kanyana final 2015

Post on 25-Jul-2016






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Editor - Sully Bholat



5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year 2015!!!

As I watch the fireworks and the 2015 New Year celebrations

from the Petronas Twin Towers of Kuala Lumpur, I said to

myself “It’s 2015 now! It’s the year that I’m coming to IH!”

And what an amazing year it has been in IH here! I am very

grateful for all the great opportunities and experiences this

college and all the Housies have given me this year. This

Kanyana and the cover was designed by the extraordinary

Gabby Mendoza, and in his own words:

“The cover is called ‘Harmony’, and is the

epitome of International House. The immense

diversity is represented through various colours,

to signify different nationalities and cultures. The

bird itself, symbolises freedom and accord. The

residents are embodied through the feathers

which compose of the bird, and although not all

the feathers are the same, we are all able to live

in amity, despite our differences, and it’s what

makes the bird beautiful”

To all the Housies, it was wonderful meeting all of you and I

will always cherish the great memories and times we spent


My Jen and Kanyana committee, I couldn’t have taken on this

role by myself. Thank you for all the help you have given to

me in this whole year!

Edith and Ben, Your O-Week was out of this world! And the

whole of O week is one of my favorite memories of IH

To all of the exec team, Thanks so much for welcoming me to

IH with open arms and making me feel at home here!

Working with you guys as an O week committee

member(where I got to wear that “O Week” hat for a week,

yay!) was such a great experience!

To all the SRs, you guys all rock! It’s been a splendid year!

Den and Amber, the IH 50th anniversary ball and recovery

was extraordinary!, Thanks for all the other great social events

you guys had done this year!

Jakob and Ciara, I love all the cultural events you guys did!I

don’t know what I would be doing instead if I weren’t

involved in your cultural activities. It’s been absolutely

wonderful working with you guys. And I think I still can

remember my lines from the play(feel free to ask me to

recite them at anytime!)

Carla and Yohan, thank you for everything you’ve had done

for IH! IH wouldn’t be the same without you guys

Laura, thanks for all the support and help you’ve given me in

IH when it comes to Jen and Kanyana. I don’t know how I

would have finished all of this without you.

To my housies, this Kanyana hopefully contains all the

memories of the amazing things happened at IH this year

and will remind your time in the college this year

So whenever you feel nostalgic and miss IH, open up this

Kanyana to relive and see flashbacks of your time here!

It has been a great honour and pleasure serving you as your

Jen and Kanyana convenor for 2015 and I hope you guys

enjoy this Kanyana!

It’s never a goodbye for a Housie, it’s always see you later! I

hope to see you guys sometime soon in the future

Signing off for the last time

Sincerely yours,

Sully Bholat




With 2015 coming to a close, I wish those leaving International

House all the very best for the future. For those that are

returning, we look forward to welcoming you back in 2016 to

another amazing year of sports, cultural, social and college


We hope the college experience has provided you with a

positive response to the questions above and look forward to

you contributing to International House as a resident and

alumni of the college.

College success is something we can all celebrate and be

proud of. However, it is the academic performances that

determine the real success of the year.

It is extremely pleasing to witness the volume of residents

engaging in the Academic Support Program. As I am writing

this article, Housies are busy preparing themselves for the

Semester 2 final exams and I wish them well and every

success. Examination does not determine the success of the

person, but does assist them to reach their goals in life.

For those who are moving on next year, the challenge will be

to ensure that you leave with no regrets and with the

knowledge that you have made International House a better

place during your time here.

Best Wishes,

Yohan, Deputy Director

Pictured: Eli Nair and Noah Nair

It was this year that we celebrated our glorious 50th Golden

Anniversary; and what a year it was!

Before everyone arrived, we refurbished games room;

although we couldn’t get rid of the smell of stale goon or the

speckled stained blood from my first year (soz bout it)

O-week then saw the induction of yet another group of

freshers into our Housie family. We had a ‘sick’ time filled with

loose parties, fun activities, and harsh morning wake ups; all

the while meeting people from around the world! My

personal highlights included “winning” the fresher dance

“again”, and managing to make it to Mt Cootha after pub

crawl for the first time in my three years of college.

SGM followed soon after; with many of our residents stepping

up to take on positions on the General Committee. The

passion and energy shown by all GC members throughout

the year was outstanding; however Allison Collins and Van

Bui, Sunday Supper and Food Convenors respectively, stood

out due to the innovation and dedication they applied to their


Our sports teams competed on courts, fields, pitches, and

pools; with all those participating enjoying giving their all for

the college and trying something new. Personal highlights

include the “Dream Team” 4x100m B Freestyle relay boiz

competing in board shorts, and watching our Volleyball girls

claim the title of champions for the second year in a row!

Our cultural contestants sang, acted, debated, danced, drew

and performed to the best of their ability. What we lacked in

talent, we made up for in effort; and although we failed to

claim top 3 finishes, it was amazing to watch everyone enjoy

themselves on stage. A big shoutout goes to Marco Lindley

for picking up the drumsticks a week before the band was due

to play; you killed it bro!

As previously mentioned, 2015 was our golden anniversary

year; which meant that our Socials had their work cut out for

them! Not only did they have the task of planning the biggest

event in IH Brisbane’s history, but they also had to keep us

entertained on a weekly basis. We were treated to an inter-

tower competitive house party, a crazy “Carnivale”, fun weekly

exchanges, a tonne of inter-college themed events, a red

frogs all ages hangout, an interesting Ladies and Gents… as

well as easily the best weekend of the year; The Goldfinger

Ball and Recovery.

Every Tuesday we were taken on a cross cultural adventure

by our Tabiet Salasas. We were treated to food, drinks, stories,

food, games, activities, and more food from all over the world;

a big thank you goes to everyone who shared their culture

with us, especially Johnathan Chan.

This year was the first time in a long while that we could not

hold Bandfest on IH grounds. We were lucky enough to be

able to move it to the red room however, and everyone

managed to enjoy themselves while the band killed it! My

personal highlight was moshing with crutches whilst being 2

days out of knee recon surgery; the pain meds helped lel


We had the pleasure of hosting our annual Mad Hatters Tea

Party shortly after; which took us on a trip to wonderland with

delicious food, quirky costumes, and awesome live

performances. My personal highlight would have to be DJ

Debbie dropping dope bangers for about half an hour in

between the acoustic entertainment.

