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“Christian Neutrality “ —

What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It.” JW Broadcasting Mar 2019

Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. Armenia ................................................................................. 1

2.1 New facilities dedicated ................................................... 2

3. “Christian Neutrality “— What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It.” .................................................................. 3

3.1 Asset, not threat ............................................................... 9

4. Dramatization – Family studies more on Neutrality ............. 12

5. Lessons from the Watchtower ............................................. 16

5.1 Political Demonstrations ................................................ 17

5.2 News and Media ............................................................ 18

6. Dramatization – How to stay neutral ................................... 20

7. Morning Worship - we don’t need to worry about the events to come ................................................................................... 24

8. Music Video – We Are One ................................................. 30

9. Summary ............................................................................. 31

10. South Korea ...................................................................... 32

10.1 Ganseong Congregation ............................................. 33

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1. Introduction

Welcome! Here are some highlights from the program: How should we act when our Christian neutrality is put to the test? Do you know where to draw the line between being a respectful observer and an active participant? Join this family as these questions come up. We’re confronted by the neutrality issue in all aspects of life. What Bible principle should guide our thinking? This month’s music video focuses on the unity among our brothers and sisters. As the world becomes more divided, we become more united! This is the March 2019 program of JW Broadcasting!

2. Armenia

We begin by traveling to the country of Armenia, which is located in the Caucasus — a region situated at the border of Europe and Asia. Despite facing persecution for many years, our brothers and sisters in Armenia have remained loyal to Jehovah. The story of Armenia is a story of faith — the faith of courageous brothers and sisters who endured mob violence, protests, and threats from those who do not know God; the faith of young brothers who were imprisoned because they refused to compromise their neutrality; and the faith of lawyers who defended them when they were arrested.

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In the early part of this period, the work operated out of an office in a local brother’s home. Today, the story is much different.

2.1 New facilities dedicated

On May 14, 2016, our brothers in Armenia were delighted to dedicate a group of new facilities to accommodate future growth — a branch facility (mainly located on six floors of a local building), a new Assembly Hall, and also a school facility. The dedication week started off with a welcome night, where many traveled long distances to attend, and some had not seen each other for a long time. Well, we’ve never been to Armenia before, and meeting the brothers and sisters was such an experience. They gave us a really warm welcome. When I was 90, I decided, “No more Armenia.” And now I’m 96, and Jehovah said, “You’re going to Armenia.” What a blessing! It was amazing to see so many brothers and sisters from different countries, and we enjoyed a very, very nice time with them. Thanks to Jehovah, we really enjoyed this. But the spiritual gems that we all enjoyed the most were during the dedication program held at the end of the week.

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The program was filled with reports and interviews that touched our hearts, and Brother Splane of the Governing Body gave the dedication talk. Is it your desire to dedicate the branch facilities, the Assembly Hall, and the school facility to Jehovah today? We could never have imagined such a thing happening five years ago. From the time that we arrived at the airport and we saw the brothers boldly holding up the jw.org sign with their badges, we were just so overwhelmed —so moved. And I could feel as if I’m in the Paradise today because we have so many guests from different countries, and I could see their happy faces. For many years, to be in courts — in legal battles for our brothers as conscientious objectors or to go to the court for fighting a case for just one Kingdom Hall — and suddenly to have a branch and Assembly Hall and school facilities right away, that’s for me kind of unbelievable. Today is a great day for Jehovah’s people in Armenia. Truly, Jehovah has seen the faithful obedience of our brothers and sisters in Armenia. We have witnessed Jehovah ‘open the floodgates of the heavens ‘and actually empty out a blessing until there is no more want.’

3. “Christian Neutrality “— What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It.”

Our theme this month is “Christian Neutrality “ — What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It.”

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What is your opinion? Where do you stand? Can one person make a difference in countering injustice? When we hear people discussing political topics, we might at first think their conversation is purely philosophical; but when injustice threatens our loved ones, it can seem personal. We expect that people will be divided over political ideology. Revelation chapters 8-13 foretold that in the last days, government would be the burning issue among mankind and that people would feel pressured to take sides. The question each of us needs to ask himself is, How do I respond when people debate solutions to serious injustices? As Christians, we’re most interested in the example of Christ. If ever there was a person who could make a difference in countering injustice, it was Jesus. He felt deep compassion for people. And with his abilities to feed the hungry, heal the sick, raise the dead, and reach hearts with his winsome words, Jesus could have exerted invincible influence in the realm of politics. He certainly had the opportunity to do so. Satan was pleased to offer him “all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth” in an exchange for one act of worship. But Jesus wouldn’t accept it.

