kelson school charter 2017€¦ · kelson school charter 2017 contents ... kelson school...

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Kelson School Charter 2017 Contents

1. Mission Statement

2. Goals

3. School Vision

4. School Values

5. School Principles

6. Treaty of Waitangi

7. Communication

8. Curriculum

9. Kelson School - Who Are We

10. Strategic Plan

11. Annual Plan 2017

12. Targets

13. Operational Plan Signed ________________________________ Chairman 2017

Signed ________________________________ Ministry of Education

School Motto

“Developing Young Achievers”

Goals 1. To encourage students to attain excellence in the essential

learning areas with the emphasis on literacy and numeracy

through high quality teaching.

2. To encourage students to take increasing responsibility for

their own learning through the key competencies of

managing self.

3. To promote strong partnerships between home and school.

4. To recognise students’ individual differences and special

needs to develop a positive self-image.

5. To provide significant opportunities in a wide range of

activities in the Arts and Sports.

6. To achieve a level of excellence in keeping with potential.


Our core values are to promote respect,

creativity, responsibility and integrity.

Principles High Expectations; Academic excellence in all areas. Cultural Diversity; Feeling accepted and respected.

Learning to Learn; Acquiring skills to become lifelong learners . Inclusion; Empowering and challenging all.

Community; Positive relationships through open door environment. Future Focus; Developing a global outlook.

Coherence; Connected curriculum with literacy and numeracy at its core.

Treaty of Waitangi; Opportunity to acquire knowledge of Te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.


Inspire to achieve excellence in learning for

future challenges.

Treaty of Waitangi

Kelson School acknowledges the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document for our nation.

In keeping with our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi we will endeavour to develop an awareness and affirmation of Te Mana o Aotearoa (the uniqueness of

New Zealand’s heritage) to affirm the unique position of Maori language and culture.

Kelson School will reflect the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi i.e. partnership between the Maori community and the school – and report on the achievement of

Maori students against their peers and against National Standards.

Kelson School students are successful learners who communicate confidently and

interact positively with others.


Work together as a team in a co-operative stimulating learning environment.

Specialists in delivering the National Curriculum.

Have high expectations.

Challenge and encourage learners.

Enable students to acquire high self-esteem.

Work in partnership with parents.

Are enthusiastic and value the love of learning.

Positive and professional.

Meet the individual needs of students.


Take pride in their achievements.

Are confident communicators.

Are considerate, honest and tolerant.

Are self-motivated and lifelong learners.

Are proud of their school.

School Leadership

Provide high quality leadership.

Ensures excellence in teaching and learning.

Looks to the future.

Supports the expectations of the Charter and school goals.

Maintains a positive relationship between teachers, students and home.

Parents Welcomed and listened to.

Are well informed with a varied of reporting.

Support children in their learning.

Supportive of the school.

Participate in school activities.

Board of Trustees

Sound governance procedures.

Meets the National Educational Guidelines and National Administration Guidelines.

Is a good employer.

Consults with the community.

Ensures all resources and facilities are kept in good order.

Support Staff Positive and professional.

Care for students.

Actively involved in the team.

Curriculum Programmes

A diverse, rich curriculum which promotes a high level of student learning.

New Zealand Curriculum fully covered with progressions through the levels.

Meets the needs of all students with strong learning pathways.

School wide planning and assessment.

National Standards outcomes are high.

Strong self-review annual processes.

Emphasis on Literacy, Numeracy and children’s well-being.

Planning includes integration of the curriculum.

IT used to enhance classroom programmes.

Utilising a wide range of effective resources.

Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori are incorporated into the curriculum.

Kelson School Web site is an interactive link between home and school.

Professional development to enhance teachers’ pedagogy.

Key competencies incorporated into daily programmes.

Developing students for the future.

Kelson School

Our History


The Kelson Community evolved from a farm holding of Mr Kels.

During the 1970’s the peak housing development occurred.

Kelson School opened 27th October 1979.

Kelson is a unique suburb situated on the Western Hills of Lower Hutt.

Kelson School is a co-educational contributing state primary school with classes based

on peer groupings from Year 0 to Years 6 (ages 5 to 11) with a Decile rating of 10

Open plan classrooms. Open Door Policy.

