kindness club letter october 1971

Post on 19-Oct-2021






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October 1971


··-. - .

--· --.- . ~-· ·-· .,.., \.t .... ~.;:;. ~-

ehioks; and. ducklings next Easter. Kn.o'V-m as the ~chick bill,'

it prohibits selling or giving away baby poultry, except

for raising them on a farm. It also prohibits coloring or

dyeing these baby animals, a practice oort.mon at Easter, to

Becky Jungkuntz wrote Senator Tennyson Guyer and asked him

to introduce .a bii1 to help baby chicks. Their club, t.hi3

'Bucky Beavers' with 25 members in the 5th and 6th grades,

distributed the Easter poster and told many people about

They met

~aign and plan their efforts to get support for the bill~

Representative Robert·schuck helped when he introduced a

companion bill in the House.

Not every campa.:gn to he"- · ' • · • _ .. ..:._- -- .~.. __ · - .. e7p am.m~ls l.S successful so quick-''*~ l;t · . _ !·i~ny, meulbers wl_lo tvrJ. te thE:ir leqis lators wonder ~- f tne1r -reallY.: do an·---,y- cra_-:-~brf_~--~ _ - - • ~ . -· ___ ,.; . .,. ---- --- ~ ,This ; a nr""'-o-f! .rhau AA -- r:r-~ - ........ -'~'*'"J ,..,..,.y-.

Your friend,

the oousin.of your own pet d?g, l!.~b likes to eat fruit for dessert? His hv~l ends with short notes,. as if he had: howled, t.htln-run the howl, ~•- bit t.h~ti .· last end of it into little-pieces. His proper n&-ne is. Cani$ .. ·· latrans, and m~ans barking dog. We know him as the coyote.

• •

A ralati""e of the wolf, he is often called the brush:. wolf, .or prairie wolf. Coyotes are actually so smart that' b~ey will sometimes live in areas where wolves would have a hard time findin._q enouqh to eat.

Coyotes kept chained as pets by farmers have a clever way of outwitting the chickens that roam in the fa~n¥ard. Saving $Qme of his food and 5Ci$.ttek'ing it. within his own reach; the coyote will pretend to 90 to sleep. As soon as a chicken is within th~ area where his chain will reach, the coyote pounces on it. This sarru:a story. has been told ·. by a number of farmers who had coyotes cha1ned as pets*

A pair of free ·ooyotes raise~ 7 pups in a litter.. They are believed to mate for life, as do wolves. Mother coy­ote instructs her pups just how far they may wander. from the den. Even if ex.cit$d, they never disobey, but always stop when they come to_ tpa~ invisible boundary.

Although the main diet of coyotes is insects, rodents~ rabbit.s ar,d rneat. from animals that have already died, many r~~ehers claim they kill sheep ar1d other livestock. Because of this at least SOrOOO coyotes are killed ever~ year. Most of 'them die from poison put out by Government ag-ents.

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t-1~ noo th¢ owl liked P«fOple. He wa~ -bur~ous , J!tS owl$ are,. and W~i"H~~red_; _a. jiot abo:ut peop.t.e 's ways. H •. _j.iked;

. them and couldn't understand- why people t'fere_:) A\Jo. ,~fndd Of h'ifi'f. . 1 , • .r • · I .•

......._ . . ' .' ' \ . I I , ,~ne day he began to wonder lf owls were the pnly.anima_ls

~~ . rGoy:le. didn't like • ~-. W'i'it t.hl;jouqh the .. forest ..;,h ' 1Wl\¢Oc-lo~ feared most by people?'' several animals ~~.ougl}tr they werer most feared .... ! . .- I , -~

- Buzzy/bat had. the most reasons t:o offer(: ·He said, ~r.teople sel~~. see _me. be~ause _I fly_ ~t night,.' I '1f:Ueep in £aVes or dark place~ 1m . th,e day. 1 They. have r.o ehan:ce to

_:.,;,__ J.earn about me or, understanQ my ways. ! guess that1 s 1why. --they started: those· ru.rnors «lPout me .. "

f 4'vYhoq ·started rumors?'' asked Wu hoo. . ':~ 11 Peopl~~,. of O(;)U~se, 11 _sa~ Buzzy. -~',They say I like to at g1rls • ha~r ~nd g~t tang-led 1n. it. And they think I s.uck bloog' from people whil«a they sleep •.• when evex:yone . knCP.!TS -l dqp; J t:· eat anything_ but insao~s. II I - ) .

