japanese 2016 real estate market

Post on 08-Apr-2017



Real Estate



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And now I would like to move on to information about Japan’s real estate market.


インバウンド マーケット4

全日東京アカデミー( 2014 ) 外国人との不動産取引の実態アンケート 調査結果より作成

Foreign corporations are very active in the Japanese real estate market . One of the major reasons for this major foreign activity is that the yen is very cheap and goes a long way in Tokyo when compared to many other major cities around the world like Taiwan, Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong.


5 各地区の標準的ビルの取引利回りについて

This is the transaction ROI for most major cities in Japan.The ROI range for Tokyo is from 3.8%~4.5%The ROI average range for outside of Tokyo ranges from 4.7%~7.2%.This is based on the assumed investment yield that investors use.


6 外国人が日本の不動産を購入するための手引き

• 外国人が日本の不動産を購入する場合、日本人との購入の違いは何でしょう。以下のような違いが挙げられるでしょう。(1)日本の銀行のローンの利用ができない(2)外為法により購入後財務大臣に報告する必要がある

• 外国人が日本で不動産を購入する際に、以下の書類を事前に用意しましょう。(1)宣誓供述書などの公正証書

国によって在日の大使館が認証業務を行っていることもあるので、その場合は 大使館で宣誓供述書を作成してもらうことも可能です。


外国では印鑑を使う国が少なく、どういう印鑑を用意すればいいかが分からな い人も多いので、可能な場合日本で印鑑を作ってもらった方がいいでしょう。


Foreigners cannot receive a loan from a bank, and also must file a report, as per the foreign exchange and foreign trade control act, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs after a purchase.In addition to this report, other documents are also required when purchasing a property, like affidavits, identification cards such as passports, and a personal seal.As most countries do not have a personal seal, making one in Japan is probably the easiest thing to do.It should also be noted that all contracts in Japan must be done in Japanese.


6 外国人が日本の不動産を購入するための手引き

• 不動産を購入する時にかかる諸費用• (1)売買契約書に貼付する印紙税• (2)不動産取得税• (3)登録免許税• (4)司法書士の費• (5)不動産仲介会社に支払う仲介手数料• (6)火災保険、地震保険などの保険料• (7)固定資産税の清算金• (8)管理費の清算金

When purchasing Japanese real estate, there are more expanses than just the cost of the property. It can generally be said that, on top of the property cost, additional other expenses will come out to about 8% of the actual cost of the property. These are some of the miscellaneous expenses that must be paid. 1)Stamp Duty 2) Acquisition tax 3) Registration Tax 4) Scrivener Fee 5) Brokerage Fee 6) Fire, Earthquake etc, insurance. 7) Fixed Property tax 8) Management Fee


7 東京 2020 年オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics will have a huge impact on Japanese Real Estate markets.LIXIL Group’s LIXIL company is a gold partner of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.


8 観光の状況

Next, I would like to talk briefly about foreign tourism in Japan.In 2015, there was an unprecedented 20,000,000 people. Of those, the top tourists came from China, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.


9 マーケット紹介(首都圏)


Now, I would like to talk about the Metropolitan area around Tokyo.


10 首都圏マーケット: 2020 年に向けての動向

The area most effected by the 2020 Olympics is the coastal area of Tokyo.From 2015 to 2020 there are over 1000 large apartment building projects that are scheduled to be built.Its not a stretch to say that the Olympics will have, and are having, a big influence on infrastructure as well as maintenance. It should be noted, however that future trends should be carefully monitored, as the strength of the yen, construction costs, land prices, and many other miscellaneous costs may increase.


10 首都圏マーケット(用途別)

首都圏の収益不動産マーケットに関して、店舗オフィスは 7 期連続、住宅マンションは 6 期連続で共に不動産価格指数が上昇続けています。

This graph shows real estate profit (stores, offices and apartments) as well as land (commercial and industrial areas) indexes of the Tokyo Metropolitan area. This graph based 2010 as the average, and from this it is possible to see how profits have moved in 2015.As you can see on the graph, the price of land has stayed more or less constant, while profits have risen, stores have increased 7 consecutive quarters, and apartments have increased 6 consecutive quarters.