Co-operative teaching strategies.

Well-appointed facilities and resources.

School is the hub of the community.

Team focused. A caring environment. Encouraging individual

achievement and personal growth.

A self-reviewing school.


Achievement 2. Governance 3.Personnel 4.Finance 5.Property 6.School Culture 7.Community


To deliver 21st century

programmes that are informed by

high quality assessment data,

that meets the individual

learning needs and ensures

success for all students.

To ensure the school is

effectively governed by the

Board of Trustees with a focus on

continuous improvement in

school curriculum, and

student progress and


Our commitment to high quality,

innovative teaching and 21st century learning

is guided through a professional development

programme, an appraisal process and appropriate

support that ensures an

emphasis on staff consistently

delivering “Best Practice”

Our financial management

prioritizes funding towards

improving student learning and achievement and ensures we meet strategic

goals and identified needs

of the school.

Our property planning is

strategically managed and will develop modern

learning areas and maintain buildings and

grounds to provide the best

and safest physical

environment for staff, students

and our community that we can afford.

Our school culture is one of

high expectations in learning and

behaviour, demonstrating respect of each

other, acknowledging

cultural differences,

promoting our school wide

values of Respect,

Responsibility, Integrity and

Creativity, and encouraging us to

be the best we can every day.

Our school plays a leading role in our community

and fosters excellent

relationships between school,

family/whanau to support student

learning and achievement.

Strategic Plan

2017 – 2019

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Goal 1: To deliver 21st century programmes that are informed by high quality assessment data, that meets the

individual learning needs and ensures success for all students.

2017 2018 2019 Continue focus on raising the achievement of all students, preventing/eliminating the “tail” of underachievement across all cohorts and raising the achievement of all students. Improve student performance in Numeracy and Literacy by building on the professional capacity of our teachers. Embed Kelson School writing Matrices through regular moderation. Refine Kelson schools mathematics and reading implementation plans. Technology will continue to be a focus. The use of technologies and online environments will be utilised to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum. School wide achievement targets in identified area of need, including a focus on raising Maori and Pasifika achievement.

Kelson School will continue to provide interesting, high quality programmes, with an emphasis upon Literacy and Numeracy. Continuing to challenge all of our students to enable them to meet or exceed the National Standards. Improve student performance in Numeracy and Literacy by building on the professional capacity of our teachers. Embed Kelson School mathematics/reading implementation plan. Technology will be an on-going focus. The use of technologies and online environments will be utilised to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum School wide achievement targets in identified area of need, including a focus on raising Maori and Pasifika achievement.

Kelson School will continue to provide interesting, high quality programmes, with an emphasis upon Literacy and Numeracy. Continuing to challenge all of our students to enable them to meet or exceed the National Standards Improve student performance in Numeracy and Literacy by building on the professional capacity of our teachers. Review writing matrices. Technology will be an on-going focus. The use of technologies and online environments will be utilised to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum School wide achievement targets in identified area of need, including a focus on raising Maori and Pasifika achievement.

GOVERNANCE Goal 2: To ensure the school is effectively governed by the Board of Trustees with a focus on continuous improvement in

school curriculum, and student progress and achievement.

2017 2018 2019 Receive regular reports on student achievement. Self-review cycle of Policies and Procedures using school docs. Review strategic plan by engaging with school community. Continually exploring new methods to improve the feedback we gather from the community. Use google docs for the distribution of documentation and communication to the Board. Resource purchasing of technology to support teaching and learning. Include BOT twice yearly update through newsletter and on the website. Investigate BOYD and implications

Receive regular reports on student achievement. Self-review cycle of Policies and Procedures using school docs. Review strategic plan. Continually exploring new methods to improve the feedback we gather from the community. Use google docs for the distribution and creation of documentation and communication to the Board. Resource purchasing of technology to support teaching and learning. Include BOT twice yearly update through newsletter and on the website. Implement BOYD as a trial into senior school

Receive regular reports on student achievement. Self-review cycle of Policies and Procedures using school docs. Review strategic plan. Continually exploring new methods to improve the feedback we gather from the community. Use google docs for the distribution of documentation and communication to the Board. Resource purchasing of technology to support teaching and learning. Include BOT termly update through newsletter and on the website. Review BOYD trial