Our other main event for the year was the 50th Soiree; which

was held on the same weekend as ball and recovery. In

collaboration with the IH admin; Jacqui and Dorothy, along

with an army of volunteers and committee members, worked

to pull off the most important Soirée that IH has ever seen.

We were treated to a delightful cultural experience; with all

those in attendance, be they freshers or Housies from the

class of 1965, enjoying all that our wonderful home has to

offer. A big shoutout to all those who were involved!

Now, none of this would have been possible without the

Executive Committee of 2015.

Merds, Tay, Rachillychill, Dennis, Oombs, Gobby, Lowis,

Jakobi, Ciara (pronounced like the singer lol don’t hurt me),

Churlllll, Chan-man, and Crispoo: You are all awesome

individuals; it has been amazing to work with you. Thanks for

putting up with me, you all have the propensity to go far xx

So one last thing from me:

Our trophy cabinet remains empty, but our hearts do not. So

many beautiful memories and wonderful stories have been

created here; and it has been an absolute pleasure to be a

part of all of your journeys. For some of us, the sun is setting

on our time at college. However, it shall soon rise again as we

move forth to face new challenges and experiences

#therealworld. IH is a beautiful place; I hope that your time

here is cherished.

Remember, once a Housie always a Housie

Nicholas Farnsworth

IHSC President 2015

That Brotherhood may prevail.

IHSC Executive for 2015

President: Nicholas Farnsworth

Vice President: Maddie Reynolds

Secretary: Taylah Cartmel

Treasurer: Rachel Edwards

ICC President: Michael Naess

Sports Convenors: Louis Davies and Gabby Austin

Social Convenors: Josef Den Miklavc and Amber Bitzer

Cultural Convenors: Jakob Perett and Ciara Cheng

Cross Cultural Convenor: Johnathan Chan

B.O.M.: Cheryl Au

Oh me, oh my, what a year it has been. From sporting fields

to stages to the dance floor, Housies seemed to have

absolutely dominated every category - well maybe not

speaking in terms of scoreboards, but when we’re looking at

the fun scale: we were off the charts!

There’s never an easy way to sum up a year at college, maybe

because so much happens that it would take a lot more than

550 words to summarise the myriad of things that we’ve all

been through as a family or maybe it’s because…well I don’t

want to; because when you summarise something it means it

has come or is coming to an end.

Don’t cry though Housies, no time for tears, because here is

your real MVP’s four – step process dedicated to helping you

get it all over and done with quickly, just ripping it off like a


Step 1: Pack up your room - It’s time to take down those Red-

Frog Calendars, rub the make-up and lipstick off the mirror,

flush the toilet and shove all your unfolded and unwashed

clothes into a too small suitcase. Wink at yourself in the mirror

one last time and tell yourself that you’re fine; everything is

going to be fine.

Step 2: Say goodbye to all of your second fam and promise

to keep in touch – Hug ‘em close, kiss cheeks, go through all

of your inside jokes at once in a rapid-fire like motion and

stand around awkwardly waiting for whoever is going to leave

first/for one of you to start sobbing

Step 3: Play a prank on your second fam one last time –

Whether it be stolen suitcase, toothpaste in the hair,

unnecessary items in the room, etc, just make sure you push

‘em far enough to the point of mad for one final hurrah.

Step 4: Realise that it’s actually time to say goodbye, cry

uncontrollably and message everyone when you’ve only just

left the college telling them how much you miss them.

(Repeat this final step at least three or four times on your way


In all seriousness though guys: Thank you so much, from the

very bottom of my heart. It’s never easy for some to get up in

the morning and play a sport they weren’t even sure existed,

or stay up late practicing the same freaking dance move over

and over and over, and it can be quite daunting for many to

go out into a social scene that they’ve never encountered

before. And yet, you all did it. Every single one of you pushed

your boundaries this year, maybe it was to benefit the college

and maybe it wasn’t; either way you faced odds you didn’t

like and overcame them.

Through it all you stood with people behind you from IH who

cheered you on from the fields, clapped (perhaps over

enthusiastically) from the stands and danced with you to

celebrate until the sun came up.

All I ask is that you keep that courage and determination that

you felt this year until you are old and grey, sitting in a chair

smiling to yourself because your dreams were fulfilled, your

challenges overcome and your lived life. Never ever stop

doubting just how much power you have purely by being

happy with who you are and sharing it with the world. You

are all wonders in my eyes and I will never forget that. Thank

you for being you, thank you for being a Housie.

Love your VP, Merds x.

(Maddie Reynolds)

Vice President 2015




To the wonderful Housies of 2015, Thanks for a stellar 50th Anniversary year. You are all incredible

young leaders destined for great things and each of your contribution to International House in 2015

has been extraordinary. Below are some highlights from the year from the Inter national House Foundation perspective! We can’t wait to stay in touch with as you continue on your journey as IH

Alumni. Remember ‘Once a Housie, Always a House’. Come back whenever you can. You are always

welcome, update us with what is going on in your LihFE and remember it is never ‘goodbye’ just ‘see

you later’. ♥Laura Stokes

The year started out with more mud than an IH Flood with the Resident Leader team getting

into the spirit of things at Emu Gully and figuring out how they were going work together

whilst having some fun along the way. IH Staff has loved every minute of working with you in 2015! We opened the year with a bang in O-Week.

With poppers, cupcakes and champagne to celebrate our Birthday year! O-Week couldn’t

have been better setting the tone for the year thanks to the awesome Resident Leaders, O-

Week Convenors Edith and Ben and a bunch of Freshers who were keen to give everything a go!

Because who doesn’t love a present! IH organised for each of you to receive an IH History

Book and a Housie tote bag to celebrate our 50th Birthday! Filled with all your favourite

events and each of your names it was a great way to kick of the year for new and old to learn

about the origins of their home. Because who doesn’t love a present! IH organised for each

of you to receive an IH History Book and a Housie tote bag to celebrate our 50th Birthday!

