jehova is not god's name - file05.06.2018 · title throughout...

Post on 12-Sep-2019






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Not one time does the name “Jehovah” appear in the extant texts making

up the Tanakh.

For centuries, scribes and religious clerics have


or misguided readers to change Yahowah’s

personal name.

In the Tanakh (Torah, Prophets, and Psalms) you will find Yahowah’s name accurately each of

the 7,000 times.

What is scribed in the Tanakh is the

tetragrammaton YHWH (EFEI) and not Jehovah.

Also, worth noting is modern bibles

mistranslated Yahowah’s name to “LORD,”

but it should never be associated with God.

Lord is synonymous with Ba’al, which is Satan’s

title throughout Scripture.

It describes the Adversary’s ambition,

which is to rule over God, to lord over men,

and to control the messages pontificated by cleric and king, so that

the masses submit to him.

Moreover, the nature and ambitions of a lord are the

antithesis of a father.

Since we know that Yahowah’s name can be

pronounced from the tetragrammaton YHWH,

where did the name Jehovah come from, and why is it used to replace

God’s proper name?

By exploring the Hebrew alphabet, we can find part

of the answer.

From the link below, we find there is no letter J or V in the original Hebrew


So, the letters J and V in English are incorrect

variants that replace the yod I and wah F.

The English letter J first appeared in the KJV in

the early 1600’s.

The letter changes in Yahowah’s name mis-

directs the meaning and purpose of His name

given in His testimony.

By using the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance,

we find that hovah is #1943, and means ruin

and mischief.

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary summarizes the

origins of the invention “Jehovah” this way:

“When the Jewish scholars (called Masoretes) added vowel signs to biblical MSS some time before the 10th century....(TDOT 5: 501–02).”

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary continues:

The form “Jehovah” results from reading the consonants of the Tetragrammaton with the vowels of the surrogate word Adonai .

Further, the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary states:

The dissemination of this form is usually traced to Petrus Galatinus, confessor to Pope Leo X, who in 1518 transliterated the four Hebrew letters with the Latin letters jhvh together with the vowels of Adonai, producing the artificial form “Jehovah.”

Citation: Henry O. Thompson, “Yahweh (Deity)” In, in, vol. 6, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 1011.

Yahowah’s Testimony Is Perfect

Did you know Yahowah states that changing His name (i.e. to Jehovah) is

a crime?

We can find Yahowah’s perspective on changing

His name in Yirmayahuw / Yah Lifts

Up / Jeremiah 23.

“‘I have heard (shama’ ) that which (‘eth ‘asher ) they have and will say (‘amar – will claim, promise, and declare). Those prophets (ha naby’ ) who claim to be inspired (naba’ ) in My name (shem – My designation, reputation, and renown), lie (seqer – mislead, are vain, false, and useless deceivers), concerning their claim

(la ‘amar – so as to infer and declare), “I have received a divine revelation (halam halam – I have received a communication from God).”’” Yirmayahuw / Yah Lifts Up / Jeremiah 23:25

“‘How long (matay ) meanwhile (‘ad ) will this exist (yes ) in the hearts (ba leb – in the character, nature, and ambitions) of the prophets (ha naby’ ) who prophesy (naba’ ) vain lies (seqer – misleading deceptions), the prophets (naby’ ) with delusional and deceitful (tarmyth – accusing, misleading, and untrue, fraudulent

and treacherous) hearts (leb – inner natures, attitudes, desires, motivations, ambitions, and relationships)?’” Yirmayahuw / Yah Lifts Up / Jeremiah 23:26

“‘Their plan is for (ha hasab – considering everything, their thinking, calculation, decision, devise, and account reveals that they are determined for) My people (‘am – My family) to overlook, forget, and to cease to properly value (sakah – to ignore, to be unmindful of, to lose sight of the significance of, and to no longer

respond to) My personal and proper name (shem ) by way of (ba ) the revelations and communications (ha halowm – the claims to inspired insights) which (‘asher ) they recount to (saphar – they proclaim, record, and write to) mankind (‘iysh ), to their fellow countrymen and associates (la rea’ – to others in their race

and company), just as when in a relationship with (ka ‘asher ‘eth ba – similarly as when engaged in the same relationship with) the Lord (ha Ba’al ), their fathers (‘ab – their forefathers and ancestors) overlooked, ignored, and forgot (sakah – were not mindful of and ceased

to appreciate the significance of) My personal and proper name (shem ).’” Yirmayahuw / Yah Lifts Up / Jeremiah 23:27

“‘So therefore (ken ) concerning this (la ), look to Me (hineh ) before the prophets, for I am against the prophets (‘al ha naby’ – I am over and opposed to those who claim to convey inspired revelations),’ declares (na’um – announces in advance) Yahowah (efei – YHWH). I am against

the individuals (‘iysh – men) who secretly steal, taking (ganab – who clandestinely conspire to rob, taking away without permission) My Words (dabary ) away from (min ) their fellow countrymen (rea’ – associates, companions, race, and neighbors).’”

Yirmayahuw / Yah Lifts Up / Jeremiah 23:30

Yahowah is condemning the translators and publishers of bibles

who clandestinely conspire to rob His

people of His message

without His permission by removing the valuable

words which comprise it, while leaving valueless

ones in their place.