PERSONNEL Goal 3: Our commitment to high quality, innovative teaching and 21st century learning is guided through a professional development programme, an appraisal process and appropriate support that ensures an emphasis on staff consistently

delivering “Best Practice”

2017 2018 2019 “Teacher Inquiry” will be focused around specific learning needs of the target children in classrooms. Annual budget supports professional development requirements. Professional development to support best practise in our Reading programmes and assessment. Provide professional development in leadership, coaching and mentoring. Continue to review and implement Performance Management and Appraisal System using PCT’s and google sites for portfolios.

“Teacher Inquiry” on school wide focus. Annual budget supports professional development requirements. Professional development to support school wide focus. Continue leadership, coaching and mentoring development. Performance Management and Appraisal System reviewing portfolios.

“Teacher Inquiry” on school wide focus. Annual budget supports professional development requirements. Professional development to support school wide focus. Continue leadership, coaching and mentoring development. Performance Management and Appraisal System to include Teacher Professional eportfolios.

FINANCE Goal 4: Our financial management prioritizes funding towards improving student learning and achievement and ensures

we meet strategic goals and identified needs of the school.

2017 2018 2019 Manage our financial resources to ensure expenditure reflects planned priorities in the strategic plan. Monitor current year roll numbers and future roll trends. Sustain levels of income from Parent Donations and communicate to parents how donations are used to support student learning. Support the Fundraising Committee with fundraising initiatives that provides resources for learning and enhance the environment for students.

Manage our financial resources to ensure expenditure reflects planned priorities in the strategic plan. Monitor current year roll numbers and future roll trends. Sustain levels of income from Parent Donations and communicate to parents how donations are used to support student learning. Support the Fundraising Committee with fundraising initiatives that provides resources for learning and enhance the environment for students.

Manage our financial resources to ensure expenditure reflects planned priorities in the strategic plan. Monitor current year roll numbers and future roll trends. Sustain levels of income from Parent Donations and communicate to parents how donations are used to support student learning. Support the Fundraising Committee with fundraising initiatives that provides resources for learning and enhance the environment for students.

PROPERTY Goal 5: Our property planning is strategically managed and will develop modern learning areas and maintain buildings and grounds to provide the best and safest physical environment for staff, students and our community that we can


2017 2018 2019 Review 5YA Complete the modernisation of Rata and Manuka classes/Admin block/electrical switchboard. Review Emergency Management Investigate roll of Health and Safety officer and put in place. Review Health and Safety Policies Install a sunshade system between Rata/Manuka and Kauri and Totara classes.

Review 5YA Complete modernisation of Matai and Nikau classes. Review Emergency Management Review Health and Safety Policies Install a sunshade system in front of Matai and Nikau classes.

Review 5YA Review Emergency Management Review Health and Safety Policies Maintenance on hall toilets.

SCHOOL CULTURE Goal 6: Our school culture is one of high expectations in learning and behaviour, demonstrating respect of each other,

acknowledging cultural differences, promoting our school wide values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Creativity, and encouraging us to be the best we can every day.

2017 2018 2019 Promote our school values at School Assemblies with Principal recognition. Behaviour management plan will reflect our school wide expectations and core values. Strengthen relationships with Whanau Group. Continue our Te Reo programme school wide and in classrooms. Develop a school Kapa Haka group School production Look at celebrating cultural diversity that enriches our school community through different festival celebrations days e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year.

Promote our school values at School Assemblies with Principal recognition. Behaviour management plan to be reviewed. Maintain relationships with Whanau Group. Develop relationship with local kaumata and marae. Continue our Te Reo programme school wide and in classrooms. Build on Kapa Haka to be school wide. Celebrating cultural diversity that enriches our school community through different festival celebrations days e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year.

Promote our school values at School Assemblies with Principal recognition. Behaviour management plan will reflect our school wide expectations and core values. Maintain relationships with Whanau Group. Develop relationship with local kaumata and marae. Continue our Te Reo programme school wide and in classrooms. School production Celebrating cultural diversity that enriches our school community through different festival celebrations days e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year.