Filled with all your favourite events and each of your names it was a great way to kick of the year for new and old to learn about the origins of their home.

The 4th Indigenous Youth Leadership Camp (IYLC) was held in June/July and blew

everyone’s expectations once again! Thanks to Taylah, Josef, Chandni, Tomo, Cheech,

Hannah, Lenny, Luvesh, Tarzan, Jas, Jeremy, Johnathan, Jacqui, Shelley, Amreeta, Jo, Gina,

Marissa, Jakob, Lisa, Mukum, Meg, Eleanor and Ryan! Your leadership was extraordinary and what an impact you made! A totally unforgettable experience!

The 50th Anniversary weekend on the 29th & 30th of August was phenomenal! It was the

biggest reunion IH has held on record! With over 550 people at Soirée and 700+ at the IH

Ball! Thanks to all of you for your contribution in particular to the Resident Leader team,

Soirée Convenors Dorothy & Jacqui & IHSC Exec Members Amber, Josef, Nick, Maddie & Michael for the countless meetings but ultimately an extraordinary outcome for all!

Thank you for week in week out bleeding #BlackAndGold for your home whether it was the

first time you’d played a sport or done a cultural activity or you are pro. Thanks for living and

breathing the IH Way of Life and having a go. We loved that you all had matching jerseys too

thanks to the McKenzie Sports Bursary. Cheers to Louis, Tilly and Gabby for all your hard work over the year.

Thank you to VP Maddie Reynolds and Chef Extraordinaire Gary Cox for pulling off a rip- per

Housie Day with donuts, burgers and every treat in between. Shout out to Jakob Perrett for

becoming the 3rd Recipient of the Jarrah Young Scholarship! This year we were able to also

able to give out 2 financial hardship scholarships, The Golden Scholarship, The Chatterjee Bursary and help to upgrade some rooms in G-Tower for your pleasure!

Lastly, thanks for always saying ‘yes’ to new opportunities, for giving everything you’ve got

and for making 2015 unforgettable! Shout out to Sully for being awesome all year round with

Jen, Kanyana and organising the photographs to help make social media and the website great! You’re a legend!

It’s sad to think this will be my last post from the executive

committee of 2015. However I know I can say on behalf of

exec this has truly been an experience that we will never

forget. I think we can all admit that the memories made at IH

will be ones not forgotten.

The greatest thing that I love about IH is that we all live under

one roof, completely contrasted in our beliefs, culture, age,

personality, religion, race, food preference, sporting abilities

and even our university degrees. However, we are so binded

by this title “Housie” that nothing will come between us, not

even 15,200 kilometres of distance will stop our Skype calls

and Facebook posts. A housie will always be there for you.

Even when we don’t have enough players to make a full team

in a sport we’ve ever played before. A Housie will stand on

the field and act like they know what’s going on even though

they’re off side. When a Sunday night approaches and you’re

sitting in your room, a housie will be there for you to suggest

you come down to games room and “just say hello to

everyone” which undoubtedly later turns into a classic night

at the RE.

When the music is too loud and you’re trying to study, a

Housie will be there for you to make that complaint.

When the food isn’t at its peak, a Housie will be there for you

to strongly advise you to go to the ville to avoid heartache

A Housie will be there for you when you face plant during

athletic hurdles, score a single goal during netball, become a

triple threat during OAP, dancefest and choralfest, cross-

dressing at dunder and even during ‘Carnivale’, a Housie will

always be there for you.

To my lovely exec, thank-you for an awesome year filled with

heartfelt and emotional “get to know my world” conversations

found during overnight stays and P week, the banter, the

serious chats, the laughter and of course the bond we have

all formed. I have loved working with every single one of you

and will hold our memories shared very closely to me. Good-

luck with your future endeavours, I know you will all go on to

do great things. Team dale 4eva. It has been an absolute

honour and pleasure to be Sexretary in 2015.

Signing out for the last time,

Taylah Cartmel

IHSC Secretary 2015


2015 has been another huge year of sport for the boys of IH.

We have competed in fifteen sports over the year as part of

the ICC sporting cup. Semester one was extremely busy; we

competed in nine different sports over the course of the first

thirteen weeks of the university calendar.

The ICC wasted no time as we started tennis in our first week

of classes. Following up from this, the annual swimming

carnival was held during week two and badminton and table

tennis at the end of week three. Touch football was played at

the end of week four. All our teams played extremely hard for

all of these sports.

A big highlight from the first part of semester one came from

Ian Haryono and Aditya Ravi both being named in the ICC

team for badminton after finishing 2nd overall.

After the mid-sem break we competed in U20s rugby, cricket,

water polo and cross-country. Unfortunately we didn’t place

for any of these sports but all of the lads had fun competing

and we celebrated adequately with a cheeky G-Lawn session

at the end of the semester.

With semester one behind us we looked forward towards

semester two and the remaining sports of the year. In

semester two we took to the fields and courts, semester two

sports were; open rugby basketball, football, AFL and


This semester brought great success as our basketball boys

conquered St Johns and our open rugby lads decimated


The year finished with AFL and athletics. To the boys who

stepped up and played AFL we salute you, your bravery does

not go without recognition.

With some great performances in athletics and a great run in

the end of the year the men of IH managed to defeat their

arch rivals Union and claim 6th place in the ICC Weighted

Mens Shield.

Thank you to all the boys who played any sport throughout

the year and to all the housies who have supported us in our

drive to be the best, the success we have had would not be

possible without every single one of you.

Thanks to Meryl McKenzie for her bursary which made us look

so cool!

Louis Davies

Male Sports Convenor


What a year. From volleyball to basketball, tennis to hockey,

IH sport has been on fire (someone call the SR). Housies far

and wide have participated in the variety of sports on offer

and everyone has thoroughly enjoyed getting involved.

First semester kicked of with a bang when our tennis pros’

annihilated Grace and Cromwell. Lisa, Lucy Ioannou, Acacia

and Hoshimi battled it out on the tennis courts, coming out

victorious with a 24 point win against Cromwell and 18 point

win against Grace. It could only go up from here, and

surprisingly it did… Volleyball.

