just one wish pp presentation sept 09

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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What if you had just one wish, what would it be? Not three wishes, just one… what would it be?


‘Just One Wish’

What if you had just one wish, what would it be? Not three wishes just one… what would it be?

I considered the endless possibilities….

I could have wished for abundant prosperity… but then I saw that ‘the Lord already provides all my need according to his riches in Glory through Christ Jesus’ Philippians 4:19

I could have wished for health to finish the race but then I found that the Lord is the ‘health of my countenance’ Psalm 42:11 and that ‘by his stripes I am healed already’ 1 Peter 2:24

I could have wished for peace but then I saw ‘that the Lord has already given me his peace, not as the world gives’ John 14:27 but a ‘peace that passes all understanding’ Philippians 4:7

I could have wished for faith so that I could move mountains,then I discovered that ‘the life I now live I live by the faith of Jesus Christ’ Galatians 2:20 not my own faith, his faith working in me.

I could have wished for righteousness and holiness so that I could live right before God but then I see that ‘I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus’ 2 Corinthians 5:21 and that santification is an ongoing work of the Holy Spirit’ Romans 15:16

I could have wished for deliverance from ‘the sin that so easily besets me’ Hebrews 12:1 but then I find that ‘the blood of Jesus Christ Gods Son cleanses me from all sin’ 1 John 1:7

I could have wished for strength so that I could help those who live with sorrow and regrets; then I find that the Lord is my strength’ Exodus 15:2 indeed he is ‘the strength of my life’ Psalm 27:1

I could have wished for blessings; but then I find that, ‘I am blessed (already) with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places’ Ephesians 1:3

I could have wished for companionship in ministry for ‘two are better than one’ Ecclesiastes 4:9 but then I find that the lord sent me the Holy Spirit who will ‘never leave me or forsake me’ Hebrews 13:5

I could have wished for comfort so that I could comfort those who face persecution, but then I see that the Lord ‘sent me another comforter, his Holy Spirit’ John 14:16

I could have wished for someone to give me good counsel and then I see that Christ is the ‘wonderful Counsellor’ Isaiah 9:6

I could have wished for protection from the storms of life and thenI find that the Lord is ‘my refuge and my fortress Psalm 91:2 and that ‘the shadow of his wings is my refuge, until calamitiespass over’ Psalm 57:1

I could have wished for guidance so that I could walk wholly after God, and then I see that ‘the steps of a good manare ordered by the Lord’ Psalm 37:23

I could have wished for power to overcome my enemy and find that ‘all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me’ through Christ, Matthew 28:18 and that the Lord is an enemy to my enemies and an adversary to my adversaries’ Exodus 23:22

I could have wished for mercy for my many failings and then I find that Gods ‘mercy is new every morning’ Lamentations 3:23

I could have asked for forgiveness so that I would not feel condemned and then I see that ‘as far as the east is fromthe west thus far has the Lord removed my transgressions from me’ Psalm 103:12

I could have wished for freedom to live a God honouring life and then I find that ‘he that the Son sets free is free indeed’ John 8:36

I could have wished as a half orphan to know a father’s love but then I see that, ‘God is a Father to the fatherless’ Psalm 68:5 and that ‘he loves me as Christ loved me and gave his life for me’ John 15:9

I could have wished for a real friend, but then I see that in Christ I have ‘a friend that sticks closer than a brother’ Proverbs 18:24

I could have wished to be closer to the Lord for I know that ‘in his presence there is fullness of joy’ Psalm 16:11 then I see that, ‘I am made near by the blood of Christ for he is my peace’ Ephesians 2:13-14

I could have wished for a new beginning but then I realize; ‘I am a new person, the old man has passed away and all things have already become new’ 2 Corinthians’ 5:17.

I could have wished for favour so that I could prosper in all my ways and then I realize that ‘God has surrounded me with favour as a shield’ Psalm 5:12 and ‘I am daily loaded with his benefits’ Psalm 68:19

I could have wished for a lasting inheritance and then I find that ‘I am born again unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an incorruptible, undefiled inheritance that fades not away and that is reserved in heaven for me’ 1 Peter 1:3-4

I could have wished for holiness for ‘without holiness no man can see the Lord’ Hebrews 12:14 but then I find that, ‘ I am a partaker of Gods holiness’ Hebrews 12:10 and I ‘have his divine nature’ 2 Peter 1:4

I could have wished to be perfect before God and then I see that ‘I am perfected forever by one offering’ Hebrews 10:14 ‘one offering for sin once for all’ Hebrews 10:10 and that ‘I am going on to perfection’ Hebrews 6:1

I could have wished to live without fear and then I find that, ‘His perfect love cast out all fear and that fear is made perfect in love’ 1 John 4:18

I could have wished for answered prayer, then I found that Jesus promised that; ‘Whatsoever I shall ask in his name, that will he do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son’ John 14:13;

I could have wished for the power to conquer sin and thenI found that; ‘sin shall not have dominion over me; for I am not under the law, but under grace’ Romans 6:14

I could have wished for faith to keep my salvation but then discovered that, ‘I am kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time’ 1Peter 1:5

I could wish that I could stop feeling lonely and then I see that; ‘The Lord, has not forsaken them that seek him’ Psalm 9:9-10 and has promised that ‘he will not leave me comfortless; he will come to you’ John 14:18

I could have wished for joy but then I discovered that he has given me ‘joy unspeakable and full of glory’ 1 Peter 1:8

There really is nothing left to wish for; it seems as though the Lord in his grace has given ‘every good and every perfect gift’ James 1:17 to me already.

So today I choose to stop wishing and to start believing and give thanks to the Lord who made wishes redundant when he gave his life to purchase everything good thing for me.


Created and written by David Robinson September 09

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