Develop an inclusive culture with Maori and Pasifika students and whanau. Review performing arts and cultural programmes for inclusion of Dance splash and Artsplash.

Strengthen an inclusive culture with Maori and Pasifika students and whanau.

Strengthen inclusive culture with Maori and Pasifika students and whanau.

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Goal 7: Our school plays a leading role in our community and fosters excellent relationships between school,

family/whanau to support student learning and achievement.

2017 2018 2019 School wide consultation related to the ongoing development of our Strategic Plan. Review and continue to keep classroom website pages up to date. Consult with Maori and Pasifika families to better suit their needs. Parent information sessions-syndicate information meetings, community consultation around visioning. Look at continuing new parent morning teas to strengthen relationships and communication. Establish Ka Hikitia Plan-Accelerating Success Establish Pasifika Plan Review and enhance school website to improve communication and reflect school values, learning at Kelson School, how parents can support learning at home, and celebrate overall learning and achievement.

Carry out our regular health consultation with our school families. Continue to refine classroom pages for added communication-investigate blogs. Consult with Maori and Pasifika families to better suit their needs. Parent information sessions continue-syndicate information meetings, National standards information meeting. Continue with parent information around transitioning to school. Implement Ka Hikitia Plan-Accelerating Success Implement Pasifika Plan Review school website to enhance communication and reflect school values, learning at Kelson School, how parents can support learning at home, and celebrate overall learning and achievement.

School wide consultation related to the ongoing development of our Strategic Plan. Continue to refine classroom pages for added communication using blogs. Consult with Maori and Pasifika families to better suit their needs. Parent information sessions continue-syndicate information meetings related to school wide area of need. Continue with parent information around transitioning to school. Review Ka Hikitia Plan Review Pasifika Plan Review school website to enhance communication and reflect school values, learning at Kelson School, how parents can support learning at home, and celebrate overall learning and achievement.


1. Student Achievement: To deliver 21st century programmes that are informed by high quality assessment

data that meets the needs, and ensures success for all students.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring Improve outcomes and achievement levels in literacy and numeracy.

Gather, analyse and track data. Evaluate successes/why/why not? Implement Action Plan to lift achievement of all target students with particular focus on Maori and Pasifika Achievement. Students recommended for Learning support and Extension. Teachers monitor and evaluate students who are part of their class target groups. Literacy leaders to work across the school and review implementation plan along with school wide targets set in Reading. PLD for teachers and teacher aides in Literacy and specific learning areas.

Leadership team Principal All teachers RTLB DP, Senco, AP, all teachers All teachers Literacy leadership team All teachers Teacher Aides

Extension and learning support programmes Teacher Aides Release for lead teachers Release for literacy leaders. Professional development programme-outside agencies.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Term 2/3 Ongoing

1. Student Achievement-cont. Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring

Teachers will continue to deepen their understanding of high quality assessment, and strengthen moderation processes to ensure school wide consistency. With specific focus on Literacy.

Continue to use the Kelson School Writing Matrices across the whole school, including school wide moderated exemplars of levelled writing. Regular moderation using these writing matrices at syndicate and whole school level as well as across other schools. Review and refine school wide assessment in reading. Review school wide reading implementation plan. Review and refine school wide assessment in Mathematics. With particular focus on junior school resources. Build on teacher knowledge of reading teaching and moderation of assessments through planned PLD/in class observations.

All teachers All teachers Literacy lead teachers Mathematics lead teachers/AP All teachers

Release Timetabled into meeting times. Release Timetabled into meeting times. Outside facilitators Release

Ongoing Ongoing Term 2-4 Term 2/3 Term 2/3

Technology will be an on-going focus. The use of technologies and online environments will be utilised to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum.

Follow school wide IT strategic plan. Staff continuing to share knowledge. Look at PD opportunities for lead teachers. Principal, teachers and other groups to continue to develop ways to communicate through the use of class pages and school website, Facebook, google docs.

IT lead teacher All teachers BOT It leaders/all teachers All teachers

IT lead teacher Timetabled into staff, syndicate meetings staff expertise.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

2. Governance: To ensure the school is effectively governed by the Board of Trustees with a focus on

continuous improvement in school curriculum, and student progress and achievement.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring Complete Annual report and Analysis of Variance Report for 2016.

