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Post on 03-Mar-2019






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Safety ManagementDisclaimer and Conditions

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.—Thomas Edison

This report provides us with information, including data and statistic of aviation transport and safety, provided to PT Angkasa Pura II by third parties. Allcontents by third parties are obtained from sources alleged to be reliable and reproduced accurately in the report at the time of printing that has beencompiled based on information submitted to PT Angkasa Pura II. No purchaser of publication or other readers should act on the basis of the informationwithout referring to applicable laws and regulations and/or without taking appropriate professional advices. Although every effort has been made toensure its accuracy, PT Angkasa Pura II should not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints ormisinterpretations of its contents hereof. All images in this report are sourced from PT Angkasa Pura II and the internet with modifications(http://angkasapura2.co.id/). No purchaser, or recipient, of this report may publicly distribute, replicate, or use any available information contained in thereport without the permission of PT Angkasa Pura II

Tangerang, Januari 2019



We Ðould like to eÕpress our gratitude to God the AlmightÖ,

because of His blessings and compassion PT Angkasa Pura II

�Persero� can proÏide airport serÏice in 2018. Our achieÏement is

presented in Annual SafetÖ Report of 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� is one of the State-OÐned

)nterprises engaged in the airport, periodicallÖ publishing

Annual SafetÖ Report including safetÖ performance of PT

Angkasa Pura II �Persero� in managing all potential hazards

during airport business processes, taking place in all branch

offices of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�.

The safetÖ performance presented is based on SafetÖ

Performance Indicator �SPI� for potential hazards of runÐaÖ

eÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, birdstrike and Ground

Collisions referring to The Minister Decree KP No. 222 of 2017

concerning SafetÖ Performance Indicators for the airport

operators and air naÏigation serÏices proÏiders as Ðell as

procedures for calculating Acceptable LeÏel of SafetÖ

Performance �ALoSP� for air serÏice proÏiders and The Minister

Decree KP No. 282 of 2017 concerning SafetÖ Performance

Indicator and Acceptable LeÏel of SafetÖ Performance. LikeÐise

the management of health, safetÖ, & enÏironment �HS)�

Ðhich measured based on the implementation of HS), referring

to the GoÏernment Regulation No 50 of 2012 on the

implementation of HS). It is part of the comprehensiÏe

management sÖstem of the companÖ in order to mitigate the

risks associated Ðith Ðork actiÏities to create a safe, efficient

and productiÏe Ðorkplace

HopefullÖ, this book could proÏide benefits for those Ðho need

information and data related to safetÖ performance at the

airports managed bÖ PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�. AnÖ

suggestion and criticism for further improÏement of this book

can be submitted to the Corporate SafetÖ Management unit of

PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� Head Office, for Ðhich Ðe Ðill

conÏeÖ our highest appreciation.


Tangerang, January 2019


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,

atas Rahmat dan Karunia-Nya PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

dapat menjalankan tugasnya sebagai penyedia jasa pelayanan

kebandarudaraan sepanjang Tahun 2018. Salah satu bentuk

capaian layanan tersebut kami sajikan dalam bentuk Buku

Annual SafetÖ Report Tahun 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik

Negara yang bergerak di bidang jasa pelayanan Bandar udara,

secara berkala menerbitkan buku Annual SafetÖ Report yang

mencakup hasil kinerja keselamatan PT Angkasa Pura II

(Persero) dalam mengelola segala potensi bahaya beserta

sistem mitigasinya selama proses bisnis kebandarudaraan

berlangsung di seluruh kantor cabang PT Angkasa Pura II


Kinerja keselamatan yang disajikan berdasarkan SafetÖ

Performance Indicator untuk  RunÐaÖ )Õcursion, RunÐaÖ

Incursion, FOD, Birdstrike dan Ground Collisions berdasarkan KP

222 Tahun 2017 tentang Indikator Kinerja Keselamatan untuk

penyelenggara bandar udara dan penyelenggara pelayanan

navigasi penerbangan serta tata cara perhitungan tingkat

kinerja keselamatan yang dapat diterima untuk penyedia jasa

penerbangan  dan KP 282 Tahun 2017 tentang Indikator Kinerja

Keselamatan dan tingkat keselamatan yang dapat diterima

bidang bandar udara. Begitupula dengan manajemen

keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang diukur berdasarkan

penerapan SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen K3) yang merujuk pada

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 50 Tahun 2012 tentang penerapan

SMK3. Hal ini merupakan bagian dari sistem manajemen

perusahaan secara keseluruhan dalam rangka pengendalian

resiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerja guna terciptanya

tempat kerja yang aman, efisien, dan produktif.

Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan manfaat baik praktis

maupun teoritis bagi pihak-pihak yang membutuhkan

informasi dan data terkait dengan kinerja keselamatan pada

bandara yang dikelola oleh PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Saran

dan kritik demi penyempurnaan buku ini di masa yang akan

datang, dapat disampaikan pada unit Corporate Safety

Management – Kantor Pusat PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) dan

untuk itu kami sampaikan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya.


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | ii


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | v

Sebagai BUMN yang bergerak dalam bidang pengelolaanbandar udara, PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mendapatkantanggung jawab mengelola sebagian infrastruktur transportasiudara Indonesia. Guna mempertahankan keberlangsunganusaha, maka perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya mempertahankantingkat kelayakan baik melalui aspek finansial, komersial,operasi, maupun sumber daya manusia bahkan aspekkeselamatan yang merupakan pondasi utama dari aspek-aspek tersebut.

As a state-oÐned enterprise engaged in airportmanagement, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� is responsiblefor managing a portion of infrastructure of airtransportation in Indonesia. In order to maintain businesscontinuity, it is necessary to maintain Ïarious leÏels offeasibility through the aspects of finance, commercial,operation, human resources, as Ðell as safety as the mainfoundation of that aspects. 

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)vi | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Aspek Keselamatan dalam dunia pelayanan jasakebandarudaraan merupakan elemen penting yang harusdiprioritaskan secara komprehensif dan konsisten gunamendukung kelancaran operasional penerbangan.Tingginya pergerakan pesawat di bandar udara menjaditantangan bagi operator bandar udara dalam menjalankanpraktik tata kelola operasional bandar udara yangprofesional, baik domestik maupun internasional.  Selain itu, guna menghadapi tantangan serta perubahanteknologi maupun tuntutan costumer yang semakin tinggitersebut, maka memasuki tahun 2019 sebagai tahun globalpartnership and InnoÏation PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) telahmenyiapkan beberapa program utama yang mendukungtema Go Global pada tahun 2019. Jargon Go Global inibertujuan mendukung program utama PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) yang meliputi: Millenial TraÏel )Õperience,International )Õpansion, dan On becoming 1 million CargoMoÏement guna mencapai perusahaan yang Go International)Õpansion, Go Digital, dan Go )Õcellence di tahun ini. Tentunya tantangan ini tidaklah mudah sehingga sangatdibutuhkan peran serta seluruh stakeholder untukmenciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif dan aman dari segikeselamatan baik dalam mendukung operasionalpenerbangan maupun kesehatan kerja bagi para pekerja dilingkungan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero).  PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) tetap optimis terhadap target-target yang telah disepakati pada tahun 2019, hal ini jugadidukung oleh hasil positif dari segi safety managementyang menjadi tanggung jawab unit Corporate Safety & Riskdan dipimpin oleh Senior of Vice President selama tahun2018. Predikat Zero Accident juga diperoleh PT Angkasa PuraII (Persero) pada tahun 2018, begitupula dengan frequencyrate dari sisi kecelakaan kerja yang turun hingga 48,21%dibanding tahun 2017 dimana semua capaian safety iniselain meningkat dari tahun 2017 juga melebihi dari target2018 yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini terlihat pada dinamikatransformasi Safety dalam lingkup pekerjaan,meliputi:  Safety Leadership yang kuat, personil dengankompetensi terkait  Safety yang mumpuni, Roadmap Safetyyang jelas, serta peningkatan mitigasi atas risikokeselamatan yang ada dari hasil hazard identification, hinggatahap pemberian reÐard kepada personil melalui acaraperayaan bulan K3 Nasional maupun Safety AÐard.    Capaian dari segi keselamatan ini menjadi salah satu modalsekaligus pondasi dasar dalam menghadapi tantangan ditahun 2019. Tentunya diharapkan safety leÏel di PT AngkasaPura II (Persero) juga meningkat bahkan mencapai safetyeÕcellence pada tahun 2019 yang membawa dampak positifbagi culture perusahaan maupun kepada para  stakeholderdan memberi manfaat bagi customer sebagai pengguna jasabandar udara.   

Safety aspects in the Ðorld of airport serÏice are importantelements to be comprehensiÏely and consistently prioritized inorder to support smooth aÏiation operations. High aircraftmoÏement at the airports is a challenge for airport operatorsin carrying out professional airport management practices,both domestically and internationally. Furthermore, in order to face the challenges andtechnological changes as Ðell as increasingly high customerdemands, entering 2019 as the year of global partnership andinnoÏation, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� has prepared seÏeralmain programs to support the theme of Go Global in 2019.This jargon aims to support the main programs of PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero�, including: Millennial TraÏel)Õperience, International )Õpansion, and On becoming 1million Cargo MoÏement to accomplish Go International)Õpansion, Go Digital and Go )Õcellence company in thisyear. ObÏiously, it is not an easy challenge, hence the necessity forthe role of all stakeholders to create a conduciÏe and safeenÏironment in terms of safety both in supporting aÏiationoperations and occupational health for employees in theenÏironment of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�.  PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� remains optimistic about theagreed 2019 targets, also supported by positiÏe results ofsafety management as the responsibility of the CorporateSafety & Risk unit led by Senior of Vice President. PT AngkasaPura II �Persero� has accomplished seÏeral achieÏements in2018, namely Zero Accident and the decline of frequency ratein terms of Ðork injury to 48.21%. OÏerall, safety achieÏementsin 2018 has increased compared to the preÏious year and alsoeÕceeded the 2018 target. It is eÏident in the dynamics ofsafety transformation Ðithin the scope of Ðork, including:Strong Safety Leadership, personnel Ðith qualifiedcompetencies related to Safety, a clear Roadmap Safety,increased mitigation of safety risks from the results of hazardidentification, to reÐarding personnel through the celebrationof National K3 month and Safety AÐard.    These safety achieÏements are the capital and a basicfoundation to face challenges in 2019. It is certainly eÕpectedthat the safety leÏel at PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� shall alsoincrease and eÏen achieÏe safety eÕcellence in 2019,generating positiÏe impacts on the company's culture andstakeholders and benefits for customers as airport serÏiceusers.  


Keselamatan merupakan prioritas utama dalam industrikebandarudaraan yang menjadi penunjang utama untukmensukseskan bisnis proses operasional penerbangan.Sejak PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) berdiri pada tahun 1984,kegiatan bisnis bandar udara yang melibatkan pesawatudara, runÐay, dan terminal dengan jutaan penumpangmerupakan business process yang memiliki natural safetyrisk yang tinggi dan melibatkan high technology, modal yangbesar, serta harapan tinggi dari stakeholders, shareholders,bahkan customer yang menggunakan jasa bandar udara.  Selama 34 tahun berdiri sampai dengan tahun 2018, PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero) telah mengelola 15 bandar udara,dengan 111.489.046 pergerakan penumpang/tahun, 857.325pergerakan pesawat/tahun, 2 juta m2 runÐay, 3,4 juta m2Apron, dan 851 ribu m2 taÕiÐay di tahun 2018, dan PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero) juga mendapat tambahan bandarabaru yang akan dikelola yaitu bandara Tjilik RiwutPalangkaraya pada tahun 2019. Tentunya angka-angka diatas ini membawa potensi hazard baru dan menjadiChallenge dalam mengendalikan safety risk agar tercapaiupaya peningkatan safety performance sehingga kinerjakeselamatan di seluruh kantor cabang senantiasa beradapada Acceptable LeÏel of Safety �ALoS�.  

Pada tahun 2018, upaya-upaya dalam mensukseskanprogram strategis perusahaan dari segi keselamatan jugatelah dilaksanakan dengan baik bahkan tercatat KPI safetymelampaui target yang ditetapkan. Hal ini dapatditunjukkan dengan adanya berbagai program keselamatanyang inline dengan Roadmap perusahaan yaitu programdigitalisasi KKOP (Kawasan Keselamatan OperasiPenerbangan), Safety Performance Indicator perusahaanyang secara korporasi menunjukkan peningkatan hingga17% dibanding tahun 2017, Frequency rate turun signifikanhampir 50% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, Safety AÐard2018 dan perayaan bulan K3 Nasional juga telah digalakkanguna menumbuhkan safety aÐareness di kalangankaryawan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). 


Safety is a top priority in the airport industry, the main supportfor the success of business process of aÏiation operations.Since the establishment of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� in1984, airport business actiÏities inÏolÏing airplanes, runÐaysand terminals Ðith millions of passengers haÏe been businessprocesses Ðith high natural safety risk inÏolÏing hightechnology, large capital, and high eÕpectation fromstakeholders, shareholders, eÏen customers using airportserÏices. In 34 years since its establishment, PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero� has managed 15 airports, Ðith 111,489,046passenger moÏementsvyear, 857,325 aircraftmoÏementsvyear, 2 million m2 runÐays, 3.4 million m2aprons, and 851 thousand m2 taÕiÐays in 2018.In 2019, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� also obtains a neÐairport to manage, namely Tjilik RiÐut Palangkaraya airport.ObÏiously, the aforementioned figures entail neÐ potentialhazards and a challenge in controlling safety risk to improÏesafety performance to remain at Acceptable LeÏel of Safety�ALoS� in all branch offices.  The efforts to accomplish successful strategic program of thecompany in terms of safety in 2018 haÏe been Ðellimplemented. The KPI of safety  has been eÏen recorded toeÕceed the predetermined target. It is eÏident from theeÕistence of Ïarious safety programs in line Ðith thecompany's Roadmap, namely OLS �Obstacle LimitationSurface� digitalization program, the corporate increase inSafety Performance Indicators of up to 17% compared to 2017,the significant decline in frequency rate by nearly 50%compared to the preÏious year, and the promotion of the 2018Safety AÐard and National K3 month celebration to fostersafety aÐareness among the employees of PT Angkasa PuraII �Persero�.    

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | vii

Selain itu juga untuk meningkatkan safety assurance makamanajemen keselamatan juga telah melaksanakan Airport)Õcellence �AP)X� in Safety  ReÏieР bersama ACI �AirportCouncil International� dari beberapa negara seperti UniEmirat Arab, Australia, Malaysia, Banglades, Nepal, danOman serta telah dilakukan sertifikasi penerapan SMK3(Sistem Manajemen K3) di cabang bandara PT Angkasa PuraII (Persero) dengan perolehan sekitar 62% memuaskan(bendera EMAS) dan sekitar 38% baik (bendera PERAK).  Perencanaan research terkait digital Safety PerformanceIndicator �SPI� tracker using drone technology gunamenginspeksi runÐay  juga telah dimulai sejak akhir tahun2018. Hal ini bertujuan agar dunia keselamatan juga mampuberadaptasi dengan adanya kemajuan technology yang adasehingga tidak tertinggal dengan berbagai perubahan yangbegitu cepat di dunia bisnis saat ini. Selain itu, programOSRS (Online Safety Reporting System� juga terus di upgradesetiap tahun sesuai kebutuhan analisa data agar menjadisafety big data analysis pada akhirnya.   Semua yang telah dilakukan corporate  safety managementpada tahun 2018 akan terus ditingkatkan pada tahunselanjutnya. Dalam upaya mencapai Go Global 2019 yangtelah dicanangkan, maka dari itu unit  safety membuatbeberapa program strategi utama seperti pelaksanaanSafety ReÏieÐ dengan berbagai stakeholder, AirnaÏ, dancustomer �airline� melalui Ðorking group discussion untukmenyelesaikan isu keselamatan di tahun 2018 dimanamemerlukan kerjasama berbagai pihak, AP)X in Safetybekerjasama dengan ACI, ISO 45001, serta Researchmengenai Safety Performance Indicator �SPI� Tracker usingDrone for runÐay inspection dan pemutakhiran aplikasiOnline Safety Reporting System �OSRS� sebagai Safety BigData Analysis. Kelima program ini bertujuan untuk mencapaivisi safety eÕcellence di PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) padatahun 2019 dan upaya menumbuhkan kembali safetyaÐareness tidak hanya internal PT Angkasa Pura II jugakepada seluruh pihak terkait yang menggunakan jasakebandarudaraan dan yang berkontribusi pada operasionalpenerbangan di bandar udara.  Upaya-upaya di atas ini tidak lain bertujuan untukmenguatkan safety culture di korporasi yaitu denganmenciptakan lingkungan dimana safety diterima, dihargai,dan diprioritaskan, sehingga misi PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) yaitu We bring the best of our people and partnersto deliÏer safe and pleasant traÏel eÕperience to ourcustomers dapat tercapai.      

In addition, to improÏe safety assurance, safety managementhas also implemented Airport )Õcellence �AP)X� in Safety ÐithACI �Airport Council International� from seÏeral countries suchas the United Arab )mirates, Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh,Nepal and Oman as Ðell as the implementation of HS) at theairports of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� has been certified,Ðhose results are as folloÐ: approÕimately 62% obtainGOLD)N flags �great� and 38% obtain SILV)R flags �good�.  Research planning related to digital safety performanceindicators �SPI� tracker using drone technology for runÐayinspection has also been initiated since the end of 2018,aiming to ensure that the Ðorld of safety is able to adapt toeÕisting technological adÏances to cope Ðith highly rapidchanges in the current business Ðorld. MoreoÏer, OSRS�Online Safety Reporting System� program has beenupgraded annually according to the needs of data analysis toeÏentually accomplish safety big data analysis. All efforts carried out in 2018 by corporate safetymanagement shall be improÏed in the folloÐing year. ToachieÏe the proclaimed 2019 Go Global, safety unit hasprepared main program strategies, namely theimplementation of Safety ReÏieÐ Ðith Ïarious stakeholders,AirnaÏ, and customer �airline� in a Ðorking group discussion toresolÏe safety issues in 2018 that require the cooperation ofÏarious parties, AP)X in Safety in collaboration Ðith ACI, ISO45001, Research on Safety Performance Indicators �SPI�Tracker using Drone for runÐay inspection, and updating theOnline Safety Reporting System �OSRS� application as SafetyBig Data Analysis. These fiÏe programs aim to achieÏe theÏision of safety eÕcellence at PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� in2019 and serÏe as an effort to improÏe safety aÐareness, notonly for the internal personnel of PT Angkasa Pura II, but alsofor all releÏant parties using airport serÏices and contributingto aÏiation operations in the airports. The aforementioned efforts are carried out to strengthen thesafety culture in the corporation by creating an enÏironmentÐhere safety is perceiÏed, Ïalued and prioritized, toaccomplish the mission of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�,namely "We bring the best of our people and partners todeliÏer safe and pleasant traÏel eÕperience to our customers".    


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)viii | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Istilah-istilah Safety

Suatu kondisi atau objek yang berpotensi

menyebabkan luka pada personil, kerusakan

peralatan atau struktur, kehilangan material,

atau pengurangan kemampuan performa dari

fungsi tertentu.


2suatu proses yang dilakukan untuk

tujuan pencegahan kecelakaan,

meliputi pengumpulan dan analisa


kesimpulan, termasuk penentuan

penyebab dan, bila sesuai, membuat

rekomendasi safety.



4peristiwa terkait pengoperasian pesawat udara

yang terjadi dari saat semua orang berada di

pesawat dengan tujuan terbang sampai saat

semua orang tersebut telah turun, dimana: ada

korban jiwa atau luka serius, pesawat tersebut

mengalami kerusakan atau kegagalan struktural,

pesawat hilang atau benar-benar tidak dapat




6pemeriksaan yang terjadwal, sistematis dan

mendalam terhadap prosedur, fasilitas,

personel dan dokumentasi organisasi

penyedia jasa penerbangan untuk melihat

tingkat kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan dan

peraturan yang berlaku.


The Terms of Safety

a condition or object Ðith the potential of

causing injuries to personnel, damage to

equipment or structures, loss of material, or

reduction of abilitÖ to perform a prescribed


a process conducted for the purpose of

accident preÏention Ðhich includes the

gathering and analÖsis of information, the

draÐing of conclusions, including the

determination of causes and, Ðhen

appropriate, the making of safetÖ


HazardPotensi Bahaya


suatu peristiwa selain kecelakaan (accident)

yang berhubungan dengan pengoperasian

pesawat udara yang mempengaruhi atau

dapat mempengaruhi keselamatan operasi

pesawat udara.

Incidentan occurrence, other than an accident,

associated Ðith the operation of an

aircraft Ðhich affects or could affect the

safetÖ of operation.


Accidentan occurrence associated Ðith the operation of an

aircraft Ðhich takes place betÐeen the time anÖ

person boards the aircraft Ðith the intention of

flight until such time as all such persons haÏe

disembarked, in Ðhich: a person is fatallÖ or

seriouslÖ injured, the aircraft sustains damage or

structural failure, the aircraft is missing or is

completelÖ inaccessible.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | ix

suatu kondisi di mana terdapat risiko

luka terhadap orang dan/atau

kerusakan harta benda, dipertahankan

pada atau di bawah, tingkat yang dapat

diterima melalui proses identifikasi

bahaya dan manajemen risiko yang


Keselamatanthe state in Ðhich the risk of harm to

persons or propertÖ damage is

reduced to, and maintained at or

beloÐ, an acceptable leÏel through a

continuing process of hazard

identification and risk management.


Audita scheduled sÖstematic and in-depth

eÕamination of procedures, facilities, personnel,

and documentation of aÏiation organization to

obserÏe the leÏel of compliance Ðith applicable

rules and regulations.

Istilah-istilah Safety

Tindakan yang dilakukan untuk

mengendalikan, atau mengurangi

kemungkinan terjadinya risiko



Kejadian pesawat udara ketika sedang

melakukan pendaratan atau lepas landas

dimana kemudian karena sesuatu hal

pesawat udara keluar runway.

RunÐaÖ )Õcursion




6tabrakan antara burung dan pesawat yang sedang


Bird Strike

The Terms of Safety

an action to control or

reduce the possibilitÖ of anÖ

risk to occur.

an incident Ðhere an aircraft

Ïeers off the runÐaÖ during

landing or take-off.



