katya rhodes · 2020-06-12 · rhodes, e. designing politically acceptable and effective climate...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Katya Rhodes Assistant Professor, School of Public Administration Member of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (IESVic) University of Victoria

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Contents Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Key skills .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Education ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Professional Experience ................................................................................................................................ 3

Awards .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Scholarly and professional achievements ................................................................................................... 6

Refereed contributions .................................................................................................................................. 6

Articles in scholarly refereed journals ................................................................................................ 6

Peer-reviewed conference organization ............................................................................................ 6

Peer-reviewed book chapter in a scholarly refereed book ......................................................... 6

PhD dissertation .......................................................................................................................................... 7

Scholarly presentations ............................................................................................................................ 7

Non-refereed research contributions....................................................................................................... 8

Public research reports ............................................................................................................................. 8

Research proposal writing and funding .................................................................................................. 9

Awarded research proposals .................................................................................................................. 9

Research funding under review .......................................................................................................... 10

Journal peer-review ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Teaching ................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Graduate courses ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Undergraduate and cross-listed courses ............................................................................................. 13

Teaching guest lectures .............................................................................................................................. 13

Student supervision ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Supervisor ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Co-supervisor ............................................................................................................................................. 14

External examiner .................................................................................................................................... 14

Administrative duties ....................................................................................................................................... 15

University and faculty committees ......................................................................................................... 15

School committees ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Hiring committees ........................................................................................................................................ 15

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca



Key skills Multi-disciplinary analyses of climate policies: conducting multi-attribute analyses of climate

policies against the criteria of environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, social and political acceptance.

Quantitative and qualitative research skills: descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, energy-economy modeling, collection and parameterization of survey data, media and content analysis, and stakeholder relationship modelling.

Public policy development: academic and applied real-life knowledge of public policy-making, including the development of policy options and decision materials, governance processes for the implementation of policies and legislation at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.

Teaching and mentoring: strong teaching and leadership skills acquired through in-person and online teaching of undergraduate and graduate students and supervising employees in government.

Education 2011-2016 PhD, Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University.

Dissertation “Designing politically acceptable and effective policies to mitigate climate change.” Advisors: Mark Jaccard (SFU), Jonn Axsen (SFU), Kathryn Harrison (UBC).

2008-2009 MSc with Distinction, International Business, Aston University, United Kingdom. Dissertation “Sustainable development of the Canadian energy industry: Analysis of stakeholder relationships.” Advisor: Jane Le (University of Sydney, Australia).

2004-2008 Bachelor’s with Honours, Economics and Management, St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Russia

Professional Experience 2019- Present

Assistant Professor (tenure track), School of Public Administration (SPA), Faculty of Human and Social Development, University of Victoria

Leading research on social and political acceptance of climate policy and low-carbon technology, sustainability transitions, and energy-economy modelling of climate policy impacts.

Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on campus and online, including Environmental Economics, Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation, and Sustainability Transitions.

Member of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (UVic’s Research Centre). Contributing to the Energy Modelling Initiative and forming research collaborations to produce policy-relevant multi-disciplinary research.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca




Senior Economic Advisor, Climate Action Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, BC Government

Led economic research and analyses of climate policies for the CleanBC plan using energy-economy models and statistical analysis methods.

Developed decision materials and advised on climate policy options to provincial and federal policy-makers; represented the Ministry at inter-governmental tables, working groups, and stakeholder consultation processes.

Supervised six senior and junior policy analysts and economists using coaching leadership and agile project management techniques.

Senior Economic Analyst, Climate Action Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, BC Government: conducted economic and other analyses of climate policy; led the design and implementation of the Climate Action Performance Indicators project.

2017-2019 Apr-Oct 2016


Jan-Apr 2013 2011-2012


Instructor & Student Supervisor, Associate Faculty, School of Environment and Sustainability and School of Business, Royal Roads University: designed and taught four versions of ENSC423 “Environmental Economics” on campus and online to undergraduate students and working professionals; supervised students’ research projects. Strategic Policy Analyst, Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources, BC Government

Developed policy provisions to include socio-economic impact assessments in the provincial policy for the Cumulative Effects Framework.