With the help of our exceptional coaches, JT and Den, the

girls managed to retain their title as the Queens of the

(volleyball) court. There were a few struggles along the way,

but in the end our ball handling skills were just too much for

the colleges to handle, and once again we won.

Let’s not forget the legendary hockey goals (all 3 of them),

our crazy table tennis skills (we came 2nd overall) and of

course our awe-inspiring swims that occurred throughout the

first semester.

Charging straight into 2nd semester sports, the girls were

rested and ready to dominate. Soccer was our first sport and

there were some awesome saves made by the wonderful Flo,

and breathtaking tackles by Mollie, and the most important

thing is that we all had fun.

In netball, countless goals were scored, a major success for

our netball team lead by the fearless Lucy. IH once again

showed off its sporting prowess in AFL. AFL was a very new

sport to many of the team members, but with the help of Tim,

the team hunted, tackled, kicked and ran their way to several


It was such a fun sport and I’m so proud of everyone that

joined in and supported. A shout out to the beautiful

Diamond (and her 3 pointers) for being an awesome

basketball convener and teaching us new skills and tricks.

Athletics was a great way to round of an incredible year. The

girls gave it their all, and the support was amazing.

2015 has been such a mind-blowing sporting year. A massive

thank you goes out to all the Housies who stepped up to the

mark and participated in the sports, as well as everyone else

who came and supported your fellow Housies. I hope the

memories made and friends found were worth it.

Gabby Austin


2015 has been an enormous year for IH in all aspects but, if

we may boast, it has been an especially incredible social year

for IH - and it’s all thanks to you. From College Exchanges on

a Thursday night, to cheeky Sunday RE sessions, to sharing a

few beverages at an in-house party, to getting fancy for Ball

– we appreciate your presence in and around the social scene

and hope you had as much fun and made (or lost) as many

memories as we have in 2015. Let’s reflect…

We ended 2014 with IH’s annual Switch Party, now featuring


Break Up parties 1 & 2… an emotional time for all, let’s move

on ;(

The Semester 1 in-house party witnessed a Battle of the

Towers, where each tower battled it out in a serious of

rigorous competitions to ‘C’ who would come out on top ;).

Games were played, drinks were drunk, hips were shook and

outfits were on point.

Carnivale. Well, that happened…

Undoubtedly, the Golden 50th Anniversary Weekend was the

highlight of 2015. The weekend consisted of numerous

memorable events including

o A seamless annual Soiree,

o A Glamorous 50th Gala Ball at the Brisbane

Exhibition Centre, and

o A colourful ‘REcovery’, where we spat food dye

at each other and danced around in foam on a

beautiful Sunday morning.

It’s been a crazy year, and we would like to thank you all for

helping making it so great. Special shout outs to: Laura and

the Admin team for their assistance in Ball, our wonderful exec

team for all the behind the scenes work, the VIC and Dunder

where the IH regulars can be found and lastly our livers, for

surviving an onslaught.

Signing out for the last time,

Den and Amber

IHSC Social Convenors


What was your favourite part of O Week?

Edith: Watching the new residents perform the Fresher Dance

at Market Day. You all had the juiciest wiggles I have ever

seen, I teared up a little it was so beautiful.

Susan: Definitely brotherhood. It's really nice to see how

freshers didn't know each other at the beginning, and at the

end of brotherhood they were like best friends. It really

showed our IH spirit - we are all sisters and brothers and we

always help each other out.

Sully: Going to BOUNCE. I've never been to a place where

you can spend hours jumping on trampolines while playing

dodgeball! It was a great experience for me and it showed

me that there are so many great things around the world we

haven't tried yet.

Hannah: It was fun getting to know the new freshers.

Ben: Seeing the new freshers forming lasting friendship


I would like to say a huge thank you to Hope and Erika for

all your support and words of wisdom, I would have

collapsed into a puddle of despair much earlier on if it

weren’t for you two. To the exec of 2015, I seriously cannot

say thank you enough times, there are no words to

describe my gratitude for all your help. To the SRs, you did

a pretty good job too… JK, I still cannot believe how much

time and effort you all put into both O Weeks, I am in awe

of you all. To Danielle and Tricia, you have a momentous

job ahead of you and I know you will execute it with flying


Love from Edith Kirlew

O Week Convener 2015


It was no secret how excited we were to get started on

Cultural events this year, and we were not disappointed.

The first Cultural event was College Idol, and our

representative Inah Mendoza opened the cultural year with

an impressive John Mayer cover. Bandfest came next and ‘Hot

Singles in Your Area’ allured us all despite several challenges

in the lead up to the event.

Each week, our Debate and Chess teams devised compelling

arguments and calculated moves against fierce opponents,

and brought home multiple wins in an improvement from last

year. Our resident artists showcased their work at Art Show,

with Hannah McKenzie securing second place in


The semester came to end with Choralfest, an event that

allowed both first time and experienced singers to take the

stage with ‘Pompeii’ and ‘Baba Yetu’. An auditioned group

performed a moving rendition of the Pentatonix cover of ‘Say

Something’. As the first group Cultural event, we were excited

to see how many people stepped out of their comfort zone

to participate.

The second semester brought with it a new pool of cultural

talent, from which our Oratory competitor, Michelle Graulty

emerged. Her engaging speech and quick thinking awarded

IH 4th overall. Along with Ben Felix she led a hard working

cast in an interpretation of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s ‘The Visit’.

Once again, we were proud to see previously hidden talent

take the stage.

The final ICC event of the year was Dancefest, in which many

Housies sacrificed their time to put together a captivating

performance with the help of talented choreographers Stacey

Chin, Wei Jim, Danny Hammoudi, Edith Kirlew and Audrey

Lim. It was incredible to see how the three different dance

troupes came together towards the end and we thank

everyone for their hard work and dedication.

Throughout the year we saw Housies displaying a variety of

talents in Kickbacks as well as the introduction of a new event,

the Goblet of FROTH. While still a work in progress, we are

excited to see how the new culturals, Alison Collins and Gabby

Mendoza, continue this inter college event.

While our final ranking was not what we’d hoped, we believe

that we achieved our main goal of making cultural events fun

and accessible to everyone. We’d like to thank everyone who

got involved or helped out this year, Cultural would have

been a much harder job without your passion and dedication.