Complete Analysis of Variance for submission 1 March 2017. Complete Annual Report for submission to MOE by 31 May 2017.

Principal DP BOT Accountant

By 1 March 2017. By 31 May 2017.

Review Strategic Plan 2017-2019

Review and complete for submission to MOE by 1 March 2017.

Principal BOT

By 1 March 2017

Have clear understanding of student achievement.

Data Analysis and reports submitted and presented in a timely manner and the BOT informed of strengths, areas for development, and areas the BOT can support. Lead teachers/Teams present in a timely manner to the BOT progress and updates of new and ongoing initiatives. Principal submits mid and end of year reports to the BOT about progress of their Target Students.

Principal Leadership team Teachers responsible.

As per schedule Once a term. End of Term 2/4.

Provide funding for the facilitation of the Strategic Plan and vision.

Provide release for leadership team in Literacy. Provide release for IT lead teacher To continue to fund hardware and software as is manageable.

Principal Leadership teams BOT

Release Provide funding for the continued purchasing of hardware and software.

As required

Regular Self-Review of Curriculum, Policies and Procedures

Develop new review cycle for curriculum reviews. Review Strategic Plan-community consultation. Review and develop self-review documentation in line with “School Evaluation Indicators”

Principal BOT Leadership team/BOT

Ongoing Term 1/2 Ongoing

Implement google docs for all BOT communication.

Continue to use and create Goggle docs for all BOT correspondence e.g. agenda’s reports, data etc...

Principal BOT

Term 1-ongoing

Enhance communication to the community on BOT matters.

Send out board updates after board meetings in fortnightly newsletters. Make use of BOT email address and advertise this to community. Make use of school website to increase communication.

BOT Ongoing

3. Personnel: Our commitment to high quality, innovative teaching and 21st century learning is guided through

a professional development programme, an appraisal process and appropriate support that ensures an emphasis on staff consistently delivering “Best Practice”

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring Strengthen teacher capability in undertaking inquiry into their own practice into enhancing teaching and learning through appraisal cycle.

Teacher’s inquiry focus will be based on Target areas in their classrooms. All staff to use google sites to gather evidence to support PCT’s. Teachers will also continue to focus on identified target children within their own classes in Literacy and Numeracy. Provide clear guidelines to support inquiry process.

All teachers Principal Leadership team. All teachers

Release Staff PD/Regular updates and sharing.


Develop leadership capacity within Leadership team, Literacy leadership team and IT lead teacher.

Ongoing leadership opportunities for AP/DP-look to develop or join support cluster for middle managers. Work with Chris Rowan to strengthen leadership capability.

AP/DP/Principal Literacy Team

Release Provide funding for outside facilitator.


IT lead teacher provided with PD opportunities. Literacy leaders provided support to lead new initiatives. Regular leadership meetings for reflection against annual plan and school targets.

DP Outside Facilitators Literacy leaders Leadership team.

Release Release Release

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Performance Management & Appraisal Process will ensure system provides for optimal professional development.

Implement teacher portfolios on google sites for evidence gathering related to PCT’s. Teachers to maintain evidence around their inquiry and be willing to share this with colleagues on a regular basis. Principal Appraisal Process reviewed and completed biannually by an outside facilitator.

Leadership team/All teachers All teachers Principal/BOT chair Outside facilitator

All year Ongoing Ongoing

4. Finance: Our financial management prioritizes funding towards improving student learning and achievement

and ensures we meet strategic goals and identified needs of the school.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring Resources are managed effectively for the operation of the school and maximise learning opportunities for students.

Preparation of annual budget and end of year accounts for audit is completed within required timeframes. Monitor all budgets as required and ensure expenditure reflects planned priorities. Regularly review and identify areas for cost savings. Manage and maximise gains from banking staffing. Develop a budget that reflects agreed priorities in the Strategic/Annual Plan.

Principal BOT Accountant As above

Term 1 Ongoing Ongoing

Monitor student roll Monitor current and future student numbers to achieve optimal school operations.

Principal Leadership team


Budgeted figure for school donation will be met or exceeded.