Runway Excursion

Kejadian pesawat udara di runway ketika sedang

dalam tahapan pendaratan atau tinggal landas yang

diakibatkan masuknya benda (mobil/orang )

kedalam runway tanpa ijin atau masuknya hewan ke

runway tanpa diketahui oleh pengelola bandar


Runway Incursionan incident Ðhere unauthorized objects

�carvperson� or animals unnoticed bÖ the

airport management are on the runÐaÖ

during landing or take-off.

Runway Incursion

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)x | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bird Strikea collision betÐeen a bird and a flÖing


suatu unsur, benda, atau serpihan asing, terletak di

lokasi yang tidak seharusnya di area pergerakan

pesawat udara yang berpotensi mengakibatkan

kerusakan pesawat.

FODanÖ object found in an inappropriate

location that at the aircraft moÏement

area, as a result of being in that

location, can damage equipment of


FOD (Foreign Object Debris)

Incident yang disebabkan oleh FOD. Contoh engine

pesawat kemasukan plastik sehingga pesawat

gagal take off, pesawat mengalami pecah ban saat

landing yang disebabkan oleh aspal yang

terkelupas etc.

FOD Incidentan incident caused bÖ FOD. For eÕamples,

a failure to take-off due to plastics get

into the aircraft engines, a tire burst due to

peeling asphalt, etc.

FOD Incident

Tabrakan yang terjadi saat pesawat sedang

taxiing dari atau ke area runway yang sedang


Ground Collision Ground Collisiona collision that occurs Ðhile an aircraft is

taÕiing to or from a runÐaÖ in use.

banyaknya kecelakaan kerja per satu juta jam

kerja orang akibat kecelakaan selama periode 1


Frequency Rate FrequencÖ Ratethe number of Ðorkplace incidents per

million Ðork hours due to accidents. Ðithin

the period of one Öear.



Indikator kinerja keselamatan adalah parameter keselamatan

berbasis data yang digunakan untuk memantau dan menilai

kinerja keselamatan.

SPI SafetÖ Performance IndicatorSafetÖ Performance Indicators are data-based safetÖ

parameters used to monitoring & eÏaluate the safetÖ



PT Angkasa Pura II

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PT Angkasa Pura II

Meningkatkan budaya keselamatan; Improving Safety Culture;

Budaya Pelaporan Reporting Culture;

Mengembangkan Teknologi Pelaporan Keselamatan; Developing Safety Reporting Technology;

Mereview atau mengupdate prosedur dan manual mengenai temuan audit keselamatan; Reviewing/updating Procedure & manual regarding findings of safety audit; 

Kolaborasi safety promotion dengan pihak stakeholder; Collaborating Safety Promotion with stakeholder;  

Audit Keselamatan. Safety Audit.


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Mengupdate dan merekaáasaulang media pelaporan; Updating & Re-engineering Media Reporting.Analisa Keselamatan dan Pengukuran Keselamatan; Safetá Analáze & Safetá Measurement;IdentifikasiLaporan Hazard; Hazard Identification;ReÚieÛ Keselamatan berdasarkan Audit Keselamatan dan Pelaporan Data Keselamatan; Safetá reÚieÛ based on Safetá Audit & Safetá Reporting data;Integrasi Database Keselamatan Big Data baik Internal maupun Eksterna; berdasarkan teknologi informasi; Safetá Database integration Big Data internal & eksternal based on Information Technologá;Mengembangkan Integrasi keselamatan di setiap aspek perusahaan/ unit; DeÚeloping Safetá Integration in each corporate aspect/unit;Audit Keselamatan.  Safetá Audit.


Kolaborasi promosi keselamatan dan koordinasi keselamatan antar internal, para stakeholder maupun kemitraan dalam mempersiapkan safetá strategá áang mumpuni; Collaborating safetá promotion & safetá coordination Ûith internal, stakeholder and partnership for safetá strategá;Integrasi database Analisa keselamatan big data analásis baik untuk internal maupun eksternal berbasis teknologi informasi; Safetá database integration big data analásis internal & eàternal based on Information Technologá;Optimalisasi Identifikasi Laporan Hazard berdasarkan hasil inÚestigasi; Optimalization Hazard Identification Through Result of InÚestigation Report; Peningkatan berkelanjutan dalam Mengelola resiko keselamatan dengan stakeholder eksternal dan atau kemitraan; Continuous ImproÚement Managing Safetá Risk Ûith Ekternal Stakeholders and partnership; Implementasi penggunaan teknologi dalam pencapaian leÚel keselamatan áang dapat diterima; Implementing technologá regarding Acceptable LeÚel of Safetá.

Menerapkan metode keselamatan berbasis smart intelligence terbaik untuk mencapai kinerja keselamatan terbaik;  Establish the best Smart Safetá Method to achieÚe the best safetá performance;

Meningkatkan keselamatan Operasional Bandara dengan pendeteksian dini secara berkala terkait hazard operasional maupun kekurangan sistem secara digital;  ImproÚing safetá of Airport operation bá smart safetá periodical detection of operational hazard and digital sástem deficiencies;

Menerapkan sistem keselamatan canggih termasuk manajemen risiko secara prediktif;  Implement adÚanced safetá sástem including predictiÚe risk management;

Pemantapan safetá monitoring sástem & program manajemen keselamatan; Mature safetá monitoring sástem & safetá management programmes.

Safety Global Partnership &





PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 2




Safety Global Partnership &

InnovationKemitraan Safety Secara Global dan


Smart Safety Intelligence Programme

Program Keselamatan

berbasis Smart Intelligence  

Safet E cellenceHow to achieve safety culture


Great th“ngs “n bus“ness are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.

 Steve Job


Corporate Safety


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 4

Salah satu outcome dari produk keselamatan di PT AngkasaPura II (Persero) adalah menurunnya tingkat kecelakaanmaupun insiden di bandara-bandara PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero). Banyaknya kecelakaan pesawat udara dapatmengakibatkan efek yang besar bukan hanyaterhadap  airline,  namun juga berdampak pada airport bahkannegara. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya "flight ban"yang pernah diberikan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap seluruhmaskapai penerbangan Indonesia sejak tahun 2007.Konsekuensi dari adanya larangan ini sangat berdampak keberbagai aspek: Tingginya tingkat kecelakaan pesawat udara dapatmengakibatkan meningkatnya biaya premi asuransiperusahaan sehingga mempengaruhi pendapatan maskapaipenerbangan, begitupula larangan maskapai penerbanganIndonesia ke wilayah uni Eropa mengakibatkan peluang rutepenerbangan berkurang yang akhirnya ini berdampak padapeluang bisnis yang menurun. Dengan kata lain cost premi naikdan pendapatan menurun. Serta maskapai baru yang tidakmampu bersaing banyak yang collapse atau bangkrut.   Seiring dengan banyaknya maskapai yang collapse jugaberdampak pada penurunan reÏenue perusahaankebandarudaraan. Image keselamatan penerbangan yangmelekat mengakibatkan potensi bisnis kebandarudaraan diIndonesia juga turut redup. Hal ini dibuktikan banyaknya rute-rute internasional yang enggan untuk transit atau transferpenumpang melalui bandara-bandara di Indonesia. Paramaskapai internasional lebih memilih untuk transit di Singapuramaupun Malaysia dibanding Indonesia. Dengan kata lain,walaupun fasilitas bandara dibangun dengan effort yang besardan serÏice customer yang eÕcellent, namun jika imagekeselamatannya buruk maka bisnis produktivitas berorientasiserÏice kepada pelanggan sekalipun secara otomatis jugatertutup peluangnya. Artinya produktivitas dan safetÖ berjalanberiringan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Adanya larangan terbang ke wilayah uni Eropa, tentunyaberdampak pada perekonomian nasional Indonesia. Salahsatunya yaitu: sektor pariwisata yang juga merasakan dampakdari flight ban ini, alhasil objek wisata Indonesia kurang dilirikwisatawan mancanegara karena kekhawatiran akankeselamatan yang kurang menyakinkan dimata internasional.Padahal keindahan objek wisata di Indonesia cukup bersaingnamun hal ini tidak cukup menarik perhatian wisatawan. Padaprinsipnya manusia tidak ada yang ingin celaka. 

One of the outcomes of safetÖ products in PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero� is the decline in accidents and incidents at the airportsof PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�. The number of aircraft accidentscan greatlÖ impact not merelÖ the airlines, but also the airportand eÏen state leÏel. It can be proÏed bÖ the "flight ban" giÏen bÖthe )U to all Indonesian airlines since 2007. The consequences ofthis prohibition greatlÖ impact Ïarious aspects: The premium rates of the airline increase due to the number ofoccurring accidents, and the prohibition of Indonesian airlines intothe region of )U results in the decline in the flight routesultimatelÖ leading to the decline of the business opportunities. Inother Ðords, premium cost increases and income decreases.ManÖ neÐ airlines incapable to compete are collapsed orbankrupt. The number of collapsing airlines also haÏe impact to decreasereÏenue of the airport. The inherent image of flight safetÖ leads tothe decline in the business opportunitÖ of the airport. This iseÏidenced bÖ manÖ international routes reluctant to transit ortransfer passengers through the airports in Indonesia.International airlines prefer to transit in Singapore as Ðell asMalaÖsia compared to Indonesia. In other Ðords, although airportfacilities are built Ðith great effort and eÕcellent customer serÏice,but the bad image of safetÖ Ðill automaticallÖ dismiss theopportunitÖ of the productiÏitÖ eÏen refer to customer serÏiceoriented. It means that productiÏitÖ and safetÖ go hand in hand. The number of Indonesian airlines banned from flÖing to theterritorÖ of )U, obÏiouslÖ, has an impact on the national economÖof Indonesia. The tourism sector also feels the impact of this flightban. As a result, foreign tourists are less attracted to tourismdestinations due to the concerns about less conÏincing safetÖ. Infact, the beautÖ of tourist attractions in Indonesia is quitecompetitiÏe, Öet it is not sufficient to attract tourist attention. Inprinciple, no human Ðants accident.







   Negara (State)


2   Airport

3 State

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 6


Serta ketidakmampuan negara menjaga image akan komitmenpada keselamatan penerbangan juga berdampak buruk padapenurunan potensi terbukanya rute-rute penerbanganinternasional ke negara Indonesia, sehingga trafficpenerbangan internasional tidak begitu signifikan dibandingpenerbangan domestik.  Begitupula butuh waktu yang lamauntuk melakukan image  recoÏerÖ terhadap keselamatanpenerbangan Indonesia di mata dunia. Ini terbukti denganadanya Uni Eropa mengeluarkan Indonesia dari ")U FlightSafetÖ List" di Juni 2018, yang berarti "all remaining air carriers"Indonesia yang berjumlah sebanyak 55 maskapai telah dapatterbang ke Uni Eropa.  Hal inilah menjadi pelajaran berharga bahwa duniapenerbangan di Indonesia, khususnya airport untuk concerntidak hanya pada produktivitas perusahaan namun juga padakeselamatan. Dalam proses bisnis kebandarudaraan, antaraproduksi dan proteksi keselamatan harus seimbang.  Olehkarena itu, perlu tetap diingat bahwa peluang bisnis kebandarudaraan di tahun ini dan optimisme tinggi di 5 (lima) tahunmendatang dalam bidang produksi takkan dapat berjalan stabilbahkan terelalisasi tanpa adanya keseimbangan dan komitmenperusahaan dalam meningkatkan keselamatan di berbagaiaspek.  


The incapabilitÖ  of the state to maintain the commitment toaÏiation safetÖ shall also negatiÏelÖ affect the potential ofopening neÐ international flight routes to Indonesia. It hencemaking them less significant compared to domestic flights.In addition, it shall take a long time to recoÏer Indonesia'saÏiation safetÖ image in the eÖes of the Ðorld. It is proÏen bÖ thefact that )uropean Union finnallÖ eÕcluded Indonesia from their")U Flight SafetÖ List" in June 2018, meaning "all remaining aircarriers" from Indonesia, amounted to 55 airlines, are againgranted permission to flÖ to )uropean Union. The eÕperience shall be our lesson learned, particularlÖ forairports to concern not onlÖ on corporate productiÏitÖ but also onsafetÖ. In airport business process, production and protectionshall be balanced. Therefore, it shall be noted that the businessopportunitÖ of airport in this Öear and high optimism in the neÕt 5�fiÏe� Öears in production Ðill not be able to progress in stablemanner and eÏen be accomplished Ðithout the balance andcommitment of the companÖ to improÏing safetÖ in Ïariousaspects.  


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)7 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

IKHTISAR KINERJASecara umum kinerja keselamatan PT Angkasa Pura II meningkat dibanding tahun 2017. Hal ini dapat ditujukkan dari:In general safety performance PT Angkasa Pura II has improved than previous year. That could be proved by:

Frequency rate has achieved over than target 99,88% (2018).Frequency rate has reduced by 1.49 in 2017 than 0.77 in 2018.It indicated by there is 6 work injuries in 2018 than 11 work injuries in 2017.

External Oversight

This audit has conducted by Airport Council International

(ACI) and using safety expert from United Arab Emirates,

Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Nepal and Oman.

Certificate of the SMK3 implementation by the Ministry of Manpower.

Number of incident based on Safety Performance indicator in 2018 than 2017.

It indicated by there is 36 incidents in 2017 than 29 incidents in 2018.

Safety Performance Indicator (SPI)




Number of accident in 2018 than 2017


Incident rate has reduced by 44.06 in 2017 than 29,16 in 2018.


Accident rate was stable in 2018 than previous year. It means that PT Angkasa Pura II has achieved zero accident in 2018


SPI tahun 2018 juga menunjukkan perkembangan yangbaik dibanding 2017, yaitu: penurunan kebijakan birdstrike,FOD incident, Runway Excursion. Walau ada peningkatandari segi jumlah kejadian Ground Collision & Runwayincursion, namun secara keseluruhan SPI 2018 rata-ratanaik 17% dibanding 2017. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencapai itusemua, sebagai berikut.

SPI in 2018 also shows good progress compared to SPI in2017, namely: a decline in the rate of incident due tobirdstrike, FOD, and Runway Excursion. Despite theincrease in the number of Ground Collision & Runwayincursion, SPI in 2018 has overall increased by an averageof 17% than previous year. The efforts taken for such achievement are as follows:

Safety audit & audit internal SMK3 (166 kriteria), RST(Runway Safety Team), SAG (Safety Action Group),rapat P2K3 (Panitia Pembina K3), pelaporan hazardbaik SMS (Safety Management System) dan HSE(Health, Safety, & Environment), dimana kinerja SMSmencapai 99,27 dari target 80% (2018) dan kinerja HSEmencapai 98,21% dari target 77% (2018).

APEX in Safety 2018 SMK3 External Audit


38%APII's airports for SMK3 Implementing

Safety rate has achieved over than tolerance target 99,98% (2018).It indicated by there is 1 runway

incursion in CGK by Garuda Indonesia airline.



Safety audit & HSE internal audit (166 criteria), RST(Runway Safety Team) meeting, SAG (Safety ActionGroup) meeting, P2K3 (Committee of HSE) meeting,SMS (Safety Management System) and HSE (Health,Safety, & Environment) hazard report, in which SMSand HSE performance reaches 99.27% and 98.21%from the 2018 target of 80% and 77% respectively.

Gold Flag (Satisfied)

Silver Flag (Good)

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 8

IKHTISAR KINERJASecara umum kinerja keselamatan PT Angkasa Pura II meningkat dibanding tahun 2017. Hal ini dapat ditujukkan dari:In general safety performance PT Angkasa Pura II has improved than previous year. That could be proved by:



APEX in Safety 2019 PLM & PNK

ISO 45001 CGK &KNO

Research of SPI Tracker using Drone for runway inspection

OSRS Version 3.0

Safety Policy & Objectives yang dilakukan selama tahun2018, yaitu konsinyering SOP guna pembaharuan SystemOperating Procedure (SOP) keselamatan baik SMS maupunHSE untuk menjamin efektivitas keselamatan sekaligussesuai dengan kebutuhan di lapangan.

Safety Risk Management & Safety Assurance yangdilakukan PT Angkasa Pura II tahun 2018, melalui APEX inSafety Review oleh ACI serta sertifikasi penerapan SMK3yang digunakan sebagai masukan dalam proses pencapaianSafety Excellence PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Selain itujuga aktif dalam safety assessment ke cabang KJT, PLM,CGK, HLP, BWX, PKY, dan PGK, serta safety investigationke cabang CGK, PNK, dan KNO.

Safety promotion yang telah dilakukan selama tahun 2018,yaitu: melaksanakan safety training hingga mencapai 140%dimana perwakilan dari masing-masing personil Safety &Risk kantor cabang telah dibekali dengan bimbingan TeknikSMS meliputi pengetahuan tentang perhitungan SPI, basicSMS, diklat ahli K3 Umum, bimbingan teknis pembuatansafety analysis termasuk Analisa investigasi, serta wildlifemanagement training, juga dilengkapi substantive trainingsebagai main support seperti writing in English, diklat BigData Analysis in Health related problems, serta riskassessment. Pelaksanaan safety performance & awarenesske cabang PDG, KNO, PNK, BDO, CGK, dan PKU, sertabenchmarking SMK3 ke PT Badak LNG, pembuatan safetyinfographic terkait kesiapan angkutan lebaran 2018, safetyaward, safety video, & safety awareness, serta pelaksanaanBulan K3 & upgrade aplikasi OSRS 2.0.

Dalam mencapai tujuan safety excellence di tahun 2019,Safety Management akan membuat strategi program utamayaitu Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety untuk PLM & PNKbekerja sama dengan ACI, ISO 45001 CGK & KNO, sertakajian Safety Performance Indicator (SPI) Tracker usingDrone for runway inspection dan pemutakhiran aplikasiOnline Safety Reporting System (OSRS) sebagai Safety BigData Analysis. Keempat program ini telahmempertimbangkan 4 pilar utama safety management yaituSafety Policy & Objective, Safety Risk Management, SafetyAssurance, dan Safety Promotion.

Safety Policy & Objectives in 2018, namely workingcommittee meeting of SOP for the renewal of SystemOperating Procedure (SOP) for Safety for both SMS and HSEto ensure the effectiveness of safety in accordance with therequirements in the field.

Safety Risk Management & Safety Assurance in 2018,through APEX in Safety Review by ACI and Certificate of theSMK3 implementation, the results of which are used as inputin the process of achieving Safety Excellence of PT AngkasaPura II (Persero). In addition, active safety assessment toKJT, PLM, CGK, HLP, BWX, PKY, and PGK branch officesand safety investigation to CGK, PNK, and KNO branchoffices.

Safety promotion in 2018, namely: the implementation ofsafety training to achieve 140%, in which the representativesof Safety & Risk units of each branch office have beenprovided with SMS Technical guidance including knowledge ofSPI calculation, basic SMS, training for HSE general officer,technical guidance in preparing safety analysis includinganalysis of investigations, wildlife management training,substantive training as main support such as writing inEnglish, training in Big Data Analysis in Health relatedproblems, and risk assessment. The implementation of safetyperformance & awareness to PDG, KNO, PNK, BDO, CGK,and PKU branch offices, as well as HSE benchmarking to PTBadak LNG, preparation of safety infographics related to Eid2018 transportation readiness, safety award, safety video, &safety awareness, and also implementation of HSE Month &OSRS 2.0 application upgrade.

To achieve the objective of safety excellence in 2019, SafetyManagement shall prepare main program strategies, namelyAPEX in Safety for PLM & PNK in collaboration with ACI, ISO45001 CGK & KNO, and Safety Performance Indicator (SPI)Tracker using Drone for runway inspection and Online SafetyReporting System (OSRS) application upgrade as Safety BigData Analysis. These four programs have considered 4 mainpillars of safety management, namely Safety Policy &Objective, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, andSafety Promotion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)9 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Isi PembahasanContent

PT Angkasa Pura II



Tiga tahun terakhir jumlah hazard report meningkat, serta jumlah kejadian (incident) menurun.

One of the achievements of safety performance of  PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� in 2018 is indicated by thedecrease of the number of incidents into 19.44%. Thisis supported by the preventive efforts, i.e. the number ofhazard reports in 2018 that amounts to 2,049 reports. In other Ðords, the number of hazard reportscontributes to the efforts to reduce the number ofincidents in 2018. These hazard reports are mostlysupplied by the team of safety inspectors of PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero� branch offices. Normally,hazard reports are immediately mitigated by the teamof safety inspectors before reported. It preciselysuppresses the number of incidents faster and evenavoids the chance of accident to occur.

Achievement of Hazard Report-Incident


2,064 2,049

64 36 29

Hazard Report Incident

2016 2017 2018



-44% -19.44%

Hazard Report IncidentThe last three years, number of hazard report has increased, and also number of incident has reduced.

Remarks: Hazard report includes to report from internal – eksternal and safety inspector report

Salah satu capaian kinerja keselamatan PT AngkasaPura II (Persero) Tahun 2018 ditunjukkan denganadanya penurunan jumlah incident yang terjadi yaitusekitar 19,44%. Hal ini tentu saja didukung dari upayapreventif berupa banyaknya jumlah laporan hazardyang masuk di tahun 2018 yaitu sekitar 2.049 laporan. Peran serta stakeholder dalam pelaporan hazard turutmemberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menekan jumlahincident di tahun 2018. Laporan hazard ini banyakdisuplai dari tim safety inspector kantor cabang PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero). Biasanya hazard reportsegera dimitigasi oleh tim safety inspector sebelumhazard dilaporkan. Hal ini dapat menekan jumlahincident lebih cepat bahkan menghindari peluangaccident terjadi.

Capaian Kinerja Keselamatan 2018Achievement of Safety Performance - 2018



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 11


Tiga tahun terakhir menunjukkan jumlah kejadian (incident) berdasarkan Safety PerformanceIndicator (SPI) terus menurun. Namun demikian target toleransi jumlah kejadian di tahun 2019dinaikkan 37 kejadian dengan pertimbangan semakin bertambahnya jumlah bandara dikelolaoleh PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero).

