jyotish business horary

Post on 05-Nov-2015






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LEARN ASTROLOGY - LESSON 47"BUSINESS APPLICATIONS OF ASTROLOGY" Strategic long-term investment decisions in business are taken on the assumed continued specific requirements of the market. The stable and bright environmental support is one of the key factors for these decisions. For example, the economic scenario, the trends on the stock markets, if they are stable, upward, downward, or fluctuating, etc., etc., has an important bearing on the investment decisions. Now the behavior of the stock markets may be dependent on key factors like fundamentals, economic projections of the country and linkages to the leading economies or the stock exchanges of the world. The global stock markets are developing linkages with the US Nasdaq and the sentiment of the participating people. Now from the point of view of the financial experts operating in or managing the stocks and investments, sentiment is one of the key factors that overrules or supercedes even the fundamentals. For example, the imminent threat of war against Iraq by US and its allies in 2003 affected the stock exchanges all over the world. That is why in spite of the fundamentals remaining the same the stock markets keep on fluctuating.Now to identify the sentiment of the public at large, the horoscope of a particular country becomes the major factor for governing the sentiment of the public. Irrespective of the strong fundamentals and the acumen of the financial experts, the stock markets and the general sentiment suddenly take a dip and all projections of the planners fall to ground. For example, in the horoscope of India, for a period of 32 months effective 22nd October, 1999, it was operational the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus. Both these planets are functionally malefic planets for India. These indicate strained relationships amongst the people of the country, strained relations with neighbors, natural calamities, mass deaths in accidents or due to diseases, weak financial position resulting in devaluation of the currency, etc., etc. This was indicated by me in a TV interview on 22nd October, 1999. During this period India saw(1) a worst cyclone involving the lives of thousands of persons in Orissa, an Indian state;(2) a worst earthquake in another state of India, Gujarat,(3) India had strained relations with Pakistan, which impelled many countries to withdraw their diplomats in the wake of a threat of war, and(4) the general economy of the country saw a persistent down-trend.

Now the sentiment, the key factor, continued to remain disturbed on one account or the other and the upward trends in the stock markets were checked. This makes an impact on the commissioning of the large value projects due to over run, changing the revenue projections, affecting the returns on investments besides adding to the cost of the project significantly. The instability projected in horoscope analysis tells us that we should not decide in favor of projects with long gestation during such turbulent times.


Selecting the Line of Business: The analysis of the horoscope of the key persons of the Organisation helps us in identifying the area of investment and selecting the line of business.

Finalizing the Top Management Group: This is very important for the success of the project. Here the horoscopic analysis tells about the suitability of various persons for specified jobs.

Raising of Funds: The availability of the project finance, once the project has been decided, again depends on the sentiment of the stock market and the economic conditions. For bringing out the Initial Public Offer for project finance one has to weigh all the pros and cons. It calls for tactical analysis so that the efforts put in for the Initial Pubic Offer or seeking project finance from the financial institutions are successful. For this purpose the horoscope analysis of the key persons of the project becomes necessary besides the scanning of the environment of the country, in general.

Timing of the Investment: Astrology provides the strength and weakness analysis of the planetary influences in the birth chart of the owners or Chief Executive or the Members of the Top Management Group explaining which planets are weak and are causing problems, and which are the positive areas of the chart that indicate success and can be exploited for greater benefits. The ancient knowledge also makes suggestions for improvements through Vastu techniques and astrological remedial measures.

Team Building Analysis: For achieving the synergies of multi-disciplined specialties and managerial competencies various people have to venture into partnerships. For a successful long lasting business relationship compatibility analysis is taken up to see the temperament, team spirit and financial strength of the partners as the absence of the team work can disturb the mental peace of the top management group by entering into wrong business relationship. Not only preventive analysis is done, but advice is also given for being successful in business relationships.

Each member of the top management team should have:

1. Optimum leadership quality for planning, organizing and monitoring the area of his/her operations, which is represented by the Sun.

