karate lions pardubice z.s

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Karate Lions Pardubice z.s.


+420 775 570 820



+420 775 570 820


PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820





Sport hall starting

15th June 2019

ČSOB arena Pardubice(10 000+ people

capacity), Pardubice, Czech Republic

Online registrations should be made via

www.sportdata.org until the 13th of June 2019. Late

registrations or corrections will be penalized 10 € each.

Official registrations will be made on the 14th of June, 2019

in from 17:00 until 19:00 and before tournament on Saturday morning.

Categories - Children, Cadets, Juniors, Seniors and Veterans,

- Individual and Team,

- Kata, Kumite, Kumite Open, Kata with disabilities

Rules World Karate Federation (WKF) Rules will be applied.

Entry Fee’s Individual Categories 20 €

Team Categories 40 €

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820


Referee’s All WKF and Continental Referees are welcome and will

be paid based on level of their license. Please register on


Accommodation Please send us the hotel booking form and rooming list

(the attachments of bulletin) to accomodation@karate-


Then the organizer team will send the capacity of hotel rooms and names of official

hotels directly for your team! We prepared special prices in the three categories of

quality and with possible extra transfer service (from hotel to sport hall and back).

Mayor’s welcome

Dear sports and karate supporters, I am delighted to invite you again to Pardubice for

the Pardubice Open – the 7th International Karate

Lions Cup tournament, which has its tradition in

Pardubice, is more successful year after year and

we cannot imagine the sport of Pardubice without

it. Every event, whether sporting or cultural, that is

done with joy and enthusiasm, has a unique

atmosphere and is near to the people.

I wish the tournament organizers to fulfill all wishes and expectations this year. And

we, the audience, wish we could witness high-quality matches in this Japanese

martial arts and have enjoyed a great show!


Martin Charvát Mayor of the Statutory City of Pardubice

Best teams and competitor

In the End of tournament will be awarded:

- best teams in general classification - best competitor (based on: medals, size of categories, nr. of wins, earned points, …)

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820








Categories details

7-9 Years 10-11 Years 12-13 Years CADETS JUNIORS U21 SENIORS MASTERS

Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata

individual individual individual individual individual individual individual individual:

Team Team Team Team Team - Team 35-45 Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite 46+

Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Team individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: Kata/kumite

-27 Kg -30 Kg -39 Kg -52 Kg -55 Kg -60 KG -60 KG Kumite individual:

-32 Kg -35 Kg -45 Kg -57 Kg -61 Kg -67 KG -67 KG 35-45 +32 Kg -41 Kg -52 Kg -63 Kg -68 Kg -75 KG -75 KG 46+

+41 Kg -60 Kg -70 Kg -76 Kg -84 KG -84 KG

+60 Kg +70 Kg +76 Kg +84 KG +84 KG

Open Open Open Open







7-9 Years 10-11 Years 12-13 Years CADETS JUNIORS U21 SENIORS MASTERS

Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata Kata

individual individual individual individual individual individual individual individual:

Team Team Team Team Team - Team 30-40

Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite Kata/kumite 41+

Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Kumite Team

individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: individual: kata/kumite

-30 Kg -35 Kg -42 Kg -47 Kg -48 Kg -50 Kg -50 Kg Kumite


+30 Kg -42 Kg -50 Kg -54 Kg -53 Kg -55 Kg -55 Kg 30-40

+42 Kg +50 Kg +54 Kg -59 Kg -61 Kg -61 Kg 41+

Open +59 Kg -68 Kg -68 Kg

Open +68 Kg +68 Kg

Open Open

Disabilities categories

- Male kata: U14, 15 years and over - Female kata: U14, 15 years and over

Categories can be more separated by age and type of disability.

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820



For transfer request please send us filled transfer form to email pardubice-

open@karate-lions.cz (attachment of bulletin).


For details about Visa process please visit www.pardubice-open.com – our team

will help you during Visa process.

Rule details

New WKF competition rules and changes from this bulletin.

Kata children 7-9 years

- tokui kata by WKF rules. It is allowed to repeat kata based on the system, eg

ABABABC. The competitor must not practice two identical consecutive kata.

Each kata being able to practice a maximum of 3x. - Both competitors practicing together. Medal fights separately.

Kata children 10-11 years

- tokui kata by WKF rules. It is allowed to repeat kata based on the system, eg

ABCABCD. The competitor must practice at least three different kata

consecutively in the first three rounds, each kata being able to practice a

maximum of two, and the same two consecutive kata should not be

practiced - Both competitors practicing together. Medal fights separately.

Kata children 12-13 years

- tokui kata by WKF rules. It is allowed to repeat kata based on the system, eg

ABCDABCDE. The competitor must practice at least four different kata

consecutively in the first four rounds, each kata being able to practice a

maximum of two, and the same two consecutive kata should not be

practiced - Both competitors practicing together. Medal fights separately.

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820


Kata cadets, juniors, U21, seniors - tokui kata by WKF rules without changes.


- Kata team children 7-10 years based on rules - ABABABC system

- Kata team children 11-13 years based on rules - ABCABCD system

In the KATA TEAM competition, younger children aged 7-10 are not taking BUNKAI.

