keeping up appearences

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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"KEEPING UP WITH APPEARANCES" an original screenplay by

Kera Hildebrandt

Kera Hildebrandt


Very stylish bedroom of a young, fashion-conscious woman. Bed with silk sheets. Walk-in closet with all the bestfashion. Mirrors on every wall. Other pieces of furnitureincludes a few chairs and a dresser.

At the dresser is LAURA (25, super model-type who grabs aman's heart with one hand and his balls with the other).Dressed in business casual, Laura is applying her make-up,going for a bold/alluring approach to her color choices. Hercell phone is at her side.

At her dresser, there's pictures of her and DAN (26, thesort of nice, somewhat-nerdy guy who used to be the boy nextdoor), Laura looking only kinda-interested in every picture.

Laura puts the finishing touches on her make-up, clearlyliking what she sees in the mirror. She checks her phone. To her dissatisfaction, nobody has texted her or anything. She pulls up a selfie of her and ROGER (25, the sort of studyou find on the cover of romance novels). Laura lookslongingly at the picture.

She starts texting Roger.

Text, "Hey"

She sends it.


Cubicle labyrinth. Printers, computers, and nothing reallyall too special. The place is an advertising firm. OFFICEPEOPLE are going about their business...

Then Laura walks in. She strides down the middle of thecubicles. The men look at her in longing and the women in ajealous, "oh, it's this bitch" way. Either way, Laura'sloving the attention.


Ladies room. Nothing too fancy, but it's still the cleanerof all the public rest rooms in the world.

Laura's at the mirror, looking for flaws and only seeingthings she likes. After a few moments, in walks ALEX (25,Laura's also-very-pretty rival who, as per some unwrittencode, acts cordial).

ALEXOh, Laura.


Laura glances at Alex for the few seconds common courtesydemands before going back to looking at herself.

LAURAHi, Alex.

Alex goes to the mirror and begins touching up her appearanceas well. As the women talk, they glance at each other, asif checking out the competition.

ALEXDid Bendelman try to get you to comein tomorrow?

LAURANo, and I'll say no like I do everytime.

Alex smiles wryly.

ALEXBut you know what he'll say-

(Mocking tone)"You need to be a team player."

Laura scoffs.

LAURAI'll just have to use the good oldcharm to get him to see it my way.

ALEXGuess I'll have to, too.

Alex recalls something.

ALEX (CONT'D)Oh, I've been meaning to ask- whatdid you think about that outlet mall?

Laura's puzzled at Alex's words.

ALEX (CONT'D)A friend of mine is coming into townand I was thinking about taking herthere.


ALEXThe new outlet mall that just wentup. What's it called? Bridgepoint? Lakeview? Either way, what's itlike?


Laura shrugs.

LAURAWell, I wouldn't know. I've neverbeen there.

ALEXWhat? I saw you go in there.

Laura scoffs and smiles wryly.

LAURAWell you must have been mistaken,hon. You wouldn't catch me dead atan outlet mall.

ALEXNo, I'm sure it was you. Lookedlike you. Dressed like you. Evenwalked like you.

Laura furrows her brow in thought.


Laura shrugs.

LAURA (CONT'D)Maybe I have a double or something. She's been showing up a lot lately.

Laura's phone rings, prompting her to take it out of herpurse.

LAURA (CONT'D)I'd hate to think there's someoneelse in town that's as pretty as me.

She has a hint of excitement in her eyes and a slight smileas she take out her phone. But once she looks who it is,the excitement dies.

LAURA (CONT'D)Oh. It's just Dan.

Laura walks away from Alex and answers the phone, her voiceone part seductive, three parts irritated/bored.

LAURA (CONT'D)Hello, Dan.

DAN (O.S.)Hey Laura. Sorry to call duringwork. I know how much you hate that.


Alex checks out Laura one final time before leaving the room.

LAURAThen why do it?

DAN (O.S.)Well, actually, I had a questionabout the thing you called the plannerabout.

Laura raises an eyebrow.

LAURA"The thing I called the plannerabout?"

DAN (O.S.)The wedding planner.

Laura becomes a touch annoyed.

LAURAI figured. But I didn't call her.

DAN (O.S.)What? You didn't?

LAURANo, honey. Bendleman's been gettingme to work all these crazy hours, soI haven't the time to talk on thephone.

DAN (O.S.)Oh. Well, I was concerned when shesaid you wanted to change the locationof the wedding back to the pier.

Laura frowns in displeasure.

LAURAAnd I told you both "no" the firsttime.

DAN (O.S.)I know, you wanted Majesty Hall.