2. Good analytical power to take best decisions in the available circumstances, which are governed by the Mercury.

3. Supportive temperament for other members of the team, which is governed by Venus.

4. Intuitive power in managerial decision making, which is jointly, represented by the Sun and Jupiter.

5. Capacity to keep all concerned well informed about the activities, which is governed by the Moon.

6. Stamina required for the implementation of the project, which is represented by Mars.

7. Developing the senior and line managers for taking up various positions for operations, which is governed by Jupiter.

8. Trustworthiness and continued relationship, which are governed by Jupiter and the Sun.

Various planets govern the above-mentioned managerial attributes. The horoscope analysis of the new entrant for the management team gives an insight, which is so significant that it cannot be overlooked. None of the present management or scientific tools for recruiting personnel can substitute for the horoscope analysis. Not only the horoscope analysis tells the basic capabilities but it also tells whether the person in question would be able to use his/her capabilities for the benefit of the project. While the strength and weaknesses of the persons under consideration can be evaluated through the horoscopic analysis, the existing members of the team can also be helped through strengthening of the planets in their natal charts for better performance.

Special features of the new technology including the hot internet business are the speed, innovation, quality, global reach and economy of cost. Anyone lagging behind will not be successful. So, we have to take recourse to the ancient knowledge to get the full results of our applied resources.

As brought out by me the ancient knowledge of Astrology has variety of applications. Not only it helps in chartering the course of lives of persons but it also helps in chartering the course of business enterprises, institutions and nations. The only requirement is the moment of coming into existence of a particular person, an organization or a nation. It removes uncertainties and reveals opportunities.


The success of any business enterprise depends on its managers and their sincerity to the enterprise. The biggest risk, business is encountered with is the expected and actual performances of the top managers. A horoscope reading of the persons being considered for appointment as business managers provides advance insight in their trustworthiness, intelligence, physical fitness, leadership qualities, capacity to motivate, ability to adopt improvement measures, mental alertness to identify and utilize opportunities for growth and diversification.

Professionals recruited using scientific methods of induction and proper placement generally fail to fulfill performance and expectations. That is why it is very important to make use of all the knowledge at our command including that of the Astrology in selecting right persons for the right job. Valuable time and large sums of money are spent on advertisements and selection.

Let me give you an example. About two decade back a huge government organization in India, employing more than 25,000 employees in five plants ventured recruitment of a batch of first class qualified engineers and management trainees. After a heavy advertisement campaign on all India basis, short listing by a firm of psychological consultants and interview, 150 engineers were selected at a hefty direct cost. The sad part of the story was that 60% of the new recruits deserted the company within three months of their joining. The company later on attributed these to hostile organizational climate and inadequate and irksome service conditions. How can the deserters, who could not solve their own internal problems, encounter and resolve the organizational problems. Instead of the fighting spirit, they withdrew from the scene. It clearly shows that something lacked in the so-called scientific method of selection. Horoscope reading can act as a third eye for the investment makers and enable them in hiring right persons for the job.

It is a new dimension as hitherto the role of horoscope reading had been thought to be only in the case of physical or mental problems, match making, etc. It can help business in the fields of recruitment of personnel, investment decisions, new product launch, entering into new collaboration arrangements and scanning general and political environment for the business enterprise.


We can learn more on the personality traits through the attributes ruled by the various planets. The intellect is ruled by the fifth house, the planet Sun and the significator, Jupiter. The concentration and imagination is blessed by a strong Moon. The patience is given by a strong Mars. The confidence is given by strong Mercury. The objectivity is blessed by a strong Jupiter. The creativity is blessed by a strong Venus. The early success is governed by a strong Saturn. The intelligence and concentration are necessary for goal oriented behaviour. Goal oriented behaviour with patience makes the person wise. The confidence of the goal oriented persons makes them genius. Unbiased or neutral genius person derives the strength of the body, mind and soul. That is why the strength of each and every planet is necessary for developing the personality in full. Astrology helps in identifying the strength of the planets and harnessing their strength to meet the challenges of the present era.