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Neither did he assert that Satan had no authority to make such an offer. Later, Jesus’ own countrymen tried to make him king, but he rejected that too. Later still, someone asked him whether it was lawful to pay taxes to the Roman government. Again, Jesus didn’t take sides. He refused to become a world ruler, a national leader, or a political activist. Did that mean that Jesus didn’t care? that he had no opinion? To the contrary! Jesus cared more deeply than we can fathom. And by treating people fairly, Jesus promoted justice at the most fundamental level. Still, his principal focus was on teaching people about the Kingdom of God, which would eliminate injustice for all time. So, what did Jesus indicate should be our position regarding human governments? We learn from Jesus’ response to the question about Roman taxation as recorded at Mark 12:15-17: “‘Bring me a denarius to look at.’ “They brought one, and he said to them: “‘Whose image and inscription is this?’

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“They said to him: ‘Caesar’s.’ “Jesus then said: “‘Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.’ ” What are Caesar’s things? At Romans 13:1-7, the apostle Paul lists tax, tribute, fear, and honor. Notice, too, that Jesus said to “pay back Caesar’s things.” What does that imply? That Caesar, the ruling authority of the day, had issued valuable things — coins, for example. Thus, Caesar had the right to ask for some of those coins back. This enabled the State to continue rendering necessary services. Jesus acknowledged that. On the other hand, our most valuable possessions are grants from God himself — such gifts as our heart, our life, our mind, and our strength. We can’t give those things back to Caesar because Caesar didn’t grant them to us in the first place. We rightly give those things back to God in the form of our dedication and our love. Regarding our love for God, Jesus said at Mark 12:30: “You must love Jehovah your God “with your whole heart and with your whole soul “and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.”

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So the love we give back to God is total — no bodily part, function, capacity, or desire being left out. Those who love God take the side of Jesus, whom Jehovah has appointed as King. But how would Jesus’ disciples defend his Kingdom when people opposed it? We gain insight from events that occurred on the last night of Jesus’ life on earth. Recall from Matthew chapter 26 that when “a large crowd with swords and clubs” came to arrest Jesus, Peter “drew his sword and struck the slave of the high priest, taking off his ear.” John reports that the slave’s name was Malchus. Luke adds that Jesus touched the man’s ear and healed him. Imagine that! Jesus bore no ill will toward the men taking him into custody. Further, according to Matthew 26:52, Jesus told Peter: “Return your sword to its place, “for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.” Why did Jesus disapprove of Peter’s brave act? For the same reason that he had avoided the political process all the way up to that point. Jesus explained this when he appeared before Pontius Pilate later that night. At John 18:36, we read: “My Kingdom is no part of this world.”

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Yes, because Jesus’ Kingdom is not of human origin, it doesn’t need human defenses. How can we be sure that this is what Jesus meant? Look closely at the rest of John 18:36: “If my Kingdom were part of this world, “my attendants would have fought “that I should not be handed over to the Jews. “But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.” So as Christians, what is our position where political matters are concerned? We are neutral. Sometimes people misunderstand this viewpoint. Some have concluded that because we don’t promote one human government, that we must be promoting another human government. In the 1950’s, in what is now the Republic of Congo, authorities falsely accused Jehovah’s Witnesses of being Communists. But during the 1970’s, when Congo adopted a Communist form of government, the new authorities found fault with us for not being Communists! Today, however, and for nearly three decades, Jehovah’s Witnesses have enjoyed legal status in the Republic of Congo. And whereas some have perceived our Christian neutrality as sheer apathy, others construe our position as a threat. Let’s address both of these viewpoints.