LAURAWas it your sister who called them?

DAN (O.S.)Sophie?


LAURAPeople can sound like other peopleon the phone.

DAN (O.S.)Laura, I don't think she'd dosomething like this...

LAURAOh no? She complained about how weweren't following your family'stradition.

DAN (O.S.)But I don't think she'd be sovindictive...

Laura scoffs. Dan sighs.

DAN (O.S.) (CONT'D)Listen Laura, I'll call the plannerand tell her we're going back to theMajesty Hall.

LAURAPlease do. Bendleman's already askedme to work more hours.


Laura's work area. Furnishings include some fashionmagazines, a few pictures of her and Dan, and (of course) amirror.

Laura is looking at her phone. Roger still hasn't textedher back. She calls him. The phone rings, eventually goingto voice mail (which frustrates Laura). As Laura is calling,she looks her appearance over in her cubicle's mirror; sheadjusts her hair a bit, checks for any imperfections, andloves what she sees.

ROGER (O.S.)Hey, this is Roger. I'm not hereright now. You know what to do.

There's a beep. Laura tries out the most pleasant, lovingvoice she can muster.

LAURAHey, it's me. I was just thinkingabout you. Give me a call as soonas you can, okay?

Laura hangs up and sighs a frustrated sigh. Her desk phonechirps. She picks it up.




DESK SECURITY (O.S.)Miss Jenkins? This is the frontdesk. Apparently your sister-in-lawis here to see you.

Laura raises an eyebrow.

LAURASophie? What's she doing here?

DESK SECURITY (O.S.)She says you're having lunch withher.



LAURAHave lunch with Sophie?

DESK SECURITY (O.S.)I know. It's why I called to makesure.

LAURACould you put her on the phone?


After a few seconds, SOPHIE (28, down-to-earth girl who's astickler on family traditions and her brother dating badwomen) is heard.

SOPHIE (O.S.)Laura?

LAURASophie. Hey.

SOPHIE (O.S.)Hey. You ready?

LAURAOh, well, see Sophie. I think there'sbeen a mistake. You said I was goingto have lunch with you?


SOPHIE (O.S.)At the Napoli Lounge. We made theseplans yesterday. Don't you remember?

LAURAUh, no. I've been busy.

SOPHIE (O.S.)But you called me yesterday. Yousaid you wanted to spend more timetogether.

Laura starts thinking this over and slowly concocts a gameplan.

LAURAMaybe I just forgot. I'm sorry,Sophie. I'll be right down, okay?

SOPHIE (O.S.)Oh, okay!

Laura hangs up. She laughs wryly to herself a bit as shegets ready to leave.

LAURAOkay, you little bitch. I don'tknow what game you've got going on,but I'll play.


The main eating area. It's a nice, contemporary artsy place. Glass light/furniture fixtures. Warm color scheme. The kindof place where a sandwich costs three dollars.

Laura and Sophie are sitting at a table, working on drinks;Laura has a juice drink, Sophie has tea. The two try theirhardest to keep a friendly facade, but both suspect eachother of treachery.

SOPHIEI've been meaning to try this place.

LAURALooks lovely.

The two share an uneasy silence for a few seconds, favoringdrinking their drinks over speech. After a few wordlessattempts to speak, Sophie does so.

SOPHIEI was actually pretty surprised thatyou wanted to see me.


LAURAWell, the wedding's only a monthaway. We're going to see plenty ofeach other anyway.

SOPHIEI guess. I just felt like you neverwanted to connect with me and yourfamily-in-law.

Laura signs.

LAURAWell, I think it's just work stressingme out or something. It's reallyhard trying to keep afloat in businesslike I do.

Sophie feels a touch of guilt for thinking what she did.

SOPHIEYeah, according to my brother, you'vebeen pulling a lot of extra shifts...

LAURAYeah, I don't even remember callingyou.

SOPHIEYou said you wanted to get to knowme better. It's why you're going tohave brunch with my parents thisweekend, right?

Laura's surprised by this, but tries to hide it.

LAURAI don't remember making that calleither...

SOPHIEBut can you still come?

Though suspicious, Laura tries to seem calm.

LAURAI'll have to check...

As Sophie speaks, someone in the background catches Laura'seye; Roger is making a pastry delivery to the kitchen.

SOPHIEI guess they wouldn't mind if youreschedule, though. Mom and dad arepretty flexible when it comes to-


Laura gets up.

LAURAReally sorry, Sophie. Nature calls.

Sophie's a little annoyed as Laura rushes away.


Hallway connecting the kitchen and bathrooms to the mainarea.

