june 2020gibbonfaithunited.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/june.pdf02– bonnie meza 11– cindy...

Post on 02-Jun-2020






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June 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

7:30pm Trustees

4 5 6


10:30am Worship

8 9 10

7:00pm Ad


11 12 13


10:30am Worship

15 16 17 18 19 20




10:30am Worship

22 23 24 25 26 27


10:30am Worship

29 30

Hispanic church resumes only 1 service a week

Church groups such as UMW, Sew ‘N Sews and Adult Sunday School can resume

Saturday night worship can resume Hispanic church can add a second service





Kevin & Carol McGregor Linda Keiper Pastor Mike Rockefeller

Don & Linda Keiper


Charlotte Burr Barb Summers Kathy Pierce Catlin

Barb Summers

Diane Good

Cindy Peabody


Kevin & Carol McGregor Amy Holcomb Linda Keiper Miller

Don & Linda Keiper


Charlotte Burr Cindy Peabody Amy Holcomb Holcomb

Barb Summers

Diane Good

Cindy Peabody

01– Bernie McCall 10– Chelsea Oliver 24– Beverly Kennedy

01– Jessica Kier 11– Eileen Jurgensen 24– Bethany Rachow

02– Bonnie Meza 11– Cindy Peabody 24– Hadleigh Davis

02– Jade Bentley 13– Samantha Mercer 25– Helen Shuler

03– Vickie Power 13– Brooke Sell 26– Nolan Parr

05– Scott Jader 13– Sophia Krupp 27– Charlotte Burr

05– Cody McGregor 16– Jerald Jurgensen 27– Molly Smith

05– Nolan Catlin 16– Hunter Smallcomb 27– Alec Smallcomb

06– Lowell Jaeger 18– Jake Winchester 27– Avery Leisinger

06– Neil Wiseman 18– Jade Bundy 28– Nancy Kollars

07– Skyler Summers 21– Julie Bailey 30– Carolee Yockey

08– Carey McCormick 21– Eryn Swanson

10– Kevin McGregor 23– Keaton Kenning

Trying to look ahead even in uncertain times This isn’t the summer any of us were expecting. Even as the current

pandemic begins to ease off in some areas and the shutdowns begin to

lift, life won’t look the same for some time. As a nation, we still don’t

agree on what the best way forward might be. But to be honest, the

debate and disagreement feels exhausting. The news is downright

depressing to listen to, and it seems even the positive stories all have

an asterisk behind them, so to speak.

While there is certainly many topics on the COVID-19 situation I

could write about, I honestly don’t want to. That doesn’t mean the

situation isn’t serious, or that the discussion of what’s next isn’t important. But the reality is, even what

we think we know can change rapidly. So, instead I want to write briefly about where we were as a

church when I came and where I think we’re going as a church family in the future.

On July 1 I’ll start my 6th year of pastoral ministry at Faith United. Sometimes I can’t believe it’s been

that long, and other times I can’t believe it’s only been that long. Maybe you can relate. As is true for any

United Methodist Pastor, I have no idea how long I’ll be here. But my goal – and all of our goals as the

church – should be to create a ministry that outlives our tenure. But God constantly outshines even our

biggest goals when we trust God and work together as the body of Christ. Here’s four areas to

celebrate, but also questions to get us thinking about what’s to come.

Facilities: Articles in this newsletter about Trustees and the Parsonage are incredible celebrations.

Nearly half a million dollars in facility projects have happened in 5 years. But I’m more excited for the

future planning. What a blessing it is as we get caught up on all our projects, repairs, replacements, and

updates. We’re so close to a place where we’re not “catching up” but will be prepared for the next big

project before it arrives. How can we “keep ahead” so facilities don’t have to be our focus?

Pantry: I don’t think any of us could have dreamt how huge this ministry would be. While we all wish

that there wasn’t such a huge need for food assistance, it’s truly become a community ministry even if

most of the manpower is from our congregation. In 30 months of being open we’ve redistributed more

than 100,000 lbs of food! And so far in 2020 we’ve already handed out more than all of 2018. As the

pastor, I took lead on starting this project, but its success has been and will be tied to keeping incredible

volunteers. How can you help make sure this ministry keeps touching lives?

