jesus is coming…look busy – what jim rohn and my mlm up line taught me about productivity

Post on 06-Dec-2014



Self Improvement



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DESCRIPTION Being busy doesn't mean being productive. How to be sure you are on the right track for MLM success.


Jesus Is Coming…Look Busy

What Jim Rohn And My MLM Up-Line Taught Me

About Productivity

During my sales career I was often in

printing press rooms. In one of these

shops that I visited regularly a press

operator had a little picture of Jesus

taped up at his work station with the

words “Jesus Is Coming” across the


I never looked too closely at it until

one day we were examining a printed

piece at his station and I saw the finer

print at the bottom of the picture:

Look Busy.

I never walked by that press again

without smiling...and it reminded me

of some excellent coaching from my


We were on a group call and he was

offering up some tough love. I don’t

know who he was directing his

comments at, or whether there were

more than one of us or if it was just

advice he routinely gave out from time

to time, but it’s one of those lessons

that stuck.

The message was to look within


at our motives and motivation.

Being part of his team meant being

part of

a large and well-organized system to

grow our business and there were

plenty of mechanisms in place to

create accountability.

There were several calls a week where

we reported on our prospecting

His coaching was:

Are you reaching your numbers in a

way that makes you look good on your

daily report or are you doing what

needs to be done to reach your income


The message was this: If you are doing

numbers for the sake of numbers-to

get on the call and look like you are

walking the walk, you are only fooling


I have to admit that is kinda how my

brain was working in those days. I was

looking for a formula. You know, do

this many calls a day and make this

many presentations and you’ll end up

making ‘this much money’ in ‘this

much time’.

Never mind that it went counter to

everything I’d learned as a top

producing sales professional. I was all

about driving numbers for numbers’


Numbers are important. The great Jim

Rohn taught the importance of

tracking and knowing your ratios.

Using your ratios, you can find the

formula to your network marketing

success if you look at it from the right


The error I was making was mistaking

being busy for being productive.

I said my goal was to end up with four

business-building distributors each

month but really all I was looking at

was the number of calls I was doing

each day.

I had created an incomplete

MLM success formula.

My friend Diane Hochman has drilled

this down to a simple formula she calls

The 4 C’s:

Collect Capture

Communicate Close

She points out that when you are not

having success in your business, you

can always trace it back to one or

more of these ‘4 C’s’.

In my case, I was ignoring the

relationship between my ratio of the

first three and the result I was looking


at the end of the month.

In other words, I either

wasn’t doing enough

collecting, capturing and


or I wasn’t proficient enough in my

presentation, that I was closing

enough prospects.

I was trying to ‘look busy’.

To enjoy network marketing success

you have to produce.

It’s that simple.

It doesn’t matter if you have a

monogamous relationship with your

primary company or if you subscribe to

multiple streams of income, if you are

not producing real results you are

going to fail or burn-out.

Success requires a

clear goal and an exact road map.

I learned from Jim Rohn

and my up-line was that you have to

recognize when you are fighting the

right fight and not tilting at windmills.

MLM is a simple business, and you can

do it face to face with your family,

circle of influence and warm market.

But when you are ready to tap into the

internet and grow your business

beyond boarders and time zones and

make money from your leads even

when they say “No” to your business…

You need a system

with a proven record.

To get the

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