Signing off for the last time,

♕ Your Cultural King and Queen ♚

Jakob Perrett and Ciara Cheng


As the Jacarandas bloom once again around International

House, it signals the end to yet another wonderful year at IH

– 2015.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and

everyone – from event organisers to Housies who participate

in our Cross Cultural events. Without your support this year, I

cannot even imagine what would have happened.

At the start of this year when I took up the role, I had one goal

in mind – allow Housies to share their own cultures in their

own unique way and along the way, pick up some useful

leadership experiences.

It has been a privilege to see week in, week out the wonderful

Cross Cultural events that have happened this year such as:

Masterchef, Japanese Night, Indigenous Australian Night,

Henna Night, Singaporean Night, Mad House Dance, Hallah

for Challah (Jewish Night), Malaysian Night, Didgeridoo

Playing Night, Mid-Autumn Festival, IH High Tea, West End

Markets Tour, Gallery of Modern Art Tour, Ice Cream Bash,

Easter Egg Hunt, South African Night and Filipino Night.

Some of our Housies even got real funky at our Swing

Dancing night, showcasing some American dancing culture.

Tabiet Salasas play an integral role in the life at IH – it allows

Housies to share their own experiences and build friendships

that will last a lifetime. I am interested to see how it develops

for the years to come. It has been an honour being your Cross

Cultural Convenor for 2015 and once again, thank you very,

very, very much to everyone who has participated and have

helped out in our events this year.

“You only get to live once. So go out and see the world”.

Johnathan Chan

XXXX-Cultural :D




Soirée 2015: Your passport to a global adventure.

This spectacular multicultural festival, celebrating the cultural

diversity that we value at International House, was held on

29th August 2015.

The weather was forecasted to be thunderstorms. But

thankfully, we started the day with a worthy Soirée virgin

sacrifice! It was cloudy but the rain held up throughout whole

event until we finished clearing up.

What made Soirée special this year was that it was held as a

part of IH’s 50th anniversary celebration. As a result, a

combination of both overseas and local alumni flew, drove

and walked all the way back to their ‘home away from home’

to join in the festivities.

Knowing this, we incorporated features of preceding Soirée’s

to create a nostalgic and memorable event. Decorations

skilfully crafted many years ago were put back on display for

all to admire. I-House and I-Plaza were transformed into

memory lane for all to reminisce about their wild college days.

Soirée 2015 showcased a variety of cultural performances that

wowed the audience. Just like us, the acts were diverse in

nature. There were performances like the energy-charged

martial arts tricking but there were also the calming motions

of Tai Chi. We had music ranging from old traditional Celtic

culture to contemporary K-pop. We saw everything from

elegant Chinese dancing to seductive belly dancing.

Our engaging stalls also attracted people of all ages –

whether it is the animal lady, sumo wrestling or henna,

laughter and fun was all around.

The food and drinks were equally unique – from greasy

comfort foods of Northern America to the spicy flavours of

South-East Asia, we had it all covered! (Big shout-out to the

kitchen staff – the food was amazing and we couldn’t have

done it without you)

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the

help and support from Housies and from the Office. In

particular, we could not have done it without our committee

– Tarzan, Hoshimi, Peggy, Meg, Kazuki, Ian, Mukum, Van and


A big thanks to ALL of you who turned up to Soirée 2015 as

well; we are both so grateful!

Love from your Soirée Convenors,

Jacqui & Dorothy


The 31st of May marked IH’s annual Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

event – an amazing afternoon of eating and entertainment all

themed in Alice in Wonderland.

Over 160 people converged on I-Plaza and G Lawn for the

relaxing event which included the most delicious array of

cupcakes, slices, biscuits, sandwiches and brilliant drinks like

bubble tea, hot tea and soda. Entertaining acts such as

dancing, singing and musical performances and DJ were

performed by some of our incredibly talented Housies and

games such as giant chess, badminton and lawn bowls were

down on I-Plaza.

Mad Hatter’s once again had a shisha tent, photo booth and

face painting as well as tonnes of blankets, cushions and bean

bags for people to sit, relax and just take a breather from the

stresses of uni life.

The amazing afternoon was only possible thanks to the

brilliant efforts of all the Housies who volunteered their time

despite this end of the semester being so hectic with studies.

Thanks so much for making Mad Hatter’s such a wonderful

afternoon, it truly made me feel proud to be a Housie and to

be part of such an amazing, caring community.

A massive thanks also goes to all the convenors of the event:

Sophie whose baking and food organisation skills are

unparalleled, Van the master convenor of drinks, Katie who

painted and made the most beautiful decorations imaginable,

Inah for brilliantly organising, preparing (and performing!) the

incredible entertainment of the day and Gabby whose poster

and ticket design looked amazing!

Thanks so much for being such a brilliant and fun team to

work with, I am so grateful for all the work you all put into

making the event a success!

Next year I hope this event can be bigger and better than

ever! Best of luck to the future convenors, this is an incredibly

fun event to organise so I hope others can enjoy planning it

as much as I did! Thanks to everyone who came and make

Mad Hatters the amazing afternoon that it was!

Alison Collins

Sunday Supper Convenor 2015


Bandfest is IH's very own battle of the bands where every

college forms a band and tries to get the crowd and judges

head banging and singing along!

This year it was held at the Red Room due to the weather but

it's usually in our own backyard or carpark whatever you

wanna call it. Housies got involved by helping with

decorations, photography, and with our epic stalls, where you

could sip on drinks and stuff your face with amazing food next

to a colourful banner listening to epic music while getting

your picture taken.

St. John's took the prize this year but we got them back in

basketball. Bandfest also helped contributing to charity this

year with the help of our charity convenor (Nikki). Music

makes a difference in some peoples lives.

As Bono once said "music can change the world because

it can change people". All in all, Bandfest 2015 was different

from other bandfest events but it was still fun and definitely

changed the way I look at a lot of things (for the better).

