ka idah kaidah managemen

Post on 25-May-2015






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We think of minds as

a storehouse to be filledWhere as

We should think of it as

an instrument to be used

If you are constantly occupied with details, you’ll soon become incapable of great things

Looser versus Winner

Part of ProblemAlways have excuseThat’s not my jobMight be done, but difficult. See Problem from every Solution See Mistakes from every goodness

Part of Solution.Always have Program Let me just do it That’s difficult but can be done.See Solution from every Problem.See Goodness from every mistakes

Praise loudly, Blame softly

You can not strengthen the weakBy weakening the strong.

To stop difficulties hampering your progress calls them Experiences,Patient and timecan be your two best friends.

You can not teach a person anything, you can only help them find it within themselves

I keep seven honest serving manThey taught me all I knew, their names are:







Three thing that can never be retrieved

The spoken words

Time Past

Neglected opportunity

If you worry about the bees,You will never get to Honey

You need three things to get to the Top:


Always aim for the moon,and if you miss it, don’t worry you will fall among the star

The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order,and gets little support from those who would prospered

Anger shows the character of a person

If you deal with the lowest bidderit is well to add something for the risk you run,

and if you do thatyou will have enough to pay for something better

There are two kind of peopleThose of wordsAndThose of deeds

Your achievement are duly limited by the size of your dream the power of your imagination and your commitment to excellence

To be a good boss, Tell your staff: • What is expected of them• Who they are responsible for• How they are performingand • How they can improve

Effectiveness in an organization depend on:

Clarity of purpose Clearly conveyed to the workers who understand what they are expected to do

A crisis is a good test for youthe way you react will indicate how good you are

If you have confident in yourselfothers will do

I can’t give you the formula for success,but the formula for failure is try to please everybody

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