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First, there is a big difference between Christian neutrality and apathy. Apathy is defined as “a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” We certainly don’t lack interest in people, nor are we insensitive to their feelings. Like Jesus, we strive to alleviate people’s suffering by helping them in practical ways while teaching them about the only Kingdom that can eliminate injustice. By teaching people from God’s Word, we endeavor to change hearts, not political institutions. We feel this approach is realistic because mankind’s main problems are not political but moral.

3.1 Asset, not threat

But why can it be said that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a threat but, rather, an asset? We conscientiously obey the laws, we support our communities through volunteer service or compulsory civilian service where that exists, and we pay our taxes. It’s true, we don’t vote for political parties or candidates, but neither do we disrupt elections or interfere with those who choose to vote. It’s true, we don’t lobby, campaign, or run for government office, but neither do we criticize those in power, undermine their policies, or demonstrate for political change.

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It’s true, we won’t salute a flag, but neither will we burn a flag, spit on a flag, or disparage the nation that a flag represents —even in lands where these are considered protected expressions of freedom. It’s true, we don’t sing national anthems, but neither do we discourage others from singing, nor do we make a public spectacle of not singing; we simply don’t participate. It’s true, we wouldn’t kill people in war, but neither would we attack people at home. So while we don’t promote any political position, neither do we condemn any political position — even in our heart. That is what neutrality means. We don’t take sides. But what if the demands of the State conflict with the commands of Jesus? There’s a Bible principle for that. Are you thinking of what it says at Acts 5:28, 29 — that “we must obey God as ruler rather than men”? This is not disregard for the State, but, rather, reverence for God. If the State demands that we do what God forbids or refrain from doing what God commands, then we believe God would consider that an invalid request. Now, one might say, ‘I can imagine some situations where that viewpoint could get you into trouble.’

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Jesus foretold as much at Matthew 24:9, where he said: “You will be hated by all the nations on account of my name.” More specifically, at Revelation 2:10, Jesus said that some of his disciples would be thrown into prison — not all of us but some. So we’re not disappointed if we don’t get thrown into prison, but neither are we discouraged if we do. Our minds turn to the thousands of brothers and sisters who have been sentenced to prison over the years for their Christian neutrality. We are proud of them. We pray for them. We know that Jehovah is pleased with them. Their endurance under trial spells victory for all of us. How so? To the congregation in Ephesus, Paul wrote: “I ask you not to give up on account of my tribulations in your behalf, for these mean glory for you.” Paul wrote these words while he himself was under house arrest in Rome. In what sense did Paul’s tribulations “mean glory” for the Ephesians? In that his perseverance in ministering despite trials showed the congregation that the privileges they enjoyed as Christians were of the highest importance.

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If Paul had just given up, what would that have implied? That their faith, their ministry, and their hope in God’s Kingdom were not so valuable after all. Instead, Paul’s endurance exalted Christianity. It demonstrated that remaining faithful is worth any sacrifice. In like manner, the endurance of our dear brothers and sisters in prison proves that their hope is alive and that the Kingdom they represent is real. They have an identity as envoys, not of any human government, but of the heavenly Kingdom — a Kingdom that will reward them with everlasting life in a world without war. Whether we face imprisonment or not, how prepared are we to remain neutral in our day-to-day life?

4. Dramatization – Family studies more on Neutrality

In this dramatization, a Christian family discovers that they need to spend more time studying about the subject of neutrality. Collette, I’m home. In the kitchen, Curtis. How was your day? Oh, it was a long day, but it’s nice being home. That smells amazing! I can’t wait. Oh, well, it will be ready in a few minutes.

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But I have a surprise; my job gave us tickets to the game this weekend — enough for all of us to go. So it’s downtown at the . . . That sounded like fun. It was a sport we could enjoy watching. Collette and I hadn’t been in years, and I don’t think the kids had ever gone. We were all looking forward to a family night out. But, Dad, what exactly do we do during the national anthem? Honestly, I wasn’t sure. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please stand for the singing of our national anthem? Dad, I have a question too. Will they salute the flag at my new school? That’s right. The conference with her teachers was next week, and we didn’t know what they’d do there. OK, class. Now that everyone is here, let’s all stand for the pledge of allegiance. Elizabeth, is everything all right? What do you think, Honey?