I'm sure 2016 will be rocking

Peter Van Roki

Bandfest Convenor


We’ve had a very successful year for charity at IH, currently

raising around $5,500 with our final event, the exec auction,

still to come. This year we’ve elected to donate all funds raised

to local charity Little Souls Taking Big Steps, an early

intervention centre for children with Autism. The charity team

would like to thank all the Housies for helping to make this

possible, with their participation in Bandfest (and the exciting

new sideshow), the Autism Bara Khana and other Autism

Awareness celebrations held. With 1 in 84 children being

diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, we’re thrilled

we’ve been able to raise such an incredible amount of money

for a very deserving cause!

Nikki Hawkins

Charity Convenor

It’s been a bit of a quiet year in terms of environmental events

at IH this year. However everyone has been doing their bit by

turning off lights when they’re not using a space, taking

shorter showers, and most of all using the washing lines rather

than the dryers!! I just love going down and seeing the lines

full and seeing that you guys are making use of the beautiful

sunshine! We had a lovely Earth Hour event in Semester 1

which ended up actually going for about 3 hours with the help

of the wonderful Sunday supper team, which involved lots of

candles, blankets and tasty snack down on G-lawn and it was

a really lovely night. It was great to see so many people switch

off and come down to have fun without using power! In

semester two, there was ‘Do it in the Dark’- which was a little

uneventful due to lack of notice, but everyone unplugging

and switching off a little more than usual still made a

difference! Thanks for a great year Housies!!

Jo Culross

Environmental Convenor



2015 was an adventure. Through my fish tank, I have watched

my residents grow and wow, they are incredible. On first

floor, we have Sarah who donates heaps of free time to help

run IH events. Not enough girls for sports? Rehana gives

everything a try, even if she’s never heard of it. Craving a wild

night out? Find Venky – his pride and spirit make him an

irrefutable Housie. In terms of winning, no one can beat

Winnie’s sweet smile which radiates throughout IH. Anthony

is a man of few words, but he’s always lingering in the

shadows, keeping guard of A Tower.

Third floor is home to the multi-talented Vivian who can not

only coach badminton, but play the piano beautifully. Our

party girl Elkarina is always smiling and socialising, but still

invests time to try what IH has on offer! See an unfamiliar

face? It’s just a new mate joining John’s ever-expanding

friendship circle. Don’t let Naoyoshi’s gentle soul and angelic

smile trick you – his silly and nonsensical side can easily be


On fourth floor we have basketball champion, Li Kai, whose

dedication for IH convinced him to sacrifice a thumb for the

defeat of St John’s. Meet our sweet and demure Sakiko

whose bold fashionable style is nothing less than chic.

There’s also the bubbly Spencer whose overflowing

generosity and kindness cannot be missed. Broke your

laptop? Need an art guru? Searching for amazing vocal

talent? Look for Gabby!

Top floor houses sporting legend David, whose fitness and

athletic prowess makes IH immensely proud! Carol’s

conviviality resonates throughout IH – her passion and

enthusiasm can never be extinguished. If she’s not exploring

Australia, you can chat with the affable Lauren for hours.

Flo’s infectious personality and open nature is the added

spark that makes IH so special. When he’s not busy with

university, silent warrior Ivan will be on G-Lawn monitoring

for suspicious activities surrounding A Tower.

It was incredibly easy being your SR. You make me so


Thanks for the amazing year – it was out of this world!

- Jacqui


From the first O-Week B Tower residents have been in the

thick of it, involving themselves in every event that the

college offered. From Dancefest, Choralfest, College Idol,

One Act Play, Oratory, just about every sport B Tower

residents have contributed to the overall success of the

event, and through that effort, and success of 2015. Having

overcome being plagued by possums, B tower has continued

to thrive in the IH community.




BLOOMING. These words combined can sum up each

individual in B Tower this year (yes, you too Sam).

To the residents, thank you. Thank you for getting involved

within the IH community in our 50th year! Without sacrificing

your time and effort each and every event, IH would not be

the same and the IH community as a whole would be missing

out on seeing your amazing talents, smiles and laughs.

Thank you all for the little things you do, too! Be it a friendly

chat to a zombiefied person at 3 in the morning who has

just handed in an assignment, to a loud and happy ‘good

morning’ at an ungodly hour (8am) – this little acts of

kindness are what make IH such an amazing place.

To the B Tower ressies who are leaving IH, goodbye/good

luck/thank you. I am confident that you will go on to do

incredible things!

To the B Tower ressies returning next year for more crazy,

good luck! Remember to appreciate the little things

constantly around you at IH and take advantage of the

amazing opportunities that are presented to you here – you

won’t get them anywhere else in the world!

Love always,

Crispy (Michael Naess)

B Tower Senior Resident



A year as a Senior Resident has been eventful and busy.

While many residents only see us loitering around our towers

and unlocking doors our experience is much more than this.

Mine have been challenging and have improved my skills and

have highlighted where I need to develop in a way I have

never experienced before. The most rewarding part of the

job has been being there for people and providing assistance

in difficult circumstances and this is also been the hardest

part of the job.

C-Tower certainly has some characters… For start our

resident possum who likes chilling under the fridge and that

Ryan Burrow character that got extensive plastic surgery in

June and changed his story about his home university in the

United States. Most peculiar! We are also blessed to have a

fresher who holds the mighty stick of IH sporting

achievement and survived the Great O-Week Earthquake

which surprisingly no one else noticed. Talking of sport C-

Tower produced some superb athletes with a volleyball team

and coach we can all be proud of.

To the residents of C-tower, thanks for putting up with me

and most of all thanks eating my strange Scottish Tower

Supper and pretending it was tasty.

I will never forget the first time we discovered Braveheart -

Trap Beat with Bagpipes together. It was quite something

On a serious note however I would like to thank the many

members of the Tower who assisted me throughout this

busy year. Good luck to you all in the future.

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May Brotherhood Prevail.

Ben Kurzman x

C Tower Senior Resident



Dearest D Tower,

A building filled with so much love and power,

Like others around IH, the structure stands so tall

And you can bet that its residents really know how to have a


On the fifth floor there’s Nikki and Ren,

Two good girls, who always look 10/10

Then there’s Sully and Jake,

Two great GC Convenors who really take the cake.

Walk down the stairs to fourth floor,

There you’ll find some talent for sure.

Elise and Jo won’t kick up a stink,

They’ll for sure take up the challenge of a drink.