Youth Ministry: We’ve had 39 youth participate in Confirmation in 5 years. More impressive is the

more than 100 different youth participating in Wednesday night group during that time. The ministry is

far bigger than just our members. While we always hope more of those families join the church, it’s

never the goal. Getting to know Christ more happens in many forms! How do we keep plugging families

– especially younger families – into the life of the church to sustain our ministry legacy?

Small groups: A women’s bible study, youth bible study, Facebook bible study, and new adult

Sunday school class have started in the past few years. UMW, Sew ‘N Sews, and Bible 101, and the

original Adult Sunday school continue as well. All these are wonderful, but just scratch the surface. How

are you “connected” beyond worship, and how can we do the same for others?

We’ve certainly got much to celebrate. But our faith, our church isn’t just about the past. It’s about the

future. In these areas – and all areas – let’s celebrate, but also consider what we can do next. That’s

how our faith changes lives for generations to come.

Return to in-person activities work in progress After 10 weeks of online only worship, Faith United’s in-person

worship will resume on May 31, but will of course look much

different. But we want to make sure everyone knows our online

option will remain. While some feel the return is premature, we

strongly believe that everyone should be able to make the decision

that fits for them and their family. And for many families that will

mean continuing to participate online. No one should feel pressured

to come back before they feel ready. So please know your health is far more valuable than your

physical presence.

A pastoral letter went out earlier this month with details on the reopening process and a full list

of our new policies and procedures is posted on our church website homepage. These policies will

be updated and changed as restrictions change. We encourage everyone to read those there, but

here are a couple major things to keep in mind before you join us in person:

1) Masks are strongly encouraged for everyone. Masks will be required for ushers, greeters,

and others serving in worship who could be inside others’ 6-foot space.

2) Pews and seating will be marked to maintain 6 foot spacing between families. Please do not

sit in the spaces marked with tape. Any un-taped area on a pew or chair is fine to sit in, as

long as you are 6 foot from another family. Seating in the sanctuary will be very limited, but

tables will be set up in the Fellowship Hall for overflow as well. At most, we’ll be able to

worship 60 in the sanctuary and 55 in the Fellowship Hall.

There have also been many questions about when other groups can begin using the facility. As

we know, things can change on us, so the timeline below it very tentative, and remember that it’s

up to each group when they resume in-person. These dates are when they can, not when they will!

Week of May 31

Sunday in-person worship resumes following new guidelines

Faith United Committees can resume following DHM limits and church guidelines

Note, a call-in or online option will remain available for those who wish

Week of June 7

Hispanic church resumes only 1 service a week

Week of June 14

Church groups such as UMW, Sew ’N Sews can resume

Week of June 21

Saturday night worship may resume

Hispanic church can add a second service

Adult Sunday school can resume

Week of July 5

VBS tentatively in building – a specific plan for how to clean and do social distancing must be in


Week of July 12

Hispanic church can resume normal schedule (Mon. 8-9, Tues. 7-9:30, Fri.7-9:30, Sun. 4-6:30)

Youth special activities can resume

Week of July 26

Community groups can resume in building.

Saturday Potluck/Sunday snack time on hold There will be no Saturday potluck or Sunday snack and fellowship time in

June. While the guidelines for what is allowed are switching and being updated

every few weeks, there are a number of logistical elements we need to figure

out as groups start meeting again. Our first priority is in-person worship for

those who wish, then allowing other groups within the church family to meet

(i.e. committees, bible studies, Sew ‘N Sews, UMW, Adult Sunday school, etc.). Once we get those

programs back up and running while following our new policies, we’ll consider when and how to return

to these amazing fellowship times as well.

Confirmation service will be reset for August For the last 4 years, the last weekend in April has been our

Confirmation service. It’s always been one of our biggest and most loved

services. This year 6 of the students from our current class are planning

to be confirmed, but when this service happens is still unclear. Once

in-person worship resumes, we will begin making plans for this service

on a Sunday in August that works for all 6 families.

