the responses

Learn how to make suggestions

Learn how to respond to suggestions (agreeing &

disagreeing politely)

Role play short conversations about suggestions and




Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit

14 and 15

2. Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2008) Business Goals 2


Unit 1

Greeting Visitors:

Part A: Greeting visitors to your country

Part B: Greeting visitors to your office

Listen and identify topics in a conversation

Greet visitors with "can I help you"

Identify speakers in a conversation

Practice meeting visitors at the airport

Use etiquette when making "small business talks"

Identify proper responses in business meetings

Form past simple questions

Select proper topics in business meetings


Unit 2


Part A: Describing companies

Part B: Company profiles

Label diagrams from texts

Use correct part of speech

Vocabulary: business terms, accountancy, law,


Identify different types of companies

Scan texts for info

Answer questions on reading texts

Form passive form and use them in sentences

Make questions using the passive form

Ask questions about topics

Write short profiles about specific companies

Form compound nouns


Unit 3


Part A: Describing your job

Part B: Talking about your ability

Answer questions about jobs

Use words to complete tables

Identify people after listening to their place of work

or responsibility

Introduce themselves and their jobs

Practice talking about their jobs

Listen for true or false info

Group words into categories

Vocabulary: Personal qualities: be creative, have


Use for and since with the present perfect

Identify best person for job according to histories

and abilities.


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Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit

1,2, and 3


Unit 4


Part A: Talking about office equipment

Part B: Talking about features and


Discuss the names and problems of different kinds

of equipment

Vocabulary: Identify adjectives and their opposites

Grammar: too and enough

Identify office needs of equipment

Recognize the difference between features and


Decide among different presentation equipment

according to needs


Unit 5

Comparing Services:

Part A: Business services

Part B: Expressing your opinion

Vocabulary: come up with the right adjective from a

noun: convenience-convenient, etc.

Identify the right service(s) for a job

Use adverb to add meaning to adjectives

Identify the right venue for a presentation,

conference, etc.

Take notes from a listening conversation about

advantages and disadvantages

Distinguish the different expressions used for

agreement, disagreement or giving opinion

Reply to emails, and give opinion

Decide on one choice among different alternatives

by analyzing advantages and disadvantages



Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit 4

and 5

4 Final Exam

64 Total


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43 من 29

Department English Language Center Major Admin. Technology


Title English Language 3 Code ENG 113


te ENG 112

Course Description:

This course is designed to consolidate students’

knowledge of English with business- related skills and

vocabulary necessary for an adequate performance in

the business work place. It provides students with the

language skills and confidence to use English in a wide

range of business and social situations. It aims at

boosting the students ' communication skills necessary

for good performance on the job through large doses of

listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities.

Semester 1 2 3 4 5

Credit hr/w 3

Contact hr/w 4

General Goal:

This course aims to create opportunities for students to practice English in business related settings

and situations.

Objectives :

By the end of the course, trainees will demonstrate their abilities to do the following :

Use a wide range of business related vocabulary

Carry out a reasonable range of spoken exchanges required in business related settings

and situations

Show reasonable awareness of business trends and etiquette

Write relatively short pieces of writing required in an administrative job

Carry out telephone exchanges and write emails on familiar topics

Read short letters, memos, an messages

Interpret information in a graph, charts and diagrams

Present themselves, their jobs and company, to clients / others

Textbook: Gareth Knight, Mark Oneil, Bernie Hayden, (2008) Business Goals 2.


Readings and

Teaching Aids:

10. Course Book Audio CD.

11. Work Book with Audio CD

References: Oxford Word Power Dictionary



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هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


مجيع األسمام

امةاملقررات الع

43 من 41

Hrs Contents

Instructional Objectives

Students will learn and practice the following

Language forms and functions:


Unit 6

Office Systems:

Part A: Everyday office technology

Part B: Company procedures

Vocabulary: Identify words related to

communication/telephone systems

Use if when giving instructions

Write instructions on different tasks

Identify the right order of instructions for a

certain procedure

Recognize the different time expressions-

when, after- that connect actions

Take notes on specific details from a listening


Ask questions to clarify confusing information

Write a set of instructions to make a procedure


Unit 7

Phone Messages:

Part A: Taking and leaving phone


Part B: Leaving voicemail messages

Take notes from phone calls

Identify common expressions used in phone


Take messages from phone calls

Practice phone conversations by being a caller

and a receptionist

Read pieces of advice about telephone etiquette

Identify the purpose and the immediate action

that follows a business phone call

Take notes from voicemail messages

Practice leaving voicemail messages, using the

right business phone call etiquette


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


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43 من 40


Unit 8


Part A: Making an appointment

Part B: Changing an appointment

Discuss different ways of organizing a


Take notes about schedules from a phone call

Identify the different expressions used when

making an appointment

Practice making appointments: agreeing,

disagreeing, and suggesting alternatives

Practice making appointment according to

different schedules

Discuss making, changing, or forgetting

appointments in student’s own culture

Vocabulary: Recognize different expressions

related to appointments, and their definitions

Identify expressions used when apologizing

about rescheduling/cancelling an appointment

and suggesting an alternative time


Review 1:

Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit 6,

7, and 8.


Unit 9


Part A: Organizing meetings

Part B: Taking part in meetings

Identify the purpose, advantages and

disadvantages of business meetings.

Identify the different things one should do to

organize a meeting

Convert information from text to table

Identify the different language functions used

when planning a meeting: checking

availability, giving preferences, etc.

Use the functions above to organize a meeting

of four people

Write an email confirming the details of a


Identify the importance of different agenda

items in a meeting

Identify different ways of getting feedback

from customers

Identify the different expressions used when

discussing a topic in a meeting


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


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43 من 42


Unit 10


Part A: Negotiating with colleagues

Part B: Business negotiations

Recognize the purpose of negotiation

Take notes from a listening conversation

Practice using if in conditional sentences

Negotiate with colleagues the different roles to

be taken by each one to achieve a certain task

Vocabulary: match the language used in

advertisements with definitions/explanation

Identify the different stages used in a


Practice negotiating a business deal: agree,

disagree and suggest alternatives

Write an email confirming the results of



Unit 11


Part A: Exchanging money

Part B: Payment methods

Identify the concept of currency and the

purpose of using it

Match different currencies with their countries

Practice reading large amounts of money

Practice changing currencies and calculating

the exchange rates

Vocabulary: Identify words related to credit


Identify the necessary information needed to

make bank transactions

Practice making questions and polite requests

when making bank transactions

Complete business bank forms by asking and

answering questions

Discuss advantages and disadvantages of

different payment methods


Review 2:

Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit 9,

10, and 11


الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


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43 من 44


Unit 12


Part A: Ways of marketing

Part B: Talking about websites

Discuss the different ways of marketing

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of

different forms of marketing

Take notes on a business talk

Grammar: gerunds and infinitives

Make questions and answers about marketing a

certain product

Design a marketing campaign according to

product and suitable way of marketing

Identify different words related to websites

Discuss the functions of different headings in

websites: Home, Contact us, etc.

Identify the different features that make a good



Unit 13


Part A: Meeting people and making


Part B: Following up

Identify the good places to meet people from

other companies socially

Discuss the advantages of networking

Vocabulary: networking, personal networking,

contacts, etc

Identify different steps to better networking

Take notes from a listening conversation

Practice introducing business people and

making contacts

Practice following up a meeting with a phone

call or email

Write an email thanking someone for help


Review 3:

Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit

12 and 13


Unit 14


Part A: Talking about changes and


Part B: Describing and predicting


Match percentages to fractions

Vocabulary: Numbers, percentages, fractions,

charts, graphs, etc

Take notes from a listening conversation

Practice describing graphs

Practice talking about changes and trends

Grammar: past simple, present perfect, and

present continuous

Identify the verbs, adverbs, and adverbial

phrases used in describing trends and



الدراسات العامة222

عوديةاململكة العربية الم

هينريب التقين واملاملؤسمة العامة للتد

اهجي وتطوير املناإلدارة العامة لتصم هـ8241نصفي


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43 من 43


Unit 15

Presenting Information:

Part A: Giving a progress report

Part B: Giving a presentation

Identify the purpose and advantages of a

progress report

Recognize the right order of the progress report


Practice using already, still, and yet

Recognize the difference between done, not

done, or in progress stages

practice giving a progress report

Identify the features that make a good


Practice giving presentations

Identify the structure of a presentation, be

familiar with the most common words and

phrases used in each part


Review 4:

Trainees will review and practice forms, meaning, and use of the instructional content of unit

14 and 15

4 Final Exam

64 Total

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