Cheech and Yiu Lin are next,

Two easy-going, hard-working people who deserve only the


Saunter on down to D3rd

There you’ll find some real swell birds.

Luke, Olly and Cherie,

All loyal subjects to the almighty Pharmacy Queen,

They’re all real friendly; it doesn’t take much to see,

Some G Tower Residents would particularly agree.

Down on 2nd floor there’s just Corby, and me

Pharmacy King and the real mVP.

Race down to first floor,

A garden of love grows there for sure.

There’s Leya and Luvesh,

Two innocent, kind beings caught up in a love nest.

See, it’s Harry and Cheryl who really own the floor,

An IH Wedding on the cards for sure.

Walk down the stairs once more,

To the final D Tower floor.

There are just two dudes who live down here

In the D Tower Dungeons, with no fear.

Austin and Jerome are two quite cool guys,

Keeping watch of all who enter D Tower, little IH spies.

Look, that’s really all there is to it, there’s nothing to hide.

Residents like ours are what make D Tower special, we

don’t even have to try.

With smiles and laughs as bright as the sun,

D Tower is the place to be if you want to have fun.

Maddie Reynolds

D Tower Senior Resident



E tower, not the loudest but the smartest tower for sure, was

definitely a tower filled with the best vibes and unique


Keeping with tradition, let’s break into rhyme starting at the


Polite Kosuke you’ll always be our quiet hero

And adventurous Katie, forever rocking E Zero

Jaime and Kimbly (from a floor above), our two little angels,

always dispelling the doom

Nicole with a lovely voice, the caterpillar you drew is still

hanging in our common room (<3).

One level up we had Ian, the brains of the tower

And Shuan, always full of hidden power.

Sophie, our sweet baby girl, who contributed to my first

interesting duty call,

Remember that time you smashed your mirror and the bits

of glass in the hall?

On the level three there were our creative ladies,

Alison the Sunday Supper queen giving us many food


Jasmine, with her tower decorations making the tower a lot


Mark was the interesting one and a brilliant runner

And Danial, … let me just say it took me a good month

to figure out your sneeze.

Forth level we had the lovely Tolu – our well dressed


And Nicole, who’s always helped out under pressure.

Tuan, our happy man always brimming with positivity

And Charlie, our little meanie (to me), but never filled

with negativity.

Harriet and Heather our sweethearts were as lovely as a


While Jeff and Hean were both hidden heroes of the


I miss your cheeky drinks Myee, no one can entertain me

more than you and your flair,

And Emily… oh we miss you, you lovely dropbear.

Now that the silly rhyme is complete, it’s time for me to


Thank you all for making E tower and my last year a

beautiful year to receive.

While we must part ways, this I know:

It’s not goodbye until we say our next hello.


Polina Golberg

E Tower Senior Resident



It’s been an exciting year for the Housies of F Tower (or F-

Towsies for short). It’s difficult living all the way out here in

the middle of nowhere. F-Tower, the quiet little corner seems

well out of the way compared to many of the other towers

situated in the IH CBD.

You practically need a war horn to reach us by message and

a taxi to visit us from college central. But that never stopped

us from putting ourselves out there and having a good old


F-Towsies have battled it out for the F-Tower Participation

Championship using their elemental bending skills to rise to

the top of the participation ladder. We’ve had a blast hanging

out at tower suppers, be it drinking tea with our pinkies up,

pigging out on pizza, or painting murals to our god the great


And we’ve enjoyed the many perks of being in F-Tower,

whether it be getting a good sleep on bunker night, or

hearing all the gossip from the Sunday night RE stragglers as

they pass through the carpark unaware, we can hear every

word they utter, or getting first dibs at the couches in F-

Common on footy night

It’s been a pleasure being SR for all my residents in F-

Tower be it the airheads of 5th, the mermaids of 4th, the

pyromaniacs of 3rd, the tree huggers of 1st or the monks

of the dungeon they’re all truly wonderful people. I

couldn’t have wanted a better tower to live in.

Cheers to all the F-Towsies, may next year be another

good one, because goodness know, this year is going to

be a heck of a hard one to beat.

<3 Anne-Marie Van Duin

E Tower Senior Resident



International House - the Glorious, the Great, the Goofy, the

Galactic, the Gobsmackingly thriving community of leaders.

A place of wonder, a place of dreams and of endless smiles

it always seems.

What a year! G tower has been a blast! Over 70 fantastic and

talented Housies have contributed to the amazing

community within G tower this year. You’ve all made G tower

the most amazing tower to be the Senior Residents of.

As a member of G Tower, you learnt to adjust to the late

night antics of Games Room. Random uproars of cheering

and yelling were often heard into the night as birthdays and

finished assessments were celebrated but the lack of sleep

didn’t deter your participation in college life!

Us G-towsies have been getting amongst every aspect of

college life. We’ve had G-tower residents tearing it up at

Dancefest, singing their hearts out in Choralfest and

entertaining us with Tabiat Selesas.

There’s always been a G tower ressie representin’ at all

sporting events regardless of whether they know how to

play or not, (generally the latter) because we’re all about

having fun and giving it ago while supporting each other.

Good luck to those of you who are sticking around and

thank you all for an amazing year! We could not have asked

for a higher quality batch of Housies to have under our


But of all, we are this quirky, diverse, and talented family

where every single one of us has the ability to and will go

on to create positive difference in our communities in IH

and beyond.

The year has been remarkable,

Gabby A. and Jeremy N.

G Tower Senior Residents


H tower, decorated after the Lord of the Rings theme where

22 Housies call this place home. We have a diverse group of

people from New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia,

Vietnam and good ole Australia! Arguably having the best

tower suppers in IH, many of us love to cook which always

sends a wonderful aroma wafting through the tower and

beckons everyone from other towers to come over and pay

us a visit.

Be it the sporting field, the cultural theatre or our very own

IH organised events, H tower always contributes by having

someone of us directly participating or helping out in

supporting positions. We are a bunch of fun loving people

who strike that balance between hitting the books and

playing hard.