10 首都圏オフィスマーケット

In Tokyo, A class buildings’ vacancy rates are improving.In the first half of 2015, the vacancy rate did increase, however by the end half of the year it decreased. While the vacancy rates are decreasing, the rental rates are increasing.


10 首都圏の住宅マーケット

・新築マンションの供給が 2008 年以降低調に推移して いるのに対し、中古マンション市場は緩やかな拡大が続 く。

Next, I would like to talk about the metropolitan housing market. As you can see from the graph, new apartment stock is declining, and the existing apartment market is continuing to grow.


10 投資:中古マンション市場

Recently, in regards to investment, investors have been purchasing an existing apartment, that is currently being rented which guarantees a stable income in rent, then once the tenant moves out, the investor remodels the apartment and sells it for a profit. In japan, it is possible to remodel an existing apartment, even if it is quite old, to make it look brand new.


11 物件地図


豊 洲

品 川

台 場

晴 海

有 明

This is a map of the surrounding area around the Amusu Tennosu.


12 投資物件: 「アムス天王洲」

住所:東京都品川区東品川 1丁目交通:京急本線『新馬場』駅 徒歩 7 分土地: 330.06㎡( 99.84坪)建物:SRC造地下 1階付き 14階建延床: 1,580.59㎡( 478.13坪)築年: 2004 年 4月価格: 8億円This property is called the Amusu TennosuThis is a high class apartment that is in a popular area because of the Tokyo Olympics. This apartment is close to two stations, the Shimbamba station, on the Keikyu Main line, and the Tennozu Isle Station on the Rinkai Line. It is close to a super market, as well as a shopping center, and in a very easy place to live. The cost is 800,000,000 JPY.


13 マーケット紹介(福岡)


Moving away from the Metropolitan area, the next market I would like to talk about is Fukuoka.


14 福岡圏のマーケット

On the picture on the left, is an area of Fukuoka called Nakasu, which is famous for its Yatai which line the street. In July, Fukuoka has a famous festival called the “hakata Dontaku Matsuri” festival. Since Fukuoka is so close to Korea, I highly recommend you go and see it!


14 福岡圏のマーケット

This is a graph showing the population of Fukuoka city every 5 years. Fukuoka’s population growth is 2nd only to Tokyo. As you can see, the population of Fukuoka is expected to continue growing. The reason that Fukuoka’s population is expected to continue growing is that it’s a popular place for companies that wish to expand their businesses to the rest of Asia, as well as being a fashionable place for youth, it also has a thriving music scene. In 2015, the number of people who were transferred to Fukuoka averaged around 7,680, which is very high.


15 物件地図

This is a map of the surrounding area of Nishinakasu Building and the SST building.


16 商業ビル:「福岡  SOUTH SIDE TERRACE」

福岡市中央区大名 1丁目所在 天神駅徒歩 5 分  土地  903.38㎡  (273.27坪 ) 建物 RC5階建       延床  3307.11㎡ (1000.4坪 )       1999 年 5月建築福岡で一番の商業ゾーン天神地区に位置する商業ビル 1棟。南側は国体通りに面し、北側も道路に面す。価格 35億円 (税込)This property is called South Side Terrace. It is located right in the heart of the biggest commercial zone in Fukuoka, called Tenjin. There are major streets that run on both the North and South sides of the building.The Cost is 3,500,000,000 JPY ( Tax included )


17 商業ビル:「福岡 西中洲ビル」

福岡市中央区西中洲 6丁目所在      中洲川端駅 徒歩 3 分     土地   190.81㎡  (57.72坪 ) 建物   SRC 地下 1階付 3階建 延床  583.81㎡ (176.60坪 )           2007 年 5月建築  価格 9億円This Property is called Nishi Nakasu Building. It is a quick 3 minute walk from the Nakasu Kawabata Station, and is located in a very good location, next along the riverside and a major street.


17 商業ビル:「福岡 西中洲ビル」

Currently this property’s 2nd and 3rd floors are being leased by a high class steak restaurant, and the 1st and underground floor are being leased by a French wine bar. There is something for everyone here.The Cost is 900,000,000 JPY.




I would like to once again thank you all for coming to this event today, and I look forward to seeing you all in Japan someday.

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