Designed and conducted stakeholder engagement processes, including engagement with Indigenous communities.

Doctoral Researcher, Energy and Materials Research Group, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University

Initiated and led the assessment of British Columbia’s climate policies; prepared policy recommendations to policy-makers in the BC Government.

Designed and implemented a web-based survey of 1,300 Canadians exploring perceptions of climate policies and the key factors influencing policy support.

Co-Lecturer and Teaching Assistant, REM350 Sustainable Energy and Materials Management, Simon Fraser University: taught the course with Dr. Mark Jaccard to 130 international students; designed a tutorial program. Policy Analyst, BC Carbon Tax Review Project, Pembina Institute, Vancouver branch

Executed a project on public and stakeholder perspectives about BC’s carbon tax using 39 in-person and phone interviews with stakeholder groups.

Produced a public report and briefed the BC Government on policy recommendations.

Research Analyst, Green Jobs, Vancouver Economic Commission

Led economic analyses of green jobs in Metro Vancouver.

Facilitated strategic partnerships in Vancouver's clean technology sector as part of the business attraction program “Metro Vancouver Commerce.”

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Awards 2013-2016 2013 2012

Vanier CGS, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, $150,000 Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) Doctoral Fellowship, $54,000 Sustainable Prosperity Research Award, $8,000; Canadian Association for Energy Economics Award, $2,500; Teck Award for Environmental Innovation, $3,350; SFU’s President’s Scholarship, $6,250

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Scholarly and professional achievements

Refereed contributions

Articles in scholarly refereed journals Underlined names indicate student names who produced research papers under my supervision. Kitt, S., Axsen, J., Long, Z., and Rhodes, E. (under review). Competence, integrity or value

similarity? The role of trust in citizen acceptance of climate policy. Submitted to Ecological Economics.

Rhodes, E., Hoyle, A., and Craig, K. (working paper). Towards more accurate climate policy projections: A review of improvements in energy-economy models. Being prepared for submission in Climate Policy.

McPherson, M., and Rhodes, E. (working paper). Review of energy models in Canada. Being prepared for submission in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Rhodes, E., Axsen, J., and Jaccard, M. (2017). Exploring citizen support for different types of climate policy. Ecological Economics, 137, 56-69.

Rhodes, E., Axsen, J., and Jaccard, M. (2015). Gauging citizen support for a low carbon fuel standard. Energy Policy, 79, 104-114.

Rhodes, E., Axsen, J., and Jaccard, M. (2014). Does effective climate policy require a well-informed citizen support? Global Environmental Change, 29, 92-104.

Rhodes, E., and Jaccard, M. (2013). A Tale of two climate policies: Political-economy of British Columbia’s carbon tax and clean electricity standard. Canadian Public Policy, 39, S37-51.

Rhodes, E., and Horne, M. (2013). Assessing British Columbia’s Carbon Tax Design: Public and Stakeholder Perspectives. In Market Based Instruments: National Experiences in Environmental Sustainability (pp. 159-173), Kreiser, L. Duff, D., Milne, J.E., and Ashiabor, H. (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Horne, M., and Petropavlova, E. (2012). BC’s Carbon Tax: Exploring Perspectives and Seeking Common Ground. Vancouver, BC: The Pembina Institute.

Peer-reviewed conference organization Vice President Programs at Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE), Member of

Executive Board. Leading and organizing a national 2021 CANSEE conference at the University of Victoria: chairing the scientific committee, submitted PICS Events Partnership application, seeking financial and in-kind contributions, reviewing abstracts.