"How•Qo cquld tihat :a;umor qet star~d?" asked Wu hoo. _ .... Oh, I suppose .someone heard' of a: distant relative ·Qf~. mine •. I have; a bfg family 1 ·you -k~ow 6 ana he's SO%\t of a I.

· ·•b:tack $heep' of the famil-y. . He u,sually picks on qows -or h(!JI!ftl';:umQ. r~rei.~y .bo~e:;-s . peop_i~; -'·He· lives mainly-in .. }~it~ ...

. lJ and, the jungies of sopth Amerit;!a so I don't ~se-e how_·:(. •

1 ~•:O~le coulP, confuse me· with nim.. Of c·ourse,, I ha'V"e' otn~~i'" 1

1fll1at1ves dowri there who eat ~nothing but fruit. e· · .J •••• : .t'~o.;>-well,, th~t could be enough,1;o make peOJ?l~ afraid. n ..


. , I

I Wu hoo turn.~d to. tne black .. eat who had just joined th~ group in ttie forest<; "You live "tvith humans 1 Taboo. Why a:re SOU'Ie of them afraid of ~" -

"I think my problem i~ ev~n WOI't'!Hic'!, ~'?U hoc~ '' said Taboo. ~rr-IoW=oo can- t_llat .be?u ''P~ople_think up .all. sorts of thinqs~=like·· 'Bad Luck'.

Now weal~ ~now life are justwhat we mike themt 1 if we try hard a_!ld are careful and diligEmt, But .PeoPle often d.on' t bother* ~'fnen soi"nething q-oef.i t-trong they just oaJ.l it 'Bad Luck •, 11 explained T·aboc( · · ·· .·

";H~-oo' do you fit ~n with 'Bad Luck •?" asked the per-plexea_ tiu hoo. · . · · ···... . · ..

liT · T d l • · \ ... g~ass ·"' scare .. a· few_ people~ ~vou know. $-the wav :r -1 ook 1-1 ke ·a . ~h~rl"""'·' ""t·· "'",..h.,_-; ft- t'h"' - 0 , .: h+- ,. .. ..., ..,_ .. -~ '""*'~"' " ~ ="--~"'"" ...... """"'':'~··""· -:-·~ ..... / m on ... .~.g ...... . .., cruess . scared. .fi\eople d~cided :r was the cause of.· a11 their • Bad· Luck; v .J t-lhy POID~ won't let me ~talk across the path in' front of ~hem." cried Taboo. "It isn;t easy havinq people a.~,t"aid of Y,Otl. Of course my fwnily is good to me beca:cui:Hi!

1 tney lo\re me and knv"' I'm gentle and wouldn f t harm anyone .. " ··-·7 \

lr~4~~tJl~ ~_ .. ,.,....-.. ,, , .......... · ~-,.-~ ) r·"'· -t,../·· · ..,,

:-.~~\ -"""


''I thii'l.k f*m 'tfha least t.mderstood.of all, If Jonquil, the big garden spider, as she put the finishing touches on her new web* •,;A few 'of m} ... tiny rela,tives h~ve poiison in their bites to protect themselves. 1L think beoaus~ of that people thip.k all spiders are harmful. They think , we're ugly t too=~but raally, some of us are qui:te beaut.J.­ful. see my lovely yellow markin,gs 1" :.

"Oh, Jonq'Qil, !i responded 'I'aboo, ''How can you say people are afra;i.d of you? now about the time the boys at my hou-se

!too:k you to sel}ool?"


