job satisfaction

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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SATISFACTIONset of favourable or unfavourable

feelings with which employees view their work


Why Study About it?INPUTS



JOB SATISFACTION SURVEY• Procedure by which employees report their

feelings toward their jobs and work environment


The survey tells how employees feel about their jobs, what parts of their jobs these feelings are focused on, which departments are particularly affected and whose feelings are involved.

•Monitoring Attitudes is possible

• Flow of Communication is improved

• It serves as Safety Valves

• Identification of training needs

• Helps in planning and monitoring new programs


• To p m a n a g e m e nt a c ti v e l y s u p p o r t s t h e s u r v e y• E m p l o ye e s a r e f u l l y i nv o l v e d i n p l a n n i n g t h e

s u r v e y• Pa s t s u r v e y s h av e p r o d u c e d n o ti c e a b l e c h a n g e s• A c l e a r o b j e c ti v e ex i s t s fo r c o n d u c ti n g t h e

s u r v e y• T h e s t u d y i s d e s i g n e d a n d a d m i n i s t e r e d i n a

m a n n e r c o n s i s te nt w i t h s ta n d a r d s fo r s o u n d r e s e a rc h

• M a n a g e m e nt i s c a p a b l e o f t a k i n g , a n d w i l l i n g to t a ke , fo l l o w- u p a c ti o n .

• B o t h t h e r e s u l t s a n d a c ti o n p l a n s a r e c o m m u n i c a t e d to e m p l o ye e s

Sources of Information

Labor Turnover Performance


Waste and scrap reports

Quality records

Absences and tardiness


Reports from counsellors


Accident reports

Training Records


Medical Records

Exit Interviews

Daily ContactsExisting Datas


Identify Reason of


Obtain management commitment

Develop Survey


Administer survey

Tabulate results

Analyze results

Provide feedback to participants

Implement action plan

Monitor results

Major Steps in a Systemati c Approach to Conducti ng survey

Types of Survey Questions

Close-end Question

Open-end Question




A question presented in an interview or survey format that directs the respondent to simply select and mark the answer that best represents his or her own feelings.

Those questions presented in an interview or survey format in which employees respond in their own words to express their feelings, thoughts, and intentions.



Capacity of a survey instrument (or action) to

produce consistent results


Capacity of a survey instrument to measure

what it claims to measure

What to do with the results?

Communicate the results

Comparative Data

Committee Work Follow-


Feedback to Employees


Managers who make the final decision needs evidence.

Job Satisfaction in Department A

Job Satisfaction in Department B

Comparing results will drive managers for improvement and continuous use of satisfaction information.

Set up task forces whose responsibility is to review the survey data and develop plans for corrective action

When corrective action is taken as the result of a survey, details of what was learned and what was done should be shared with employees as soon as possible.


• Make the reward system closely tied to individual or team performance.

• Set challenging goal with employees

• Define clear role expectations

• Refrain from attacking the employee’s attitude. Use active listening.

• Provide frequent feedback.

• Exhibit a caring, considerate orientation.

• Provide opportunities for employees to participate in decision making.


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