Peer-reviewed book chapter in a scholarly refereed book Rhodes, E., and Horne, M. (2013). Assessing British Columbia’s Carbon Tax Design: Public and

Stakeholder Perspectives. In Market Based Instruments: National Experiences in Environmental Sustainability (pp. 159-173), Kreiser, L. Duff, D., Milne, J.E., and Ashiabor, H. (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


PhD dissertation Rhodes, E. (2016). Designing Politically Acceptable and Effective Policies to Mitigate Climate

Change. School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, PhD Dissertation, Research Report ETD-9611.

Scholarly presentations

Invited presentations Rhodes, E. MPA 2020 co-op debrief. Facilitated a session with MPA students to share co-op

experiences. University of Victoria. May 8, 2020. Rhodes, E. Designing politically acceptable and effective climate policies: Insights from British

Columbia, Canada. Scheduled to present at Institute for Future Studies (Stockholm), Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (Oslo), University of Gothenburg, and University of Copenhagen. Summer 2020.

Rhodes, E. Invited as a panelist at public seminar series “Living without Oil” organized by the UVic Retirees Association’s in Victoria, BC. March 28, 2020. Event postponed due to COVID-19.

Rhodes, E. Accelerating low-carbon economy transitions: An interdisciplinary approach to climate policy-making. Presented at the Sustainable Transportation Action Research Team (START) meeting, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. October 9, 2019.

Rhodes, E. Policy challenges to reduce emissions from slash pile burning in British Columbia. Presented at the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) Workshop on Reducing Slash Pile Burning. Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria, BC. November 1-2, 2018.

Rhodes, E. Understanding economic growth: Inclusion of climate policy in economic objectives. Presented at the Climate Action Secretariat (CAS) Ideas Forum. Government of British Columbia, Victoria, BC. September 20, 2018.

Rhodes, E. Modelling tools for energy community planning. Presented at the Livable Cities Forum. Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, BC. September 19, 2017.

Rhodes, E. Exploring forest carbon management policies to reduce climate change. Presented at the PICS Forest Carbon Management Workshop, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, BC. September 13, 2017.

Rhodes, E. Energy-economy modelling tools to answer public policy questions. Presented at the CAS Ideas Forum. Government of British Columbia, Victoria, BC. April 13, 2017.

Rhodes, E. Designing effective and acceptable climate policies to mitigate climate change. Presented at the CAS Ideas Forum. Government of British Columbia, Victoria, BC. October 27, 2016.

Rhodes, E. The role of environmental education in the implementation of effective climate policies. Presented at the School of Resource and Environmental Management Seminar Series, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. March 14, 2016.

Rhodes, E. Citizen support for climate policy: Assessing trade-offs between policy effectiveness and acceptance. Presented at the Department of Economics Brown Bag Seminar Series, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. March 5, 2015.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Rhodes, E. Environmental and economic effectiveness of Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan: Applying a technologically rich and behaviourally realistic energy-economy model. Presented at the PICS 2014 Annual Research Forum, Vancouver, BC. April 29, 2014.

National conference presentations Rhodes, E. The institutional and intellectual ecosystem of the Energy Modelling Initiative.

Served as a panelist at the Annual National Energy Modelling Initiative Meeting. University of Montreal, Montreal, QC. December 17-18, 2019.

Rhodes, E. Citizen support for carbon taxes: Understanding cognitive biases. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carbon Taxation Session, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. June 3, 2013.

Rhodes, E. A tale of two policies: British Columbia’s carbon tax and clean electricity standard. Presented a talk to over 20 academics at SSHRC’s workshop “Innovative Approaches to Environmental Policy in Canada,” University of Ottawa. September 16-17, 2012.

International conference presentations Rhodes, E., and Axsen, J. Understanding citizen support for a low carbon fuel standard.

Presented at Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Conference, Washington, DC. January 11-15, 2015.

Rhodes, E., and Horne, M. Exploring public and stakeholder perspectives on British Columbia’s carbon tax design. Presented at 13th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, Vancouver. September 20-22, 2012.

I have also presented research findings to politicians and policy-makers in the Government of

British Columbia and Government of Canada, and various stakeholders in the energy sector during my professional career in the BC Public Service.