We ensure our tower is a place where everyone has his or

her own room to do what they want, yet have the

opportunities to mix around and chill with everyone in the

tower. Every night our tower comes alive in the common

room; residents cooking or studying or chilling out with

friends from our tower and from others towers!

There is never a boring moment because every day brings

something new which makes life in H tower amazing for all

of us who call this tower home!

As this golden year draws to a close, we’ll be sad to see

each other go, some of us staying on and some of us

moving on. But we will always remember the wonderful

experiences we’ve had with our tower mates in what we feel

is the best tower around!

Daniel Lee

H Tower Senior Resident


I Tower this year has been a fun combo of crazy artistic,

musically inclined, read-a-holics, study fanatics, kind hearted

and overall just epic rezzies spending their time chilling out,

cooking up a storm and blasting ‘plenty’ of music.

From some of our earlier tower suppers we learnt that – yes

we can consume 4 tubs of ice-cream by ourselves, that movie

night’s without 9/10ths of the tower are still epic cause you

don’t have to share snacks and that the late night study

sessions in the common room can only be ruined when

someone burns their popcorn stinking out the whole tower.

With a big changeover of rezzies for semester two – it was

great to see everyone coming together still for mass cooking

adventures and trips away.

Props to Edith’s post O-week heroics, putting out a fire &

saving us all. And mostly – a big congratz to the whole tower,

we all put in heaps of time contributing back to the college

in cross-cultural nights, cultural performances, sports games

and social events. Way to go I-Tower!

Let’s not forget all our furry friends that visited the tower

this year – from possums, to turkeys to all the inset creatures

of the night.

Thanks again I-Tower kids, our Bandfest, Mad Hatter’s &

Soiree were beyond amazing this year because of your help

and I just wanted to honour each and every member of the

tower for really pitching in, spending time out and about

together and above all – just prospering the Housie Spirit!

Rachel Edwards

I Tower Senior Resident


Unsung Hero Award – Daniel Lee

Braveheart Award – Benjamin


Saving Bass Award – Hamish Adams

Not Giving Up On You Award – Gabby


Nearly Perfect Record – Sun Yi, Van


Golden Mic – Michelle Graulty

Thank God You’re Here – Edith Kirlew,

Alison Collins, Gabby Mendoza,

Shubhaam Yadav

Emerging Talent Award – Peggy Ching

The Smoothest Moves Award - Stacey

Chin, Wei Jim, Danny Hammoudi,

Edith Kirlew, Audrey Lim

Worst Role Models Award – Nicole

Hawkins, Josef Miklavc


Full Blue Award


Johnathan Chan

Josef Den Miklavc

Kazuki Izumi

Michael Naess

Tim Flanagan


Debbie Marielle

Hoshimi Okita

Jo Culross

Lisa Anich

Lucy Ioannou

Meg Grealy


Alex Trombetta

Anthony Leong

Austin Lofink

Henry Ole

Jack Jauristo

Lachlan Quadrell

Luke Asquith

Malek Elgarawany

Peter Van Roki

Poh Li Kai

Shubhaam Yadav

Thomas Hooper

Tom Forman

Venkatesh Perumalla

Zeb Critchley


Acacia Chambers

Ali Stephenson

Alison Collins

Amber Bitzer

Danielle Ng

Diamond Kwok

Dorothy Sze

Erin Fitzpatrick



Hunter Stahl

Jacqui Chiu

Jade Lep

Jess Moody

Jill Hampton

Jorie Fox

Katie Solley

Leya Koh

Lucy Hammond

Mollie Kemsley

Nicole F. Choy

Peggy Ching

Shelley Lin

Tolu Banjo

Sportsman of the Year

Kazuki Izumi

Sportswoman of the Year

Lucy Ioannou

Norman Award

(for walking home from the

Valley (8.9km) after a night


Tom Forman.

Unbreakable bond/awkward

love triangle award

Eoin Kennedy, Michael Naess,

Nicholas Farnsworth.

Hanny Mae Award (for

keeping it together)

Lisa Anich

This is my song award

Michelle Graulty.

Half Blue Award

Jessica Koh

Kereshmeh Kaveh-


Kimbly Tham

Lachlan Quadrell

Li Kai Poh

Marissa Pattinson

Matthew Pua

Nicole Hawkins

Peggy Ching

Richard Bulley

Sarah Lee

Shelley Lin

Tavleen Tarrant

Theresa Tran

Thomas Hooper



Wen Shuan Tan

Wen Yeaw

Yi Sun

Ying Jia Pua


GPA 6+

Acacia Chambers-Gregory

Aditya Ravi

Alex Lee

Alex Nguyen

Alison Collins

Andrew Yeo

Ann-Marie Van Duin

Audrey Lim

Augusto Darouiche

Chansuk Kang

Chee Chuan Sia

Chu Hean Oon

Ciara-Mei Cheng

Danny Choy

Hannah McKenzie

Hiew Yun Tam

Ian Haryono

Jade Lep

Jamie Chuah

Jasmine Miller

Host of Awesomeness

Danial Lee

Daniel Lee

Dorothy Sze.

Inah Mendoza

Myee Connors

Tammy Cobb

Tomohiro Ozeki

Van Bui

Golden Scholarship Award

Hoshimi Okita

Kazuki Izumi

Lucy Ioannou

Meg Grealy

Sulaiman Bholat (Sully)

The Kalpakam Award

Nikki Hawkins

The Jarrah Young

Scholarship (2016)

Jakob Perrett

The McKenzie Sports Bursary


Malek Elgarawany

Meg Grealy

The Chatterjee Bursary (2016)

Johnathan Chan

The Indigenous Scholarship

Pirpantji Rive-Nelson

Housie Awards

Danielle Ng

Hoshimi Okita

Jaskireth Singh

Michelle Graulty

Sulaiman Bholat(Sully)

Venkatash Perumalla


Alexander Mein

Chuen Pua

Dorothy Sze

Fabien Lai Van

Jake Morrison

Jerome Loh

Louis Davies

Madeline Reynolds

Mai Miyazaki

Mark Edgerton

Michael Naess



Polina Golberg

Rachel Edwards

Wei Hsiang Huang

Yong Jin Park

Senior Resident Award

Hannah McKenzie

Kathyryn Davison (Katie)




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