Persons with weak Mercury, which rules planning and analytical faculties, often end up with losses in business because of mainly two reasons:

(1) They depend on the wisdom of others; and

(2) They take wrong decisions when they are under great mental pressure.

The person who has weak Mercury lacks confidence. Most of the times, such a person becomes an unnecessary source of tensions to all those who are connected with him/her. The weak Mercury results in prolonged deliberations and lost opportunities.


Last but not the least let me discuss the application of astrological remedial measures briefly. The problems in life are caused by weak planets/houses and/or afflictions to them. Therefore, two-way application of astral remedies is administered after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart. Firstly, the strength can be provided by various methods, for example; gem-stones, colour therapy, Kavach (the protective shield or yantra containing mystical numbers of the planets) in an auspicious time. Secondly, the malevolence of the functionally malefic planets is reduced by offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets. The two-way application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influence(s) to a large extent. The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.Assessment of Success in Business through Prashna Kundalihttp://astrobix.com/blog/?p=3 Some people do a job while some prefer a business for their livelihood. When we start a job or business, we start with a lot of apprehension. Running a business involves a lot of risk. However, to get a fair assessment of our chances of success at business, we can consult an astrologer who can judge our prospects from the birth-chart. Astrologers consider the tenth house to make predictions about job and for business they consider the seventh house. The position of Ascendant/Ascendant lord should be considered too.If the Ascendant/Ascendant lord are auspicious and strong in the birth-chart the person gets benefits. If they are inauspicious and weak the person may have to struggle a lot. The income from business is considered from the seventh house. The position of the seventh house/seventh lord and Venus which is the kaarak planet of the seventh house is considered. If these are auspicious and strong in the birth-chart you will reap benefits in business. If Moon has an auspicious aspect on the seventh house/seventh lord you will get rapid success.During the assessment of the seventh house the position of other planets along with the seventh lord, Venus and Moon must be acknowledged because Sun, Mars and Jupiter also help to achieve success at work. Moon, Venus, Mercury and Saturn play a vital role in a successful business. Rahu and Ketu can provide instant profits or instant losses. According to Astrologers if Rahu and Ketu form a good relationship with above mentioned planets in your birth-chart you will receive sudden profits and if they form an inauspicious relation you may have a sudden loss.Location of Saturn in the seventh house is auspicious but it makes you work very hard, however you will get desired results and due to its influence you will gradually expand your business in different areas.Many famous Astrologers say that you can know the prospects for partnership business through the seventh house. If the seventh house is influenced by auspicious planets or auspicious planets aspect it your partnership business will be successful. If malefic planets aspect or are placed in the seventh house your partnership business may run into problems.Before we conclude, it can be said that the influence of the auspicious planets is beneficial for the partnership business and independent business while the inauspicious planets can give you unfavorable results.Find your Profitable Business and source of Income from your Kundli http://astrobix.com/articles/Find-your-Profitable-Business-and-source-of-Income.aspx

Business and Money in your KundliPeople earn for a good life. A well chosen profession lessens worries in life. Proper profession ensures his or her success and a beautiful life. Vedic astrology has given useful ways of crafting a perfect professional life. Business or serviceWhile choosing a career a native may be in dilemma whether to go for business or service. Vedic astrology says that if there is any weak planet in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11th house of a kundli then the native should take service. Whereas business is the right choice for a native if the above mentioned houses have strong planets.2nd house determines the financial statusThe 2nd house of kundli gives an idea about the financial status of a person. The 2nd house also determines the success of an individual. Profit from partnership business, trading are also calculated from this house.Status of wealth and income from 4th to 7th houseThe 4th house of kundli determines paternal wealth. The 5th house of kundli gives sudden wealth to its native. The native may get money from lottery as this house usually has exalted planet. Status of partnership in business and wealth from marital relationship can be determined from the 7th house. A curious native may even find his or her fortune from in-laws.Suitable profession from 8th to 12th houseAccording to Indian astrological principles the 8th house in kundli is the significator of sufferings as well as income of its native. The house indicates sudden wealth, profit from betting, and financial favor from women.The 9th house is the house of luck. The 10th house of kundli is the house of business, service and other careers. This house indicates the status of income from government service and private sector. A natives expenditures can be calculated from the 12th house of his or her kundli. You can check the ratio of your income and expenditure from the 12th house. Planets in 10th house points out incomeSun or Moon in the 10th house indicates wealth from father or paternal relationship. Placement of Sun in this house means the native may do his or her fathers role. Similarly, Moon in 10th house signifies wealth from mother or maternal side. There is a chance of success in fields powered by Moon. Astrologers say that Mars in 10th house gives its natives profit from opposition. Mars enhances its natives success in army, defense and ammunition department.Mercury brings happiness and full support of friends, financial and mental. Jupiter in the 10th house means care and company of brothers. The native makes a profitable career in education or as an advisor, counselor, lecturer and other Jupiter dominated fields.Venus in the 10th house means natives fabulous income in art industry. She makes successful career in music, dancing, acting, painting and other art related fields. Astrology says Saturn in this house makes its native hard working. With this the native achieves success in tourism, iron, wooden furniture, cement and chemical industry.