Non-refereed research contributions

Public research reports Government of British Columbia. (2018). CleanBC: Our Nature. Our Power. Our Future. Victoria,

BC. [I led quantitative analyses of economic and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts of proposed climate policies using an energy-economy model].

Rhodes, E. (2018). Discussion White Paper: BC Climate Action Progress Indicators Project. Victoria, BC: Government of British Columbia.

Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (2017). Approaches for Modelling Technological Change and Investments in Climate Mitigation Technology and Programs. Winnipeg, MB. [I led a multi-stakeholder group across Canada to jointly write the report, conducted literature review, and wrote two sections of this report].

Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (2017). Communicating Uncertainty in Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Winnipeg, MB. [I led an inter-governmental group across Canada to jointly write the report, conducted literature review, and wrote one section of this report].

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Horne, M., and Petropavlova, E. (2012). BC’s Carbon Tax: Exploring Perspectives and Seeking Common Ground. Vancouver, BC: The Pembina Institute. [I collected primary data, transcribed and analyzed data, and wrote three sections of this report].

Research proposal writing and funding

Awarded research proposals

External funding 2020-21 2020-21 2020 2020-21

Topic: Towards more accurate climate policy projections: A review of improvements in energy-economy models. Funding is to conduct scoping review and survey of energy-economy model improvements in Canada. Funding source: SSHRC. Funding program: Knowledge Synthesis Grant. Principal investigator: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Collaborators: Dr. Madeleine McPherson (UVic), Glasha Obrekht (Government of Canada). Funded amount: $38,672. Success rate: 50% (ranked #7 out of 58 applications). Topic: How can we manage a just energy transition? A comparative review of policies to support the just transition from carbon intensive industries. Funding is to conduct scoping review of just energy transition literature in Canada. Funding source: SSHRC. Funding program: Knowledge Synthesis Grant. Principal investigator: Dr. Tamara Krawchenko (UVic). Research collaborators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Frederick Grouzet (UVic), Dr. Karena Shaw (UVic), Dr. Thomas Heyd (UVic), Dr. Trevor Hancock (UVic), Diana Gibson (Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria). Funded amount: $23,636. Success rate: 50% (ranked #19 out of 58 applications). Topic: Catalyzing Effective Climate Action through Regional-Scale Planning. Funding is to conduct a survey of climate policy priorities in the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities region. Funding source: Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS). Funding program: PICS Fast Track Grant. Principal investigator: Dr. Kara Shaw. Research collaborators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Tamara Krawchenko, Dr. Astrid Brouselle, Dr. Tara Ney. Funded amount: $21,952 total ($9,000 for the survey). Topic: Developing behavioural insights for a sustainable future. Funding is to build a research cluster to advance the science underlying behavioural insights and to connect

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


interdisciplinary researchers, policymakers, business leaders, and stakeholders to expand community of practice. Funding source: University of British Columbia (UBC). Funding program: UBC Grant for Catalyzing Research Clusters. Principal Investigator: Dr. Jiaying Zhao (UBC). Co-Investigators: Dr. Dale Griffin, Dr. David Hardistry, and Dr. Kate White from (UBC). Research collaborator: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Funded amount: $99,746.

Internal funding 2020-22 2020-21

Topic: Designing ‘flexible’ regulations to reduce climate change: A cross-country comparative policy analysis. Funding is to conduct cross-country comparative analyses of flexible regulations in OECD jurisdictions to prepare a SSRHC Insight 2021 application. Funding source: University of Victoria’s Office of Research Services. Funding program: Internal Research/Creative Project Grant (IRCPG). Principal investigator: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Funded amount: $6,288. Success rate: 65%. Topic: Enhancing UVic’s international research reputation in climate change mitigation and low-carbon transitions. Funding is to travel to Scandinavia to present research and establish research collaborations. Funding source: University of Victoria’s Office of Vice-President Research. Funding program: Building Connections in International Research Grant. Principal applicant: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Funded amount: $7,406. Success rate: 25%.

