k2 081714 monsters university week 3...

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    August 16-17, 2014

    Colossians 3:23 Adventure Bible for Early Readers (p. 1388)

    Know God’s Word

    Work hard with excellence, as working for the Lord.

    Connect Time (20 minutes): Five minutes after the service begins, split kids into groups and begin their activity. Large Group (25 minutes): Begin 20 minutes after the service starts. Model what it looks like to be engaged in large group. Small Group (15 minutes): Keep kids in small groups until parents arrive. If you all have extra time at the end, you can review the video and songs together.

    This week is all about how God wants us to do our best for him. Think about how to model that for kids!

    As kids leave, make sure to prompt them to explain why they are wearing a pair of super sweet heart glasses.

    The verse for this week is Colossians 3:23: Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters. There are motions in the script to help you teach it!


    GOAL: Connect Time is all about engaging kids in an activity that allows them to connect with each other right away while simultaneously piquing their curiosity for Large Group and preparing their minds for what they’re going to hear. CHARADES

    • Choose one kid (or a pair of kids) to be actor(s) • Whisper one of the jobs written on the list below

    o Car mechanic o Doctor o Teacher o Salesperson o Basketball player o Opera singer o Construction person o Restaurant server o Etc.

    • Have the actors act while the other kids guess • Repeat! • If you have a young group, just lead them in reenacting different jobs as a group. • Before it’s time to go to Large Group, discuss:

    o Why is this job important? o What would we do if we did not have these people?

    • Then ask kids to share the best and worst parts of their week. If you have extra time, remind them of your expectations for their behavior: (1) be kind, (2) listen when somebody speaks, and (3) follow the leader’s instructions.


    Goal: Kids will (1) recall Colossians 3:23 and (2) identify one thing they want to do with all their heart this week. Why? There are many things in life we have to do. But God calls us to do everything with excellence. Tip: You may want to take your small group to the corner of a room or sit on the floor so that you can stand up and act out jobs together.  


    REVIEW 1. Let’s find our verse together in the Bible (Look up the verse with kids. It is on page

    1388. The version may differ slightly. Then say the whole thing together using the version and motions from Large Group. Motions are printed on the next page if you want a reminder.)

    2. How does God want us to work? (do our best, even if we’re not good at something) 3. When does God want us to do our best and work with all our heart? 4. Who are we are we doing our best for? 5. What’s one job you have? (ask one kid) How can we do our best in that job? (let the

    whole group respond) Repeat with as many kids as you want! ACTIVITY

    • YOU put on one pair of heart glasses (your “work-with-all-your-heart” glasses). • Explain purpose: These will help us remember to work with all our hearts. • Discuss:

    o What are some easy things to do with all your heart? (Give them hints like, play with friends, eat cake at a birthday party, pet a puppy, etc.)

    o What’s one job you might have to do this week that you don’t want to do? (Could be the one they shared in Large Group; prompt with things like: going to school, doing a chore, practicing piano, eating your vegetables.)

    • Hand each kid a pair of glasses and tell them that they can wear these while they do that job!

    • Then have everybody name the job they have to do this week and act that job out together (like you did in Connect Time).

    • Practice the verse together. Say it in silly voices, like a low voice, high voice, etc. *Ask God to help you all work with all your hearts this week!

    (Continue on the following page)





    **Kids can take home their glasses. Extra time? Give kids a blank sheet of paper. Have them draw a picture of themselves doing the job they named. Verse Motions

    • Work o (make one hand a fist and the other an open palm: bring the fist down on the

    palm) • at everything you do

    o (spread your arms wide) • with all your heart

    o (during “all your heart” make a heart motion and land it on your physical heart when you get to the word “heart”)


    Today’s goal is to encourage kids to always do their best!

    “Working hard” might not sound like a fun idea for kids. Try to have some fun today, especially when you practice working hard as a group (in the “Let’s Practice” section).


    *Play the intro music Hi everybody! Welcome to Kids’ Club. It’s great to see you today. We’re going to watch another fun clip from the movie Monsters University to talk about working hard with all of our hearts. But first, let’s talk about those jobs you were acting out! God loves it when we work hard, and all different types of workers are important. What would happen if we didn’t have anyone to fix our cars? (Let kids respond.) What if we didn’t have doctors to put on a cast if we break our arm? (Let kids respond.) That’s right! Or worse, what if those people didn’t care about their jobs?! What if the doctor said, “Who cares about you broken arm!?” and she just let us sit in pain? Or what if he put it in a cast crooked, so that it was always like this (make your arm look crazy) for the rest of your life? WORK WITH ALL OUR HEART No matter how big or small a person’s job is, we need all of these jobs. If your babysitter asks you to make your bed, that’s an important job. If your teacher asks you to do a worksheet, that’s an important job. Let’s see what the Bible says about doing our jobs: SLIDE: Colossians 3:23 Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters. Wow, how does the Bible say we should do our jobs? (Let kids respond.) Yes! It says we should work with all our hearts. That means to work as hard as we can…and do our best! Now, working with all of our heart can be hard. If our babysitter asks us to make our beds, it might mean we have to spend some extra time tucking in all the corners when we really just want to go eat breakfast or watch TV. If our teacher gives us a worksheet to do at home, sometimes that means we have to do our homework instead of playing with our friends.



    WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE TO WORK WITH ALL OUR HEARTS Remember, we have been watching clips of Monsters University. And once again, Monsters University can teach us a lot about this verse. Mike Wazowski, the little green guy with one big eye, has a team of monsters who are in a big competition. They have to win if they want to get into scare school. As you watch Mike Wazowski and his team work, see if you think they are working with all their heart and doing their best. Ready? Video: Monsters University_clip 3 Wow, so show me with your head (by nodding yes or no) if you think Mike was working with all his heart. How do you know? What’s he doing? (Kids might say: sewing uniforms, looking nice, getting up early, training, building strength, practicing different scares, winning contests, etc. Or you may have to summarize it for them.) That’s right! WHY WE SHOULD WORK WITH ALL OUR HEARTS And why do you think they worked SO hard? (Let kids respond.) Yep, they were trying to win the competition. Now, sometimes we do work because we want to win or because an adult asks us to, but for whom does this verse say we should do work? (Show verse again.) SLIDE: Colossians 3:23 Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters. (Let kids say: The Lord.) Yes, the Lord, or God! This might seem hard to understand. But God is asking us to work at everything we do with all our heart. He asks us to do our best for him.

    HOW WE CAN WORK WITH ALL OUR HEARTS OK, so what kinds of things do we do? Everybody stand up (let kids stand). I want you to find somebody and tell them ONE job you have. Maybe it’s going to school or doing a chore or playing baseball or playing piano. Tell somebody about it! [Let kids share with each other, then sit. Then ask 3-5 kids to share. After each thing kids share, use statements like this one below to help make it practical for kids: How could you do your best at ________(job kids shared)? That’s right, we could (practice, study, take our time, do it with a smile and good attitude, etc.)] That’s right. OK, so we’ll talk more about how to work with all our hearts in small group. But one way to remember this week is by remembering this verse. So let’s practice it (verse is still on screen). Repeat after me: Colossians 3:23 (let kids repeat). Work at everything you do (let kids repeat) with all your heart (let kids repeat). Great, now let’s say it all together: Colossians 3:23: Work at everything you do with all your heart. Time for motions! Work (make one hand a fist and the other an open palm: bring the fist down on the palm) at everything (spread your arms wide) you do with all your heart (during “all your heart” make a heart motion and land it on your physical heart when you get to the word “heart”). Good job! Let’s do it all once again. Our verse says, work at everything you do with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord. And that means no matter what we do, whether we are good at it or still learning, we



    can do our very best. LET’S PRACTICE! Hey, I think we can practice this a little bit. Stand back up! (Let everybody stand.) I’m going to give you jobs that we can do right here, and I want you to do your very best! Ready? (Give kids actions to do. You can use the ones below or make up your own.)

    • Pat your head while you rub your tummy • Stand perfectly still • Stand on one foot for as long as you can • Do a push-up

    Great job! Now you can sit down (let kids sit). Anytime we try our absolute best, we are working with all of our hearts. So whether you are standing on one foot as long as you can or doing a chore at home, God wants us to always work with all our hearts. Let’s do the motions to the verse one more time to help us remember this. Ready? Work (make one hand a fist and the other an open palm: bring the fist down on the palm) at everything (spread your arms wide) you do with all your heart (during “all your heart” make a heart motion and land it on your physical heart when you get to the word “heart”). WORSHIP Now let’s worship with all our hearts by singing and dancing for God! Stand up again! Song: Dance Shout and Sing Song: Bravery PRAY Ask somebody to come and ask God to help us do everything with all our hearts this week!








    Charades game – no supplies needed


    Per kid 1 pair of heart glasses (OT: IN-39/2143) 1 blank sheet of paper


    Per Group Coloring page: Flowers Markers Adventure Bible for Early Readers (p. 1388)


    What does Colossians 3:23 say? How does God want us to work?


    Daily Talk Starts - separate doc


    Adventure Bible for Early Readers (p. 1388)



    1. Intro song (embed into slide with KC logo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyT6cfAzIq8

    2. SLIDE: Colossians 3:23 Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters.

    3. Video: MU Working Hard_clip 3 4. SLIDE: Colossians 3:23 Work at everything

    you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters.

    5. Song: Dance Shout and Sing


    6. Song: Bravery (with hand motions)

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