Older children 11-13 years of age do BUNKAI only in the final.

Kumite children 7-9, 10-11 years

- Time of match 60 sec., tatami 6*6 meters - WKF rules – same as for category cadets

Kumite children 12-13 years - time of match 90 sec., tatami 8*8 meters - WKF rules – same as for category cadets

Kumite cadets, juniors, U21, seniors - Actual WKF rules


- all kumite teams: 3 athletes + 1 Reserve, all kata teams: 3 athletes.


- Deposit for protest is 100 EUR.

General rules:

- All categories are opened from 8(9) kyu. - Categories can be changed by organizer. - Weight control can be made (based on protest) before category start. - Everybody starts at their own risks. - Team leader (or coach) is responsible for the medical examination of each

registered competitor from his team.

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820



Obligatory equipment for all categories (approved type WKF, EKF or national federation): - Teeth protector - Shin protectors blue and red - Foot protector blue and red - Hand protector blue and red - Body protector (cadets, juniors, U21, seniors) - Categories girls and female - Chest protector (obligatory together with

body protector (cadets, juniors, U21, seniors))

Non-obligatory, but accepted - Facemask approved WKF - Suspensor (all men categories, must be approved by WKF (ČSKe)


- It is possible to use approved protectors from domestic manufacturers and suppliers


- For all competition categories of children are recommended hull protectors that can

be worn on kimonos and not under karate-gi. This does not apply to categories:

cadets, juniors, U21, seniors.

- Girls older than 12-13 years of age have mandatory breast protectors. If the

competitor has body protector, the breast protector is not required.

- Finals dress for coaches (men and women) are not required

More age categories starts

Competitors start on two age categories is possible, but there is special system for this:

Children 7-9 years children 10-11 years only kata

Children 10-11 years children 12-13 years only kata

Children 12-13 years cadet kata+ kumite

Cadet Junior kata + kumite

Junior U21 kata + kumite

U21 Senior no restriction

Junior, U21, senior kata – no restrictions

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820



All European and World clubs and teams

Payments and cashback

Payment of entry fee is per competitor and category.

- 20 EUR individual category - 40 EUR team category

Possible cashback for big teams (more than 10 competitors) – ask for details

on pardubice-open@karate-lions.cz

Payment must be done during registrations via bank transfer or on the spot with

the fee payed in cash.

Payment via bank transfer:

- Preferred way of payment - Bank account nr: 2000395689 / 2010 - IBAN: CZ5920100000002000395689 - BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX - Name: Karate Lions Pardubice z.s. - Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1

- Invoices: For preparing invoices please send us your invoice details and

payment confirmation to pardubice-open@karate-lions.cz

Payment in cash:

Payment in cash is possible on Fridays registrations and on Saturday on the


Payment in cash paid on Saturday on the tournament must be done no later than

11.00 (min. one hour before the start of the category in the case of earlier start than

in the 11th hour). If in this period, the entry fee will not be paid athlete would be

removed from the start list, although it is already paired.

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820



Medals ceremony will start in ceremony area in 15 minutes after finishing

every category.

Exact timetable will be based on drawings (on sportdata.org). Every

competitor must be in sport hall at least 2 hours before supposed start of the

category (except first set of categories from 9:00).


Friday, 14th of June 2019 17:00 – 19:00 Registrations (preferred) Sport Hall

19:00 – 20:00 Drawings Sport Hall

Saturday, 15th of June 2019

07:30 – 08:45 Registration Registration area

08:30 – 09:00 Referees and coaches meeting Warm up area

09:00 – 10:00 Children - Individual & team Kata Elimination & Final

10:00 – 11:00 Cadets and juniors - Individual & team Elimination & Final


11:00 – 12:00 U21, Seniors and masters - Individual & Elimination & Final

team Kata

12:00 – 12:30 Opening ceremony

12:30 – 14:30 Children – Individual and team kumite Elimination & Final

14:30 – 16:30 Cadets and juniors – Individual and team Elimination & Final


16:30 – 18:30 U21, Seniors and masters - Individual & Elimination & Final

team kumite

21:00 – After Party Enjoy party in

(details will be on www.pardubice-open.com) Pardubice

Sunday 16th of June 2019 – trip 08:00 – 20:00 Visit a beautiful city of Pardubice City Pardubice

(details will be on www.pardubice-open.com)

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820


Please send these forms to pardubice-open@karate-lions.cz

Hotel Booking Form






Transfer form

Transfer Number of Transfer Arr. Date Dep. Date Arr. Flight

persons Yes/No Number Prague Airport

Pardubice Airport

Date: __________________________

Name of Contact Person: _______________________

E-mail address: _______________________________ Phone number: ________________

Signature: __________________________ Official Stamp:

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820


Rooming list








Number of Nights



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

PARDUBICE OPEN 2019 7th International Karate Lions Cup

15th June 2019 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Karate Lions Pardubice www.pardubice-open.com

+420 775 570 820


Plan of the sport hall

ČSOB arena – capacity 10 000+ visitors

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