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Well, tomorrow night is our Family Worship evening. So why don’t we do a study project as a family on Christian neutrality at public events? That sounds like a good idea. Yeah. I think this will be great. We’ll all get a chance to do our research. I asked Daniel to research Christian principles on neutrality. Collette and Elizabeth would find examples of ones who proved loyal under pressure. And for me, my job was to call Elizabeth’s new school to find out if they saluted the flag or sang the anthem. Hello. Hi, Mr.Johnson? This is Curtis, Elizabeth’s dad. We’d studied this topic when the kids were younger, but we needed reminders for these new challenges. The kids found some great information. Several Bible principles applied. But what Jesus said at Matthew 4:10 was an essential foundation: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.”

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If we participate in a nationalistic ceremony, we’re sharing in worship of something or someone other than Jehovah God. But what would help us know what to do? Elizabeth found some good examples to imitate. The account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was one of our favorites. When King Nebuchadnezzar ordered them to worship the gold image, they bravely stood while others bowed down. They were determined to worship only Jehovah, and He rescued them from the furnace. And there are modern-day examples of courage like the three Hebrews. Some children have had to take a stand when governments tried to force them to take part in patriotic events during wartime, when feelings of national pride ran strong. And despite legal victories in some countries, young ones today are still put to the test. We learned there was no one answer on what to do. Situations are different depending on where we live or what a person does to show he’s participating. But in every case, Christians in some way make it evident that they are respectful observers, not participants. We felt good because we had decided what we would do to be respectful but neutral and show Jehovah that our family worships him alone.

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Since the tests of our neutrality differ depending on where we live, why not do what the family in the video did — devote a Family Worship evening or personal study session to researching how to avoid participating inadvertently in any activity that would violate our Christian neutrality.

5. Lessons from the Watchtower

The subject of neutrality was highlighted in a Watchtower article that we studied in the congregations in 2016. In this first episode of a new video series called Lessons From the Watchtower, note how our brothers and sisters have applied the admonition found in that very practical article. As a professor of finance, I need to be well-informed. As a Christian, I also need to be well-informed, as do all Christians. It’s difficult not to take sides in politics. It’s very difficult because we are aware of the issues. I always really liked soccer ever since I was little. I lived in a poor area, and soccer was what we used to do for fun. There was a journalist that I liked to keep up with. He would point out both the good and the bad on all sides of politics. But when he spoke up and pointed out only the bad side of a political party, I did not like that.

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5.1 Political Demonstrations

I live in the downtown area of the city. That is where the largest political demonstrations take place. People from this area are really into politics. They have definite opinions. And even though I always knew that we must remain neutral, I secretly approved of the demonstrations. On the outside, I wasn’t jumping up and down or cheering, but on the inside, I was saying: ‘Come on! Let’s win!’ It was all about the desire, the crowd, and the pride of your team having the most victories or the most trophies. I used to rationalize saying: “I was created in Jehovah’s image, and Jehovah is a just God.” What was speaking was my sense of justice. I thought neutrality was shown through actions and not through what I felt. The April 2016 Watchtower has interesting information regarding neutrality. Being neutral means that you do not consider yourself better than others because “in God’s sight, all people are equal.” After studying the article, I realized that I needed to make changes; I was not being neutral. So I read the article again.

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I prayed to Jehovah; I said to him that I knew it was as if he were speaking to me. The magazine really touched me deeply. I remember reading the article at least three times that evening. I was really surprised. I realized how far off I was from what God wanted me to be on the inside.

5.2 News and Media

The second situation mentioned in the article had to do with news reports and the media. The article even suggested that we limit our intake of news that we watch related to politics. There was another phrase that really moved me. It said: ‘Even if we don’t march with protesters, might we be with them in spirit?’ Yes! I was with them. Yes! There were several phrases in that article that were written just for me. When I cut back watching so many news reports — and I had to — this helped me to have self-control when I spoke to others at work. When workmates mentioned something that was in the news, I didn’t have anything to say since I hadn’t seen it. I didn’t know about it.