Research funding under review 2020-22 2020-25

Topic: Exploring consumer motivations to adopt electric heat pumps in Canada: An application of the Attitude-Behaviour-Context theory. Funding is to study heat pump adoption in Canada as a technology to reduce greenhouse emissions in buildings. Funding source: SSHRC. Funding program: Insight Development Grant. Principal investigator: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Requested amount: $74,796. Topic: Launching Canada’s Energy Modelling Initiative: three central pillars. Propposal aims to improve the use of energy modelling information in policy-making. My component is to study government failures preventing the use of energy modelling in climate policy decisions.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


2020-25 2020-25 2020-25 2020-25

Funding source: PICS. Funding program: PICS Themes Partnership Program Grant. Principal investigator: Dr. Madeleine McPherson. Collaborators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Normand Mousseau (Polytechhnique Montreal), Dr. Louis Beamier (Polytechhnique Montreal), Andre Bernier (Natural Resources Canada), Bryce van Sluys (Canada Energy Regulator), Mary Beth Garneau (Statistics Canada), Neil Dobson (BC Government), Juha Kiviluoma (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), Dr. Daniel Huppmann (IIASA), Sauleg Siddiqui (American University), Mark O’Malley (University College Dublin). Requested amount: $1,000,000. Topic: Supporting 2021 CANSEE conference. Funding source: PICS. Funding program: PICS Event Partnership Grant. Applicant: Dr. Katya Rhodes. Co-applicant: Dr. Nicolas Kosoy (McGill University), Dr. Lynda Gagne (UVic). Requested amount: $5,000. Topic: In Search of Decoupling: (How) Can We Combine Climate Sustainability with Economic Growth, Good Jobs, and Public Preferences? Funding source: Humanities and Social Sciences, Swedish Research Council. Funding program: Research Environment Grant 2020. Investigator: Dr. Malcom Fairbrother (Umea University). Co-investigators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Ingemar Johansson Seva (Umea University), Aya Kachi (University of Basel), Joakim Kulin (Umea University). Requested amount: $1,150,000. Topic: TEDs: Lifecycle carbon accounting at the grid edge. Funding source: NSERC. Funding program: NSERC New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF). Investigator: Dr. Karen Ho-Cespedes (Ryerson University). Co-investigators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Curran Crawford (UVic). Requested amount: $4,000,000. Topic: Solid Carbon: A Negative Emissions Technology (NET). Funding source: NSERC. Funding program: NSERC New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF). Investigator: Dr. Kate Moran (Ryerson University). Collaborators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Curran Crawford (UVic), Dr. Terre Saterfield (UBC). Requested amount: $4,000,000.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca



Topic: Sustainability Thinking for Emerging Engineering Leaders: Instilling a holistic understanding of sustainability factors and technology impacts for emerging engineering R&D leaders.” Funding is to creating energy policy schools in Canada. Funding source: NSERC Funding program: NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) Investigator: Dr. Taco Niet (Simon Fraser University). Collaborators: Dr. Katya Rhodes, Dr. Gordon McTaggart-Cowan (SFU), Dr. Erik Kjeang (SFU), Dr. Naoko Ellis (UBC), Dr. Patrick Kirchen (UBC), Dr. Amanda Giang (UBC), Michael Ross (Northern Energy Innovation). Requested amount: $1,650,000.

Journal peer-review Mar 2020 Journal of Environmental Psychology (article accepted for publication).

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca



Graduate courses AMDN509 Economics for Policy Analysis, School of Public Administration, University of Victoria.

Re-designed and taught in Fall 2020 and Summer 2020. Online course. AMDN509 Microeconomics for Policy Analysis, School of Public Administration, University of

Victoria. Re-designed and taught in Fall 2019. On campus course. AMDN581 Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation, School of

Public Administration, University of Victoria. Re-designed and taught in Summer 2020. Online course.