Based on the achievement of safety performance interms of the decline in total incidents in 2018, it istargeted to reduce total incidents in 2019, namely amaximum of 37 incidents or an approximate increase of27.59% from 2018. This figure is based on statisticalanalysis from the previous 3 �three� years by consideringthe addition of neÐ airports in 2019 to predict themaximum tolerated incidents in 2019.   Current conditions of aviation safety at the airports ofPT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� are deemed good andsatisfying, yet on the other hand there are still manyimproving in order to achieve safety excellence. Theincreasing number of airports of PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero� indicates higher level of safety risk to controlas Ðell as higher need for skills and knoÐledge toincrease the capacity of resources in controlling allpotential hazards and mitigating them to acceptablelevels. It can backfire as Ðell as encourage PT AngkasaPura II �Persero� to be constantly aÐare of thesurrounding conditions in order to create safetyaÐareness.


The last three years, number of incident regarding SPI has reduced. And number of tolerance target of incident in 2019 be 37 incidents by considering the addition of airports at Angkasa Pura II.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)12 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Remarks: Hazard report includes to report from internal – eksternal and safety inspector report

Berdasarkan capaian kinerja keselamatan dalam halpenurunan jumlah incident di tahun 2018, maka tahun2019 ditargetkan untuk mengurangi jumlah incident yangterjadi, maksimal 37 incident atau naik sekitar 27.59% daritahun 2018. Angka ini dibuat berdasarkan analisa statistikdari 3 tahun sebelumnya dengan pertimbanganpenambahan bandara baru di tahun 2019  gunamemprediksi maksimum jumlah incident yang ditolerirterjadi di tahun 2019. Kondisi keselamatan penerbangan di bandara-bandaraPT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) saat ini memang terbilangbaik dan memuaskan, namun di sisi lain masih banyakyang perlu ditingkatkan agar mencapai safety excellence.Semakin bertambahnya jumlah bandara di PT AngkasaPura II maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat resikokeselamatan yang harus dikendalikan juga semakintinggi kebutuhan akan skill maupun knoÐledge gunameningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya dalam mengontrolsegala potensi bahaya sekaligus mitigasi hingga levelyang dapat diterima. Hal ini dapat menjadi bumerangsekaligus penyemangat untuk selalu aÐare dengankondisi sekitar agar tercipta safety aÐareness.

Capaian Kinerja Keselamatan 2018Achievement of Safety Performance - 2018

Number of Incident

Number of Incident

-44%-19.44% 27,59%

Tolerance Target


Accident Rate vs USOAP Score

Accident Rate APII Global Accident Rate APAC

2015 2016 2017 2018

KORPORASI CorporationCapaian Kinerja Keselamatan 2018Achievements of Safety Performance 2018

USOAP Score  


*) USOAP Score in Indonesia (2015y refer to 2014y score data (EI))

     Accident Rate  (per 1000.000 movements) at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

     Accident Rate = (numbers of Accident/ aircraft movement) x 1000.000

     Scheduled Commercial Flights on airplanes above 5.7t only

51.61% 52.77%


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 13

Based on the aforementioned graph, it is eÏident that thesafety performance of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� inpreÏenting or reducing total accidents in 2017 to 2018 isquite significant. It is indicated by the Ïalue of accidentrate achieÏed, namely 0.00 for two consecutiÏe years. Inother words, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� obtains therank of zero accident for these past two years. The higherthe USOAP score is, the better a country controls itsaccident rate, including PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� thatis able to maintain the rank zero accident compared toAsia Pacific and World in 2018. This number of accident rate is refered to  The MinisterDecree �KP� No. 222 and 282 of 2017 on the calculation ofSafety Performance Indicator & Acceptable LeÏel ofSafety Performance, the accident rate of PT AngkasaPura II �Persero� is calculated from the number ofaccidents caused by the inÏolÏement of airport proÏider.Other than those mentioned in the regulation is notcounted as accident rate or incident rate of PT AngkasaPura II �Persero� as the airport operator.

Berdasarkan grafik di atas terlihat bahwa  kinerjakeselamatan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) dalammencegah atau menurunkan jumlah accident cukupsignifikan di tahun 2017 hingga 2018.  Hal ini dapatditunjukkan dengan nilai accident rate PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) yang diperoleh yaitu 0.00 selama dua tahunberurutan.  Atau dengan kata lain  PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) memperoleh predikat zero accident selama duatahun terakhir. Semakin tinggi score USOAP makasemakin baik suatu negara mengendalikan tingkataccident ratenya termasuk PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)yang mampu mempertahankan predikat zero accidentdibandingkan dengan Asia Pasific maupun secara Global(Dunia) di tahun 2018. Nilai ini berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri (KP) nomor 222dan 282 Tahun 2017 tentang perhitungan SafetyPerformance Indicator & Acceptable LeÏel of SafetyPerformance, bahwa accident rate PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) dihitung dari jumlah accident yang terjadi akibatketerlibatan operator bandar udara didalamnya, selainyang disebutkan dalam peraturan tersebut maka tidakdihitung sebagai accident rate maupun incident rate PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero) selaku operator bandara.


2.782.58 2.16




0.00 0.00



KORPORASI CorporationHubungan antara Accident Rate & Aircraft MovementRelation between Accident Rate & Aircraft Movement



*)  Accident Rate  (per 1000.000 movements) at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

     Accident Rate = (numbers of Accident/ aircraft movement) x 1000.000

     Scheduled Commercial Flights on airplanes above 5.7t only

Berdasarkan trend grafik di atas menunjukkan bahwaterdapat hubungan antara Accident rate PT Angkasa PuraII dan  jumlah aircraft moÏement, dimana semakin keciltingkat accident rate suatu perusahaan makakepercayaan pelanggan semakin tinggi dalammenggunakan moda transportasi udara.  Hal ini terbuktisemakin tinggi pergerakan pesawat di PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero). Dan didukung dengan penurunan incident rate sertafrequency rate juga menunjukkan  implementasi safetyyang dilaksanakan semakin baik maka nilai accidentratenya turun dan jumlah trafik pesawat meningkat. 

Accident Rate & Aircraft Movement


408,386 425,929

317,481 363,763 412,802 431,396

Departures Arrivals Accident rate of AP II

2015 2016 2017 2018

3.16 1.380 0

632,418 723,799

821,188 857,325

The trend of the aforementioned graph shows a correlationbetween accident rate and total aircraft moÏements of PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero�. The lower the accident rate of acompany is, the higher customer trust in using airtransportation modes is. It is indicated by the greater aircraftmoÏements at PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� due to the loweraccident rate. It is supported by a decline in incident rate and frequency rate.It also indicates that better safety implementation leads to thedecline in accident rate and the increase in total air traffic.

Review Keselamatan 2018Safety Review 2018

-100%Accident Rate

-48.21%Frequency Rate

-23.75% Incident Rate



Calculation of Incident Rate is similar with Accident rate

Frequency Rate = (numbers of work injury in 1y x  1.000.000)/

                                      ((numbers of office hours  in  1 y)  x  numbers of employee in 1y)



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)14 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Re ie veselamatan

F e uency Rate. %

Frequency Rate di tahun 2018 turun hingga 48,21% dibanding tahun 2017 serta capaian ini melebihi target 2018 yang telah ditetapkan, dan bahkan jumlah kejadian kecelakaan kerja ini turun hingga 45,45% di tahun 2018 dibanding tahun 2017.


OLS Obstacle Limitation Su faces Digital %

Realisasi program tercapai.Realization of program has achieved.

SMS Pe fo mance . %HSE Pe fo mance . %Capaian kinerja Safety Management System (SMS) seluruh kantor cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mencapai 99,27% dari target 80% serta capaian kinerja Health, Safety, & Environment (HSE) seluruh kantor cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mencapai 98,21% dari target 77% di tahun 2018.

Incident Rate - . %Accident Rate - %

incident rate sebesar 44,06 di tahun 2017 menjadi 29,16 pada tahun 2018 yang berarti pengendalian safety dalam menekan jumlah incident

tahun 2018 ini tergolong sangat baik, bahkan Accident Rate 2018 adalah zero atau dengan kata lain PT Angkasa Pura II mencapai

predikat zero accident di tahun 2018

SPI . %

terhadap target 99,68% (2018).Terdapat 25 kejadian selama tahun 2018

terhadap toleransi safety target 2018 sebanyak 32 kejadian.

Safety Rate . %terhadap target 99,98% (2018).

Safety Rate = toleransi 1 kejadian runway incursion yang dialami oleh maskapai Garuda Indonesia selama tahun

2018 terhadap target toleransi 2 kejadian runway incursion oleh maskapai yang sama per 10.000 pergerakan pesawat

dalam setahun.

Digital vvOP %

Safety Pe fo mance Indicato . %

Target 2018: 99.98%.There is 1 runway incursion by Garuda

Indonesia airline against the tolerance target of 2 runway incursions by the same airline

per 10.000 aircraft movements in 1 year.

Target 2018: 99.68%.There are 25 incidents against the

tolerance of the 2018 safety target of 32 incidents.

Frequency Rate declines to 48.21% compared to that in 2017, yet this achievement exceeds the 2018 target. Moreover, total work injury declines to 45.45% compared than previous year.

The achievement of SMS performance and HSE performance of all PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) airports reaches 99.27% and 98.36% respectively, exceeding the 2018 target.

Incident rate (44.06) has decreased to 29.16 in 2018, meaning that safety control for reducing number of incident in 2018 is excellent, even

Accident Rate is zero or in other words PT Angkasa Pura II achieves the rank of zero accident in 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 15

KORPORASI Corporation

Ta get Keselamatan

F e uency Rate .Toleransi jumlah kecelakaan kerja di tahun 2019 secara korporasi sebanyak 11 kejadian, dengan pertimbangan adanya bandara baru (bandara Kertajati, Tjilik Riwut, dan Wirasaba).


Safety Rate = Toleransi kejadian runway incursion yang dialami oleh Garuda Indonesia hingga 13 kejadian runway incursion per 100.000 pergerakan pesawat oleh maskapai yang sama dalam 1 tahun.

SMS & HSE Pe fo mance %Follow up of SMS Audit %Follow up of SMK Inte nal Audit

%Kinerja SMS meliputi: Tindak lanjut Safety Audit 80%, pelaksanaan RST/SAG, dan SMS Hazard.Kinerja HSE meliputi: Tindak lanjut Audit internal SMK3 85%, pelaksanaan rapat P2K3, dan HSE Hazard.

Incident Rate .Accident Rate .

Toleransi jumlah incident terkait SPI sebanyak 37 kejadian serta jumlah accident maksimal 2 kecelakaan

secara korporasi di tahun 2019, dengan adanya pertimbangan bandara baru (bandara Kertajati, Tjilik

Riwut, dan Wirasaba).

Jumlah Haza d Repo t .

Safety Rate . %

Numbe of Haza d Repo t , The tolerance of total corporate work injury is 11 accidents, with consideration of new airports (Kertajati, Tjilik Riwut, and Wirasaba airports).

SMS Performance consists of follow up of safety audit 80%, RST/SAG Meeting, & SMS Hazard Report.HSE Performance consists of follow up SMK3 Internal Audit 85%, P2K3 Meeting, and HSE Hazard Report.

The tolerance of total incident related to SPI is 37 incidents and number of accident is maximal 2 as

corporate in 2019, with consideration of new airports (Kertajati, Tjilik Riwut, and Wirasaba airports).

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)16 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Realisasi program OSRS as Safety Big Data Analysis, ISO 45001 CGK & KNO (2nd Semester), APEX: Airport Excellent

in Safety (PLM &PNK), Ramp Safety Campaign (RSC) &Terminal Safety Campaign (TSC) 4 times, Research of SPI

Tracker by Using Drone Technology, OLS Digital & No Drone Zone 2019.

Safety P og am %

The tolerance of runway incursion by Garuda Indonesia up to 13 runway incursions per 100,000 aircraft movements by the same airline in 1 year.Program Realization of OSRS as Safety Big Data

Analysis, ISO 45001 CGK & KNO (2nd Semester), APEX in Safety (PLM &PNK), RSC & TSC 4 times,

Research of SPI Tracker by Using Drone Technology, OLS Digital & No Drone Zone 2019.

SPI , % Safety Pe fo mance Indicato

. %

KORPORASI Corporation





Number of Incident vs IncidentRate





Incident Rate APII

2016 2017 2018 2019

KORPORASI CorporationTarget Keselamatan 2019Safety Target 2019

Number of Accident  


*) Accident Rate  (per 1000.000 movements) at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

    Incident Rate (Per 1000.000 movements) at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

    Asumption of aircraft movement in 2019 is 865K movements


2 1

0 0


Number of Accident vsAccident Rate



0 0


Accident Rate APII

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 17

The aforementioned graph shows an increase in theachieÏement of safety performance in 2018. It is proÏen bythe absence of accidents in 2018 and total incidents of 25incidents, or declined by nearly 31% from total incidents in2017.  According to the statistical analysis of the last 4 �four�years, the 2019 safety target is zero accident with themaÕimum tolerance of 2 accidents or the accident rate ofapproÕimately 2.31. Likewise, the maÕimum tolerance ofincident is 37 incidents or the incident rate of 42.77 in2019. In addition to calculation based on historical data, thesetolerance limits also consider the addition of newairports  of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� in 2018 & 2019,such as Kertajati, and Tjilik Riwut airports. 

Berdasarkan grafik di atas, capaian kinerja keselamatanselama tahun 2018 menunjukkan peningkatan. Hal initerbukti dengan tidak adanya accident di tahun 2018dan jumlah  incident sebanyak 25 kejadian atau turunhampir 31% dari jumlah incident tahun 2017. Menurut perhitungan analisa statistik dari 4 (empat)tahun terakhir, diperoleh safety target tahun 2019 adalahzero accident dengan toleransi maksimal 2 accident atauaccident rate nya sekiar 2,31. Begitupula toleransi jumlahincident yaitu maksimal 37 incident atau dengan kata lainincident rate nya adalah 42.77 sebagai batas toleransi ditahun 2019. Selain perhitungan berdasarkan historikal data, batastoleransi ini juga mempertimbangkan penambahanbandara baru di 2018 yaitu bandara Kertajati maupunbandara baru yang bergabung dengan PT Angkasa PuraII (Persero) di 2019 seperti bandara Tjilik Riwut.

Number of Incident

KORPORASI CorporationTarget Keselamatan 2019Safety Target 2019

Number of APII's Employee



*)  Assume number of employees in 2018 based on forecast from 7 years before

     Target of work injury is 11 which is getting from median of three years before and considering of new airports as addition.



5,546 5,133 5,406 5,400

Achievement of 2018 & Tolerance Target Frequency Rate2019





Frequency Rate

2016 2017 2018 2019

Frequency Rate is total work injuries �work accidents� per onemillion hours of work due to an accident oÏer a period of 1year. The comparison graph of frequency rate between PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero� and Singapore indicates that thework accident rate of airports of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�in 2018 is still below 1.00. In addition, HS) of PT AngkasaPura II �Persero� in 2018 is still classified better compared toSingapore with more frequent work accidents. In 2018, there are 6 work accidents by employees of PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero�. Based on the results of statisticalanalysis of the last 3 �three� years, the maÕimum target ofwork accident by employees in the work enÏironment in 2019is 11 accidents or the frequency rate of 1.41. The calculation ofthis target considers the estimated number of HR in 2019,reaching approÕimately 5,400 employees, as well as theplans to add new airports in 2019.

Frequency Rate adalah banyaknya kecelakaan kerja persatu juta jam kerja orang akibat kecelakaan selama periode1 tahun. Berdasarkan grafik perbandingan frequency rateantara PT Angkasa Pura II dan Singapura, menunjukkanbahwa rate kecelakaan kerja bandara-bandara di PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero) masih di bawah 1,00 pada tahun2018 dan apabila dibandingkan dengan Singapura, makaK3 di bandara PT Angkasa Pura II masih tergolong lebihbaik dibanding K3 di Singapura yang lebih sering terjadikecelakaan kerja selama tahun 2018. Pada tahun 2018 terjadi 6 kali kecelakaan kerja olehkaryawan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Dan berdasarkanhasil Analisa statistik dari 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir, makatarget maksimal terjadi kecelakaan kerja karyawan dilingkungan kerja adalah 11 kejadian atau frequency ratesebesar 1,41 di tahun 2019. Perhitungan target ini denganmemperhitungkan perkiraan jumlah SDM tahun 2019 sekitar 5.400 karyawan, serta pertimbangan rencanapenambahan bandara baru di tahun ini.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)18 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

8 116


Number of Work Injury

Frequency Rate of APII vs Singapore

Frequency Rate of APII Frequency Rate of Singapore

2015 2016 2017 2018

1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50



Source: Workplace Safety & Health Report, 2018

Target Keselamatan 9SAFETY TARGET 9

Incident rate & Accident rate Formula. Incident rate =  number of incident/ number of aircraft

  movement x rate dominatorAccident rate =  number of Accident/ number of aircraft

  movement x rate dominator Rate of denominator uses 10,000 rate per aircraft movement, appropriate with the Minister Decree KP no. 222 on 2017y.

The term Acceptable LeÏel of SafetÖ �ALoS� defines anaÏiation serÏice proÏider’s minimum leÏel of acceptable riskfor a giÏen safetÖ issue. “Acceptable” describes the need forno further mitigatorÖ actions on the part of the serÏiceproÏider for the safetÖ concern in question.SafetÖ Performance Indicator is a safetÖ parameter based ondata used for monitor & assess safetÖ performance. Safety performance indicator for Airport:  

Level keselamatan yang dapat diterima atau dikenaldengan ALoS didefinisikan sebagai level minimum dariresiko yang dapat diterima bagi penyedia jasapenerbangan terhadap isu keselamatan yang ada.“Acceptable” (dapat diterima) berarti kondisi dimana tidakdiperlukan mitigasi lebih lanjut oleh penyedia jasapenerbangan terhadap fokus masalah keselamatan yangdimaksud. Indikator Kinerja Keselamatan adalah parameterkeselamatan berdasarkan data yang digunakan untukmemantau & menilai kinerja keselamatan.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 19

Indikator kinerja keselamatan untuk Bandara:  

RunÐaÖ Incursion (Tanpa keterlibatan ATC);             RunÐaÖ )Õcursion (Tanpa keterlibatan);Ground Collision,  antara pesawat & pesawat, pesawat& kendaraan, kendaraan & kendaraan);Kerusakan Pesawat karena FOD di runway/taxiway/apron;Bird Strike.

  Runway Incursion (without ATC involved);Runway Excursion (without ATC involved);

Ground Collision, between Aircraft vs Aircraft, aircraft vsvehicle, Vehicle vs Vehicle;Aircraft damage due to Foreign Object Debris onrunway/taxiway/apron;Bird Strike  

Formula Incident rate & Accident rate. Incident rate =  Total kejadian/ jumlah pergerakan                           pesawat x rate dominatorAccident rate =  Total kecelakaan/ jumlah pergerakan                               pesawat x rate dominator Rate denominator menggunakan rate 10.000 perpergerakan pesawat, sesuai dengan KP 222 pada tahun2017.  

Indikator Kinerja Keselamatan Safety Performance Indicator





Target Keselamatan 9SAFETY TARGET 9

Mengacu pada KP 222 Tahun 2017, kondisi emergency juga ditandaidengan adanya:

Satu kejadian berada di atas garis alert level 3.Dua kejadian berturut-turut berada di atas garis alert level 2.Tiga kejadian berturut-turut berada di atas garis alert level 1.

Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi SafetÖ Performance Indicator (SPI) tahun2018 secara korporasi, maka dianggap perlu untuk perhatian khususterhadap birdstrike management maupun pengendalian penyebabground collision serta FOD management terutama di CGK. Dandiharapkan seluruh cabang PT Angkasa pura II (Persero) selamatahun 2019 mampu mengendalikan seluruh indikator safetÖ sesuai KP222 dan 282 Tahun 2017 agar menjadi lebih baik dibanding tahun2018.  

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)20 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Garis target menggambarkan target rata-rataincident rate tahun sebelumnya. Ditetapkan 95%atau turun 5% dari rata-rata incident rate tahunsebelumnya karena sifat kejadian incidentdiharapkan ketiadaannya untuk mencapaikondisi ideal.The target line represents the average of incidentrate target from previous year. It is stipulated95%, or decreased by 5% from the previous year’sincident rate, since the absence of incidence isexpected to achieve ideal condition.

Alert level 1 menunjukkan simpangan dari rata-rata incident rate. Kategori yang melewati levelini dinamakan warning. Alert level 1menunjukkan simpangan dari rata-rata incidentrate. Kategori yang melewati level ini dinamakanwarning .Alert level 1 shows the deviation from theaverage incident rate. The categories passingbeyond this level are called warnings.

Alert level 2 sama hal nya dengan alert level 2.Kategori yang melewati level ini dinamakanwaspada.Alert level 2 is similar to alert level 1; thecategories passing beyond this level are calledalert.

Alert level 3 sama dengan yang sebelumnya.Kategori yang melewati level ini dinamakansegera safety action.Alert level 3 is similar to the previous ones; thecategories passing beyond this level are calledsafety action emergency.

Based on the Minister Decree KP No. 222v2017, emergencÖcondition is also marked bÖ:

An occurence aboÏe alert line of leÏel 3.TÐo restrospect occurences aboÏe alert line of leÏel 2.Three restrospect occurences aboÏe alert line of leÏel 1.

Based on the results of corporate SafetÖ PerformanceIndicator �SPI� eÏaluation of 2018, it is deemed necessarÖ topaÖ special attention to birdstrike management and controloÏer the causes of ground collision as Ðell as FODmanagement, particularlÖ in CGK. In addition, it is eÕpectedthat all PT Angkasa pura II �Persero� branch offices in 2019 areable to control all safetÖ indicators in compliance Ðith KP 222and 282 of 2017 in a better manner than Öear 2018.

Indikator Kinerja Keselamatan Safety Performance Indicator






1 Korporasi CorporationSafety Performance Indicator (SPI)


Runway Incursion

Ground Collision

FOD Incident Bird Strike

2017 : 0.01 2018 : 0.00

2017 : 0.00 2018 : 0.01

2017 : 0.04 2018 : 0.093

2017 : 0.061 2018 : 0.058

Runway Excursion



Runway Excursion Runway Incursion Ground Collision


Bird Strike

1.17% 155.43% -4.22%

2017 : 0.28 2018 : 0.13

FOD Incident

-54.19%Aircraft mo ement of APII as estimated ) , on last SPI Rate = num)ers of Incident/ aircraft mo ement . aircraft mo ement

Reff: KP & KP on a)out SPI & ALoSP         Accepta)le Le el of Safet Performance       

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 21

KORPORASI CorporationCapaian Kinerja Keselamatan 2018 & Target Keselamatan 2019Achievement of Safety Performance 2018 & Safety Target 2019

Runway excursion – A veer off or overrun off the runway surface.