Monitor level of school donation paid and inform community of how this is tracking over the year. Inform community what the donation is being used for and how this supports school wide initiatives and update regularly on progress via newsletter.

Principal Office Principal BOT

Ongoing Termly

Communicate to parents options for payment. Principal

Fundraising Committee are supported with initiatives to enhance learning and environments and opportunities for students.

Support fundraising initiatives. Regularly inform community of where fund-raising is to be targeted. Foster home-school community relationships through fundraising community events.

All staff Principal All

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

5. Property: Our property planning is strategically managed and will develop modern learning areas and

maintain buildings and grounds to provide the best and safest physical environment for staff, students and our community that we can afford.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring School property and environment is safe and well maintained.

Complete work to Administration block. Complete the modernisation of Rata and Manuka classes. Replace main electrical switchboard Painting maintenance completed for 2017.

Principal BOT Property Manager

5YA money

Term 1/2 Term 2/3 Term 1 School holidays

Implement the 10YPP Review 5YA

Work with property manager to ensure work schedule is followed. Review and update as needed 5YA

Principal BOT Property Manager

Ongoing Ongoing

Review Health and safety Policies and processes.

Review Emergency Management Plan Maintain class emergency kits Keep community informed of Kelson School emergency procedures. Review Health and Safety Policies

Principal BOT Principal Office Principal BOT

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

6. School Culture: Our school culture is one of high expectations in learning and behaviour, demonstrating

respect of each other, acknowledging cultural differences, promoting our school wide values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Creativity, and encouraging us to be the best we can every day.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring School vision and values are fully evident across the school.

Promote our school values in class, at syndicate level and at whole school level through assembly’s newsletters, website, Facebook. Principal to recognise these value awards by holding special morning teas. School values visible around the school and on the school website. Implement any changes needed to behaviour Management Plan to ensure Kelson School behaviour expectations and values are at the centre of our everyday school life.

All staff Principal Principal DP All staff

Release Budgeted for.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Term 2

Celebrate and reflect the cultural diversity that enriches our school community.

Continue with school wide Te-Reo skills. Continue to strengthen relationships with Whanau group. Develop Kapa Haka with small group-with the view to this growing.

Te Reo-Lead teacher All staff Principal/Te Reo Lead teacher Te Reo lead teacher/Whanau group

Release Release

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Continue to celebrate cultural diversity that enriches our school community through different festival celebrations days e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year.

All staff

Review current Performing Arts programme.

School production Review school Arts implementation plan.

All staff Lead teachers

Budget Release

Term 3 Term2/3

7. Community Partnership: Our school plays a leading role in our community and fosters excellent

relationships between school, family/whanau to support student learning and achievement.

Objective Tasks People Resources Timeline Monitoring Communicate learning and celebrate achievements.

Parent information sessions-syndicate information meetings. Parent consultation meeting-related to school visioning. Review and make any changes needed to reporting to parents schedule in line with children’s anniversary i.e. 20 weeks 40 weeks etc.… Continue to develop relationships with the local Kindergarten and child care centres to attract new parents. Review school website to enhance communication and reflect school values, learning at Kelson School, how parents can support

All staff All staff/BOT/Wider community Year 0-3 teachers AP/Principal All staff

Budgeted for/NZSTA Release Admin fee Teacher release

Term 1 Term 1/2 Term 1 Ongoing

learning at home, and celebrate overall learning and achievement.

Consult with our community about their aspirations for their children and learning needs.

Continue to strengthen our relationships with Whanau group working together for a shared goal, and the development of a School Kapa haka group. Work with Whanau group to develop a plan to implement Ka Hikitia-accelerating success. Initiate relationships with Pasifika group. Continue new parent morning teas.

Principal/Lead teacher/Whanau group All staff/BOT/School community. Principal/DP Lead teacher/Principal BOT/AP/Principal

Ongoing Ongoing Term 3 Ongoing

Review all forms of communication.

Review and continue classroom website pages and ensure they are up to date. Review school website to ensure it reflects Kelson School’s vision and values, and is a well-used form on communication. Monitor School Facebook page to ensure it is being used effectively for communication.

Al staff Principal DP Office Office/BOT/Principal

PLD Release

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

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