The corruption of bible translation is a very serious crime with

egregious consequences.

If you want lies, look to men, especially religious clerics. If you want truth,

look to God.

According to Yahowah, He is opposed to any and all religious pontifications

and practices

which take His Word away from His people.

“And I make known (yada’ – I respect, possess and provide information, I revere, am familiar with, understand, and reveal) the clearly communicated prescriptions (choq – authorized and inscribed thoughts and recommendations regarding relationships and life) of the Almighty (ha ‘elohym – the Mighty One who is God)

and His Towrah Instructions (Towrah – His Teaching, Guidance, and Direction: His signed, written, and enduring means to search for, find, and choose His instructions, teaching, guidance, and direction which provides answers which facilitate our restoration and return that are good, pleasing, joyful, beneficial, favorable, healing,

and right, even purifying and cleansing, thereby giving us the opportunity and means to change our thinking, attitude, and direction to one which is more fortuitous and beneficial (scribed in the third person singular suffix, making the Towrah Yahowah's, and in the feminine, singular, and construct form, eternally associating

and binding the one and only Towrah with ‘elohym – God Almighty)).” Shemowth / Names / Exodus 18:16

Yada’ is the perfect word for Yahowah to have

inspired Moseh to use in reference to His Towrah.

It tells us that Moseh “was familiar with” the Towrah, which is what

caused him to “understand” it.

Yahowah’s Testimony Is Perfect

Yada’ tells us that Moseh “came to respect” the Towrah, and that he

“revered” it.

From yada’ we “know” that the people came to


because he not only “possessed information regarding” the Towrah,

he was “willing to reveal what he knew to others,

providing” them with “answers.”

It is noteworthy what happened at this next point in the discussion

between Moseh and his father-in-law.

His father-in-law interrupts Moseh to say

something which is appropriate and relevant

in this context,

but counterproductive out of context”

“And Moseh’s father-in-law said to him, ‘It is not good (lo’ towb – it is not healthy or beneficial) to share the Word (dabar – to communicate the message) as (‘asher ) you are now doing (‘asah ). You will completely wither away and totally shrivel (nabel nabel – you will wear out and die). Not only you, but also (gam gam )

these family members (‘am – related people) who are with you. Indeed this is because (ky ) from you (min – by means of you being used as an implement), the Word (dabar – the Message) is very significant and valuable (kabed – worthy and massive, distinguished and honorable, glorified and rewarding), but you are not able (yakol –

you are not capable of prevailing) to accomplish this (‘asah – engage and prevail in this) goal (la ) by yourself (bad – alone).’” Shemowth / Names / Exodus 18:17-18

The nabel nabel reference in association with Yahowah’s “dabar –

Word” is explained beautifully in Yasha’yah /

Isaiah, where we are told that we humans “nabel – wither and fade away,”

but that the “dabar ‘elohym – Word of God”

endures forever.

So the advice here is sound.

The “hoten – father-in-law” is speaking for our

Heavenly Father

to tell us that more people will be blessed by

Yahowah’s Word

if more than one person engages to “yada’ –

revere, understand, and reveal” it.

Kabed is the operative word underlying the

meaning of the Instruction

which encourages us to “kabed – honor” our Father and Mother.

As is the case with many Hebrew words, it carries more than one meaning.

While its primary definition is “significant

and valuable, worthy and massive,

distinguished and honorable, glorified and

rewarding,” its secondary connotation is “severe –

in the sense of intense, large – in the sense of

size or quantity, heavy –

in the sense of mass, weight, or value, and

serious – in the sense of thought provoking.”

But, not willing to attribute any of these positive

evaluations to Yahowah’s Towrah,

Christian translators have universally rendered

kabed as being a “heavy burden,”

giving the impression that anything associated with Yahowah’s Torah is a

“burden too heavy for us to endure.”

Yahowah’s Testimony Is Perfect

What is being shared is that the significance, the value, the reward, and the sheer volume and


of the Towrah is too great for any one person to convey by themselves.

God’s teaching, His instruction and guidance, is for all of us to observe

His Word

so that every member of Yahowah’s family can share His message.

“So now then (‘atah ), listen to and receive this (shama’ – hear and understand this) in (ba ) the sound of my voice (qowl ). I am proposing a plan (ya’as – I am suggesting a course of action) whereby (wa ) God (‘elohym ) will choose to continue to be (hayah ) with you (‘im – in a continued association with, near, and alongside

you). You (‘atah ) represent (hayah – continue to exist on behalf of) the people (‘am – and family) before (muwl – in front of and facing) the Almighty (ha ‘elohym ), and you (wa ‘atah ) come back, returning (bow’ – arriving) with (‘eth ) God (‘el ), the Almighty’s (ha ‘elohym ), words (ha dabarym – His statements, message,

sayings, and communications).” Shemowth / Names / Exodus 18:19

God has chosen to communicate with mankind through men like Moseh. And so long as such men limit their comments to the Word of God, they serve as Yahowah’s voice among His people.....Continue reading Volume 3, Part One, “Towrah – His Teaching” in “An Introduction to God.” Read more at the resources below:


Listen to more at: Read more: Recite the DSS at


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