Runway incursion – Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an

aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-

off of aircraft.

Birdstrike – A collision between a bird and an aircraft.

FOD – Foreign Object Debris.

Ground Collisions – A Collision while taxiing to or from a runway in use.

Based on KP No 222 and 282 of 2017 on the calculation ofSafety Performance Indicators & Acceptable LeÏel of SafetyPerformance, there are 5 �fiÏe� indicators to measure safetyperformance at airports, namely:1. Runway )Õcursion �without ATC inÏolÏement�2. Runway Incursion �without ATC inÏolÏement�3. FOD4. Ground Collisions5. Birdstrike Based on the aforementioned graph, it is eÏident that eachsafety indicator has been reached and eÏen eÕceeded the2018 safety target, eÕcept Ground Collision and RunwayIncursion. It indicates the need for eÏaluation for these twotypes of incidents in 2019. Hazard identification and riskmanagement need to be improÏed to reduce the risk andeÏen the number of Ground Collision and Runway Incursion in2019.    

Berdasarkan KP nomor 222 dan 282 Tahun 2017 tentangperhitungan Safety Performance Indicator & AcceptableLeÏel of Safety Performance, bahwa ada 5 (lima) indikatoruntuk mengukur kinerja keselamatan di bandar udara.Lima indikator keselamatan tersebut terdiri dari:1. Runway )Õcursion (tanpa keterlibatan ATC)2. Runway Incursion (tanpa keterlibatan ATC)3. FOD4. Ground Collisions5. Birdstrike Dari grafik di atas terlihat bahwa masing-masing indikatorkeselamatan telah tercapai bahkan melebihi targetkeselamatan yang ditetapkan di tahun 2018 kecuali GroundCollision dan Runway Incursion. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwaperlu adanya evaluasi untuk kedua jenis kejadian ini ditahun 2019. Identifikasi hazard dan manajemen resiko perluditingkatkan kembali guna menekan resiko bahkan jumlahkejadian terjadinya Ground collision maupun RunwayIncursion di tahun 2019. 

  Caution:Ground Collision & Runway Incursion hasexceeded the limit of target 2018    


*)  the Minister Decree KP No. 222 & 282/2017,

     SPI & ALoSP (Acceptable Level of Safety Performance)         

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)22 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationCapaian Kinerja Keselamatan 2018 & Target Keselamatan 2019Achievement of Safety Performance 2018 & Safety Target 2019

)Ïen though Ground Collision and Runway Incursion eÕceed the2018 safety target, oÏerall Safety Performance Indicator �SPI�performance has improÏed compared to the preÏious year. It isindicated by the decline in the aÏerage achieÏement ofincidents related to SPI in 2018 by 17%. In other words, the achieÏement of safety performance basedon SPI is good and shall be maintained in 2019 proÏided thatsafety awareness, particularly in the apron area, is increased,regarding all actiÏities on the ground and critical runway areas.  

Walaupun Ground Collision dan Runway Incursion melebihitarget keselamatan yang ditetapkan di tahun 2018, namunsecara keseluruhan kinerja Safety Performance Indicator(SPI) meningkat dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Hal iniditunjukkan dengan adanya penurunan rata-rata capaiankejadian terkait SPI di tahun 2018 sebesar 17% dibandingtahun 2017. Dengan kata lain, capaian kinerja keselamatan berdasarkanSPI adalah baik dan tetap untuk dipertahankan pada tahun2019 dengan catatan semakin meningkatkan safetyawareness terutama di area apron terkait segala aktifitas diground maupun area kritikal runway..  


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 23

KORPORASI CorporationEfektivitas Implementasi Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Implementation


Remarks:    RST : Runway Safety Team ; P2K3: Panitia Pembina K3 (HSE Committee)

                        SAG: Safety Action Group  

Based on the achieÏement of Safety Management System�SMS� and HS) Management System �SMK3� in 2018, it canbe concluded that the implementation of SMS and HS) arevery good which eÕceed the target in 2018. It is proÏen by theachieÏement of SMS and HS) performance by 99.27% and98.21% respectiÏely. HoweÏer, in terms of 4 indicators of SMSimplementation �Corporate Safety Policy, Safety & RiskManagement, Safety Assurance and Safety Promotion�, it isnecessary for all branch offices and head office to improÏedigital safety promotion to create high safety awarenessconsidering rapid technological adÏances and easy accessto information.

  Berdasarkan capaian kinerja Safety ManagementSystem (SMS) maupun Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3) tahun2018, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi SMSdan SMK3 berjalan sangat baik melebihi target di tahun2018. Hal ini terbukti dengan capaian kinerja SMS mencapai99,27% dan capaian kinerja SMK3 sebesar 98,21%. Namun,yang perlu digarisbawahi implementasi SMS dari 4 indikator�Corporate Safety Policy, Safety & Risk Management, SafetyAssurance dan Safety Promotion�, maka implementasi SMSyang harus ditingkatkan performancenya adalah safetypromotion digital  oleh seluruh kantor cabang maupunkantor pusat guna tercipta safety awareness yang tinggimengingat kemajuan teknologi dan kemudahan aksesinformasi yang begitu cepat.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)24 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationHubungan antara RST/SAG, P2K3 & Hazard ReportThe Correlation between RST/SAG, P2K3 & Hazard Report


Remarks:    RST : Runway Safety Team ; P2K3: Panitia Pembina K3 (HSE Committee)

                        SAG: Safety Action Group  

Based on the aboÏe chart trends between RST and SMSHazard Report, supported by correlation test between themin 2016 and 2017, it is found that corporately there is apositiÏe correlation between RST and SMS Hazard Reportfrom 2016 to 2017. Based on the CORR)LATION T)ST, the correlation betweentotal implementation of RSTvSAG & P2K3 Meeting Ïs totalhazard report is highly significant.   Thus, it can be concluded that greater intensity of theimplementation of RSTvSAG andCommittee of HS) �P2K3�meetings leads to the increase in the number of SMS andHS) Hazard Report.

Berdasarkan trend grafik antara RSTvSAG dan SMSHazard Report di atas dan didukung oleh pengujiankorelasi RST dan SMS Hazard Report, maka secarakorporasi ditemukan bahwa terdapat korelasi positifantara RST dan SMS Hazard Report begitu pula antararapat P2K3 dengan peningkatan jumlah HS) hazardreport.

Berdasarkan UJI KORELASI, maka diperoleh informasibahwa hubungan antara jumlah pelaksanaan RST/SAG & Rapat P2K3 serta jumlah hazard report sangatberpengaruh signifikan.Jadi dapat disimpulkan semakin tinggi intensitaspelaksanaan RSTvSAG maupun rapat P2K3, makajumlah SMS maupun HSE  Hazard Report juga turutmeningkat. PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 25

KORPORASI CorporationEfektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

Rekapitulasi Safety Audit Tahun 2018 Berdasarkan Kriteria Temuan Kantor CabangPT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

34 6




5 3 23


2 11



1520 17 14 17 19 18 19


Prosedur (Procedure) Personil (Personnel) Fasilitas & Peralatan (Facility & Equipment)Lingkungan (Environment)


Recapitulation of Safety Audit 2018 based on Criteria of Findings at PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Airports

Audit is a scheduled, systematic and in-deptheÕamination of procedures, facilities, personnel anddocumentation of aÏiation organization to obserÏe theleÏel of compliance with applicable rules and regulations�definition of Law No. 1 of 2009�, as well as the safetyassurance process. PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� through Corporate SafetyManagement Unit carries out safety audit and HS)internal audit each year. Safety audit in PT Angkasa PuraII �Persero� is corporately carried out in 2007 by CorporateSafety & Risk unit �the preÏious name of the unit�. Inaddition, HS) Internal Audit is the application ofGoÏernment Regulation �PP� No. 50 of 2012 that reÏiewsand assesses the performance and effectiÏeness ofCorporate Occupational Safety and Health ManagementSystem.  

Audit adalah pemeriksaan yang terjadwal, sistematis danmendalam terhadap prosedur, fasilitas, personel dandokumentasi organisasi penyedia jasa penerbanganuntuk melihat tingkat kepatuhan terhadap ketentuandan peraturan yang berlaku (definisi UU No. 1 tahun2009), serta sebagai proses safety assurance. PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) melalui Unit CorporateSafety Management melakukan safety audit dan auditinternal SMK3 setiap tahunnya. Pelaksanaan safety auditdi PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) secara korporasidilaksanakan mulai tahun 2007 oleh unit CorporateSafety & Risk (nama saat itu). Selain itu, pelaksanaanAudit Internal SMK3 merupakan penerapan dariPeraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 50 tahun 2012 yangmeninjau dan menilai kinerja serta efektivitas SistemManajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaPerusahaan.

Prosentase Temuan Safety Audit Tahun 2018Berdasarkan Kriteria Temuan KantorCabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

80.2 %

19.8 %

Mandatory Minor

Percentage of Safety Audit Findings

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)26 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI Corporation

Safety Audit 2018

The 2018 Safety Audit in PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�Branch Offices is carried out from March 2 to August24, 2018. The total findings of 2018 safety auditamounts to 278 findings with the realization of follow-up of 93.88%. The realization increases by 1.63%compared to that of 2017. The most significant findingsare obtained from Kualanamu Airport, Medan withtotal findings of 24 findings.  West JaÏa International Airport �Kertajati� has notimplemented safety audit considering that the airporthas just joined in mid-2018.  

Pelaksanaan Safety Audit tahun 2018 di lingkunganKantor Cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) dilaksanakanmulai tanggal 02 Maret sampai dengan 24 Agustus 2018.Jumlah temuan safety audit tahun 2018 adalah 278temuan dengan realisasi tindak lanjut temuan sebesar93,88%. Realisasi tindak lanjut temuan ini meningkatsebesar 1,63% dibandingkan dengan realisasi tindaklanjut tahun 2017. Temuan terbanyak pada cabangBandara Kualanamu, Medan dengan jumlah temuan 24temuan. Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat (Kertajati) belumdi safety audit mengingat bandar udara ini barubergabung pada pertengahan tahun 2018.

Efektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

No BandaraTanggalPelaksanaan


Open CloseProsentaseTinjut

Airport Date Findings Open Close Follow up

1 CGK 23 Apr - 24 Aug 2018 19 3 16 84,21%

2 HLP 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 18 1 17 94,44%

3 PLM 26 Feb - 2 Mar 2018 23 1 22 95,65%

4 PNK 2 - 6 Apr 2018 21 0 21 100,00%

5 KNO 5 - 9 Mar 2018 24 0 24 100,00%

6 PDG 19 - 23 Mar 2018 21 2 19 90,48%

7 PKU 12 - 16 Mar 2018 23 1 22 95,65%

8 BDO 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 13 1 12 92,31%

9 BTJ 16 - 20 Apr 2018 14 1 13 92,86%

10 TNJ 26 - 29 Mar 2018 20 2 18 90,00%

11 PGK 9 - 13 Apr 2018 16 0 16 100,00%

12 DJB 23 - 27 Apr 2018 22 0 22 100,00%

13 DTB 7 - 11 May 2018 23 4 19 82,61%

14 BWX 14 - 18 May 2018 21 1 20 95,24%

Total 278 17 261 93,88%

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 27

No BandaraTanggalPelaksanaan


Status Status Status Status

Airport Date Findings CriticalMandatory / Major

Minor Observation

1 CGK 23 Apr - 24 Aug 2018 19 - 17 2 -

2 HLP 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 18 - 9 9 -

3 PLM 26 Feb - 2 Mar 2018 23 - 20 3 -

4 PNK 2 - 6 Apr 2018 21 - 13 8 -

5 KNO 5 - 9 Mar 2018 24 - 17 7 -

6 PDG 19 - 23 Mar 2018 21 - 21 - -

7 PKU 12 - 16 Mar 2018 23 - 19 4 -

8 BDO 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 13 - 13 - -

9 BTJ 16 - 20 Apr 2018 14 - 14 - -

10 TNJ 26 - 29 Mar 2018 20 - 16 4 -

11 PGK 9 - 13 Apr 2018 16 - 7 9 -

12 DJB 23 - 27 Apr 2018 22 - 15 7 -

13 DTB 7 - 11 May 2018 23 - 21 2 -

14 BWX 14 - 18 May 2018 21 - 21 - -

Total 278 0 223 55 0

KORPORASI Corporation

The aforementioned table shows the findings of the2018 safety audit classified into mandatory and minorfindings. The airports with the most significantmandatory findings compared to others are: Siborong-borong Airport, Silangit; Banyuwangi Airport,Minangkabau Airport, Padang; and Sultan MahmudBaddaruddin II Airport, Palembang.    The specific criteria of findings of safety auditconsidered of concern shall be presented in the graphon the neÕt page.  

Tabel di atas menunjukkan hasil temuan safety audit2018  yang diklasifikasi ke dalam kategori temuanmandatori maupun minor. Cabang bandara yang memilikidua kategori temuan mandatori terbanyak dibandingyang lain yaitu: bandara Siborong-borong, Silangit;bandara Banyuwangi, bandara Minangkabau, Padang;serta bandara Sultan Mahmud Baddaruddin II,Palembang. Adapun spesifik kriteria temuan safety audit mana sajayang menjadi perhatian akan di sajikan pada grafik dihalaman berikutnya.

Efektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

Safety Audit 2018

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)28 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Kriteria Temuan Safety Audit 2018




3 31


2 2

10 10











1 10 0

Kriteria Temuan




















KORPORASI CorporationEfektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

Criteria of Safety Audit Findings 2018

Criteria Findings

KRITERIA TEMUAN 1. PROSEDUR    1.1  Data fasilitas bandar udara yang meliputi identitas & gambar    1.2  Dokumen teknis fasilitas bandar udara yang meliputi spesifikasi, SOP    1.3  Dokumen hasil pengujian/dokumen hasil kalibrasi2. PERSONIL    2.1  Kualitas    2.2  Kuantitas    2.3  Kompetensi3. FASILITAS DAN PERALATAN     (SISI DARAT)    3.01  Bangunan Terminal, Kargo, PK-PPK, Operasional Penerbangan, Main                         Power House, Administrasi/ Perkantoran dan Hanggar    3.2  Jalan Masuk (Acces Road)    3.3  Marka dan Rambu Sisi darat    3.4 Peralatan Kelistrikan (Catu Daya, Jaringan Distribusi & Penerangan, dll)    3.5 Peralatan Mekanikal (AC, Garbarata, Elevator,           Escavator, Conveyor, dll)    3.6 Peralatan Informasi & Elektronika Bandara    3.7 Peralatan Pencegah Kebakaran     3.8 Utilitas (WTP, STP, Incenerator, Pumping, dll)     (SISI UDARA)    3.9   Landasan (R/W), R/W Strip, RESA, Stopway, Clearway & Taxiway (T/W),    3.10Apron    3.11 Marka & Rambu Sisi Udara    3.12 Peralatan Bantu Pendaran Visual (Approach Light, PAPI/VASI, dll)     3.13  Ground Support Equipment (GSE)    3.14  Kedaraan Operasional Sisi Udara.    3.15  Inspektion Road    3.16  Pagar Perimeter4. LINGKUNGAN KERJA    4.1  Wild Animals    4.2  Limbah dan Sampah    4.3  KKOP & BKK    4.4  Layang-layang/ Balon


1. PROCEDURE    1.1  Airport facilities including identity & picture data    1.2  Technical document of airport facility covering specification, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)    1.3  Document of test result / calibration result document2. PERSONNEL    2.1  Quality    2.2  Quantity    2.3  Competency3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENTS     (LAND SIDE)    3.01  Terminal Building, Cargo, PK-PPK, Flight Operations, Main Power House, Administration / Office and Hangar    3.2  Entrance (Acces Road)    3.3  Marka and Signs Land side    3.4 Electrical Equipment (Power Supply, Distribution Network & Lighting, etc.)    3.5 Mechanical Equipment (AC, Garbarata, Elevator, Escavator, Conveyor, etc)    3.6 Airport Information & Electronics Equipment    3.7 Fire Suppression Equipment    3.8 Utilities (WTP, STP, Incenerator, Pumping, etc.)     (AIRSIDE)    3.9   Ground (R/W), R/W Strip, RESA, Stopway, Clearway & Taxiway (T/W),    3.10Apron    3.11 Marka and Airside Signs    3.12 Visual Landing Equipment (Approach Light, PAPI / VASI, etc)     3.13  Ground Support Equipment (GSE)    3.14  Airside Operational Vehicle.    3.15  Inspection Road    3.16  Perimeter Fence4. WORK ENVIRONMENT    4.1  Wild Animals    4.2  Waste and Trash    4.3  LSE & BKK    4.4  Kite/ balloon

The criteria of findings in the technical document of airportfacilities, coÏering specifications & SOPs, is dominant Ðith atotal of 59 findings. And also the Ground �RvW�, RvW Strip,RESA, StopÐay, ClearÐay & TaÕiÐay �TvW� are  dominantÐith a total of 59 findings, folloÐed by findings related toMarka and Airside Signs Ðith 32 findings.

Kriteria temuan di Dokumen teknis fasilitas bandarudara yang meliputi spesifikasi & SOP mendominasidengan total 59 temuan, Begitu pula denganserta  Landasan (R/W), R/W Strip, RESA, Stopway,Clearway & Taxiway (T/W) dengan total 59 temuandisusul temuan terkait Marka & Rambu Sisi Udaradengan 32 temuan. 

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 29

KORPORASI Corporation

The aforementioned table shows the findings of the2018 safety audit classified into mandatory and minorfindings. The airports with the most significantmandatory findings compared to others are: Siborong-borong Airport, Silangit; Banyuwangi Airport,Minangkabau Airport, Padang; and Sultan MahmudBaddaruddin II Airport, Palembang. 

The specific criteria of safety audit findings consideredof concern shall be presented in the graph on the neÕtpage.   

Tabel di atas menunjukkan hasil temuan safety audit2018  yang diklasifikasi ke dalam kategori temuanmandatori maupun minor. Cabang bandara yang memilikidua kategori temuan mandatori terbanyak dibandingyang lain yaitu: bandara Siborong-borong, Silangit;bandara Banyuwangi, bandara Minangkabau, Padang;serta bandara Sultan Mahmud Baddaruddin II,Palembang. Adapun spesifik kriteria temuan safety audit mana sajayang menjadi perhatian akan di sajikan pada grafik dihalaman berikutnya.

Efektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

No BandaraTanggalPelaksanaan


Open CloseProsentaseTinjut

Airport Date Findings Open Close Follow up

1 CGK 23 Apr - 24 Aug 2018 7 0 7 100,00%

2 HLP 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 12 0 12 100,00%

3 PLM 26 Feb - 2 Mar 2018 14 0 14 100,00%

4 PNK 2 - 6 Apr 2018 19 0 19 100,00%

5 KNO 5 - 9 Mar 2018 14 0 14 100,00%

6 PDG 19 - 23 Mar 2018 16 0 16 100,00%

7 PKU 12 - 16 Mar 2018 16 1 15 93,75%

8 BDO 30 Apr - 4 May 2018 10 0 10 100,00%

9 BTJ 16 - 20 Apr 2018 9 1 8 88,89%

10 TNJ 26 - 29 Mar 2018 15 0 15 100,00%

11 PGK 9 - 13 Apr 2018 13 0 13 100,00%

12 DJB 23 - 27 Apr 2018 13 0 13 100,00%

13 DTB 7 - 11 May 2018 11 1 10 90,91%

14 BWX 14 - 18 May 2018 14 0 14 100,00%

Total 183 3 180 98,36%

SMK3 Internal Audit 2018

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)30 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Prosentase Jumlah Temuan Audit Internal 0MK

: . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

Criteria : . %

KORPORASI CorporationEfektivitas Pengawasan Keselamatan The Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

SMK3 Internal Audit Summary 2018

Criteria Findings

KRITERIA AUDIT INTERNAL SMK3(PP NO 50 TAHUN 2012) KRITERIA 1  = Pembangunan dan Pemeliharaan Komitmen KRITERIA 2  =  Pembuatan dan Pendokumentasian Rencana K3 KRITERIA 3  =  Pengendalian Perancangan dan Peninjauan Kontrak KRITERIA 4  = Pengendalian dokumen KRITERIA 5  = Penilaian dan Pengendalian Produk KRITERIA 6  = Keamanan Bekerja Berdasarkan SMK3  KRITERIA 7  = Standar Pemantauan KRITERIA 8  = Pelaporan dan Perbaikan Kekurangan KRITERIA 9  = Pengelolaan Material dan Perpindahannya KRITERIA 10=  Pengumpulan Dan Penggunaan Data KRITERIA 11= Pemeriksaan SMK3 KRITERIA 12= Pengembangan Keterampilan dan Kemampuan

CRITERIA OF SMK3 INTERNAL AUDIT (PP No. 50 on 2012) CRITERIA 1  = Development and Commitment Maintenance

CRITERIA 2  =  Creation and Documentation of HSE Plan

CRITERIA 3  =  Design Control and Contract Review

CRITERIA 4  = Documents of Control

CRITERIA 5  = Product Rating and Control

CRITERIA 6  = HSE System-Based Work Security

CRITERIA 7  = Monitoring Standard

CRITERIA 8  = Reporting and Repairing Disadvantages

CRITERIA 9  = Material Management and Transfer

CRITERIA 10=  Data Collection and Usage

CRITERIA 11= HSE System                                Examination

CRITERIA 12= Development of Skills and Capabilities

The criteria of SMK3 Internal Audit findings aboÏe based onPP no. 50 year 2012 Ðhich the HSE System-Based WorkSecurity, is dominant Ðith a total of 40.4% as corporate ÏieÐ.And also folloÐed by findings related to Creation andDocumentation of HSE Plan by 14.3% & findingsof DeÏelopment and Commitment Maintenance by 12.7%.