Roger walks out of the kitchen when Laura rushes up to him,half-pissed.

LAURAWe need to talk.


Standard broom closet.

Laura pulls Roger in, Roger not being too happy with this.

ROGERGeez, easy Laura! I've got otherdeliveries today!

Laura shuts the door.

LAURAPlease be quieter, okay? Sophie'sout there.

ROGERYour sister-in-law?


ROGERYou're eating with her?

Laura becomes sarcastic.

LAURAWell it's not like I had a reliablesource of pastries anymore.

Roger's puzzled by that statement.


Laura goes back to being pissed.


LAURAI'm talking about how you've beensnubbing me!

Roger sighs and shakes his head slowly.

LAURA (CONT'D)You don't call me, you don't textme, you don't even talk to me!

Roger goes for the defensive.

ROGERWhy would I? You're the one whotold me we couldn't see each otheranymore!

Laura's surprised by this.

LAURAWhat? When did I say that?!

ROGERAround noon a few days ago. We werehere, actually.

Laura adds some confusion to her disbelief.

ROGER (CONT'D)You said you felt bad about cheatingon Dan. And to be honest, I wasfeeling bad about that, too.

LAURABut I've never been here before,Roger! I don't know what's going onhere!

Roger takes Laura's hands, his eyes sincere.

ROGERLaura, calm down. You were right,it's for the best.

Laura's confusion is upsetting her a bit.

LAURAI didn't break up with you, Roger. This is some mistake. I would neverleave you.

ROGERWell, you did. I don't know whatgot into you, but you did. And likeyou said, it's for the best.


Laura tries to speak, but words die in her throat. Rogersighs, feeling bad for his former lover.

ROGER (CONT'D)Listen, I have more deliveries tomake. We can talk again as friendsfrom now on, but I think we need tocut off contact completely for now.

Roger kisses her on her forehead and begins walking out. Hesmiles a coy smile.

ROGER (CONT'D)But if things with Dan don't workout, look me up.

Roger leaves, closing the door behind him. Laura is stillstunned by this.


Sophie is working on her panini (Laura's soup's waiting)when she sees Roger walking out the hallway. Laura walksdown the hallway after a few moments, trying to seem likeeverything okay with the world. This piques Sophie'ssuspicion.

Laura sits down and begins working on her soup.

SOPHIEWho was that?


SOPHIEThe guy who walked out before you?

Laura shrugs.

LAURAJust some delivery guy, I guess.

They eat in silence. Laura slowly detects that Sophie hassomething on her mind and calls her out on it.

LAURA (CONT'D)What's wrong, Sophie?

Sophie sighs.

SOPHIEAre you doing it again?


LAURADoing what?

Sophie frowns.

SOPHIEYou know what.

Laura scoffs and works on her soup.

SOPHIE (CONT'D)Laura, I covered for you last timebecause I didn't wanna hurt Dan.

Laura frowns and becomes snippy.

LAURAI'm not "doing it again," okay? Like I said, I want to build sometrust with my family.

Sophie sighs, realizing that she might have jumped the gun.

SOPHIEYou're right. I'm sorry.

Laura smiles tiredly.

LAURAIt's okay. I guess my record doesn'tdo much for me, either.

Sophie smiles and scoffs.

SOPHIEI mean, you invited me to this place. Which, according to you has the bestpaninis in town.

This catches Laura's attention.

SOPHIE (CONT'D)I might as well talk about you beinga gemini and make you more-


SOPHIEYou told me never to talk about youbeing a gemini because it remindedyou of your sis-


LAURANo, not that. I said this place hadgood paninis?

SOPHIEYeah. You tried them yourself.

Laura's puzzled by this. Another person says she's beenhere before, when she knows for a fact she hasn't been.


Hallway in Laura's work building. Largely empty. Hasreflective marble walls, though Laura's reflection isn'tseen here just yet.

Laura strides down the hall, fury radiating from her as sheangrily pulls up Dan's number. She talks to herself, usinga mocking tone.

LAURA"She's not up to anything. Nevermindshe hates your guts. There's no waysomeone can be that vindictive."

Laura scoffs.

LAURA (CONT'D)You obviously don't know women, youstupid-

Laura rounds the corner and catches a surprising sight thatstops her dead in her tracks.

Walking ahead of her is a PERFECT DOUBLE OF LAURA; rightdown the the same outfit she's wearing.

Laura hides behind the corner, looking at her double a bitbefore muttering to herself.


Laura looks down to her phone and takes a picture of herdouble. Laura looks at the picture of the double.

LAURA (CONT'D)(To herself)

Not a hallucination.