It was a difficult decision to wait so long for the service, but there

were many reasons why in light of the COVID-19 situation. One is the crowd size. Currently trying to

maintain 6 feet between every family drastically limits our capacity. Normally we see 150 people at a

Confirmation service, but even with the Fellowship Hall we couldn’t accommodate that many and keep

the 6 foot separation needed. We also know some of those who would most like to be here for that

special day may be concerned right now. We also hope that by waiting, the service can have some of

those meaningful elements like the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and the baptismal renewal

(and baptism for one teen!). By our next newsletter we should have a solid date set.

Faith United honoring graduates July 19 Faith United invites the 2020 graduates and their families from Faith

United to join us on Sunday, July 19 as we honor them in worship. We will

have a chance for each to share briefly about their plans for the future, give

them a gift from the church, and pray over them (socially distanced of course).

While we’re unsure what Directed Health Measures may be in place at the

time, we want to make sure to honor the incredible milestone for all these

young Christians.

Facebook Bible study finishing Acts, then break Did you know Faith United has a daily bible study open to everyone? This spring a group started with

a study on Matthew, then transitioned to Mark, Luke and Acts during our social distancing season.

Reading one chapter a day and then sharing in the online discussion is a simple, daily routine to keep

us connected with Christ and one another. We will finish Acts in the next week, then take a break for the

rest of June. But we will plan to resume with another study in July.. Contact Pastor Mike or Wendy if you

would like to be added to the Facebook group!

VBS set for July 6-9, how it will look still up in the air Planning for an event even 6 weeks away is pretty challenging in a time like this. But our Children’s

Ministry team is trying to do just that. Our Vacation Bible School dates have been set for July 6-9. But

what that will look like and even if it will be feasible at that time is still unknown.

We will do our best to follow the health guidelines in place then, but it does leave us with many

unknowns. Let’s face it, kids, especially our younger kids, don’t understand the

social distancing. And most adults don’t like wearing masks! Which could make

for some challenging aspects. We will be prayerfully considering what activities

can be done safely and what activities might need skipped or adjusted this time.

We are doing our best to come up with contingency plans. If we determine we

can’t meet as normal, VBS may include “work at home” activities, and Facebook

Live elements.

As of now, we plan to meet in person with some changes: 1) preregistration strongly encouraged

and starting early June, 2) no Pre-K programming, 3) no meal before VBS but we’ll have prepackaged

snacks during, 4) no community program on the last night – instead we’ll post a video on that Friday

featuring the kiddos, 5) craft supplies such as markers, etc. will not be “shared” but each kid will have

their own to use all week and take home. Other changes are possible as we get closer. We know

that’s a lot of uncertainty right now, but we want to be able to offer as much as we can for all the

kiddos in our Faith United family. Thanks for your patience!

Donations help Pantry in busy, very different season The Gibbon Free Pantry has seen an expected increase in need during this crazy time. We are

currently averaging 25 families each night, and in April provided food assistance for 274 individuals.

We’re expecting to serve even more in May from what we’ve seen so far.

Currently we provide a prepackaged box with multiple non-perishable items, bread and 3-4 frozen

meat items. We also have a variety of perishable items we sit out on the tables for people to grab if

they wish. Each family is able to leave with an average of 30lbs per visit.

And it’s all done on the front porch so no clients ever enter the pantry!

There is an incredible amount of work that goes into making this ministry

possible. While it would be “easier” to just suspend the service this is a time

when the need is only increasing. First a big thank you to our volunteers.

Kim Wadkins, Janee Montgomery, Cody McGregor, and Kyla McGregor

have been there for distributions every time we’re open for weeks. Mel Murr and Fran Murr also come

once a week. Kathy Pierce, our resident bread lady, is picking up food from Kearney 3 times a week

now as well and taking our “leftovers” to different families and the Baptist Little Free Pantry. Wendy,

Gabe and Nate Evans have been a huge help unloading trucks, packaging boxes, and much more.

