jesus book

Post on 30-Jul-2016






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An autobiography of Jesus' life


The life of Jesus christBy Noah Cox

For Jeff Robert & Sheyann Pace’s World studies class

So you want to know what the life of Jesus was like, do you? Well I’ll tell you myself. It all started around 6 BC when my mother had became pregnant as a virgin. Now you may be wondering “whoa, how did she become pregnant if she was a virgin?” believe it or not, she was blessed by God himself. I was then born later that year on what most people call Christmas now, in Bethlehem, Jerusalem to my mother and step-father Joseph. I would live most of my life in the Town of Nazareth, Israel but I was born in Bethlehem because my parents had to go to their birth city that year for the census.

Now before we go on to more about me, let us talk a little more about my mother and my home town of Nazareth. First, we’ll talk about my mother Mary. She was the one of the nicest people I had ever met. She was one of the select few people to have never commit a single sin in her entire life. I was told my mother had a sister but we never spoke much of her or my grandparents. Nazareth was the home village of my mother and is where she would live most of her life. This is also where my mother was notified by an angel of my inevitable and unexpected birth.

Now back to my story. Soon after I was born my life was already crazy. Three Wise men came bearing bountiful gifts for me and my mother, But when the Three Wise men came looking for me they asked the King of all Jews Herod the great where they may find the Newborn King of all Jews he was like “Whoa hold up, I am the King of all Jews, I can't let an Infant take my crown.” Then after the Wise Men left the king ordered all Infants in the area to be killed. That is when an angel came down and told Joseph of what is happening and to flee to Egypt where they will find a safe haven. I can’t remember much of what happened while I was there but I remember two thieves who may not have been significant at the time were there. After an amount of time we went back to Nazareth and found that Herod had died.

Past that point in time I can't remember much. I and many others call this time the

missing years. I do remember when I was twelve I went to Jerusalem for the

Festival of Passover. We had our celebration of when my Dad liberated all of the

Jews from slavery in Egypt. It was fun getting to eat all the food and thanking my

Dad for what he did, but… My parents left me there on accident. I was there for

three days learning from teachers in the temples. When they found me they were

rather angry at me but I was confused at the time as I had been told to come to my

father's house. My parent were confused but nevertheless we went home and

continued on with our lives.

The next event I remember is my 13th birthday. This was when everything became so

clear to me. This is when I realized I needed to help the revelation of God. Soon after

when passover began I began to pity these people who were all spiritually blind. Later

that night a small angel came and told me of my father's business. After this certain

event I spent the next approximately 18 years going and preaching to synagogues

about my newly gained knowledge from the messenger.

When I was 30 I was baptised by good friend of mine named John. He was one of the twelve apostles

who were my closest followers. After this I fasted for forty days and forty nights in the judaean desert.

This is when Satan approached me. He tried multiple times to tempt me with food but I refused his

constant attempts. After my fasting I returned to Nazareth.

After doing my immense amount of fasting I decided to choose twelve of my disciples who would help

me in my later years spread my message to the world. These twelve disciples were Simon (whom I

named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of

Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot. After I chose

these twelve to help spread my word I decided to travel and help whoever I could find and let me tell

you, I was a miracle worker.

I started traveling the world helping all the people who were faithful to my father. I gave a blind man the ability to see. A paralyzed man was laid upon a mat in front of me. I told him to get up and walk and he miraculously did. I cured a man with leprosy, which is where your fingers will begin to fall off. I performed exorcisms such as a whole legion of demons possessing a man, and I rid them from the man and sent them to a small group of pigs nearby where they drowned themselves in a trough.

I resurrected people as well such as the time I raised a good friend of mine, Lazarus. This one time I went to a wedding and they ran out of wine so I asked the host’s servants to bring large barrels of water and they did so and I turned it to wine. I did various other things such as walking on water, getting mad at a tree and cursing it so it withered. And the final miracle I committed was going to a mountain to pray. I climbed to the top and then Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke to me, shortly after a booming voice called down “son” to me.

After making these miracles, I decided to go back to Jerusalem where I was adored. Afterwards people called this “Palm Sunday”. I rode in on my Colt that I asked my disciples to retrieve for me and on my way in I notice that the citizens are singing a passage of the holy book that was apparently being written for me at the time. Later that day I am informed of some merchants that are making camp in a temple. I decide to expel them from this place as they are being thieves and cheats in a holy building. If that is not a sin than I don't know what is.