Laura cautiously follows her double before said double stopswalking. Laura stops walking too. A silence drifts throughthe air for a few seconds...


Laura's double looks over shoulder and at stunned Laura. Asly smile crawls onto the double's face before she's dashesdown the hall.


Laura takes after the double. They both round a corner...

But despite reaching a dead end, Laura's double is gone. (Laura's reflection is now seen in the walls.) Laura looksaround in shock for a few seconds.

LAURA (O.S.) (CONT'D)As you can see, I wasn'thallucinating.


The room of a psychic who deals with spirits. Charts hangon the walls. Knickknacks and books sit on shelves/in cases. In the center is a table with two couches around it.

Laura is sitting on one the couches. Across from her is FLORINA (45, a professional who always has one foot in thespirit world), who is looking at her phone.

LAURAI knew that whatever that other mewasn't normal. I mean, she lookedexactly like me.

FLORINAExactly like you?

LAURAI know my face when I see it.

Florina hands the phone back to Laura.

FLORINAWell, I can't tell from this if it'sa ghost or not. But from what youdescribe...

Laura sighs from stress and checks her reflection over in acompact mirror.

LAURAOh, look at me.

Florina shrugs.

FLORINAYou look fine.


LAURANo, I don't. I think there's wrinklescoming in from the stress.

Laura puts away the mirror and looks at Florina withdesperation in her eyes.

LAURA (CONT'D)Why is this happening to me?

FLORINAI can't say. By the sound of it, Ibelieve it might be a doppelgänger. A ghost double of you.

LAURAHow is that possible?

FLORINACouldn't say. Either way, some sayseeing your own double is a sign ofdeath.

Laura's scared at this.

FLORINA (CONT'D)What else could it be, though?

Suddenly, something on the wall catches her eye- a zodiacchart. As the numbers add up in her head, Laura becomes amelancholy sort of troubled.

LAURAWell, there's something else it couldbe. I don't know.

FLORINAWhat is it?

Laura debates on whether or not to speak. It takes her afew seconds to find her voice.

LAURAI had a sister.

Laura falls silent again, guilt grabbing her tongue. Florinagestures for Laura to continue.


LAURAA twin sister.

Florina realizes where this might be going.



Laura falls silent for a few seconds. Talking about this isa lot of things; hard, sad, shameful...

LAURAWhen our mom was pregnant with us,my umbilical cord got around herneck. Not tight or anything, but...

Laura loses her place in her story and takes a moment tofind both it and the will to continue with the story. Thisconfession is a hard one...

LAURA (CONT'D)So, anyway, mom went into labor. Iwas the first one out. My cord wasstill around my sister's neck...

Laura's voice dies in her throat. She takes the time tofind it again.

LAURA (CONT'D)The doctors pull you out when you'reborn. The cord got tight around mysister...

Florina sighs, her expression grim, yet sympathetic.

FLORINAIt strangled her?

Laura slowly shakes her head.

LAURABroke her neck.

FLORINAI see. So you believe that her ghostis the one haunting you?

LAURADoes it sound like she is?

Florina shrugs.

FLORINAWell, this ghost looks like you. Itappeared when your wedding date wasgetting so close...

Laura's eyes and voice speak hopelessness as she looks tothe ground.


LAURASo it's her. She's angry that shedied because of me and now she wantsto take over my life.

Laura turns her desperate gaze to Florina.

LAURA (CONT'D)What do I do? How can I stop her?

FLORINAYou can satisfy her spirit.

The two continue their conversation as the scene...



What it says on the tin. Laura walks up to a grave and putssome flowers by it. Laura smiles warmly at the grave for afew seconds...

Her ringing cell phone breaks the calm. Laura answers it.


Sophie's on the other end.

SOPHIE (O.S.)Laura? It's Sophie.

Laura tries to seem happy, but it's clear she still doesn'tlike Sophie.

LAURAOh, Sophie. Hello.

SOPHIE (O.S.)So, I got the call from the weddingplanner.

Laura's increasingly-frustrated voice is heard off screen.



Laura's slumped over her desk, emotionally spent.


SOPHIE (O.S.)I'm glad to hear that you decided tohave the wedding location switchedto the pier.


SOPHIE (O.S.)And I can't wait to see you at themovies with my girlfriends thisweekend.


Laura snaps her head up with a frustrated groan.


En route to Florina's place. An angry Laura is stridingdown the sidewalk, muttering to herself.

LAURAI spend a whole damn week visitingher grave and praying for her andthinking about her and what does shedo?! Still try to steal my life!

Florina's home is in sight.