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A workmate would say: “Did you see that so-and-so said this and that someone else made a statement?” I would say: “No, I didn’t see it,” and that was the end of the conversation. The article mentions Romans 10:12 which says that Jehovah is “Lord over all” of us, that ‘there is no difference between Jew and Greek.’ To Jehovah, it’s not important if my country has five or six titles or if it won or lost the World Cup. To Jehovah, all people are equal. I took a piece of paper, just a simple piece of paper, and I wrote on it the four key points that the article talks about — four key points that will help us to remain neutral. I keep it in my purse; that way I can always read it at work. I like watching soccer; it’s fun. I still watch it on TV. I still play soccer with my friends at Bethel, but I’ve made an effort to change. Little by little, I’ve managed to put soccer in its proper place. This helps me to keep pride and nationalism from getting the best of me. I learned from this article not to express opinions about politics. That has to come from deep inside.

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If I’m convinced that God’s Kingdom is the best solution and that there’s nothing that comes even close, remaining neutral will come naturally. But I can’t let my guard down. I really enjoy studying articles from The Watchtower, especially those dealing with practical matters. They help me see the Bible as if it were a mirror that shows me where I can improve. Following counsel and making the changes suggested in the article has helped me to speak with the conviction that only the Kingdom can solve mankind’s problems.

6. Dramatization – How to stay neutral

Because our enemy Satan tries to break our integrity in many subtle ways, it’s important to know ahead of time how we’ll act. Actions are important, and yet they’re preceded by thoughts, as one young brother discovered. In this dramatization, note what Bible principle helped him to stay neutral in his heart. “They are no part of the world.” — John 17:16. “We must remain neutral in order to be loyal subjects of God’s Kingdom. “Otherwise, how could we have a clean conscience “when we preach the good news “that only God’s Kingdom can solve mankind’s problems? “. . . As Satan’s system nears its end, we can expect the issue of neutrality to become more prominent.”

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OK, people, we’re ready to go. Dawn, Jordan, can I get you to grab the blinds please? In your work groups this week, you’ll outline the policies you feel world governments should implement. Remember, it’s young people like you, each of you, who must take action to solve the problems that threaten our planet. When war comes, they’ll look for you and me to do the fighting. Will you speak up and tell them, ‘No, no, we won’t?’ But I’m more worried about the elections, especially for your generation. I mean, who do you think is going to win? Uhm, well, we believe that— uhm . . . That’s actually a very interesting question. And as Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe that it’s God’s Kingdom that’s going to bring about all the solutions that we need for all of our problems. For example, . . . That’s £7.50, please. Thank you. Hello, how can I help you? But you know, this new government policy — I really think it’s going to work. You’re crazy.

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With their policies, we’ll be bankrupt within three years. But if it works, though, it’s going to make people rich. Those who are rich already. No, I’m fed up. They say the same thing. We’ve invited a panel of experts to explore these issues, namely, can the opposition party win? Will they keep their promises to lower-income people? And what changes could we expect on required military service? You’ll want to hear the answers. Let’s begin by speaking to John McGarthy, the minister of education. If put to the test, I do want to take my stand for Jehovah. But the outcome of all these things can affect me now —my family, my goals. How can I stay neutral, even in my heart? John 17:14: “I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, “because they are no part of the world, “just as I am no part of the world. “I do not request that you take them out of the world, “but that you watch over them because of the wicked one.

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“They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. “Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. “Just as you sent me into the world, “I also sent them into the world. “And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, so that they also may be sanctified by means of truth.” No part of the world, like Jesus, both in thought and action. Sure, but in our lifetime? Yes! And I have found something that has helped me to be sure of this. Can I share it with you? It’s here at Matthew 24:33. Jesus said: “Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.” Our being neutral today is urgent because Jehovah’s day is coming quickly. On that day, we must be absolutely certain that we are on Jehovah’s side.

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7. Morning Worship - we don’t need to worry about the events to come

In this Bethel morning worship, Brother Anthony Morris of the Governing Body explains why we don’t need to worry about the events to come. Now, The Watchtower from where the comments are taken had the theme “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near.” Now, this was a sobering and yet a very encouraging Watchtower study article, and that theme was taken from Luke chapter 21. So if you’d like to find that — Luke 21 — and in the context prior to verse 28, we know verse 26: “People will become faint out of fear “and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth.” Then it mentions “the heavens . . . shaken,” then, “see the Son of man.” And here’s where we find the theme, verse 28: “But as these things start to occur, “stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” Now, as we know, this is fulfilled during the great tribulation. That’s something to keep in mind, that at that time when these events take place, they’ll be able to stand up and look forward to their deliverance. Now, for a moment, just reflect back on the Hezekiah video that we enjoyed during the convention season last year. It was amazing!