Kriteria temuan Audit Internal SMK3 di atas berdasarkanPP No. 50 Tahun 2012 dimana Keamanan BekerjaBerdasarkan SMK3 mendominasi dengan total 40,4%,Disusul temuan terkait Pembuatan danPendokumentasian Rencana K3 dengan 14,3% sertatemuan terkait Pembangunan dan PemeliharaanKomitmen sebesar 12,7%.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 31

Efektifitas Penga asan veselamatanThe Effectiveness of Safety Sur eillance

Achie ement And Target Percentage of Safety Audit Capaian And Persentase Target Safety Audit

KORPORASI Corporation

87.46% 99.27%92.25%

According to the trend of graphic and GAP AnalÖsis, thefolloÐ-up of safetÖ audit from 2016 to 2018 shoÐs no GAPtoÐards target in 2016 �70%�,  target in 2017 �75%�, as Ðell astarget in 2018 �80%�.The oÏerall achieÏement is eÕcellent, namelÖ: 99.27% in 2018.Based on the result of the forecast graphic aboÏe Ðith sig0.05, the aÏerage target of the folloÐ-up of safetÖ audit in2018 is approÕimatelÖ 80%.  

Berdasarkan trend grafik di samping, dan GAP AnalÖsispersentase tinjut safetÖ audit dari tahun 2016 s.d 2018menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada GAP persentase tinjutsafetÖ audit terhadap target 70% di tahun 2016 &terhadap target 75% di tahun 2017, begitu pula target80% di tahun 2018. Capaian keseluruhan sangat bagus,yaitu: 99.27% di tahun 2018. Berdasarkan hasil forecastpersentase tinjut safetÖ audit dengan sig.0,05 diperolehrata-rata target persentase tinjut safetÖ audit tahun2019 sekitar 80%.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)32 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Efektifitas Penga asan veselamatanThe Effectiveness of Safety Sur eillance

Achie ement And Target Percentage of SMv Internal Audit Capaian And Persentase Target Audit Internal SMv

KORPORASI Corporation

87.46% 99.27%92.25%

According to the trend of graphic and GAP AnalÖsis, thefolloÐ-up of HS) internal audit from 2016 to 2018 shoÐs noGAP toÐards target in 2016 to 2017 �75%�, as Ðell as targetin 2018 �77%�. The oÏerall achieÏement is eÕcellent, namelÖ98.36% in 2018. Based on the result of the forecast graphicaboÏe Ðith sig 0.05, the aÏerage target of the folloÐ-up ofHS) internal audit in 2019 is approÕimatelÖ 85%.

Berdasarkan Trend grafik di samping, dan GAP Analysispersentase tinjut audit internal SMK3 dari tahun 2016s.d 2018 menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada GAPpersentase tinjut audit internal SMK3 terhadap target75% di tahun 2016 s.d 2017. Begitu pula tidak ada GAPpersentase tinjut audit internal SMK3 terhadap target77% di tahun 2018. Capaian keseluruhan yang diperolehsangat bagus: 98.36% di tahun 2018. Berdasarkan hasilforecast persentase tinjut audit internal SMK3 dengansig.0,1 diperoleh rata-rata target persentase tinjut auditinternal SMK3 tahun 2019 sekitar 85%.

87.92% 98.36%89.11%

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 33





1 1 1


Runway Excursion


647 631 632



Aircraft Movement

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 20180






KORPORASI CorporationEfektifitas Pengawasan KeselamatanThe Effectiveness of Safety Surveillance

Monitoring Pelaksanaan RST (Runway Safety Team) & Rapat P2K3 (Panitia Pembina K3)Monitoring of RST (Runway Safety Team) & P2K3 Meeting

Runway Excursion

After RST EstablishedBefore RST Established

RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team �RST� is formed based on ICAODoc.9870 chapter 3 and Circular Letter of Director Generalof CiÏil AÏiation No. 13 of 2012 on RunÐaÖ SafetÖ ProgramImplementation and RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team Formation. Thefirst RST in PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� is formed on June26th, 2012 in Sultan SÖarif Kasim II Airport - Pekanbaru. RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team �RST� is effectiÏe to reduce numberof runÐaÖ eÕcursion. It shoÐs bÖ graphic as aboÏe. In2018, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� has held 56 meetingsof RST and 53 meetings of the Committee of HS) �P2K3� atall PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� airports in 2018.  

RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team �RST� terbentuk berdasarkan ICAODoc.9870 chapter 3 dan Surat Edaran Direktur JenderalPerhubungan Udara Nomor: 13 tahun 2012 tentangPelaksanaan RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Program dan PembentukanRunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team. RST pertama dibentuk di lingkunganPT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) adalah pada tanggal 26 Juni2012 di Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II - Pekanbaru. RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team �RST� efektif dalam menekan jumlahkejadian runÐaÖ eÕcursion.  Dampak pelaksanaan RSTterhadap Keselamatan Penerbangan sebagaimana grafikdi atas. Pada tahun 2018, PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)telah mengadakan 56 kali RST. Sedangkan pelaksanaanRapat Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja(P2K3) diseluruh bandara cabang PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) telah mengadakan 53 kali rapat selama tahun2018.

(x 1000)

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)34 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationSumber Daya Manusia Human Resources

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Designed by freepik.com

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 35

Percentage of SafetyPersonnel who got

Safety Training

98.0 %

2.0 %

Tetap (De nitive)Tidak tetap (Non De nitive)

Profile Training Keselamatan


Safety Learning & Growth

Mandatory &Substanti e 0raining as Main Support

80raining & Safety Kno ledge

Dalam pencapaian learning & growth terhadap target 100% ditahun 2018, maka diperoleh capaian hingga 140% dimanaperwakilan unit Safety & Risk dari masing-masing kantor cabangPT Angkasa Pura II juga telah dibekali pengetahuan melaluitraining maupun bimbingan teknis terkait SMS, analisa investigasi,pembuatan Safety Analysis, perhitungan Safety PerformanceIndicator, Basic Safety Management System, keilmuan terkait ahli K3umum, serta pendidikan mengenai Ðildlife management selamatahun 2018. Dan training yang bersifat substantiÏe sebagai main support sepertiÐriting in English, Big Data Analysis in related Health Problems, sertarisk assessment. 

The achieÏement of learning & groÐth toÐards the 2018target of 100% actually reaches 140%, Ðhere therepresentatiÏes of Safety & Risk unit from each branchoffice of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� are also proÏidedÐith knoÐledge through technical guidance and trainingrelated to SMS, analysis of inÏestigation, preparing SafetyAnalysis, calculating Safety Performance Indicators, BasicSafety Management System, HSE general, educationregarding Ðildlife management in 2018, as Ðell assubstantiÏe trainings as main support such as Ðriting inEnglish, Big Data Analysis in related Health Problems, andrisk assessment.

% Position Level of Safety Personnel who

got Safety Training







% Composition of Mandatory & NonMandatory Training

32.0 %

68.0 %

Non Mandatory Mandatory

Profile of Safety Training

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)36 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Profile Training Keselamatan

Safety Learning & Growth

% Safety Personnel who got SMSMandatory Training










Safety Analysis

Civil AviationSafety O cer

Wildlife HazardManagement


Basic SMS

InvestigationAerodromeAuditing &



Basics Audit

Profile of Safety Training

% Composition ofSafety Personel whogot SMS Mandatory






% Safety Personnel whogot HSE Mandatory








GeneralHSE O cer


First AidsHSE O cer

ConstructionHSE O cer

ElectricityHSE O cer

Fire HSEO cer

% Composition ofSafety Personel whogot HSE Mandatory






Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan tahun 2018,menunjukkan bahwa sebagianbesar personil Safety yangberstatus karyawan tetap telahmendapat training mandatoribaik SMS maupun HSE.Mayoritas mulai level managerhingga staf dengan persentasetertinggi staf dariunit  Safety  telah mendapatkantraining tersebut. Personil dari kantor Cabangyang mayoritas mendapatkansafety training yaitu dari bandaraSoekarno-Hatta menyusulbandara Kualanamu baiktraining mandatori SMS maupunHSE disamping personil dariKantor Pusat yang wajibmendapatkan training yangsama.  

The 2018 statistics of safety shoÐsthat the majority of Safetypersonnel Ðith permanent statushaÏe obtained mandatory SMSand HSE trainings, starting fromthe managers to the staff, Ðith thehighest percentage of staff arefrom Safety & Risk units.

The majority of personnelobtaining safety training, bothSMS and HSE mandatorytrainings, are from Soekarno-Hatta Airport and KualanamuAirport. Nonetheless, thepersonnel from the Head Officeare required to obtain similartrainings.  

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 37

KORPORASI CorporationKeuangan Keselamatan 2018Safety Finance 2018


0,11% Safety Budget

0,04 %HSE Budget

0,05 %

SMS Budget

0,02 % Analysis Budget

Percentage of SMS Budget

Percentage of HSE Budget

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)38 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationSertifikasi Penerapan SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen K3)The Certification of Health, Safety, & Environment Implementation

Based on the certification of HS) Management SÖstem�SMK3� carried out in 2018, approÕimatelÖ 61.54% of theairports of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� obtain GOLD)N flagsand 38.46% obtain SILV)R flags for the implementation ofHS).

Berdasarkan sertifikasi penerapan Sistem Manajemen K3(SMK3) yang dilaksanakan selama tahun 2018 diperolehsekitar 62% bandara PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)mendapatkan bendera EMAS dan sekitar 38% yangmendapatkan bendera PERAK atas implementasi SMK3.






SERTIFIKAT &BENDERACerti cation& Flags

1 CGKB.2042/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

17/09/2018 - 21/09/2018

91.56MEMUASKAN Excellent


2 KNOB.2024/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

27/08/2018 - 31/08/2018

90.96MEMUASKAN Excellent


3 DJBB.2115/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

30/07/2018 - 3/08/2018

89.75MEMUASKAN Excellent


4 HLPB.2115/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

27/08/2018 - 30/08/2018

89.75MEMUASKAN Excellent


5 PNKB.2027/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

12/08/2018 - 16/08/2018

89.15MEMUASKAN Excellent


6 PKUB.2023/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

6/08/2018 - 9/08/2018

88.55MEMUASKAN Excellent


7 PDGB.2116/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

27/08/2018 - 30/08/2018

87.95MEMUASKAN Excellent


8 BDOB.2214/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

6/08/2018 - 9/08/2018

87.34MEMUASKAN Excellent


9 PGKB.2092/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

12/08/2018 - 16/08/2018

83.73BAIK Good

PERAK Silver

10 TNJB.2093/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

6/08/2018 - 9/08/2018

82.53BAIK Good

PERAK Silver

11 BTJB.2113/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

30/07/2018 - 2/08/2018

81.92BAIK Good

PERAK Silver

12 DTBB.2025/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

12/08/2018 - 15/08/2018

81.92BAIK Good

PERAK Silver

13 PLMB.2112/BINWASK3-PNK3/XII/2018

30/07/2018 - 2/08/2018

78.91BAIK Good

PERAK Silver

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 39

KORPORASI CorporationKolaborasi Audit Keselamatan 2018Safety Collaborating 2018

Benefit bagi PT Angkasa Pura II melakukan safetÖ reÏieÐ melalui APEX in Safety dengan tim ACI

AP)X in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ 2018  has beencarried out at tÐo major airports of PTAngkasa Pura II �Persero�, namelÖ KNO &PDG, bÖ eÕpert assessors in safetÖ fromÏarious countries such as Dubai, SÖdneÖ,MalaÖsia, Brisbane, Bangladesh, Nepaland Oman. Airport )Õcellence �AP)X� in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ2018  aims to obtain neÐrecommendations from foreign partiesÐho are members of the Airport CouncilInternational �ACI� as assessors to ensurethat the implementation of safetÖmanagement at PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero� can achieÏe SafetÖ )Õcellence in2019 and beÖond.

AP)X in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ Tahun 2018 telahdilaksanakan di dua bandara besar PTAngkasa Pura II (Persero) yaitu KNO & PDGoleh para assessor yang eÕpert di bidangsafetÖ dari berbagai negara seperti Uni EmiratArab, Australia, Malaysia, Banglades, Nepal,dan Oman. Airport )Õcellence �AP)X� in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ 2018bertujuan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasibaru dari pihak manca negara yang tergabungdalam Airport Council Internasional �ACI�sebagai assessor agar pelaksanaanmanajemen keselamatan di PT Angkasa Pura II(Persero) dapat mencapai SafetÖ )Õcellence ditahun 2019 dan seterusnya.

Benefits for PT Angkasa Pura II conduct safetÖ reÏieÐ through AP)X in SafetÖ Ðith the ACI team

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)40 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASICorporationData Statistik Kejadian di Ground The Statistic Data of Occurrence on the Ground

Fase LandingLanding Phase

Fase TaxiTaxi Phase

Fase  Turn-AroundTurn-Around Phase

Fase Take - OffTake - Off Phase

Turn-Around Activities31.40%




IG @itsfaizfa

Uploading Baggage


Load Baggage


Cleaning Catering Airport




Ground Occurrence Phase

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 41

KORPORASICorporationTraining & Workshop K3Health, Safety, & )nvironment Training & Workshop

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)42 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition


Ada 9 (Sembilan) kejadian selama tahun 2018 yang telah di investigasi.There are 9 �nine� occurrences during 2018 that have been investigated.

Isu Keselamatan secara KorporasiCorporate Issues

Hasil Investigasi 2018Investigation Result 2018

Investigation is a process conducted for the purpose ofaccident prevention Ðhich includes the gathering andanalysis of information, the draÐing of conclusions,including the determination of causes and, Ðhenappropriate, the making of safety recommendations. The purpose of the investigation is the identification ofactual accident to obtain direct causes and root causesof the incidents expected not to recur.

Investigasi adalah suatu proses yang dilakukan untuktujuan pencegahan kecelakaan, meliputi pengumpulandan analisa informasi, menggambarkan kesimpulan,termasuk penentuan penyebab dan, bila sesuai,membuat rekomendasi safety. Tujuan investigasi adalah melakukan identifikasi darigambaran kecelakaan sebenarnya, sehingga diperolehgambaran penyebab langsung serta akarpermasalahan dari kejadian yang diharapkan tidakterulang pada kejadian yang sama.

07 Januari 2018 Investigasi Kejadian Gangguan Operasi Unit APMS

TS-1 & TS-3 Investigation of Operational Disruption of APMS TS-1

& TS-3 Unit

13 Januari 2018 Investigasi Internal Incident Pax Stair milik GH PTN Menyenggol Elevator Tip Pesawat Citilink (PK GQJ)

di Bandara Supadio, Pontianak (PNK)

Internal Investigation of collision betÐeen Pax Stair oÐned by GH PTN and Citilink Aircraft �PK GQJ�

)levator in Supadio Airport, Pontianak

14 Januari 2018 Investigasi Internal Incident Kendaraan BTT

Menabrak B738 PK-CLH di Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta (CGK)

Internal Investigation of collision betÐeen BTT Vehicle and B738 PK-CLH in Soekarno-Hatta

International Airport

21 Maret 2018 Investigasi Internal Serious Incident Pecah Ban Pesawat Sriwijaya Air SJ 0130 di Area Runway

Bandara Internasional Kualanamu (KNO)

Internal Investigation of the Serious Incident of Flat Tire of SriÐijaya Air SJ 0130 in the RunÐay of

Kualanamu International Airport

24 Maret 2018 Investigasi terkelupasnya ban pesawat Lion Air JT

0308 di area Runway KNO Investigation of peeling tire of Lion Air JT 0308 in the

RunÐay of Kualanamu International Airport

  Dari 9 Investigasi yang telah dilakukan, diperolehanalisa sebagai berikut:

  Sekitar 88,89% hasil investigasi yang telahditindaklanjuti selama tahun 2018.

Mayoritas investigasi dilakukan di cabang CGK yaitusekitar 44% dari 3 cabang yang telah diinvestigasiselain KNO & PNK dengan hasil tindaklanjut sebesar75%.

Kriteria kejadian baik incident maupun serious incidentselama tahun 2018, ditemukan adanyakecenderungan terulangnya kejadian baik untukperalatan listrik maupun gangguan operasional yangdiakibatkan oleh sistem kelistrikan sebesar 44%termasuk kejadian terkait APMS (Automated PeopleMover Systems), pecah ban bahkan ground collisionmasing-masing mencapai 22,22% dari 9 kejadian yangdiinvestigasi selama tahun 2018.

Hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian dalam hasilevaluasi investigasi selama tahun 2018 adalah perluperhatian khusus untuk sistem kelistrikan, perangkatkeras, maupun maintenance kelistrikan di masing-masing cabang bandara PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)terutama terkait APMS di CGK serta peningkatansafety aÐareness dan pelaksanaan mitigasi yangtepat guna mengurangi kejadian pecah ban maupunground collisions.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 43


IG @sarlitodr

Isu Keselamatan secara KorporasiCorporate Issues

Hasil Investigasi 2018Investigation Result 2018

In 2018, there is approximately 88.89% of theresults of investigations that have been folloÐedup.

The majority of investigations are carried out inCGK, approximately 44% of the 3 investigatedbranch offices, in addition to KNO & PNK, Ðith thefolloÐ-up results of 75%.

In terms of criteria for both incident and seriousincident in 2018, there is a tendency for therecurrence of incidents caused by electricalequipment and operational disruptions ofelectrical system by 44%, including the incidentrelated to APMS �Automated People MoverSystems�, aircraft tire burst and even groundcollision, each reaching 22.22% of the 9 incidentsinvestigated in 2018.

Regarding the results of the investigations in 2018,special attention is required for electrical system,hardÐare, and maintenance of electrical system ateach branch airport of PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero�, particularly related to APMS in CGK,increasing safety aÐareness, and implementingappropriate mitigation to reduce the occurrence ofaircraft tire burst and ground collision.

According to  the 9 investigations carried out, theanalysis is obtained as folloÐs:  

31 Maret 2018 Investigasi Internal Incident (Ground Collisions)

Pesawat Lion Air JT 383 (PK-LQK) KNO-CGK dengan Pax Stair di Parking Stand Whiskey 32

Bandara Internasional Kualanamu (KNO)

Internal Investigation of Ground Collision betÐeen Lion Air JT 383 �PK-LQK� KNO-CGK and Pax Stair in

Parking Stand Whiskey 32 in Kualanamu International Airport

26 September 2018 Investigasi Internal Ground Collision antara Lion Air

JT 816 dan Kendaraan Towing PT PTN TT 002 di Bandar Udara Supadio Pontianak (PNK)

Internal Investigation of Ground Collision betÐeen Lion Air JT 816 and ToÐing Vehicle of PT PTN TT

002 in Supadio Airport, Pontianak

12 Desember 2018 Investigasi Patahnya rangka Bogie dan Komponen Pengumpul Arus Listrik dari Sarana Auto People

Mover System (APMS) Sky Train

Investigation of Broken Bogie frame and components of )lectric FloÐ Collector from Auto

People Mover System �APMS�v Sky Train

27 April 2018 Investigasi Internal Terbakarnya ATN (TPB 044 JT)

Milik PT Lion Air di Taxiway WC2 Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta (CGK)

Internal Investigation of Burning ATN �TPB 044 JT�

OÐned by PT Lion Air at WC2 TaxiÐay in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)44 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI Corporation

Safety Analysis is an analysis carried out by the personnelof Safety Monitoring & )Ïaluation AT Corporate SafetyManagement Unit which is useful for decision making.There are 24 analysis carried out in 2018, as follows:

  Kajian Keselamatan merupakan suatu analisa keselamatanyang dilakukan oleh personil Unit Safety Monitoring &)Ïaluation di Corporate Safety Management yang bergunauntuk pengambilan keputusan. Ada 24 kajian yang telahdibuat pada tahun 2018, sebagai berikut:  

Kajian KeselamatanSafety Analysis

Kajian awal berupa Rencana Kerja Sementara terkait Usulan Program Digitalisasi Non Drone Zone di PT Angkasa Pura II Initial Analysis in the form of Temporary Work Plan related to the Proposed Non Drone Zone Digitization Program at PT Angkasa Pura II

Kajian Sosialisasi Contingency Plan Dampak Abu Vulkanis di Bandara PT Angkasa Pura II Analysis of Socialization of Contingency Plan of the )ffect of Volcanic Ash in PT Angkasa Pura II Airports

Perubahan Roadmap Safety Tahun 2019 s.d 2020 sesuai Perubahan Roadmap Korporasi Changes in Safety Roadmap of 2019 to 2020 according to Changes in Corporation Roadmap

Kajian terkait Penentuan Target Tindak lanjut Safety Audit dan Audit Internal SMK3 Tahun 2019Analysis of Follow-Up

Determination of Target for Safety Audit and HS) Internal Audit of 2019

Hubungan antara Jumlah Pertemuan RST / SAG & P2K3 dengan Jumlah Laporan Hazard SMS & HSE Analysis of Correlation between Total RSTvSAG & P2K3 Meeting & Total SMS & HS) Hazard Report

Kajian terkait Safety Programme 2018/2019 Analysis of Safety Program 2018v2019

Kajian Safety Review 2018 dan Penentuan Safety Target 2019 Analysis of Safety ReÏiew 2018 dan Determination of Safety Target 2019

Kajian Rencana Pengoperasian Airbus A380-800 di CGK & KNO Analysis of Airbus A380-800 Operation Plan in CGK & KNO

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 45

KORPORASI CorporationKajian KeselamatanSafety Analysis

Tinjauan Ketinggian Rencana Hanggar MRO di Bandara Kertajati.Analysis of the Height of MRO Hangar Plan in Kertajati Airport

Kajian Rencana Demo Fly Tekever terhadap KKOP CGK Analysis of Fly TekeÏer Demo Plan on OLS CGK Kajian Dampak Pembangunan Runway 3 terhadap Glide Path.ReÏiew of the )ffect of Runway 3 DeÏelopment on Glide Path.

