japan quiz - are you a true fan of japan?

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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A quiz following Miss Slater's recent trip to Japan.


Are you a TRUE fan of Japan?

1. Why do people in Japan wear facial masks?

2. What are these baskets used for in Japanese cafes and restaurants?

3. True/False:Japan has Cate Cafes filled with felines that you can play with while you snack and have a hot chocolate?

4. Which ancient city is this?

5. What is the roleof this lady in Japan?

6. True/False:In Japan you have to share the same bath water with everyone who you live with.

7. True/False:In Japan all drink dispensers give out drinks that are chilled.

8. True/False:Modern technology is used in all Japanese schools.

9. What type of footwear should be worn indoors in Japan?

10. What type of food is this?

11. True/False:On some toilets in Japan there is a sound effect you can activate if you are too shy to go in front of others

12. Ordering a dish of raw seafood in Japan is called…?

13. On average, how many people cross the Shibuya crossing each day?

14. How do restaurants and cafes show customers what they can buy from their stores?

15. True/False:In Japan, all school employees (e.g. teachers, deputy principals, teacher aides) share the same office space.

16. What is the name of the dress Miss Slater is wearing?

17. What city is this photo taken in?

18. What two KitKat chocolate flavours are most popular in Japan?

19. What are these?

20. What is a traditional Japanese bed called?

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