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And what a beautiful job the brothers did in Audio/Video depicting one angel that destroyed 185,000 men. It was spectacular! However, find Revelation chapter 17 — Revelation chapter 17 — and this is what is foretold for the near future. The context here at Revelation 17, where verse 12 mentions “the ten horns,” and then down into verse 13 — after this “one hour with the wild beast” (the United Nations) — they give their “authority to the wild beast.” Humans in general would find that hard to believe when they look at what’s going on in the world today. But here’s what they’re going to do, verse 14: “These will battle with the Lamb, “but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, “the Lamb will conquer them. “Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” Now, as good as our brothers are in Audio/Video, I personally doubt that anyone could do a videography and capture this event. You’re talking about Christ Jesus, the 144,000 anointed immortal spirit creatures, and then Jesus has the holy angels that are under his direction as King. This is going to be spectacular! Now, all things are possible with God, but I think they’d have to have Him to be able to show a video to capture what’s coming in the future.

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Just spectacular! Now, just keep in mind (and The Watchtower made this clear), we don’t know the sure and exact sequence of events —the time order — some of it (as The Watchtower says) will likely overlap. However, what we do know — Jehovah has been kind about this — is what’s going to take place to start the great tribulation. Now, we find here in verse 15, and we’ll read through verse 17 of Revelation 17: “He said to me: ‘The waters that you saw, “‘where the prostitute is sitting, “‘mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. “‘And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, “‘these will hate the prostitute “‘and will make her devastated and naked, “‘and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire.’ ” Now, here’s the fact and verification for why this will happen, verse 17: “For God put it into their hearts “to carry out his thought, “yes, to carry out their one thought “by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.” So it’s as good as done. This is what’s going to happen regardless of how people view us when we preach this good news. Because this is good news —the destruction of the world empire of false religion, the beginning of the great tribulation.

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This is spectacular news for God’s people, and until it takes place, they won’t believe it. But it will happen because Jehovah says it’s going to happen. So that’ll be a time for us to prove our love for Jehovah God. We’ll be the only group protected by him. Now, this was profound, too, this article in The Watchtower made this — I thought it was a profound statement when you think about the organization we’re a part of. It said in paragraph 9: “This will not be the time to preach the ‘good news of the Kingdom.’ ” My, we’re a preaching organization. So there’s a time we’ll not preach the good news? Yes. Remember one of our favorite verses? It’s etched on the minds and hearts of God’s people: “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” Well, don’t forget the last part: “And then the end will come.” So during the great tribulation — no good news. However, we do know there’ll be preaching. And you think we’re unpopular now?

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Oh, my! Notice Revelation chapter 16, and in the context Armageddon is being addressed, and notice verse 21: “Then great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, “fell from heaven on the people, “and the people blasphemed God “because of the plague of [the] hail, for the plague was unusually great.” Yes. So the message and the preaching are going to be like “hailstones.” I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a hailstorm, but this is a huge hailstorm being depicted here. It’s likely, possibly, a hard-hitting message — maybe a declaration announcing that Satan’s world is about to come to a complete end. So let’s just stay tuned. And don’t feel bad — I know. I was out in the ministry in one territory recently, and it’s good to suffer reproach. We all need that, like Jesus did. The door-to-door ministry is good for us. But see, if you think we’re suffering reproach now — Well, get ready!

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It’s just training for this future declaration that we’ll have the privilege to share in. Now, keep in mind that there is this event that The Watchtower did mention in Matthew chapter 24. And if you’ll find that, it’s nice to have this clear. Matthew chapter 24, and we’re going to read verse 31: “And he will send out his angels “with a great trumpet sound, “and they will gather his chosen ones together “from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.” So, what The Watchtower stated there was that it’s not the initial gathering of the anointed nor the final sealing; this is when the remnant — the remaining ones— receive their heavenly reward during the great tribulation. And this event takes place at some point after the beginning of the attack by Gog. Now, at that time, that’s when Matthew 13:43 is fulfilled: “The righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.” So as we mentioned — sobering, yes, but encouraging. Oh, yes, so encouraging. So, brothers, let’s be confident; let’s trust in Jehovah. There’s no need to be afraid.