Kajian Pengukuran Benda Tumbuh/ Obstacle pada KKOP di Bandara Internasional Kertajati Analysis of Measurement of Growing ObjectsvObstacle in OLS of Kertajati International Airport

Kajian Relokasi Taman Alat dan Gedung Observasi BMKG Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta. Analysis of Relocation of BMKG ObserÏation Building and Instrument Area in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

Kajian Batas Ketinggian Rencana Pengembangan Terminal Bandara Kualanamu.Analysis of Height Limit of Terminal DeÏelopment Plan in Kualanamu Airport

Kajian Rencana Pembangunan TOD di Poris Plawad, Tangerang Analysis of TOD DeÏelopment Plan in Poris Plawad, Tangerang

Kajian Persiapan Pengoperasian Kertajati International AirportAnalysis of the Preparation for Operating Kertajati International Airport

Kajian awal berupa Rencana Kerja Sementara terkait Usulan Program SPI Tracker For Monitoring & )Ïaluation menggunakan Drone Initial Anaysis in the form of Temporary Work Plan related to Proposed SPI Tracker For Monitoring & )Ïaluation Program using Drones

Safety Review Board 2018 Safety ReÏiew Board 2018

Evaluasi Safety Budget 2018 and Safety Budget Plan 2019 )Ïaluation of Safety Budget 2018 and Safety Budget Plan 2019

Training Needs Analysis and Policy Evaluation 2018Training Needs Analysis and Policy )Ïaluation 2018

Kajian Safety Performance PT AP II dengan Airport Company seperti Sidney International Airport & Malaysia Airport Corporation 3 tahun terakhir Analysis of Safety Performance of PT AP II with Airport Company such as Sidney International Airport & Malaysia Airport Corporation in the last three years

Kajian Monitoring Safety Performance Indicator untuk 5 indikator Sekaligus Secara Korporasi Analysis of Monitoring Safety Performance Indicator for 5 Indicators Corporately

Kajian Analisa Method of Working Plan di Airside Analysis of Method Analysis of Working Plan on Airside

Kajian Perbandingan Safety Performance Indicator PT AP I dan PT AP II Tahun 2017 ComparatiÏe Analysis of Safety Performance Indicator of PT AP I and PT AP II in 2017

Safety Analysis

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)46 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationSafety Assessment

Safety Assessment is a systematic analysis of changes in equipment or procedures proposed to identify and preÏent weaknesses before the changes are implemented. In carrying out Safety Assessment, the assessor will perform hazard identification, namely the process to determine what, why and how something might happen. Safety Assessment will result in safety mitigations to ensure that the eÕisting risks are acceptable. In 2018, the Corporate Safety Management Unit has performed 12 times assessment.

Safety Assessment adalah suatu analisis sistematis dari perubahan peralatan atau prosedur yang diajukan untuk mengenali dan mencegah kelemahan sebelum perubahan tersebut dilaksanakan. Dalam melaksanakan Safety assessment, assesor akan melakukan hazard identification yaitu proses untuk menentukan apa, mengapa dan bagaimana sesuatu kemungkinan dapat terjadi. Safety Assessment ini akan menghasilkan mitigasi-mitigasi keselamatan agar risiko-risiko yang ada dapat diterima. Selama tahun 2018 Unit Corporate Safety Management telah melaksanakan 12 kali assessment.

2018, 17 - 18th January

13 – 15 Februari 2018

20 & 22 Februari 2018

2018, 12 - 13th March

2018, February - March

2018, 31st July

2018, 17 - 18th January 2018, 12 - 13th March

2018, February - March

2018, 31st July2018, 20 - 22nd February

21 Agustus 2018

31 Agustus 2018

26 – 28 September 2018

28 September 2018

18 Oktober 2018

26 – 27 Desember 2018

2018, 21st August 2018, 28th September

2018, 31st August 2018, 18th October

2018, 26 - 27th December2018, 26 - 28th September

Safety & Risk Assessment Pengoperasian Apron dan Runway dengan operasional pesawat B777-300 ER di Bandar Udara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (PLM) Safety & Risk Assessment Pengoperasian Apron dan Runway dengan operasional pesawat B777-300 )R di Bandar Udara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II �PLM�

Safety & Risk Assessment Persiapan pengoperasian BIJB (KJT) Safety & Risk Assessment of the Preparation for the Operation of BIJB �KJT�

Safety Assessment APMS (Automatic People MoÏer System� dengan DJKA (Dirjen Perkeretaapian) Safety Assessment APMS �Automatic People MoÏer System� dengan DJKA �Directorate General of Railways�

2018, 13 - 15th February

Safety & Risk Assessment Pengoperasian Golf Car Terminal 3Safety & Risk Assessment of the Operation of Golf Car Terminal 3

Safety & Risk Assessment Implementasi IRS 86 di Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno Hatta (CGK)Safety & Risk Assessment of the Implementation of IRS 86 in Soekarno-Hatta �CGK� International Airport

Safety & Risk Assessment Pengoperasian Taxiway D dan E bandara Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang (PGK) Safety & Risk Assessment of the Operation of TaÕiway D and ) at Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang Airport �PGK�

Safety & Risk Assessment persiapan pelaksanaan Asian Games di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (PLM) Safety & Risk Assessment persiapan pelaksanaan Asian Games di Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II �PLM�

Safety & Risk Assessment Operasional Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) Safety & Risk Assessment of the Operation of Halim Perdanakusuma Airport �HLP�

Safety & Risk Assessment kesiapan Bandara Banyuwangi untuk support IMF Meeting Safety & Risk Assessment of the readiness of Banyuwangi Airport to support IMF Meeting

Safety & Risk Assessment kemampuan Operasional runway Bandara Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang (PGK) Safety & Risk Assessment of Runway Operational Capability of Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang Airport �PGK�

Safety Assessment Bandara Banyuwangi (BWX) Safety Assessment of Banyuwangi Airport �BWX�

Safety & Risk Assessment Bandara Tjilik Riwut, Palangka Raya �PKY� Safety & Risk Assessment of Tjilik Riwut, Palangka Raya Airport �PKY�

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 47

KORPORASI CorporationSafety Promotion

Safety promotion is a preÏentiÏe effort to aÏoid theoccurrence of a hazardous incident in the airport,particularly in the work enÏironment of PT Angkasa Pura II�Persero�. Safety promotion can be in the form of SafetyCircular Letter, Safety Digital, Focus Group Discussion�FGD�, training or seminar, and socialization related tosafety. In 2018, PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� has conducteda series of safety promotion as shown in the followingtable.

Safety promotion merupakan suatu upaya preventif ataupencegahan agar tidak terjadi suatu kejadian yangmembahayakan di lingkungan bandara khususnyadilingkungan kerja PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Safetypromotion ini dapat berupa Surat Edaran Keselamatan, SafetyDigital, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), training atau diklatseminar, maupun sosialisasi terkait keselamatan. Selamatahun 2018 PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) telah melakukanserangkaian safety promotion seperti ditampilkan di tabelberikut ini.

  2018, April 25thSharing Session implementasi SMS diBandara Soekarno-Hatta (CGK)Sharing Session regarding SMSimplementation in Soekarno-Hatta �CGK�Airport

2018, May 16thSafety Review Bandara CGKSafety ReÏiew of CGK Airport 2018, June 04th – 05th  Sosialisasi PM 40 Tahun 2018Socialization of PM 40 of 2018

2018, July 09th – 13th  Diklat Basic Safety Management SystemBasic Safety Management System Training

2018, January 01st  Edaran Clean Desk DayCircular of Clean Desk Day 

2018, January 05th  Safety Awareness dalam RST MeetingBandara Depati AmirSafety Awareness in RST Meeting in DepatiAmir Airport  

2018, January 11th  Pertemuan & sharing implementasi SMS &HSE dengan PT Gapura AngkasaMeeting & sharing regarding SMS & HS)implementation with PT Gapura Angkasa 2018, January 17th Safety Awareness dalam RST MeetingBandar Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II(PLM)Safety Awareness in RST Meeting in SultanMahmud Badaruddin II �PLM� Airport

2018, January 29th  - February 13th Bulan K3 Nasional 2018 (Talkshow, LombaFoto dan Poster K3, Lomba Clean Desk Daydan Lomba Cerdas Cermat)National HS) Month 2018 �Talkshow, HS)Photo and Poster Competition, Clean DeskDay Competition and Quiz Contest�

2018, February 12th  Ramp Safety CampaignRamp Safety Campaign

2018, March 07th Sosialisasi Work Safety (internal dan parakontraktor CGK)Socialization of Work Safety �CGK internaldan contractor� 2018, March 19th - 21st  Bimbingan Teknis SMS dengan DirekturBandar Udara (DBU)SMS Technical Guidance with AirportDirector �Airport Directorate� 2018, April 24th - 27th  Diklat Safety InspectorSafety Inspector Training

2018, July 12th – 13th  Bimbingan Teknis pemenuhan standarkeselamatan operasi bandaraTechnical Guidance for the fulfillment ofairport operational safety standards    2018, July 31st Ramp Safety CampaignRamp Safety Campaign  

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)48 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

KORPORASI CorporationSafety Promotion

2018, August 28th Sosialisasi Method of Working Plan (AirportConstruction Devision (ACD) danKontraktor CGK)Socialization of Method of Working Plan�Airport Construction DiÏision �ACD� and CGKContractor�    2018, September 18thTerminal Safety CampaignTerminal Safety Campaign     2018, September 18th - 28th Diklat Aerodrome InspectionAerodrome Inspection Training  

2018, September 21st   Safety Award 2018Safety Award 2018  

2018, October 01st  Edaran Pelaksanaan Audit/ Inspeksi BadanHukum Indonesia Penunjang Bandar Udara– Ramp Check dan Ramp Safety Campaign�RSC� dalam Upaya MeningkatkanKeselamatan di Bandar UdaraCircular of the Implementation ofAuditvInspection of Indonesian Legal)ntities Supporting Airport - Ramp Checkand Ramp Safety Campaign �RSC� in the)fforts to ImproÏe Airport Safety    2018, October 08th – December 15th Pembuatan Video Safety Promotion -Safety InductionPreparation of Safety Promotion - SafetyInduction Video     2018, October 16th – 18th  Benchmarking SMK3 oleh PT Angkasa PuraII ke PT Badak NGL, BontangHS) Benchmarking by PT Angkasa Pura II toPT Badak NGL, Bontang  

2018, November 05th – 09th Bimbingan teknis terkait pembuatanSafety Analysis dan Analisa InvestigasiTechnical guidance related to thepreparation of Safety Analysis andInÏestigatiÏe Analysis    2018, November 14th - 29th  Monitoring Safety Performance & safetyAwareness KNO, PKU, PDG, PNK, BDOMonitoring Safety Performance & SafetyAwareness of KNO, PKU, PDG, PNK, BDO  

  2018, November 21st - 23rd  Training Risk ManagementTraining Risk Management  

  2018, November 26th – December 28thDiklat Ahli K3 (HSE) UmumHS) General Officer Training  

  2018, December 12th – 14th Diklat Integrated Management System ISO9001, 14001, dan 45001 (Mutu, Lingkungandan SMK3)Integrated Management System ISO 9001,14001, and 45001 Training �Quality,)nÏironment, & HS)�  

  2018, December 20th - 21st Wildlife Hazard Management TrainingWildlife Hazard Management Training


  2018, December 31stPenyusunan dan Penerbitan Buku SakuPanduan Keselamatan (SMS & K3)Preparation and Issuance of �SMS & HS)�Safety Guidelines Pocket Book  

  2018, October 24th  Edaran Peningkatan Keselamatan dalamrangka menghadapi musim penghujan dilingkungan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)Circular of Safety ImproÏement in theconteÕt of facing the rainy season in theenÏironment of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�  

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 49


A systematic approach to manag“ng safety, “nclud“ng the necessary organizational structures,

accountabilities, policies and procedures .


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 51

Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF)

Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF)

Bandara Internasional Soekarno-HattaSoekarno-Hatta International Airport

Bandara Internasional Soekarno-HattaSoekarno-Hatta International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 19 Temuan (Findings), 84,21% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 7 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)52 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  RunÐaÖIncursion, FOD, and Ground Collision. 

2. Manajemen birdstrike dan pencegahan akanrunÐaÖ eÕcursion  perlu dipertahankan bahkanditingkatkan, sehingga tetap waspada terhadapkemungkinan incident akibat runÐaÖ EÕcursion danbirdstrike.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to runÐaÖ incursion and groundcollisions.

2. Birdstrike management and preÏentiÏe action ofrunÐaÖ eÕcursion needs to be maintained and eÏenimproÏed in order to staÖ alert to the possibilitÖ ofincident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion and birdstrike.

The statistics data of safety shows that the majority ofhazard identification which had to remind as follows:lighting, mark/signage, FOD and wildlife, and also unsafecondition while working. Mostly location of incident & hazard report occurs inapron, serÏice road, and taÕiway.


Hazard Identification


Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan di atas, makamayoritas hazard yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu:Penerangan, marking/signage, FOD dan wildlife, begitupula dengan kondisi yang unsafe dalam bekerja.Lokasi kejadian maupun hazard yang sering muncul yaitupada apron, serÏice road, dan taÕiway.



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 53


Service Road


Departure Terminal

Arrival Terminal

Runway Strip








Inspection Road

KKBK (0 - 3km from end of the runway)

Takeoff area (3-15km from end of the runway)


The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: lighting,mark/signage, FOD, wildlife, and alsounsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Penerangan, marking/signage, FOD, danwildlife, begitu pula dengan kondisi yangunsafe dalam bekerja.


Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)54 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional KualanamuKualanamu International Airport




National Energy Company

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 57

Bandara Internasional KualanamuKualanamu International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 24 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 14 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  birdstriketermasuk Ðildlife, and Ground Collision. 

2. Manajemen FOD dan pencegahan akan runÐaÖeÕcursion maupun runÐaÖ incursion  perludipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan, sehinggatetap waspada terhadap kemungkinan incidentakibat FOD, runÐaÖ incursion dan runÐaÖ eÕcursion.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to birdstrike include Ðildlife and groundcollisions.

2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of runÐaÖeÕcursion & runÐaÖ incursion needs to bemaintained and eÏen improÏed in order to staÖ alertto the possibilitÖ of incident due to FOD, runÐaÖeÕcursion and runÐaÖ incursion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)58 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: wildlife,mark/signage, lighting,  FOD, and alsohazard related equipment/ facility.


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Kualanamu

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Wildlife, marking/signage, lighting, danFOD, begitu  pula dengan hazard terkaitequipment/facility.


Kualanamu International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 59

National Energy Company

Bandara Internasional SupadioSupadio International Airport




PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)62 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional SupadioSupadio International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 21 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 19 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  birdstriketermasuk Ðildlife, and Ground Collision. 

2. Manajemen FOD dan pencegahan akan runÐaÖeÕcursion maupun runÐaÖ incursion  perludipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan, sehinggatetap waspada terhadap kemungkinan incidentakibat FOD, runÐaÖ incursion dan runÐaÖ eÕcursion.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to birdstrike include Ðildlife and groundcollisions.

2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of runÐaÖeÕcursion & runÐaÖ incursion needs to bemaintained and eÏen improÏed in order to staÖ alertto the possibilitÖ of incident due to FOD, runÐaÖeÕcursion and runÐaÖ incursion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 63

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: Infrastructuredamage, mark/signage, kites, waterponding, and also unsafe condition whileworking. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Supadio

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Kerusakan infrasruktur, marking/signage,layang-layang, dan water ponding,begitu  pula dengan kondisi yang unsafedalam bekerja.


Supadio International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)64 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional Sultan Iskandar MudaSultan Iskandar Muda International Airport

National Energy Company

Indonesian Air Force Building

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 67

Bandara Internasional Sultan Iskandar MudaSultan Iskandar Muda International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 14 Temuan (Findings), 92,86% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 9  Temuan (Findings), 88,89%  folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  GroundCollision. 

2. Manajemen FOD dan pencegahan akan runÐaÖeÕcursion,  runÐaÖ incursion  maupun birdstrike(termasuk Ðildlife) perlu dipertahankan bahkanditingkatkan, sehingga tetap waspada terhadapkemungkinan incident akibat FOD,  runÐaÖincursion, runÐaÖ eÕcursion, dan birdstrike(termasuk Ðildlife).

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to ground collisions.2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of runÐaÖ

eÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, & birdstrike(include Ðildlife) needs to be maintained and eÏenimproÏed in order to staÖ alert to the possibilitÖ ofincident due to FOD, runÐaÖ eÕcursion, runÐaÖincursion, and birdstrike �include Ðildlife�.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)68 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: Infrastructuredamage, FOD, mark/signage, & lightingand also unsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Sultan Iskandar Muda

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Kerusakan infrasruktur, FOD,marking/signage, dan lighting begitu puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Sultan Iskandar Muda International

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 69

Bandara Internasional MinangkabauMinangkabau International Airport


Working progress

National Energy Company


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 71

Bandara Internasional MinangkabauMinangkabau International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 21 Temuan (Findings), 90,48%  folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 16 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 2 Kali (TÐice)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  birdstriketermasuk Ðildlife.

2. Manajemen FOD,  serta pencegahan akan groundcollision, runÐaÖ eÕcursion  serta  runÐaÖincursion perlu dipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan,sehingga tetap waspada terhadap kemungkinanincident akibat FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖincursion dan runÐaÖ eÕcursion.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to birdstrike include Ðildlife.2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of ground

collisions runÐaÖ eÕcursion & runÐaÖ incursionneeds to be maintained and eÏen improÏed in orderto staÖ alert to the possibilitÖ of incident due to FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖ eÕcursion and runÐaÖincursion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)72 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, wildlife, &damaged drainage and also unsafecondition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Minangkabau

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, wildlife,  dan kerusakandrainase begitu  pula dengan kondisiyang unsafe dalam bekerja.


Minangkabau International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 73

Bandara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim IISultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport

Arresting Cable

National Energy Company


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 75

Bandara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim IISultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 23 Temuan (Findings), 95,65% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 16 Temuan (Findings), 93,75%  folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  birdstriketermasuk Ðildlife.

2. Manajemen FOD,  serta pencegahan akan groundcollision, runÐaÖ eÕcursion  serta  runÐaÖincursion perlu dipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan,sehingga tetap waspada terhadap kemungkinanincident akibat FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖincursion dan runÐaÖ eÕcursion.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to birdstrike include Ðildlife.2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of ground

collisions runÐaÖ eÕcursion & runÐaÖ incursionneeds to be maintained and eÏen improÏed in orderto staÖ alert to the possibilitÖ of incident due to FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖ eÕcursion and runÐaÖincursion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)76 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, infrastructuredamage, damaged fences, & kites andalso unsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim II

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, kerusakan infrastruktur, pagarrusak, dan layang-layang begitu  puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 77

Bandara Depati AmirDepati Amir Airport

braking area

Old terminalNational Energy Company


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 79

Bandara Depati AmirDepati Amir Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 16 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 13 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di PGK sangat baik, terbuktidengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions,maupun birdstrike.

2. Pertahankan safetÖ performance di PGK dan tetapwaspada terhadap kemungkinan accident-incidentwalau kondisi di tahun 2018 semua terkontroldengan sangat baik.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in PGK is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions, andbirdstrike.

2. Maintaining safetÖ performance in PGK and staÖingalert to the possibilitÖ of accident-incident eÏenthough the conditions in 2018 are Ðell-controlled.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)80 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, lighting,obstacle, damaged drainage, &  damagedfences, and also unsafe condition whileworking. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Depati Amir

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, penerangan, obstacle, & kerusakandrainase maupun pagar begitu  puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Depati Amir Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 81

Bandara Internasional Husein SastranegaraHusein Sastranegara International Airport


Apron Expansion

Apron Expansion


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)84 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional Husein SastranegaraHusein Sastranegara International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 13 Temuan (Findings), 92,31% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 10 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di BDO sangat baik, terbuktidengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions,maupun birdstrike.

2. Pertahankan safetÖ performance di BDO dan tetapwaspada terhadap kemungkinan accident-incidentwalau kondisi di tahun 2018 semua terkontroldengan sangat baik.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in BDO is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions, andbirdstrike.

2. Maintaining safetÖ performance in BDO and staÖingalert to the possibilitÖ of accident-incident eÏenthough the conditions in 2018 are Ðell-controlled.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 85

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, Infrastructuredamage, water ponding, & damageddrainage and also unsafe condition whileworking. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, Kerusakan infrasruktur,  waterponding, dan drainase rusak, begitu  puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Husein Sastranegara International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)86 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional Halim Perdanakusuma Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport



bitumen is often broken

bitumen is often broken

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 89

Bandara Internasional Halim Perdanakusuma Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 18 Temuan (Findings), 94,44% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 12 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident karena  birdstriketermasuk Ðildlife.

2. Manajemen FOD,  serta pencegahan akan groundcollision, runÐaÖ eÕcursion  serta  runÐaÖincursion perlu dipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan,sehingga tetap waspada terhadap kemungkinanincident akibat FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖincursion dan runÐaÖ eÕcursion.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat: 1. Special attention is required to anticipate anÖ

incident due to birdstrike include Ðildlife.2. FOD management and preÏentiÏe action of ground

collisions, runÐaÖ eÕcursion & runÐaÖ incursionneeds to be maintained and eÏen improÏed in orderto staÖ alert to the possibilitÖ of incident due to FOD, ground collisions, runÐaÖ eÕcursion and runÐaÖincursion.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)90 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, obstacle,Infrastructure damage, and marking/signage, and also unsafe condition whileworking. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Halim Perdanakusuma

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, obstacle, kerusakan infrastruktur,dan marking/signage, begitu  puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 91

Bandara Sultan ThahaSultan Thaha Airport

Working progress


Extended runway

National Energy CompanyTower

Doppler VOR


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)94 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Sultan ThahaSultan Thaha Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 22 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 13 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di DJB sangat baik, terbuktidengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions,maupun birdstrike.

2. Pertahankan safetÖ performance di DJB dan tetapwaspada terhadap kemungkinan accident-incidentwalau kondisi di tahun 2018 semua terkontroldengan sangat baik.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in DJB is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions, andbirdstrike.

2. Maintaining safetÖ performance in DJB and staÖingalert to the possibilitÖ of accident-incident eÏenthough the conditions in 2018 are Ðell-controlled.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 95

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: Lighting, wildlife,obstacle, and FOD, and also unsafecondition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Sultan Thaha

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Penerangan, wildlife, obstacle, dan FOD,begitu  pula dengan kondisi yang unsafedalam bekerja.


Sultan Thaha Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 90

Bandara Internasional SilangitSilangit International Airport


Water Ponding


Doppler VOR Terminal


Water (Flood) Water (Flood) Water (Flood)Drainage

Bandara Internasional SilangitSilangit International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 23 Temuan (Findings), 82,61% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 11 Temuan (Findings), 90,91%  folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di DTB sangat baik, terbuktidengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions,maupun birdstrike.

2. Pertahankan safetÖ performance di DTB dan tetapwaspada terhadap kemungkinan accident-incidentwalau kondisi di tahun 2018 semua terkontroldengan sangat baik.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in DTB is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions, andbirdstrike.