LAURA (CONT'D)This Florina woman better do somethingbecause I'm damn near close to callingthe ghostbusters or-

Florina's front door opens...

And to Laura's shock, her double comes out, Florina wavinggood-bye. Laura's double walks down the street away fromLaura.


Laura runs towards Florina, who is surprised to see her.

LAURA (CONT'D)Miss Florina, who...?!

FLORINAMiss Jenkins?

Florina looks at the double, who is still walking away.


FLORINA (CONT'D)But you...

LAURAThat's her! That's the ghost!

Florina's confused.

FLORINAA ghost? Her? No, she's not.


FLORINAThat was no ghost! It had a livingaura and everything. It...

Laura's double is crossing the street.

FLORINA (CONT'D)It was you!

Laura takes after the double, frustrated and tired.

LAURANo! It's not me! It's not!

Laura starts crossing the street.

LAURA (CONT'D)It's my sis-

A truck horn is heard. Laura looks to the side of her inshock.

Black, the sound of Laura being hit and an ambulance.


Hospital room meant for one person. Across from the bed,which has a bruised and bandaged Laura in it, is the bathroom. From her bed, Laura can see its mirror. Laura's asleep fromdrugs. Outside, a DOCTOR talks with Dan and Sophie.

DANBut seeing a double of herself?

DOCTORIt might just be from stress.

SOPHIEIt's my fault. She was alreadystressed with work and the wedding.



SOPHIE (CONT'D)She didn't need me bothering herlike that. Please tell me she'll beokay.

DOCTORShe'll be fine. She'll need to talkto a counselor before she leavesthough.

SOPHIEWhat was she doing in that part oftown anyway?

DOCTORAccording to an eyewitness, she wasseeing a psychic who lives in thearea.

DANDon't tell me- Florina Gantz?

DOCTORShe says she saw her double too.

DANShe's also seen the inside of plentyof mental hospitals, from what Iheard.

Dan looks into the room and at his bruised beloved. He feelsher pain.

DAN (CONT'D)Can we go in?

DOCTORMaybe wait a while. The drugs arekeeping her knocked out a bit. Maybeyou can talk with the counselor beforeyou see her?

The trio walks away. Dead silence.

Slowly, Laura awakens. She looks at herself and hersurroundings sadly. She turns her tired eyes to the ceiling.

LAURASis, why? Why won't you leave mealone?

Another silence that's broken by Laura's voice coming fromthe bathroom.


OTHER LAURA (O.S.)Why won't you leave her alone?

Startled, Laura looks around the room, finding no one.

LAURAWho's there?

OTHER LAURA (O.S.)Over here.

Laura still looks around...

Then the bathroom mirror catches her eye. Her reflectionwithin it is standing by the bed in it. Laura is shocked bythis.

Laura's smiling reflection waves.


Laura's scared beyond words. The other Laura starts walkingtowards the mirror's boarder in the bathroom.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)So, does it all make sense?

The scene of Alex and Laura talking in the bathroom is shown.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)How people were able to mistake usfor each other?

Scenes of Laura talking with Sophie and Roger are shown.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)How people have seen you in placesyou've never been before?

The scene of Laura chasing her double into the reflectivehallway is shown.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)How I was able to vanish into ahallway with reflective walls?

Back to present. The other Laura climbs out of the mirrorand into the bathroom.


Other Laura shrugs.


OTHER LAURAHow many times...

A montage of Laura checking her appearance is shown.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)...Do you look at yourself in a singleday?

Back to present. Other Laura is sitting against the sink.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)When you put so much effort intosomething, it could take on a lifeof its own.

The other Laura turns to the mirror. With no reflectionswithin it, the mirror seems to be a picture of an emptyhospital room. Other Laura seems hateful towards her formerprison.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)The problem is, the thing brought tolife could be stuck doing nothingmore than watching someone wastetheir life. To let a perfectly goodfamily and fiancé go to waste whilethey pursue foolish indulgences.

The other Laura turns to the real Laura, a sadistic smile onher face.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)So I decided no more. I'm going tosee if I can enjoy the life you'rewasting away.

The other Laura starts approaching the real one.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)And you know what? I can. A wholelot.

The other Laura closes in on the horrified real one.

OTHER LAURA (CONT'D)You're not much more than a prettyface anyway.

The real Laura goes to scream, but her reflection covers hermouth.



Time jump. Other Laura is sitting on the bed, smiling. Danhands her some crutches.

DANYou ready?

Other Laura nods and walks out with Dan. Dan puts his armaround her and they leave.

As they leave, the real Laura is seen within the mirror,banging on it from the inside and screaming silent screams.


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