~Jona.uil sighed. ',1That' s an experience :r • d like to for-\ ..,. - '

g-et·. l'iaybe ~-:Weren :t afraid of me~ but th~y took ms to ·school to scare the girl$~ I wasbruised for weeks after that and log t a l~o while thev were throwing me ar-ound.! ''

~~-- ..,.,; -- -· ""''" "ii '"''. J • ~- .. .-"'!'.. .. - "- ·- ·--, ___ '!!,eli;.· __ .-_ "i ~ r~~Vt.1Y Q-l.Qll "-1:. you bl..t.:e·-_ thetU? ~,. Buzzy, t'\fl-as eyea S:r:

t-fie exnerienoe ;Jonquil was relating 4 · •

';An~ ma}s:e our ;reputation worset Besides, we spiders are a shy and retiring g:t·oup. As it is, at least I'm still alivS-~ H

"NU hoo,. ";hy are/people afraid of you?" agk~d Taboo~ He .'hacl J~not\l'n the erwl· as a. good friend in. the night;; and. ct:~uldn' t

thil1k of a single reaso:h why people should be 1J(j~'taid of him ... ' "Vfl:loo-~·.rell. 1 'm not sure. I think it migh.t be sc;mething

-lH;;i;; ·~our p+oblem~ Sometimes boys and qirls co1ne. racing thro<;tgh ··the. woods du~i~g the day, shouting- and we.king u:~ e

It. nearlv · scarea half to deaVJl until I .realiz-8 what kind ot; nc• ia~"' t~~ h:oo 5topped and thouqht .!._hit~ nMy .._, -- ....... •· ., ... ,.., i'i- t' .... .: ,..t..t· "'o·· dnn' t· -t·p..,.·""'"""" ,...t-o"""7 ,,..~e ~l;lEC t...V .t.;.<#~-": ...t...O a. ___ 4~4-~-~l- ~ A -U v-.- · &'}Y,, .f:#'~~~-- t .. 'fl'~'"'"~""~'"f ~~~ "-"'

scared because I sing at:, do you?'~ ·• I' l.l :bet that's i ti'J cried Buzzy,· /swoop:tng a.nd. da.rting

around the brancheS~ of a tree, endfng up in a so:m~rsault in . mid-air. "I've got it, I''ve got .it! People don 1 t un~e:r:-­stand us~ How can we get :f;:.tlem to understand us bett~n:;?!f -

""" ·.,. -·'1" ...._. ... ,... . ._ ... "-no " ..,...,.4-.,.,.-r.f==Fl Tr..,rn··~"'! """"'"mn"1v ~-eop~e V/1 ~ Jl·fay~;~ ··~Y, •W ~'-'~ ~eu VU,u,'-1M,.,w • .\..l. ~.A" "~..-~~o\>.~\~-~-1

~lThii1!Y • ll always be a_f)!'aid of spiders." · . · · "No they wontt, Jo~quil¥ if we cart j~st get them to

leaJ:n. about Uti • - Ifi ~~e people visited th$ WOO.d$ w~ coUX!l"" -Sftg'1f- th~m 'ifllt!i iril~&f!. ~'M:} ·tH~i:"1'ft ~ " ~~id B'!dz zy.. . . . .

~· I don ' t think that • 13 the ans'>4'er , but I· think I know on~ tf1at will work~· Young' people are willing to lcsarn and t'lon' t; helieve all .those silll,t superstitions t'lhen they know ~ei ·.

Jiluth..' s. ~ppeal to t.bem," said Taboo with a new idea .. I

"How can we do. that.- Taboo?" asked the owl, whc:; hated to admit he. wasn • t ~t1l ili;at wise. -

. . . \

'1W'rty we11:ii join th.e:tr special day and q~t our friends. and cousins to ,celebrate with them. We'll become their spac:iai mascot! for .gallowe~h and·surpri~e th~ n 'riilioo/was now jtimp$.ng up and dawn in his exci'tte.tilemt.. · ·

_ . They m~pped out th~:r;. plans e~r~fully and one day T'aboo Visited tl:le forest ~Ji t.h the ne't'liS t.l)at Hal:loweep. was J:he next sunday .n:i':}h t ...