2. Maintaining safetÖ performance in DTB and staÖingalert to the possibilitÖ of accident-incident eÏenthough the conditions in 2018 are Ðell-controlled.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 99

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, Infrastructuredamage, lighting, and damaged fences,and also unsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Silangit

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, Kerusakan infrastruktur,penerangan, dan kerusakan pagar,begitu  pula dengan kondisi yang unsafedalam bekerja.


Silangit International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)100 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Bandara Internasional Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IISultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport

TerminalNational Energy


Light Rapid Transit (LRT)



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 103

Bandara Internasional Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin IISultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 23 Temuan (Findings), 82,61% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 11 Temuan (Findings), 90,91%  folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di PLM adalah baik, terbuktidengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, dan birdstrike.

2. Perlu adanya perhatian khusus untukmengantisipasi adanya incident akibat GroundCollisions. Walau sudah dilakukan mitigasi segeraatas incident yang ada, namun tetap waspadaterhadap kemungkinan accident-incident akibatground collision di PLM pada tahun 2018.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in PLM is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, and birdstrike.

2. A special attention is required to anticipate anÖincident due to ground collisions. Despite immediatemitigation, it is necessarÖ to staÖ alert to thepossibilitÖ of accident-incident caused bÖ groundcollisions at PLM in 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)104 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, marking/signage, damaged drainage, and lighting,and also unsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, Marking/ signage, kerusakandrainase, dan penerangan, begitu  puladengan kondisi yang unsafe dalambekerja.


Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 105

Bandara Internasional Raja Haji FisabilillahRaja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport

Intersection Bleeding



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 107

Bandara Internasional Raja Haji FisabilillahRaja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport

SPISafety Performance Indicator

Grafik Safety Performance Indicator di atas menunjukkanbahwa:

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit SafetÖ Audit: 20 Temuan (Findings), 90% folloÐ-upHSE Internal Audit: 15 Temuan (Findings), 100% folloÐ-up RST �RunÐay Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

1. SafetÖ Performance di TNJ sangat baik, terbukti

dengan tidak adanya incident akibat runÐaÖeÕcursion, runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions,maupun birdstrike.

2. Pertahankan safetÖ performance di TNJ dan tetapwaspada terhadap kemungkinan accident-incidentwalau kondisi di tahun 2018 semua terkontroldengan sangat baik.

The aboÏe chart of Safety Performance Indicators shoÐsthat:

1. SafetÖ Performance in TNJ is eÕcellent, as proÏen bÖthe absence of incident due to runÐaÖ eÕcursion,runÐaÖ incursion, FOD, ground collisions, andbirdstrike.

2. Maintaining safetÖ performance in TNJ and staÖingalert to the possibilitÖ of accident-incident eÏenthough the conditions in 2018 are Ðell-controlled.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)108 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: FOD, DamagedFences, obstacle, and lighting, and alsounsafe condition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Raja Haji Fisabilillah

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:FOD, kerusakan pagar, obstacle,  danpenerangan, begitu  pula dengan kondisiyang unsafe dalam bekerja.


Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 109

Bandara Internasional BanyuwangiBanyuwangi International Airport

Widening Taxiway

Extended Apron

Extended Runway


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)112 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

The statistics data of safety shows that themajority of hazard identification which hadto remind as follows: damage fences,mark/signage, wildlife, and also unsafecondition while working. 


Hazard Identification

Bandara Internasional Banyuwangi

Angkasa Pura II's Airport

Berdasarkan data statistik keselamatan diatas, maka mayoritas hazard yang perludiperhatikan yaitu:Kerusakan pagar, marking/signage, danwildlife, begitu pula dengan kondisi yangunsafe dalam bekerja.


Banyuwangi International Airport

AUDIT INTERNALInternal Audit Safety Audit: 20 Temuan (Findings), 90% follow-upHSE Internal Audit: 15 Temuan (Findings), 100% follow-up RST �Runway Safety Team�, P2K3 �Committee of HS)� RST : 4 Kali (Quince)P2K3 (Committee of HSE): 4 Kali (Quince)

Catatan note

BWX bergabung dengan APII per Desember 2017 sehingga belum mempunyai historikal

data kejadian menurut SPI, maka belum dapat dihitung

SPI BWX tahun 2018

BWX was joined APII per December 2017 then hasn't SPI in 2018 because BWX has not historical data of occurrence related SPI before this period.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 113

Bandara Internasional KertajatiKertajati International Airport

Widening Taxiway

Extended Apron

Extended Runway


Extended Runway

Extended Apron


Access Substation 3


KJT bergabung dengan APII per Juni 2018 sehingga belum mempunyai historikal data

kejadian menurut SPI, maka belum dapat dihitung SPI KJT tahun 2018

KJT was joined APII per June 2018 then hasn't SPI in 2018 because KJT has not historical data of occurrence related SPI before this period.

AUDIT INTERNAL & RST (Runway Safety Team),P2K3 (Committee of HSE) sementara belumdilaksanakan KJT untuk tahun 2018. KJT has not been implemented Internal Audit& RSTand P2K3 in 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)116 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition


PT Angkasa Pura II

"If you put good people “n bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you

want to grow." - Stephen Covey



Safety Activities – Ramp Safety Campaign & Bulan K3Safety Activities – Ramp Safety Campaign & HSE Month

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 119



Safety Activities – Inspection, Assessment and InvestigationSafety Activities – Inspection, Assessment and Investigation

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)120 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition



Safety Activities – Safety Audit, Audit Internal dan Eksternal SMK3, APEX in SafetySafety Activities – Safety Audit, HSE Internal & External Audit, APEX in Safety

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 121



Safety Activities – IRC 86, SPI Tracker using Drone, OLS Digital, Socialization of Vulcanic Ash - CGK, Rencana Pengoperasian Airbus A380 di CGK & KNO.

Safety Activities – IRC 86, SPI Tracker using Drone, OLS Digital, Socialization of Vulcanic Ash - CGK, Airbus A380 Operation Planning at CGK & KNO.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)122 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition



Safety Activities – Safety Review, Safety Award, Safety Promotion Digital, & TrainingSafety Activities – Safety Review, Safety Award, Digital Safety Promotion, & Training

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 123



Safety Activities – Sharing Knowledge, Safety Training, & Benchmarking ke PT Badak Safety Activities – Sharing Knowledge, Safety Training, & Benchmarking to PT Badak

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)124 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition



Safety Activities – Safety Commitment, TSC, Clark Airport Project, Toastmaster, etcSafety Activities – Safety Commitment, TSC, Clark Airport Project, Toastmaster, etc

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 125


Great sp“r“ts have always encountered v“olent oppos“t“on from med“ocre m“nds. ― Albert Einstein


APLIKASI KAWASAN KESELAMATAN OPERASI PENERBANGAN KKOPKawasan Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan (KKOP) adalahtanah dan/atau perairan dan ruang udara di sekitar Bandarayang dipergunakan untuk kegiatan operasi penerbangan dalamrangka menjamin keselamatan penerbangan. Fungsi dari KKOP adalah: Tujuan pembuatan aplikasi KKOP adalah mendukung programAirport Digital dan terbukanya informasi sementara bagi publikterkait batas ketinggian bangunan di KKOP serta sarana safetypromotion agar masyarakat awaraness terhadap ketinggianbangunan di Kawasan Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan(KKOP).

Sebagai pengatur dan pengendali ketinggian dari suatubangunan atau benda tumbuh yang diperkirakan dapatmengganggu keselamatan operasi penerbanganpesawat;Sebagai pengatur dan pengendali tata guna lahan disekitar bandar udara untuk penyusunan tata ruang suatuwilayah.

OLS �Obstacle Limitation Surfaces� is the land andvor Ðaters andalso air space in the ÏicinitÖ of the airport used for operational ofaÏiation in order to guarantee aÏiation safetÖ. The function of OLS are: The purposes of preparing OLS are to support the Airport Digitalprogram, proÏide temporarÖ information regarding limits ofbuilding height in OLS for the public, and serÏe as safetÖpromotion media to ensure public aÐareness regarding the heightof buildings in OLS

As a controller of the height of the building or groÐingobject Ðhich eÕpected to be hazard for the operational ofaÏiation safetÖ in the region.

Dashboard of OLS in Android Version Choose airport option Input the Object Input the Height of Buldings and Submit Output

Choose the location on Map of OLS

OLS in Android version

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 129

Online Safety Reporting System (OSRS)

- Pahami informasi pelaporan - Pilih kirim laporan

- Understand the report information- Choose the SEND

- Pilih menu keselamatan - Pilih pelaporan keselamatan- Choose the Safety Menu- Choose the Safety Report

- Isi Form laporan keselamatan - Kirim Laporan * email pelapor wajib diisi

- Fill the form of safety report - SEND the Report* email from sender must filled

Pelapor akan menerima email dari APII - Email Tracking Report -

* Pelapor dapat melakukan monitoring tindaklanjut lanjut laporan

- Sender can receive the email from APII - Email Tracking Report * Sender can monitoring the follow up of report mitigation.

click me

Aplikasi Online Safety Reporting System (OSRS) dibuat dalamupaya untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya (hazard) yangdapat berpotensi mengancam keselamatankaryawan/pekerja dan operasional penerbangan sertauntuk mewujudkan budaya keselamatan (safety culture� diseluruh lingkungan kerja perusahaan.Aplikasi tersebut telah dipublikasikan secara online padatanggal 11 November 2015 dan dapat diakses melalui :Ðebsite ÐÐÐ.angkasapura2.co.id. Tujuan Online Safety Reporting System (OSRS):

1. Sebagai media untuk melakukan updating informasiterkait keselamatan penerbangan.

2. Sebagai media untuk mempromosikan keselamatan(safety promotion�.

3. Sebagai media pelaporan terkait program kerja danidentifikasi potensi bahaya (hazard) di bandara.

OSRS �Online Safety Reporting System� is initiated as an effort toidentify potential hazards threatening the safety ofemployeesvÐorkers, operational of aÏiation, and to createsafety culture in the entire Ðork enÏironment of the company.This OSRS has been published online on NoÏember 11, 2015 andaccessible in ÐÐÐ.angkasapura2.co.id. The purposes of Online Safety Reporting System �OSRS�include: 

1.   As a media for updating information related to aÏiationsafety.

2. As a media for safety promotion.3. As a media for reporting related to Ðork programs and

identification of potential hazards at the airports.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)130 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Output Analysis ofOnline Safety Reporting System OSRS

Data SynergyEfficiencyResponsiveness


RST : Runway Safety Team

SAG : Safety Action Group

P2K3 : Committee of HSE


Design Plan of Safety Performance Indicator (SPI)

Dashboard of OSRS

Changing Internal Audit Features

Adding External Report Features

Adding RST / SAG / P2K3 Features

Adding Safety Performance Features

Adding Digital Policy and Procedure Features

User FriendlyPerformance Monitoring Big Central Data


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 131

Research of SPI Tracker Using Drone Technology for Runway Inspection

Safety Planning 9






SWOT Analysis- Hazard identification & Risk Management

BUILD - Pre Design 0hinking of SPI 0racker using Drone 0echnology for Run ay Inspection

TEST - Simulation test, and refine based on feedback from team, and top Leader.

MONITOR - Output: Analysis of Safety Performance Indicator Li e by digital monitor and Run ay Inspection using Drone 0echnology be permitted

LAUNCH - Final report and Recommendation for Regulator based on this research

IllustrationAPII Pilot Drone

Pilot from APII who upload the photo result of runway inspection by drone

The consultant for a while who will upload that data photos into storage of APII

APII User: The final result of photo and video can be received by digital mobile

Safety Research


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)132 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition



For safety “s not a gadget but a state of m“nd. ― Eleanor Everet

Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, maka jumlah personil SafetÖ & Risk secara korporasi yang mendapatkan SMS

�SafetÖ Management SÖstem� MandatorÖ Training baru mencapai 52% dan HS) �Health, SafetÖ, &

)nÏironment�  MandatorÖ Training mencapai 45%. Hal ini menjadi perhatian bahwa safetÖ promotion dari segi

training masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi khususnya untuk masing-masing kantor cabang serta personil yang

berinteraksi langsung dengan aspek keselamatan di area operasional yang memiliki resiko tinggi. Dimana hal ini

juga menjadi temuan dalam Airport )Õcellence in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ 2018 yang dilakukan oleh SafetÖ )Õpert dari tim ACI

�Airport Council International�. Namun berdasarkan kinerja program kerja dari segi peningkatan kompetensi

(Learning & GroÐth) telah mencapai 140% di tahun 2018, hal ini dikarenakan target jenis mandatorÖ training di tahun

2018 telah terlaksana 100% serta adanya substantiÏe training yang utama sebagai pendukung proses kerja juga

telah tercapai. 

Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

Training yang masih perlu peningkatan di tahun 2019 dari segi SMS, yaitu training Investigasi maupun Dasar-dasar

audit, sementara HS) MandatorÖ Training di 2019 yang perlu ditingkatkan, yaitu P3K (Pertolongan Pertama pada

Kecelakaan), Ahli K3 Listrik, Ahli K3 Konstruksi, Ahli K3 Kebakaran, maupun Ahli K3 Kimia serta CSMS �Contractor

SafetÖ Management SÖstem�. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak kejadian yang belum terinvestigasi secara keseluruhan

oleh masing-masing kantor Cabang karena knoÐledge terkait Analisa investigasi belum memadai dan personil

yang pernah mendapatkan training dimaksud masih sedikit jumlahnya, adanya kecenderungan terulang kembali

kejadian akibat peralatan listrik maupun gangguan operasional yang diakibatkan oleh sistem kelistrikan sebesar

44% dari 9 kejadian yang diinvestigasi selama dua tahun terakhir. Sehingga perlu perhatian khusus untuk sistem

kelistrikan, perangkat keras, maupun maintenance kelistrikan di masing-masing cabang bandara PT Angkasa Pura

II (Persero), adanya kewajiban menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup dalam pengolahan limbah terutama limbah

kimia atau limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun), serta masih terdapat kegiatan proyek konstruksi di PT

Angkasa Pura II yang kontrak kerjasamanya belum memuat syarat-syarat K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja)

sesuai peraturan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan.

  Ada beberapa bandara yang belum melengkapi MOWP �Method of Working Plan� untuk pekerjaan yang

berpotensi mengganggu operasional penerbangan serta masih rendahnya implementasi safetÖ aÐareness terkait

hal ini oleh para pekerja proyek terutama di sisi airside.    


Belum ada updating sistem prosedur terkait keselamatan yang mengatur khusus persiapan disaster atau faktor

alam penyebab kejadian di luar kendali manusia seperti bencana alam akibat gempa bumi, Tsunami, gunung

Meletus, angin topan, kabut asap dan banjir secara spesifik sebagai tindakan preÏentiÏe.

Berdasarkan hasil monitoring SafetÖ Performance Indicator �SPI� sesuai KP 222 dan 282 tahun 2017 menunjukkan

bahwa kejadian terkait FOD, Ground Collision, dan RunÐaÖ Incursion menjadi evaluasi untuk perbaikan sekaligus

peningkatan safetÖ performance seluruh kantor Cabang PT Angkasa Pura II secara umum di tahun 2019.


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 134

Promosi terkait pelaporan melalui Online SafetÖ Reporting SÖstem �OSRS� maupun email

safetÖ@angkasapura2.co.id perlu ditingkatkan lagi di tahun 2019 mengingat ada yang masih belum secara terbuka

memberikan laporan melalui media tersebut karena faktor non-punitive yang belum terimplementasi dengan


Tingginya kejadian di ground selama tahun 2018 dapat mengindikasikan bahwa perlu peningkatan baik dari segi

pelaksanaan, pengawasan, maupun pengendalian implementasi SOP �SÖstem of Procedure� maupun update SOP

termasuk promosi terkait SOP itu sendiri serta safetÖ collaborating in ground yang perlu ditingkatkan.


Based on the obtained data, the number of corporate SafetÖ & Risk personnel obtaining SMS �SafetÖ Management

SÖstem� and HS) �Health, SafetÖ & )nÏironment� MandatorÖ Training merelÖ reaches 52% and 45% respectiÏelÖ. It

indicates the need for an improÏement in safetÖ promotion in terms of training, particularlÖ for each branch office and

personnel directlÖ interacting Ðith the aspects of safetÖ in operational areas Ðith high risk. A similar finding is also

obtained inAirport )Õcellence in SafetÖ ReÏieÐ 2018 carried out bÖ SafetÖ )Õpert from ACI �Airport Council

International� team.HoÐeÏer, the performance of Ðork program in terms of increasing competencÖ �Learning &

GroÐth� in 2018 reaches 140% since the target of implementation of mandatorÖ training and main substantiÏe training

to support the Ðork process has been achieÏed.


Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

SMS trainings that require an improÏement in 2019 are training in InÏestigation and Audit Basics, Ðhile HS)

MandatorÖ Trainings that require an improÏement in 2019 are First Aid, HS) )lectrical Officer, HS) Constructor Officer,

HS) Fire Officer, as Ðell as HS) ChemistrÖ Officer and Contractor SafetÖ Management SÖstem �CSMS�. Such

requirement is the consequence of a great number of incidents that haÏe not been fullÖ inÏestigated bÖ each Branch

Office due to inadequate knoÐledge related to analÖsis of inÏestigation and limited number of personnel obtaining

such training, resulting in a tendencÖ for the recurrence of incidents caused bÖ electrical equipment and operational

disruptions of electrical sÖstem bÖ 44% of 9 inÏestigated incidents oÏer the past tÐo Öears. Therefore, special attention

is required for electrical sÖstem, hardÐare, and maintenance at each branch office of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�. It

is necessarÖ to impose an obligation on enÏironmental preserÏation in Ðaste management, particularlÖ chemical or

B3 Ðaste �Hazardous and ToÕic Materials�. Furthermore, special attention is also required for Ïarious construction

projects at PT Angkasa Pura II Ðhose contracts do not include Occupational SafetÖ and Health requirements in

compliance Ðith the regulations of the MinistrÖ of ManpoÐer.


There are seÏeral airports that haÏe not completed MOWP �Method of Working Plan� for projects Ðith the potential to

disrupt aÏiation operations, in addition to loÐ implementation of safetÖ aÐareness bÖ project Ðorkers, particularlÖ on

the airside area.


There is no update on safetÖ related procedure sÖstems specificallÖ regulating preÏentiÏe measures and preparation

for disasters or natural factors causing incidents beÖond human control such as earthquake, tsunami, Ïolcanic

eruption, hurricane, smog, and flood.


Based on the results of SafetÖ Performance Indicator �SPI� monitoring in accordance Ðith KP 222 and 282 in 2017, the

incidents related to FOD, Ground Collision, and RunÐaÖ Incursion shall be a general eÏaluation for the improÏement

of safetÖ performance in all Branch Offices of PT Angkasa Pura II in 2019.


Promotions related to reporting through Online SafetÖ Reporting SÖstem �OSRS� or email to

safetÖ@angkasapura2.co.id need to be increased in 2019, considering there are parties Ðho haÏe not openlÖ proÏided

reports through these media due to non-punitiÏe factors that haÏe not been properlÖ implemented.

High rate of incidents on ground in 2018 indicates the need for an improÏement in terms of implementation,

superÏision and control oÏer the implementation of SOP �SÖstem of Procedure� and update on SOP, including

promotions related to SOP and safetÖ collaborating in ground.


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)135 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Adanya pekerjaan dengan pihak vendor yang belum menyertakan persyaratan dan ketentuan safety di dalam

kontrak pekerjaan tersebut, sehingga berdasarkan hasil temuan Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) terdapat beberapa

pekerjaan baik konstruksi di terminal, perkantoran, ataupun pekerjaan di airside yang belum sepenuhnya

memenuhi persyaratan Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja (K3) baik karena ketidaktahuan personil (pemenuhan

knowledge) maupun masih kurang informasi terkait syarat tersebut dalam kontrak pekerjaan, terlepas dari upaya

yang sudah dilakukan dalam sosialisasi safety sebelumnya oleh pihak pemberi pekerjaan.


Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

Terdapat banyak kejadian di sisi udara (airside) maupun kecelakaan kerja yang disebabkan ketidaktahuan dan

kelalaian manusia dalam menjalankan ketentuan keselamatan yang berlaku, sehingga dibutuhkan pengingat

seperti safety digital menggunakan sumber daya fasilitas yang tersedia untuk diletakkan pada posisi strategis

guna memberikan informasi  seputar safety.


Adanya runway incursion pada tahun 2018 mengindikasikan perlu evaluasi terkait upaya pengecekan akan

updating, kevalidan maupun pengawasan pelaksanaan sistem prosedur yang berlaku terkait Ramp Check

maupun intensitas serta efektivitas pelaksanaan RST (Runway Safety Team).


Berdasarkan data statistik safety secara korporasi, hazard report yang ada meliputi lighting, marka/signage, FOD,

wildlife termasuk birdstrike, kerusakan infrastruktur, tumpahan bahan bakar, obstacle, sistem drainase, pagar

rusak, bahaya layang-layang, dan water ponding di runway serta incident berkaitan pecah ban pesawat

merupakan fokus utama yang perlu diperhatikan kembali pada tahun 2019. Hal ini juga menjadi temuan oleh tim

Safety Expert dari ACI dalam APEX in Safety tahun 2018 sebagai bahan rekomendasi peningkatan safety di tahun

2019. Begitupula dengan HSE Hazard Report yang berkaitan dengan unsafe condition dan hazard akibat

equipment/ facility menjadi perhatian hampir untuk seluruh kantor cabang, dan unsafe action menjadi perhatian

khususnya cabang PNK dan PDG.


Beberapa petugas securitÖ di lapangan maupun di area perkantoran PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) belum

mengetahui secara utuh terkait dasar-dasar K3 maupun safety induction di lingkungan kerjanya, rendahnya safety

awareness yang dimiliki petugas AMC (Apron Movement Controller) ataupun pengetahuan terkait ketentuan

safety di area airside yang perlu ditingkatkan serta pihak terkait yang kurang mendapatkan informasi seputar

safety hingga kelalaian (human factor) terhadap batasan safety yang berlaku. Hal ini sangat potensial terjadi

accident terutama di area kerja yang beresiko tinggi dikarenakan sering terjadi incident.


Proses maintenance dan pengawasan akan pengoperasian APMS yang belum jelas evidence berupa checklist

pekerjaan berdasarkan hasil investigasi KNKT (Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi) terkait gangguan

operasi Trainset SkÖtrain. 