PRASHNA KUNDALI Often we think what Prashnakundali is and what is the use of Prashanakundali? What is Importance of PrashnaKundal?Actually PrashnaKundaliis just the map of transiting planets at that illustration of time. When all of a sudden anaspiration is born in ones mind with a query that whatwill be future of this thought? Will it be accomplished or not? In order to solve such query astrologers use PrashnaKundali. When aKundaliis prepared atinstant when inquisitivenessemerges in ones mind is called PrashnaKundali. It is also called KaryaSidhi. Many events occur which cannot be predicted through the horoscope in our daily life Like, if a match is fixed with some other team then will this match take place or not. Such a query can be solved through PrashnaKundali. Even we can know which team will win the match byPrashnaKundali. SIGNIFICANCE OF PRASHANA KUNDALIIn PrashnaKundali, a native does not need to know his birth time for PrashnaKundali. So, there is no error or problem about the birth time or ascendant. With the help of PrashnaKundali, Lagna can be decided easily. Furthermore, PrashnaKundali does not essential to apply transit and Dasha. Normally, PrashnaKundali is reflected to last for a year. The outcome of PrashnaKundali is very correct because the Lagna time is certain in it. HOW DOES PRASHNA KUNDALI WORKSIts very easy to know the answer of your query because related house (KaryaBhav or house related to the question) and Karyesh (lord of the related house) have a key role in PrashnaKundali. Karyameans the thought or wish for which the PrashnaKundali is created. Like, if you want to know that will you travel then in such a case, related house will be the 3rd house. Karyesh means the house related to the question asked. If the question asked is regarding journey, so Karyesh will be the lord of 3rd house. Therefore, the relation of question house and Kareysh in the PrashnaKundalireplicate the success of the question. This way, ascendant house of the PrashnaKundalisignify the person asking question. 7th house is the person or subject matter about which the question is asked. To comprehend the condition of that person, 7th house is analysed. 11th house is the house of attainment. In placement of moon or Karyesh in strong circumstance, indicate the success of question. PRASHNA KUNDALI CAN PREDICT CONCERN OF A PERSONPrashnaKundali can give the information of the worries of a person bysighted the moon. In the PrashnaKundali, position of strong moon in the ascendant house shows worries, money is shown in 2nd house, living away from home in 3rd house, 4th house comprise house or water, 5th house is connected to child, loans related problem in 6th house, marriage or partnership in the 7th house, 8th house include paternal property or sudden profits, moon in the 9th house related to far distance travelling, profession in the 10th house, 11th include promotion and increased income, strong moon in the 12th indicate the concern regarding long foreign trips.YOUR LUCK IN STOCK TRADING CAN BE SHOWN BY HORARY CHARTAccording to Vedic Astrology say planetary positions have a huge effect on our lives. They impact on every domains of our life. Here we will see that how planetary positions affect the share business and what role does horary chart plays in this respect. According to horary astrology if you want to know about share business, it can be seen through 5th and 2nd house of the persons kundli to see profit and loss in the business. The 2nd house of a kundli is the indication of wealth and the 5th house of a kundli is the indication of speedyreturns. Astrologers consider these houses to determine the prospects of wealth. If there is an auspicious aspect or combination of 2nd house or lord of the 2nd house and 5th house or lord of the 5th house in a natives kundli it shows an excellent muhurat and the person will get profit from share market. An exalted Jupiter is essential in the kundli to make profit in share market as Jupiter is the signification of both the houses (2nd and 5th).Astrologers consider ascendant and the lord of the ascendant to determine whether you will make profit from share business or not. Exalted ascendant and lord of the ascendant indicate that the native will gain profit from the share investment. Debilitated Ascendant or lord of the Ascendant in the kundli may reduce the amount of profit, though there is still a chance of making money in the share market if there are exalted 2nd and 5th house. If this is not so, then the native may not make money even if the share market is in favourable condition. We can also see the reasons behind a natives loss in share market. A person may suffer loss in share investment if his kundli has weakened 2nd house or lord of 2nd house and 5th house or lord of the 5th house. The above stated distressed planets and houses give negative results for share business if they are inspected by malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. The inauspicious combinations or aspect of the malefic planets creates difficulties in making money from share market.If these afflicted planets are implications in the horary kundali then they provide positive results instead of negative results. It is seen that in this state the native gets collaboration from his unfavourablerelatives also. Jupiter is the signification of the 2nd house, thus a glorious Jupiter in this house means good profit whereas weakened Jupiter indicates loss in this business. Thus, combination of the 2nd and 5th house or lord of the houses and Jupiter is similarly required for making profits in share market.Horary Astrologists lay stress on the aspect of the Moon as to check the time of profit and loss.