Eve:t:r~hQr~ a gx-oup of children· wen-t on Trick or· Tt'e·at that night they we:r;e;-- greet$(! by a blat:k.cit.t, a·spider, a bat I and M owl" . Taboo's friends , the black eats I purred a weleqm~ and rubbed against the child~en's legs to-be

·petted. Jonquir~s friends# the spiders, demonstrate~ their speed ,a_.t weaving beautiful webs.. They $Wtmg back_ and ~or1;1'i on their silk ropes., Then they climbed their rop~s and made t.}?.em disappear almost like an· Indian faki.r trick.. The owle hooted and showed 1the (children how their green eyes , .shone inr,the. moonlight',. They opened and closed. th~ir eyes ,to show how ~ir eye-lids moved .fr9m. the bottom of :their

· t:yes t:o· the ,top.· The ~Hits swurv.r. upt;ride down .. and squeeked . ~d did suep . funny antics that the child~Em lauql,ntd. and · ·beggad for- nitoa:e. liVeryotle thoUght it' was great fun ..

'. , . I . ' ,

· / · . ) · The • anim~Us th~t greeted /the · .. children were so popular, in .fact,. ·that next Hallowean every child wanted a 09stume .:tike ,a .spider, a: bat, an 1c.wtl, or a b~ck cat. :And so it ~wa~· that the animals most -often· feared (because we didn't . uride:t'atand them) are O(i!l!i!ilirat:ect. a.t -Halloween, their special ~-~ - . .

In one rece11t year'l \Vildlife Services .., ~

reported killing 21,000 bobcats and

lynx, 2,800 red vvolves, 24,000 -i' ....

..... 1U"'1u'"\ m,, ...... nta-tn 'Ho1n' " . I ""' lUU ....... . 1..... .a..-. .... ,

1~200 beavers, 7,000 badgers, ' '

· 6 .. 7 00 porcttplt1es, ~ - -

'vhile it \Vas killing 90,000

19 rr'O 1 · ,tlr

covotes are bein(l killed by a poison called lOBO, P\.lt out by- Goverrunent agents. . The·· Humane Society has a~ked ,the court to make tJ:~ese wildlife agents stop poisoning the -· ~ .. ~ • · .;;, · . • 'L . . ~ 1 '>"6 h..,. • ,.. j.,. ' 'l 'l .n.S 'i·.~w '!-hi -coyo"CeS.;. J.Ylany c.:rcraer a.v w~l.n~ ""lr·'*'-'"~'f,:;~~- .. h"Y ~.-ol.\-~

110ison~ too, sir1ce it '-loesn' t dissolve or wasl1 a:;;:a::l itt

Govern_ment agents poison coyotes because sheep ranchers, rentina land from the Govern.1·nent, clai.:m the coyotes are killing their sheep. They haven't been able to prove this. In fact, in other are;1u~ where the balance of nature hasn't been upset, coyote$ rarely bother sheep.

The lands the sheep are on are public lands~ rn~ned by the Goverr<.ment. They should he refu~~H'! for the wild animal$ tha·t live tt~ere ~ :t~o \~ild animal 5hould be pnison.~·d it

Tell your friends how Government agents are poisord,;ng oyote~ and other ~~ld a:r:ima~s. _ Ask. them_ to sign the . ~etition to urge tn~s po~son1ng oe stopped. If your par­ents waqt to learn more about the coyotes, ask thmu to write me at The Kindness Club, Waterford, Virginia, 22190, and ask for the Coyote Report.

' . I · .. H' 'E i.!!\QD rnRr-f"'T 't (' nv 'f ltf' ROBIN HOOD· S S Rnv . ru.,t.~! ~~ unilti

BRANCH ClUB NEWS Atlantic City: N.J.~-The Sea Gulls Kindness Club is with~ sight of white sa."i.ds ·and· the ''"aves of the ocean. Their president, Sharon Sue Singletary, reports that the sea gull birds fly vert low. Another member often watches the birds~ He reports that when a gull catches a clarfl it flies high, ~~en drop~ ~he clam, so it will open. some~ times·another qull .steals the elam a11d then there is"a fight. Club me.'Tibers carry bread to the sea gulls in the

f .4- t ..... ~ 't.r.. .............. -Q'""""_., __ .l!f.--..:1 .J.-'-~- t--s--..3 ~1 !1 ._ S:'r" ~~'l,A·'ri. e--i•~:f a~e ~.tUl1C4J:"'j·.,. ,l.,."'.tQ.iiV w-vw.a.e J..Ci::U ;..~.n;;;Hi JJ·&. ... _...-a~.A