Later that week I was having supper with my Twelve Apostles and I get this weird feeling. I get the feeling that one of them will betray me. I decide to ask my father to guide me and say “ I will dip this bread into the ceremonial dish and then I will hand this piece of bread to my betrayer.” I immediately did so and I was forced to give it to Judas. I was surprised and disappointed at the same time. I was told by Peter that he would lay down his life for me, I knew he was lying and told him “ You will deny me three times before the rooster crows tomorrow. After that event we had quite the awkward supper, but we did our normal prayers and such.

Later that night we went to a garden in the southern part of Kidron Valley. Then after a small time of praying, I asked my father to give me strength for future events to come, and a few seconds later an angel came down and gave me a stronger will. I walked back to my Apostles after praying and they joked around and thought I fell asleep. And Judas was nice enough to even give me a kiss. But this wasn’t a normal kiss, no this alerted some guards to who I was and they persecuted and arrested me. Thankfully one of my apostles at least tried to help as he cut off the ear of one of the guards.

I was given trial in Jerusalem by the Sadherin. The night before I was taken to the high priest’s temple and horribly beaten and the next day was interrogated about what had happened. I stayed quiet and gave very basic answers. My apostles were questioned and Peter denied knowing me multiple times, just as I had said. I was then blindfolded and taken to a house where I was beaten and mocked for being a “false” son of God. They could not find witnesses to testify so they set up false ones and ultimately failed from lack of coordination.

Then as a final act the High priest himself asked me if I was Jesus Christ, the son of God. I answered “I am”. The high priest became furious and tore his robe and accused me of lying. Little did he know he was breaking his own law by ripping his robe. After this the High Priest sentenced me to death by crucifixion.

I was tied to a cross and carried through the city. I was then placed upon a pedestal and nailed my arms and legs to the beams. I looked around as they took my clothes and noticed two other crosses with people nailed to them as well. I looked at them and then I realized, they were the thieves that tried to rob me all those years ago! I guess they had done something to get themselves crucified as well. They sent my body a flame and it was the worst pain I had ever felt. I have experienced many pains before, such as being stabbed, dropped, even beat up. But this was the worst pain ever. I quickly asked by father to forgive everyone for their sins so we may start anew. Then everything went black, I had finally died.

I was placed into a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea. He was a council member who was kind enough to let me have his already made tomb. He wrapped me in a cloth without proper preparation. I couldn't really blame them for this though as I was kind of a burnt crisp of a man at the time. I stayed there in the tomb for three days. My body was on earth but my soul was in Heaven. I talked to God while I was there and he explained to me that I needed to finish my journey to spread his message.

I died on Friday, it was Sunday when God sent me back to Earth to come back to life. When I awoke it was pitch black and I remembered I was in a tomb. I quickly search around trying to find the door and I eventually feel the crack on the door. I pushed the door open. Luckily it seemed to be around 5 am before the guards came around so I had the perfect chance to leave. Before the tomb is out of sight I see some women holding oils and cloths. I assume it was possibly to pay their respects. I made sure before I left that I left signs that I had risen such as leaving the tomb open, I asked an angel to come down with me before I had risen to tell believers if they had come to my tomb.

I decided to visit my disciples before going to finish my mission. I was really hurt when visiting them as I had only been gone three days but for some reason they did not recognize me at first. I visited each of the 12 apostles and told them I must finish my business and I will then ascend to Heaven when I have finished. I visited Andrew, Bartholomew, James, James Jr., John, Jude, Mathew, Peter, Philip, Simon, and Thomas. I was very hesitant to visit Judas but I reluctantly did. I went to his home and found he had committed suicide by hanging himself in his home. What a shame, I was hoping I could have my 12 Apostles come to Heaven when it was their time but Judas had to go to hell for his suicide. I asked around to see if anyone knew when he committed suicide, I did not find a date but I found out that he had donated the money he had received before dying.

I spent the next 40 days preaching about God and other miracles he could for people while doing my own. I had traveled all of Israel spreading my word about God and what he has done for us. But those 40 days had passed and I was told that I needed to return to Heaven by an angel that came down. I was sad to have to go but I figured it may be for the better. I gathered all of the people in Jerusalem to the center of town and gave them my goodbye and I began to ascend in Heaven. Though my life was short, I only lived to be 33 I feel as if I did more than 100 men combined. I left my goodbye and I hope my Apostles continue to spread my message to the world, and spread my new version of Judaism. I think I’ll call it Christianity.

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