Emma Christensen has been helping the last few weeks as well. I’m sure I’m forgetting others, but the

point is none of this would be possible without them.

We also want to thank several groups and individuals who have donated to help us out. Cargill gave

a huge $10,000 donation this spring. Chad Dolan at Central Nebraska Creamation and Forensic

Services made a significant donation as well. Nancy Kollars and Barb Beuscher donated masks and

Nancy donated part of the money she’s been given for masks to the pantry as well. And because of

supply distribution struggles, Adam’s Market has been ordering food every week at a discount for us

as well. This is truly a community effort and couldn’t happen without so many wonderful people.

UMC Summer youth events/camps cancelled The Great Plains Conference One Event Reimagined originally set for June and

other conference youth events have been cancelled for the summer. All Great

Plains camps have also cancelled all regular summer camps. Camp Comeca near

Cozad – which is in the process of changing ownership – has also decided not to

have normal camp schedules. Currently Timberlake Ranch Camp plans to have

some camps later in the summer. Please visit their website for more information.

UM General Conf. postponed Annual Conf. changed The United Methodist General Conference has been postponed with tentative

dates into 2021. The General Conference is a worldwide gathering of United

Methodists who make decisions for the denomination as a whole. The LGTQ

debate and resulting talk of splitting were the main thrust of the conference

originally set this spring. A worldwide gathering of thousands was certainly not a

possibility with the CoVid-19 pandemic, so those decisions have been delayed.

The Great Plains Annual Conference was set to meet May 27-30, but has become a one-day

teleconference instead. A special session was already tentatively planned for October in Grand Island.

That event has now been tentatively extended to be October 1-4. The original intent of the October

meeting was to allow churches, districts and the conference to have adequate time to make plans if a

split or major policy change took place at General Conference. With so much up in the air about the

pandemic, we are in a “wait and see” phase to know exactly what all this will look like.

June communion not offered, July may look different Communion is one of the most important parts of Christian worship to many

people. In this season of pandemic, we have missed these opportunities to gather

in such a historic, and meaningful way. While we know this is an important part of

worship, we also want to make sure what we offer is safe amidst this season. This

means we will not offer communion on the first weekend of June as normal. By

July we hope to have a plan that meets health expectations set by the state,

conference, and insurance provider. We also hope to have a way for the elements to be safely

delivered to those at home after they have been “consecrated” in worship. Please be patient as we

determine the best way forward with such a critical element of worship.

Pastoral Office Hours policy changed The Staff Parish Relations Committee has updated their policy on pastoral office hours. During the

Paragraph 213 process having set office hours seemed the best way to make sure people could

connect with the pastor when needed. But maintaining and communicating changes to those hours is

difficult. Most weeks no one stops in during those hours and most people call ahead anyway. So, at

this time, Pastor Mike will no longer have set office hours, but will be available by phone, text or email

whenever possible, and will be available to meet by appointment.

Trustees shifting focus to long-term plans As is true with any group or

organization, there’s always more

to do! In the last 5 years your local

Trustees have taken on an

incredible number of projects from

the playground, to painting and

new flooring in 75% of the church,

to remodeling for the pantry. The

group has also overseen $32,000

of heat/AC updates in the church

building and Head Start building. And, of course the huge undertaking of a new parsonage. This group

has been very busy and our church family has been incredibly generous to support all these projects

financially. We currently have no plan for another capital campaign anytime soon, but do want to keep

the congregation aware of other major projects down the road:

Heat/AC units – With a lifespan of approximately 20-25 years, repairs and replacements will be

ongoing. We unfortunately got behind in this and despite all the replacements in the last 5

years, we expect another $25,000 in replacements for units that are 22 or more years old.

Roof repair – While the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall roofs were replaced, the roof on the

classrooms and offices on the east and west sides are original to the building 45 years ago.

Repairs have been done, but a total replacement of an estimated $30,000 will likely be needed

in the years to come.