~~ *~old .. d;ys. ·-The-guils ~know this; and wait for their friends.. ~¥hen a storm cOti1es··big flocks of gulls come in over the ocean. They fly overhead, then swoop down. Some are so brave they come right down on the sidewalk~

NEW.LEGISLATION ~£lp ItJC~Rr~~ASE 'rEtE FI!-11~ POl~ I<ILLI!JG BALD Bl1-GLES: 1-! ~ R ~ 10 450, introduced by Congre$sman Johtl D. Ding all, {from Michiga!l) ~

• • ...••..•. -· .._ • . A -·~on Congress .1.s now J..nver:it:.J.gat:Lng t:ne snoo~:.:.~ng o.t sotfte = ~ bald eagles from .airplanes. :r:;vG!n our Na·tional J3ird is in danger of 'extinction,· and is being destroyed as a result of the r~:richers • claims that· they kill sheep a

TO BAN NO·-DEPOSIT, NO-RETURN BOTTLES: H.R. 10291, intro~ ~ .. ~.,...._ ...... ,:;t -t .... " .. '""'f.o--r-,.,..~-n ~·----- '1' ~ii.; "--t....-1~;~~ ~1;:;r;~1 =-t~r1\l ~Y""="~~ ~:J ~ .... -~,i1j ~wo~~iW.;. ra~.t.CIA v • .!.'"A..!...\..V.i.J.O ..L. \J... .... --~:. ----x-u..""*•..\. i'

A federal law could only ban.t.he bottles when they were shipp~d from one state to another·. This is called 'in~er­state aommerce'A That's good enough~ thouah. because ~t would atf~(:!t ~V€tt"Y 5t~te except where the bottles were first made ~~d sold.

!ht:~n you ~.vear a spooky costume this HallO\-Jeen, r~em~mber how your dog will feel. If he doesn't recognize you, he won't understand! and might be frightened. He will also be upset by all the other ghosts and hobgoblin~ that come to your door. The best thing to do is to keep\vour doq protected from all the noise-and confusion ofrialloween~

Treat 'trick or treaters' with a kindness mess~ge thi~ Hallmveen. i,qrite notes like "Love Thy Animal", or nsave nur i.7~1_.:;"!,I,C,._H .Cr.- ••our -"'r--.1-, •,.., J.* ••.1- ·•'J-l- "--- L..i.. =··"' ···~"""'"".b"""" ; """"'"" :t ~"" ~u~.oa t;..., g.~."'e Ou.e.. Wl. .. u 1-L!:!laL;e at Halloween. Be sure to give the Kindness Club> address. Perhaps some 'trick or treaters• will want to join.

r-1y' friend ar;(l ·I found a bretver 's blackbird~ He could not fly. VJc picked it up carefully in a sof·t washcloth and built a cage about 3'X2'X2'. !!e couldn't walk, but he sure could eat. Ne fed him caterpillars and grubs and raspberries--(he loved them)--and seeds and water. My dad said it was insecticide poisoning==it seemed·as if the nerves in Gne leg w~re dmad: ~'¥!3. meade the c!!ge tmt tom­less so he could be out in the grass all day. and in t.'t)e Jarage with newspapers all night. He had fresh water and food at all times and lots of p~acs and solitude but on his 3rd day he died. Your friend, Ingrid Pride

Braddock Heights, Maryland

K .l.N.D. - . . .






Ocelots, like Mya, who lives at our shelter, are in danger of becoming extinct. One reason is people who try to keep ocelots as exotic pets. Another is furs. Connecticut has just passed a law banning of skins or other parts -of animals that are endangered. Massachusetts and New York already have such laws. Other states may enact laws, too.

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