Undergraduate and cross-listed courses ADMN 470 Sustainability Transitions (special topics course), School of Public Administration,

University of Victoria. Developed and taught in Fall 2020. Online course. ENSC423 Environmental Economics, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads

University. Developed and taught in Summer 2019, Summer and Fall 2018, and Fall 2017. Online course.

ENSC423 Environmental Economics, School of Business, Royal Roads University. Developed and

taught in Spring 2018. On campus course. ENSC423 Environmental Economics, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads

University. Developed and taught in Summer 2017. On campus course. REM350 Sustainable Energy and Materials Management, School of Resource and Environmental

Management, Simon Fraser University. Co-lectured with Dr. Mark Jaccard and provided teaching assistance in Spring 2013. On campus course.

Teaching guest lectures July 12, 2019 July 23, 2018 Mar 26, 2016

ENSC423 Environmental Economics, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University. Taught a 3-hour guest lecture on economic trade-off analyses to working professionals. Main instructor Dr. Jesse Baltutis. ENSC423 Environmental Economics, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University. Taught a 3-hour guest lecture on environmental policy analysis to working professionals. Main instructor Owen Jung. REM350 Sustainable Energy and Materials Management, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University. Designed and presented a lecture on sustainable energy policy trade-offs to 175 undergraduate students.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Nov 19, 2013

REM/ENV321 Ecological Economics, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University. Designed and presented a lecture on non-renewable resource management to over 30 multidisciplinary students.

Student supervision Supervisor Master’s in Public Administration project, David Gunn: “Stakeholder perceptions of coal phase-

out in Canada.” School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, 2020-present. Master’s in Public Administration thesis, Meghan Corbett: “Exploring citizen behaviour and

policies to enable sustainability transitions in Canada.” School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, 2020-present.

Master’s in Public Administration thesis, Kira Craig: “Understanding socio-economic and

environmental impacts of climate policies in Canada.” School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, 2020-present.

Co-supervisor PhD in Civil Engineering, Reza Arjmand “Examining the contribution of hydroelectric renewal

and greenfield development to grid decarbonization: An enhanced capacity expansion model.” Senior supervisor Dr. Madeleine McPherson, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria, 2019-present.

Master’s in Resource and Environmental Management thesis, Shelby Kitt: “Citizen perceptions

of electric vehicle policy in Canada: Examining awareness, support, trust, and regional differences.” Senior supervisor Dr. Jonn Axsen, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, 2019 (completed).

External examiner PhD in Mechanical Engineering, S. Mojtaba Lajevardi: “An Examination of Heavy-duty Trucks

Drivetrain Options to Reduce GHG Emissions in British Columbia.” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria. Passed with minor revisions in December 2019.

School of Public Administration | Human & Social Development HSD Room A314 PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Canada T 250-721-8071 | krhodes@uvic.ca


Administrative duties University and faculty committees 2019/20 Fall 2019-present

Uvic’s Graduate Awards Committee Member, nominated as a HSD representative to rank and nominate graduate students for prestigious awards, such as Vanier, Trudeau, and Rhodes scholarships. Evaluated 13 Vanier applications and nominated 6 students. Attended the final committee meeting. Member of the Anthropocene committee contributing to UVic’s vision to divest from fossil fuels.

School committees Fall 2019-present Spring 2020-present

Member of Curriculum and Staffing Committee, School of Public Administration. Member of PhD Working Group, School of Public Administration.

Hiring committees Since Nov 2019 Since Jan 2020

Member of the Search Committee for Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Smart Cities for a Sustainable Future at CIVE and IESVic in the Faculty of Engineering. Serving as an equity and diversity steward (completed unconscious bias training and ensured the absence of bias in the hiring process). Member of the Search Committee for Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Urban Planning for Climate in Geography and CIVE. Serving as an equity and diversity steward (completed unconscious bias training and Uvic’s “Barrier-free Hiring” training and ensured the absence of bias in the hiring process).

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