Technology – Our world continues to be more tied to technology. While we do budget some funds

for repair and replacement each year some bigger items will be needed eventually. Three

computers (pastor, secretary, and sanctuary), the Sanctuary projection and sound equipment

are items we will need to prepare to replace and update in the future.

Wish List – There are other projects on church wish list as well including flooring and counter

updates in kitchen, sanctuary carpet, new exterior doors,

etc. While these are not top priorities (at least not yet),

being aware of these future wants which may become

needs is important.

Faith United has supported so much financially in the

past few years. We can’t thank everyone enough for

those gifts. We know everyone has been asked for a lot,

and in these uncertain times for so many financially, we

are not asking for more. But, we also believe that being

aware of what’s coming in the future will help us be

prepared. Once the parsonage is paid off, the rental

income from the Head Start Center will help ease the

burden. And, when the time comes to sell that facility, the

money will be put in an Endowment so that ongoing funding will be available for facility needs without

having to constantly ask for more from our church. We’ve come so far as a church. And by looking

ahead, we can prepare so that our focus can be more fully on ministry and not the facility!

Update on Parsonage projects and finances It’s hard to believe that last May the new parsonage was just being delivered. A year later even

the list of “someday” projects Trustees considered are being wrapped up. Last fall, the Trustees

created a list of the 5 remaining projects they hoped to see completed someday. Some generous

donors decided those projects needed to be completed sooner rather than later. All these projects

were able to be completed without any additional money borrowed!

Here’s a few updates for everyone:

Loan: The loan balance for the parsonage was $20,811 as of

May. With a few pledges still coming in and the $900 rent from

Head Start going towards the loan, it will be paid off in full by or

before May of 2022! That’s incredible! Once this loan is paid off, the

$900 monthly rent will be used for other long-term facility needs

including roof repair and updating heat/AC units, etc.

Basement: The Endowment Committee awarded a grant to finish the trim work and light

fixtures in the last three rooms of the basement. Those tasks have been done, plus the addition of

permanent shelving in the storage spaces. All that’s left is some laminate tile in the storage room

and possibly some work on the storm shelter to address some

condensation issues.

Deck: A 12X20 foot roll-out ready deck was constructed out

of composite decking and vinyl railing. Even the lattice surround

and landscaping are now completed.

Shed: The existing garage or shed was a bonus when we

bought the property, but it was in need of some work. The trim

has now been repainted and new overhead doors were installed,

making it an incredible

additional space for any pastoral family.

Garage: Adding additional outlets, insulating and sheet

rocking the interior of the attached garage is currently underway.

While many of us don’t have “finished” garage spaces, this will

be a great bonus area as well, and will make it much more

“pleasant” both during the summer heat and the winter cold.

Fence: While the current pastoral family doesn’t have small

children or pets, having a

fenced back yard is a great addition as well. But Trustees also

wanted to make sure the fence didn’t become a maintenance

issue. Since moving in the back neighbor has installed a wood

privacy fence. So now, it only takes fencing on the sides and

front, approximately 120 feet of fence. The reinforced white vinyl

fencing has been purchased and the city has given approval for

its installation. So, by the end of the summer this final project will

be completed as well.

Thank you all for the incredible commitment to making this dream a reality!

Finished basement trim

12X20 composite deck

New Shed doors, repainted trim

Attached Garage ceiling, walls in progress

I would like to thank everyone for all the cards,

prayers, thoughts, and the beautiful prayer quilt.

You don’t know how much they are helping.

God Bless each and every one of you!


Vickie Power

Holy and healing God, we come before you in

this season filled with uncertainty to ask for

strength and hope. For those who have fallen

victim to this pandemic, let them feel the

peace of your presence. For those

overwhelmed by the financial chaos left in the

wake of this virus, give them confidence you

are with them. And for the many leaders, and

healthcare workers trying to make the right

decisions on individual cases and the global

scale, grant them your wisdom. For all of us,

God, calm our concerns and empower us to

serve in new and meaningful ways.

In Your Name we ask this, AMEN.

Pastor Mike will be on vacation

June 14—22

Gina will be on vacation

June 28—July 9

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