kerala state warehousing corporation · 12-03-2020  · created date: 3/12/2020 1:59:09 pm

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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KERALA STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATIONJl*\ (Established by Government of Kerala)-$U

I o, 0 g fiU o flun c m o fl o, r0 on u sul 0 o" G o, c r0 a e o,rq fi0(ce,og nudeolra'lmmil rnrntikoo)

No. KS WC/I &Q C/Chem_Quot/20 19 -20 09.03.2424


Sealed competitive quotations are invited for the supply of the

following chemicals. The name of chemicals and the approximate quantity forthe year 2020-21are listed below:

The terms & conditions to satisfu the quotations will be as follows:

1. Though the approximate quantity is listed, required quantity will bepurchased on piece meal basis.

Sl.No Name of Chemicals Approximate quantity required forone Year

1 Aluminium Phosphide 5 6% 1000 Kgs (Tablets each contain 3 gms)2. Betacyfluthrin 2.4 5oh SC 1000 LitresJ Bromadiolone 0.25% CB 2000 Kes4 Chlorpyriphos 20% EC 300 L tres5 Cyfluthrin 5% EW 200 L tres6 Cypermethrin l0% EC 300 Litres7 DDVP 76%EC (DOOM) 1500 Litres

8 Deltamethr n2.5o/o SC 500 Litres9 Deltamethr n2.5o/oWP 500 Kes10 Glyphosate 4lYo SL 500 Litres11 Imidachloprid 30.5% SC 1000 ltrst2 Lambda cyhalothrin 2.5oh EC 200 ltrsl3 Pyrethrum Extract 2% ld1}l 200 ltrst4 Rat Glue Trap 2000 nos (specifu the pad size along

with the rates)15 Lamdacyhalothrin W.P 200 Kes16 Fipronil 2.92%F,C 200 ltrst7 Cockroach Gels (Fipronil) 500 Nos18 Imidachloprid 2l% w/w +

Betacyfluthrin 105% w/wSC (Bed bugs control)

200 Litres

Head Office : - P. B. No. 1727, Warehousing Corporation Road, Kochi- 682 016Phone :0484 -2375537,2376269,2375180, 2376616. Fax :A484 - 2376339

E-mail: kerwacor@gmail.con1, Website :

KERALA STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORANON(Established by Govemment of Kerala)

G& 0 g m rnufi n;ffii6 d;u nul rtli goc d n 80 osn6

(€6,69 rrru d eomlmmil crunl.'iltoto)


.Thesecuritydeposit@z.s%willbedeductedtowardseachchemicalfrom the bill of the first consignment'

t.Theproductsshouldbesuppliedwithinl0daysonreceiptofconfirmedorder at Head office or any of our warehouses of KSWC at your cost'

5. The Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS) should be enclosed along with

the quotation.

6.Nameofmanufacturingcompanyoftheproductshouldbementionedinthe quotation.

7. The coPY of CIB/ISO



g. In case the materiat is found defective at destination' the same will be

replaced bY You free ofcost'

9. The Corporation may at its discretion draw random samples in respect of

supplies, made and get them tested by any recognized laboratory'

1O.The lab testing charges shall be borne by the supplier' If the consignment

is found to be not conforming to the standards or found inferior in quality

it is liable to be rejected and loss sustained by the corporation on account

of it will have to be made good by the supplier'

11.The rate shall remain valid during the contract period'

ion Road' Kochi- 682 016

phone : 0484 - zst s{st , iz) aza'g , zzt it'ao ' .?219.9]^?; i.*;?131;it7633e, xl*.toiOgmail' com, Website : www'kenruacor'com

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tf,.) Gor 0 g fiu oflU0cm 0 CIorr0on s rrulo m" cecr0,u eo,s nd(€e,69 oudeorolmroE rmocjloro)

l2.The chemical shall be supplied within r0 days on receipt of the suppryorder. In case the supplies are delayed, the corporation can make goodany loss arising out of such delay by forfeiting tt. securify deposit or anyother suitable means.

l3'The last date for the acceptance of the quotations will be on or before25'03.2020 at2.30 p.m at the office of the undersigned.

14. Quotations will be opened at 3.00p.m on the same day in the presence ofthe quotationers present, if any.

15.The bill in duplicate maypayment will be made only

l6.Kerala State Warehousingreject any or all of thewhatsoever.

be submitted for effecting payment andafter satisfactory supply of the chemical.


Corporation reseryesquotations, without

the right to accept orassigning any reason

For more details contact.MANAGER (r&QC)PH.NO.0 484-237 5537 t237 626sE-mail : kswcq ualitycontrol@gm a il. co m


Head Office:- p. B. ruo. f ZZPhone

'J-fl,; '::::2'^',x::??3:?3i21-ao' zlioo'il i;; ' 0484 -237633eE-m a it : ke rwacor@g r rit..o;, w"oJit", ffi.,[l[,;Hr".,

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