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Let’s keep up our spiritual routine and prove ourselves ready, because the great tribulation is near. When Jehovah’s day comes, our brotherhood will be safe because it’s united. Our worldwide unity is but one of the blessings that result from our Christian neutrality.

8. Music Video – We Are One

In this month’s music video, notice the connection between the love we enjoy as God’s people and our being “no part of this world.” The song is entitled “We Are One.” There’s trouble in the world, disunity. No matter where we live, no harmony. There are people suffering, fighting for change. But among God’s people, we trust in his name. So we must stick close to his Word And remain no part of this world With love in ev’ry little thing we do. Show love as we spread the good news, And feel the love of the brotherhood. Though we stand out as diff’rent, With Jehovah, we are one. No matter where we go from sea to sea, With God’s people, we find true family. Yes, there are anxieties, but hope is real— A paradise to come.

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True peace is near. So we keep trusting in his Word And remain no part of this world With love in ev’ry little thing we do. Show love as we spread the good news, And feel the love of the brotherhood. Though we stand out as diff’rent, With Jehovah, we are one. We are one. So let’s stay faithful and endure And remain no part of this world With love in ev’ry little thing we do. Show love as we spread the good news, And feel the love of the brotherhood. Though we stand out as diff’rent, With Jehovah, We love in ev’ry little thing we do. Show love as we spread the good news, And feel the love of the brotherhood. Though we stand out as diff’rent, With Jehovah, we are one.

9. Summary

The song was initially written in the Lingala language, an African language spoken mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. If you’d like to hear the song in the Lingala language, you can now find it on Video on Demand under the heading “Music.” While you’re at it, why not listen to other original songs in different languages?

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After you have navigated to the “Music” section, change the language of the website in the top right corner to a language of your choice. Have you noticed the many examples of Christian neutrality we’ve seen during this program? First, we visited Armenia and learned how they’ve remained neutral despite persecution. After the talk, we learned the importance of remaining neutral at public events. Next, we met a number of brothers and sisters who shared their experiences in applying the Watchtower study article about neutrality. Brother Morris reminded us of Jehovah’s protection when Jehovah judges this world. And our music video encouraged us to enjoy the blessings of unity that result from our Christian neutrality. And speaking of the music video: Did you notice how our friends watched the broadcast, and when the postcard came up at the end of the program, they waved back? Have you ever felt like doing that? If so, here’s another opportunity.

10. South Korea

Let’s visit our brothers and sisters in South Korea. Kingdom proclaimers arrived in Korea in 1912. Today, the Republic of Korea has some 1,300 congregations with over 100,000 publishers.

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Although the peninsula was under colonial rule for some time and has been involved in other military conflicts, Jehovah’s Witnesses there have maintained their Christian neutrality by not taking sides. Over the last seven decades, more than 19,000 brothers have been imprisoned for their faith. In 2018, a favorable court decision was handed down in behalf of these faithful brothers. In the future, we look forward to even further relief from fair-minded officials in this country.

10.1 Ganseong Congregation

This is the Ganseong Congregation. Their territory has a population of approximately 23,000 and is partially located in the demilitarized zone near the North Korean border. It’s not uncommon for the almost 50 publishers to conduct over 60 Bible studies each month. In fact, some 30 publishers —or 60 percent of the congregation— serve as regular pioneers. Because of its location, many of the residents of the villages in this area are isolated from the rest of the country. Our brothers and sisters often meet people who work for the military. Because of the congregation’s proximity to the border, busloads of tourists come on a regular basis to see the North Korean border.

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To reach such visitors with the good news, our brothers have organized public witnessing stands in a number of locations. We love our brothers and sisters in the Ganseong Congregation very much. And they send their love to all of us around the world. This is JW Broadcasting from the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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