HORARY ASTROLOGY |Horary Astrology or Prasna SashtraHorary astrology, horary chart, Ascendant, Significator planets and houses In Sanskrit, the word Aho represents day time and the word Raathra represents night time. The sound ho has been taken from the word Aho and combined with the sound ra taken from Raathra, thus to form hora. So, hora represents the day and night. We know the day and night happen with the passage of time moment by moment. Hence hora represents the moments of time. Horary Astrology is that branch of Astrology which gives predictions based on the moment of time when the question is asked. Horary Astrology is also called Prasna Sastra in India, because it answers specific queries (prasna) depending on the time of the query.

Brihat Paraasara Hora Saastra gives a lot of information on Horary Astrology in the form of discussion between the sage Maitreya and sage Parasara. Horary Astrology is also discussed in the works by Kalyana Varma, Varahamihira and Kalidasa. There are western astrologers like Claudius Ptolemy, Willian Lilly and Alan Leo who had worked and written excellent books on Horary Astrology.

Horary chart

Horary Astrology focuses mainly on answering specific questions. The person who asks the question is called querent and the question is called query. When a person visits an Astrologer and expresses his question, the planetary positions for that moment (date and time) and for that place are calculated and horoscope chart is drawn. When a querent sends a question to the Astrologer through a letter, then the chart is to be drawn for that date, time and place when the Astrologer reads that letter.

The Ascendant in the chart represents the querent. When the querent asks a question about his spouse, then the 7th house and its lord should be carefully observed. In this case the 7th house lord is called significator. Similarly when the question is related to job or profession then 10th house and its lord is to be examined. Here, 10th house related planet becomes significator. Thus significator is a planet that is related to the query. In addition, the Astrologer should also examine the natural significators, as shown below: Significator Planet Represents

SunFather, employer, Government officer, authority, ruler.

MoonMother, women in general, things connected with liquids or water.

MercuryYoung people, neighbor, books, business people, secretary.

MarsBrother, police man, sex, war, weapons.

VenusWife, partner, young women, love, pleasures, fine arts.

SaturnOld people, subordinates, laborers.

JupiterChildren, good fortune, Guru, people who protect.

RahuLow caste person, Person with bad habits, thief, paternal grand father.

KethuLow caste person, Person who does black magic and such mantras, maternal grand father.

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