Lokasi utama dari hazard report yang mayoritas terjadi di setiap kantor Cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), yaitu

area apron, serÏice road, taÕiÐaÖ, terminal, runÐaÖ strip, runÐaÖ, perkantoran/ office, dan aksesibilitas, sehingga

perlu antisipasi dalam bentuk safety preventive guna perbaikan pengendalian safetÖ di tahun 2019.

Adanya kejadian berulang terkait hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan jaringan kelistrikan maupun kendala koordinasi

dalam pengoperasian APMS (Automated People MoÏer SÖstem) yang belum clear 100% seutuhnya.


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 136

There are projects Ðith Ïendors that haÏe not included safetÖ requirements and proÏisions in the emploÖment

contract. Based on the findings of Indonesian Classification Bureau �BKI�, there are seÏeral projects, namelÖ

construction in terminals, offices, or airside areas that haÏe not fullÖ met the requirements and proÏisions of

Occupational Health & SafetÖ due to the ignorance �knoÐledge fulfillment� of the personnel and lack of information

regarding these requirements and proÏisions in the emploÖment contract, regardless of the efforts that haÏe been

made bÖ the emploÖer in preÏious socialization about safetÖ.

Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

There are manÖ airside incidents and Ðork accidents caused bÖ ignorance and negligence of humans in carrÖing out

the applicable safetÖ proÏisions, hence the need for reminders such as digital safetÖ, using aÏailable facilities and

placed in strategic positions to proÏide information about safetÖ.

RunÐaÖ incursion in 2018 indicates the need for an eÏaluation regarding the efforts to inspect the update, ÏaliditÖ and

superÏision of the implementation of procedure sÖstem related to Ramp Check and the intensitÖ and effectiÏeness of

RST �RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team�.


Based on corporate safetÖ statistics, hazard reports including lighting, markervsignage, FOD, Ðildlife including

birdstrikes, infrastructure damage, fuel spills, obstacle, drainage sÖstem, damaged fences, kites, and Ðater ponding

in runÐaÖ as Ðell as incidents related to aircraft tire burst are the main focus to re-consider in 2019. A similar finding is

also obtained bÖ SafetÖ )Õpert team from ACI in AP)X in SafetÖ in 2018 as a recommendation to increase safetÖ in

2019. It is also similar to the findings of HS) Hazard Report related to unsafe condition and hazard due to

equipmentvfacilities as a concern for nearlÖ all branch offices as Ðell as unsafe action as a particular concern to

PNK and PDG branch offices.


SeÏeral officers in the field and securitÖ in the area of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� are not fullÖ aÐare of the basics of

HS) and safetÖ induction in their Ðork enÏironment. An improÏement is required to resolÏe this issue, as Ðell as loÐ

safetÖ aÐareness or knoÐledge of AMC �Apron MoÏement Controller� officers related to the proÏisions of safetÖ in the

airside area, lack of information about safetÖ for related parties, and negligence �human factor� regarding the

applicable safetÖ limits. These issues lead to potential accidents, particularlÖ in high-risk Ðork areas Ðith frequent


Based on the findings of the inÏestigation bÖ NTSC �National Transportation SafetÖ Committee� related to the

operational disruption of Trainset SkÖtrain, the process of maintenance and superÏision of the operation of APMS

does not haÏe clear eÏidence in the form of a Ðork checklist.

Anticipation in the form of safetÖ preÏentiÏe actions related to main locations of hazard reports in each branch office

of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero�, namelÖ apron area, serÏice road, taÕiÐaÖ, terminal, runÐaÖ strip, runÐaÖ, office, and

accessibilitÖ is necessarÖ to improÏe safetÖ control in 2019.


There are recurring incidents related to electrical netÐork and the issues of coordination in the operation of APMS

�Automated People MoÏer SÖstem� that has not been 100% complete.


PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)137 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition

Penambahan fasilitas di sisi udara yang dilakukan untuk peningkatan sumber revenue perusahaan oleh kantor

cabang PT Angkasa Pura (Persero) belum melakukan koordinasi dengan unit Safety & Risk terkait guna melihat

pertimbangan keselamatan operasional sehingga menimbulkan komplain dari pihak customer (airline) terkait

safety commitment PT Angkasa Pura II (persero) terhadap peraturan keselamatan dari ICAO.


Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kinerja safety secara korporasi di tahun 2018, diperoleh:

  1. Safety Rate mencapai 100,02% terhadap target 99,98%,

2. OLS (Obstacle Limitation Surfaces) Digital Experience mencapai 100,00% dari target 100%,

3. SPI (Safety Performance Indicator) mencapai 100,03% terhadap target 99,68%,

4. FR (Frequency Rate) mencapai 100,06% terhadap target 99,88%,

5. Incident Rate tahun 2018 mengalami penurunan hingga 23,75% yaitu dari incident rate sebesar 44,06 di

tahun 2017 menjadi 33,59 pada tahun 2018 yang berarti pengendalian safety dalam menekan jumlah

incident tahun 2018 ini tergolong sangat baik, bahkan Accident Rate 2018 adalah zero atau dengan kata

lain PT Angkasa Pura II mencapai predikat zero accident di tahun 2018,

6. Capaian kinerja Safety Management System (SMS) seluruh kantor cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

mencapai 99,27% dari target 80% serta capaian kinerja Health, Safety, & Environment (HSE) seluruh kantor

cabang PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mencapai 98,21% dari target 77% di tahun 2018.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 138

Additional facilities in the airside area aiming to increase the reÏenue of branch offices of PT Angkasa Pura �Persero�

haÏe not Öet coordinated Ðith the releÏant SafetÖ & Risk units to obserÏe operational safetÖ considerations, causing

complaints from customer �airlines� related to the safetÖ commitment of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� to safetÖ

regulations from ICAO.

Hal-hal terkait Keselamatan Tahun ���8 yang DisorotiHighlighted Safety Related Issues in ���8

Based on the findings of corporate safetÖ performance eÏaluation in 2018:

  1. SafetÖ Rate reaches 100.02% from the target of 99.98%,

2. OLS �Obstacle Limitation Surfaces� Digital )Õperience reaches 100.00% from the target of 100%,

3. SPI �SafetÖ Performance Indicator� reaches 100.03% from the target of 99.68%,

4. FR �FrequencÖ Rate� reaches 100.06% from the target of 99.88%,

5. The 2018 Incident Rate has declined to 23.75%, from 44.06 in 2017 to 33.59 in 2018, meaning that safetÖ control

in suppressing total incident in 2018 is eÕcellent, eÏen the 2018 Accident Rate is zero or in other Ðords PT

Angkasa Pura II achieÏes the rank of zero accident in 2018,

6. The achieÏement of SafetÖ Management SÖstem �SMS� performance and Health, SafetÖ, & )nÏironment �HS)�

performance of all branch offices of PT Angkasa Pura II �Persero� reaches 99.27% and 98.21% respectiÏelÖ.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)139 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition



Pay Attentions

SafetÖ Promotion terkait safety training mandatorÖ perluditingkatkan dari segi jumlah personil unit SafetÖ & Risk yangmendapatkan training, maupun unit terkait yang berkontribusibesar dalam proses operasional di bandar udara.

Perubahan SOP terkait pelaporan maupun tindakankeselamatan untuk kasus disfungsi terminal, dan irregularityseperti kejadian akibat bencana alam seperti gempa bumi,gunung Meletus (abu vulkanik), banjir, tsunami, dan kabutasap perlu disediakan sebagai bentuk safetÖ preÏentiÏe disaat kondisi emergencÖ. 

Safety inspector diharapkan rutin melaporkan hazardmaupun kejadian melalui media pelaporan safetÖ seperti:osrs.angkasapura2.co.id serta email kesafetÖ@angkasapura2.co.id.

Promosi pelaporan melalui osrs.angkasapura2.co.id sertadigital KKOP (kkop.angkasapura2.co.id) perlu ditingkatkanguna pelaporan keselamatan yang lebih efektif.

Perubahan SOP terkait pengawasan di area ground untukmengurangi adanya ground collision dan ground incident.

Checklist SMS (SafetÖ Management SÖstem) perlu sertakandalam safetÖ audit 2019 sesuai KP 622 Tahun 2015.

Peningkatan digital SafetÖ Promotion untuk airside danterminal maupun perkantoran.

Perlu adanya kebijakan atau aturan yang mengatur terkaitkontrak pekerjaan konstruksi yang membutuhkanpersyaratan keselamatan dalam proses kerjanya.

Sepanjang tahun 2018, sebagian besar kejadian yang perlumendapatkan perhatian yaitu birdstrike, ground collision,runÐaÖ incursion dan pecah ban pesawat. Begitupulamayoritas hazard yang sering terjadi yaitu pada area apron,serÏice road, taÕiÐaÖ, terminal, runÐaÖ strip, runÐaÖ,perkantoran/office, dan accessibilitÖ. Maka dianggap perluuntuk perihal di atas dijadikan poin penting yang akanditekankan dalam Ramp SafetÖ Campaign maupun RunÐaÖSafetÖ Team.   

Membuat safetÖ digital promotion atau non digital di areaairside berupa mekanisme inspeksi runÐaÖ agar terhindarterjadinya runÐaÖ incursion, ground collision, pentingnyamarka yang jelas dan aÐareness terkait permukaan airsideyang bergelombang sehingga dapat memicu terjadinyaincident maupun accident akibat tabrakan antar kendaraan,kendaraan dengan pesawat maupun antar pesawat, bahayaFOD dapat menyebabkan ban pesawat pecah, pesawattergelincir, hingga accident yang lebih parah, area terminal &area floÐ transportasi penumpang untuk sosialisasi bahayaFOD di airside akibat sampah bekas makananpenumpang,bahaya layang-layang dst nya berupa gambaratau animasi yang mudah dipahami.

Perlu adanya updating maupun pengawasan akanketersediaan MOWP (Method of Working Plan� dalam setiappekerjaan yang berpotensi mengganggu operasionalpenerbangan, termasuk perhatian terhadap Unsafe Condition,)quipmentv facilitÖ terutama cabang KNO, dan unsafe actionterutama cabang PNK dan PDG agar pekerjaan tetap sesuaidalam pengendalian keselamatan, dan kesehatan kerja (K3).  

SafetÖ Promotion related to mandatorÖ safetÖ training needs tobe improÏed in terms of the number of SafetÖ & Risk personnelobtaining the training as Ðell as related units proÏiding greatcontribution to the operations of the airports.

Changes in SOP related to reporting and safetÖ measures forterminal dÖsfunction as Ðell as irregularities such as incidentsdue to natural disasters, namelÖ earthquake, Ïolcanic eruption�Ïolcanic ash�, flood, tsunami and smog need to be proÏided asa form of safetÖ preÏentiÏe measures during emergencÖ.

SafetÖ inspectors are eÕpected to routinelÖ report hazards andincidents through safetÖ reporting media such asosrs.angkasapura2.co.id and email tosafetÖ@angkasapura2.co.id.

Promotion of reporting through osrs.angkasapura2.co.id anddigital OLS �kkop.angkasapura2.co.id� needs to be improÏed formore effectiÏe safetÖ reporting.

Changes in SOP related to superÏision in the ground area toreduce ground collisions and ground incidents are necessarÖ.

SMS �SafetÖ Management SÖstem� checklist is necessarÖ to beincluded in the 2019 safetÖ audit according to KP 622 of 2015.

Digital SafetÖ Promotion for airside, terminals, and offices needto be improÏed.

Policies or rules regulating emploÖment contract ofconstruction requiring safetÖ requirements in the Ðork processare essential.

The majoritÖ of incidents that require attention in 2018 arebirdstrike, ground collision, runÐaÖ incursion, aircraft tire bursts,as Ðell as the majoritÖ of hazards frequentlÖ occurring in apronarea, serÏice road, taÕiÐaÖ, terminal, runÐaÖ strip, runÐaÖ,office, and accessibilitÖ. Thus, it is considered necessarÖ tohighlight the aforementioned issues in Ramp SafetÖ Campaignand RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team.

It is necessarÖ to prepare digital or non-digital safetÖ promotionin the airside area in the form of a runÐaÖ inspection to aÏoidrunÐaÖ incursion and ground collision. It is essential to haÏeclear markers and aÐareness related to airside surfaces thatcan trigger incidents or accidents due to collisions betÐeenÏehicles, Ïehicles Ðith aircrafts, and betÐeen aircrafts as Ðellas FOD hazards that can cause tire bursts, slipping, and eÏenmore seÏere accidents. It is necessarÖ to carrÖ out socializationto the passengers in terminal and floÐ areas regarding FODhazards on airside areas due to food Ðaste, kites, etc. inanimation or images that are easÖ to understand.

It is necessarÖ to update and monitor the aÏailabilitÖ of MOWP�Method of Working Plan� in anÖ project Ðith the potential todisrupt aÏiation operations, including attention to UnsafeCondition and )quipmentvfacilities particularlÖ in KNO branchoffice and unsafe action particularlÖ in PNK and PDG branchoffices to ensure that the implementation of the project is inaccordance Ðith safetÖ and occupational health.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | 140



Pay Attentions

Pembuatan HSE digital promotion atau non digital di areaterminal, kawasan parkir, dan di area floÐ transportasipenumpang antar terminal terutama terkait bahaya bekerjadi ketinggian (seperti petugas pembersih kaca di terminal 3-CGK, dst serta bahaya pemasangan instalasi listrik yangberantakan baik bagi pemilik tenant maupun pengelolaterminal, bahaya penggunaan NARKOBA, Bahaya HIV/AIDS,bahaya tidak menggunakan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) sesuaifungsi dan tempatnya beserta sangsi bila tidak dilaksanakansebagaimana mestinya. Pembuatan HS) Promotion inidiperlukan menggunakan gambar atau animasi yang mudahdipahami.

Prioritas pemberian training selama tahun 2019 untuk SafetÖManagement SÖstem �SMS� yaitu: inÏestigation training, dandasar-dasar audit. Sementara training untuk Health, SafetÖ, &)nÏironment �HS)� yaitu P3K (Pertolongan Pertama padaKecelakaan), K3 Listrik, K3 Kebakaran, K3 Konstruksi maupunCSMS �Contractor SafetÖ Management SÖstem�. Hal inimengingat banyaknya jumlah kejadian terkait kelistrikan,kebakaran di terminal, serta perlunya pengetahuan terkaitP3K untuk personil PKP-PK sebagai tindak lanjut hasilrekomendasi dari AP)X in SafetÖ Tahun 2018.

Pembuatan prosedur inspeksi saat Ramp Check untukmenghindari kemungkinan runÐaÖ incursion & runÐaÖeÕcursion, serta sosialisasi akan pembuatan digital safetÖaÐareness terkait prosedur keselamatan selama berada diairside, termasuk pengecekan berkala melalui bukti checklistterkait sistem drainase.

Sosialisasi maupun pelatihan secara rutin kepada securitÖ,Apron MoÏement Control �AMC), dan operasional lapanganterkait instruksi safetÖ baik SMS maupun K3 di setiap apelpagi maupun pergantian shift dengan cara membuataturan/ policÖ serta safetÖ promotion menggunakan mediadigital yang tersedia digunakan dengan semaksimalmungkin.

Pembuatan unit khusus terkait pengawasan danpengendalian safetÖ procedure untuk APMS (AutomatedPeople MoÏer SÖstem), beserta buku panduan atau manualmanajemen keselamatan dalam proses pengoperasian.

Sosialisasi terkait safetÖ procedure perlu dilakukan olehpenyedia sarana dan prasarana Skytrain yang dalam hal inidiperlukan keterlibatan PT Angkasa Pura II, PT LEN, dan PTWIKA dalam proyek pekerjaan APMS.

Checklist pemeriksaan & maintenance dilakukan secaraberkala dengan dibuktikan adanya hasil checklist petugasmaupun pengawas pekerjaan.

Prosedur pelaporan jika ada penambahan fasilitas dankonstruksi yang memberi dampak secara signifikan terhadappertimbangan safetÖ, maka kantor cabang bersangkutanwajib melapor ke unit safetÖ & risk masing-masing KantorCabang PT Angkasa Pura II untuk ditinjau terlebih dahuludengan tembusan ke unit Corporate SafetÖ & Risk danapabila sudah mendapatkan persetujuan maka pelaksanaanpekerjaan dapat dijalankan mengingat safetÖ is prioritÖ forsafetÖ improÏing & maintaining customer satisfaction in safetÖ.

It is necessarÖ to prepare digital or non-digital HS) promotionin terminal, parking area, and in the floÐ area betÐeenterminals, particularlÖ related to the danger of Ðorking at highaltitudes �for glass cleaners in terminal 3-CGK, etc.�, thedanger of disordered electrical installation for tenant oÐnersand terminal managers, the dangers of drug use, the dangerof HIVvAIDS, the danger of not using PP) �Personal ProtectiÏe)quipment� according to its function and place along Ðithsanctions for improper implementation. It is necessarÖ toprepare HS) promotion using images or animation that areeasÖ to understand.

Prioritized SafetÖ Management SÖstem �SMS� trainings in 2019are training of inÏestigation and audit basics. MeanÐhile,prioritized Health, SafetÖ, & )nÏironment �HS)� trainings areFirst Aid, HS) )lectrical Officer, HS) Constructor Officer, HS)Fire Officer, as Ðell as HS) ChemistrÖ Officer and ContractorSafetÖ Management SÖstem �CSMS�. This is due to the largenumber of electricitÖ-related eÏents, fires in the terminal, andthe need for first aid knoÐledge for ARFF personnel as afolloÐ-up to the results of recommendations from AP)X inSafetÖ in 2018.

It is necessarÖ to prepare inspection procedures for RampCheck to aÏoid possible runÐaÖ incursion and runÐaÖeÕcursion, as Ðell as socialization of digital safetÖ aÐarenessregarding safetÖ procedures Ðhile in airside area, includingperiodic inspection through checklist related to drainagesÖstems.

It is necessarÖ to haÏe regular socialization and training forsecuritÖ, Apron MoÏement Control �AMC�, and field operationsrelated to SMS and HS) safetÖ instructions in eÏerÖ morningassemblÖ and shift bÖ establishing rulesvpolicies and safetÖpromotion using aÏailable digital media as optimal aspossible. 

It is essential to establish special units related to superÏisionand control oÏer safetÖ procedures for APMS �AutomatedPeople MoÏer SÖstem�, along Ðith the manual or safetÖmanagement manual in the process of operation.

Socialization regarding safetÖ procedures needs to be carriedout bÖ proÏiders of facilities and infrastructure of SkÖtrain, inthis case requiring the inÏolÏement of PT Angkasa Pura II, PTL)N, and PT WIKA in the project of APMS.

Inspection & maintenance checklists need to be carried outperiodicallÖ Ðith eÏidence in the form of checklists bÖ officersand superÏisors.

Regarding reporting procedures should there are additionalfacilities and constructions Ðith a significant impact on safetÖconsiderations, the releÏant branch office is obliged to reportto the safetÖ & risk unit of each branch office for reÏieÐ inadÏance Ðith a copÖ to the Corporate SafetÖ & Risk unit.Should approÏal is obtained, the project can be carried onconsidering that safetÖ is prioritÖ for safetÖ improÏing &maintaining customer satisfaction in safetÖ.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)141 | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition


ICAO Doc.9870 chapter 3 and Circular Letter of Director General of CiÏil AÏiation No. 13 of 2012 onRunÐaÖ SafetÖ Program Implementation and RunÐaÖ SafetÖ Team Formation.

LaÐ of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 Year 2009 concerning AÏiation, Article 314 paragraph �1�")ach aÏiation proÏider shall sustainablÖ create, implement, eÏaluate, and refine a safetÖmanagement sÖstem under the guidance of the national aÏiation safetÖ program".  

The Minister Decree KP No.262 of 2015 about SMS Implementation.  

The Minister Decree KP No. 222 of 2017 concerning SafetÖ Performance Indicators for the airportoperators and air naÏigation serÏices proÏiders as Ðell as procedures for calculating AcceptableLeÏel of SafetÖ Performance �ALoSP� for air serÏice proÏiders.  

The Minister Decree KP No. 282 of 2017 concerning SafetÖ Performance Indicator and AcceptableLeÏel of SafetÖ Performance.  

Workplace SafetÖ and Health Report - Singapore, 2017.  

ICAO Document 9859 ANv960 SafetÖ Management Manual.  

AnneÕ 13 To the ConÏention on International CiÏil AÏiation; Aircraft Accident andIncident InÏestigation.  



PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | x

The real enemy of safety “s not non-compl“ance but non-th“nk“ng

–  Dr Rob Long


Occurrence Report 8

Summary of Safety ReportingSafety Monitoring &

Evaluation 8

18% 9% 27% 45%

Phase of Flight Birdstrike


OSRS: 11.1 %

O cial Letter: 10.6 %

Email: 68.7 %

Other media: 9.5 %

OSRS O cial Letter EmailOther media

Unknown Location: 13,24%

SMS Hazard Report vs SMS Accident - Incident









Accident-Incident SMS Hazard Report






Safey Inspector: 70.3 %Internal: 23.8 %

Airlines: 3.0 %

AIRNAV: 1.0 %

Passenger: 1.0 %

Others : 1.0 %

GMF: 0.0 %

GSE: 0.0 %

Safey Inspector Internal Airlines AIRNAVPassenger Others GMF GSE

HSE Hazard Report vs Work Injury









Work Injury HSE Hazard Report





SKEP 42/III/2010 CHAPTER II Article 3 Letter D: Airports are required to identify activities of flocks of birds within a 13 km radius.

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | xii

Occurrence Report 8

Summary of Safety ReportingSafety Monitoring &

Evaluation 8








Damaged fence

Water Ponding

Kites Hazard

Fuel Spill

Lasser Attack

Balloon Hazard


SMS Hazard Report

. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .

Time of Occurrence







Work Injury Criteria

APII's Employee


Company partner

Fire Property

Skytrain disorder


Road 7sers

Elevator disorders

38 38

13 13

Working Others Break time Go to work Work Shift Off from work N/A

% %

% % 0% 0% 0%

Phase of Work Injury

Impact of Work Injury

Minor injuries

Minor Damaged



Serious InjuryPermanent

DisabilityMajor Damaged

Time of Work Injury



. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .

. - .







PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)xiii | Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition


Online Safety Reporting SystemPT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Annual Safety Report 2018 Edition | xiv

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